How beautiful to plant tulips. How beautiful it is to plant tulips in a flower bed - the choice of variety and photo of flower beds. Combination with other plants

Of course, delicate tulips are beautiful on their own, but just imagine what an amazing effect you can achieve if you know how to plant tulips beautifully! Using various techniques of landscape design, you yourself can easily turn your site into a real work of art with the help of bright colors all sorts of shades. And let the tulips in the garden bloom for a very short time, the time and effort expended on them are worth it. Do not deny yourself a wonderful spring fairy tale!

In order to immediately achieve the desired picture and not correct mistakes later, consider how to plant tulips in advance. And since these bulbous plants it is recommended to plant in flower beds in the fall; it is worthwhile to draw up a flower garden scheme for the next season in the summer months. Schematic sketches of flower beds in color will help you find suitable combinations plants and will allow you to more clearly imagine how everything together will look in reality.

AT landscape design There are several basic techniques on how to most effectively arrange flowers and plants on the site. These techniques can be successfully used when planting tulips.

Video about tulips in garden design

Planting in groups

No matter how much you want to buy a couple of bulbs of the variety you like, try not to succumb to this desire or buy several bulbs at once. The fact is that graceful tulips look beautiful only in group plantings, but if planted different varieties one by one, the flower bed will simply turn into a vinaigrette. And single specimens scattered around the site here and there may go unnoticed at all, no matter how magnificent they may be.

A spot of color from several tulips of the same variety and one shade looks much more spectacular. Moreover, if you wish, you can place several of these “color spots” on one flower bed, creating a contrasting composition or using a smooth transition of shades. It will also be interesting to look at a monochrome flower bed, on which tulips of the same color grow, but different types: plain and terry, plain and fringed, plain and lilac, etc.

A spot of color from several tulips of the same variety and one shade looks much more spectacular.

Height landing

Given the height different varieties, you can carefully arrange them “by height”, lining up a row of tulips with the highest peduncles in the background, varieties of medium height in the middle, and placing dwarf tulips or other undersized flowers in the foreground. Planting tulips in height can also be carried out on multi-level stepped flower beds or on earthen embankments - as your fantasy tells you. The main thing is that the plants do not close each other.

Planting by flowering time

If you do not want the flowerbed with tulips to be empty at once, pick them up so that they gradually bloom one after another. So, simple and terry early varieties of tulips begin flowering from the end of April, there are early flowering tulips among some wild species. Following the most early varieties Kaufman tulips, Triumph class varieties and Darwin hybrids, as well as Greig and Foster tulips are blooming. During May, varieties of tulips of a large group of late flowering will open their buds. As you can see, the choice is very large, you just have to decide on the combination of tulips in one flower bed.

During May, varieties of tulips of a large group of late flowering will open their buds

Tulips in garden design in combination with other plants

Making a flower bed only with tulips is just one of the options. Tulips look no less attractive along with other flowers and ornamental plants. In addition, by choosing the right neighbors, you can not only emphasize the beauty of tulips, but also hide their fading stems and leaves after flowering.

Options for how to beautifully plant tulips with other plants in the garden:

  • tulips are successfully combined with slender hyacinths, lovely forget-me-nots, small pansies, daisies and primrose;
  • often next to tulips you can see bright blue muscari;
  • bright tulip buds look spectacular against the backdrop of lush ferns and hostas;
  • a very interesting composition can be created by planting tulips next to flowering shrubs - luizeania, forsythia, rhododendron and weigela;
  • tulips growing against the background of greenery of boxwood or coniferous plants invariably attract attention.

So that yellowed tulips do not spoil decorative look flower beds, you can plant gypsophila next to them

So that yellowed tulips do not spoil the decorative appearance of the flower bed, you can plant gypsophila next to them, which, in addition, will take excess moisture from the soil, which is undesirable for the bulbs.

Important features of planting tulips in the garden

When decorating their garden with tulips, flower growers invariably face the question: what to do when their flowering stops? You have to choose between beauty and economy - leave wilted plants in the flower beds so that the bulb has time to accumulate nutrients and grow to optimal size, or immediately dig out the fading tulips and get rid of them without regret, acquiring new planting material every year.

