Wooden beam section dimensions. What kind of timber is better to build a house from - a comparison of materials. The need for additional finishing materials

Wooden houses the most environmentally friendly and favorable for human life. Not without reason, wood is perhaps the first material that began to be used to build a home. Modern technologies gave this material new possibilities and improved its properties. Using various ways processing, types of timber are made from wood for the construction of houses different sizes and designs.

When choosing a timber for the construction of housing in a country house or a large residential building, you need to remember that the requirements for the material in each case will be different

Reasons to choose timber for building a house

A timber beam allows you to exclude some of the properties of a tree that complicate building process making it more labor intensive. The bar is made of a unified profile and length. Folding a house out of it will turn out quickly. If you carefully calculate the required volume, you can avoid unnecessary waste of material, which will significantly reduce estimated cost construction.

Glued laminated timber is not subject to shrinkage, does not crack under the influence of the surrounding climate. It does not lose properties during long-term operation. When laying a beam with flat edges, a flat wall is formed, it is easy to cover it with finishing material or insulation.

Types of timber for building houses and sizes, advantages and disadvantages

Let's figure out what kind of timber is for building a house. There are 4 types of material:

    unprofiled from an array;

    non-profiled glued;

    profiled from the array;

    profiled glued.

Ordinary building block

This option is a blank of logs with planed lateral semicircular edges. They are given a section square shape, with side dimensions from 100 to 250 mm. Before use, the material is dried in natural conditions.

Bars of different sizes are selected depending on the purpose of the future structure

Its use in construction cannot be called best solution. Suitable for building simple building structures. It has certain disadvantages, we list them:

    wood natural drying undergo shrinkage, warping and cracking during operation;

    loose adjoining of the bars to each other leads to the need to insulate and seal the gaps between them after a while;

    the material is not subjected to finishing, so it is required to finish the surface in order to get a beautiful and neat wall;

    needs more reinforcement bearing walls and corners of the house;

    impregnation with special compounds is necessary to give the structure fire and bacterial resistance.

Of course, this is a fairly cheap and widely available material. If you agree to incur additional costs in order to refine it to the desired qualities, then this option will be quite acceptable.

Profiled timber

The same whole logs are used for it, as for the usual planed one. Processing is carried out on woodworking equipment having precise settings. It allows you to get a perfectly smooth surface and ideal dimensions.

The profiled beam allows the material to adhere tightly to each other and during the operation of the house to prevent drafts between the cracks

The process is different in that the sawn logs are first dried to 22% moisture content or less, and then further work with them. The connecting planes have a comb or tenon-groove. When the comb comes into contact with adjacent bars, a tight joint between the crowns is obtained. The thorn-groove allows you to lay a heater in it, which creates a tight connection of the crowns that does not allow air and moisture to pass through.

Among the shortcomings of such material, the preservation of wood defects that may exist inside the log, and the mandatory time for shrinkage, as it is inherent in all types, are noted. wooden structures.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of double-timber houses from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Glued laminated timber

This option has a calibrated section, the connecting surfaces are made in the form of a comb or a spike. Sometimes it is given the shape of a rounded log - a D-beam. Outwardly, the wall made of it looks like a natural log wall, which is now very popular.

A house made of glued laminated timber is much faster ready for use, but it is important that the lamellas are glued together with high-quality glue

This material is made from individual wooden plates, they are glued together special glue under pressure. Has a number good points, namely:

    A well-finished surface has a finished look, does not require additional finishing. The presence of locks creates a dense wall without gaps.

    The design of the bar eliminates warping, it does not crack and is not subject to deformation during operation.

    The constructed building does not experience shrinkage. This significantly reduces the construction time.


    The high price of the material, in comparison with conventional timber.

    The glue included in the timber makes it less environmentally friendly.

    The microclimate in the house will be different from the conditions that arise in the present wooden building. In houses made of glued wood, ventilation must be done

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building houses from double timber. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Beam LVL

The technology of its production is similar to the production of glued beams. Only the material used for it differs. For manufacturing, veneer is taken from various trees, 3 mm thick. In adjacent layers of veneer, the direction of the fibers coincides.

