Eustoma early. Eustoma perennial: planting by the root, features of cultivation and care, photo. Outdoor care

Texas bellflower, Irish rose, lisanthus ... Whatever names the eustoma flower, beloved by gardeners and florists, has received. Planting and care performed in accordance with all the rules, allow you to reveal the amazing potential of the plant. Its buds are not inferior in beauty even in the photo to a rose, and there are so many of them on the stem that the queen of flowers “rests” - one copy is enough to decorate a full-fledged bouquet.

Features of growing eustoma as a perennial crop

Eustoma looks great both in a bouquet with other flowers, and on its own

Despite the fact that eustoma is called a perennial crop, gardeners in central Russia usually grow it as an annual. The problem is that the plant is very difficult to preserve in the autumn-winter period - in its homeland (and this is the south of North America), eustoma is accustomed to a mild climate, thanks to which in the wild it grows and blooms all year round, propagates by self-sowing.

In Russia, packages with eustoma seeds, as a rule, have an indication: one-year or two-year-old type of plant can be obtained from them. Biennials (and in fact perennials) are acquired by flower growers who have reliable greenhouses in which the plant will be able to survive our harsh winters. In addition, a two-year-old eustoma is used as a houseplant, while in a flower pot on the windowsill it can feel great not for 2 years, but for 4–5 years. If the gardener plans to place flowers in the open field, he chooses an annual option.

Differences from an annual congener

There are a lot of eustoma varieties for home growing - for every taste!

Annuals are most often tall varieties, the length of their stems approaches a meter. Perennials designed for indoor cultivation are undersized, 15–20 cm high. However, this division is very conditional: depending on the grower's plans and for growing as annuals, dwarf flowers may be required.

Another significant difference between the two types of plants is that even a novice grower can easily handle annuals. But to grow a two-year-old (perennial) specimen in the garden is within the power of a person with extensive experience. The flower requires special care during the growing season and competent preparation for wintering and its implementation - even minor miscalculations can lead to the death of a delicate plant.

How best to grow: outdoors or in pots

In landscape design, planting is used both in open ground and in pots.

For a long time, Russian flower growers knew eustoma exclusively as a houseplant. Today it is grown in greenhouses, winter gardens, flowerbeds. On alpine slides, in mixborders, eustoma fits perfectly into the overall picture due to the long flowering: starting in mid-July, it continues into September. And if the weather allows, then during the first decade of October. A single plant can bloom for 4 months, gradually opening bud by bud. If the flower is cut, it will grow from the root and in the southern regions will even have time to bloom again, which, unfortunately, does not happen in the middle lane.

When and how long does it bloom

A flower bed with eustoma is prepared taking into account the timing of flowering of certain varieties

Flowering time can be adjusted

  • sow seeds in November or early December - eustoma will bloom in June (at the beginning or middle of the month);
  • sow before the New Year - it will bloom in July;
  • sowing in mid-January will ensure flowering in August;
  • sow at the end of January or the beginning of the last month of winter - wait for flowering in September.

Eustoma tolerates light autumn frosts well. However, novice flower growers often make the mistake of starting to take care of eustoma seedlings in the spring. In this case, the plant simply does not have time to bloom - if the buds form, they go under the snow.

Container planting helps to prolong the life of the plant and its flowering, for which various containers are used - pots, tubs. While it is warm, they are kept outdoors, with the onset of cold weather they are brought into the room. Flowering continues, although it becomes more modest.

Container technology helps to preserve the rhizome of the plant during the winter in order to later plant it, already with new shoots, in a flower bed. The disadvantage of this method is that the flowering will not be as rich as usual.

What climate is this plant suitable for, on what soil does it grow best

Of course, black soil is fertile soil for most plants, but not everyone will be able to provide such conditions.

The soil for eustoma should be:

  • well (no big lumps) dug up;
  • drained, which means - breathable;
  • fertile (mineral fertilizers and compost are applied to the soil);
  • moderately moist, since waterlogging can cause root rot;

As for the composition, the most suitable options are black soil or a mixture of peat and humus in a ratio of 1: 1.

Since eustoma is a heat-loving plant, it feels more comfortable in the southern regions. In central Russia, for its full growth and flowering, temperatures are needed: 20–25 ° C during the day and 15 ° C at night. In winter, it is advisable to keep a container with eustoma in a room where the temperature does not fall below + 10–12 ° С.

Popular varieties with photos

Breeders have created about 60 varieties, unusual plants resemble not only roses, but also poppies, terry mallow, flowers of the lily family.

Popular tall varieties (with stem length from 70 cm to 1.5 m):

  • Flamenco - an early variety, the petals are light blue or yellow;

    Eustoma variety Flamenco Lime - a gentle addition to any bouquet of bright flowers

  • Echo - with large (6 cm in diameter) pink, lilac, white flowers;

    Eustoma Echo blue - a bright accent on your flower bed

  • Mariachi lime - with salad-colored buds;

    Eustoma Mariachi Lime Green - an unusual guest on a discount or flower bed, the green tint looks beautiful in the total mass

  • Cinderella - with pink or yellow flowers.

    Variety Cinderella - classic soft beige color, perfectly complements a romantic bouquet

Low-growing varieties (with a stem length of 12 to 20 cm):

  • Sapphire - snow-white buds have a blue edge;

    Eustoma Sapphire Blue Chip - an interesting idea for discounts in blue and blue colors

  • Terry Rosie - with blue or pink flowers;

    Lisanthus terry varieties can compete with roses

  • Riddle - semi-double variety with pale blue buds;

    Eustoma variety Riddle looks great in combination with undersized flowers of other species.

  • Tenderness - with pink satin petals.

Planting methods: options for germinating seeds and sowing seedlings

Growing seedlings is the only way to decorate the garden with flowering eustoma, since the growing season of this crop lasts a long time, almost half a year. The optimal period for sowing seeds are the months from November to February.

It is important to choose the right soil. It is best to purchase it in a specialized store, it should be intended for flower crops (saintpaulia, violets) - loose, diluted with coconut substrate or vermiculite (there are many natural growth elements in this material, it has an ideal structure for small seeds, due to which the soil does not cake , and its surface is not bound by a moisture-proof crust). If the soil is prepared independently, then its components should be:

  • peat,
  • sand,
  • garden soil,
  • humus from the bark.

Getting seedlings of eustoma is a long process

Sow seeds in cassettes (two seeds in each cell) or in peat pots. At the time of sowing the seeds, the temperature in the room should be 20-21°C, dropping to 15°C at night. If the temperatures are higher, the plants will not form properly.

Here's how the sowing is done:

  1. Expanded clay is poured at the bottom of the tank as a drainage layer.
  2. A soil substrate is placed on expanded clay. It is impossible to fill the container to the brim - the surface of the soil must be below a centimeter by
  3. Seeds are poured onto moistened soil, gently pressing into the soil, but not sprinkled with earth.
  4. The container is covered with glass or film, not forgetting to provide ventilation holes.

