Frame housing construction: project, calculation of materials, construction cost. How to calculate the amount of materials for the construction of frame structures? Calculate the building material of a frame house

Beautiful and durable frame buildings produced by our company have been delighting their owners with their impeccable appearance and excellent performance for many years. These are 1- and 2-storey comfortable cottages "Bavaria", "Bungalow", "Villa", "Zvenigorod", "Radonezh", "Stockholm", "Tetris", "Manor" and "Chalet". All of them are built taking into account all the requirements of modern technologies, but the cost of buildings, even within the same series, is not the same.

What affects the price

What determines the cost of building a house? From such important factors as:

  • number of storeys;
  • roof type;
  • second light;
  • building area;
  • remoteness from the Moscow Ring Road;
  • dimensions (length and width);
  • the presence or absence of an attic;
  • availability of terraces, balconies, parking spaces;
  • the desired number of bedrooms on the first or second floor in the commissioned housing;
  • the use of siding, brick, blockhouse, facade panels for finishing work.

Using the frame house calculator online, the customer can independently determine the amount that will be spent on its construction. The future owner of a reliable and durable structure determines the need for interior finishing, installation of plumbing equipment, water supply and sewerage. It also calculates the installation of heating, electrics, natural ventilation systems.

How to use the online calculator

The free calculator for calculating a frame house online is a convenient program that allows you to quickly, without wasting time, determine the estimated cost of construction work. Anyone can use the service. Especially in demand when performing work on an individual project.

To find out the cost of the work, you must fill in all the proposed fields, and then specify the email address and phone number to receive the calculation and clarify the configuration ("Light", "Basic", "Economy", "Comfort", Comfort). Information after processing by the specialists of our company is immediately sent to the specified email, and the customer gets the opportunity to plan his expenses. The possession of such information greatly simplifies and speeds up the process of erecting a frame structure.

"BAKO" - convenience, comfort, professional approach to business.

An example of how material selection works visually.

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How much does it cost to build a frame house: calculate on an online calculator

To know exactly how much it costs to build a house in 2016, calculate the price on the online calculator. This is a convenient aggregator designed to enter the necessary information and quickly get the result.

What data should be entered into the frame house calculator

The calculation on the frame house calculator is carried out without taking into account the cost of installation work. The result is not exact, but as close as possible to the final cost. Get ready to enter the following data in special forms:

  • Type of construction: residential or country house, hangar, warehouse, other object (choose from the proposed menu);
  • Number of floors (there is an option "one and attic", etc.);
  • Construction width;
  • Construction length;
  • floor height;
  • Material for the construction of load-bearing (non-bearing) walls, partitions (in our case, this is LSTK);
  • The shape of the roof (single, gable, complex or hip).

The cost includes the required number of frame elements, hardware for fastening and instructions for self-assembly.

How to save on the construction of a frame house in Moscow?

There is some inescapable evidence that a turnkey frame house is the most inexpensive type of construction. What can you save on:

  • On the project: firstly, standard projects with sections of architectural and constructive solutions are cheaper with us. Secondly, order a house kit from us and the project will cost you free of charge. Minus 30-40 thousand rubles;
  • On the foundation: the weight of the frame is distributed evenly over the entire area of ​​​​the base and is about 37 kg per sq.m. Using a heavy foundation will lead to unnecessary expenses - here you can get by with light screw piles. Minus 2/3 of the cost of the concrete foundation;
  • On the assembly of the frame: it is more profitable to involve professionals for the construction, because it eliminates non-compliance with technological subtleties and reduces the time to a minimum. The cost of installation is calculated at the rate of 2 thousand rubles. per square meter of building. However, light frame profiles can be assembled with your own hands, because the weight of even the largest part does not exceed 100 kg. So you can still save on assembly. Minus 200 thousand rubles. (for a house of 100 sq.m).

The amount will vary depending on the selected materials for finishing (inside and outside), on the complexity of the project, the presence (absence) of an attic or second floor, and the type of roof. Decide on the details, enter them into the calculator and get the final amount. You can also consult with our specialists on the price by sending a request in the feedback form in the section

Frame house calculator

A frame house calculator is needed to calculate the required amount of materials for construction. There are online calculators in which you need to enter the step of the racks, their cross section, the height of the frame walls, the dimensions of the openings, and which give out the volumes of the required boards. There are more convenient and accurate methods that count every last piece in a 3D model of a frame house made in SketchUp.

For example, let's count the materials in the frame wall that was used for the example with the drawings of the frame house. First, we need to select all the components that we need to calculate.