Veneered timber is quite expensive at a cost, it is often used for individual components of the building

It's durable and flexible material but very expensive. It is used to perform individual structures Houses. In most cases, building an entire house out of it is unprofitable.

Which beam is better for building a house should be determined taking into account the requirements for it and the availability of material resources from the developer. A well-dried and properly processed ordinary planed timber will serve no worse than expensive glued material.

Video description

About the features of the LVL beam and its use in construction, see the following video:

Types of timber connection

When building a log house, you have to connect individual elements when crossing at an angle or when the length of the elements is insufficient. Several types of connections are used.

The most popular and convenient compounds are with and without residue, in a cup or in a tooth.

Connecting with the remainder

One way connection. One side of the beam is cut across the element, the width of the cut is equal to the width of the attached element. This is the easiest and most commonly used method.

The connection of the bars with the remainder is used more often than others, and the fastening of such a bar is more reliable.

A double-sided lock requires making cuts at the top and bottom of the bar. Their depth is a quarter of the thickness of the element. The use of this technology creates a high-quality connection, but will require the work of experienced carpenters.

The four-way connection is the most complex and the most reliable and accurate. Cuts are made on all sides of the bar. The building is assembled like a constructor - quickly and efficiently. In this case, all dimensions must be exactly observed, the cuts are made strictly at right angles.

Connection without residue

This species has many variations. Here are the frequently used ones.

Butt connection. It is carried out using studded metal plates, they are fastened with nails or staples. For this purpose, connecting keys are also used, which fix the joint well, preventing the bars from moving and turning.

In this case, it is necessary to use additional fasteners, otherwise the house may lead to the side.

It is good to use the connection in the spike. The spike may be in the shape of a triangle or a trapezoid. The root spike is popular. A groove is cut out on one of the bars, a spike of the appropriate size is cut out in the other. With this connection, you can use a heater made of vegetable felt or jute fiber.

The choice of timber thickness for building a house

The range of unified timber sizes has the following values: 100, 150, 200, 250 mm. The main requirement when determining the thickness of the walls of a house is that it must give a certain strength to the structure, have sufficient heat capacity to create favorable climate in home.

To determine which timber is best for a 150 or 200 mm house, you should know which house you will be building. For a one-story building, a thickness of 150 mm is sufficient. If it still gets done exterior finish or wall insulation, then this is undoubtedly.

For two-story buildings, a stronger and more rigid structure is needed. In this case, a section of 200x200 mm will be justified.

To build a house seasonal residence in the country or baths, if they are not insulated, they use a bar with a section of 150x150 mm.

For such a house, for temporary residence, it is enough simple timber medium thickness

If you build a residential building for permanent residence people, it will have to be heated. The walls of such a cobbled house must be insulated, otherwise it will not comply modern requirements on energy saving.

It is known that the thermal conductivity wooden walls little depends on their thickness. The difference between the walls of 150 and 100 mm of timber will be 12% of the heat. From this we conclude that insulated walls can be made thinner.

Video description

How can they differ different types timber:

What to consider when choosing a bar: basic rules

Using the right material is the key to successful construction. This also applies to wooden structures. What we pay attention to when buying it:

    Decide in advance which timber to build a house from. One-story house enough material, section 150x150 mm. When erecting two-story structures, use a beam of 200x200 mm.

    AT summer cottage use plain planed timber, pre-dried in a natural way. Required for residential building glued construction. A beam with a profiled joint, dried in a chamber, is suitable.

    Attention should be paid to the quality of the product, it must have the correct symmetrical sectional shape, there should be no irregularities and curvature. Select grade A or AB.

    Use profile D timber instead of rounded logs.

Types of profiled timber for a country house


The choice of material must be determined at the design stage, taking into account all emerging situations. Don't overspend by purchasing cheap material for a residential building in which you will live permanently. A modern high-quality wooden beam will allow you to build the house of your dreams.

Before construction, read which timber is best for building a house - we choose the type of timber, size and thickness, depending on the purpose of the future construction. Consider and compare the types of wooden building materials.

And we will also determine what thickness of the beam is suitable for the construction of a bathhouse, a summer residence and a house for permanent residence.

Types of wooden building materials on the modern market

Currently, there are several types of materials used in wooden construction:

  • glued timber,
  • profiled beam,
  • unprofiled beam,
  • calibrated log,
  • rounded log,
  • hewn log.

