Muscari, or mouse hyacinth in the spring garden. Muscari: growing in the garden and storing bulbs Growing muscari in the garden

Muscari (Muscari) - perennial, odorous bulbous plant belonging to the genus Asparagus. It is also called "mouse hyacinth" or "viper onion", this name was given to the culture due to the peculiarities in the structure of the root-bulb. Herbaceous perennial - one of the first to dilute the gray colors of the spring garden, which for a long time harmoniously merge into the changeable sketches of the flower choir.

General characteristics of culture

The bright color color and unpretentiousness of the plant allow you to grow Muscari flowers at home. . The bulbs of the mouse hyacinth are ovoid, covered with white scales with a diameter of 1 to 3.5 cm. The foliage is of a linear type, grows almost at the very root. Reaches 17-20 cm, and the full growth of the whole plant is 28-30 cm in height. Planting, propagating and caring for Muscari flowers does not require much effort and the use of special techniques.

The most advantageous location for growing viper onions is among the delicate light flowers in small groups, so the culture looks more expressive and brighter, creating a deep contrast of shades.

Propagation of Muscari flowers in your own garden

Despite the unpretentiousness of the perennial, during the initial planting, it is still worth adhering to the basic rules of planting. Compliance with general recommendations will favorably affect the rate of reproduction and the quality of the flower itself.


Mouse hyacinth does not tolerate high humidity, prolonged stagnation of water provokes damage to the root bulb.

When to transplant Muscari

Planting is best done in early autumn, so that the bulb has mastered the place and got used to the ground during the winter. It is not required to cover the landing site in the cold season, the plant tolerates cold very well. Flower growers often breed muscari armenicum in a pot. In this case, a flower transplant should be done once a season, since the intensity of growth is very high. It is recommended to take wide containers, so it will be easier to separate the bulbs.

Properly planting a plant, it will delight for many years with its beautiful appearance.

Specific features of Muscari, subspecies

The perennial has more than 60 varieties that have spread in a wide variety of areas. We present the most popular decorative types:

A small beautiful flower with an inflorescence similar to a bunch of grapes fascinates many, but not everyone knows that it is muscari. Their popularity is emphasized by the numerous names that the common people gave the flower: mouse hyacinth, viper onion, grape hyacinth or earth lilac.


The plant belongs to bulbous herbaceous perennials and is distinguished by species diversity. Most are grown as an ornamental crop, these varieties are distinguished by the most diverse colors. The flower bulbs are rather small, oval in shape, their length is about 15–35 mm. The leaf plates are basal, they reach a length of about 17 cm, there can be up to 6 of them on one plant. They form in the spring, although they may appear a second time in the fall.

In height, viper onions can grow to a maximum of 30 cm. On a strong peduncle, flowers are formed with barrel-shaped, cylindrical or tubular perianths, which are formed from 6 connected petals. The stamens are attached to the perianth in 2 rows. The diameter, like the length of the bud, is approximately 5 mm. Their coloring can have different tones.

The inflorescence has a racemose shape about 8 cm long and is characterized by a rather pleasant smell. After flowering, a fruit box is formed with tiny black seeds; they save their germination throughout the year. The viper bow belongs to the ephemeroids, that is, most of the time it is at rest. Bulbs, in which the outer scales are light in color, have the ability to accumulate nutrients, and with the onset of the flowering period they are consumed. In nature, muscari is distributed in many areas: in almost all European countries, in the north of the African continent, in the western regions of Asia and in the Mediterranean.

Some varieties of muscari live even in highlands.


There are over 40 species of mouse hyacinth, which also differ in significant varietal diversity. Such a number of varieties makes it possible to form colorful curtains in which flowering will last from April to June.

