Cover the adobe house from the outside. Advantages of adobe houses. Elena, Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk

In order to protect from rain, houses made of wood or adobe (clay with chopped straw) are often sheathed with boards that rot intensively. And plastering a wall containing organic matter is not only useless, but also harmful. The coating cracks, the wall stops "breathing" and a fungus appears.

A more reliable solution is the use of modern plastic lining (PV), plus competent wall ventilation. You can even lay a heater.

I give a diagram of such a design (Fig. 1). Air through the ventilation hatch penetrates into the space between the skin and the wall (or insulation), rises up and exits near the roof. It is important that the ventilation gap is at least 1-2 cm.

From above, we cover it with a fiberglass facade plaster mesh and nail it with plastic washers (we cut it from 4 × 4 cm flasks). We put a copper wire under the washers, tying the canvas.

We nail the plaster shingles in the center. Caring for the wall is very simple: in the spring we open the hatches so that it dries properly, and close it for the winter.


Styrofoam, pressed glass wool plates and mineral wool on aluminum foil cannot be used for insulation - these are airtight coatings.

Wall decoration of an adobe house and ventilation device: drawings

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Adobe is an environmentally friendly material made from a mixture of clay, straw, sand and water. Houses built of adobe are a real masterpiece that can stand and give comfort to those living in it for hundreds of years.

However, as you might guess, these buildings require a special approach to finishing, so further we will consider how and with what to plaster adobe walls.

General information

Adobe houses have a number of advantages, among which, in addition to durability, one can single out a favorable indoor microclimate. In the summer in such a house it is cool, and in the winter it is warm. In addition, this construction option is perhaps the cheapest.

Therefore, adobe houses in Europe are becoming more and more popular every day. However, many refuse the idea of ​​​​such a building due to the fact that they have no idea how to “put in order” the walls.

In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, the main thing is to preserve the concept of an eco-friendly house, its main advantages, and at the same time take into account some of the nuances of adobe walls.

What kind of plaster can be used

As you know, adobe buildings do not tolerate moisture well, so the finish must be primarily moisture resistant. However, it should immediately be said that traditional cement plaster is categorically not suitable for these purposes. The fact is that such a coating has a high heat capacity, good thermal conductivity and poor vapor permeability.

As a result, moisture seeps from inside the house through, and then flows down. In the best case, such plaster of an adobe house will begin to crumble in a few years, in the worst case, this will lead to the complete destruction of the walls, which can happen in a warm climate.

It is best to use a lime-based finish as a link. Such a composition is easy to make with your own hands from lime and sand in a ratio of 1: 5. It is perfect for thick, rough layers of plaster. For a mixture in a ratio of 1:1.

If the walls of the house are uneven, then to level them, you can make a solution with a small admixture of straw, manure or sawdust. This will strengthen the total mass, and thereby avoid the need to use a plaster mesh. The fact is that the mesh is fixed with long nails that destroy the walls.

For internal plastering of an adobe house, a gypsum-based mixture can be used.

In the photo - shingle

Performing plastering


Before plastering an adobe wall, it is necessary to prepare it:

  • First of all, the walls need to be treated twice with a deep penetration primer. This will strengthen their surface, provide protection from microorganisms, as well as improve the adhesion of the plaster to the base. (See also the article.)
  • After that, many experts recommend covering the walls with shingles, although this procedure is far from always performed. For manufacturing, wooden slats with a thickness of not more than 5 mm are used, which are stuffed at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizontal in 5 mm increments. Planks are attached on top of them, located at a right angle with respect to the first layer of shingles.

If adobe walls are plastered in this way, then the wooden slats must be treated with an antibacterial compound before installation.


After the walls are prepared, you can start applying the coating.

The instructions for doing this work are as follows:

  • First of all, it is necessary to prepare a solution, in the proportions indicated above, of a creamy consistency.
  • The plaster on adobe is applied by throwing. To do this, stand sideways to the wall at a distance of half a meter and, using a ladle, spray with force. The composition should completely cover the surface of the wall with a thickness of about one centimeter.
  • When the first layer dries, but still remains soft enough, the surface irregularities should be leveled with a wooden grater.
  • Then, the first layer should be moistened with water and another layer of plaster about 1 cm thick should be applied. It can also be roughly sketched with a ladle, or carefully laid with a trowel. If you want to leave a decorative tuberosity of the walls, then the second layer of plaster is not leveled.
  • After the coating dries, you should break off the straw sticking out of the wall.
  • Then decorative adobe plaster is applied, which is also done independently from sand and lime in a ratio of 1: 1. At the same time, the color of the desired color should be added. It is best to use mineral dyes based on metal oxides, as they are very resistant and do not change their color over time.
    If the surface remains bumpy, then decorative painted plaster should be applied with a brush in three layers.

