Grit sandy glauca. Landscape design of the site. Rough-stemmed wheatgrass or rootless wheatgrass Elymus trachycaulus

*Landing: To limit the undesirable spread of the plant over the territory of the site, it is necessary to plant it in a container (for example, a bucket, pot or pipe) at least 30-40 cm deep with a diameter of 10-30 cm, the edges of which should slightly rise above the soil level. The walls must be impenetrable, otherwise the plant will quickly find a gap. Growing, Kolosnyak completely fills the volume allotted to him with roots, while he does not suffer from cramped growth conditions.

Planted singly or in groups with a planting rate: 4-6pcs / m².

In order for the plants to grow and develop well, before planting, we recommend that the soil be freed from annual and perennial weeds (especially perennial ones). There is no need to use expensive special substrates.

The planting time of perennials in containers grown in the nursery lasts the entire growing season. Spring is considered the best time, although planting in August, September and even October also gives good results. Perennials planted in late autumn must be protected from freezing.

It is better to buy seedlings in a plastic container with prolonged (long-lasting) fertilizers, so the plant is not dug up with inevitable damage to the root system and is guaranteed to take root after planting.

Care: The most important care operations are, first of all, watering, weeding, removal of dry or damaged parts. In early spring, last year's leaves are cut short, and a handful of complex mineral fertilizer (NPK) granules are poured at the foot of the bush, which will gradually dissolve in the soil over the season.

On hot, sultry days of the spring-summer period, the plant needs periodic, moderate watering.

Diseases and pests: Virtually immune to disease and pest attacks. Untreated plants can be affected by anthracnose (leaf spot), powdery mildew and aphids. To protect the plant from diseases and fungal infections, it is necessary to treat the plants with fungicides (Skor, Switch, Maxim, Ordan, Horus, Quadris, Ridomil Gold, etc.). In hot, dry weather, Festuca can be attacked by spider mites. In the spring and again in the summer, preventive spraying with insecticides is carried out (Aktara, Angio, Actellik, Match).

Of course, it is better that the “diagnosis” is made by a specialist. But, as a rule, a modern gardener using the Internet can independently identify the enemy and choose the right methods and means of plant protection. It is better to carry out preventive treatments once a month than to treat when the pest multiplies and “eats up” the plant. An example is the war of Ukrainian gardeners with Colorado beetles, which, like their human "cotton" namesakes - the Kremlin occupiers of the "Colorado", are gluttonous and climb into other people's gardens. The first and second should be destroyed before spreading over large areas.

Ground pests: An untreated plant can damage scoop, bark beetle, spider mite. Compared to the voracious larva of the May beetle, other pests on a well-groomed plant are rare. Over the past 10 years, the beetle, especially on humus-rich, weed-free soils, has become the most dangerous pest of garden plants in Ukraine. One beetle larva can gnaw the root system of a young 10-30 cm seedling in 1 day, completely destroying it. From mid-April, when we see the first flying beetle, we URGENTLY treat the crown with any of the numerous preparations based on imidacloprid, for example, Prestige (Bayer), Antikhrushch, while part of the solution must fall on the trunk (10 cm above the ground) and the root neck and not spill to the side . Similar treatments are repeated every 40-50 days of the growing season. We spill it into the soil according to the instructions, Aktara is also effective. Processing along the crown and gravy along the root neck into the ground from the end of April to September 1 time in 40-60 days.

Sandy grate, a very interesting ornamental plant. At first glance, it resembles a bush of ordinary grass. But in fact, this is a wonderful perennial plant of the cereal family. The second name of the grate is "Elimus sandy".

The plant is not harmful, reaches a height of one hundred centimeters, up to one hundred and thirty centimeters. The leaves of the plant are blue, sharp and tall. Stems are thick. Spikelets are fluffy and dense, grow up to twenty-five centimeters in height, and up to three centimeters in width. Elimus roots are deeply planted.

The sandy grate grows very quickly, and scatters its roots throughout the territory. Lives all year round and looks great in winter under the snow. The plant tolerates cold well and is not demanding of itself. Perfectly lives on any soils, loves the sun and drought. It reproduces quickly enough, one has only to divide the bush into young branches.