If coated seeds are used, they are pre-soaked in water so that the shell swells, and then transferred to the ground with a toothpick. The same “tool” is used to slightly break the shell and facilitate the germination process.

As for the quality of the seed material, the germination rate of 60% is considered by experts to be very good.

The main chores await the grower in one to two weeks, when shoots appear. First of all, plants need good lighting for normal development (however, direct sunlight is undesirable). If there are not enough light window sills in the house, you will have to organize artificial lighting.

To protect plants from diseases, they are sprayed with Fitosporin, and for more active growth - with Zircon.

At first, it is better to replace watering with spraying, since large drops of water, falling on the leaves, can cause disease. For the same reason, excess condensate must be regularly removed from the film or glass protecting plants. Water for irrigation (spraying) must be settled beforehand. The condition of the soil should be checked regularly - it is impossible for it to become dry, but excessive moisture is also dangerous.

It is good if the air in the room is humid. If it is too dry, as is often the case in apartments in winter as a result of the heating system, the eustoma will wither and may die. To prevent this from happening, you need to use humidifiers.

As the flower grows, hardening procedures will be required - the film is removed for 10 minutes (and then longer). A week later - they leave without a film for the whole daylight hours, closing only at night. Then remove the "protection" completely.

If the plants were sown in large containers, it is necessary (at the stage of the first leaves) to carry out a pick in pots with peat. In mid-March (if the container use of the flower is expected in the garden plot), the plants are moved to a "permanent place of residence", do it carefully, by transshipment.

Advice: those who adhere to the lunar calendar in gardening should know that eustoma seeds are considered tight, therefore it is advisable to sow on the growing moon.

Flower care in the garden from the moment of planting in open ground until autumn

Seedlings need to be watered with non-cold water and try not to transplant from place to place

Seedlings are best planted in the western or eastern part of the site, where the sunlight is not too bright. Watering is required when the topsoil becomes dry. If the weather is cool, then watering is minimized, as the danger of waterlogging the ground increases.

It is undesirable to transplant the plant - it has too fragile roots. If such an operation is inevitable, it must be done with all caution, digging up a plant with a large clod of earth.

The first top dressing will be required for eustoma 2–4 ​​weeks after planting seedlings in open ground, when the plant is thoroughly rooted. As a rule, it is a complex mineral fertilizer.

How to care during growth and flowering

Active growth of eustoma requires additional nutrition. When the green mass grows, the need for organic matter and nitrogen is higher, when buds form and flowers bloom, potash and phosphorus fertilizers are useful. Lush flowering is facilitated by preparations such as Kemira and Kemira Lux. Experienced flower growers recommend slightly reducing the concentration of fertilizer in comparison with that indicated on the package, these are the preferences of eustoma, proven by many years of practice.

To protect plantings from powdery mildew and other misfortunes, you can use Topaz, Topsin preparations.

Self-sowing eustoma does not reproduce even in the southern regions of the country

Water for irrigation is used soft, settled. It does not require much, so the necessary supply, ready for use, can always be created.

As taller varieties are favored in the garden, the flowers will need support, especially during flowering when the long stem is having a hard time keeping up with the ever-increasing load.

Regular removal of faded buds is not only a decorative measure. Pruning is necessary as an incentive for the formation of new inflorescences. Therefore, do not be afraid of cutting flowers into bouquets - in a month and a half you can count on a new "wave" of flowering.

Care after flowering. How to prepare a plant for winter

When the eustoma fades, a period of rest begins in its life - it practically stops growing, all life processes slow down. In order for the plant to rest, do not try to “cheer up” it with top dressing and watering. Moreover, if you plan to grow a flower as a perennial (this applies to regions with a warm climate), most of the branches should be cut off from the eustoma, keeping 2-3, no more, tillering points.

In central Russia, wintering of eustoma can be ensured by transplanting it into some kind of container and placing it under a roof - on a balcony, loggia, in an outbuilding, where the air temperature does not drop below + 10 ° C.

Potted eustoma is easier to bring into the house when cold weather sets in

“Moving” from open ground to a pot is not very easy for eustoma, the plant may need at least a month to adapt. It weakens and withers due to a sharp change in temperature, a decrease in illumination, therefore, experts consider the best option to move in late summer - early autumn, when the temperature outside and indoors is almost the same. You should also adapt the flower to less light: first place it on the loggia, where there is less sun than in the open air, and then move it to a room where the light is even less bright.

Unfortunately, even after a successful “housewarming” and competent care, eustoma will not become a classic perennial: its maximum is limited to 4-5 years at best, and from season to season the flowers will become smaller and their number will decrease significantly.

What problems arise when growing eustoma

One of the problems that often arise when caring for a perennial eustoma is that the seeds have been sown, but no sprouts have appeared. Most likely, poor-quality planting material was used, or the seeds were too deeply buried in the soil and could not break through.

In plants, problems can arise due to:

  • bright sunlight;
  • waterlogging (it causes fungal diseases);
  • dry air;
  • high acidity of the soil (eustoma prefers neutral);
  • excess mineral fertilizers.

The troubles that have arisen can be signaled by sluggish or drying leaves and stems, falling buds. Perhaps the culprit for this is one of the problems listed. Solve it - and the flower will begin to come to life.

Often problems can be avoided in the first place. Inexperienced flower growers do not know this, but if you place eustoma near walls and fences (brick, metal) that heat up in the sun, the plant may get burned. Therefore, plan the placement of landings correctly.

Eustoma is not the easiest flower to plant and care for, but the feeling of a holiday that opened buds give to their owner pays for all the trouble. Moreover, the grower can always choose an option that is acceptable for him - to grow eustoma in a flower bed, in a winter garden, on a loggia and a balcony, or in an apartment on a windowsill. Even when cut, the flower retains its decorative effect much longer than many of its counterparts.

What's the Difference: Eustoma, Lisianthus or Irish rose are all names for the same flowering ornamental plant. Its advantage can be called a large number of colors and forms of the peduncle, as well as lush flowering, which can compete with roses in beauty. The bushes are not thorny, they bush on their own, so there is no need to form plantings. The plant takes root well in the garden in temperate latitudes, can grow in a pot on the windowsill.

plant description

The perennial Eustoma flower was brought from North America, so the climatic conditions of Russia suit it. When roses fade, they are replaced by eustoma, since its flowering period is August-September. In the wild, the plant can be seen in two colors: purple or blue. Thanks to the work of breeders, a huge number of lisianthus were bred, which differ in the size and shape of the peduncle, the shades of the petals, and the height of the bush.

There are varieties that are suitable for indoor growing. Their height only 20 cm but the flowering is as lush as that of garden varieties, the bushes of which above 1 meter.

The petals of an Irish rose have a bluish tint, like a wax coating, and the peduncle itself, depending on the variety, can reach 6 - 8 cm in diameter.

