Scenario GCD "Introduction to the Sunny Bunny". Synopsis of a comprehensive lesson in the younger group “Sunny Bunny A Brodsky Sunny Bunnies

"In the woods" (M. Fayzullina)

We are in the forest in summer

Gathered raspberries,

And top each

Filled up the basket.

We shouted to the forest

All in unison: "Thank you!"

And the forest answered us:

"Thanks! Thanks!"

Then suddenly he swayed

He sighed and ... silent.

Probably by the forest

Tired tongue

"Dirt" (V. Kodryan)

The mud has tormented me

At least stay where you are.

Every time like a scarecrow

Come home.

But I'm not a scarecrow

Stand all day

Gave nahlobuchku

Nothing again.

I tried honestly

Don't get your feet dirty.

But a dry place

Could not find.

The dirt has worn me out.

At least stay where you are.

Scarecrow, there is a scarecrow!

I'm alive!

"Sun Bunnies" (A. Brodsky.)

Runaways are jumping -

Sunny Bunnies.

We call them - they don't go.

Were here - and they are not here.

Jump, jump in the corners.

They were here and they are not there.

Where are the bunnies? Gone!

Did you find them anywhere?

"Kindergarten" (S. Pitirimov)

I love my kindergarten

It's full of guys.

One, two, three, four, five …

Maybe a hundred of them. Maybe two hundred.

It's good when we are together!

"Fog" (I. Tokmakova)

Someone dragged the forest away at night.

He was in the evening, and in the morning he disappeared!

There was no stump, no bush,

Only a white circle of emptiness.

Where are the bird and beast hiding?

And where are the mushrooms now?

"Rain" (E. Trutneva)

Rain, rain, more

Blooming meadows.

Rain, rain, pour all day

For oats and barley.

Let the green wheat

Hurry up.

Rain, rain, pour -

There will be a loaf of bread

There will be rolls, there will be drying,

There will be delicious cheesecakes.

"Cloud" (S. Kryzhatyuk)

I exhausted myself completely

I couldn't understand at all:

And where are these clouds from?

Appear again?

Once a case helped me:

We went for mushrooms

There is a cloud at the forest gatehouse

Creeped out of the pipe.

"Sly hedgehog" (P. Voronko)

Cunning hedgehog eccentric

Sewed a prickly jacket:

Hundred pins on the chest

One hundred needles behind.

A hedgehog walks in the garden on the grass,

Sticks to pins

Pear, plum - every fruit,

What will find under the tree

And with a rich gift

Returns to hedgehogs.

"In the garden" (O. Polyakova)

Olya wanders in the garden,

Can't find carrots

Only green grass.

This, Olechka, tops.

You are for this tops

For green grass

Pull harder

Look at the roots!

"Amanita" (V. Nesterenko)

red mushroom

On a thin leg

He ran to the slope.

And said:

I want a basket.

And Antoshka answered him:

We don't need fly agaric!

"Ah yes soup"

Deep, not shallow

Ships in bowls.

bow head,

red head,

red carrot, parsley,


And some grains.

Here the ship is sailing

Swims right into your mouth!


Once upon a time, there were

Am I, are you.

There was an argument between us.

Who started - forgotten.

And we are still not friends.

Suddenly the game this time

Will be able to reconcile us.


They call me rose.

Accept me.

I am very fragrant

And gentle in color.

By color and name

They gave me this.

And even the queen

They called it for splendor.


Burp I'm prickly

I come to everyone.

Growing along the road

I'm standing at the wall.

hit me with a dress

The passer-by is afraid...

Is it possible even with you

Reply to make friends?


I am a lily, with you

I will be friendly

I am meek and modest,

And very slim;

I love bending over

Look in the stream...

let me with you

Turn around in a circle!


All tulips dressed up

In colorful coats

And every outfit

Very bright and rich!


We are red carnations

satin petals,

slender legs,

Green boots.


Fashionable blue hat

The bell is mischievous.

Who will not meet -

Leaning down to the ground.


Dandelion made everyone laugh -

Get into a fluffy sarafan,

Like a spinning top, he spun

The sarafan shattered.


Big-eyed daisies

They are friends with clover and porridge.

frolic in space,

They run away into the forest, and into the field.


fragile, tender,

All white,

golden curl

Decorate a flower.

"Strawberry" (G. Lagzdyn)

The sun pours into the meadow

The sun is shining bright.

Strawberries in the meadow

Red-cheeked is growing!