This plant is used to decorate many plots and flower beds. It goes well with other plants as well. And also decorate the shore of a small reservoir.

Landing and care

Sandy grate, the first plant that appeared in ornamental gardens. It grows remarkably well on any soil, loves the sun and drought. Therefore, it is often not necessary to water it, usually there is enough natural precipitation. It does not like moisture, especially when the snow begins to melt. It also does not need to be fertilized, a small top dressing is enough for him.

When the site is good and the conditions are suitable, it can grow strongly. Sometimes it is confused with simple weeds. It would be nice to plant the plant in large containers, with thick walls, so that the roots could not break through it. Such a container is usually buried in the area, leaving its sides on the surface. This is done so that there is no mess in the gardens and everything grows neatly and beautifully.

Application in the garden

Convenient plant bushes will decorate any garden plot. They look good among other plants, keep their shape and do not fade.

Often the spikelets of the plant are used to decorate decorative flower arrangements. They are prepared in the middle of summer, before the grains begin to ripen. Cut spikelets are collected in bunches of fifteen pieces and hung upside down in a dark, well-ventilated place.

If you bought such a plant, plant it in your garden, it will delight you with its beauty and will not make it difficult to care for it.

Elimus blue is a cereal ornamental perennial with a lush, beautiful curtain of a silver-blue hue. Such plants are often used by landscape designers to create gardens and flower beds in a natural style. An important fact of the popularity of cereals is the absolute unpretentiousness and high vitality of this culture. How to plant a plant in your area, and what kind of care is needed for a culture, read in this article.

  • Elimus blue, also known as "Sandgrass", is a perennial plant from the grass family. The prefix "blue" in the name of the perennial is associated with the unusual, silvery-blue color of its luxurious curtains. Elimus can also have other names: couch grass, hair, vostrets.
  • The northern part of Europe is considered to be the natural area of ​​\u200b\u200bculture; plantings of elimus can be found especially often in the arid regions of North America and Eurasia. A hardy perennial culture can grow in almost any climatic zone: in the subtropics, tundra, along rivers, lakes, and even in the desert.
  • The erect, dense stem of the plant reaches a height of 30 cm to 1.5 m. The pointed narrow leaves are long and hard to the touch, arranged in dense bunches. From above, the ribbon-like leaf blade is smooth, covered with a wax coating, from below - slightly rough to the touch. The width of the leaves, on average, ranges from 2 to 10-15 mm, and often they are folded into a thin tube.
  • Beautiful, bluish-blue color of leaves and stems becomes yellowish-brown by autumn. But even in winter, under the “cap” of snow, the lush “bumps-bushes” of the elimus look exotic and attractive.
  • The elimus inflorescence is represented by a dense dense spike, consisting of many short spikelets located perpendicular to each other. At the same time, the axis of the spike-shaped inflorescence is practically naked, occasionally dotted with rare spikes. The plant blooms with small inconspicuous flowers, approximately in the middle of summer. In this case, the inflorescence can reach a height of 30 or more centimeters.
  • The perennial is characterized by rapid growth with the simultaneous growth of a powerful root system. The plant lays growth buds on underground shoots.
  • This cereal plant is considered unpretentious, drought and frost-resistant. Moreover, elimus grows well both in conditions of high humidity and in arid regions.

Elimus blue, plant application

  • Elimus blue grows a lush, beautiful, sprawling bush and is a highly ornamental culture. A simple plant with feathery leaves at first glance seems absolutely simple and ordinary, but with skillful use, blue elimus is able to perfectly complement any flower arrangement.
  • Perennial grass goes well with most types of plants. Often, elimus is planted against the background of brightly flowering summer plants, such as: lavender, bluebells, begonias, phloxes, delphiniums, etc.
  • Especially often you can find plant "fountains" of elimus, decorating the coastal zone of reservoirs or ornamental ponds. Some flower growers plant a plant even in shallow water.
  • In an original and elegant way, with the help of plantings of elimus, you can decorate the entrance area to the courtyard or terrace by planting hummocky perennial bushes along garden paths, symmetrically to each other.