Tulips are dug from city flowerbeds with green leaves and the bulbs are sent for growing. In private flower beds, gardeners try to cover yellowing tulips with other plants, digging up tulips when their foliage turns completely yellow. But there is a third option that is gaining more and more popularity:. The huge advantage of this option is that the containers can be dug out of the ground at any time, immediately filling the flower bed with flyers, and the bulbs in baskets or containers can be put in another place for growing.

Thinking about the design of your site with tulips, do not forget that it is better not to plant them on the slopes and in the shade.

The use of containers also allows you to solve the problem with the soil on the site, because tulips need light fertile land. In the case of baskets and containers, you do not have to puzzle over where to plant tulips so that they take root well - just fill containers with a suitable soil mixture and place the bulbs there.

Thinking over the design of your site with tulips, do not forget that it is better not to plant them on the slopes and in the shade. And if you want to create a bright clearing of these graceful flowers under spreading trees, choose the most hardy, strong varieties.

Video about planting tulips

Can't decide where to plant tulips to turn your garden into a real masterpiece? Do not be afraid to experiment, because most varieties still need an annual transplant, which means that every year you can decorate your site in a new way, gaining experience in landscape design.

Tulips will spread in your garden in a continuous carpet, like in the gardens of sultans, will stretch in neat rows, like in European parks, will take place in mixed compositions or will grow in separate groups throughout the site - it's up to you!

2018-01-25 Igor Novitsky

The purpose for which thousands of Russian gardeners annually plant tulips in their dachas is obvious to anyone. These beautiful flowers are a great decoration of the garden and yard, cheer up and in general their breeding is a very interesting and useful hobby in many ways. However, tulips have one serious drawback - a very short flowering period. Depending on the variety, weather conditions and some other factors, you can admire the flowers for only 8-14 days, after which the plants quickly lose their presentable appearance. So that the rest of the year the flower bed is not empty in vain and does not spoil appearance garden, in place of faded tulips, you can plant other flowers that will take over the baton.

Prolong flowering

Before talking about what flowers to plant after tulips, it is worth considering ways to extend the flowering period of themselves. With a certain amount of luck, very good results can be achieved on this basis.

Tulips of many different varieties are available on the market today, which differ, among other things, in the timing of the onset of flowering. Instead of planting flowers that bloom at the same time, place plants of both early and late varieties in the flower bed. In a couple of years, you will be able to collect such a collection of bulbs in which tulips will bloom one after another in strict order - first early, then ordinary, and then late varieties. As a result, instead of 10 days, you can stretch the beauty holiday for a month, or even more.

There are also more sophisticated methods. For example, you can artificially delay the start of plant vegetation. To do this, in the flowerbed where tulips are planted, in winter you need to accumulate as much snow as possible. Moreover, it is not enough just to throw a snowdrift: the snow must be properly compacted and poured with water to form a thick, durable ice shell. Before the offensive spring warmth over the ice you need to sketch sawdust a layer of 15-20 cm, which will significantly slow down the melting of the shell, and that, in turn, will delay the onset
vegetation. Depending on when you want to see the flowers, sawdust can be removed from early April to early May. At the same time, if the flower bed is large, they can be removed in several stages - first from one site, then from the second, then from the third.

By combining different varieties and manipulating the time of snow melting on the flower bed, you can achieve truly fantastic results: within one and a half to two months you will have at least one flower bed with blooming tulips. And then you have to think what to plant after tulips.

spring planting

Another way to extend the flowering period of tulips (or rather, delay its start) is to change the time planting bulbs. This method can hardly be called "academic", but many gardeners assure that it really works, and therefore it is also worth talking about it a little.

So, every tulip lover knows very well that optimum time for planting bulbs in their place of flowering is autumn. In particular, it is most preferable to do this from mid-September to the end of October. Of course, the exact landing time depends on climatic conditions region (the farther north, the earlier you need to plant), as well as the weather conditions of the current year (the bulbs should have at least 20-30 days to root before frost hits).

With all of the above, there is a fairly large group of supporters spring planting. And many of them prefer this method precisely because it allows you to delay flowering by several weeks. Untimely planted flowers will bloom much later than usual, and when all the neighbors' tulips have already faded, yours will just enter the most beautiful phase. If at the same time you also have autumn planting tulips, the total flowering period of the flower bed can turn out to be very long.