Muscari Armenian

It is distinguished by rather late flowering - in May, but it lasts for quite a long time - about 3-4 weeks. The view is one of the most popular. Among the most beautiful varieties are:

  • "Blue Spike"- it is distinguished by the fact that it does not form boxes with seeds, blue double flowers form an inflorescence that is voluminous and with a strong aroma;
  • Fantasy Creation- the buds have a terry texture, at the very beginning of the formation they are painted in a green tone, and then become bright blue;
  • "Pink Sunrise"- grows up to 15 cm, blooms with beautiful pink inflorescences;
  • Sapphire- has dark blue buds with a white border, which form dense inflorescences, the variety is characterized by a long flowering period, and he is also the owner of numerous awards;
  • Aes Duck- stands out with a dense inflorescence of blue-bell buds;
  • "Azureum"- with azure blue inflorescences;
  • Superstar- has elongated inflorescences, which consist of a large number of dark blue buds with white edging;
  • artist- in an unblown form, the inflorescence looks like a green bunch of grapes, then the flowers become blue with a snow-white edging, it is also characterized by a very pleasant smell;
  • Christmas Perl- often used for forcing, barrel-shaped buds are painted in purple-blue tones, the variety has an international award;
  • Peppermint- with pyramidal inflorescences formed from pale blue flowers with a white edging;
  • big smile- it is distinguished by rather large inflorescences of a restrained blue tone, a white edging runs along the edges of the buds;
  • Cantab- the Muscari variety Armeniacum is miniature in size, has bright blue inflorescences, and is winter hardy;
  • dark eyes- with buds of rich cornflower blue color, decorated with white dots;
  • Saffier- a bright representative of Muscari Armenicum, a very thermophilic plant with dark blue elongated flowers that have snow-white edges.

Muscari grapevine

The main representative of European varieties. The most common varieties:

  • Album- has fragrant buds, very reminiscent of lily of the valley flowers, begins to bloom in April;
  • carneum- the flowers have a beautiful pink tone.

Muscari neglected

A Red Book species, notable for the fact that it does not have varietal varieties. The leaf plates are belt-like, the flowers are painted in a rich blue color, the edges are in lighter colors. The buds are shaped like lily of the valley flowers.

The height of the bush can reach 20 cm.

Muscari large-fruited

Belongs to heat-loving plants. Aurea Fregrans stands out among the varieties., whose unopened buds have a purple tone, and then acquire a beautiful yellow color with a brown border. The height is about 30cm.

Muscari broadleaf

The description of leaf plates is similar to tulip ones. The inflorescences are painted in two tones: sky blue top and dark purple bottom. It differs in that one bulb forms several peduncles at once. The bush can grow up to 15 cm.

Muscari Osh/Tubergena

It has a sweet aroma of blue and blue buds. The species is thermophilic and needs mulching for the winter. The plant reaches 25 cm. Known varieties include:

  • blue magic- sky-blue buds are decorated with a snow-white tuft, belongs to highly decorative varieties and has a pleasant aroma;
  • Magicae album- forms white flowers that are collected in ovoid inflorescences, grows up to 20 cm;
  • Oceanus Magia- differs in two-tone color: the lower buds have a blue tone, and the upper ones are snow-white, blooms in April - May, often grown for forcing.

Muscari crested

It has 3-4 belt-like leaf plates that form a basal rosette. Bright purple bell flowers are collected in a loose racemose inflorescence with a tuft. The height of the bush can reach 70 cm. The most popular variety is Plumosum. Differs in branched shoots, on which inflorescences of lilac tone are formed.

Muscari longiflora

Flowering occurs at the end of April. Flowers of a delicate azure color with a bract decorated with white teeth.

Muscari pretty

Dissolves buds in February - March. It has narrow leaf plates, the edges of which are bent inward. The height of the bush is only 15 cm. The inflorescence is ovoid, formed from elongated buds of a bright blue tone, their teeth are bent and painted white.

Muscari ragweed

The variety is distinguished by large buds, which are formed on a strong straight peduncle. The flowers have an elongated shape, narrowed at the end, and grow on short petioles. Their color changes: at first they are purple, then they become greenish-yellow, and at the end of flowering they turn into cream. Leaf plates are dark green, long, with a pronounced groove.

The plant does not differ in particular height - only 10–25 cm.

Muscari azure

Representatives of the species reach 15–20 cm in height. Small inflorescences are formed from bell-shaped or cylindrical buds that have a blue color. Its brightness depends on the location on the inflorescence: the upper flowers are much lighter than the lower ones. During the flowering period (April - May), the lower buds are the first to bloom. This muscari has a very pleasant aroma.

Muscari pale

It has small bell-shaped buds, which are formed on low peduncles. Their color is light blue. Of the varieties stands out "White Rose Beauty" with beautiful light pink inflorescences.