Option 1. Built-in frame house calculator function

In the Pro version, in the File drop-down list, select Generate Report... This function allows you to generate a detailed report with the technical parameters of all components and groups that you need to calculate. It can be a frame wall, consisting of a dozen components, or it can be a frame house, in which there are several hundred components.

By selecting this task from the list, you will see a selection window that asks what exactly to consider: the entire model or only selected components? In our case, there is a frame wall in the selection area. Select Current selection attributes, and then you can choose to upload to HTML or CVS files. For examples, let's choose HTML, which is opened by any Internet browser.

The cost estimate for materials looks like the figure below. All components and groups with technical parameters: material, dimensions, etc. The main problem - the dimensions are considered only in inches. To convert to normal mm, you need to use the usual formulas in Excel. The big advantage of this option is that you can count groups, not just components.

Option 2. Frame house calculator CutList plugin

The CutList plugin is not part of the standard SketchUp features. But it can be downloaded and installed for free not only for the Pro version, but also for the regular free version of SketchUp. The plugin does not count groups, only components. But it gives the dimension in the usual metric system.

Select the frame wall, select Extensions > CutList from the top menu. A window appears prompting you to cut out the Layout details and / or calculate the Cutlist frame wall elements. In this case, we select only Cutlist.

Wood is a versatile building material. It can be used to form various elements of buildings. Today, more and more often, frame houses are being built from wood, which are distinguished by comfort and practicality. You can build them in almost all climatic zones. A properly designed building can easily compete with brick or stone structures.


Frame construction involves the use of wood frames and various types of insulation. Structures of this type are simple. In the construction of such buildings, relatively few materials are used. Installation work begins with the calculation of all parameters and the preparation of a detailed plan of the house. The design of frame houses involves several successive stages.

  • Building dimension planning. It is important to immediately decide what dimensions the frame house will have. Technically, such structures are limited only by height. All other characteristics can be adapted to the personal needs of a person or family.
  • Design of individual rooms. At this stage, the owners optimize the parameters of the premises for themselves. Here you can choose their location, size, shape, location of windows and more.
  • Choice of building materials. It should be understood that a frame house is not only a tree. During its construction, various substances can be used that are needed when decorating walls, forming a roof, and insulating.
  • Calculation of the amount of materials. This step depends on all other procedures, as they are closely related.

The calculation of building materials for a frame house cannot be carried out perfectly accurately. There is always a small margin of error to take into account. It depends on the following characteristics:

  • poor quality materials. Wood and other products may differ in quality, which does not always allow their full use;
  • multiplicity of products. Many products are produced with standard dimensions, so it is not always possible to accurately calculate the required quantity;
  • installation errors. Working with any material involves the use of a tool with which it is impossible to obtain ideal measurements or correctly form a structure.

What does it depend on?

The design of "framework" is a complex process that requires significant experience in the construction of such structures. To obtain the qualitative characteristics of the future building, it is important to pre-calculate all its technical parameters. This process depends on several basic criteria.

  • Temperature regime. Frame houses are built from several separate components that are responsible for the strength and level of thermal insulation. If the building is planned to be used in severe winters, then it is necessary to increase the thickness of the walls accordingly or use better materials. All thermal insulation coefficients of such buildings can be found in special tables. This step is initial and involves a thorough analysis of the annual temperature over several years.
  • The type of materials. The construction of domed or classic frame structures can be carried out using various products. There are a lot of alternative materials that can easily replace each other. This relationship is closely related to the previous point.
  • Building type. A frame house ("framework") can have both a standard and a complex shape. Calculating a simple building is somewhat easier, since you do not need to take into account many characteristics. This also includes the number and size of openings that will be used to form windows and doors. Roof parameters also have a significant weight in the calculations of frame houses. Such elements can have a different shape and design.

How to calculate?

The technology for calculating materials for the construction of a frame building is a rather complicated process. It involves an analysis of the design features of the future home, followed by a calculation of the required number of building products. Before solving such a problem, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the technology of calculating various materials. Thus, you can easily convert one unit to another if necessary.

Foundation calculation

The base for frame houses is often formed in the form of a tape. But if the soil is unstable and has high humidity, then it is better to use piles. The technology for calculating materials for strip warping consists of such sequential operations as:

  • determination of the mass of the future home. You can calculate the load with the help of specialists or using various technical approaches;
  • based on the parameters obtained, the dimensions of the future foundation are calculated. This will allow you to find out the number of cubes of concrete that must be used to fill the trench;
  • calculation of the number of components. To prepare the tape, you will need not only ready-made concrete, but also boards for the construction of formwork.