  • Plantings of blue elimus look spectacular both in a single planting, as an unusual bright accent, and in group plantings. With individual, solitary, plantings, it is important to use underground limiters that prevent the growth of a long-growing root system of a cereal crop.
  • Particularly picturesque are the sprawling bunches of cereals on the front or secondary plans of the flower mixborder. Silver-blue elimus bushes look beautiful against the background of stones, when decorating alpine slides or landscape rockeries.

  • Elimus blue is planted not only in open ground, but also in flower pots or other suitable containers.
  • Dried ears of elimus look spectacular in dry bouquets, so they are often used to create winter floral arrangements or ekibans. Such spikelets are prepared in the summer, but before the seeds begin to ripen. To do this, the ears are cut, collected in small bunches (10-15 pieces each) and hung (inflorescences down) in a dry, but ventilated room for drying.
  • In addition to its ornamental value, blue elimus is a popular fodder plant. And in Iceland, for example, ground elimus grains are used to make some types of bakery products.
  • Thanks to a powerful and well-developed root system, grass is planted in places where it is required to fix soil or sandy soil (slopes, slopes). It is noteworthy that the roots of the plant grow rapidly both horizontally and deep into the ground.

Elimus blue, landing and care

How to plant blue elimus on the site, and what kind of care to provide the plant? Let us consider in detail all the stages of growing perennials in open ground.

An unpretentious plant "feels" great in almost any region, under any climatic conditions. The only thing is that in cold zones with harsh winters (for example, in central Russia), the shrub will turn yellow and wither for the winter, but in warm areas, the ground part of the elimus practically does not change throughout the year.

Elimus blue, landing site

  • Elimus blue, undemanding plant, can grow in almost any soil. But the most favorable for the growth and development of perennials is light, drained and fertile soil. The ideal option for cultivating cereal perennials is loam or sandy loam. If the plant is planted in a separate pot, you can make the soil mixture yourself by mixing soddy soil, sand and peat, in a ratio of 1:2:2. In terms of acidity, blue elimus prefers a neutral to slightly alkaline soil.
  • A sun-loving cereal crop needs an open sunny area, is not afraid of drought and prolonged heat. Moderate partial shade is also acceptable for the plant. But in a strong shade, the color of the shrub will be faded and not as attractive as in the sun.
  • Given the fact that blue elimus is considered a plant with high vegetative mobility, it is important to initially choose the right place for planting cereals. Underground roots of elimus penetrate the soil at a distance of about 100 cm, which can adversely affect nearby plants. In addition, if the growth of the roots of the elimus is not limited during planting, the perennial will quickly “spread” over the entire area.
  • Due to its high cold resistance, blue elimus begins its vegetative growth at fairly low temperatures.

Elimus blue, planting agricultural technology

  • Before planting the plant, the planting site should be properly prepared: dig the site, apply (in the case of depleted soil composition) organic fertilizers, break up large clods and level the ground with a rake.
  • It is important to initially plan the landing pattern correctly, since in open spaces the elimus forms loose extensive thickets, but with a cramped landing it grows in a dense bunch.
  • The most important thing when planting a perennial is to install underground artificial growth limiters that prevent the uncontrolled "spread" of the plant over the site. To do this, the bushes are planted in open ground in deep (at least 30-40 cm) dishes with impenetrable dense walls. The diameter of such a container (tubs) can be chosen in the range from 15 to 30 cm. Under such conditions, blue elimus completely fills the volume of the container provided for it in 2-3 years, without oppressing plants growing nearby and without growing over the territory. After landing, the edges of the container should only slightly rise above the ground.
  • Otherwise, the agricultural technique of planting blue elimus is no different from planting other plants. A shallow hole is dug, filled with water and a perennial grass bush is planted. After planting, the soil is compacted so that the so-called. "air pockets".

Elimus blue, care features

Caring for the plant is absolutely simple and will not cause any difficulties even for a novice grower. In early spring, last year's leaves are cut off, after which the elimus quickly begins to build up a new green mass.