At flower shows, eustoma occupies a place in the top ten, and entrepreneurs try to get it in their greenhouse. A feature of Lisianthus is the ability to stand in water after cutting more than 2 weeks b, if you often change the liquid in the vase.

Garden species begin to bush from the middle of the stem, as a result, the top looks like an independent bouquet, in which there may be up to 40 buds. When unopened, they look like rosebuds.

When growing eustoma from seeds, maternal species characteristics are preserved - this is one of the advantages of the plant: you do not need to look for seeds every time. If you liked any variety of perennial eustoma, planting and care is all you need to propagate and grow at home from seeds.

Varieties and colors

Tall varieties:

  • Flamenco - double flowers, pale blue or cream.
  • Lilac variety "Echo". Large peduncles - up to 7 cm in diameter.
  • Aurora - flower stalks of different shades, terry.
  • Mariachi lime has an unusual color - light green. Terry flowers.
  • Cinderella with a yellowish tinge, terry.
  • Florida is the most profusely flowering variety with pink petals.
  • Eustoma Large-flowered White has large white flower stalks. Suitable for wedding decorations. The most popular variety of its kind.

Varieties suitable for growing indoors:

  • Sapphire - white peduncles with lilac endings of the petals. Spiral petal shape.
  • Terry rosie - pink shade. The petals are arranged in three rows.
  • Riddle is a non-double variety of blue color, more like a wild predecessor.
  • Mermaid - flowers of a thick purple hue, terry.

Combining eustromas of different varieties, you can equip the garden bed with both tall and short crops.

Garden Lisianthus - features

Usually on sale you can find eustoma seeds annual or biennial (they are also perennial). Most often, the Lisianthus flower is grown as an annual plant, as it is difficult to preserve it in winter in frosts. Its root system is fibrous and is located in the upper soil layer, which freezes the most. The stems also do not withstand hard frosts even under outdoor mulch.

Garden tall species are best bred and grown as perennial crops in greenhouse conditions. In suitable conditions, inflorescences can keep up to 2 months unless they are cut off.

Indoor varieties - features

Growing room eustoma perennial is more profitable. Can a plant live in a pot? 45 years. The stages of flowering will depend on when the seedlings are sown. It is not advisable to grow tall species at home. They need a large pot and a lot of top dressing during the growing season for abundant flowering. If you do not comply with these conditions, there will be few flower stalks - mostly greens.

growing conditions

Eustoma needs careful care, as it is a rather finicky plant. This is partly due to the peculiarities of the root system: it branches strongly, and the tissues are soft and vulnerable. If the roots are damaged, fungus or bacteria will quickly start up in them. The plant may die.

Because of this, they try to grow seedlings in wide cups or pots, and transplanting is done by transshipment - along with an earthen clod, so as not to injure the root.

Constant monitoring of soil moisture is required so that the earth does not dry out. The plant also does not like stagnant water - the roots can rot. The best option for an Irish rose is a metered drip irrigation system.


Eustoma (lisianthus) prefers well-lit areas of open ground or a window sill on the southeast or west side. The lighter the flower bed, the longer the flower stalks last. If two types of eustoma are planted, it is necessary to ensure that tall species do not obscure the undersized ones from the sun's rays, otherwise the latter will bloom worse.

On the windowsill in winter, the plant feels a lack of light, as the day is short. Therefore, Lisianthus lengthens the daylight hours by installing additional lighting so that the production of chlorophyll does not stop and chlorosis is not observed.

The optimum temperature for seedlings is 25 degrees. Fortified plants are able to endure higher temperatures.

Video: Eustoma from A to Z - a complete guide to growing

The soil

Particular attention should be paid to the type of soil for eustoma: it should have a slightly alkaline reaction. Therefore, if the site has acidic or slightly acidic soil, it must be properly prepared by adding wood ash, compost, dolomite flour or lime.

On sandy soil or sandy loam, top dressing is done more often, but in smaller volumes, as they quickly pass through the top layer and go deep into where the roots do not reach.

The most suitable type of soil is black soil with a lot of humus. On other types of soil, the plant requires organic top dressing in the form of humus or purchased humic fertilizers. The most consumable nutrient component is potassium, as it is necessary for lush flowering. The growing season is long, so you will have to fertilize the soil every week.

Eustoma care in the garden

Ready seedlings are planted in the ground in early or mid-May, depending on the region. It immediately begins to develop and increases the green mass. By the time of planting in open ground, the flower should already have at least 4 leaves.

To control humidity and prevent the soil from drying out, it is advisable to mulch the soil under the eustoma. For this purpose, humus with a low amount of nitrogen, containing potassium, is better suited. When humus is processed by soil bacteria, humus is formed, which increases the immunity of the plant and enhances its flowering. Mulching prevents weeds from growing in the flower bed.

Important! Adult flowers are not transplanted so as not to damage the roots. For them, you need to immediately choose a suitable permanent habitat.

Tall varieties must be tied to support pegs so that the stems do not break under the influence of wind or the weight of the inflorescences.

If you leave the eustoma in the garden for the winter, the plant will most likely die. If you need to save, they dig it out, keeping a distance from the stem, transfer it to a warm room, and return it to the soil again in the spring. The temperature in the basement or heated shed must be maintained at the level of 12 - 15 degrees. During this period, the plant is not fed or watered.

Home care

Eustoma at home grows longer, but is more susceptible to sunlight, so you need to choose a well-lit window where you can shade the sunlight if necessary - blinds, tulle.

Flowering is controlled by planting seeds. The sooner you sow, the sooner the flowers will appear. The growing season lasts 6 months, therefore, you can easily calculate the time when to start seedlings.

If the flower is bought in a store, and not grown with your own hands, it must be shaded for the first time. The conditions of keeping in the supermarket are completely different: there the flowers are under artificial lamps and cannot burn, as on the windowsill, where the sun shines all day.

Watering is needed only at the root. Drops should not be allowed to fall on buds or flowers - the plant may begin to rot. The earth ball should not be too flooded with water - this also damages the root system. It also shouldn't dry out completely. The lisianthus flower is not suitable for those owners who are not ready to inquire about the condition of the plant at least once a day.

Room eustoma needs ventilation, but does not like drafts, so it is not recommended to open several windows at the same time. The petals and leaves of this species are very delicate - temperature changes can cause the foliage to wilt and stop growing.

Arrangement of a pot

The pot must be chosen wide, but not deep - by type of root system.

At the bottom, it is desirable to lay a layer of expanded clay for drainage. The soil for potted eustoma is selected neutral or slightly alkaline. The store has a soil for Saintpaulias (violets) - it is well suited for lisianthus.

If you mix the soil at home, then take:

  • sand 1 part;
  • garden soil 1 part;
  • peat or humus 2 parts.

You can add charcoal for disinfection. The soil should be light, breathable, so that the liquid does not linger, but flows into the pan. If you use compost, it must be diluted with sand for better aeration.

