Brick oven for bread - types, components, masonry and cladding. Brick oven for bread: practical tips for building

In this article, everyone who wishes can find out what a brick oven for bread is, get acquainted with all the stages of its construction. You can learn how to build it, how to seal the seams between the bricks on the stove, and how to ennoble the front surface. Also here you will find a lot of interesting information regarding its origin and design.

Wood burning brick oven

Bread is a food product that has an incredibly long history, and each part of the world has its own recipe for baking it. Despite the peculiarities of dough preparation, baking, as well as the wide variety of modern ovens, it is the brick oven that remains the oldest device on which people in all parts of the world and at all times could create fragrant pastries.

  • With the advent of stoves with ovens, many have stopped cooking in brick ovens. They took up too much space, and in a modern apartment its use is completely prohibited for safety reasons.
  • Despite the great commitment of people to modern electrical appliances, many still prefer to install a good old brick structure in their yard, gazebo, or country house.
  • This is explained quite simply, because baking created by mechanisms will never be able to surpass bread cooked in a wood-burning oven in terms of its taste characteristics.

Historical references

A brick oven, when it comes to conversation, everyone associates with ancient times. Such associations arise for a reason, since it was precisely such designs that served as an important kitchen appliance even among our distant ancestors.

  • From the moment when people learned to grind cereals, and later use them as flour, it became necessary to use fire in the preparation of flour products.
  • Scientists still do not know exactly when and how a person prepared bread. But it is obvious that subsequently such products were created on hot stones, and were cakes.
  • According to the results of the study of the found remains of ancient cakes, it can be said with confidence that a person learned to bake more than 8 thousand years ago.

The ancient Egyptians learned how to make bread through fermentation. After that, this tradition was passed on to other peoples, and the cakes familiar to everyone took on a new form.

Thanks to such advanced civilizations as Egypt, Greece, the Roman Empire, stoves also began to change dramatically, and acquired a completely new look.

It was far from profitable and convenient for everyone to have a large stone structure in their house, therefore, bakeries began to meet more and more often, in which residents of large and small cities turned to buy fresh pastries.

And yet, everyone who wanted to cook delicious bread according to his own recipe strove to build brick stoves in his house. At the moment, such a structure cannot be called a necessity, but many people strive to build such an oven in their yard or in a country house in order to always enjoy hot goodies, regardless of weather conditions.

Features and Benefits

A do-it-yourself brick stove is very tempting. Many men think about this in order to please their ladies, and add one more reason to go out of town.

The modern technology market offers a huge range of ready-made bread ovens, but they are electric, and therefore directly dependent on the availability of power. Outside the city, the best device for baking will be a self-made pompeika or tonir.

The main advantages of such a device include the following characteristics:

  • Fast warm-up saves a lot of time. Baking is quick and hassle-free.
  • A properly designed fixture guarantees uniform baking of products of any shape.
  • In addition to lean bread, you can cook pies with filling. Both vegetable and meat fillings are perfectly baked.
  • Just one kindling is enough for long-term use of the stove.
  • The furnace works in any conditions and at any temperatures.
  • Ease of design and calculations.
  • Inexpensive building materials. The price of a finished brick structure is much less than the price of electric ovens.
  • Long service life.

Baking bread in a brick oven

From various countries of the world, many designs of ovens for bread have come to us. The most common among them are tonir and pompeika.

From Central Asia, tonir came to us - a ceramic oven shaped like a truncated cone. Dishes are baked in it thanks to the heat that the walls of the structure give off.

Pompeian is a dome-shaped hearth oven that came to us from Italy. It is used not only for baking bread, but also pizza, as well as other dishes.

These are the oldest designs of ovens that were used for the preparation of flour products. They were taken as the basis of many modern ovens, combining with each other and adding a barbecue, as well as a grill.

Furnace features

The design of the furnace is standard, therefore it practically does not change depending on the choice of one or another type of device.

The composition of the classic oven includes the following elements:

  • Firebox or crucible;
  • Six;
  • Mouth;
  • Shield;
  • Chimney;
  • Under.

These are the main components of the furnace design. The photos presented here will help you choose the most appropriate design and shape.

Advice! Having chosen the most attractive design of the furnace, it is worth considering the location of its location well. This is necessary so that the structure fits into the landscape and is not cluttered with nearby plants.

How to build an oven

Brick stoves are created simply and quickly enough. They do not need regular maintenance.

  • All that is needed is to choose the right materials, make calculations, and carry out the construction in accordance with the instructions.
  • Do not forget about the norms and standards. So, SNiP II-22-81 * "Stone and reinforced masonry structures" helps a novice engineer to calculate a stone structure for compression and resistance.
  • Before proceeding with construction, it is necessary to carry out small geodetic work. Marking the territory will only facilitate further work.

