Ordinary black bread and tomatoes are compatible things. Bread with tomatoes Spanish appetizer bread with tomatoes

Pan con tomate, which translates from Spanish as “bread with tomatoes,” is a famous appetizer that is loved in Catalonia, Andalusia, Aragon and other regions of Spain. Cooking it is very simple, but bread with tomatoes is so tasty that it is sometimes called " Spanish"(True, it's mostly Americans who pronounce it" brushetta). Now that a novelty has appeared in all markets of the country - tomatoes with the smell and taste of tomatoes - this recipe is more relevant than ever.

Bread with tomatoes

4 servings

4 slices of bread
2-3 garlic cloves
2 ripe tomatoes

Bread - and ideally for this dish you want rustic bread with a coarser flour and with a porous crumb, although a regular baguette will do - cut into not too thin slices and grill or bake on both sides on the grill or bake in the oven. While the bread is still hot, rub the surface with garlic, then take half of the tomato and rub its flesh vigorously into the bread as well. Drizzle bread with olive oil and season with salt.

There is another way of making bread with tomatoes, it is less authentic, but perhaps it will seem more convenient and tastier to someone: grate the tomatoes on a coarse grater, brush the bread grated with garlic with this pulp, then season with olive oil and salt in the same way. For greater variety and gluttony, you can add

If the only consequence of the Columbus expedition was the appearance of a tomato in Europe, old Christopher would have to be recognized for this alone as the greatest discoverer in history.

Indeed, it is absolutely impossible to imagine modern European cuisine without what the Aztecs called "tomatl". Today's issue of TOP5 is about the simplest (but, in my opinion, one of the best) uses of tomato: tomato + bread.

Bread, tomato and a lot of fun

The Spaniards, who were the first inhabitants of the Old World to taste tomatoes, seem to appreciate them more than others. In Spain, in Mallorca, even a special variety of tomatoes was bred, the only purpose of which is to be grated on a piece of toasted bread.

The same thing, but with basil leaves and a drop of balsamic in Italy is called bruschetta.

Spanish pan tomato

Some people think that hot chocolate churros are a typical Madrid breakfast. And it is true. But no less typical breakfast in the capital of Spain is a piece of bread with grated tomatoes. And what else is put on this Spanish sandwich, you will find out at the link.

Well, what is Spanish food without gazpacho? By the way, gazpacho was eaten in Spain long before Columbus traveled. Because the main thing in gazpacho, do not be surprised, is not a tomato, but bread.

Greek dakos

For some time now, my favorite combination of bread and tomato has been dakos. The recipe for this simple summer dish was brought by us from his homeland, the island of Crete. Every year, with the onset of heat and the appearance of delicious tomatoes, we make dakos in the country.

It turns out that the tomato "loves" brown bread very much.

Vegetables grown at home without the use of chemicals, not bought in the supermarket, are in increasing demand in the market, as every consumer understands their benefits for children and adults.

With special love, we treat juicy, red-cheeked handsome tomatoes, as they are not only tasty, but also very useful for the human body: they are rich in lycopene, which perfectly improves health. Growing them does not require large plots and costs, especially if a gardener, passionate about his work, tries to use the wise advice of grandparents in agricultural technology, who know many secrets with which vegetables can be grown without any special material costs. For example, black bread can be a good helper in getting a rich crop of tomatoes. Its use as a top dressing will help the gardener get a decent income from selling his products on the market. This is real already because tomatoes are among the five most popular vegetables.

It turns out that black bread tomato is very "loving"

Feeding tomatoes with bread

Nice-tasting, low-calorie tomatoes are quite within the power of any gardener to grow. By correctly applying agricultural technology and listening to people's advice, you should feed the plants in time, and even the most infertile soil can be made nutritious for tomatoes, which will respond to care with a generous harvest.

What did our grandmothers feed these heat-loving plants? The secret is very simple - black bread!

What did our grandmothers feed these heat-loving plants? The secret is very simple - black bread! This amazing and accessible to everyone fertilizer is time-tested. Any family is able to collect enough crackers over the long winter months to find a worthy use for them in the spring: use it to feed the tomatoes. This will greatly improve the fertility of any soil.