Advantages of timber buildings

Why timber for building a house is better than logs:

  • smooth and even surface of the walls,
  • "easy" construction due to the lower weight of the timber,
  • geometric accuracy of the entire structure,
  • strong fastening of the bars to each other, which, as a result, prevents the penetration of cold and the formation of cracks,
  • pleasant atmosphere and aesthetically pleasing view, both outside and inside the house.

The most popular competing wooden Construction Materials: glued timber and profiled timber. Both have their supporters and opponents.

Before starting construction, the customer must clearly understand which timber is better for building a house, and which timber is better to use for a summer residence or a bath.

What type of timber to use for building a house

Profiled timber

The most popular material for low-rise wooden construction. The beam is made of wood, more often conifers. It is a solid mass of wood, processed to obtain a groove on a planer and milling machine. In its manufacture, it is important to observe the exact dimensions and correct geometric shape, otherwise the bars will not dock with each other and a gap will form. Therefore, the main requirement for obtaining high-quality profiled timber is high-precision equipment.

Glued laminated timber

Glued laminated timber is also often used for low-rise construction private houses, dachas and baths. The bar is made of wood, more often coniferous species - spruce, cedar, larch, pine. Logs are sawn into boards (lamellas) and planed until they achieve perfect smoothness.

Which timber is better for building a house - glued or profiled

Let's compare the main characteristics of these types of timber.

Environmental friendliness

Here, profiled timber has no equal. This is natural material, absolutely harmless to people living in a house built from it. The environmental friendliness of glued beams depends on the glue that was used for its production. The more harmless the glue (and over time it will gradually evaporate anyway), the more expensive the glued laminated timber. When using low-quality glue, the boards can even stick out over time.


The length of the profiled beam depends on the length source material(most often the length of the beam is 6 m.) The length of the glued beam can reach 18 m.


The question is difficult. At first, glued laminated timber is stronger than profiled timber due to gluing and pressing, and besides, it is drier (glulamic timber contains 11-14% moisture), profiled timber - up to 20%. Due to dryness, glued beams shrink very little (about 1%). But over time, glued laminated timber is saturated with moisture from the environment, which brings it closer in properties to dry profiled timber.

Well-dried and shrunk, profiled timber does not rot, crack, and can serve for more than a hundred years.


The cost of glued laminated timber is much more expensive than profiled timber - 2-3 times, which is due to the peculiarities of the manufacture of materials. It happens that the price of glued laminated timber on the market is significantly underestimated, by 1.5-2 times, but then you need to pay attention to the quality of the material (what glue was used, what kind of wood, how dry the material was, etc.).


Which beam is better for building a house - glued or profiled - everyone decides for himself, there is no universal answer. Briefly summarizing the features of each type:

  • profiled timber - profitable price, eco-friendly, less crack or damage;
  • glued laminated timber- high strength, reduced shrinkage time, can be dispensed with exterior finish.

The main thing to remember: do not save on materials, because in the future this will affect the quality of the house.

What size and thickness of timber is best for building a house

The answer to the question of what size of timber is best suited for construction depends on the purpose of the building being erected. The thickness of the profiled beam can be different: in the final size, taking into account the profile of 90 mm, 190 mm.

The thinner the beam, the more it is in cubes, for example,

  • timber 100 x 150 mm - 11 pieces in a cube;
  • timber 150 x 150 mm - 7.5 pcs. cubed;
  • timber 200 x 150 - 5.5 pieces in a cube, therefore the final price at home it turns out less with a thinner beam).

But the thicker the timber, the better the heat will be kept in the room.

For a bath, a bar with a section of 100 mm is enough.

Country seasonal house

Bar with a section of 100 mm - quite suitable option for country economical home, in which the owners do not plan to live in the winter.

Winter house for permanent residence

  • A 150 mm beam is ideal for a seasonal home, where they live in spring / summer / autumn. Such a house can also be suitable for the winter version, it all depends on the quantity and quality of the insulation and on how and with what the house will be heated.
  • A beam with a cross section of 200 mm is made only for a specific order for premium class houses. It keeps heat better, but many will consider its cost unreasonably high. This thickness allows you to easily withstand temperatures up to -25 ºС.