  • Elimus blue needs regular watering only at the stage after planting and during the beginning of vegetative development (when the leaves begin to grow). In summer, a drought-resistant plant does well without watering, being content with natural precipitation. Experienced flower growers have noticed that with an abundance of moisture, the bushes become even thicker and wider, but in conditions of insufficient humidity, the growth of elimus noticeably slows down, while the curtain looks compact and bumpy. However, during the period of snow melting, moisture stagnation is undesirable for a perennial, which can provoke the plant to rot. To avoid this, in case of heavy snowfall in winter, curtains are covered with a film.
  • After watering, the soil around the elimus bushes needs loosening or mulching. As a mulch, peat, light humus or peat compost mixture is ideal.
  • The cereal culture for a long period retains an attractive appearance, therefore, it absolutely does not need periodic transplants and rejuvenation.
  • Additional fertilizing and fertilizing the blue elimus is also not required. Sometimes, if fertilizers were not applied at the time of planting, a handful of complex mineral fertilizer is poured under the bush, the granules of which gradually dissolve in the soil after watering or rain. It is also possible to introduce organic top dressing in small quantities.
  • To prevent self-seeding and uncontrolled reproduction of the plant, it is necessary to cut off the unripe spikelets of elimus.
  • An additional advantage and reason for growing unpretentious cereals can be the high resistance of the plant to diseases and pests.
  • In addition, blue elimus is resistant to strong winds, drafts and environmental pollution.
  • The perennial belongs to highly frost-resistant plants with frost resistance zone "5", therefore it tolerates cold temperatures down to -25 0 С and does not need special shelter for the winter period.

Elimus blue, plant propagation

Elimus blue reproduces by seed or vegetative means.

  • When propagating elimus by seeds, there is no need to grow seedlings. Seeds germinate perfectly in open ground, gradually turning from thin rare sprouts into lush curtains. Sow seeds on a prepared piece of land in early spring or late autumn (before winter). Blue elimus seeds are quite small, so it is convenient to pre-mix them with sand when sowing. After sowing, the plot or holes are leveled with a rake. Elimus seedlings will need at least 2-3 years to develop a dense and lush curtain.
  • The vegetative method of perennial propagation is very simple and not intricate. This method of growing cereals is the most popular among gardeners. To breed cereals, several young shoots with their own roots are simply separated from the bush (using a sharp shovel), which are planted separately. At the same time, delenki quickly take root in a new place and do not require special attention and special care. This method of reproduction allows the plant to bloom already in the year of planting.

Thus, blue elimus is an attractive ornamental plant that can transform and decorate any part of the garden or flower bed. The plant has a lot of advantages that experienced flower growers and landscape designers have long appreciated. Perennial is considered an absolutely unpretentious, hardy crop that tolerates drought, an abundance of moisture and severe frosts.

At the same time, blue elimus is considered a fast-growing and well-growing plant that does not require special care and attention.

Elimus blue, photo

Video: "Growing blue elimus"

Description for announcement:
Availability: yes
Price: 350 rubles.