As for screw piles, it is much easier to count them. To do this, you just need to choose the right elements according to the load that they are able to withstand, and distribute them evenly around the entire perimeter of the future building. It is advisable to take into account the location of the walls and internal lintels.

Heat and waterproofing

The main waterproofing materials are roofing material and polyethylene film. The first type of substances does not allow moisture to rise along the foundation to the wooden frame. The amount of roofing material and film depends only on the area covered by them. It is worth noting that the film may not always be used in conjunction with heat-insulating substances. Thermal insulation is also calculated based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls or roof.

To find out this parameter is quite simple according to the classical formula. For example, to insulate the floor in a house with an area of ​​​​6x8 m, you need approximately 48 m² of heat-insulating roll material.

It is also important to choose the thickness of the insulation. The best option would be mineral wool with a thickness of at least 15 cm. But this characteristic should be selected only on the basis of the technical properties of the heat-insulating material that is planned to be used.

Determine the number of racks

Technically, these elements are the main ones, since all subsequent structures are attached to them in the future. Before you start calculating the racks, you should correctly calculate the amount of lumber for strapping. It is formed from a durable bar of various thicknesses. The length of wood for construction with sides of 6x9 m is 54 linear meters. But at the same time, it should be borne in mind that when connecting, the timber may overlap a little, so such nuances will lead to a slight increase in the length of the forest. When calculating wood, you should buy it by about 10% more, which will eliminate any unforeseen situations.

The calculation of vertical racks is reduced to the calculation of several parameters.

  • Amount of elements. Experts recommend placing the timber at a distance no further than 50 cm from each other. To find out the total number of racks, you should initially calculate the total length of all walls. So, a 3x6 m country house has a perimeter of 18 m. For such a building, 36 supports are needed, which are evenly spaced around the entire perimeter. If the design is small, then the corner elements can be used for two sides at once, which allows you to slightly reduce their number.
  • Bar section. This characteristic depends on the size of the future home. A board 10x5 cm is considered standard. It can be used in cases where the height of the walls does not exceed 2.5 m.225

When the construction of two-story buildings is carried out, then it is recommended to use a bar with a section of 10x15 or 10x20 cm without damage and rotten knots.

Calculate the roof

The roof for a frame house is also made of wood. The counting algorithm consists of such successive steps as:

  • measurement of design parameters. Here you should determine the angle of the slope, on the basis of which the length of the rafters is calculated;
  • calculation of the amount of timber. The rafters are located at a distance of 50 cm from each other. To calculate their number for one side, you just need to divide the length of the slope by the specified value. If the roof is complex, then such operations are carried out for each individual side. The cross section of the timber is selected depending on the roofing material that will be used to protect the house.

It is worth noting that the roof consists of many wooden bars. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully calculate not only the rafters, but also the tree used to connect them into a single system.

The construction of a frame house also involves the use of various fasteners (nails, self-tapping screws, and others). It is also important to roughly determine their number. It is impossible to calculate it exactly, so you should focus on the experience of specialists or the recommendations of sellers in stores.

Frame construction is very popular today. With this technology, you can get a residential building in a few months or even weeks. It all depends on the design features of the house.

You should not think that frame houses are a typical project, and all buildings built according to this method are the same. In fact, the history of building houses on a frame has a long history - at least 5 centuries, or even more. Naturally, for such a period of time, the craftsmen learned to build not only small squat houses, but also full-fledged high-rise buildings on the frame. The cost of each of them is determined individually. And it is calculated in the process of building a project.

Frame house project

As in any other case, work on a frame house begins with the development of a project - the success of the entire event will depend on the accuracy of its execution. In addition, at the time the project is being worked out, it is also necessary to draw up an estimate of future work, which in the future, if slightly changed, then not very much.

Drawing up a design project for a future home begins with the definition of residential premises. You should definitely take into account the number of family members, make a bookmark for replenishing the family and do not forget about all the necessary utility rooms.

Experts recommend allocating a room with a footage of 40-50 square meters for each separately living family member. Such a space, according to psychologists, is the most comfortable.

As for utility rooms, it is also desirable to carefully calculate their area. A rigorous approach will help you fully and accurately determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour entire home during the preparation of the design project. Once you get the numbers, you will be able to understand how many floors your building should have for a comfortable stay.