I'll pick up a mug of berries,

I'll treat my girlfriend.

Target. Create a joyful, festive mood; cause a desire to bring joy to a friend; take part in all games.
Material. Toy - bunny Proshka, ball, mirror, carrot and potato.
Leisure course.
The teacher reads the poem "Bunny" by K. Zhuravlev.
I have a bunny -
Bunny is very small
On top of his head -
long ears,
Pimpochka ponytail,
Button nose.
The color of my bunny is white,
Also, he is very brave!
He is not afraid of the fox,
He is also not afraid of the lion.
He does not run from the wolf,
Does not tremble before the tiger.
Crocodiles and elephants
He is not afraid either.
Runs nowhere
And not hiding in a hole,
Bunny plays all day
among other animals.
Educator. Hello everyone, friends! Today we have a wonderful day! Do you want to play with me and the bunny?
Children. Yes! We want!
Game "Acquaintance".
Target. Know how to say your name.
I will throw a ball into everyone's hands, and you should catch it and say your name in an affectionate form, my sweet, charming and funny kids. (Children say their names).
Educator. Well done, they all know their names. Look how smart and handsome Proshka is today. He has a beautiful red bow, a blue strap, a beautiful yellow baseball cap. Let's show how our bunny dressed up.
Speech game "Bunnies".
Target. Recall a familiar game. Try to complete the movements while saying the words.
Once upon a time there were bunnies

On the edge of the forest.
Once upon a time there were bunnies
In a white hut.
Wash your ears
Washed their paws
Bunnies dressed up -

They put on slippers. Three fingers are clenched into a fist, the index and middle fingers are the ears.
They clap their hands.
Show ears.
Show the house.
Rubbing ears
Washing movements with the palms of the hands.
The palms are moved from top to bottom along the body.
Show, exposing in turn legs on the heel.
Educator. And who guessed why he is smart today?
Children. Because he has a holiday today.
Educator Correct. Today we have an unusual day - the birthday of our funny, cheerful bunny Proshka. I propose to sing him "Karavai".
(Children with a teacher sing "Loaf" for a hare).
Educator (Turns to the birthday man). Tell me, please, what is your favorite song?
Bunny. My favorite song is "Zainka, go out into the garden ..."
Educator. That is great! And let's start our holiday with a round dance. I invite all guests to stand in a circle and sing his favorite song for our birthday boy!
Festive round dance "Hare, go out into the garden ..." (Russian folk song)
Target. Learn to act according to the words.
All children sing the song that the birthday boy called.
An adult sings a song, and children perform movements.
Zainka, go out into the garden,
Little white one, go out into the garden.
Like this, like this
Go out into the garden (2 times).
Zainka, stamp your foot,
White, stamp your foot.
Like this like this
Stomp your foot (2 times).
Bunny, spin around
White, turn around.
Like this, like this
Spin around. (2 times)
Zainka, dance,
White, dance.
Like this, like this
Your legs are good!
Zainka, bow,
White, take a bow.
Like this, like this
Take a bow. (2 times).
The game is repeated 2-3 times.
Educator. The birthday has come! Today is a holiday, treats. There are sweets, there are cookies! But congratulations are missing. And now we will fix it. We will now wish something good to our beloved birthday Proshka on this beautiful day!
Congratulations from friends.
(Kids congratulate the hare Proshka)
Educator. Tell me, guys, do you know the game "Hunter and Bunny"?
Children. We know this game.
Educator. Then I suggest everyone together with the hare to play this game.
Finger game "Hunter and Bunny"
Target. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers, a sense of rhythm.
Sitting, sitting bunny
Sitting, sitting gray
Under the bush, under the bush.
The hunters go

They ride, jump in the field
In the empty, in the empty.
- You, hunters, jump,
Look at my ponytail:

I'm not yours, I'm gone. Sit down, portray a hare.

Hands in front of you are clenched into fists.

Show how hunters ride on horseback.
Rhythmic claps.
Turn your head towards the tail.
Turns around.
Educator. I have a magic mirror (shows). I'll give it to Prosha, but first I'll show you how to play with it, and you, kids, will you help me?
Children. Yes, we will help.
Children play the outdoor game "Sunny Bunny"
based on the poem by A. Brodsky "Sunny Bunny".
"Sunny Bunny"
(based on the poem by A. Brodsky "Sunny Bunny")
Target. Clarify with the children the directions: up, down, to the side. Learn to perform a variety of movements.
Material: mirror or flashlight in the hands of an adult.
Move. Take a flashlight or a mirror. Show the child how a yellow spot appears on the wall from him. This is a "sunny bunny". Invite the children to catch the bunny with their palms. If the bunny is on the floor, you can catch it with your feet.
Runaways are jumping
Sunny Bunnies.
We call them - they don't go,
They were here and they are not here.
Jump, jump in the corners
They were there and they are not there.
Where are the runaways?
Sunny Bunnies?

