Is it possible to paint ondulin and with what. Is it possible to paint a cherry-colored ondulin roof brown? Benefits of an onduline roof

Ondulin company produces roofing paints Onduvilla shingles, like any roofing material, periodically need maintenance. This usually consists of cleaning away dirt and old foliage, but in some cases the onduvilla roof requires minor repairs, including local painting. Ondupaint paint, produced by Ondulin, is best suited for this.


Unlike other roofing materials, Onduvilla tiles have a very important quality - for a long time. This durability is achieved using Onduvilla 3d's unique multi-layer coloring technology and the use of UV-resistant mineral dyes. sun rays.

However, sometimes Onduvilla The need for local coloring arises in the following cases:

When sealing joints, junctions or damage, the repair compound is applied inaccurately and worsens appearance roofing;

During the repair of the defective area, an element was installed shingles different color;

Roof safety elements need painting, drainage system, passage elements, bituminous rolled waterproofing, etc.

When doing such work best solution is the use of Ondupaint paint, manufactured by Ondulin. The paint is based on acrylic and silicone components, which provide resistance to extreme climatic conditions. The mineral dyes included in OnduPaint are resistant to sunlight, so the paint can be used as a UV protection coating.

OnduPaint is a homogeneous mixture that penetrates deep into porous surfaces and has excellent adhesion to various materials. When the paint dries, a hydrophobic frost-resistant film is formed, providing additional protection roofs in all weather conditions. Due to its water-repellent properties and resistance to dirt, the paint retains the brightness of colors for a long time and improves the aesthetic qualities of the roof.

Ondupaint is commercially available ready to use, does not require the use of any solvents and is applied with a conventional brush or roller. For painting large surfaces, it is recommended to use an airbrush, this allows you to reduce material consumption.

Ondupaint's color scheme includes the same colors as Onduvilla: green, brown and red. The paint is supplied in cans of 2.1 l (2.5 kg), 3.75 l (4.5 kg), 7.5 l (9 kg) and 14.15 l (17 kg). If necessary, the paint is diluted with ordinary water, and its tone is corrected using a suitable color for water-based acrylic paints.

outdoor painting work performed at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees, in dry weather. Paint consumption depends on the surface structure and is:

Onduvilla roofing, one layer - 130-150 gr/sq. meter (0.1 - 0.125 l / sq. meter);

Metal surface, one layer - 130 gr/sq. meter (0.1 l / sq. meter);

When painting ceramic cement-sand tiles and other materials consumption depends on the porosity of the surface.

At an ambient temperature of +20 degrees, it takes 4 hours to dry the applied paint layer.

- Roofing material, characterized by lightness. Its installation does not require preliminary complex calculations. and may well be performed by a person little familiar with such a procedure.

To create a roof from ondulin, it is advisable to immediately purchase elements of extensions and fasteners.

All of them must be made by the same manufacturer and have the same color scheme as ondulin sheets. This article will provide some tips for installing an ondulin roof.

Ondulin at the present time is one of the most popular roofing materials. Ondulin roofs are now found everywhere and there is an explanation for this.

Ondulin material is inexpensive, has excellent quality, good strength and attractive appearance. However, some users complain that over time, ondulin sheets change color, fading in the sun.

In this article, we will try to understand what compositions are better to color ondulin so that it does not change its color over a long service life.

The instructions for ondulin say that staining with mineral components occurs before the cellulose fiber is impregnated bituminous composition. BUT ondulin sheets High Quality stained even after impregnation with bituminous compounds.

This makes the roofing material extremely durable. to ultraviolet rays and ensures long-term preservation of the original shade.

But in actual use ondulin very often loses its original saturated shade, becomes dull and faded. What to do in this case, the manufacturers of ondulin sheets do not say.

And here are the people who have already encountered a similar problem, it is advised to stain ondulin, choosing a quality coloring composition.

Paint for ondulin should have high durability to unfavorable atmospheric phenomena, corrosion and ultraviolet rays. It is best to purchase industrial roofing paint for painting ondulin.

This paint should be made on the basis of bitumen This will ensure good adhesion. For a two-layer coating of an ondulin roof, approximately 250-500 ml / m 2 of paint will be needed. Apply coloring compound paint brush or with a roller, having previously cleaned the roof well from debris and dust.

