What does a spring block snake look like in sofas. Spring or polyurethane foam mattress - which is better. Classification by release form

Sofa filler is very difficult to choose, especially if you are on a tight budget. Most often, future owners upholstered furniture solve the question "Which filler for the sofa is better to choose - PPU or spring block?”, since these two options are often attracted by a very favorable and low price. They should be considered according to several criteria.

Consider options for convenience

First of all, it is worth understanding what these options are:

  1. PPU - synthetic soft material with good elasticity. It became an alternative to foam rubber, which quickly lost its properties. The material adapts well to the contours of the body, so it is often used in orthopedic mattresses. Its great advantage is that after operation the material instantly takes on its original form. However, there is one important nuance- only expensive grades of material have such properties.
  2. Spring blocks are of two types:
  • independent - Pocket spring;
  • dependent - "Bonnel".

The latter are considered obsolete, since in them the springs are connected in single structure. In such a block, the body is not ideally supported, the load is supported by several springs at once. A more modern pocket spring has
in its composition independent springs assembled into tapes. This technology is used in the manufacture of orthopedic mattresses. Rest on a sofa with independent springs will be full and comfortable, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

Both materials can be comfortable under certain conditions. If we consider them as competitors, then it is impossible to identify the winner in this parameter. Any modern sofa with PPU or a spring block will be convenient and can be used not only as furniture for the living room, but also for sleeping.

How durable are they?

If you are looking for a sofa small apartment, this implies that it will be used intensively day and night. Therefore, it is important to know the durability
materials. Experts give the following data on service life:

  • foam rubber - 3-5 years;
  • PPU - 5-8 years;
  • holofiber - 5-10 years;
  • spring blocks 7-10 years.

Spring blocks have a slightly longer service life than polyurethane foam, but this does not mean that you should choose it. Let us consider these materials in more detail from the point of view terms of durability:

  1. If the fabric assembly technology is followed during production, then the spring blocks will be very durable. However, these mattresses are not designed for intensive use. If you constantly walk on the sofa with your feet or jump, then individual springs can sag. The cheaper upholstered furniture, the more likely it is to fail. Another unpleasant moment - over time, the springs begin to creak, and some break through the skin. In modern orthopedic mattresses, the last problem was solved with the help of a filler layer, which creates an additional barrier to the spring, but the cost of sofas using this technology is several times higher than that of economy class options.
  2. PPU loses its elasticity only if you regularly jump on it or train acrobatic etudes. High-quality polyurethane foam filler has a long service life, even if your child often jumps on the sofa. In addition, it passes air and moisture, does not accumulate dust. PPU can be used in any conditions, while it will not lose its durability. In order for the filler to serve you for a long time, you must not save on it.

If dependent spring blocks are used as a filler, then PPU will win about this parameter. When buying a quality sofa, you can choose any of the options.

The cost of PPU and spring blocks

Regardless of the manufacturer, the cost good foam will be lower than a quality spring block. In terms of cost, this filler wins, since for its production it is not necessary to purchase expensive steel and spend time on a stable sheathing that will be hidden under the main fabric of the sofa.

The cost of PPU can fluctuate greatly. Most often it depends on the type of material. About its classification, you need to know the following:

  • ST 2236 - the most inexpensive option, designed for children's furniture, since it cannot withstand weight over 60 kilograms, if the mass is exceeded, it immediately begins to deform;
  • ST 2536 - can withstand weight up to 100 kilograms, this variety is perfect combination prices and quality;
  • ST 3540 - the most popular among European manufacturers, with its help you can create a fairly rigid and elastic surface.

Among all brands more weight withstands CT 3540, but this type of material is more expensive. Its distinguishing feature is durability, and at a price it comes out a little cheaper than sofas with independent springs.

Which filler to choose based on the purpose of the sofa

The final choice should be made based on the purpose of the sofa. Experts recommend:

  • when using upholstered furniture only for sleeping, opt for a latex filler or an independent spring block;
  • for regular gatherings, PPU, any spring block, holofiber are suitable;
  • with rare use, you can choose any filler.

According to this criterion, independent spring blocks appear ahead - they are suitable for any purpose of upholstered furniture. In general, you can choose which filler you purchase. Both options - spring block and foam - are ideal for a sofa if you purchase quality options.