An adobe house built from homemade bricks is very environmentally friendly and comfortable. Due to the special composition of the walls (clay and grass), it is cool in summer and warm in winter. However, the appearance of an adobe house often leaves much to be desired.

You will need: brick, cement, sand, nails, insulation, water, level, plumb.


  • After building an adobe house, wait at least three to four years, only after a few years you can begin to brick the walls. During this time, the adobe will dry out, shrinkage will occur, the walls will be in the best condition.
  • Examine the foundation of the adobe house. The foundation must be strong enough to support, in addition to the weight of the house, the weight of the wall, as well as wide (the brick wall should be located at some distance from the adobe).
  • If the foundation is narrow, unreliable or not at all, make it separately for brick cladding. The width of the foundation should be 25-30 cm. In addition, raise the base - make a formwork and fill it with concrete or lay it out of brick.
  • To minimize the amount of bricks spent on cladding, first lay out the row “dry”, taking into account doors and windows. Calculate how many bricks you need, the average consumption of bricks is 50-55 pieces per square meter.
  • Take out the cladding no more than 60 mm. At the same time, the distance between the adobe wall and the brick should not be too small so that the clay walls can be ventilated. The lack of ventilation will lead to dampness and a decrease in the strength of the walls of an adobe house.
  • Make a bunch between the walls, for this you can use ordinary 100 mm nails. Gaps can be filled with heat-insulating material (for example, expanded clay).
  • Dilute the masonry mortar in the following proportion: 4 parts sand, 1 part cement. Determine the amount of water during mixing, the solution should not be too thick or liquid. The optimal thickness of the seams between the bricks is 13 mm.
  • Lay concrete lintels on the openings, they are strong enough and go well with bricks. In addition, you can use reinforcement, laying it on each row of opening bricks, to the very top.
  • Do not forget to always check the horizontal rows with a level and verticality with a plumb line. As a plumb line, you can use any weight suspended on a twine.
See also:

Decorating the walls of an adobe house is an unlimited scope for creativity and the implementation of creative ideas, as well as the opportunity to create an environmentally friendly housing to your taste. The main thing when choosing finishing options is to maintain a favorable microclimate of an eco-house, take into account the recommendations of specialists in the choice of materials and strictly follow the installation technology.

Pise construction is the best solution for those who value energy-efficient and health-friendly technologies. And although adobe is not an innovation in construction, the quality and performance characteristics of the material have turned the ancient technique of building cheap housing into a 21st century technology. The main advantages of a house made of adobe - a mixture of sand, clay, water and straw: heat capacity, reliability, positive effect on the human body, healing properties, durability ( hundreds of years), natural moisture exchange. An additional "plus" is the unique exoticism of an adobe house and the ability to implement any design passages in the interior.

Decorating the walls of an adobe house: features of the choice of materials

Saman is a 100% safe for health material that creates a favorable microclimate in the room. Particularly useful in the composition of adobe radium, which helps to remove from the human body everything that decomposes, rots and leads to cellular disorganization. In addition, radium has a positive effect on the nervous system - that is why the ancestors living in clay houses did not complain about their health. Therefore, the main thing when choosing materials is to preserve the healthy, unique and healing microclimate of an eco-house.

General principles for choosing materials:

  1. Wall decoration from the inside of an adobe house performs only decorative functions - the enclosing structures DO NOT NEED to be protected! Therefore, when choosing materials, it is enough to pay attention to environmental friendliness, vapor permeability and aesthetic characteristics.
  2. The best finishing option is with a small layer of adobe and with natural dye. When choosing dyes, it is recommended to give preference to mineral ones based on metal oxides - resistant compounds that retain the brightness of paints well throughout the entire service life.

Important! It is not allowed to use in the interior decoration of an adobe house cement, modern latex and water dispersion paints! The latter are undesirable for two reasons: 1) insufficient vapor permeability; 2) the presence of polluting processes that are used in production.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide palette of shades of mineral dyes, which provides talented designers with unlimited scope for the implementation of original ideas. A good solution for decorating the interior is a combination of painting the walls and.

  1. The easiest finishing option is: prime the walls with highly diluted glue, let dry and glue the material sheets.
  2. All types of plasters, including gypsum, are suitable for finishing an adobe house. Textured “antique” plaster looks bewitching, which emphasizes the effect of adobe walls - this is not only an opportunity to please the eye with a rough texture and give yourself a pleasant tactile sensation, but also a proven way to recreate the cozy atmosphere of a rural house with excellent sound-absorbing properties.

From the point of view of preserving the unique microclimate of an adobe house, it is undesirable, since the GKL sheets create an insulating air gap that prevents the walls from accumulating heat and warming up from the inside. Therefore, due to the loose adjoining of drywall to curved building envelopes made of adobe, freezing of the walls is possible.