Educator. Also, Prosha, we know with the children a poem about a bunny. Do you want to listen?
Please. Of course, I really love poems about hares.
Children in chorus read A. Barto's poem "Bunny".
The hostess abandoned the bunny,
A bunny was left in the rain.
I won't throw it away anyway.
Because he's good.
Please. I know that you are very kind children and never offend toys.
Educator. I propose to play the game "Bunny", do you agree?
Children. Yes.
Game of low mobility "Bunny"
Target. Perform movements according to the text.
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
Bunny jumped on a stump.
He beats the drum loudly
Calls to play leapfrog.
It's cold for a hare to sit
You need to warm up your paws.
Paws up, paws down
Pull up on your toes.
We put our paws on the barrels,
On toes, hop-hop-hop.
And then squatting
So that the paws do not freeze. Jumping in place on two legs.

We walk in place
We clap our hands.
Sit down.
Clap your hands
Hands up - down.
Pull up, hands up.
Hands on the belt.
Jumping in place on two legs.
We squat.
We stomp our feet.
Educator Prosha, do you like carrots?
Please. Of course, my favorite delicacy is carrots.
Educator. Then we will play the outdoor game "Carrot for a Bunny" and treat Please.
"Carrot for a Bunny"
Target. Learn to act on the command of an adult, develop orientation.
Game progress: Spread carrots and potatoes (toy or real) on the floor and put the bunny on the children's table. Invite the kids to collect only carrots for the bunny in the garden.
Educator. Well, Prosha, did you like the holiday?
Please. Of course, I am very glad that I came to visit you. I really enjoyed playing different games with you. I want to invite you for a walk with me. To make it fun for us to play. I will give you balloons.
(The hare gives the children balloons, and the children go for a walk with them. The games continue. At the end of the walk, the children release the balloons into the sky.)
Salute from balloons.
Educator. This balloon salute is dedicated to our birthday boy! Happy holiday to you, hare, Prosha, again!

inolder age group

Sarbina Svetlana Veniaminovna

kindergarten teacher №171

ANO DO "" Planet of childhood "Lada"

Target: To introduce children to such a phenomenon as sunbeams, to be able to use the knowledge gained in everyday life.


  1. To draw the attention of children to such a physical phenomenon as the refraction / reflection of sunlight.

2. To intensify the research activities of children, aimed at finding different ways to use mirrors to refract / reflect sunlight.

3. Encourage children to reason, guess, hypothesize in the process of using mirrors to refract / reflect sunlight.

4. Develop creative activity and encourage children to come up with game situations that require the use of sunbeams.

5. Develop interpersonal relationships of children with peers and adults.

Interactive technologies: "Chain", "Work in small groups".


  1. Lyrics: "Let's Be Like the Sun"


"Summer evening"

"Still summer!"

"What is the sun"

"Burn, burn bright!"

"Sun Bunnies"


"Sunny Bunny" N. Matveev

  1. Songs: "The Sun" Words by E. Ruzhentsev

"Sunny rain" Words by M. Savelyev

"The Sun" Music by Alexander Yermolov, lyrics by Vadim Borisov

"Merry Song" Music by Alexander Yermolov, lyrics by Vadim Borisov

"Song about the sun" - Filippenko A. / Volgina T .

“Let there always be sunshine” Lyrics: Oshanin L. music: Ostrovsky A.

"A song about the sun" Words by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko

  1. Riddles
  2. nursery rhymes
  3. Painting: Konstantin Bogaevsky. "Ships. Evening sun»

Aivazovsky I. K. "Sunrise in Feodosia"


  1. What is the sun? (solar system, corona, eclipse)
  2. The value of the sun in nature (water cycle, photosynthesis, heat, influence on the weather)
  3. Significance for humans Interactive technology "Chain" (heat, growing food: crop production, animal husbandry, electricity)
  4. Use in science (solar energy)
  5. Benefits (produces vitamin D, electricity, heat)

Harm (radiation, burns, heat stroke, sunstroke, eye damage, magnetic storms, fire hazard in dry weather)


Watching, drawing, carving, sunbeaming, sunbathing, constructing (papier-mâché)


  1. Creating a model of the solar system from papier-mâché
  2. Drawing "Tender Sun"
  3. Sports entertainment "The sun, air and water are our true friends!"
  4. Intellectual game "What? Where? When?"