Sandy grate, or blue, is one of the most beautiful cereals used in decorative floriculture. Botanists classify grate as a herb with a combined type of root system. The plant is able to grow a bush, increasing the number of growth buds in one node of the rhizome, and at the same time form powerful underground stolons, "scattering" along the radius from the mother bush. The grate bush up to 1 m high is very beautiful. The color of powerful hard leaves with sharp ends 1-1.2 cm wide is blue. In July, peduncles with dense spikelets 7-8 cm long rise above the leaves, but they do not determine the beauty of this plant, the main thing here is the leaves. The blue color of the leaves is very stable, it remains so throughout the season - from spring to snow.
Sandy grate has long been introduced into the culture of ornamental gardening. The plant is very unpretentious and in large gardens can be used to create blue thickets in a specific place for it. In small gardens or gardens with regular flower beds, the grate is planted in containers with a volume of at least 10 liters, dug into the ground “up to the shoulders”. In containers, grate feels great, forming beautiful blue bushes. They are so beautiful that they can be used not only in any mixborders, but also act as tapeworms among lawns or ground cover plants.
It is difficult to list all the successful combinations of grate with other plants. These are red roses, blue, blue and purple delphiniums, wrestlers, white leucanthemums, daylilies of different colors, phloxes, etc. It is beautiful against the background of a carpet of purple or almost black tenacity, bright carnation grass, ground cover stonecrops. The plant does not require highly fertile soil, as evidenced by its species name. The grate is able to grow even on clean sand.
The plant is planted in an open sunny place. It can also grow in partial shade. In the shade, the sandy grate is less beautiful.
Winter-hardy, does not require shelter for the winter. Returning spring frosts are not damaged.
At the beginning of the season, during the period of leaf growth, watering is desirable. In the second half of the growing season, watering is not required, the plant is drought-resistant.
The best planting time is the first half of the growing season. It is possible to board at a later time. True, after planting in August-September at the beginning of the next season, the plant will not acquire a decorative look, as it adapts to new conditions, especially if it was planted in a container. When planting a grate in the ground, you can not worry about the fertility of the soil, it will grow on any soil. When planting in a container, it is filled with any soil with the addition of 10-15 g of complete mineral fertilizer. In subsequent years, the plant is fed 1-2 times a season with a standard dose of complete mineral fertilizer. When planted in open ground, the plant may show aggression, going beyond the allotted territory. In this case, underground stolons are cut off and excess parts are dug up. At; once planted in a container, the grate can live quite a long time without a transplant, especially if you do not forget about the annual top dressing. However, after a few years, a transplant is inevitable. Its term depends on the volume of the container and the conditions of detention. If the grate leaves are crushed and top dressing does not improve the appearance, it is necessary to remove the plant from the container, separate part of the shoots and, filling the container with fresh soil, plant the grate again.
Vegetatively - by separating a part of a plant or by separating offspring.
Diseases and pests are practically absent.

Sandy grate

Sandy grate, or sandy Elimus, Leimus, Volosnets(Leymus arenarius , Elymus arenarius)

A species of perennial herbaceous plants of the genus Kolosnyak (Leymus) of the family Cereals, or Bluegrass (Poaceae).

Perennial grass that adorns the front garden with beautiful, feathery bushes. Not everyone can immediately understand the beauty of this plant, but without it a complex flower arrangement may not be complete.

The natural growth zone is Scandinavia, Atlantic Europe, the north of the European part of Russia.

Zone 4. Winter-hardy without shelter.

The plant is gray, 120 cm long.

Sandy grate

Stems are thick and tall. The leaves are gray, almost blue, flat, hard, 0.5-1.0 cm wide.

Spikes erect, dense, fluffy, 15-25 cm long and 1.5-3 cm wide.

Rhizome deep, creeping.

It begins to grow at sufficiently low temperatures and does not react at all to warm time, continuing to grow even at high temperatures, and does not respond to high humidity.

Location: sunny, drought tolerant. Winter-hardy without shelter. Resistant to winds, soil and air pollution.

Soil: grows well only on loose sandy soils.

Sandy grate

In open spaces, it forms loose, extensive thickets; in cramped planting, it grows in a bunch.

Despite the presence of rhizomes, the grate is not very aggressive.If necessary, unwanted parts of the plant can be easily removed.

They don't need supplements. Inflorescences at the end of summer, after seed ripening, it is desirable to cut off.

Transplantation and rejuvenation never requires.

Used to fix sands.

Decorative in tubs, in isolated groups, in rockeries such as "mountain valley" and "mixborder".

The silvery leaves of Leimus are the perfect backdrop for herbs or shrubs with burgundy-chestnut foliage, as well as annuals or perennials with blue or purple flowers.

Often the spikelets of the plant are used to decorate decorative flower arrangements. They are prepared in the middle of summer, before the grains begin to ripen. Cut spikelets are collected in bunches of fifteen pieces and hung upside down in a dark, well-ventilated place.

Landing: Propagated by vegetative or seed methods. The division of the bush is carried out in spring or in the first half of summer.