So for building a house for permanent residence, choose a timber with a thickness of 150-200 mm. 150 mm is a more economical winter home and is suitable for middle lane, 200 mm - more expensive and suitable for northern areas.

The DomBanya company builds houses from profiled timber up to 200 mm thick. Contact the company's specialists, and they will advise what thickness of timber is best for building a house or a bath.

Possibility of unsupported ceiling large areas significantly expands the architectural possibilities when designing a house. A positive solution to the beam issue allows you to "play" with the volume of rooms, install panoramic windows, build large halls. But if it is not difficult to block a distance of 3-4 meters with a “tree”, then which beams to use on a span of 5 m or more is already a difficult question.

Wooden floor beams - dimensions and loads

Made a wood floor log house, and the floor is shaking, bending, the “trampoline” effect has appeared; we want to make wooden floor beams of 7 meters; you need to block the room with a length of 6.8 meters so as not to rest the logs on intermediate supports; what should be the floor beam for a span of 6 meters, a house made of timber; what to do if you want to make a free layout - such questions are often asked by members of the forum.

Maxinova FORUMHOUSE user

My house is about 10x10 meters. I “threw” wooden logs onto the ceiling, their length is 5 meters, the section is 200x50. The distance between the lags is 60 cm. During the operation of the floor, it turned out that when children run in one room and you stand in another, there is quite a strong vibration on the floor.

And this case is far from the only one.

elena555 FORUMHOUSE user

Can't figure out which beams to floors needed. My house is 12x12 meters, 2-storey. The first floor is made of aerated concrete, the second floor is attic, wooden, covered with a bar 6000x150x200mm, laid every 80 cm. When I walk on the second floor, I feel shaking.

Beams for long spans must withstand heavy loads, therefore, in order to build a strong and reliable wooden floor with a large span, they must be carefully calculated. First of all, you need to understand what kind of load it can withstand wooden log one section or another. And then think over, having determined the load for the floor beam, what rough and top coat gender; what will the ceiling be hemmed with; whether the floor will be a full-fledged living space or non-residential attic above the garage.

Leo060147 FORUMHOUSE user

  1. The load from the own weight of all structural elements of the floor. This includes the weight of beams, insulation, fasteners, flooring, ceiling, etc.
  2. operating load. The operating load can be permanent or temporary.

When calculating the operating load, the mass of people, furniture, household appliances etc. The load temporarily increases with the arrival of guests, noisy celebrations, rearrangement of furniture, if it is moved away from the walls to the center of the room.

Therefore, when calculating the operational load, it is necessary to think through everything - up to what kind of furniture is planned to be installed, and whether there is a possibility of installing a sports simulator in the future, which also weighs far more than one kilogram.

For the load acting on wooden beams of a long floor, the following values ​​\u200b\u200bare taken (for attic and interfloor floors):

  • Attic floor - 150 kg / sq.m. Where (according to SNiP 2.01.07-85), taking into account the safety factor - 50 kg / sq.m - this is the load from the floor's own weight, and 100 kg / sq.m - the standard load.

If it is planned to store things, materials and other household items in the attic, then the load is assumed to be 250 kg / sq.m.

  • For floors and floors attic floor the total load is taken from the calculation of 350-400 kg / sq.m.

Overlapping boards 200 by 50 and other running sizes

These are the beams on a span of 4 meters that are allowed by the regulations.

Most often in construction wooden floors boards and timber of the so-called running sizes: 50x150, 50x200, 100x150, etc. Such beams satisfy the standards ( after calculation), if it is planned to block the opening no more than four meters.

For overlapping with a length of 6 meters or more, the dimensions 50x150, 50x200, 100x150 are no longer suitable.

Wooden beam over 6 meters: subtleties

A beam for a span of 6 meters or more should not be made of timber and boards of running sizes.

You should remember the rule: the strength and rigidity of the floor to a greater extent depend on the height of the beam and, to a lesser extent, on its width.

A distributed and concentrated load acts on the floor beam. Therefore, wooden beams for large spans are not designed "end-to-end", but with a margin of strength and allowable deflection. This ensures normal and safe operation overlap.

50x200 - overlap for an opening of 4 and 5 meters.