“Let's scare the wolf” with sunbeams to prevent the wolf from attacking the kid.

"Merry starts" competition of sunbeams.

Problem tasks:

  1. Inventive task: control the "bunny", play, move; let the "bunnies" in a room where there is no bright light.
  2. Design challenge: Discuss why the "bunnies" do not appear if there is no bright light.
  3. Research challenge: think of other surfaces that can reflect sunlight.
  4. Predictive task: to identify the positive and negative effects of the sun on a person.
  5. A problem with an adjustable condition: what happens if you catch a beam with a mirror and direct it in the right direction?

Preparatory stage

Target: To interest children in upcoming activities.


1. Stimulate cognitive motives for the experiment with sunbeams

2. Enrich the sensual sphere

3. Accumulate information about the sun, sunbeams

The teacher interests children in this phenomenon, thinking with the children, brings them to an understanding of what a sunbeam is, what are its properties and main characteristics.

Riddle of K. Chukovsky:

Lies, lies a penny at our well.

A good penny, but it is not given in the hands.

Go bring fourteen horses,

Go call fifteen strongmen!

Let them try to raise a pretty penny

So that Mashenka could play with a penny!

And the horses galloped, and the strongmen came,

But they didn’t pick up a small penny from the ground,

They didn't lift it, didn't lift it, and couldn't move it.

Poem by N. Matveeva "Sunny Bunny"

I am a sunny bunny, scurrying

Through the curtains in silence


Wallpaper flowers on the wall.

I'm a sunny, teasing bunny!

And if I rush to run,

In vain the bunny is real

He's trying to catch up with me!

Golden rings of smoke

Over roofs, groves, sails

I run, bound invisibly

Ray of sunrise to heaven.

A. Brodsky's poem "Sunny Bunnies"

Sunny bunnies are jumping.

We call them - they don't go.

Were here - and they are not here.

Jump, jump in the corners.

They were there and they are not there.

Where are the bunnies? Gone.

Did you find them anywhere?

main stage

Equipment: mirrors of various shapes for all children and a larger mirror for the teacher, objects with a smooth surface that reflect sunlight (foil, glass, watches, water, metal objects, CD)

Target: To intensify the research activities of children, aimed at finding different ways to use mirrors to refract / reflect sunlight.


  1. Create conditions for mastering the ways of using mirrors to refract/reflect sunlight.
  2. Encourage children to reason, guess, hypothesize in the process of using mirrors to refract / reflect sunlight.

The teacher clearly demonstrates this phenomenon, after which the children can experiment:

Experience #1:

How to get a sunbeam? (point the mirror at the sun so that the outgoing beam hits the wall in the form of a sunbeam)

In addition, the children themselves will discover that if there is no sun (close the curtains tightly), then this will be impossible.

Experience #2:

Take mirrors of various shapes and observe the change in the illumination of the room. Use other surfaces to get sunbeams (watches (glass), water, metal objects)

Experience No. 3: (Interactive technology "Work in small groups")

Remember the riddle about the penny.

Children talk about the fact that they could not raise a penny because it was a sunbeam.

Problem situation : Our doll Masha is sick. Now she is in her house. We play with you, and she is alone. Let's try to take this "penny" to Masha. But how do we raise it? In a special way. We have learned a lot about the sun's rays, let's think, can they help us? How?

Children offer their options, there is a discussion.

Solving a problem situation : To transfer the "penny", you need to stand in a certain position and direct the beam to the house (so that the sun's ray is refracted and gets into the house to Masha).

The first child puts a mirror under the sunbeam.

- "Kopeck" is now not on the floor, but on the mirror. Then a ray bounced off it and flew straight to Masha's house. Yes, there's a problem: the window of Masha's room is on the other side. What to do?

The second child takes a mirror and stands near the corner of the house. She catches a ray from the mirror of the first child with a mirror, directing it towards the window of Masha's room. There the third child is already waiting for the ray: he picks up the ray with his mirror and directs it to Masha's room.