Greenhouse cultivation for sale

Lush peduncles of different shades and the ability to stand in water for a long time after cutting distinguish eustoma from the same roses that wither after a couple of days. The flower business is the main buyer of expensive seeds from Dutch producers.

Flowers are suitable for decorating restaurant tables with small bouquets of low-growing plants, creating floral arrangements for the holidays. In order for flowers to generate income, you need to grow them in a greenhouse: prepare seedlings from autumn, sell ready-made flowering specimens - potted or garden ones - by summer. There are many business options:

  • room eustoma;
  • garden views;
  • seeds of any one species or several;
  • hall decoration;
  • retail or wholesale of cut flowers.

In a greenhouse, it is most difficult to maintain the necessary humidity in summer and temperature in winter. In addition, experienced flower growers point out the need for constant ventilation. This can be problematic as cold air affects crop growth.

In addition to the microclimate, it is important to maintain an alkaline or neutral soil so that the plants can feed according to their needs. The problem can arise with the absorption of phosphorus, which Lisianthus consume in large quantities during the flowering period.

The fact is that all mineral phosphates dissolve in a slightly acidic environment. Eustoma requires neutral to slightly alkaline soil. This means that there should be a lot of organic matter in the soil containing beneficial soil bacteria that break down phosphorus.

You can create diffused light in a glass greenhouse by whitewashing the walls with chalk or lime. This will be an additional disinfecting measure against mold spores penetrating everywhere. Seedlings will feel better due to the lack of direct sunlight.

Reproduction of Lisianthus

The most effective way to grow eustoma is by seeds. You can collect them in your garden or buy coated, coated with nutrients. Eustoma seeds are very small, they must be sown correctly so that the sprouts begin to develop faster. If you sleep them with soil, they will not germinate, since it is difficult for delicate greenery to break through the soil layer.

Other methods of reproduction are absolutely unacceptable:

  • cuttings are not able to form roots even when treated with growth stimulants;
  • the rhizome cannot be divided, since if it is damaged, it dies, and the stepson dies.

To grow seedlings, you need to buy seeds and choose a way where to germinate them - in a container, cups.

Growing in peat pots

Peat cups are a good option for growing plants that have weak root systems that are susceptible to damage. Peat well passes oxygen, environmentally friendly. When it hits the ground, it becomes an additional fertilizer. The root system of the Irish rose will be completely safe until it takes root in the open field.

To sow the seeds, it is necessary to fill the glasses with soil of suitable acidity mixed with sand, moisten it with a spray bottle. Further:

  • Submit 2 seeds over the ground, without sprinkling with earth. Germination should take place in the light.
  • Cover with a transparent film on top, leaving a small hole for ventilation so that condensation does not accumulate inside.
  • Put in the brightest place where the sun's rays penetrate most of the daylight hours.

After 10 - 12 days a root should appear, and then the aerial part of the plant will begin to form. It is better to water during this period with a spray gun so as not to disturb the process of root formation and its survival. The usual way of watering can wash away a small grain, and it will stop developing.

The film can be removed when formed 2 - 3 sheets. Before that, it is periodically raised to ventilate and moisten the soil. According to the experience of gardeners, watering is required once every 2 weeks as the film does not allow water to evaporate.

When to plant eustoma when growing from seed

If the seedlings are planned to be planted in open ground, the seeds must be put on germination no later than February. Better in November-December. Until the plant gains strength and ties the buds, a little more than six months will pass.

How and when to sow eustoma when growing from seed at home:

  • When sown in November, flowering will begin in June.
  • In late December - early January - flowers will appear in July.
  • If sown in February, then flowering will begin in August and will last until the end of October.

With a later sowing, the eustoma will not have time to bloom.

For growing at home, the timing of planting seeds does not play a role - flowering will begin 20-22 weeks after germination.

seedling care

Seedling care comes down to maintaining the desired temperature - it should not fall below 23 degrees as well as to control the humidity of the earthen coma.

During the growth period, it is recommended to spray the sprouts with fungicides for prevention in order to prevent the reproduction of fungal spores. Most often, this is a "black leg" that occurs due to excessive watering and stagnant water, as well as due to lack of ventilation.

Watering is best done in a circle - near the walls of the cup or container. Water must be necessarily warm, especially if seedlings are grown in winter.

It is advisable to use a fluorescent lamp for the first two months after germination, and then you can choose a bright window sill, but without direct sunlight. The lamp will help control daylight hours, about 12 - 14 hours, but will not cause burns on small young leaves.

After 2.5 months it is necessary to make a pick if it grows in a glass 3 - 5 plants. To do this, use a wide coffee stick: a small eustoma is hooked with it and transplanted into a separate container. Can be made easier:

  • Sow the seeds in a common container.
  • Dive into peat glasses.
  • Transplant the glasses into open ground.

In this way, the root system will remain intact. After picking, the flowers are again covered with a film until they take root and start growing in a new place. The process lasts 1.5 - 2 weeks. Small seedlings are very fond of transplanting - after a week you can find that they have doubled in size and grown leaves.

Landing site selection

A bed for eustoma is selected and prepared in advance, preferably in the fall. To achieve a slightly acidic environment in the soil, it is necessary to apply potash-phosphorus fertilizers in advance.

They are immobile in the ground, so they will not go anywhere from the topsoil. This is done in the fall, and in the spring, by the month of May, you need to slightly reduce the acidity - add lime based on the initial indicator (measured with a pH meter). Acidity should not be below 7 units, that is, the ground is neutral.

Dolomite, bone or fish meal reduces acidity, but these fertilizers decompose for a long time, so they are applied in advance. Wood ash is also suitable as a deoxidizer.

If organic matter has not been introduced into the soil for a long time, per square meter will require 300 g of ash or its tincture on water - 10 liters.

Transplant to the ground

For transplantation, evening time is chosen so that the plants have time to adapt a little to street conditions. A flower is planted in the ground along with a peat cup. If the cultivation took place in plastic, then the eustoma or lisianthus is carefully removed from the pot and transferred to the prepared hole.

It is necessary to ensure that the leg does not go too deep into the soil - this can lead to rotting of the stem. Planted in the soil at the level of the glass and pressed down a little.

Immediately after planting, cut off plastic bottles are put on. This protects the plant from the wind and a sharp change in growing conditions, night temperature changes. You can water the soil a little so that it tightly covers the roots. In 3 weeks bottles can be removed.

Top dressing during flowering

In open ground, during the initial growing season, eustoma requires a large amount of nitrogen and phosphorus. It can be obtained from complex mixtures. Phosphates stimulate the growth of the root system, through which nutrients enter the stem and leaves. Nitrogen stimulates cell growth and enhances metabolism, making the culture grow faster.

If the soil is well prepared in autumn with potassium and phosphorus, you can get by with only nitrogen fertilizers. Suitable urea, calcium nitrate or Ammophos.