Hello! Welcome to Furniture & Textiles. This article is about modern sofa fillers. Remember the fairy tale about the princess and the pea? Indeed, the young lady was a connoisseur of high-quality fillers for sofas. You, too, will not interfere with such skill. After all, sleeping or sitting on an uncomfortable couch is not a rewarding task. In order not to spend sleepless nights, like a princess from a fairy tale, let's figure out what affects the comfort of the sofa.

Types of sofa fillers

The smaller the diameter of the springs, and the greater their density per square meter, the better the orthopedic effect of the spring block. In such spring blocks, the springs can be covered with additional layers special materials: coconut coir, horse hair, polyurethane foam. The different density of each layer allows you to create more rigid or, conversely, softer seats and backs.

The spring block, reinforced with a steel frame-frame, keeps its shape better and longer.

It consists of barrel-shaped springs, each of which is packed in a fabric cover and act independently of each other. Such a block does not sag and does not create unnecessary vibrations when changing positions., it is also silent, because the springs do not touch each other. The springs have a diameter of 5-6 cm and a density of about 250 pieces per square meter, which allows them to compress-unclench under each part of the body separately and create a comfortable position for sleeping and sitting. This type of box spring is more commonly used in bed mattresses than in sofas.

Fillers without spring blocks

Fillers without springs can be divided into two groups. Hard fillers and soft fillers.

Fillers made of polyurethane foam (PPU)

There are two types of polyurethane foam.

Block PPU

Block PPU is sometimes called a "sandwich" because of the way it is produced. Represents thick sheets of PPU of the big size, different density.

In production, sofa parts of the desired shape and thickness are cut from such sheets. The result is a sofa back or seat glued together from sheets of different densities (layers, like a sandwich) - from stiffer to softer.

Cast polyurethane foam

Initially has liquid state. It is poured into a mold, the future part of the sofa, and hardening occurs under the influence of pressure and temperature. The result is a block exactly the size and shape of a sofa cushion or seat.

The disadvantage of cast polyurethane foam is the "crust" formed on the surface of the foam, as a result of baking, such a crust does not pass air well and can create the greenhouse effect. The advantage is that cast products have smooth, comfortable shapes

PPU products are afraid of exposure to light. With constant exposure to light, they can crumble and collapse. Therefore, PPU parts are hidden in opaque fabric covers.

The quality of the finished product made of PUF is affected by the density of PUF, measured in kg / m?. Usually, polyurethane foam with a density of 30 to 40 kg / m? is used in furniture. The higher this value, the more durable the furniture will be. PPU with a density less than 25 kg/m? suitable only for decorative pillows. The density of polyurethane foam in a particular model of furniture is usually indicated in the model passport

Interesting! There are pillows that are filled with memory foam foam. They "remember" and keep the shape of the person sitting, adapt to the curves of the body. But as soon as you rise, the pillow takes its original state.

Polystyrene balls

An intermediate view between PPU and soft fillers. Reminds in appearance, balls of crumbled foam. They are usually used to make

bean bags. Furniture from such balls very comfortable and comfortable to sit on.

The disadvantage of this filler, is its rapid compaction. Because of what it is required to periodically top up the filler.

Soft fillers for sofas

First group soft fillers These are synthetic fillers..


Synthetic material produced in the form of a non-woven fabric. The material for its production is polyester fibers. The synthetic winterizer refers to heaters and fillers. In everyday life it is used to warm clothes and give it shape, it is applicable for filling soft toys, blankets and pillows.

In furniture, synthetic winterizer is used for filling sofa cushions, armchairs, chairs and sofa armrests. Often a synthetic winterizer is used as an additional layer in combination with another filler, usually it is the last one before the finishing upholstery.

Advantages of a synthetic winterizer low price,

disadvantages The synthetic winterizer does not hold its shape very well under significant loads, it can wrinkle. The production of synthetic winterizer has no single standard as a result, you can end up with products with low quality and with unhealthy additives, which can result from the use of recycled raw materials in the production.


Obtained by combing, winding polyester fibers. As a result of fleece, a material is formed that looks similar to natural down The combed fibers are treated with silicone and connected. The material has good volume and softness. Interestingly, synthetic down has higher rates of heat saving and maintaining the shape of the product than its natural counterpart. For this, it is often used to make warm outerwear.

In sofas, sintepuh is used to fill pillows and armrests.

To the virtues synthetic down can be attributed to the fact that it keeps its shape well and prevents the formation of fungi inside the sofa.