How to feed tomatoes (video)

What are the benefits of bread feed?

Tomatoes are a culture of intensive growth, they require a lot of minerals. Black bread contains a whole bunch of minerals such as:

  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • sodium;

In addition, it contains a variety of vitamins. Due to its rich composition, grain top dressing helps seedlings to take root faster in a new place, plant roots to gain strength. Thanks to her, stems and leaves grow better and faster, flowers develop and beautiful and even fruits ripen.

Another positive quality of this fertilizer is that it is not only effective, but also safe both for the fetus itself and for those who eat it.

Tomatoes are an intensive growth crop, they require a lot of minerals.

Bread contains a lot of simple carbohydrates. Once in the soil, they become a breeding ground for a myriad of fungi and bacteria, which themselves become food for the planted plant. It is known that the plants themselves, in order to attract nitrogen-fixing microbes, secrete carbohydrates with their roots. Microbes, having processed the grain top dressing that has entered the soil, convert nitrogen, which is part of the air, into nitrogen salts, which the plant needs.

But here it is necessary to take into account the time of feeding and its quantity. The optimal concentration of carbohydrates, according to experienced gardeners, is 0.2-0.5%. This means that in a bucket of water it is enough to infuse only 50 g of bread.

Folk recipes for feeding tomatoes with black bread

There are several ways to prepare top dressing:

  1. Bread crusts collected over the long winter months are placed in a bucket, can be filled to the brim, filled with water, pressed down with oppression so that the crusts do not float up, and the fertilizer is kept for a week in a warm place. Since the smell from the bucket will be quite unpleasant, it can be tightly covered with plastic wrap. When the leaven "ripens", the liquid is drained and diluted three times, and the thick mass is thrown into the compost.
  2. An 8-liter bucket is half-filled with pieces of dry black bread, filled with water so that the crackers are covered with it, a plate of such a size is placed on top so that it does not allow the pieces to float, and a load is placed on it, for example, a three-liter jar of water. A week later, the future fertilizer is filtered, 3 liters of clean water are added.
  3. 1/3 of the manure is placed in the barrel, and the rest of the contents are all kinds of weeds, bread or fresh yeast. During the season, use 1 liter of this mixture, diluted with 8-10 liters of water. But at the same time, it is still necessary to use microfertilizers, nitrogen, superphosphate, as well as chemicals for pest control.
  4. Crackers are poured into a can, poured with warm water, tightly closed with a lid and placed for 2 weeks in a place that is well warmed up and illuminated by sunlight so that the solution ferments. The mixture is then diluted 1:1 with water. Everything is ready for use as top dressing.
  5. 3-4 loaves are soaked for 2 days in a 15 l bucket. Then squeeze, filter through gauze, dilute 1 liter of infusion with 8-10 liters of water and begin to feed the tomatoes. Seedlings after 10 days are transformed: they become powerful, luxurious. The thing is that bread is an organic top dressing for the soil. The basis of bread top dressing, of course, is yeast, which includes, in addition to minerals, growth stimulants, micronutrients.

Tomatoes, if watered with a bread solution, not only develop faster, thanks to a strong root system, but also produce a rich harvest of fruits with excellent taste.

How to fertilize tomatoes (video)

How to fertilize black bread

Tomatoes can be fed 2-3 weeks after planting. The liquid is usually poured in the evening or after rain under the root of the plant, its volume should be approximately 1 cup. Experienced gardeners first water the tomatoes abundantly. It is advisable to repeat top dressing every one and a half weeks if the soil is not fertile enough. This economical and easily prepared fertilizer will support tomatoes well during the formation of the ovary, when the third flower brush appears, after the second brush has blossomed during the formation of the fruit.

Top dressing made from black bread is one of the conditions for obtaining high-quality, tasty, healthy products, since it does not contain chemicals that are dangerous for the human body.

People say that bread is the head of everything. The above proves that this is true: bread not only nourishes a person, but also supports all living things around, including plants.