To calculate the load that the overlap will withstand, you must have the appropriate knowledge. In order not to delve into the strength of materials formulas (and this is definitely redundant when building a garage), it is enough for an ordinary developer to use online calculators for calculating wooden single-span beams.

Leo060147 FORUMHOUSE user

A self-builder is most often not a professional designer. All he wants to know is which beams need to be installed in the ceiling so that it meets the basic requirements for strength and reliability. This is what online calculators allow you to calculate.

These calculators are easy to use. To make calculations of the necessary values, it is enough to enter the dimensions of the lag and the length of the span, which they must cover.

Also, to simplify the task, you can use ready-made tables presented by the gurus of our forum with the nickname Roracotta.

Roracotta FORUMHOUSE user

I spent several evenings to make tables that even a novice builder will understand:

Table 1. It presents data that meet the minimum load requirements for the floors of the second floor - 147kg / sq.m.

Note: since the tables are based on American standards, and the dimensions of lumber overseas are somewhat different from the sections adopted in our country, the column highlighted in yellow should be used in the calculations.

Table 2. Here are the data on the average load for the floors of the first and second floors - 293 kg / sq.m.

Table 3. Here are the data for the calculated increased load of 365 kg / sq.m.

How to calculate the distance between I-beams

If you carefully read the tables presented above, it becomes clear that with an increase in the length of the span, first of all, it is necessary to increase the height of the log, and not its width.

Leo060147 FORUMHOUSE user

You can change the stiffness and strength of the lag upwards by increasing its height and making “shelves”. That is, a wooden I-beam is being made.

Independent production of a wooden glued beam

One of the solutions for covering long spans is the use of wooden beam. Consider a span of 6 meters - which beams can withstand a large load.

According to the type of cross section, a long beam can be:

  • rectangular;
  • I-beam;
  • box-shaped.

There is no consensus among self-builders which section is better. If you do not take into account purchased products (prefabricated I-beams), then ease of manufacture comes first in " field conditions”, without the use of expensive equipment and accessories.

Just Grandpa FORUMHOUSE user

If you look at the cross section of any metal I-beam, you can see that from 85% to 90% of the mass of the metal is concentrated in the "shelves". The bonding wall accounts for no more than 10-15% of the metal. This is done on the basis of calculation.

What board to use for beams

According to the strength of materials: the larger the section of the “shelves” and the further they are spaced from each other in height, the greater the load the I-beam will withstand. For self-builder optimal technology the manufacture of an I-beam is a simple box-shaped structure, where the upper and lower "shelves" are made of a board laid flat. (50x150mm, and the side walls are made of plywood with a thickness of 8-12 mm and a height of 350 to 400 mm (determined by calculation), etc.).

Plywood is nailed to the shelves or screwed with self-tapping screws (only not black, they do not cut) and must be glued.

If you install such an I-beam on a six-meter span in increments of 60 cm, then it will withstand a large load. Additionally, an I-beam for a ceiling of 6 meters can be laid with a heater.

Also, using a similar principle, you can connect two long boards, collecting them into a “package”, and then put them on top of each other on an edge (take boards at 150x50 or 200x50), as a result, the beam section will be 300x100 or 400x100 mm. The boards are planted on glue and pulled together with studs or planted on capercaillie / dowels. You can also screw or nail plywood to the side surfaces of such a beam, having previously lubricated it with glue.

Also interesting is the experience of a forum member under the nickname Taras174, who decided to independently make a glued I-beam to block a span of 8 meters.

For this, the forum member purchased OSB sheets 12 mm thick, cut them lengthwise into five equal parts. Then I bought a board 150x50 mm, 8 meters long. Fresa " dovetail"I chose a groove 12 mm deep and 14 mm wide in the middle of the board - so that I get a trapezoid with an extension downwards. OSB in grooves Taras174 pasted with polyester resin(epoxy), having previously “shooted” a strip of fiberglass 5 mm wide to the end of the plate with a stapler. This, according to the forum member, would strengthen the design. To speed up drying, the glued area was heated with a heater.

Taras174 FORUMHOUSE user

On the first beam, I trained "filled my hand." The second one was done in 1 business day. At a cost, taking into account all materials, I include a solid board of 8 meters, the cost of a beam is 2000 rubles. for 1 piece

Despite the positive experience, such a "squatter" did not escape several criticisms made by our experts. Namely.