The technology of spring landing in theory should be exactly the same as in autumn. However, the catch is that in the spring tulips must be planted in any case no later than the beginning of April. If you are late with planting for at least a couple of weeks, there will be no flowering at all. And then you will have to think not about what can be planted after tulips and what to plant in their place.

The main problem with autumn planting is the fact that in most of Russia in April the probability of frost is still very high, and snow in many regions often lies until the middle of the month. Under such conditions, the bulbs will take too long to take root, or may even die. Therefore, everywhere, except perhaps the North Caucasus, it is recommended to plant the bulbs in a pot and put it on the windowsill in a room with room temperature. And only after it finally gets warmer outside, the pot with tulips can be taken out into the street.

Transplanting to a flower bed should be done very carefully, trying not to destroy the clod of earth around the bulb, as this can also disrupt flowering. However, you can even just dig a pot in a flower bed without removing the bulb itself from it.

companion plants

No matter what tricks you use, sooner or later the tulips will still bloom and the flower bed will “orphan”. Other flowers or decorative leafy plants planted along with tulips, but blooming after them, will help to fill the resulting voids. The best successors for spring bulbous flowers are all kinds of autumn flowering perennials.

Here what can be planted in place of tulips after flowering:

  • swing paniculate, or gypsophila;
  • geranium (Geranium);
  • New Belgian aster (Aster novibelgii) and other flowers.

However, these plants bloom in the fall, and therefore are not suitable for those who want the flower bed to continue to bloom immediately after the tulips. In this regard, if you intend to dig up tulip bulbs every year, then it is better to give preference to perennial companions that bloom immediately after tulips, or at least are able to quickly close the bulbous stems that have drooped and lost their presentability. The latter include the hostas, which bloom just in time for the tulips to finish blooming.

Instead of hosta bushes, you can use astilba, bruners and other similar plants. Forget-me-nots are also a classic companion of tulips, with which, if desired, you can completely sow all the gaps between tulips.

If you decide to use the companion plant method, you should only use plants that have the same diet as tulips. If you plant moisture-loving flowers, then with intensive watering, the tulip bulbs will begin to rot, and with insufficient moisture, the “companions” will dry out.

If you still prefer to dig up bulbs of faded tulips every year, then grown seedlings of almost any garden flowers can be transplanted into the vacant place. So, what flowers can be planted after tulips bloom? For these purposes, salvia, aster, marigolds, lobelia, ageratum and others are suitable.

Many experienced gardeners and do use flowerbeds - "constructors", allowing them to constantly maintain them in a flowering state. The essence of the idea
is to plant tulips not in open ground, but simply in large containers (you can use plastic lattice boxes in which fruits and berries are sold in the markets). When the bulbs have faded, the containers with them are taken out of the flower bed and set aside in another place where the bulbs ripen in due time. Containers with other flowers are placed on the vacated flower bed, which are about to bloom. Of course, such a system has certain inconveniences in use, but with it you can achieve continuous flowering flower beds throughout the summer to the envy of neighbors. Also, when they bloom tulips you have a lot of options for what can plant after them flowering.

What to do with faded tulips?

As mentioned above, some gardeners prefer to leave faded tulips alone, simply masking them with other flowers and ornamental plants. And although everyone is free to do with his flower garden as he likes, professional flower growers strongly recommend digging up the bulbs every year, separating the "kids" from the old bulbs and planting them again in the fall. This allows you to delay the degeneration of the variety for several years. In view of this, the question of what to plant after faded tulips, is always up to date.

However, the problem of the stems of these tulips is no less relevant. Even if you prefer to dig up the bulbs, they still need to be given a few weeks to ripen, and therefore for some time these reddish stems will spoil the appearance of the flower bed.