Synthetic small balls are made of polyester fibers. Used to fill sofa cushions, chairs, ottomans and bean bags.


Synthetic material obtained by heat treatment and bonding of fibers with a base. At the same time, the fibers "grow" from the base like grass vertically. Due to this, the material has good performance elasticity and shape retention.

Advantages does not absorb moisture good stability flammable, has antibacterial properties

It is a canvas with a large volume. It can be made both from natural fibers - cotton or wool, and from synthetic polyester.

Visually, the material resembles a lush blanket. The material can have a different density, due to which sofas with periotec can have different stiffness

Development of Russian scientists. Appeared in 2004. Hollofiber is registered as a trademark. Thanks to their unique properties and at an affordable price, holofiber is gradually replacing other synthetic fillers from the market.

The material is obtained by twisting and "splicing" synthetic fibers. As a result, a spiral filler is formed which has many internal air pores. At the same time, the material has a homogeneous structure, due to which it keeps its shape well and retains heat.

In the furniture industry, they are used to fill sofa cushions. and sofa seats.

Advantages:Does not absorb moisture, Does not break down in the sun Does not absorb odors. Prevents fungus from spreading. Environmentally friendly Has properties of self-healing - takes the primary form after removal of the load.


Struttofiber is a relatively young product. It was born in 2012 thanks to the invention of the engineers of the Podolsk factory of nonwoven materials. The birth of this filler was facilitated by the desire to replace obsolete foam rubber. Struttofiber entered the market as an inexpensive alternative and substitute for foam rubber.

The name of the filler is compound and comes from the words Strutto (Italian) - vertically located and Fiber (English) fiber. The name speaks for itself. The material consists of vertical fibers. Due to this arrangement, it has good elasticity and density.

Polyester is used in the production of fibers, which makes the material inexpensive. Struttofaiber is used both in mattresses and for filling upholstered furniture.


  • long term services
  • moisture resistant
  • not combustible
  • does not allow microorganisms and mites to multiply in their environment
  • elastic and comfortable when sitting and lying


despite the long service life, the material still shrinks and, with prolonged load in one place, deflections may form over time.

Foam fillers

Foam rubber is one of the old and budget types of fillers. Foam rubber can be used in the form of small pieces that fill the frame of the sofa or in the form of sheets when the foam sheet is equal to the size of the sofa element.

Filling with pieces quickly rolls down and begins to sag. Therefore, it is better to take a sofa with sheet foam rubber.

Foam rubber is more often used as an additional layer in the construction of sofas.

General lack of foam rubber short service life, during operation, the foam rubber loses its shape, sags.

To dignity can be attributed to the low price.

Let me summarize the synthetic soft fillers. The materials are worthy of choice. They have good strength and performance characteristics and relatively low price. When choosing this group, you should pay attention to the density and thickness.

The second group of soft fillers are fillers made of synthetic materials..

natural latex

Latex is obtained from the sap of the rubber tree. During vulcanization, latex forms a cellular structure with millions of cells, which are responsible for hygroscopicity and air exchange.

Latex is very durable and durable material does not cause allergies.

The main disadvantage is high price . Therefore, latex is usually used in the production of expensive furniture.


Felt is both natural and artificial origin. Natural felt is produced from wool through the process of influence. Felt is used in sofa fillers as an additional layer. As a rule, felt is placed directly under the upholstery of the sofa. Due to its low thermal conductivity, felt creates a cozy and warm sofa seat. The thickness of sofa felt is from 0.5 to 2 cm.

Dignity felt naturalness and excellent heat-insulating characteristics

Coir filler

Fiber filler coconut trees Also called coconut tow. The raw materials for the production of this filler are the fibers of the trunks and fruits of coconut palms. The fibers are like dense threads. Coconut fibers are compacted by pressing. The result is a dense air-penetrating structure. In sofas, coconut tow is rarely used. It is mainly used in children's mattresses. The material breathes well and passes water well and does not retain water. So, even if the baby had an embarrassment, he will not have to sleep on the wet ..

Advantages good water and air permeability, low price, good rigidity and durability

seaweed filler

Algae filler is used in sofas as an additional material. Seagrass is mainly used for stuffing pillows and blankets. It can also be used to fill sofa cushions. The material is very comfortable to sit on.

disadvantage is a low density and because of this, the pillows can fall off.