Muscari changeable

Belongs to winter-hardy species. It blooms with rather dark bluish-purple buds.

There is also a flower very similar to the viper onion, but belonging to a different family, the liriope muscari. The plant has a rhizome with growths in the form of cones, leaf plates are long, rigid in structure, at times a yellowish stripe may appear on them. Inflorescences are dense, with multiple buds of white or light purple tone. Blooms in early autumn.

Optimal disembarkation time

It is recommended to plant muscari in autumn - it is better to do this by the end of October. It is possible to plant only those plants that have grown in one place for more than 5 years. Bulbs can also be planted in early spring, but only when the earth warms up to 3-5 ° C. In advance, the soil must be dug up and organic matter added. Place flowers when planting in groups.

How to plant?

Before planting, the bulbs are inspected, rotten or damaged are thrown away, the rest are kept in Karbofos for about 30 minutes, and then placed in a solution of potassium permanganate for the same time.

Landing operations are carried out as follows:

  • quite a lot of water is poured into dug holes about 7 cm deep;
  • lay a layer of drainage (expanded clay, sand or small stones);
  • the diameter of the recesses depends on the variety chosen, approximately like the length of 3 bulbs;
  • the distance between plants of small varieties is 4 cm, and between large ones - about 10 cm;
  • bulbs are placed in holes, covered with a layer of earth 2-3 cm, moistened with warm water;
  • you should not forget about the poisonous properties of muscari bulbs, so you need to work with gloves.

Some varieties (broadleaf, Oshe) need a layer of mulch around the basal collar.

The perennial does not require additional shelter for the winter; in the absence of snow in severe frosts, you can cover the bushes with spruce branches or sawdust.

How to properly care?

Mouse hyacinth is completely undemanding to care for. Its cultivation will suit even the most inexperienced grower.


Good moisture is necessary for the plant only at the beginning of the growing season, and then often the earth receives the necessary moisture from melting snow and rain. The rest of the time the plant is in a dormant period and does not need watering. In the case of a snowy winter or a rainless spring, the flower should be moistened regularly.

top dressing

In the presence of not very fertile soil, it is worth feeding it with organic matter. In the fall, when the site is dug up, humus or compost can be added. With such regular digging, viper onions are quite capable of growing normally in one place for 10 years. But after this time, it must be transplanted.

After flowering

At the end of flowering, the flower stalks are removed, and the plant is fertilized with potassium-phosphorus top dressing. This procedure helps the bulbs to endure the winter more easily. The amount and volume of watering should be gradually reduced, but when the leaves turn yellow and wither, it should be stopped completely. If necessary, obtaining seeds, you can leave some flower stalks. It is worth remembering that muscari are capable of self-sowing seeds.


As a rule, plant bulbs older than 5 years are transplanted and this procedure is performed in the fall during digging. Muscari bulbs give quite a lot of babies, sometimes up to 30 pieces. The mother bulbs are dug up, divided and planted separately. If a summer transplant is necessary (in the event that the flower has grown excessively and interferes with the growth of neighboring crops), do the following:

  • the soil is prepared in advance, organic matter is added;
  • carefully dig bushes of muscari;
  • a recess is made of such a size as to place the plant together with an earthen clod;
  • with a shovel, move the bush into the hole and sprinkle with soil in a circle;
  • moisturize well.

If everything is done correctly, mouse hyacinth will bloom next spring.

Reproduction methods

Grow muscari bushes possible in 2 ways:

  • bulbs;
  • seeds.

Reproduction by baby bulbs begins in July, so that they have time to take root well before the onset of cold weather. They do it like this:

  • after flowering ends, marks are made on the ground where the bush is located (it will not be visible in summer);
  • carefully dig in that place, separate the bulbs from the soil and inspect for damage or disease (these are immediately thrown away);
  • bulbs are calibrated in size, small ones can be planted in several pieces together;
  • it is recommended to plant muscari in groups, so they have a more attractive appearance;
  • on the prepared site, grooves or pits are made, on the bottom of which sand is placed, and moistened well;
  • spread the bulbs, you can sprinkle a small amount of compost on top, and then earth.