So, what is the procedure after the tulips have faded? Professional gardeners recommend the following:

  1. Continue watering the flower garden as usual for another two weeks. It is at this time that new bulbs are formed underground, for which this moisture is vital for normal development.
  2. If the flower garden is not located in the most visible place, but, say, in the far corner of the garden, and you want to propagate this variety, donate inflorescences. Don't wait until the end of flowering, but cut off the flower heads 4-8 days after blooming. This will allow the bulbs to build up more mass.
  3. At the end of flowering, immediately remove all fallen petals from the flower bed, because when they enter the axils of the leaves, they rot and become a source of development of fungal diseases.
  4. Do not cut the stems until they turn yellow on their own. By cutting them off immediately after the end of flowering, you will stop the development of the bulbs. If they spoil the appearance of the flower bed very much, it is better to bend them to the ground with a horn or something else.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that if the bulbs were not planted in a flower bed in front of the main entrance to the house, but, say, somewhere in the garden, then after tulips can be planted ( 57 ratings, average: 4,54 out of 5)

The word "tulip" comes from the Persian "turban" and is said to be due to the similarity of the shape of the flower and this headdress. And just as the word “turban” transports us to the world of the Thousand and One Nights, the mention of the tulip reveals pictures of fabulous bright flowers, with which only roses compete in splendor and luxury.

No matter how diverse the tulips are in color and shape, but their joint planting with other bulbs will only enrich the gardener's palette and make it possible to achieve such a decorative effect that is impossible if you take tulips alone for this. And it is in autumn that we face the problem of where to plant tulip bulbs, with which plants they are best combined, so that spring once again surprises us with its extravaganza of colors.

Daffodils plus tulips

Traditional companions for tulips are daffodils, which add elegance to plantings, and in some cases intimacy. For example, the combination of white tulips (you can take representatives of different groups - with a simple glass, lily-colored, double or ciliated) with white daffodils creates an interesting roll call of forms. Spots of brightly colored tulips sparkle against a backdrop of boiled white daffodils that accentuate and set off the richness of rich reds, velvety raspberries or sunny oranges. But deep purple and lilac-purple varieties are better combined with cream and yellow daffodils. A stunning effect of burning gold can be achieved by planting yellow (or yellow-orange) daffodils together with orange, cream and yellow tulips. Such a group is especially good in the rays of the setting sun.
In general, it is not possible to list combinations of options. It's like rewriting a chapter in a landscape architecture book about matching plants by color.

Combinations with other bulbs

Such spring bulbs as hyacinths, pushkinia (Puschkinia), muscari, bird-bearers (Ornithogalum), anemones, rhizomatous and tuberous, are also often planted next to tulips. Massive hyacinths create rich color spots that can expand the color range of tulips that do not have in their palette of blue color. Maybe that's why it's so common blue varieties hyacinths in their joint planting. But this is a very dangerous, binding combination. Often, such cold spots are completely knocked out in color, tone, saturation from the general color range and cause bewilderment rather than joy. And here soft shades blue, characteristic of mouse hyacinth(Muscari) or varieties of anemone tender (Anemone blanda), create a harmonious picture. Its blue and blue varieties are good in combination with yellow, cream tulips, planting next to white "glasses" would give a sharper contrast.
Interesting decorative effect comes from joint landing tulips with small-bulbous ones, for example, the upper tier above a field of white anemones or a more complex mixture of small hyacinths, anemones, puglkins and blueberries. This variety of colors looks good under the canopy of trees and in the open, and tulips stand out with bright bold strokes against a colorful background.

Compositions with perennials

Planted with perennials, tulips are able to fit into any type of flower garden, regardless of its size and purpose. The only limitation is growing conditions - good drainage, loose soil, adequate nutrition and location in the sun or in light shade.

The next shift, or how to make sure that the place after the onion ones is not empty.

1. By the end of June-beginning of July, the leaves of tulips die off and the time comes for digging, seedlings of annual crops can be planted in the vacated place. If you decide to grow tulips in one place for 2-3 years, then plant annuals on top of the bulbs. In small flower beds, this method allows you to plant ephemeroids in the foreground.

2. In multi-tiered flower beds, it is better to plant tulips not on the first line, but so that by the time they bloom, the planting site is decorated with plants growing in front, which should be neither too high nor too low. For example, woolly chistets (Stachys lanata), low bells, like k. prefabricated (Campanula glomerata), hellebore, cuffs, medium-high speedwells, penstemons (Penstemon), etc.

3. In another case, plants (for example, hostas) can be placed nearby, in which the diameter of the root system is much smaller than the diameter of the aerial part. This group includes tap-rooted, dense-bush and short-rhizome perennials with sprawling ground shoots (some spurges, volzhanka), with large spreading leaves (buzulnik, cuff or peonies), a cone-shaped aerial part (many ferns, such as Dryopteris or fountain-like foliage (day lilies, forest oyster (Luzula sylvatica). Tulips in this neighborhood can be planted both in the foreground and in the depths of the flower garden.