Advantages comfort, natural material, in contact with the heat of the human body, algae are able to emit the smell of the sea - in fact, the smell of iodine.

horsehair filler

Horsehair is almost never used as a filler for sofas. Unless in exclusive models. Manufacturing process very labor-intensive and therefore horsehair filler has a very high price. But in the end it turns out very durable and comfortable material. The hair is breathable and does not absorb moisture.

Advantages durability, comfort, naturalness

Flaw high price

What filler for upholstered furniture is better?

You can answer this question by comparing fillers according to certain criteria. And already within each of the selected criteria to find a leader.

The best filler in terms of service life

If high-quality materials were used in the production of the filler, then there is no clear leader. Spring blocks and PPU will also serve well. Foam rubber noticeably lags behind

Usually service life

  • Spring blocks 7-10 years.
  • PPU 5-8 years.
  • Hollofiber 5-10 years
  • Foam rubber 3-5 years

When buying a sofa, always find out the density of the filler. The higher the density, the better. The durability of the sofa depends on the density.

The best fillers depending on the purpose of the sofa

The choice of filler depends on the main purpose of the sofa.

  • If the sofa is going to be used for sleeping, it is better to choose models filled with independent spring blocks. It will be good to sleep on latex.
  • Sofas for heavy seating- the filler is suitable both from spring blocks and from polyurethane foam and holofiber
  • Sofas with light load and occasional use. all the described fillers will cope with this task. Therefore, you can save.

Now, you are ready to choose the filler of the sofa and I think that you can even teach the sellers in furniture stores)))

Buyers are looking for furniture "by clothes". Whereas internal organization(filler for furniture) is much more important. After all, it is the filler that sets the rigidity and softness of the seat; the life of the sofa largely depends on it. Approach the choice of "stuffing" wisely. Otherwise, after a couple of years, you run the risk of getting a seated chair in beautiful upholstery.

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On the picture:

So that characteristic dents "from the fifth point" do not remain on the armchair and sofa, it is important to choose a model with the right filler.

Furniture filler: classification

Two designs of upholstered furniture seat filler are common: with a spring block and without springs. In the first case, continuous weaving springs are “wrapped” with several layers of covering materials: coconut coir, horsehair, polyurethane foam (PUF), etc. The different density of each layer allows you to create more rigid or, conversely, softer seat and back cushions. In the case of springless fillers, a block of cast polyurethane foam acts as the "core".

Where is your cover? Pay attention to the presence or absence of a technical cover under the upholstery, especially if the latter can be removed. The fact is that under the influence of light, PPU is destroyed, begins to turn yellow and crumble. If the pillows are “in the air” even for a short time while the cover is being washed, upholstered furniture will not last even a couple of years. A priori, a technical cover is available in all “multilayer” pillows made of block PU foam. They also make it in seats with molded polyurethane foam, which is complemented by a layer of comfort.

In the photo: Decor sofa from the Camelgroup factory.

The second type is cast PPU. It is made directly at the furniture factory: a blank is filled with a composition resembling sour cream in consistency. A chemical reaction begins and the PU foam hardens under pressure. And at the output we have a block exactly the size and shape of a sofa cushion: no scraps and waste! But cast PPU also has a drawback: a characteristic “crust” is formed on the surface of the block, which breathes poorly.

Cast polyurethane foam is cast strictly according to the shape of the product or its individual parts - for each new chair or pillow they make their own blank (in which a chemical reaction takes place). Products of a bizarre shape otherwise simply cannot be made. This significantly increases the cost of a sofa or chair.

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On the picture:

An example of a cast foam: the blank completely repeats the contour of the future chair.

PPU density. The density of polyurethane foam is decisive. The average range is from 30 to 40 kg / m³: the higher this figure, the harder and, therefore, more durable upholstered furniture will be. The most delicate polyurethane foam for furniture (less than 25 kg / m³) is only suitable for decorative pillows. The "contents" of the seat of an armchair or sofa can be specified by the model passport. Many manufacturers offer several options to choose from or allow you to replace the basic hard components with softer ones. Filling from layers of block polyurethane foam for furniture is cheaper than cast.

Photo: Armchair Vol au Vent (SVL / SV) by B&B Italia, designed by Bellini Mario.