Advice! The furnace should be located on the elevation of the site, so the problem of drainage can be solved.

The main calculations relate directly to the dimensions of the individual parts of the furnace. Each of them must be stable, and the capacity must satisfy the requirements for the productivity of the structure. All calculations must be recorded, after which a furnace design is drawn up.

Necessary tools and materials

Since the future structure must be in contact with the fire, it is worth taking care of the correct selection of materials. GOST 8691-73 “General purpose refractory products. Shape and dimensions.

  • For the construction of furnaces, fireclay bricks will be the best choice, since it is refractory and has high strength.
  • When choosing a brick for a stove, one should be guided by GOST 390-96 “Refractory fireclay and semi-acid products for general purposes and mass production”.
  • Thanks to the norms and standards, you can create a durable stove with your own hands quickly and at low cost.

All the tools that will be needed during construction are presented in the table:

Photo and name of the instrument purpose

Needed to cut the bricks of the dome. You also need to select special nozzles for working with bricks.

Together with the mixer nozzle, it helps to mix the building mixture.

Suitable for forming formwork and separating bricks.

For sawing formwork material

For gentle cracking of bricks

To protect the eyes and body while working with the tool

Tools will make the job easier, but in addition to them, you still need to purchase high-quality building materials.

To build a structure and process a brick between the wall and the stove, the following materials are needed:

  1. Refractory fireclay bricks;
  2. Oven mixture "Martel";
  3. Mineral wool;
  4. Perlite;
  5. Reinforcing mesh;
  6. Small metal profiles;
  7. Chimney pipe;
  8. Formwork boards;
  9. Retaining boards and bars;
  10. Polyethylene film;
  11. Concrete blocks or ordinary brick;
  12. Cement;
  13. Sand.

The listed tools and materials are enough to create the bread oven of your dreams.


On the selected site, it is necessary to dig a hole with a depth of more than 30 cm, with dimensions of 1.5x1.5 m. The width of the hole should be approximately 10 cm larger than the width of the pedestal from each corner.

A pillow is created from sand, its thickness should reach 15 cm. Then the sand is also compacted due to crushed stone laid on top of it and compacted.

  • A polyethylene film is laid, which provides reliable waterproofing, and also simplifies the concreting process.
  • After that, the formwork boards are installed, and the reinforcing mesh is laid.
  • Special stands are placed under the grid. They can be bought at a specialized store, or you can use wooden blocks. There should be about 4-5 cm between the bottom and the reinforcement.
  • When all the preparatory work is completed, the concrete mixture is poured. Using a level, the surface is leveled, which subsequently remains to harden for at least a week.

The main part of the oven

The design of the stove, as mentioned earlier, consists of many parts, therefore it is necessary to build it in several stages:


It is better to build in the shape of the letter "H". So it will be possible to evenly distribute the load, while leaving free space for storing inventory and firewood.

Materials can be different: cinder block or brick. If the choice fell on the first option, then it is worth laying the blocks according to the dry method. After laying in rows, reinforcement is inserted into the masonry holes and poured with concrete. Holes through one are filled with concrete mixture.


When the pedestal is ready, you can move on to the countertop. To begin with, formwork is arranged. Moisture resistant plywood is perfect for the bottom. The sides are formed from boards. The thickness of the tabletop can vary between 10-15 cm.

The formwork in the lower part is covered with polyethylene. The fittings are placed on supports, previously placed on plywood. Concrete is poured, after which the uniformity of filling is checked.

thermal insulation

After the final hardening of the mixture, you can proceed to the following work. In order to avoid overheating of the pedestal, thermal insulation is arranged between it and the hearth. Calcium silicate slabs are laid on the countertop.

At the same time, the future outlines of the stove are indicated on the tiles. After that, tiles and bricks are cut to the desired shape. Fireclay bricks are laid for the hearth. Already cut and correctly spaced elements are fixed on the mortar "Mertel".

Furnace masonry

It is carried out in several stages:

  • A circle is cut out of plywood, which will serve as a template for the first row of masonry (the circle should be cut into several parts in order to facilitate extraction).
  • The arch should have a thickness of 12 cm, therefore, with the help of a grinder, the brick must be sawn.
  • When the brick laying is completed, it is worth proceeding to the entrance arch, which is also modeled using plywood semicircles.
  • Many are interested in how to process a brick for a stove so that it is attractive and decorative. To create an attractive appearance of the furnace, ceramic products can be treated with a specially designed grout and latex-based paint.
  • If it was decided to organize a domed vault, then it is necessary to carefully monitor its formation. If the option of the Russian stove was chosen, laying the brick will be much faster and easier.