The tree is one of the best materials for the construction of houses, baths, saunas. However, in order for lumber to fully reveal its advantages, you should carefully study its characteristics and make right choice. The role of the raw material is ordinary round log. What is a bar? This lumber is usually rectangular shape(less often - arbitrary) with a section thickness of 50-400 mm. AT modern construction it exists in several forms.

All types of timber in the building materials market

  • Solid (non-profiled) timber

Outwardly, this is a log sawn from 4 sides, more than 50 mm wide. This material is the most demanded in construction, has a multifunctional value. From an ordinary bar erect wall structures, truss system roofs, partitions between floors of the house. It may well be replaced wooden block. Considering what kind of timber is, it should be noted that the low cost of logs is due to the simplicity of their processing. This means that the material requires additional protection.

The cross section of the material can be from 150 to 220 mm, the humidity is natural. The diameter of the material is selected depending on the type of object being built: in the construction of houses for permanent residence, lumber with a diameter of 200-220 mm is used, for a sauna, bath or cottage - 150-220 mm.

The ease of laying and the low cost of unprofiled timber makes it one of the most popular in the construction industry.

Advantages of houses built from solid (non-profiled) timber

  1. Availability. Today it is one of the most popular offers. Unprofiled lumber can be purchased at any construction market. In this case, you do not have to place an order and wait for delivery for a long time. The ease of harvesting the material explains its ubiquity.
  2. Low cost. Given the fact that the natural importance of the material is preserved, the process of its preparation is simplified as much as possible, which has a positive effect on the cost of the timber.
  3. Convenience and high build speed. For laying unprofiled timber, specialized equipment is not needed. Installation work under the power to carry out carpenters 3-4 categories. Moreover, the assembly of a 6 * 6 m house is made in less than one week.

Disadvantages of houses built from solid timber

  1. The need for finishing works or planing. The best is sheathing with a block house or distillation. In addition, you will need to trim excess jute after natural drying and shrinkage at home.
  2. Non-compliance of non-profiled timber with the requirements of GOST (regarding the evenness of the saw cut and the size of the transverse section). As a result, differences in the placement of crowns can reach 5 mm, and the seams can be different heights. The only way to minimize such problems is to acquire solid timber High Quality. In that case, the cost solid material as close as possible to the price of profiled timber.
  3. Fungal infection. During the harvesting process, the material is not subjected to special drying, which significantly increases the risk of wood damage by a fungus. To date, more than 15% of non-profiled (solid) timber have this drawback. In this case, an antiseptic treatment is required, as a result of which the fungus is destroyed and its reappearance is prevented. However, this event significantly increases the cost of production.
  4. Imperfect appearance. In comparison with the profiled analogue, a solid beam has a less attractive appearance. After planing the walls, the seams and insulation between the crowns may become noticeable.
  5. Corner joints are made without departures.
  6. Cracking of the material. As a result of shrinkage and shrinkage of the walls, noticeable cracks appear that spoil the aesthetics of the house. The solution to the problem is the exterior decoration of the building.
  7. Ventilation of mezhventsovy seams. If there are no spikes and grooves when assembling the walls, the house will be worse at retaining heat.

This type of material has clearly defined parameters. It is presented in the form of a planting bowl with spikes and grooves, there are also vertical cuts, which greatly simplifies installation. In production, the log is cut with an accuracy of 1 mm.

The use of profiled timber in the construction of houses allows you to get a structure without gaps, which means that the risk of moisture getting inside the structure and rotting wood is reduced.

In addition, a house made of profiled lumber is very warm, which minimizes the use of insulation. It is worth noting the unsurpassed appearance. Such a bar has smooth and even walls, does not need finishing. But there is a profiled beam and weak spots. It must be qualitatively dried, otherwise there is a risk that the house will “lead” over time. Its humidity is about 10%. Drying lumber requires significant areas, and the maintenance of such areas is reflected in the cost of the final product.