Trademarks of polyurethane

The composition of PPU is not the same. The Russian generalized name "polyurethane foam" corresponds to many foreign analogues: lokfoam, vibrofoam, baltex, technolat, foamex (USA), moltopren (Germany), allofoam (Canada). Some pillows are filled with memory foam. They know how to keep their shape and literally envelop the person sitting, adjusting to the curves of the body. But as soon as you rise, the filling quickly “straightens”, taking its original position.

An alternative to furniture foam

There are two alternatives polyurethane foam filler. Firstly, these are polystyrene balls (reminiscent of crushed foam in appearance). On their basis, most bean bags are made. The balls sit out pretty quickly, periodically they have to be filled up to the desired volume: get ready for regular additional expenses.

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On the picture:

Loose filler literally envelops the body. Sitting in this chair is incredibly comfortable.

Secondly, it is natural latex - it is used in expensive upholstered furniture. When a discerning client basically does not want to deal with synthetic materials. Latex is obtained from the sap of the rubber tree, or hevea. When foaming, millions of cells are formed in its structure, which are responsible for hygroscopicity and air exchange. One of the advantages of the material is its durability: the service life of latex is over 10 years, while the traditional PPU block is designed for only five years (a maximum of eight in expensive furniture). Another important quality of latex is hypoallergenicity. However, the cost of a product based on latex is quite high.

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On the picture:

Latex is considered to be the best filler for upholstered furniture. The only drawback is the high price of the finished product.

Images used in this article:
360.ru , loyal.com.tw, ​​arketipo.com , moroso.it

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What filler better for sofa choose? The answer to this question will depend on the desired degree of rigidity and on the purpose of this piece of furniture. For example, if you choose, then the characteristics of its internal filling will differ significantly from the characteristics of the sofa filler that will stand in the living room or. From what will be under the upholstery, there will be depend and life time your furniture. Let's take a closer look at all the possible options.

1. Spring block

This option used already many years and to this day has a demand and popularity among consumers. His main advantage is an high level comfort, correct and even distribution of the weight of a person both in a sitting and lying position. There are two kind spring fillers: dependent, which is called "Bonnel" and independent"Pocketspring".

To the main benefits spring blocks include:

  • Long service life with proper quality of performance;
  • Reliability;
  • Ability withstand significant loads;
  • Surface sofa will be flat, without dents;
  • Elasticity and sufficient rigidity, which can be selected depending on the number of springs and their density;
  • Possibility of free air circulation, which will prevent the appearance of various insects;
  • orthopedic properties, which will appreciate your spine.

Disadvantages, of course there are also:

  • Over time it may appear creak;
  • Independent blocks have high cost;
  • If one or more springs break, repair maybe get by enough expensive;

2. Polyurethane foam

PPU- This synthetic, highly porous foam material, which is obtained by mixing several synthetic polymers.
In terms of its density, it can surpass materials such as rubber and rubber. This indicator also affects the quality of products made of polyurethane foam. For furniture, polyurethane foam is usually used with an indicator of 30 to 40 kg per square meter. The higher this indicator, the more durable there will be a product. Material with an indicator of less than 30 units is used only for the manufacture of decorative pillows. To find out what filler density your chosen model has, you need to ask passport on the product. For factory furniture, this parameter will be indicated. Production technology This material is quite simple, which has a positive effect on its cost.

Distinguish two kinds PPU:

For the manufacture of various elements of the sofa, sheets of various degrees of rigidity are also used. PPU products do not tolerate direct hits sun rays. Under their influence, they can crumble, so mattresses made of this material additionally protect with covers from opaque fabric. An interesting feature some formulations of PPU is that they have shape memory effect. From it, usually, which remember the contours of the human body and adapt to them as much as possible. But as soon as you get up, the pillow will instantly return to its original state.

A product filled with high-quality polyurethane foam at a cost will more accessible than block "Pocket Spring" and in terms of their properties and level of comfort are approximately the same. This mattress can also be used for sleep."Bonnel" will be cheaper than both of these options and significantly worse in terms of technical characteristics.

To benefits PPU can be classified as:

  • Long term operation;
  • Absolute security and environmental friendliness of the material;
  • Good balance of softness / hardness;
  • Air- and moisture permeability;
  • Material does not provoke allergic reactions;
  • Does not accumulate dust;
  • Rapid shape restoration after deformation due to high elasticity;
  • Ability withstand heavy loads for a long time.

disadvantages this material has a significant smaller:

  • Cheap PPU quickly loses its elastic properties, due to which dents will soon appear in places of greatest stress:
  • Some types of PUR may seem pretty tough compared to the spring block.