Advice! Regardless of the type of masonry chosen, it is worth using templates of various shapes. So you can quickly and most importantly correctly lay out all the rows of bricks.

  • A pipe is mounted in a pre-prepared opening, which is fastened with a special solution. It is important to remember that the traction force in the system depends on the chimney pipe.
  • The grout of a brick stove is divided into two types: cement and epoxy. The choice is up to the owner of the stove. Thanks to this treatment, it is possible to protect the seams and the masonry itself from the harmful effects of the environment.

This is a brief description of the process of building a stove, for those who wish to get more information, a video is available in this article on the topic: “Do-it-yourself brick stove”, where everything is clearly demonstrated:

Wood ovens are designed for baking bread and cooking. We offer a wide range of different models of wood-burning stoves, which can be used both for cottages, country houses, as well as for restaurants, shops, small and medium-sized bakeries, as well as large bakeries.

Wood burning oven for home and small bakery - MODEL 1

Name: Model1
Number of pods: 2

Total floor area: 0.6 m²
Type of heat carrier: firewood

Approximate capacity: 12 kg of bread in 60 minutes or 18 pizzas in 60 minutes
Chimney diameter: 150mm
Overall dimensions: 1250 x 1000 x 1650 mm
Weight: 430kg

At the same time, a much smaller amount of firewood is required to heat the stove, and the environment is not polluted.
In comparison, heating in indirect wood-fired ovens offered by SHELDEM is 50% faster than direct-fired ovens, and the amount of wood for baking is 40% less.


Approximate calculations for the consumption of firewood in an oven with indirect heating:
(the calculation is given for 1 kg of wheat-rye bread in the ratio of wheat and rye 70/30):
Reheating (18 kg of wood) and 1 pastry:
In this case, wood consumption for 1.5 kg bread: 24 loaves per pastry (= 36 kg of bread): 0.500 kg of wood per kg of bread
Reheating / Reheating (18 + 6 kg of wood) and 2nd baking:
Firewood consumption for 1.5 kg bread: 48 loaves for baking (= 72 kg of bread):
0.340 kg of timber per kilogram of bread

The heating of the furnace with indirect heating to a temperature of 250-300 degrees C takes about 90 minutes. This is much faster than traditional direct fired wood stoves.

Another important advantage: indirectly heated wood-burning stoves offered by SHELDEM can be heated at any time, thereby maintaining the desired temperature for an arbitrarily long time.

In addition, wood-burning stoves with indirect heating take up much less space compared to the space required for installing direct-fired stoves.

The stoves with indirect heating offered by SHELDEM are equipped with a temperature sensor that shows the temperature at the bottom, closest to the firewood, hearth (level). The temperature on each next floor (underground) of a wood-burning stove differs by 20 degrees C downwards. It is very comfortable.

Wood burning oven for home and small bakery - MODEL 2

Name: Model 2
Number of pods: 4
Hearth size (each): 500 x 600 mm
Total area of ​​the hearth: 1.2 m²
Type of heat carrier: firewood
Under made of fireclay stone
Approximate capacity: 24 kg of bread in 60 minutes or 36 pizzas in 60 minutes
Chimney diameter: 150mm
Overall dimensions: 1250 x 1000 x 2000 mm
Weight: 600kg

Wood burning oven for home and small bakery - MODEL 3

Name: Model 3
Number of pods: 4
Hearth size (each): 600 x 900 mm
Total area of ​​the hearth: 2.2 m²
Type of heat carrier: firewood
Under made of fireclay stone
Approximate output: 40 kg of bread in 60 minutes or 50 pizzas in 60 minutes
Chimney diameter: 150mm
Overall dimensions: 1250 x 1400 x 2000 mm
Weight: 810kg

Wood burning oven for home and small bakery - MODEL 4
Wood burning oven Model 4 is designed for small bakeries.
Suitable for indoor and outdoor placement.
Supplied ready-made for lining with bricks, under the furnace is made of fireclay.
The double doors are made of solid cast iron.

Name: Model 4
Number of pods: 2
Pod size (each): 105 x 70 cm
Hearth area: 0.735 m² (two hearth area 1.47m²)
Type of heat carrier: firewood
Under made of fireclay stone
Single loading on under: 16-20 kg of bread
Overall dimensions: 1000 x 1250 x 1600 mm
Weight: 1300 kg

Wood burning stove - Model 4 - is delivered ready for further brick lining. Suitable for small bakery. Can be placed both indoors and outdoors.

It is possible to make the furnace with other dimensions of the hearth (on request): 140x70 cm; 105x105 cm; 140x105 cm; 175x105 cm; 210x105 cm; 245x105 cm.