4. Another way is to plant tulips under ground cover perennials with a shallow and rather loose root system. In this capacity, it is good to use creeping tenacity, Caucasian arabis (Arabis caucasica), shaving (Aubrieta), ground cover phloxes: shoot-bearing phlox (Phlox stolonifera), f. subulate (P. subulata); Forget-me-not (Myosotis) is traditionally planted in the lower tier.

Combining bluish forget-me-nots with lilac-pink tulips, you can achieve a stunning effect - the most delicate overflow, dissolving in the air at dusk.

Joint planting of a mixture of pink, raspberry, purple (of different saturation and tone), as well as yellow and cream tulips in upper tier against the background of a lilac or bluish carpet of shaving, phlox, the same forget-me-not, or small-bulbous (muscari or pushkinia) creates an impressionistic picture in the style of Monet or Renoir. And the sunny brightness of yellow or orange tulips can be emphasized with a white backing of clover (Arabis); burgundy and crimson tulips are good with pink phlox, white and cream over soft lilac phlox, and dark varieties combined with creeping red-leaf tenacious have a strong dramatic effect.
With such a planting of tulips with perennials or small bulbs on the same area, the bulbs of the former can be dug out every 2-3 years, while planting them at a slightly greater depth.
On top of the above, I would like to recall that the decorative effect depends on the quality planting material, evenness of the bulbs, their health and compliance with the rules of agricultural technology. And, of course, from your imagination...

May. On the household plots the delicate greenery of the landscape "explodes" with juicy spots of flower beds. In each garden, among the exuberant multi-colored compositions, there is a lovingly created flower bed for tulips.

But not everyone is capable of creating a spectacular flower garden with a charmingly sophisticated “oriental handsome man” and once a symbol of royal power. To do this, there are some design techniques, which will be discussed further.

The construction of each object begins with an analysis of the available funds, and only then comes the development of the project and its implementation. This is true for creating a flower bed. Before setting up a tulip flower garden, take a critical look at the material you have. Remove low-quality copies from the assortment. Then sort the bulbs into groups depending on indicators such as:

  • color spectrum,
  • flowering times,
  • plant height.

After the revision, it will become clear how tulips can be planted. If there is not enough material available, then you can not dream of large, monochrome flower beds. But you can arrange a discount or introduce a group of tulips into a traditional flower bed. A small composition with different colors, in which "oriental beauties" will become the dominant.

The secrets of decorating a flower bed with tulips will be discussed below, but for now let's do reconnaissance on the ground.

What they like and dislike

So, having decided on the bulbs, you can also choose a place for laying out a flower garden. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the requirements and characteristics of the flower culture.

Since the origin of these flowers is Asian, they also prefer habitats:

  • warm, well warmed up;
  • solar;
  • protected from the winds.

Also, the selected area for the flower bed must be protected from waterlogging. In marshy ground, the bulbs quickly rot.

But the soil for them should be:

  • sandy;
  • wet;
  • loose;
  • rich in humus;
  • slightly alkaline or neutral;
  • well drained.

All this must be taken into account when choosing a site for laying out a flower bed. It is better to choose a place where potatoes, legumes or cabbage were grown before.


Having decided on a place for a flower bed, knowing the assortment and number of tubers, you can start developing an exposition project.

Such spectacular and full of charm flowers like tulips can be spoiled not only by poor-quality soil and poor growing conditions, but also by ill-conceived placement. From the "wrong" environment in the flower bed, the beauty of a flower can lose its magnificence.

Therefore, the development of a flower garden composition, where the main role will be assigned to the tulip, is not an easy job. To do this, you must follow the basic flower design techniques.

But every florist should remember that in such compositions only 3 shades look harmonious and elegant in total.

An overly variegated palette reduces the impression of the nobility of the flower bed and brings confusion to the color perception.

Memo for beginner gardeners

For those who have little experience in creating flower beds with tulips, you need to keep in mind the following nuances:

Good for this and gypsophila. In addition to the above advantages, it has the ability to absorb excess water from the soil and thus protect the bulbs from decay.