It must be remembered that the splendor of the bushes and the saturation of their colors directly depend on the nutritional value of the soil.

A large number of varieties of viper onions tend to reproduce by self-sowing. When cultivating, this method is used infrequently, since it takes 4 years to wait for flowering. Ripened and harvested seeds are sown immediately on a site with well-fertilized soil. When using the seedling propagation method, Muscari perform the following actions:

  • the seeds are kept wrapped in a damp napkin, and then in the refrigerator 3-4 months before planting (the napkin should be moistened all the time);
  • they begin to do this around October, then in February the seeds can be sown in containers;
  • they are placed to a depth of no more than 1 cm, the soil in the container should be well fertilized with organic matter;
  • care is to remove weeds and moderate moisture;
  • since March, the seedlings are gradually taken out into the fresh air, and in April they are planted in open ground.

Muscari (mouse hyacinth, viper onion, cuckoo's tears) is a low (up to 30 cm) small-bulbous plant resembling a miniature hyacinth, one of the first to bloom in gardens at the end of March. The duration of flowering (up to 3 weeks) depends on the species, growing location and weather conditions. The leaves that appear before the flowers are relatively wide at the base, collected in 2-6 pieces. into the ground beam. The erect peduncles are crowned with small inflorescences consisting of small, round, barrel-shaped bells in white, pale yellow, blue, intense blue, lilac or purple. The fruit is an angular or spherical capsule full of black, wrinkled seeds.
Growing and reproduction. Muscari is a sun-loving culture, but able to withstand light partial shade. The soil should be loose, fertile, loamy, well-drained and not too wet. For digging, it is desirable to add humus at the rate of 5 kg / m2, and in the spring, on the last snow, apply full mineral fertilizer. Plants do not like to get wet, and they need moisture only at the beginning of growth. Transplantation is carried out when the bush grows strongly, usually it is done after 3 years.

Like all bulbs, muscari can be propagated by seeds that are sown in prepared soil immediately after harvest (plants bloom after 3 years), and by dividing bulb nests. Daughter bulbs immediately after digging (end of August - October) are planted to a depth of 8 cm at a distance of 10 cm from each other. Shelter for the winter only in the first year of planting. Mouse hyacinth looks most impressive not in sparse, but in dense plantings. It can be placed in any corner of the garden, even under fruit (but not under evergreen) trees. Plants are planted in rockeries, on discounts, in borders, rock gardens, in groups along the paths. When placed on lawns, the area is not cut until the leaves of the muscari die off.

Narcissus is a real decoration of the spring garden, one of the most interesting ornamental plants, the flowering of which, thanks to the correct selection of varieties and species, can last from April to early June. Flowers erect or drooping, large, often fragrant, solitary or in racemes. Leaves are basal, linear, flat. The flower-bearing stem, wrapped at the base with a membranous sheath, reaches a height of 30-50 cm. The fruit is a fleshy tricuspid box.
The genus includes 60 species, most often N. bouquet, N. poetic (white), N. false (yellow), N. narrow-leaved, N. cyclamenoid, etc. are most often cultivated in gardens. As a result of their hybridization, more than 15 thousand varieties have been created that differ in terms flowering, plant height, structure, shape and color of flowers. According to the international classification, daffodils are usually divided into 12 groups.