Wood is used as a heat carrier in a wood-burning stove to heat the oven chamber in such stoves. The heat from the burning firewood accumulates in the oven chamber and is transferred to the bread. Only when wood is burned, volumetric heat transfer and correct distribution throughout the volume is obtained. Bread cooked in our wood-fired ovens has a unique aroma and a crispy crust.
To obtain catalogs of wood-burning stoves, please contact our managers.

Innovative multi-level wood-fired ovens offered by SHELDEM for baking bread and cooking. Firewood is placed in the lower part of the stove, like in a fireplace, and, thanks to the patented air duct system and 12 valves, stone hearth, excellent thermal insulation, all levels of the stove and their internal stone space are evenly heated by hot air.

Advantages of wood-burning stoves with indirect heating offered by SHELDEM:

  • the wood stove does not need any electrical energy, no fans for ventilation
  • the style and design of wood-burning stoves is unique, suitable in size for any enterprise
  • the wood stove can be fired with any firewood: spruce, beech, birch, poplar, bamboo, etc., as well as brown coal briquettes
  • SHELDEM wood burning stoves are suitable for supermarkets, shops, restaurants, pizzerias, small and medium-sized businesses, weekly bazaars and fairs, for private houses and cottages, can be used in long-distance trains, at distant outposts in the army, in places where the use electricity and gas is limited. But wood-burning stoves are most popular and used in churches, temples and monasteries, where baking is made entirely on natural ingredients.
  • no special oven installation is required, as SHELDEM ovens are delivered assembled
  • wood-fired ovens are always an eye-catching bread production
  • bread, buns, pizza cooked on wood have a unique aroma and differ in taste from ordinary bread, just like shish kebab cooked on coals and in an electric shish kebab
  • the cost of wood burning ovens is significantly lower than electric rotary or deck ovens


The SHELDEM company offers wood-burning stoves, which have been produced in European factories for 60 years by our order. They are designed for baking bread, pizza and other bakery products, as well as any other dishes according to different recipes.

Our ovens have received recognition all over the world. Wood-burning stoves combine not so much aesthetics as a way of life. Every year brings something better to the design of ovens, which embodies all connoisseurs of proper and healthy wood-fired baking.



Wood burning stove for home or shop

Type of coolant


Overall dimensions of the furnace,

depth x length x height

1180 x 1020 x 1580 mm

Furnace dimensions,

depth x length x height

800 x 420 x 420 mm

Furnace temperature

up to 600 degrees

Chimney flue temperature

190 degC

Chimney diameter


Furnace weight

OK. 330 kg

PRICE: make a request to managers


Wood-burning barbecue ovens are designed for baking bread, pizza and other bakery products, as well as for frying shish kebabs and barbecues on a separate grill, which is attached to the side of the wood-burning stove. Wood-fired barbecue ovens are suitable for cooking any other dishes according to different recipes. Our ovens have been manufactured in Europe for over 60 years and are recognized all over the world.

Wood-burning stoves combine not so much aesthetics as a way of life. Every year brings something better to the design of ovens, which embodies the dream of all connoisseurs of proper and healthy wood-fired baking.
These wood stoves are designed for home or small shop. In them you can not only bake bread and pizza, but also cook all kinds of dishes from meat, fish, vegetables, cook porridge with the smell of smoke.
On the side of the oven is a built-in BBQ/shish kebab. All parts are made from quality parts.

Wood burning stoves are excellence in craftsmanship, quality and freshness. All details of furnaces are made with special care, punctuality and only from durable materials.

We are committed to providing our customers with high performance and high quality food preparation and culinary equipment.

Type of heat carrier: firewood
Oven dimensions: 1400 x 1160 x 1660 mm

Furnace temperature: up to 600 degrees C

Pipe diameter: 140mm
Furnace weight: 470 kg


Maxi wood-burning ovens have the maximum dimensions of the inner oven chamber and can be used for baking whole suckling pigs or for baking large quantities of bread, pizza, cooking various dishes.

As options for the oven, there are telescopic (retractable) guides to facilitate the loading and unloading of baking pans with meat, bread, and various dishes.
The stove can be placed both inside the house and lined with bricks, and in finished form.
The furnace can work on the street and is delivered in finished form.
The oven can be ordered with or without a rolling stand.
These wood stoves are designed for home or small shop. In them you can not only bake bread and pizza, but also cook all kinds of dishes from meat, fish, vegetables, cook porridge with the smell of smoke.

Wood burning stoves are excellence in craftsmanship, quality and freshness. All details of furnaces are made with special care, punctuality and only from durable materials. We are committed to providing our customers with high performance and high quality food preparation and culinary equipment.