When working with ondulin roofing material, the master often needs to cut a whole sheet into several small elements. This procedure requires special tool. Many masters advise using for cutting ondulin hacksaw for wood.

If a it is necessary to cut ondulin sheets quickly- you can use special electric tools, the range of which is recent times expanded significantly.

Ondulin is generally considered flexible material , so there are no problems with its sharpness. The only difficulty is to choose a tool that would provide a smooth cut edge.

The best option, according to many builders, in this case is a manual circular electric saw. It not only quickly and efficiently cuts ondulin sheets, but also cleans well. To clean the teeth of such a saw, you only need to saw a piece of a wooden board with it.

Hand saw helps to cut ondulin sheets along and across, while obtaining a perfectly even cut edge. But such a tool is not always at hand from the master. alternative circular saw there will be a grinder or a jigsaw.

For longitudinal cutting of ondulin sheets can be used construction knife . They make an incision on the front side of the material, then the sheet is bent in half and it is completely cut into two parts.

A hacksaw is suitable for transverse cutting of ondulin. When using it, there is also a problem of sticking of ondulin particles between the teeth. Professionals advise in this case to periodically lower the hacksaw into a deep container of cold water.

When installing a roof necessary Special attention pay fasteners. The duration of the operation of the roofing and the entire roof depends on how correctly it will be performed.

The main fastener for ondulin sheets are nails and screws. Nails for ondulin are of two types: with hats made of polyvinyl chloride and polypropylene. Both of these types have the following characteristics:

  • Not susceptible to ultraviolet sunlight;
  • Highly resistant to adverse weather conditions and precipitation;
  • Create excellent anti-corrosion protection;
  • Provides tightness to the under-roof space.

The basis of the nails used for fastening ondulin sheets are the same organic fibers. Color solutions these fasteners Available in four standard colors: green, brown, black and red.

Shades of nails completely match the color roofing material, and this allows you to do general form finished roof aesthetically attractive.

Nails for fastening ondulin are made of carbon steel, and on top they are covered with a special solution of zinc providing good anti-corrosion effect.

Nail heads for ondulin have enough big size, that allows you to securely fix the material on the base surface. These fasteners can have different diameters head and rod different length nail.

When choosing a material for roofing, developers prefer inexpensive and durable materials, such as ondulin. It is in high demand, but it has certain disadvantages. One of them is gradual sunburn. As a result, the question arises of how to paint ondulin if it is burned out.

Sheets attract with a variety of shades and saturation of colors. Are different from others trademarks quality and high performance. On the front side there is a marking in the form of the inscription Onduline.

According to the specifics of production, after the manufacture of corrugated sheets, they are painted using a palette of 4 colors for this, and then “sealed”, treated with a bituminous composition with the addition of polymers.

  • For economy class, an additional outer layer that allows you to protect and preserve color is not provided. Ondulin burns out over time, its shade fades. It becomes especially noticeable after 5-6 years of operation.
  • Lux after coating with a bituminous composition is re-painted. This retains brightness for up to 15 years, but significantly increases the cost.

The ability to paint the roofing material a second time gives a chance to protect it from subsequent burnout and leakage. This allows you to update the roof, change its color, give the desired degree of dullness and decorativeness, and increase the service life for several years.

Overview of suitable paints

The manufacturer releases roofing sheets, using a four-color scale: red, brown, green and black. When ondulin begins to fade, it becomes dull and ugly. Bituminous spots may appear on its surface over time.

The paint was developed by the same company as the sheets.

  • The basis of this high-tech product is an acrylic-silicone composition with additives that make the paint resistant to UV rays and weathering.
  • Ondulin sheets can only be painted at an air temperature of +5 to +30°C.
  • It is sold completely ready for use, but when thickened, it is diluted with water.
  • At least 2 coats must be applied to achieve the desired result. The second time the treatment should be performed 4 hours after the first layer.
  • The consistency allows the mixture to be laid with a brush, roller or sprayer. In the latter case, the need does not exceed 130-150 g/m2.

Subject to the rules specified in the instructions, the manufacturer gives a 5-year warranty.

The Finnish company Tikkurila produces acrylate paint. It can be applied to sheets containing bitumen.

It is highly valued for its elasticity at temperatures below zero degrees and big choice colors. Service life guarantee - 6-7 years.