2. Large-crowned - a group that includes a wide variety of plants 30-60 cm high. Flowers solitary, with a cup (tube over one third, but not more than the length of the perianth lobes). Varieties: Ice Follis, Allafril. last from April to early June. Flowers erect or drooping, large, often fragrant, solitary or in racemes. Leaves are basal, linear, flat. The flower-bearing stem, wrapped at the base with a membranous sheath, reaches a height of 30-50 cm. The fruit is a fleshy tricuspid box.
The genus includes 60 species, most often cultivated in gardens N. bouquet, N. poetic (white), N. false (yellow), N. narrow-leaved, N. cyclamen-shaped. As a result of their hybridization, more than 15 thousand varieties have been created, differing in flowering time, plant height, structure, shape and color of flowers. According to the international classification, daffodils are usually divided into 12 groups.
1. Tubular - plants with single fragrant flowers up to 9.5 cm in diameter, in the center an elongated growth in the form of a tube. Peduncle 15 to 40 cm tall. The best varieties: Amelia Farmer, Bird of Doning, Beersheba (early), Golden Harvest (very early, with golden yellow flowers), Gin and Lime, Lorikit, Oklahoma, Prosperity, Pink Silk, Rembrandt (early, with yellow flowers). Suare, White Triumphant, White Star, Royal Scepter, Flower Carpet, Forsyth.
2. Large-crowned - a group that includes a wide variety of plants 30-60 cm high. Flowers solitary, with a cup (tube over one third, but not more than the length of the perianth lobes). Varieties: Ice Follis, Allafril. Select, Pink Fancy, Professor Einstein (late, white flowers with orange chalice), Rad Raskel, Rosie Sunrise, Salmon Trout, Siam Champagne, Smiling Maestro, Smaragd, Snowfrils, Soldier Brave, Spectacular, Tibet, Top Notch, White Pearl, White Plum, Wild Rose, Walt Disney, Fireman, Sha-lome, Champagne Magnum, Chiffon, Erlirose.
3. Small-crowned - single flowers, crown does not exceed V3 length of tepals. The height of the peduncle is 30-45 cm. Varieties: Barret Browning (white flowers with an orange cup), Burma (medium, flowers yellow), Ganevey, Queen of Narcissus, Limrik, Luski Mile, Matapan, Merlin, Moonfire, Snow Magic, Wings of Song , First Farmer, China White, Edward Buhston (early, with yellow flowers), Angel (late, white flowers).
4. Terry - plants with flowers without a crown, but with a large number of petals. The flowers are fragrant, rather large (up to 7 cm in diameter). Height 15-45 cm. Varieties: Acropolis, Alabaster, Bridal Crown, Mushroom, Daphne, Ing-loscomb, Indian Chief, Candida, Mary Copland, Odyssey, Pink Champagne, Peach Pink, Snowball, Texas, White Lion, White Village, Shnouball , Encore, Epricot Sandi, Ephebl.
5. Triandrus - plants with petals bent back and a cup-shaped crown. Height 15-30 cm. The best varieties: Akera, Whisper, Dream of Beauty, Ripling Waters, Waist, Fire Cup.
6. Cyclamenoid - plants that are characterized by strongly bent back tepals and a narrow long tube. Varieties: Andalusia, Baby Doll, Lemon Silk, Much Sunshine, Tete-a-tete, Februa Gold, Februa Silver.
7. Jonquillian - late blooming plants with a few small, very fragrant flowers.
The height of the peduncle is 15-45 cm, the length of the tube is y2 equal to the length of the perianth lobes. Varieties: Bibbisoxer, Gold Chain, Nethercote, Oregon Gold, Trevian.
8. Tacetoid - plants with 2-12 medium-sized flowers on one peduncle, with a strong aroma. Varieties: Bella Donna, Gregford, Geranium, Rediant Jam, Scarlet Jam.
9. Poetic - plants with fragrant single flowers with white petals and a flat, bright crown (tube) in the center of the flower. Height over 50 cm. Varieties: Ak-teya (medium, flowers with a yellow bowl). Cantabile (late, greenish cup).
10. Wild-growing - natural hybrids and daffodils growing in natural conditions. About 60 species.
11. Cut-crown (orchid) - daffodils, in which the crown (tube) consists of separate lobes (often they are corrugated), shaped like frills, ruffles, stars. Varieties: Ice Crystal, Arena, Baccarat, Boston Beau-teakol, Gold Collar, Golden Orchid, Canasta, Cassata, King Size, Colororange, Congress, Madama Butterfly, Mondragon, Nippon, Orangerie, Pallet, Giovanni Palm, Pomeranse, Split, Tiritomba , Tricole, Flyer, Chantarel.
12. All others - types and forms that are not included in their characteristics in any of the previous sections.
Growing and reproduction. Daffodils are best planted in an open sunny or slightly shaded area, protected from strong winds. Plants can grow on all (except calcareous) soils, require good moisture, but do not tolerate waterlogging, so drainage is carried out in the lowlands. To neutralize acidity, 150-200 g/m2 of chalk (400-800 g/m2 of lime or 200-300 g/m2 of dolomite flour) is added to the soil. On rocky hills, clay is embedded in light soil.
Daffodils are propagated by seeds and vegetatively by daughter bulbs. Children are planted in September-October in soil with a high content of rotted manure and well seasoned with complete mineral fertilizer. Planting depth - 12 cm, distance between plants - 20 cm. Daffodils grow in one place for 4 years, after which they are transplanted. Plants do not require additional watering, but they need moisture during the dry season. For the winter, it is advisable to cover with dry leaves, peat or mulch. Daffodils are combined with other early spring crops - crocuses, forget-me-nots, primroses. Plants look good both in group plantings and in soliter - on lawns, alpine slides, discounts, as well as around ponds and decorative pools. Blooming daffodils look spectacular against the background of dark firs, in group plantings between trees and shrubs.