3. Sintepon

Highly common material used as filler not expensive models. He is synthetic material in the form of a non-woven fabric. It is made from polyester fibers. The best option will use it in combination with other types of filler. He usually serves as an intermediate layer between full-fledged material filler, such as polyurethane foam, and upholstery. It gives the finished product additional softness and elasticity. To benefits sintepon include:

  • Low price;
  • Environmental friendliness material, thanks to which, it is not prone to appearing inside the fibers;
  • Despite the synthetic origin, synthetic winterizer does not cause allergies and can be used as a filler even for;
  • His structure elastic and elastic.

Despite all the positive qualities, he has a number significant disadvantages:

  • The most basic is short operating period. With active use and frequent loads, this material loses its elastic properties, and dents and irregularities quickly form on the surface of the product. Therefore, despite the affordable cost, furniture filled with synthetic winterizer will last a very short period.
  • On the this moment there is no single technology for the production of this material. Therefore, you risk poor quality product in the manufacture of which could be used harmful substances. To avoid this, be sure to ask the seller for a product certificate that can confirm its safety.
  • As a full-fledged filler, it can only be used for pillows or armrests, in some cases - for the back, in order to give it decorative curves or projections. For example, if the back of the sofa is made using the “carriage tie” technology;
  • With time goes astray in lumps.

After evaluating the advantages and disadvantages, we can conclude that such a material better fit for sofa which will be used in living room.

4. Periotek

This is modern non-woven material, which is made up of polyester fibers High Quality. It is increasingly used for the manufacture of mattresses and various bedding, as well as for filling . Thanks to special additives in the form of artificial components (for example, corn fibers, bamboo or viscose), or natural fibers (wool, coconut, linen or cotton), this material has high strength and elasticity. Along with these indicators, the service life of products with such a filler also increases.
To strengthen Perioteka can additionally be used knitted fabric - dublerin, non-woven single-stitched or needle-punched fabric or woven fabric, such as coarse calico. To understand exactly what components are included in the composition, and what indicator of rigidity this filler can provide, he has a special label. It also indicates the density and width.

To obtain this, while unusual for us, material is used special technology. It lies in the formation three various layers. First layer - the main one, it must bear the entire load. Its fibers are laid in a vertical direction and are fixed in this position under the influence of high temperature. Second and the third layer perform the function of reinforcement. They strengthen and support the first layer. Such unique building and explains the high technological performance of this type of filler.

Advantages perioteca are obvious:

  • The material is hypoallergenic;
  • In its structure reproduction is impossible harmful and disease-causing microorganisms;
  • He is completely safe for human health. This is due to the fact that its composition does not contain glue, resins and other components that can be toxic. The fibers are held together under the influence of temperature.
  • Periotheque mattresses provide a very high level of comfort;
  • Capable of regaining shape small residual deformation even with prolonged exposure to significant loads;
  • Indicator its elasticity and mass distribution similar independent spring block;
  • Durability, thanks to the three-layer reinforced structure;
  • breathability;
  • Fire safety.

To shortcomings can be attributed:

  • Price, which is equal to the cost of the "Pocket spring" block.
  • This material is ideal for filling upholstered furniture, but for some it may seem too tough. In such cases, it is used as the main, elastic layer, and softer materials are additionally used to achieve a lower degree of rigidity.

This sofa can use for daily sleep. After all, the degree of its deformation is practically minimized.

5. Struttofiber

One of the most resilient types of modern fillers, which is ideal for filling upholstered furniture. His second name "non-woven independent springs", speaks for itself. It is made from synthetic and natural fibers such as cotton, linen, coconut, camel hair, or combinations thereof. Manufacturing technology resembles the process of obtaining periotec. The fibers of the carrier layer are also stacked in a vertical position and fixed with a very hot air stream. This technology is called "strutto". Due to this, the finished material has increased elasticity and wear resistance.
He maximum exactly capable take contours body and prevent problems with the musculoskeletal system. Struttofiber has a number of significant advantages:

  • He not subject to decay;
  • Term his exploitation very large;
  • Due to the increased elasticity, it is better than other fillers restores shape after prolonged exertion;
  • Withstands large weight;
  • Does not absorb moisture;
  • Do not support process burning;
  • breathable;
  • In this material appearance is impossible dust ticks and other microorganisms
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Does not produce extra noise and squeaks;
  • It has acceptable cost.