Before setting the buds, the plant switches to potassium-phosphorus nutrition. These two elements are needed in large quantities. They support the ovaries, preventing them from falling off, make the color of the peduncles brighter, and the flowers themselves are larger. Potassium determines how long an inflorescence of several buds will last.

The most suitable fertilizer for eustoma is Kemira for flowering plants. According to the experience of gardeners, it is recommended to dilute a third less granules than the instructions require. During the flowering period, fertilizing should be done once a week. In the form of an aqueous solution, nutrients are absorbed faster. You can dilute humus in water or last year's chicken manure at home.

garter plants

For tall lisianthus with large inflorescences, it is recommended to make supporting supports. These can be pegs driven into the ground or vertically arranged nets that protect the stem from refraction.

In greenhouses, a horizontal grid is used, which is raised as the flower grows. Seedlings are planted taking into account the location of the grid cells so that the seedlings are inside.

The net or pegs must be disinfected. For this, potassium permanganate or fungicidal preparations are used, which are used to prevent fungus. You can whitewash the pegs with lime.

Care in spring and autumn in the garden

In the spring, the main danger is night frosts, so the seedlings are covered with boxes and agrofiber on top. This is too much work, so it is better to use plastic bottles - they are easier to set up and put away. Prevention from fungal diseases is necessary: ​​the best remedy would be regular top dressing with complex mixtures and soil treatment with fungicides.

In autumn, it is necessary to dig up the rhizomes and determine them for storage in a warm barn. This is done with extreme caution: You need to work with a shovel at a distance of 35 - 40 cm from the stem, so as not to damage the roots. A clod of earth rolls over into wide pots.

Seeds can be collected from boxes that form in place of a dried flower. Each variety is collected in a separate bag and signed immediately after collection, since the seed material of all types cannot be distinguished.

Gardeners who have been growing the Irish rose for a long time are not advised to collect seeds from the second generation of flowers. In this case, the characteristic external qualities are not preserved. Only mother plants and the next generation are suitable for this. Further it is desirable to buy seeds again.


Cut off the eustoma with a whole bouquet. In this case, the bush begins to branch again and bloom again. In the middle lane and northern latitudes, it will not work to wait for re-flowering, since early frosts will not allow the plant to fully develop.

If the variety is intended for breeding, then the drying inflorescences are not cut off, but wait for the seeds to ripen.

Pruning is widely practiced in greenhouse cultivation of Lisianthus. The temperature in the greenhouse is maintained all year round, so the bushes can be cut so that the plant begins to bloom again. This method allows you to get more products from one seed, without wasting time on re-germination.


There is a way to grow eustoma with less time and effort. This is soil mulching. It is practiced during the growing season in the open field and greenhouse. The benefits of mulching:

  • It inhibits the growth of weeds, as a result, more nutrition goes to ornamental crops.
  • Reduces evaporation of moisture, which saves water consumption. If there is no drip irrigation system on the site, you will have to carry it less with your hands from the well.
  • A constant temperature is maintained in the root area, which favorably affects the condition of the flower and the setting of buds.

Mulch can be made from peat or biennial humus. These substances pass air well to the roots, are safe in terms of high nitrogen content. They completely block the access of sunlight to the soil surface and prevent weeds from developing in the flower bed.

Suitable for mulching processed tree bark. It is pre-sprayed or soaked in fungicides (you can prepare homemade disinfectants). The principle of operation is the same, only the bark is much more durable and will stick to the ground. at least 3 years.

Preparing for winter

It is not so much plants that need to be prepared for winter as soil for eustoma. In the autumn, organic matter is introduced to form humus, potash-phosphorus fertilizers. During the winter, these substances have time to partially decompose and by spring there will be a lot of food in the soil for new seedlings.

In the southern regions, for example, in the Crimea, you can cut the bushes, leaving hemp 10 - 15 cm, and then mulch them with straw, peat, cover with lutrasil. Wooden boxes are suitable instead of agrofiber - the tree keeps the temperature well, especially if you cover it with a film on top, pressing it down with a stone to the ground.

In the spring, such a structure must be opened in time so that the eustoma does not suffocate and does not begin to rot from condensate.

Transplanting grown bushes in the garden

  • Outline the contour along which the plant will be dug.
  • Gently pry the bush from below and dump it on the surface.
  • If part of the roots is damaged, they are treated with crushed charcoal or ash.
  • Prepare an appropriate hole in another place, sprinkle it with ash, spray it with a fungicide.
  • They lower the bush with an earthen clod and dig in.

After such a procedure, the plant must be quarantined.

It is advisable to arrange for him a translucent shelter from a film with a small gap for air. In this case, there is a chance that some rare variety will survive.

Plant diseases

Due to lack of nutrition during the flowering period, as well as due to rainy weather on the site fungus can grow

  • mosaic virus. Causes the destruction of chloroplasts - cells that produce chlorophyll. White spots appear on the leaves, the death of tissue sites leads to the death of plants. There are no drugs for treatment, so more attention is paid to prevention.
  • Phytophthora - blackening of the leaves.
  • Fusarium - yellowing and drying of the leaves. The risk is higher at low temperatures and high humidity. During these periods, it is recommended to spray with drugs for prevention.
  • Gray and root rot. With a lack of potassium, the plant is exposed to low temperatures and does not tolerate stagnant water. In weakened roots, with a lack of oxygen, rotting processes begin. The plant cannot be saved.
  • Phytum - causes root rot. Theoretically, it is treated by disinfecting the soil and soaking the roots in fungicides, but in practice it is very difficult to save a plant with a weak underground part.

Most often, with high humidity in greenhouses, eustoma is affected by peronosporosis - downy mildew. For prevention, all old plant residues are removed, burned, and the soil is disinfected annually.


In the middle lane, aphids, whiteflies or spider mites start up on lisianthus. It is important to notice the appearance of pests in time so that the degree of treatment of the site is small, and the damage does not concern all plants. Insecticides against whitefly, acari insecticides against tick larvae help.

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Eustoma is known to us under a different name as Irish rose. This crop is suitable for growing both in greenhouses and indoors.

Eustoma inflorescences are similar in shape to a rose, while being good in bouquets. You can verify this by looking at a photo of a perennial eustoma.

Planting a perennial eustoma

This type of plant can be both annual and perennial. It should be noted that growing eustoma is a rather difficult task.

Eustoma can be grown in three ways, namely: firstly, as an indoor culture, secondly, in open ground, thirdly, in greenhouses.

Growing eustoma both in a greenhouse and in a garden has no special differences. Most often, this plant is bred as an annual due to instability to cold weather conditions.

Recently, dwarf hybrids are gaining more and more popularity.

Planting and care of perennial eustoma

Eustoma perennial for cutting can be planted both in open ground and in greenhouses. The main thing is to observe the temperature regime, as well as the illumination.

Shading the plant can lead to the fact that the bush will not bloom. This tender plant is very sensitive to drafts.