True, it should be borne in mind that other factors also affect the number of storeys, such as the size of the territory on which the building will be erected (the smaller it is, the less likely it is to get a high-rise building), the layout and landscape of the land (a large house is not outwardly acceptable for all sites) . And, of course, the age of all those who will live in it has a special influence on the number of storeys of the house. So, for example, if there are elderly people in the family, it is better to make the house smaller in height, but stretch it in length. With children, the issue is quite controversial, since they grow up quickly and stairs for them will no longer be such a terrible obstacle and danger.

It is desirable to take into account the general architecture of the street. So, for example, if for the most part there are low buildings on it, you should not stand out too much against the general background.

The advantage of designing a frame house is that it is assembled from panels on a wooden or metal base (the frame itself). This contributes to better planning as the panels can be easily installed anywhere.

When the design project is completed, carefully review it again and make any necessary adjustments. Remember that after the start of construction, changing something will be problematic or impossible at all.

Next, take care of the budget. Here you need to very clearly calculate how many materials you will need, and how much they will cost. You can take average prices as a basis (if you manage to save money, this will be a nice bonus). In addition, be sure to lay another 25 percent of the total amount for unforeseen expenses. If possible, lay down 50%. The calculation of the cost should be as complete and detailed as possible, so that after that you do not have to seek additional funds.

The cost of materials for frame construction

A fairly large number of materials are used for construction. This is a construction beam, and a heater, and a roof. In addition, finishing materials - lining, siding, etc. also affect the cost. And it is also necessary to lay in the cost of materials the price of those that will go to the foundation. True, there is a plus. Frame houses are quite light in weight, due to which they are usually installed on a columnar or strip foundation. And this significantly reduces the cost of construction.

So, if you decide to build a frame-based building, cottage or household, you will need the following materials.

For foundation:
- gravel, costing about 2000 per cubic meter;
- formwork boards - 7000 per cube;
- various fittings - order 1000 per cubic meter;
- road grid - 2000 per cubic meter;
- concrete - about 5000 per meter;
- blocks - 4500;
- cement - 300 rubles per bag;
- insulation - 4000 r. per meter;
- geofabric - 50 rubles per square;
- film for waterproofing - 30 r. per square;
- concrete (slab) - 4800 per cubic meter;
- blind area concrete - 4800 per cubic meter;
- consumables (nails, screws, bolts, etc.) - about 10,000 rubles for everything.

The total cost of one cubic meter of foundation costs about 36,000 rubles.

Next, you need to calculate the cost of the cube of the main building. For it you will need other materials. This is:
- antiseptic - 200 r. per liter;
- pipes for poles - 400 rubles per linear meter;
- hydro / vapor barrier - 20 rubles. per square meter;
- drainage system - 2000 rubles. per linear meter;
- dry built board - 12000 per cubic meter;
- insulation - 2000 rubles. per cubic meter;
- plywood - 18000 per cubic meter;
- windows (depending on the company and configuration);
- entrance door (also estimated by the manufacturer and the materials used);
- softboard - 230 rubles. per square;
- consumables - about 50,000 rubles.

The total cost per square meter of a house, excluding windows and doors, will cost an average of 38,000 rubles.

To calculate the final cost of materials, you need to multiply the cost of 1 cubic meter or square meter by the total area. This will turn out the full cost of materials for a frame house. If you want to make construction cheaper, try to look in the markets where certain materials are sold cheaper. This way you can save a lot.

The cost of construction work depends on what rates the brigade has. But on average, it is worth focusing on 1,500,000 rubles.

How to calculate the required amount of materials

In each individual case, the cost of materials is calculated specifically. For example, you can take a house in which the walls along the length of the house are 10 meters, the height of the walls is 2.8 m, the walls along the width of the house are 8 m.

For starters, the frame. Start the calculation for its vertical load-bearing racks by calculating the total length of the walls of the building (in the given example it will be 10 + 10 + 8 + 8 = 36 sq.m.). Vertical racks are usually installed at a distance of 50 cm from each other. But it should be borne in mind that where there will be windows, the distance between the racks should be at least 1.2 m. From here you can calculate the amount of timber that is needed to build the frame. Approximately for this example, about 4 cubic meters will be needed. For the base of the frame and the final connection, add 3 more cubes of the same timber.

Edged board, which is used for wall cladding, is approximately equal in number to timber. True, it all depends on how many walls you will sheathe. As a rule, the method of double-walled sheathing is used. So, for the house indicated in the example, about 5 cubic meters of board will be needed.

As for the insulation, in each case it is calculated in its own way, depending on its thickness, overall dimensions and other parameters.