Required correct selection stiffness for different weight categories, for example:

  • Filler with high hardness index recommended for people weighing 90 kg or more;
  • Middle level rigidity withstands loads weighing from 60 kg to 90 kg;
  • Soft the filler is recommended for use by people whose weight does not exceed 60 kg.

Due to such weight restrictions, there may be difficulties when choosing in the elderly, who are uncomfortable sleeping or sitting on a hard surface, but whose weight exceeds the allowable norms.

6. Felt and padded jacket

Felt is nonwoven fabric natural origin, which is obtained from felted goat or sheep wool. The structure of these types of wool allows you to get a very dense material, the formation of which uses high-temperature pressing. It is rolled through hot cylinders, after which a fairly strong and hard crust is obtained on both sides of the sheet. Felt is produced in the form of panels, which have different thicknesses.
Vatnik represents composition from cotton wool, the layer of which has a thickness of 5 cm and thick fabric that covers it on both sides. It can be packing, bag, gauze fabric or technical calico. To connect all the layers to each other, use a machine stitch with dense threads at a certain interval. AT quality 100% filler upholstered furniture, these two materials are not commonly used due to their excessive density. However, the felt serves as protective layer for spring or PPU blocks, thereby making their surface more wear-resistant and protecting against punching. This significantly increases the service life of products. The padded jacket is used as intermediate layer between fillers. It is used to improve comfort and convenience. bed. These materials have many advantages:

  • protective properties, which increase the service life of upholstered furniture;
  • Natural Ingredients in the composition, which allow the use of this filler even for small children's sofas;
  • high density and wear resistance;
  • Affordable price;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Possibility uniform load distribution;
  • Good regulates heat.
  • Smooth surface even after many years of use.

to essential shortcomings relate:

  • In natural wool wind up insects and other pests
  • This cover is good. absorbs moisture and can quickly moldy because of which it must be constantly dried, which is extremely problematic to do when it comes to sofa fillers.

7. Holofiber

It can be said that this improved synthetic winterizer. It looks like fluffy balls small size, which are formed from polyester spiral fibers of polyester and have many internal pores.
Thanks to spiral structure it has the main advantage, which is very much appreciated when choosing a filler for upholstered furniture, - it is able to quickly restore its shape after prolonged loads. However, he remains very soft and warm. It is actively used as a filler for sofa cushions and seats. If holofiber in the form of balls is used for pillows, then a special furniture material. It looks like a mat with the same spiral structure. It is very thick, resilient, and retains its shape well.
Today it is considered one of the most quality fillers. This is explained big list his positive qualities:

  • Absolute security and environmental friendliness, which makes it possible to use it to fill children's furniture;
  • Does not cause allergic reactions;
  • It has light weight;
  • Does not absorb odors;
  • Not absorbs and does not collect on its surface dust;
  • Easily changes and restores shape;
  • In him not may form harmful microorganisms;
  • Possesses high softness and elasticity;
  • Does not absorb moisture;
  • breathable;
  • Does not roll;
  • Does not support combustion;
  • It has long term services.

Essential shortcomings this material not found. Is that a higher cost than that of a synthetic winterizer.

8. Foam rubber

Most accessible at the cost and the most low quality filler type. Foam rubber is the same polyurethane foam, but the lowest quality and lowest density. Therefore, it is a mistake to assume that these are two different material. Very often sellers can deceive customers claiming that it is not. In fact, they differ only in their characteristics. By the way, the thickness of the foam does not affect the degree of its rigidity. Even a tall sheet can easily wrinkle and be very porous, while a thin sheet is able to instantly restore its shape. Foam rubber rarely used as a filler for soft sofas.
Unless, for their armrests or formers. It has found its use as a material for .

His positive sides This:

  • Low price;
  • Security for good health;
  • antistatic properties;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Good breathable and moisture;
  • Not possibility mold formation.

Disadvantages, unfortunately very important:

  • fragility;
  • Foam rubber Low quality very fast loses elasticity why dents form on the surface;
  • With time shrinks and crumbles;
  • Not intended for furniture filling, which is subject to heavy use.

As you can see, such a filler will become unusable very quickly, and your sofa will quickly lose its aesthetic appearance.