Eustoma perennial planting and care in the open field

It is worth noting that the soil for this plant is not suitable for everyone. The earth must be well loosened and fertilized. Eustoma does not tolerate heavy soil and waterlogging.

Before planting the Irish rose, the soil must be well fertilized by adding organic matter (humus, compost) and complex mineral fertilizers. Don't forget to create drainage.

Eustoma is planted in greenhouses in April, and in open ground not earlier than May, when the probability of frost is reduced to zero.

It is optimal to plant a plant on a non-sunny day or at night. When planting this crop in the ground, it is necessary to observe an interval of at least 20 cm, while the depth of penetration is as usual, while maintaining the earth around the root.

Features of caring for eustoma

Irish, she is a Japanese rose, very capricious in care. She does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil, but loves moist air, but not direct spraying. Moisturizing should be constant, but no frills. For open ground in rainy weather, monitors the drainage system.

Let's consider the application of fertilizers as a separate issue. Top dressing should be complex fertilizers that are balanced and contain both nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and trace elements.

When eustoma is in the phase of active growth, it is necessary to increase the amount of nitrogen-containing fertilizers. As a rule, top dressing is carried out only 1 time per month.

How to deal with pests in the garden

This plant cannot be classified as resistant plants. Most attention is attracted by ticks to this plant, as well as slugs and other insects.

In order to minimize the risk of infection of the plant, it is necessary to carry out periodic prophylaxis.

Lighting, as well as the temperature that is necessary for growing eustoma

In order for the eustoma to delight you with its flowers, it is necessary to provide it with good lighting, but despite this, direct rays should not fall on the flower itself. As for humidity, the flower is very susceptible to their changes.

But despite the fact that the plant is very whimsical, it is very easy to choose the temperature for it, the main thing is that the temperature should not be less than 10 degrees.

Watering a whimsical eustoma plant

It is necessary to water the plant so that the soil is always slightly moist, but you should not overdo it with this. When the plant is in cold conditions, it is necessary to water it as little as possible, and as for feeding the plant, it is not carried out at all.

For irrigation, use only warm water. If the temperature difference between the water being watered and the ambient temperature is large, then this can have a very negative effect on the plant.

Creating bouquets from eustoma

For a bouquet, it is necessary to cut only those flowers on which at least a few roses will open. The plant is not afraid of pruning, so you can not be afraid of them. As a rule, after pruning, new flowers appear in a month.

Photo of eustoma

eustoma (Eustoma grandiflorum) or Lisianthus has gained immense popularity in recent years. Between August and September, it overshadows the queen of gardens - the rose. Buyers are increasingly giving preference to her in flower markets. Eustoma is a whimsical flower, but even a novice gardener, having received the necessary knowledge about planting and care, will be able to enjoy a flowering plant in the garden or at home.

Eustoma will decorate your garden

Eustoma is native to the south of the United States of America. In the wild, the plant is only blue and purple and is called Prairie bluebell. Japanese breeders have created very beautiful hybrids of various shapes and colors.

Low-growing varieties and hybrids have a height of only 15 - 20 centimeters, tall ones reach one meter. Rimmed eustoma, terry hybrids are very popular.

In order for the flower to bloom in July, the seeds will have to be sown in December., the growing season is up to six months.

In order for the plant to be more bushy, it must be pinched. This procedure will allow you to get up to 20 inflorescences on one root.

Species characteristics are preserved when using seeds collected from your plants for many years, so do not be afraid to experiment - create a bank of planting material for your garden.



  • The miracle flower propagates only by seeds.
  • The division of the bush is not permissible, the plant simply will not tolerate it. Seeds can be purchased at flower centers, ordered online.
  • Dragee seeds are quite expensive, but the plant is also exclusive.
  • If you manage to save the plant after a year of cultivation, it can safely be called a perennial plant. The whole difficulty lies in the preservation of the plant in the autumn-winter period.
  • Seeds are sown very early in January, February. Remember that they take a very long time to rise. Germination will take 3 weeks, or even a whole month.
  • Don't lose hope if your seeds haven't sprouted after a month. It is convenient to use peat tablets for germination. This method of planting will keep the seed for a long time.
  • Peat is able to block growth processes at the first stages of germination due to increased acidity.

  • Eustoma does not like acidic soils. When planting in a container, it is good to use the soil for Saintpaulia (domestic violets). The Irish rose prefers slightly alkaline soil.

Seeds may germinate unevenly. You should not do thickened crops.

With this approach:

  • seedlings are stretched
  • lag behind in growth
  • seedlings are weak and painful

Seed germination can occur without access to light. The seed container can be covered with a plastic bag or glass to create a favorable microclimate.

After the first shoots appear, plants need good natural light. Provide light by placing the container on a windowsill.

  • The temperature should not be lower than 22 degrees, the plant is quite thermophilic.
  • A feature of growing this unusual flower is the constant moisture content of the soil.

Don't let it dry out. Ensure even watering with warm water from above the container, avoid overflows and stagnant water in the pot.

Sowing dates

The optimal sowing time is November - February.

  • The growing season is 5 - 6 months.
  • After the first sprouts appear, Lisianthus will delight you with flowers by the 20th week of cultivation.
  • Sometimes, with the wrong sowing dates, the plant does not bloom at all in the first year of cultivation.
  • Inexperienced gardeners who sow seeds in early spring are faced with the fact that their plants leave with unblown buds under the snow.
  • In order for the flower to bloom in July, the seeds will have to be sown in December, the growing season is up to six months.

Begins to rise in January

More about sowing

Most often, there are five seeds in sachets. They are quite expensive, so it is necessary to create conditions for good germination.

What is needed for this?

  • A very loose substrate is needed for sowing small seeds;
  • Flower soil purchased, in the store you need to dilute with coconut substrate, perlite, vermiculite;
  • It is recommended to sow in cassettes;
  • It is impossible to thicken seedlings, since the plants will not grow in height, but in width;
  • Two seeds are enough for one cell;
  • Cassettes are stuffed with soil and moistened with a spray bottle.

Seedlings will be in cassettes for a long time, so it is necessary to provide them with good nutrition.

Lighting and temperature

Actually, seeds do not need light to germinate. Cassettes or peat tablets can be covered with an opaque plastic bag to create a favorable microclimate.

But when the first sprouts appear, provide daylight with diffused light, avoid direct sunlight on the seedlings.

  • To create diffused lighting, use a translucent film and fluorescent lamps.
  • The optimum temperature for germination of eustoma seeds is 20–25°C; small seedlings appear in 10–15 days; they develop slowly for the first two months.
  • In the middle of winter, the illumination necessary for normal growth can only be created artificially.
  • A short daylight hours does not provide enough light, even if the plants are placed on the windowsill. Plants stretch, turn yellow, become weak and slow down development.

Watering seedlings

Lisianthus is a moisture-loving plant that is sensitive to watering!