3. Chief technologist.

The rubber alkyd-urethane paint produced by the domestic company Novbytchim was developed for protective and decorative painting. Has a wide range of applications. Before use, mix and bring to the desired consistency by adding water.

  • Resistant to the negative effects of the environment, cracking, wear-resistant, does not fade.
  • It has a fairly large selection of colors.
  • Withstands temperature regime-50 to +60°C.
  • Careful preparation of the territory is required, its cleaning from pollution. Sand previously painted areas to a matt finish.
  • It is possible to paint only in dry weather, at humidity no more than 80% and temperature from +10 to +30°C.
  • Application is possible in any way available to the performer. For complete drying, 2-4 hours are required, 2-3 layers are needed. Drying of the layer is 60 minutes, consumption - 250-300g / m2.

Guaranteed operational period under the conditions of storage and use is from 2 to 4 years.

Paint for ondulin will increase its durability several times, but keep in mind that subsequently this action will have to be performed at least once every three years.

1. The selected mixture must have performance characteristics the same as roofing, not only improving the appearance, but also increasing moisture resistance.

2. The paint should dry no more than 3-5 hours. When applying several layers, the next one is placed after the previous one has completely dried. The exception is the special conditions of manufacturers.

3. To receive certain color you need to mix the mixture with the color. It is advisable to use ingredients from the same manufacturer.

4. Ondulin roofing must be cleaned, dried, primed if necessary before processing.

5. Primers are selected in accordance with the instructions for a specific composition and are applied in 1-2 layers.

6. Sheets, depending on the type of coating, are:

  • matte, rough to the touch, painted with acrylic composition;
  • glossy, with a bright surface obtained by adding silicone.

7. Ondulin is made using bitumen, so it is better to choose a paint with a bituminous base.

The color scheme used by the manufacturer was not chosen by chance. Red, brown, green and black shades harmonize with almost any shade of the surface.

Before proceeding with the process, it is necessary to read the instructions, since non-compliance with the technology can cause swelling and premature shedding of the paint.

Often, ondulin is chosen as a roof for a roof, and many people are interested in the question of whether there is paint for ondulin and whether it can be painted. It will be much easier to choose the material of the required color, but if this is not possible, then ondulin can be painted in desired color. Acrylic, vinyl, epoxy-vinyl and other paints are suitable for these purposes. The only condition is that they dry for 2-3 hours.

The composition of ondulin: 1 - mineral dressing, 2 - bitumen, 3 - fiberglass, 4 - bitumen, 5 - silicon sand.

A roof covered with ondulin can be found very often, as it is very popular. This material got its name from one of its first manufacturers. It is a sheet that resembles slate in shape (but it is made of cellulose fiber with the addition of mineral components), after which it is impregnated with bitumen. The material is presented in a wide color scheme, but still, sometimes it is necessary to use ondulin paint to get the shade of interest.

Like any other building material that is used for roofing, ondulin has its advantages and disadvantages, before choosing it to cover the roof of your house, you need to familiarize yourself with them.

Main advantages and disadvantages

One of the main problems that may arise with this material, many experts say that over time, its color can change, and then when restoring the ondulin coating, the question arises of how to paint the ondulin. It happens that the quality of the coating is good, but the owner had a desire to change the look of his house, and he decided to change the color of the roof.

Advantages of this type coatings:

  • it does not include harmful substances, therefore, such material is environmentally friendly;
  • it has good soundproofing characteristics, so the noise from the street does not enter the house;
  • if the installation is done correctly, then condensation does not form on the surface;
  • resistant to the action of various active elements and corrosion, does not rot and is not covered with fungus;
  • has little water absorption;
  • its service life is 50 years or more;
  • It is light in weight, which makes it easy to transport and install.

Despite the presence a large number benefits like any other construction material, ondulin has some disadvantages:

  • the choice of its colors is limited;
  • over time, in the sun, the material burns out and loses its original color;
  • combustibility.

Often it is the fact that the specified material loses its color over time that stops some people from choosing it as a roofing material. This will not be a problem for you if you know how to paint ondulin, after which it again acquires bright color and will perform its functions qualitatively for more than a dozen years.

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Ondulin roof painting

If you look at the manufacturing technology of this material, you will see that the sheets are painted in the desired color before they are covered with a layer of bitumen. This is done in order to protect the sheets from fading under the action of sunlight, namely ultraviolet light.