Daffodils often suffer from the onion (narcissus) fly. If the plants are affected, they do not bloom and die. It is quite difficult to fight the pest, so when buying planting material, you need to carefully examine it. Healthy bulbs are firm to the touch, without rounded holes, especially in the area of ​​​​the bottom, since it is in them that the larvae deposited by the fly can be found.

Muscari got its name for a specific smell - a strong aroma of musk. 20 species are cultivated in decorative floriculture, of which M. Armenian is the most popular (varieties Fantasy Creation - flowers are double, greenish-yellow, Plumorosa - feathery pink inflorescences, Saffier - dark blue flowers with a white edge, M. Azerbaijani, M. blue ( Album variety - a dwarf form with white flowers), M. racemose, M. cluster-shaped, M. Sovicha, M. broad-leaved. In M. the grape-shaped variety Blue Spike, the flowers are blue, terry, instead of the usual 6 petals there are more than 12, the whole inflorescence looks like lilac branch.

Muscari is one of the most beautiful types of bulbous perennials of the Asparagus family. Another name is viper onion or mouse hyacinth. Flowers are applicable both for decorating garden plots, and as a "garden on the windowsill". These flowers bloom in the flower bed long before the foliage on the trees blooms, therefore they are considered primroses.

Looking at various photos of Muscari, you can see that the flowers are white, blue, purple, sometimes with a white border. The flowers look like bells or barrels of 6 tightly fused petals, tightly collected in inflorescences up to 8 cm long. They have a strong aroma reminiscent of musk. Basal leaves are green, thin, 10-15 cm long.

Of the many varieties, the most common are Muscari Armenian, Muscari Pale, Muscari Broadleaf, Muscari Grom-shaped. Different varieties have a height of 3 to 30 cm.

Bulb planting

The plant has a small bulb with a supply of nutrients, therefore it is able to bloom in almost any soil. It is better to choose a sunny place, slightly elevated, which will avoid stagnant water.

It is better to plant bulbs in autumn, at the end of September, but it is also possible in early spring, when the snow melts and the ground temperature reaches 10-12 ° C.

Muscari planting steps:

Site preparation. To plant bulbs, you need to dig up the soil to a depth of 7-8 cm. Clay soils adversely affect muscari, so select a site with fertile, loose soil. At the bottom of the planting trench, you can pour a little river sand, which will prevent the penetration of diseases and create drainage.

It is better to plant the plant in groups - this will help to achieve the maximum decorative effect. Greater bush viability and better flowering can be achieved by planting the plant in soil with an acidic pH.

Disinfection. When purchasing bulbs in a store, it is necessary to disinfect against diseases and pests. To do this, soak them in a solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin.

Planting bulbs. Only healthy onions are planted in prepared trenches, keeping a distance of 5 to 7 cm between plants, then sprinkled with earth.

The planting depth depends on the size of the bulb and ranges from 4 to 8 cm. If you use very shallow planting material, then you can plant more often - from 2 cm, and to a shallower depth.

Watering. Timely watering is necessary for better rooting. The soil should always be kept moist, but excess moisture will cause the bulbs to rot. Don't forget to remove weeds.

Overwintered bulbs will sprout in early spring, and then give a bright flowering with a musk scent. Muscari is famous for its frost resistance, so it does not require shelter for the winter.

Muscari care

Muscari is a very unpretentious flower, and caring for it is not difficult. They should be watered only when planting and germination. But, most often, in this autumn or spring season, the ground is wet from rain or snowmelt.