Improvement stage

Target: Use the acquired knowledge and skills in independent practical activities


  1. Ensure the formation of independence, initiative and the ability to evaluate their own activities and the activities of another person
  2. Improve your ability to search for information
  3. To develop creative activity and encourage children to come up with game situations that require the use of sunbeams.
  4. In the corner of experimentation:
  • Mirrors of various shapes;
  • Various smooth surfaces that give sunbeams (glass, foil, metal).
  1. Exhibition of drawings "Sunny Bunnies"
  2. Making a mirror for mom (sculpting)
  3. Inventing game situations using sunbeams:
  • "Show Little Red Riding Hood the way to the grandmother's hut"
  • “Let's scare the wolf”: stop the wolf from attacking the kid with sunbeams.
  • "Merry Starts": competition of sunbeams.

Experience #1

Experience #2

The teacher reads A. Brodsky's poem "Sunny Bunny".

Educator. Sunbeams are very fast. This is how they jump: from the wall to the floor, then to the locker. And now they are already frolicking on the ceiling. How do bunnies jump? (Children say: "Jump-jump.") Where are they now? (Children say: "Here.") Now where? (Children say: “There.”) Let's now read a poem about sunbeams together.

The teacher reads the poem again, the children finish the phrases.

Educator. Now let's play with sunbeams?

Physical education minute

Children sit on chairs. The musical director and teacher sing the song “Catch up with the bunny” (music by E. Tilicheeva, el. Yu. Ostrovsky).

A bunny ran up to Sasha, Near Sasha began to jump: Jump, jump, jump, jump - Catch up with me, my friend.

A sunbeam jumps around the child whose name is called in the song. Children try to catch him, clap their hands. The teacher encourages the children to want to sing the song with her.

Drawing a sunbeam.

Educator. Look, the bunny jumped on the easel. I will catch him now. (The teacher draws a bright yellow spot on a piece of paper.) And now the sunbeam is jumping on your leaves. Catch him. Draw a lot of sunbeams.

The teacher directs a beam of light on the leaves of the children, the children try to catch the "sunbeams" by drawing them on their leaves.

4. Reflection.

Children's drawings are displayed on the stand.

Educator. What did we draw today? (Children's answers.) What color are sunbeams? (Children's answers.) Did you enjoy playing with sunbeams? (Children's answers.) That's how many bright yellow sunbeams you caught today!


Kinds children's activities: playful, communicative, cognitive-research, productive.

Objectives: to teach how to create simple structures, develop gaming skills, imagination, motor skills, auditory perception, speech, memory, thinking, vocabulary.

Planned results: builds elementary buildings according to the model, shows a desire to build a fence for the zoo on his own, answers questions when discussing buildings; owns the basic movements when performing general developmental exercises of physical education.

Materials and equipment: toy animals of different sizes, cubes of different colors, a rattle.

Organizing time.

The teacher brings in toy animals, the children sit on chairs, the teacher asks them to close their eyes and listen to where the sounds of the rattle come from. Children with their eyes closed point to the source of the sound.

Main part. Design.

Educator. All these animals live in the zoo, but they got into trouble. The fence broke, and they all dispersed in all directions. We need to help the animals. Do you agree? (Children's answers.)

The teacher invites the children to bring only red cubes from wooden building material and put them in a separate box. When the children bring the cubes, the teacher distributes the same number of cubes to everyone and shows design techniques: puts the cubes on the table, pressing them tightly against each other, then invites each child to lay out part of the fence in turn and asks questions: “Which cube are you putting? (Red.) How many cubes did you put in? (One.) And now how much? (A lot.) How do you put the cubes - close or far apart? (Close.)"

Review and discussion of the building.

Educator. So our fence is ready, it is bright, long. What is the fence like? (Long, red.) What did we build it from? (From cubes.) How many cubes did we take to build the fence? (Lot.) Can we accommodate all of our animals behind this fence? (Yes.)

Physical education minute

The teacher invites the children to show how bears walk, bunnies run, birds flap their wings. Children repeat movements and onomatopoeia after the teacher.

4. Looking at pictures of animals.

The teacher offers to consider a picture that shows animals of different sizes. Children call animals one by one, compare them in size.


The teacher invites the children to place the animals behind the built fence. Children bring animals, alternating them in size.



Types of nursery activities: game, communicative, cognitive research, musical and artistic.

Objectives: to develop general motor skills, auditory attention; Expand words knowledge; learn to observe birds and insects on the site. To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, to promote the development of speech as a means of communication.