When decorating the walls of an adobe house, special attention should be paid to amateurs. The easiest way is to stick the lining on the clay mortar - a short-lived option, as the tile will fall off over time. Therefore, experts recommend using this type of finish in rooms where it is difficult to do without cladding ( bathroom, toilet, kitchen).

If it fits well into the interior and is considered as the main type of finish, then the best solution would be to use drywall. First you need to fasten the GKL sheets directly to the walls using long self-tapping screws, or pre-make a frame from galvanized profiles, and then fix drywall to it. After that, prepare the surface, perform ceramic tiling - and a beautiful wall will please the eye with a spectacular view of a stylish finish.

Before proceeding to the consideration of the field of use of adobe, it is necessary to indicate what this material is. So, adobe is an environmentally friendly material. It is made from a mixture of straw, clay and sand. All this is diluted with water. It has long been known that buildings made of adobe are very durable and of high quality. And thanks to its many advantages, residents get a comfortable pastime, comfort and warmth. But in order to get the long-awaited and desired result, it is worth carefully studying all the nuances when using adobe.

Every person who plans to make repairs should know that houses made of adobe, in addition to being very durable, have some other advantages. First of all, you will find real comfort in the room. Indeed, due to its properties, the house will be cool in summer, and very warm in winter. Saman accumulates solar heat and energy during the day and gives them to the room at night.

Do not forget about the low cost of such a building material. Among the entire existing range, adobe is perhaps the most budgetary. For residents of many countries, including Europe, this is an important factor.

Of course, for many people it is somewhat incomprehensible how to use such a mixture to make a truly high-quality house that can serve its residents for a long time. But thanks to a few tips on using adobe, you can achieve excellent results.

The use of plaster

In order for the walls of adobe to retain their durability and strength, you need to carefully select the plaster. It has long been known that adobe is not very resistant to moisture. Under the influence of dampness, rain, high humidity, the walls lose their shape, swell, and with waterproof plaster you will extend the life of your home.

But be sure to remember that you should not use cement plaster. This material has a vapor barrier, so the walls will not be able to "breathe", moisture will not be able to evaporate, but will linger inside. As a result, the liquid will begin to flow down the inner surface of the cement and this will adversely affect the durability of the house.

As practice shows, the most suitable link for adobe is a solution of lime and sand. It is very easy to prepare if you know the right consistency. The ratio of lime to sand should be 1 to 5. If you have a very thick layer of plaster, then this mixture is perfect. As a finishing treatment, it is worth using the same solution of lime and sand, but in a different ratio - 1: 1.

To level the walls, eliminate all imperfections and recesses, you can use a special solution, in which it is customary to add straw or sawdust. Such a procedure will not only eliminate irregularities in the room, but also strengthen the walls, extend the life of the coating. Also, you do not need to use a plaster mesh.

As for the use of plaster indoors, you can use a mixture based on gypsum.

Preparing for plastering

To perform quality work, you need to know what actions should be taken for a good result.

First of all, the walls of adobe must be covered several times with a primer, which tends to penetrate deep inside. This will protect the walls from microorganisms and strengthen them. And also with the help of a primer, the plaster sticks to the walls better.

Further, it is recommended to apply shingles to the walls of adobe. It consists of thin wooden planks, which are nailed at a small distance from each other (approximately 5 mm). In this case, the first layer of shingles should be located at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the horizontal. The second layer is nailed perpendicular to the first, at the same distance of one plank from the next. But it is worth noting that the procedure is quite laborious and not always feasible. Therefore, shingles are not always applied.


Having carefully prepared the walls, you can begin to plaster them. Initially, a solution of sand and lime should be applied to the entire surface. About how to do it correctly, we mentioned above.

The next step is to apply the plaster itself. The first layer should be no thinner than 1 centimeter. In this case, the plaster should be applied as evenly as possible. To do this, it is necessary to apply building material to the wall by sketching. Next, you need to give the coating time to dry, but be sure to make sure that it is still soft and pliable enough. Then it follows with a wooden object, for example, a grater, to level it.

Next, you need to apply a second, the same thickness, layer of plaster. Previously, the first layer must be moistened with water and you can proceed to the second run. Depending on what result you want to get, at the end you can level the coating. If, on the contrary, you want to observe naturalness, natural unevenness and roughness, then you can not touch the plaster and let it harden in the form in which you applied it.

The final step is the application of decorative plaster. It is made from sand and lime. You can add paint to this solution and give the walls the desired shade. But it should be remembered that you need to choose high-quality dyes that will retain color, brightness and saturation for a long time.

Recall once again why it is worth using adobe as a covering for the house. Despite the fact that you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to create a home, as a result you will get a quality house, from an environmentally friendly product at a fairly low price. And it will be pleasant for you to be in it both in winter and in summer, despite the intense heat, frost or wind.