Modern luxury material is dyed both before and after impregnation with bitumen, which allows it to retain its original color for a longer period of time.

To paint ondulin, it is necessary to take atmospheric paint, which is resistant to fading and corrosion.

Under the influence of natural factors through certain time the color of ondulin becomes paler and duller, but this is not very a big problem, since the specified material can be painted and restored to its original appearance.

To paint ondulin, it is necessary to take atmospheric paint, which is resistant to fading and corrosion. Since this material contains bitumen, the paint must also be taken on a bitumen basis, a special roofing paint is best suited.

When choosing a paint, it must be taken into account that it must be suitable for coating bituminous fiber boards, roofing material and similar coatings and must be weather resistant. An example is the well-known Finnish manufacturer Tikkurila, which offers Killy paint. The Ondulin company offers Ondupaint paint for these purposes, but you can choose any other manufacturer with suitable characteristics paints.

After you decide on the manufacturer of the paint, you need to choose the shade you need, for which you can use the catalogs. This coating must be applied in two layers, the paint consumption will be approximately 250 ml/m 2 .

To apply a coating on ondulin, you can use a roller, brush or spray gun. If it is warm outside and the temperature is more than 20 degrees, then 2 hours are enough to dry one layer of such paint. At lower temperatures or high humidity drying time can be extended up to 3-4 hours.

A feature of such a coating is that it has high elasticity, therefore, even in very coldy it will not crack, it is also resistant to precipitation. Before painting, do not forget to thoroughly clean the surface of debris and rinse it well, then allow to dry completely.

You can paint the roof yourself, but if you do not have free time and have extra money, you can hire specialists for this. When choosing a roofing material, you need to pay attention to its quality, since now there are a lot of fakes. If you purchase high-quality ondulin, then it will serve you for a long time and reliably. quality coating roofs, and you don’t have to address such a question as painting it.

Popular roofing materialondulinsuccessfully replaced the traditional slate.Rooffromondulinaabsolutely environmentally friendly, as it is made from compressed and bitumen-impregnated cellulose fibers. One of the advantages of ondulin coating is a wide range of colors offered by its manufacturers. Thanks to this material, any design problem in home decoration is solved.

Unfortunately, such roofing material tends to burn out, fade and lose its attractiveness over time. In addition, having a natural basis, ondulin does not have high biological stability. Already in the third year after the construction of the roof, moss and fungal colonies. And this leads to the formation of spots on the roof, the appearance of which becomes unpresentable.

Preparatory work, paint selection

paint, thanks bituminous impregnation, ondulin does not crack on the surface, but tends to fade in the sun. This happens especially quickly if the owner of the house decided to save on cost. construction works and bought cheap roofing material. In order for the painted surface of the roof not to swell, it must be absolutely dry and clean.Roof paintingproduced in spring or autumn when it subsides solar Activity, and soft bituminous roofing can move freely. If it is necessary to apply a primer or putty on the surface of ondulin, it should be allowed to dry for several days.

Experts recommend using paint on the surface for application to the surface. acrylic base. If the roof surface is covered with a real French ondulin, then for its processing you should purchase a proprietary acrylic paint or equivalents recommended by the manufacturer.

Ondulin roof painting

roofingfromondulinaafter preparatory work and patching, as well as good drying can be painted.Roof paintingit is made in two layers, and if the process is performed for the first time, then the ondulin roof must be primed. The viscosity of the first layer should be lower than the final one. Such shading is necessary for better wetting of the surface and penetration of paint into all irregularities. The patches are painted without sharp pressure on the brush, so as not to violate the integrity of the edges of the restored roof area.

Processpainting ondulinit is recommended to start with a skate and slopes, gradually going down. In the process of painting, a hard bristle brush should be rotated periodically to evenly abrade. To form an even and high-quality layer of paint, the brush in the hand is held in such a way that the pile is perpendicular to the roof surface. It should be remembered that after painting each layer should dry well. The first layer dries for at least 5-7 days, the second - about 10 days.

Order painting of the roof from ondulin in Moscow

To perform professionally and reliably:paint the rooffromondulina, it is enough to contact the specialists of our company. Our masters have extensive experience and permits to perform hazardous work at height, and can perform high-quality painting of ondulin roofs of any complexity. To do this, you can use the contact numbers listed on the site, and get advice at the office of our company.