  • At the first stages of development, watering is contraindicated, a humid climate under a protective film will provide the plants with the right amount of moisture.
  • Twice a week, you need to remove the film to ventilate and acclimatize the plants to room conditions.
  • If not ventilated, condensation will form. Drops of condensed moisture can destroy a microscopic seedling and cause decay.
  • You can resort to watering a month after the emergence of shoots. This should be done carefully, preferably in a drip way.

Seedling disease prevention

Coconut substrate and vegetable fibers are prone to mold. Therefore, before using it, it is necessary to treat it with potassium permanganate or a fungicide.

When seeds germinate, be sure to ventilate to prevent mold.

  • For the prevention of black leg and Fusarium rot, Fundazol is used.
  • Recently, many flower growers fell in love with epin and zircon. These drugs stimulate physiological processes in the plant organism, increase stress resistance.

Picking seedlings

  • When four normal leaves appear, the plant is ready for picking. Seedlings grown in a container or peat tablets need to be picked in separate pots, sometimes two or three plants are allowed in one container.
  • This procedure will accelerate the growth of the flower, make the plant stronger, and improve the development of the root system.
  • With a thin object, carefully pry off a miniature plant and remove it from the peat soil.
  • In the pot where the pick will be made, make a small depression. The sprout is transferred into this recess.
  • The soil must be well moistened. Deepening is carried out along the lower leaves.
  • Immediately after the procedure, put on a protective cap (plastic bag or plastic cup). For several weeks, the plants are kept in this state.
  • As a rule, plants tolerate picking well. In two weeks, your seedlings will already be twice as large.

The Irish rose is very fond of fertilizers containing trace elements:

  • Uniflor growth
  • Uniflor bud
  • Kemira Lux
  • Kemer Combi
  • Fertik

For abundant flowering during the budding period, it is necessary to apply phosphorus and potash fertilizers:

  • potassium phosphate
  • Potassium humate the color of sleeping tea

It is desirable to pinch the bush between the fourth and fifth pair of leaves. This technique will allow you to get up to 20 peduncles on one bush.


Subject to the optimal sowing dates, the buds open in mid-summer. Flowers continue to delight until mid-autumn.

For good branching of the stem, pinching is used. Thanks to this technique, the bush becomes lush, the number of buds can reach 30 pieces.

After cutting, the bush produces additional flower stalks from the axils of the leaves, which causes the second wave of flowering to approach. During the flowering period, fertilizing with potash and phosphorus fertilizers is necessary.

Seed collection

  • In order for the seeds to ripen, it is necessary to remove part of the inflorescences and transfer the plant to the house at the end of autumn.
  • When frost occurs, the pots from the plant should be brought to a warm place and pruned, leaving two pairs of leaves.
  • Provide a temperature of 8 - 10 degrees, reduce watering, stop feeding. In this state, the flower is until March.
  • The plant is well pollinated by insects and forms seeds in special boxes. Collecting these seeds is not difficult.
  • First and second generation hybrids tend to inherit the traits of their parent plants, so feel free to harvest seeds from your Lisianthus within two years.
  • Third generation hybrids will not inherit the characteristics of the original plants, but as an experiment, you can try to sow seeds collected from third generation plants.

In the very first stages of growth, the plant can suffer diseases. First of all, these are fungi that settle on the ground and lower leaves.

  • In this case, soil treatment with the biological preparation phytosporin is recommended.
  • The presence of diseases in the seedling phase can lead to the plant not blooming in the first year of cultivation.
  • Aktara, Aktelik, Prestige preparations can help in the fight against such pests as white-winged, scale insects, aphids, slugs.
  • With high humidity, the risk of decay, powdery mildew, and fusarium increases. Preventive treatments with Fundazol will help to cope with them.

powdery mildew

Read also:

Wintering eustoma

In mid-autumn, the bush can be dug up and transplanted into a flower pot.. The plant needs to be trimmed, leaving only two pairs of lower leaves. The plant can overwinter in a cool room at a temperature of 10 - 15 degrees.

Minimize watering and stop fertilizing. With the onset of stable heat, the plants are again planted in open ground or left in a flower pot on a balcony or terrace.

The flower, which will be discussed, has many names. The scientific classification uses the name eustoma (lat. Eustoma), which has Greek roots. Eu means good, stoma means mouth. The closest translation of this name is “beautiful lips”.

The genus of flowers Eustoma belongs to the gentian family. Flowers of this genus are also called Lisianthus (lat. Lisianthus), which means "bitter flower". Today this name is considered obsolete.

The botanical genus Eustoma some time ago included three species:

  • eustoma grandiflora;
  • Russell's eustoma;
  • small eustoma (other names: blue marsh eustoma, western gentian, small gentian).

Based on the research work that was jointly carried out by the staff of the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew (Great Britain) and the Missouri Botanical Garden (USA), the listed species were combined into one - large-flowered eustoma.

Eustoma flowers are very similar to roses, and blossoming buds also resemble poppies and purslane. Due to the obvious resemblance to a rose, the flower in different countries received the names "French rose" and "Irish rose". The last name, like the main one, is widespread in Russia. Eustoma is known in North America as Texas bluebell, prairie gentian, and tulip gentian.

Gallery: perennial eustoma (25 photos)

general description

Eustoma is an incredibly beautiful flower. The Irish rose is extremely popular with gardeners and houseplant enthusiasts. The flower looks great in bouquets, in no way inferior to roses. At the same time, eustoma is stored in a vase with water for a very long time, unlike the same roses.

In nature, eustoma is a perennial plant common in the central and southern states of the United States and the Caribbean. In open ground, eustoma can also be grown as an annual.

The plant has fairly large wide petals arranged in two rows. Terry inflorescences are located on long thin stems with large elongated oval-shaped leaves. The stems of the plant grow to a height of one meter. Approximately in the middle, the stem begins to branch, due to which the eustoma branch takes the form of a bouquet. There can be up to 35 buds on one branch, which bloom one by one. The leaves of the eustoma are matte green with a bluish or gray tint.

The flowers of the wild eustoma are bright blue. Breeder cultivars include plants with white, pink and lavender petals. There are also varieties with white petals, along the edge of which there is a pink or blue edging.

Outdoor cultivation

An elegant Irish rose is always an excellent decoration for a garden or greenhouse. At the same time, eustoma has a reputation as a flower that is difficult enough to grow in the garden.

In fact, if you study the characteristics of the plant and follow all the requirements of eustoma agricultural technology, you can achieve excellent results in its cultivation.

seed germination

There are different options for the reproduction of eustoma. So, for example, there is a plant propagation method in which the bush is divided. However, in this case, violations occur in the root system, which often leads to the death of the plant. Propagation of eustoma by cuttings is also not recommended by experts. Cut cuttings usually do not root.

The most common breeding option for eustoma is growing a plant from seed.

In order to get a flowering plant in June-July, you need to sow the seeds in December or January.