In winter and summer, watering is not required, because these seasons are the dormant period of muscari. It is necessary to water only when there was little snow in winter, and the spring is sunny and not rainy.

soil fertilization

If the place chosen for planting muscari is not fertile, then fertility can be increased before use by adding humus or compost. To do this, 5 kg of organic matter is added per 1 square meter and dug up.

With annual fertilizer, muscari can not be transplanted for up to 10 years. After the plants have faded, they can be fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizer, which will help the plant stock up on strength for wintering.

Care during flowering

The duration of flowering is 3-4 weeks, and special care is not required during this period. It is only necessary to periodically loosen the soil a little, weed, remove faded flower stalks, if necessary. Leaves do not need to be cut, because they help the plant gain strength for wintering.

Plant transplant

When you notice that the flowers have become smaller, not as bright as in the first year of flowering, then you can transplant or plant the bulbs. As a rule, small onions are removed from the mother bulb during digging. When transplanting, the bulb is taken out of the ground, the children are separated and planted in the same way.

Reproduction methods

Bulbous plants reproduce not only vegetatively, separating daughter bulbs, but also with the help of seeds. Faded plants have seeds that can germinate by self-seeding. To prevent uncontrolled sowing of seeds in a flower bed, faded flower stalks are cut off.

If you need to get high-quality seeds, leave a few peduncles until fully ripe. The collected seeds are sown in the fall in the ground, and the first seedlings will appear next spring. Bulbs are formed after a year, and they will begin to bloom only for 2-3 years.

Diseases and pests

If the leaves are covered with a green mosaic, have a short peduncle, somewhat narrowed leaves and suffer in growth, then this indicates a mosaic disease. This onion yellow dwarf virus is transmitted by aphids and has no cure. Bulbs affected by mosaic should be burned. Otherwise, all plants in the flower bed may be infected.

To avoid this disease, conduct a timely fight against aphids - a carrier of infection. Spraying with a solution of liquid soap (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water) or Actellik or Aktara insecticides will help to destroy aphids.

These insecticides, as well as Vermitek, Aktofit, Fitoverm and others, can help in the fight against spider mites, another Muscari pest. Spraying should be carried out at an air temperature of 18ºC, in a mask or respirator.

Photo muscari

Other names for the Muscari flower that can be found in reference books are mouse hyacinth or viper onion. In previous botanical classifications, this plant was assigned to the Liliaceae or Hyacinth family. In the modern edition of KAVB, this culture is included in the Asparagus family. At the end of 2014, 44 species of this crop were officially registered, now there are more than 50 of them, and new ones are discovered every year. This is a wonderful primrose, widely used in landscape design. With the help of muscari, you can compose any floral arrangements.

They are distributed mainly in the Mediterranean, Asia Minor and Central Asia, in the Crimea and the Caucasus (here they grow everywhere - in the steppes and foothills of the Caucasus, in all regions of the Transcaucasus, in the highlands of the Caucasus), and in North America. All of them are decorative and are of interest for introduction into culture.

Muscari- this is a perennial miniature plant with a few (2-6), narrow (0.3-0.6 cm wide), short (10-16 cm long), basal linear leaves and a low leafless peduncle, 10-25 cm high, bearing inflorescence, shaped like an ear, 2-8 cm long.

Inflorescence- racemose, with densely collected, numerous (up to 70 or more), miniature flowers. The flowers are small, 0.4-0.6 cm long, 0.4 cm in diameter, with fused perianth lobes. According to the description, each Muscari flower resembles a barrel. All of them are cylindrical, tubular, with or without interception at the pharynx, with a color of white, yellow, blue, blue in various tonalities, and have a pleasant delicate smell.

See what blooming muscari look like in the garden:

Fetus- box. Seeds are rounded, black, wrinkled. Bulb - perennial, gradually growing, ovoid, 15-35 cm long and 0.8-2.5 cm in diameter.

One bulb can produce several flower stalks.

Muscari- an ephemeroid plant that vegetates in spring, blooms in late spring - early summer and has a dormant period in summer and winter. Plants are unpretentious and winter-hardy.

14 species are used in horticulture, and among them- Armenian muscari, racemose, grape-shaped, pale, broad-leaved, large-fruited.