Specifications (we have a large catalog of wood-burning stoves with large chamber sizes - ask for a catalog from managers, here is one example):
Type of heat carrier: firewood
Oven dimensions: 1400 x 950 x 1640 mm (depth, length, height)
Furnace chamber dimensions: 1250 x 540 x 450 mm (depth, length, height)

Smoke temperature from the chimney: 190 degrees C
Pipe diameter: 140mm
Furnace weight: 610 kg

PRICE: make a request to managers


The SHELDEM company offers built-in wood-burning stoves for placement inside the house, for the kitchen, for the summer kitchen, for placement on the street.

Built-in wood stoves can not only be responsible for cooking, but also for heating the internal space, and can also be built into the home heating system (this option is installed at the factory and must be ordered immediately, discussing this possibility with managers).

These wood stoves are designed for home or small shop. In them you can not only bake bread and pizza, but also cook all kinds of dishes from meat, fish, vegetables, cook porridge with the smell of smoke.

Option: room heating kit - ordered separately

Option: execution in a fully stainless steel frame or with a black surface

Furnaces are delivered assembled and ready for brick lining or embedding in any design, including for designing a Russian stove.

Wood burning stoves are excellence in craftsmanship, quality and freshness. All details of furnaces are made with special care, punctuality and only from durable materials. We are committed to providing our customers with high performance and high quality food preparation and culinary equipment.

Specifications (we have a large catalog of built-in ovens, here is one of the options):
Type of heat carrier: firewood
Furnace dimensions: 1140 x 830 x 945 mm
Furnace chamber dimensions: 1000 x 520 x 450 mm
Temperature in the furnace: up to 600 degrees C
Smoke temperature from the chimney: 190 degrees C
Pipe diameter: 140mm
Furnace weight: 400 kg

PRICE: make a request to managers


SHELDEM offers a pellet baking oven. The oven is delivered assembled, designed for baking various bakery products.

It uses pellets as fuel (high quality pellets are needed). The pellet boiler automatically feeds the pellets into the oven, burns them and transfers heat throughout the oven chamber.

The pellet stove was conceived to use a new ecological direction in the use of "pellets", which are an alternative to traditional types of fuel: gas - diesel; as part of a new energy saving concept. High performance of materials: stainless steel, upper landing of the trolley on the hook.

Possible sheet sizes (specify when ordering a pellet stove):
400x600 mm

The wood fired pizza oven is a lifestyle changer, a way to cook for family and entertain friends. A wood burning open fire oven, dome type, is much more than a pizza oven - it is versatile. Like a conventional oven, it can cook any food. Wood stoves take us back to childhood, a time when life was slower and probably a little "better". Allows us to set the cooking style and cook the best meals in the world.

OVEN IS SUPPLIED ASSEMBLY- thus avoiding time-consuming and expensive assembly work. Lightweight and portable: can be installed anywhere, including on the terrace and balcony, thanks to its low weight. Easy to use: the wood stove reaches operating temperature in a few minutes thanks to the stainless steel chamber, mineral wool insulation and natural refractory stone. Allows you to effectively maintain the temperature and limit the consumption of wood. Refractory materials are certified for food use.

Dimensions: Compact, fits anywhere in the home or garden, aesthetically pleasing yet versatile enough to cook all meals with the quality we expect from a wood-fired oven.

Furnace chamber size: 600x800 mm
Overall dimensions: 900x980x1960 mm
Weight: 133 kg
Chimney diameter: 140 mm
Capacity: 4 pizzas/hour (15 minutes/pizza) or bread 5 kg/hour

PRICE: make a request to managers


We offer a Pompeii-type gas oven for baking pizza, bread, cooking various dishes. The stove is suitable for a country house, for a summer kitchen or a small family restaurant. Easy adjustment, true Italian quality, excellent heat transfer from the burning gas burner.

If you don't like cooking outdoors at all, or if your yard or cottage just isn't suitable for it, keep in mind that such a stove can also be installed indoors by connecting it to an existing chimney. For this work, you can attract specialist builders, or you can do it yourself, even with the smallest experience in construction work.

Of course, such an oven and the bread baked in it will be far from the grandmother’s Russian oven from “childhood” and cheesecakes from it, but with enough effort and experimentation, you can still achieve good results in baking bread. You can insert a transparent glass furnace door, and then, in addition to warm fragrant bread, you will also receive incomparable comfort from the sight of a fire quietly burning in your home-made stove on your site.

You can cook only in a cleaned oven. After it warms up for 2-2.5 hours, you need to carefully sweep out the remnants of ash and ashes. Then, for about half an hour, the heat must be allowed to evenly distribute in the oven before placing the product for baking or frying there. That is, you can start cooking only a few hours after kindling, regularly checking the temperature with a bimetallic thermometer. The porous fireclay lining quickly absorbs moisture and releases it evenly during baking or frying. The product cooked in such an oven acquires its unique aroma and piquant taste.