For sowing seeds, you need plastic cups with a volume of 50 ml. The cups need to be filled with a special soil mixture (violet soil is suitable) and placed in each cup from 3 to 5 seeds, slightly immersed in the ground. Then the seed containers must be covered with a film. For proper care, it is important to remove the film every ten days in order to remove condensation and provide air to the crops.

To obtain seedlings after 2-3 weeks, you need to keep the temperature in the room in the range from 20 to 25 degrees. The rules of care require the device of additional illumination for crops during the first two months. At the end of February, seed containers should be placed in sunlight. Keep in mind that even with all care recommendations, seedlings will grow very slowly.

Care of seedlings involves their treatment with special means against pests and diseases. Do not neglect this rule so as not to lose a significant part of the plants. For example, you can use the Fundazol solution at the rate of 1 teaspoon of the substance per liter of water. To accelerate the growth of crops, you can use drugs such as Zircon or Epin.

Planting for seedlings

To grow seedlings, pots of different sizes will be required, since in the process of plant growth it will be necessary to transplant into large containers, that is, to make the so-called picking of seedlings, in this case double.

Caring for plants during the preparation of seedlings involves the following steps.

  • About a month and a half after sowing, when stems with two leaves form, the seedlings need to be transplanted into small pots. Planting in pots must be done very carefully so as not to damage the roots of plants. One pot can grow 3-5 plants. Seedlings should be deeply immersed in the soil to the level of the leaves. Seedlings must be watered. Then you need to put a plastic bag on each pot, which will create the necessary greenhouse effect. In a week, the stalks of the seedlings should double in size.
  • In early spring, the seedlings should be transplanted into larger pots in which they will grow until transplanted into the ground. At the bottom of the pot, be sure to put a drainage layer. Seedlings should be transplanted with an earthen clod by transshipment, so as not to damage the root.

There are different opinions regarding the picking of seedlings. Some gardeners believe that the first stage is not needed, because an extra transplant can harm an underdeveloped plant root. They believe that seedlings can be immediately planted in large pots, and then in the ground. However, for proper plant growth, it is important not only to preserve the roots, but also to ensure an adequate supply of oxygen. In large containers, water will stagnate in the soil, which will make it difficult for oxygen to reach the plants.

Landing Rules
Planting in open ground should be carried out when there is no longer any risk of frost. In central Russia, a flower is best planted in mid-May. It is important to choose the right place for seedlings in the garden.

This should be a sufficiently lit area, while the plant should not be placed in direct sunlight. A good option would be to plant eustoma in the shade of trees or bushes. The Irish rose does not tolerate drafts. This is another reason why a flower should not be planted in an open space blown by the wind.

Eustoma equally poorly tolerates both lack and excess moisture, which must also be taken into account when choosing a landing site.

Landing should be done in the evening or afternoon when the sky is covered with clouds. In the ground, you need to make a moistened hole and plant a plant in it with a clod of earth from a pot. When planting, you need to leave a distance between plants of 15 cm, since the stems will subsequently form a small bush. After planting, the plants are recommended to be covered with glass or plastic containers and left in this form for two weeks. During this time, the plants can not be watered.

garden care

When 8-10 leaves form on the sprout, pinch the top of the plant so that it branches better. About a month after planting in the ground, the plants need to be fed with mineral fertilizers. In specialized stores, you can easily find the right drug.

The plant should be watered regularly, avoiding waterlogging of the soil. Remember that on hot days, the flower needs a lot more moisture.

Eustoma will begin to bloom in one of the summer months, depending on the time of sowing. If you sowed the seeds at the end of December, then wait in June. If the sowing was at the end of January or in February, the eustoma will bloom only in August. The flowering period continues until the last days of October, unless early frosts occur with temperatures below ten degrees.

If for some reason the plant has stopped blooming, try trimming the dried flowers. It will most likely bloom again in a few weeks.

Features of winter care

If you plan to grow eustoma in the garden as a perennial, then the plants need to be moved indoors for the winter. Flowers must be carefully dug out of the ground, without destroying the earthen ball with a root, and placed in pots for wintering. Before transplanting, you need to cut off the shoots, while leaving two or three internodes on them. The indoor temperature during the winter should be between 10 and 15 degrees. The rules of care in winter are exactly the same as in summer.

Growing at home

A couple of decades ago, only rare knowledgeable flower growers managed to grow eustoma at home. Over time, thanks to the work of Japanese breeders, new varieties have appeared that can be grown in pots without any problems.

Growing eustoma at home will be much easier if you purchase eustoma for home in a flower shop in the form of a ready-made bush. If you are buying seedlings, then make sure that the proposed variety is indoor.

Caring for eustoma at home requires the following rules. The flower constantly needs fresh air and bright diffused light. The best placement option would be a western or eastern window. The air temperature must be maintained in the range from 19 to 23 degrees. The room in which the plant is located must be constantly ventilated.

The plant should be watered only with settled soft water. It is impossible to spray the flower, as this can cause various leaf diseases. Periodically, you need to feed the eustoma with liquid complex fertilizer in the proportion of 10 ml of the substance per 10 liters of water. Dried flowers must be removed immediately.

In specialized stores you can find different varieties of eustoma, each of which is interesting in its own way. Below are the most popular varieties intended for growing in gardens and at home.

  • Echo. This is a plant that forms a sprawling bush with large double blue inflorescences. The flowering bush resembles fabulous blue roses. Stems grow up to 70 centimeters. The variety begins to bloom very early - in late May - early June. Grown in the garden.
  • Aurora (Aurora). It is also an early flowering plant with large, double flowers, more like large poppy inflorescences. The maximum height of the stems is 1.2 meters. The variety is distinguished by a variety of color palettes. There are pink, white and blue flowers. There is also a variety in which the petals are white with a lilac stripe along the edges. The grade is intended for cultivation in an open ground.
  • Heidi. A very popular variety, largely due to the variety of shades (there are as many as 15 of them). Inflorescences are distinguished by thin, large petals. Plants of this variety are not very branched, inflorescences are located quite apart from each other. A variety with purple-red flowers is very similar to the poppy. The height of the flower is about 0.9 meters. The variety is suitable for both the garden and the home.
  • Flamenco (Flamenko). Garden plant with huge lush flowers on tall strong stems. The stems grow up to 1.2 m. The flower is unpretentious, so it is well suited for beginner flower growers.
  • Florida Pink. Perennial eustoma with large double flowers of pink hues. There are varieties, the petals of which at the base are painted in a light beige color, gradually turning into a pale pink. The variety is commonly grown in gardens.
  • littlebell. The name translates as "little bell". The inflorescences are funnel-shaped, and the blue-petaled variety really resembles a bell. LittleBell is a miniature plant whose stems grow up to a maximum of 20 cm. The variety is great for growing at home.
  • Mermaid (translated from English - a mermaid). A very beautiful variety of branched eustoma for growing in pots. The height of the flower is about 15 cm. The plant forms a small bush with many flowers. A plant in a flower pot looks like a lush bouquet. The color palette includes blues, purples, pinks and whites.