Mostly natural species and varieties are cultivated, however, there are bred forms and numerous varieties, such as: "Early Giant" - blue flower, early variety, especially good for forcing; "Kenteb" - blue, strongly smelling, late; "Heavenly Blue" - blue, "Album" and "Perlen" - white; "Arnott" - with a pinkish tint; "Blue Spike" - pale blue, terry with a complex 2-3 branched brush; "White Beauty" - white-pink; "Fantasy Kritsion" - terry with greenish-yellow flowers; "Saffir" - a dark blue flower with a white edge.

These photos show the Muscari flower varieties described above:

How Muscari is used in garden landscape design (with photo)

Muscari is used in garden landscaping as a magnificent border, ground cover plant for decorating various forms of flower beds on its own or in combination with other spring-flowering plants, such as tulips, daffodils, primroses.

They are great in landscape gardening on lawns or under trees, in outdoor containers, flowerpots, as well as in rock gardens, rocky gardens. It is also noteworthy that they can be cultivated in one place for 5-6 years.

See how beautiful muscari is in the landscape design of the garden in these photos:

This is an excellent cut crop, which is an excellent material for making miniature compositions. Put into the water, in the arrangement of muscari, they retain their decorative effect for 6-10 days. To do this, it is better to cut the inflorescences when only the first flowers have opened; before arranging, it should be kept in water for 2-8 hours.

Muscari is also great as a forcing, pot culture. Plants bloom for 12-20 days, and the timing of winter forcing may be different.

How to grow muscari

Muscari can be grown both in partial shade and in sunny places, on normal, cultivated soils, preferably neutral with a high content of humus and well aerated, without stagnant water.

Bulbs are planted in autumn to a depth of 6-8 cm with a distance of 15 cm between them, and small ones closer. During the growing season, plants are fed three times: on shoots, then every 3 weeks. A mixture of fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a ratio of 1:2:3) is applied - 40-50 g/m2. After planting muscari, during the care of plants in the open field, loosening and control of weeds, pests and diseases are carried out regularly. The soil must be moist.

Almost all types of muscari reproduce well both by seeds and vegetatively - by bulbs, children. Seedlings bloom in the 2-3rd year. In order for the bulbs to be suitable for forcing, they, like one-year daughter bulbs, should be grown for 2-3 years.

These photos show the main agricultural practices when planting and caring for muscari in the garden:

Even with proper cultivation of muscari in the open field, diseases and pests affect.

The root onion mite damages the bulbs.

Control measures. Proper crop rotation, use of healthy bulbs, watering the soil during the growing season with horn, dressing the bulbs before planting with karbofos.

Rust. Brown pustules on light spots appear on the leaves on both sides.

Control measures. Compliance with crop rotations, the use of phosphorus-potassium fertilizing, spraying with alto, ditan M-45, bayleton.

Penicillosis. The whole plant is affected, which rots, becoming covered with a green coating. Often found during forcing.

Control measures. Etching of TMTD bulbs, protection from mechanical damage, spraying with Bordeaux liquid or its substitutes.

Sclerotinia- the leaves turn yellow, the bulbs rot. Grows in moist, acidic soils.

Control measures. Deep digging of the soil, liming, phytocleaning, spraying of plants during the growing season with foundationazole, topsin-M.

Mosaic. It affects the Muscari mosaic virus, manifesting itself as light green stripes on the leaves.

Control measures. Phytocleaning, vector control.

Growing muscari at home

For growing muscari at home, dug and peeled bulbs are prepared for distillation as follows. Initially, in July, they are stored at a temperature of 23 ° C, from August to mid-September - at 20 ° C, and later - at 17 ° C, later, in October or November, based on the required forcing time, the bulbs are planted in pots and stored already at a temperature of 4-8°C for 12 weeks.

A month before the required flowering period (20-30 days), already rooted and beginning to germinate plants are transferred to a bright room with an air temperature of 10-12 ° C, balconies and loggias are suitable for this. Flowering plants can be moved to warmer conditions, but be aware that high temperatures will shorten the flowering time.

The substrate for planting and caring for muscari at home should be moisture-absorbing and breathable. When forcing requires regular watering. After the leaves die, the bulbs are dug up and stored.