But before enjoying delicious dishes, you must first assemble the oven. It is better to work together, because for some operations two of your hands are simply not enough. Special knowledge for the construction of the furnace is not required, however, experience in handling different materials and tools will greatly facilitate your task.

A solid base plate is required as the base of a bread oven. To lay, you need to take out the soil to a depth of about 80 cm. Then fill the recess with coarse gravel, not reaching the ground level by about 15 cm. A formwork 15 cm high is arranged above, deepening boards connected to each other into the ground. This frame defines the outer dimensions of the furnace base plate.

For the manufacture of the slab, you can use ready-made dry concrete mix, which you only need to mix with water, or make the solution yourself. To do this, take three parts of sand for the concrete mix and one part of cement and add so much water so that the solution acquires a dense, durable consistency. Further, concrete is poured into the formwork at a height of 8 cm, a steel reinforcing mesh is laid and filled with concrete to the upper edge of the formwork.

By tapping with a hammer on the edge of the formwork, the solution is compacted, distributed over the surface, which is further smoothed. Now we need to protect the foundation from rapid drying or prolonged rain.

Of course, all work with the solution is unacceptable to carry out in frosty weather. In order to reliably prevent the appearance of unsightly traces of dampness on the masonry, a horizontal roofing material waterproofing jumper is arranged between it and the foundation. As a building material for the construction of the furnace body, you can use silicate or clay bricks, blocks of lightweight concrete.

The easiest way to process aerated concrete blocks (more on them), since they are laid on a thin layer of mortar without forming wide seams, and are also easily cut with a special hacksaw. This material is also easy to acquire, it should be borne in mind that the furnace is designed from the inside out. This means that you must always proceed from the dimensions of the internal cavity and determine the wall thickness of the selected material, taking into account insulation and fireclay lining.

Using a water level, you should constantly check the vertical position of the masonry, which can be corrected if necessary.

Actually ready set of a fire chamber consists of the details which are ideally suited to each other. The most difficult thing here is embedding elements associated with masonry. This applies to the ash pan, chimney pipe, stove door. Special care must be taken when assembling these parts.

Please note that it may take up to four weeks for the structure to dry completely. External design can be customized.

Do-it-yourself masonry and oven equipment - step by step instructions for the photo

1. A prerequisite for construction is a concrete foundation with reinforcement sufficiently buried in the ground.

2. As a protection against moisture penetration, strips of roofing material are laid in the walling area.

3. Now they are laying the first row of furnace walls - the easiest way is to fold them from aerated concrete blocks.

4. In the space under the ash pan there is a place for storing firewood, which is also laid out from blocks.

5. This auxiliary structure is an integral part of the formwork for the ash pan concrete base plate.

6. The formwork is fixed in place of the base plate and poured with mortar. Reinforced with steel mesh.

7. Lay the next row of blocks. Constantly check the verticality of the walls.

8. Before installing the ash pan, it is carefully adjusted, and then fixed with aerated concrete blocks laid on the mortar.

9. Now thin edge blocks of aerated concrete are laid around the perimeter. They form the formwork boundary for the horizontal dividing wall.

10-11. This temporary auxiliary formwork will support the slab. Due to the heavy weight of concrete, a sufficiently stable material must be used.

11. Install the structure in the masonry base.

12. Access to the ash pan - the so-called ash channel - is left free with the help of formwork.

13. Concrete is laid to half the height, a steel grate is inserted, filled with concrete and compacted.

14. Now lay out the body of the future oven (baking chamber). The chimney pipe is already fitted on the rear wall.

15. Prepare for the installation of a cast oven door: screw the anchors and apply sealant.

16. The stove door is leveled horizontally and the lower anchors are inserted into the recesses in the aerated concrete blocks.

17. Now the walls are raised to the top edge of the oven door. Aerated concrete blocks are customized and the anchors are fixed with mortar.

18. Wall insulation is arranged, bricks are laid on the base, covered with quartz sand and leveled.

19. Before mounting the fireclay parts of the muffle, they must be well moistened.

20. Installation of the muffle starts from the door, using a suitable heat-resistant fireclay mortar.

21. Now all walls are lined. Here, the muffle part is put on the thermometer tube.

22. Lay the stone tiles of the base. The photo clearly shows the holes cast in the fireclay parts of the walls.

23. They and all joints are carefully sealed with a solution and, finally, the surface is thoroughly washed.

24. A fireclay cover is placed on a mortar pillow and the lever mechanism of the smoke hatch is mounted.

25. Check the smoothness of the lever mechanism and the smoke hatch and cover with a U-shaped profile.

26. Now lay the cover insulation. In the area of ​​the cover profile, the insulating material is cut out.

27. The last row of aerated concrete blocks is laid, here, as well as on the intermediate floor, edge strips are laid.

28. For convenience, the cover is designed from three concrete slabs reinforced with structural steel, which are simply made in such a formwork.