Benefits of profiled timber

  1. Unsurpassed appearance. The use of this material allows you to build houses with ideal smooth walls. This eliminates the need for additional external finishing of the building.
  2. Connections are made with departures (into the bowl). Since the joints are created in the factory, they are smooth and high-strength, which ensures high reliability of the structure and uniform shrinkage during operation.
  3. There are denser joints between the crowns and in the corners, which significantly increases the thermal performance of the structure and ensures minimal ventilation.
  4. There is no need to trim the jute, no need to caulk the house. The only exceptions are end and corner connections.
  1. Need for technological break during the construction of the house. It is caused by the fact that the material must dry. After assembling the structure, the house should “stand” for 10-12 months, after which you can proceed to the finishing work.

Cracking of the material. Profiled lumber, like other types of timber, is made from solid wood, which inevitably leads to cracks.​

  • Glued laminated timber

Today they are the most popular. This material is made from pine, larch, spruce or cedar. The log is sawn into boards, after which they are dried. Next, the lamellas are processed protective compounds and stick together. In one bar there can be from 2 to 5 lamellas. The shape of the elements is cut with maximum precision. The result is a high-quality, durable material with less than 1% shrinkage.


  1. The material is not subject to cracking.
  2. There is no need for finishing and additional processing.
  3. Minimal shrinkage and the risk that the structure will “lead”.
  4. Optimum moisture content of glued laminated timber will eliminate the risk of rotting and damage to wood by microorganisms.
  5. Thanks to the high strength this lumber can be used in the implementation of projects of high complexity.


  1. Relatively high cost (2-3 times more expensive than unprofiled lumber).
  2. The use of glue in the production reduces the degree of its environmental friendliness in comparison with a log or profiled timber.
  3. The presence of glue impairs air exchange and moisture circulation.

Glued timber - the best choice for "fast" construction. On the finished foundation, you can build a house in just 5-6 weeks.

Widely used in the construction industry, being one of the most important raw materials. If in former times it was enough to make a 4-sided bar for a bar, today higher requirements are imposed on this product.

Modern industry produces 3 types of timber:

  • whole;
  • profiled;
  • glued.

In shape, each of these types of timber has an ideal 4-sided surface along all edges. At the same time, glued timber can be solid and with a profile plane. For the production of timber, not all types of wood are used. Suitable recognize: spruce, pine, larch, fir and cedar. They can also use birch and aspen, but these types of wood are used much less than conifers.

The length of the beam can reach 3 - 9 meters, depending on the purpose of the order. But more common is a beam of 3 and 6 meters in length. In cross section, the timber is from 100 mm to 300 mm. If we are talking about square section, then the dimensions are as follows:

  • 100 x 100 mm
  • 150 x 150 mm
  • 200 X 200 mm
  • 300 X 300 mm.
  • 100 X 150 mm;
  • 150 X 200 mm;
  • 250 X 300 mm.

It is noteworthy that the standard dimensions of the timber are mandatory for mass production, which produces products in accordance with GOSTs. For individual orders can be made bar of other sizes.

Solid timber is the most common, compared to other categories. In its production, inexpensive and easy-to-use equipment is used. For this reason, the cost of timber remains relatively low. One-piece bar received wide application in construction residential buildings, bath, country houses, country houses, because it is distinguished by an acceptable price and good performance properties.

Profiled timber (or wooden) is obtained from solid logs. On two sides perform flat surfaces(plane) and on others (upper and lower) - a groove and a ledge are performed. This is done so that when laying the beam completely coincides between the rows. The shape and number of grooves are chosen depending on the intended purpose and features of the future construction object.

It should be noted that the profiled timber is more economical, since the walls do not need to be sealed during the construction of the house. In addition, experts note elevated level adhesion of the beam to each other. At the same time, construction time is significantly reduced, which is very important when fulfilling any order.

Wooden laminated timber appeared on the domestic market relatively recently, about 30 years ago. In its manufacture, there is no need to use solid tree trunks. To obtain right size timber, it is necessary to use the appropriate number of boards, which, as a result of pressure, are pressed according to a certain technology. This type of timber is resistant to deformation, durable on mechanical influences and reliable in operation. Wooden beams are produced in profiled forms.

The technology for the production of glued laminated timber belongs to the class of environmentally friendly, because it does not cause significant damage environment. It takes only 3-4 weeks to build a house from glued laminated timber.