9. Latex

It's a filler natural origin, which is used in expensive models of upholstered furniture. It is made from rubber plant juice which greatly increases its cost. At vulcanization latex, it is possible to obtain a structure that has a lot of cells that contribute to the penetration of air and are responsible for hygroscopicity. Production technology latex, which is used in furniture industry, is pretty simple. The latex mixture is poured into a container in which it is constantly mixed and foams after a certain period of time. After that, it is poured into special shapes and at a temperature of 100°C, the vulcanization process takes place. The resulting blank is taken out of the mold, cleaned of unnecessary foam residues and dried at a temperature of 120°C. After that, the sheets are tested for stiffness, weighed, packaged and shipped to furniture factory.Due to the fact that rubber in its natural form does not tolerate hits fat, ultraviolet and collapses from this, in the production of a latex mixture, special stabilizing additives. Thus, the maximum proportion of natural rubber in latex foam is no more than 85%. Such a product is considered completely natural. In terms of requirements for filler for soft furniture, then the allowable latex content is 45-60%. This indicator is quite enough to receive required level strength, elasticity and wear resistance. If you are not limited in finances and prefer to use pieces of furniture from natural materials, we recommend that you pay attention to this type of filler.
He has next advantages:

  • Lifetime is about 20 years;
  • Does not cause allergic reactions;
  • breathable;
  • Maximum exactly follows contours body;
  • Capable dampen vibration;
  • Distributes the load evenly due to which it has orthopedic properties;
  • Non-toxic;
  • Highly quickly regains shape.

To shortcomings can only be attributed high cost, which is due to the specifics of production and the components used. There is also artificial latex. So called highly elastic polyurethane foam. To don't be deceived you need to know that the natural filler has a grayish tint, and to the touch it seems greasy. While synthetic has a yellowish tint and is dry to the touch.

10. Durafil

This material has structure, which, according to indicators similar to the spring block. This is a high-quality non-woven fabric, which is made from hollow polyester fibers by heat treatment and gluing the fibers to the base. His fibers located vertically and, as it were, grow out of the base, resembling grass. This structure allows for high performance elasticity combined with softness and splendor.
This material perfect fits for filling sofas, giving their backs and seats volume and attractive appearance. Such furniture looks very cozy and comfortable, and in fact it is. His Benefits make this material more popular every day:

  • Hypoallergenic material that does not contain substances that can cause even the slightest allergic reaction;
  • Do not support process burning. This is due to the peculiarity of production, in which it is subjected to special heat treatment and loses combustible properties. It can char, deform or collapse completely, but not ignite.
  • high elasticity, which was achieved thanks to vertically directed individual fibers. This structure is actively resists the load upon the disappearance of which, the fibers instantly tend to take their original position.
  • This material does not accumulate dust;
  • sustainable to moisture and temperature changes;
  • Possesses antimicrobial properties;
  • Has a pleasant softness which makes it popular in the furniture industry;
  • Long service life.

disadvantages this material so far not found. And based on the list positive qualities, we can conclude that a sofa with such a filler can be used as a full-fledged sleeping place.

11. Lamels

Do not forget that if you are looking for a sofa that can play the role of a bed, then in order to achieve orthopedic properties and extending its service life, it is necessary to choose models that additionally equipped with slats. Of course, this is not a filler, but only an additional support for him, which is very helpful. slats represent planks of veneered wood, which have a slightly curved shape. This design allows you to compensate for the load and provide correct position body. Under pressure, they bend, allowing you to evenly distribute the load.
The material used is birch, poplar or beech. The thickness of the lamellas is 2-10 mm. It is clear that the thicker this element and the more often it is located on the frame, the stronger and more durable it will be. disadvantage lamellas is that if they break they cannot be repaired. However, almost everyone can buy a new one and replace it on their own. Especially considering their low cost and the possibility of acquiring even one piece.

12. Leader among fillers according to various evaluation criteria

We have listed quite a few various options fillers and you are probably already a little confused. To make it clear summarize and highlight the most suitable species according to different requirements.

Average indicators for the duration of operation

When using the sofa as a bed

For sitting with a constant and intense load

When choosing a sofa, keep in mind that they are often used combined fillers, which make it possible to achieve optimal performance stiffness/comfort and price/quality ratio. Be sure to ask the seller more about all types of fillers used. Ask certificates, that confirm the safety of materials. And the most important thing- be sure to sit or lie down on the selected sofa. You should be comfortable and comfortable on it. In this case, you will be satisfied with the purchase.

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