There are many ways to make bread dough. The most common options are bread made with water or dairy products (milk, whey, kefir, buttermilk, with sour cream, cream, and so on). Of course, the world of baking is not limited to them, but quite the opposite, with bread on water or kefir "everything is just beginning." Well, it continues ... for example, with "vegetable" breads. This is when pieces of vegetables are added to the dough, and onion, squash, carrot, pumpkin bread is obtained. Or, for example, tricolor bread with spinach, carrots and beets. Masterpiece! It attracts home bakers with its brightness and colorfulness, children eat it with pleasure. But this is by the way, because today we will talk about another "vegetable" bread - tomato.

If you are a fan of Mediterranean cuisine, you will definitely love this tomato bread. Its dough is prepared on the basis of fresh tomato juice with pulp, thanks to which the bread is fragrant and tender, with a pleasantly sweet taste with a slight sourness. The tomato flavor of the bread is complemented by Italian herbs - they give it the "ultimate" Mediterranean character.

Advice. Choose ripe fleshy tomatoes for the base. Pink or yellow varieties are perfect.

The dough for bread is specially kneaded very tender and soft, thanks to which the bread turns out to be airy and fluffy, extremely porous. It will be easy to work with such a dough if you use a mixer with hook attachments or a bread machine (Binatone BM-2068 model in this recipe) for kneading. It is best to bake in the form.

On a note. If you don’t have many tomatoes, or if the puree turned out to be less than what was needed in the recipe, you can add a little water to the base.

Cooking time: about 4 hours / Yield: 1 loaf


  • tomatoes about 350 g (ready juice-puree will need 300 g)
  • white wheat flour 380 g
  • olive oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt 1.5 tsp
  • sugar 1 tsp
  • dry yeast 1 tsp
  • a mixture of Italian herbs 0.5 tsp.


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    Prepare all the necessary ingredients.

    Wash the tomatoes well and cut into random pieces. Send the pieces to the blender bowl.

    Thoroughly grind the tomato until a homogeneous pulp. Wipe the resulting mass through a sieve.

    Pour the tomato puree into the bowl of the bread maker. Add olive oil to it.

    Then add flour, salt, sugar, yeast and dry herbs to the bowl.

    Dough kneading mode: 6 minutes first batch, 20 minutes rest, 12 minutes second batch and 50 minutes fermentation.

    When the kneading cycle is completed, transfer the dough to a table sprinkled with flour.

    With gentle wrapping movements, form an oblong loaf.

    You should get such a smooth, pleasant loaf.

    Send the bread blank into a baking dish, lightly oiled.
    Cover the form with a film and send for 45-50 minutes to proof in a warm place. Bread should increase by 2-2.5 times. During this time, preheat the oven to 250 degrees.
    When the bread grows, send it to bake.

    Bake for the first 15 minutes, sprinkling bread every 3 minutes with water. Then reduce the temperature to 200 degrees and bake for another 25 minutes until a pleasant ruddy color.

Top dressing from bread is a quick and affordable way to saturate tomatoes with vitamins and microelements. Its nutritional value is no worse than that of synthetically produced fertilizers. It can be used throughout the growing season of plant development. For bread sourdough, gardeners use black, rye and white bread.

The secret and benefits of grain fertilizer

The secret to the effectiveness of bread fertilizer is the yeast that is part of baking. Biologically active beneficial bacteria are a catalyst in the development of living organisms. Yeast acts as a growth stimulator for plants. The positive effect of the introduction of grain top dressing will be only when it is properly prepared and applied in a timely manner.

Benefits of bread feed:

  1. Activates plant growth 2-3 days after application to the soil.
  2. Increases resistance to diseases and adverse weather conditions.
  3. Promotes the formation of a strong root system.
  4. Increases the fertility of plants.
  5. Increases the taste of grown fruits.

After fertilizing the soil, yeast bacteria begin to interact with the organic matter of the soil, processing them and releasing nitrogen and other nutrients.


Bread top dressing should be applied together with potassium fertilizer. The fact is that in the process of processing organic substances, bacteria feed on potassium, thereby depleting the soil. Therefore, add wood ash along with bread sourdough.

Bread as fertilizer for plants

You can not feed all the plants in a row. Some respond positively to the introduction of bread sourdough, while others may simply die. Which plants can be fertilized and which can't?