29-30. After the concrete has hardened, the formwork is removed from all three slabs and placed in a ready-made supporting base of aerated concrete blocks. In conclusion, lay a hole above the oven door.

31. The oven - so far in an unfinished form - is ready. Now it needs to be plastered, the roof and the outlet channel of the chimney must be mounted.

32. The surface of aerated concrete blocks is primed, a bonding plaster layer and tinted mineral plaster are applied.

33. Mount the roof of moisture-resistant plywood. The pediments are firmly attached to the ceiling with nails through the crate.

34-35. An insulating sheet is laid on the surface of the roof and, moving from the bottom up, they nail ... plates of soft roofing tiles with nails. The roof ridge is formed from individual parts using nails and glue.

36. The chimney is attached to the pipe and to the roof structure.

37-38. The bread oven is ready. After the first furnace and ash sweeping, you can start baking bread. brick red color looks much more attractive here than just roofing felt.

We build an oven for baking bread with our own hands - photo

By the way, here is a recipe for homemade bread for baking in this oven (and not only in it)

  • 250 g whole grain rye flour,
  • 200 g wheat flour (preferably coarse grinding),
  • 120 gr. muesli,
  • 25 g fresh yeast or 2 tsp. dry,
  • 1 table. lies. salt,
  • 0.5 tsp sugar or honey
  • 250 ml warm water
  • 150 ml natural yogurt,
  • 1 st. l. olive oil (you can, in principle, take any other vegetable oil for this recipe).

Instead of ready-made muesli, you can take any cereal flakes and add seeds, nuts, raisins or dry herbs.

Yeast is diluted in warm water, gradually add the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. The dough is covered and left to rise for 45 minutes. Then they knead it well, form a loaf, smoothing it with wet hands, cover and leave for another hour in warmth.

After that, the bread can be baked, which will take at least an hour. If desired, the loaf can be sprinkled with sesame seeds before baking.

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First of all, you should draw up a clear plan of action for yourself. First you need to establish a solid foundation, which is the basis for your future building.

The foundation that is made for a bread machine is no different from the foundation for ordinary brick ovens.

After the foundation is made and dried, you can proceed to the direct structure of the furnace.

Do-it-yourself brick oven is a rather lengthy, but not too complicated process. Moreover, you will definitely like it, because it was you who chose all the materials and the price of building such a structure will be much lower than with hiring construction workers.


The laying of a brick oven for making bread takes place in several stages.

First you must make preliminary calculations of the dimensions of the furnace, after which you need to lay out three or four rows of brick blocks that are part of the so-called under-furnace.

The size of the oven, as a rule, is 1 x 1 x 1 m (width, depth, height). The front wall should not be laid out, since the niche serves as a place to store various items.

Then, on top of these blocks, a row of bricks is laid out and formwork is installed to pour the first slab, which will support the bread machine. Before laying the formwork flooring, you need to make supports from the bars, which are 10 cm below the top edge of the walls.

The next step is to lay reinforcement and pour concrete, which should harden within a few weeks.

Advice! Many beginners in the construction business are interested inas process brick for stoveto make it look more attractive. You just need to treat your structure with a specially designed grout and paint.

After these works are completed, the direct laying of the furnace with bricks takes place.

Side walls made of fireclay bricks are laid on a concrete countertop.

The first two rows are laid out flat, retreating slightly from the edges to leave room for the firebox. The next one row is placed with an edge, and then three - flat on top. Thus, we will have the walls for the bread machine completely ready.

Under a brick oven, it is best to lay out fireclay bricks in 2 rows flat, slightly retreating from the edges, leaving small gaps for the brick to expand when heated.

The next step will be the installation of a semicircular roof.

Before making it out of brick, you should build a support from boards in the shape of a semicircle. Such a template should be installed on the side walls of the stove.

Having installed the support, it must be lined with bricks flat. After the mortar hardens, the template is removed and the back wall is laid out with bricks.

Your oven is almost ready! It is only necessary to report the entrance for the firebox from the front and repeat the same with the semicircle, leaving some space for the chimney.

In such a simple way, we are building a small-sized oven for baking bread, which will serve you for many years.


If after the furnace is built, but you still lack something a little, you can clad your building with any heat-resistant material.

Many novice builders are interested in the question: how to seal the seams between the bricks on the stove. You can safely use cement mortar.