  • To remove harmful moisture for a tulip, a beetroot will be a good neighbor. But the Dutch, for this purpose, use broken clay shards buried between bulbs for their endless tulip fields.
  • If the symbol of royalty is intended to adorn a mixed planting where there are plants that require good watering, protect it from this and do not plant it in the ground with everyone. It is better to plant tulips in special baskets, which you will remove from the flower bed after flowering. Thus, the leaves will wither without harm to the decorativeness of the flower garden, and the health of the bulbs will be preserved.

Responsible event - landing

The time for planting bulbs depends on the geography of residence. Experts claim that optimal period planting tulip bulbs when the temperature of air and soil in autumn reaches +80C.

In the matter of landing, it is better not to rush. It is not scary if the ground is touched by the first light frosts or snow. The soil can be slightly raised, the snow removed and the bulb planted. The main thing then is to cover the ground well.

Lily is a beautiful noble flower that adorns almost every garden. Exquisite, whimsical and fragrant…

Before planting, the soil must be dug up onto a shovel bayonet and applied per 1 m2:

  • humus - 2 kg;
  • sand - 3 kg;
  • peat - 1 kg;
  • ash - 1 kg.

Then dig everything up again and leave for 2 days.

In no case should you fertilize with fresh manure. It reduces plant immunity. Very helpful organic fertilizers, For example, bone flour, which is recommended to be applied under each well.

Before planting, the material must be immersed in a solution of potassium permanganate (in relation to water 1 g per 1 liter) for 5-10 minutes. Planting depth and distance between bulbs should be three times the diameter of the bulb.

flowerbed life

The bulb enters the soil, filled with vitality, which is enough for wild flowering and for the education of new children. True, she gratefully responds in early spring, before flowering, for top dressing with ammonium nitrate in the amount of 15 g and superphosphate in the amount of 20 g per 1 m2. potash fertilizer very useful for ripening bulbs after flowering.

As the tulips bloom, the bulbs are depleted, useful material run out and the supply comes only from the green mass.

To maximize the nutrition of the bulb, it is recommended, immediately after flowering, to cut off the heads of tulips, leaving 3-4 leaves on the stem.

Having provided life energy children, the aerial part of the flower then dies off and a dormant period begins.

Creating in your area beautiful flower garden, you have to decide which plants to give preference. Flower beds from…

Why dig bulbs

This is done for the following reasons:

  1. Every year, the bulb forms many babies, and if they are not dug up for years, they go deep into the soil;
  2. The annual revision of the existing assortment allows you to save the best copies that are used to replace the old ones;
  3. A systematic rejection of weak and diseased bulbs is necessary to prevent the spread of infection in the ground;
  4. The bulb remaining in the ground will be subject to infections, excessive moisture. Insufficient soil temperature provokes the crushing of the variety and its death.

There are several varieties where it is allowed not to dig up flowers for 4-5 years. These include tulips Kaufman, Foster, Greig.

The storage temperature of the dug out bulbs should be 250C at the beginning for the best heating. A gradual decrease to 90C provides optimal conditions to save material.

A bright representative of the Lilein family belongs to perennials. The colossal species diversity of tulips adorns almost all continents. the globe. These herbaceous bulbs adapt perfectly to any climate and soil type. For which they deservedly became a real symbol of spring. The plant rejuvenates every year, despite the short growing season. The laying of a young bulb begins immediately after flowering, and the formation of the future flower is completed at the end of autumn.

Externally, the tulip is a plant from 15 to 70 cm in height (depending on the species). Few fleshy leaves different size: from large at the bottom to small at the top of the stem. Most often, the flower is in a single quantity, but there are exceptions and they reach 10-12 pieces in one representative of the culture. Perianth leaves open inside the flower. Seeds are located in a small spherical box. The diameter of the flower ranges from 4 to 18 cm. The largest is observed in the Forest variety. The color of the petals is determined by the amount and ratio of three substances in the plant: flavonols, anthocyanins and carotenoids. Anthocyanins are responsible for red and orange shades. Flavonols have an effect on yellow and White color. And thanks to the latter substance, the flowers can be greenish or pink.