The “bread lovers” include: cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, carrots, strawberries, wild strawberries, flower crops, melons, peppers. You can feed root and foliar method.

  1. Fertilize cucumbers, melons, strawberries during budding, flowering, fruit formation. The frequency of use of top dressing is 15-20 days. You can make sourdough until the fall, while the plant bears fruit.
  2. Fertilize tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and in the garden or in the greenhouse, at least three times. The first, when the ovary begins to form, the second and third, during fruiting, with an interval of 10-15 days.
  3. Flower crops are fed several times a season. The first application of nutrients is carried out in the spring to activate their growth and accelerate the formation of green mass. The second time fertilizer is applied before flowering.

At the same time, feeding on the basis of bread negatively affects the condition of: garlic, potatoes, onions, as well as diseased plants. Vegetable crops begin to actively develop green mass, but in no way does fertilizer affect the development of fruits.

Top dressing bread tomato

Top dressing with bread allows you to get a rich and tasty harvest. Tomatoes respond very well to fertilizer. The yield after the introduction of bread sourdough increases by 25%.

You should remember the basic rules of fertilizer:

  • in order for bread sourdough to start acting, it must be applied only to well-warmed soil. Therefore, the effect of top dressing will be only in summer or in a well-heated greenhouse;
  • you need to water the tomatoes only before the fruiting of the tomatoes, after that it is not recommended;
  • before making the starter, you need to water the plants so that the root system more actively absorbs nutrients;
  • to enhance the effect, from bread infusion, add wood ash or egg shells, ground into powder;
  • during the season, it is recommended to apply top dressing 2-3 times;
  • top dressing is recommended under the root in the evening, when the soil is still warm, and the sun is already setting and evaporation from the soil is not so active.

Fertilizers from bread for seedlings

Tomatoes after germination require nutrients that would activate their growth. Bread top dressing is ideal at this stage. It is recommended to introduce the starter on the 20th day after the seeds enter.

The infusion is prepared on the basis of black bread and warm water. In half a bucket of water, at a temperature of 25-30 ° C., place 2 kilograms of black bread. Cover with a lid or plate on top, put a load so that the bread does not float. Leave the sourdough for 7 days to ferment. Then strain the solution through a sieve or gauze, dilute with three liters of warm water. Water the seedlings at the root.

Infusion "Natural"

A mixture based on fresh mullein, bread and hay will saturate with all the nutrients. In a bucket, place 3 kilograms of mullein, 2 kilograms of bread crushed into cubes, fill the rest with hay, pour warm water. Leave to insist for 14 days. On the fifteenth day, strain the resulting slurry. Then, dilute one liter of the mixture in 10 liters of warm water, water the seedlings 0.5 liters per bush.

Helpful information!

Do not be afraid of the pungent smell of infusion on bread and the fact that it is gone. A pungent smell appears due to the fermentation process and the release of gases of various nature. So it should be, it means that you did everything right.

Top dressing during budding and flowering

To increase the fruiting of tomatoes, one top dressing with bread sourdough will not be enough. You also need to fertilize the plants during the budding period and during the flowering period. This will increase the number of ovaries and the taste characteristics of the fruit. For fertilizer, use the following recipes for making infusions on bread.

Sourdough "Bread-nettle"

In equal proportions, fill the bucket with crushed black or white bread crumbs, and fresh nettles, pour warm water. For oppression, on the ingredients, put a bottle of water. Leave the mixture to infuse for a week. Strain the liquid after 7 days. Dilute the resulting sourdough with water before use. A bucket of warm water will require 2 liters of "bread and nettle" infusion.

Infusion "Budget"

To prepare the infusion, you do not need to use fresh bread. As a basis, take crusts and crackers that can be collected during the winter and spring. Bread goes stale fast enough to avoid throwing it in the trash, cut it into breadcrumbs and store until summer to prepare a nutritious top dressing later.

Place the collected crackers in a bucket, fill with warm water. Insist under oppression so that dry bread does not float and become moldy. The infusion should ferment for at least 4 days in a warm place. A sign of the readiness of the product is the complete absence of white foam. The next step, before using the infusion, is to strain the cake and dilute the solution with warm water one to one.