Also, for long work and a beautiful view, the outside of the furnace is lined with red refractory bricks. On the top (the so-called roof), it is also best to lay refractory bricks in 4-5 rows. This will give the stove a more solid and massive look.

You can also complete the countertop in front of the stove from refractory red brick.

In any case, the lining of the stove is made to your taste, and you can choose any ways, the main thing is that you like it.

Used for cooking bakery products of various assortment: rolls, loaves, pies, sweet dishes and even pizza.

Furnaces ideal for optimizing work large scale production and for home use.

Requirements for ovens for baking bread

Basic requirements for devices intended for baking:

  • fire resistance;
  • tightness;
  • thermal insulation;
  • mechanical strength;
  • profitability;
  • hygiene;
  • cooking speed products;
  • ergonomics;
  • aesthetics.

Types of ovens for baking. Why is wood burning preferred?

The range of devices is quite wide:

  1. Tiered bread machine. It is used to make ordinary bread and other pastries, most often from rye and wheat flour. Its design consists of several tiers, which receive heat.
  2. Hearth. It is used for the preparation of confectionery and products from yeast dough. Most often found in restaurants or at work. The design feature is the presence of hearths on which the workpieces move, which ensures uniform baking.

Photo 1. Deck modular bread oven series E from the manufacturer Salva. Equipped with three cameras.

  1. Convection. It cooks not only traditional bread products, but also fish and meat. The device works on the principle of convection. Used for both industrial and domestic purposes. Pretty easy to operate.
  2. Tunnel. Widely used in large continuous production. Prepare cookies, buns, bread. Equipped with self-cleaning and oil supply systems.
  3. Electric baking oven. It is the most cost-effective and economical. Designed for baking a huge range of products and cooking fish and meat dishes. Automatically maintains the optimum baking temperature.
  4. Rotary. Designed exclusively for confectionery. The main types of dough for such structures are yeast, frozen and rich. The principle of operation is based on the rotational circulation of hot air.

Photo 2. The process of loading a batch of bread into a large rotary oven from the manufacturer ENKOMAK.

  1. Wood. Products in it are impregnated with the aroma of firewood, which increases the cost of finished products. The most economical, withstands the highest temperatures. Considered environmentally friendly. Works on wood and has a lot of advantages.

Advantages wood stoves:

  • giving natural flavor smoke to the finished product;
  • maintaining health in the field in the absence of electricity;
  • energy competitiveness.

At home, conventional electrical devices or wood-burning are most often used.

Photo 3. A wood-burning bread oven can be installed in the yard, it is more mobile than an electric one.

Wood burning stove device

The wood burning stove must have chimney, which will ensure the release of gases. Her power depends on size and power consumption. Fire affects the coating of the device itself, which gives off heat to food.

Important! Convenient not only for creating pastries, but also for heating premises.

The main elements of the device:

  • a heating element;
  • window;
  • tape or conveyor for products;
  • steam humidifier;
  • chimney.


Mainly wood, compressed pallets, fuel briquettes or peat. The advantage of firewood is in the long-term preservation of heat, long-term support for the combustion process and environmental friendliness.

When choosing a wood stove, you need to understand operation goals and appliances: industrial or domestic.

Take the economical and more compact version if you are cooking for family. It is unlikely that you need the amount of products that, for example, a tunnel oven produces.

Pay attention to kitchen area. Some devices take up a lot of space due to their size and the ability to connect a chimney.

Depending on the type of oven, not only bread, pizza, pies and confectionery can be cooked in it, but also first, second courses, fish or meat.

Useful video

A video showing how a master class on baking bread using a wood-burning oven takes place: from sourdough to the finished product.

Bread oven manufacturers

After getting acquainted with the types of furnaces, their capabilities and operation, they proceed to the choice of the manufacturer.

Market design developers very wide, each of them tries to sell their product as profitably as possible, offering a wide variety of instrument functions.

But the suppliers below have managed to conquer the market thanks to high quality and low energy consumption equipment:

  1. ASTerm is the most famous stove manufacturer in Europe. The devices differ in the ratio low price and quality. Often used for baking pizza because of their dome type. The most powerful device of this company is capable of producing up to 195 items per hour.
  2. Furnaces WERZ belong to the ecological class. With a system from 12 valves, speed baking increases by 50%, which is a significant advantage.
  3. Products Apache equipped mechanical control panels which makes the operation easier. They are renowned for their versatility and compact design. A great option designed for small bakeries or pastry shops.
  4. Company CASTELLI FORNI already 35 years offers a wide selection of modern Italian stoves. Assembly of structures is carried out at one enterprise.
  5. Furnaces Amborgi came from far away 1939. The manufacturer has preserved past traditions and modern technologies. Designs are made of special refractory materials. Used for pizzerias and restaurants.