Planned results: takes part in a tour of the kindergarten site, in compiling a joint story on the topic: “What we saw on a walk”; active when listening to the song "Flowers" (music by V. Karaseva, lyrics by N. Frenkel); owns the basic movements when performing general developmental exercises of physical education.

Equipment and materials: models of vegetables, herbarium.

Organizing time.

Educator. Guys, we are going for a walk. Let's pretend we are travelers. We need to remember everything that we see on the walk.

Similar information.

Outdoor games.

"Sunny Bunny"

(based on the poem by A. Brodsky "Sunny Bunny")

Target. Clarify with the children the directions: up, down, to the side. Learn to perform a variety of movements.

Material: mirror or flashlight in the hands of an adult.

Move. Take a flashlight or a mirror. Show the child how a yellow spot appears on the wall from him. This is a "sunny bunny". Invite the children to catch the bunny with their palms. If the bunny is on the floor, you can catch it with your feet.

Runaways are jumping

Sunny Bunnies.

We call them - they don't go,

They were here and they are not here.

Jump, jump in the corners

They were there and they are not there.

Where are the runaways?

Sunny Bunnies?

"Wolf and Hares"

Target. To develop the speech activity of children, the ability to correlate their actions with words.

Move. In this game, all children are bunnies. The wolf is imaginary. Bunnies play freely on the lawn: they dance, run, walk.

To the words "Gray wolf" - they run to each other and hug. You can come up with a house in which the hares will hide from the wolf: chairs, a hoop, curtains, etc. Then the hares carefully peek out of the shelter, inform each other that the wolf is not there, and again go to have fun.

"White Bunny sits"

Target . Teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text; teach them to jump, clap their hands, run away after hearing the last words of the text. Bring joy to children.

Move. Children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the room or playground. The teacher says that they are all bunnies, and invites them to run out into the clearing. Children go to the middle of the room, stand near the teacher and squat down.

The teacher says the text or sings.

Little white bunny sit

And wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this

He moves his ears.

Children move their hands, raising them to their heads.

It's cold for a bunny to sit

You need to warm up your paws.

Clap, clap, clap, clap,

You need to warm up your paws.

From the word "clap" to the end of the phrase, the children clap their hands.

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Bunny needs to jump.

From the words "skok-skok" to the end of the phrase, the children bounce on both legs in place.

Someone (or a bear) scared the bunny,

Bunny jumped ... and galloped away.

The teacher shows a toy bear - and the children run away to their places.

Instructions for carrying out. The game can be played with any number of children. It is imperative that before the start of the game it is necessary to prepare the places where the bunnies will run away. At first, you can not single out the driver, all children simultaneously perform movements in accordance with the text. After repeating the game many times, you can select a child for the role of a bunny and put him in the middle of the circle. Having finished reading the text, one should not quickly run after the children, one should give them the opportunity to find a place for themselves. It is not necessary to demand from the kids that they must sit down in their place; each takes a free place on a chair, bench, carpet. But with the systematic repetition of the game, children remember their places well and quickly find them.

"Carrot for a Bunny"

Target. Learn to act on the command of an adult, develop orientation.

Spread carrots and potatoes (toy or real) on the floor and put the bunny on the children's table. Invite the baby to collect only carrots for the bunny in the garden.

"The Bear and the Good Bunnies"

Target. To instill the ability to perform characteristic movements.

Children pretend to be rabbits. They jump, run to music or a tambourine. Suddenly a bear appears. His role is played by an adult. The bear passes among the rabbits and growls. The rabbits ask the bear:

brown bear,

brown bear,

Why are you so gloomy?

The bear answers:

I did not treat myself to honey,

That's all and angry!

The hares ask him not to be angry, but to play hide and seek with them. They promise to treat the bag with honey. The rabbits are hiding.

Bear: One, two, three, four, five,

I'm going to look for rabbits.

He walks around the group and looks for bunnies. Rabbits can run from one place to another. The bear finds rabbits, and they treat him with honey.

"Sun Bunnies"

Target. Exercise children in the pronunciation of the poem in combination with movements.

Move. The teacher, with the help of a small mirror, lets out a sunbeam and recites a poem:

sun bunnies

Playing on the wall

I beckon them with my finger

Let them run to me.

Well, catch it, catch it soon.

Here it is, a bright circle,

Here, here, here - left, left!

Ran to the ceiling.

Children catch a bunny on the wall. Let the teacher direct it lower: children love to bounce, trying to catch the bunny. This game causes great joy in children, especially if you manage to catch a sunbeam with your hand.