Tulips are one of the first to inform others about the arrival of spring and infect with a joyful mood. They are created by real heavenly flower beds under the window and original flower beds around the entire perimeter of the site. But you don’t have to enjoy the beautiful landscape for a long time: the flowering period lasts no more than 3-4 weeks. In order to prolong the enjoyment of tulips, landscape designers invent various ways. The most famous is the planting of several varieties, bestowing their beauty at different times. For example, wild-growing representatives are combined with Forest, Kaufman or Greiga varieties and simple late varieties. The composition is made up of 8-10 bulbs of each type. Small groups look more sophisticated and original.

On the suburban area, decorated in an oriental style, one of the key roles is played by a composition of tulips against the backdrop of a well-kept lawn. A special area is allocated for it, which will be visible from different parts of the garden. A multi-colored bulbous carpet is emphasized by forged elements, stone masonry, wattle, paving and other mandatory attributes of the concept. oriental design. "King of the Spring Garden" is planted in even number rows using different color and shade combinations. It can be a multi-level flower bed: the tallest representatives are planted behind, and medium-sized and dwarf ones in the center and at the beginning of the flower bed.

For zoning the territory required amount sectors use monotsvetnik. To do this, only one color, one building is planted in each zone. A monophonic flower bed is fenced with a fence of weaving plants or a trellis. If the planning of the garden plot is regular, then ordinary plantings of medium-sized trees and flowering shrubs must certainly be present. In group planting, the secret of decorativeness is to create contrast or smooth transition. Monotypic flower beds can also be of different types, but indispensable one color scheme.

In spite of short term flowering symbols of spring are also planted as a border planting, skillfully combining them with other cultures. And so that the planting does not lose its decorative effect in a short time, a special planting basket is used for tulips. It is easily removed if necessary, while not damaging the flowers growing nearby. The vacated space is occupied by pre-prepared annual plantings. Thus, the border planting blooms from early spring to late autumn, decorating the site with its decorative look.

For a flower bed under the windows, it is also the front one, they choose exclusively decorative varieties, without taking into account their vegetative abilities. The main purpose of this composition is to decorate the surrounding landscape. For planting, varieties are selected that are as similar as possible in growth and flower diameter, but different colors and shades. It occurs in the fall, the bulbs are at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other. Tulips delight with their flowering at the same time, creating the effect of a bright cloud.

Homesteads in natural style use tulips in combination with shrubs, bulbous and perennials. On a dedicated clearing, the main spring flowers are planted in small groups. Varieties are combined according to the period and duration of flowering, creating a continuity of decorative diversity.

Compatibility with other plants

Due to the short flowering of tulips, gardeners rarely decorate a flower bed exclusively with them. More often, a flower garden is decorated with a combination spring plants with other equally attractive cultures. Skillfully chosen "neighbors" for the bulbs play the role of both a background and a full-fledged element. But main function in such a group planting, it is an opportunity to hide fading tulips after flowering. The most decorative and colorful combinations are:

bright blue muscari with white and yellow tulips;
hosta and ferns with their magnificent forms emphasize the elegance and sophistication of spring bulbs;
rhododendrons, forsythia, weigela and others flowering shrubs create beautiful composition with bright buds;

gypsophila not only successfully combines with a tulip, but also allows it to retain its decorative effect longer, absorbing excess moisture from the soil;
a mixborder of hyacinth, primrose, daisy and perennial bulbs is planted near gazebos, benches, and recreation areas;
popular "neighbors" of bright spring mood- coniferous representatives;

Vegetation of tulips occurs in two ways: the formation of a daughter bulb near the mother and seeds. The latter method is little known among amateur gardeners and is most often used by breeders in industrial scale. Before planting, the bulbs are carefully inspected for damage and disease. Partially affected can be cut off and treated with a solution of manganese. Landing takes place in the fall - in September or October. It all depends on the temperature regime, ideally it ranges from 3 to 7 degrees Celsius. The depth of the planting hole is from 6 to 14 cm in depth, depending on the size of the planting material. Next, the hole is mulched, after the onset of frost they cover it, the shelter must be removed in early spring.

Leaving begins in the period of snow. The first feeding is carried out. nitrogen fertilizer penetrates to the bulbs along with melted snow. Phosphorus top dressing is carried out during the appearance of buds. Fertilizer is applied complex with microelements. Be sure to loosen. Tulips need to be regularly watered, weeded and loosened. When the leaves turn yellow and scales form on the bulb, they can be dug up. Store in the form cleared of the earth, in paper.

Video - Proper planting of tulips