From what to build a country house rating. What materials are best for building a house. It is easier and faster to build a house from a bar

At the current stage of development, there are more than 20 technologies by which private houses are built. It is impossible to say unequivocally that this technology is the best, and this one is completely bad. All of them are imperfect, they all have positive and negative points. In order to correctly answer the question “What kind of house to build”, you need to decide on the basic requirements that you place on a home. Under them to choose technology. Everyone has their own definition of the best home, both material and technology.

What are houses built from?

All external walls can be divided into two large groups: inertial and non-inertial. Inertial houses are built from materials with high heat capacity. They tend to accumulate heat, and then radiate it. Moreover, the radiation is in the infrared range. In such houses, even at a relatively low air temperature, it is warm. The feeling is this: infrared heat is better perceived by our body.

The walls of non-inertial houses are a “pie” of materials of different composition and sequence. But they all have one property: the materials have good or excellent thermal insulation properties, but have a low heat capacity. The main difference between houses of this type is that it is not the walls that heat up, but the air and it warms up quickly, but it also cools down. In order to keep warm for a long time, the rooms are sealed. And this has its drawbacks. We will talk in more detail about the properties and materials of both.

Inertial materials

In inertial wall material tends to accumulate heat and remove moisture. To keep the accumulated heat as long as possible, external insulation is mandatory for them. The advantage of rooms made of inertial materials is that in the absence of heating they “keep” the temperature for quite a long time. It follows that such technologies are more appropriate for permanent residences. For a temporary visit - for summer cottages - they are inconvenient and irrational: a lot of time passes until the walls warm up. In the meantime, the walls are cold, the rooms are chilly.

Materials for the construction of inertial houses:

  • ceramic brick (solid and hollow);
  • adobe;
  • ceramic blocks;
  • foam block and monolith from it;
  • gas block;
  • expanded clay concrete blocks and monolith;
  • adobe houses;
  • cinder block.

The main disadvantage of houses of this type is the rather high cost and duration of construction. Somewhere these shortcomings are more pronounced, somewhere less, but in general they are like this: a powerful foundation is required, the walls take a long time to build.

Inertia-free materials

Non-inertial houses are built from materials with low energy intensity. Basically, these are modern materials and technologies that provide for a multi-layer cake for walls. The main point is that almost all of them have low vapor permeability or do not conduct vapor at all. It's the same with air: it doesn't pass through walls. This means that in order to regulate humidity and ensure the flow of fresh air, removal of carbon dioxide, a competent ventilation system is needed.

The main requirement for non-inertial houses is compliance with the technology and the tightness of the room, and ventilation is necessary to regulate air conditions.

Inertial-free houses are built from the following materials:

  • 3D panel, MDM, SOTA - there is polystyrene foam inside the system, and densely reinforced concrete outside;
  • Termodom, Izodom - concrete is poured into a fixed formwork made of expanded polystyrene;
  • polystyrene concrete - a new type of material - concrete with polystyrene filler;
  • sandwich panels - more often they build industrial facilities from them, but sometimes, in order to save money, country houses are built;
  • SIP panels - insulation (mineral wool or polystyrene) between two OSB boards;
  • frame houses - insulation between plywood or OSB boards:
  • Vacuum panels are a new building technology that is not yet used in private housing construction, but already exists.

The main advantage of non-inertial houses is the short time and low cost of construction. Since the walls are light, the foundations for such buildings are inexpensive. Since they account for a significant part of construction costs, the overall reduction in the cost of construction is significant. If you are deciding which house to build and the key constraint is money and/or time to build it, you may need to choose from these materials. But at the same time, we must not forget about the design of ventilation systems and be sure to take into account its cost in the calculations, otherwise life will be very uncomfortable, and in some cases impossible.

This is a diagram where sellers of new technologies demonstrate their advantages, "forgetting" to tell about the disadvantages.

Wooden houses

Wooden houses stand apart. These are houses made of logs or timber (regular, profiled, glued). On the one hand, the walls breathe, on the other, their inertia is small. Previously, such buildings could be attributed to partially inertial due to the fact that in the center of the building there was a stove with a large heat capacity. The heat accumulated in it warmed the house until the fire burned.

Building today in wooden houses, few people put a brick stove for heating. Basically it is water heating. Therefore, houses can be classified as non-inertial: if a log of large diameter still has at least some significant inertia, then the heat stored in a beam of 150 * 150 mm is definitely not enough. It is necessary either to add fuel at night, or to install combined boilers that run on electricity at night. There is another way out - to make external insulation. The measure is understandable and quite effective, but only if the vapor permeability of the insulation and finishing material.

Without proper care, a wooden house will look like this

There is another important aspect: in order for wooden houses to have a normal appearance, they need annual maintenance. This means that every year or every two years (depending on the type of processing) you will either have to work with a brush yourself or hire workers. Without this, a beautiful building will turn into black and unattractive. Actually, then there is a way out - to make an exterior finish, and this is still an expense, like the maintenance of wood - impregnations, paints cost a lot.

As you can see, there really are no ideal technologies. To decide which house to build, you need to proceed from your situation, decide on the key points that will allow you to choose the material for the walls and the technology of its construction correctly and with awareness of all the nuances. Let's take a closer look at a few of the most typical home requirements.

Which house is cheaper to build

Let's start with the fact that the cost of building a foundation and a box of a house from all inertial materials of industrial production is definitely more expensive than from non-inertial ones. They have a high density, and this is reflected in the mass of the building, which leads to an increase in the cost of the foundation.

The most expensive house is brick. We will take it as a standard and the cost of construction using other technologies will be compared with it. The next one in terms of cost is from ceramic blocks - about 90% of the price of a brick one. The most inexpensive of this group are adobe and adobe houses.

An adobe house is 100% eco-friendly, warm, and cheap. Fairy tale, not technology

If you have time and the weather permits, over the summer you can make and dry adobe bricks for a very large house. At the cost of materials, they can compete with many modern technologies. Especially if there is an opportunity to mine clay on your own. The remaining fillers are straw, manure, etc. - also either free or cost a little. The only point is that it takes time to make bricks, and it is sometimes more expensive than money - after all, they are not industrially made. Another limitation is the climate - not everyone will have the weather to dry the clay to stone density. So this technology is available for budget construction in regions with hot summers.

More expensive than adobe, but decently cheaper than brick, block buildings. Aerated concrete, expanded clay concrete and foam concrete blocks require approximately 70-75% of the estimate for the construction of a similar brick house. But aerated concrete requires excellent waterproofing and it is risky to use it in areas with a high level of groundwater. Cinder block is inexpensive. By the way, you can also do it yourself. But the service life of slag concrete is about 50 years. Then it will collapse.

Even less - about 30-50% of the cost of a brick house is required for the construction of non-inertial houses. The cheapest so far are SIP panels. They take no more than a third of the price of brick construction. For carcasses - about 40% will be required. But at the same time, the service life is about 25-50 years, depending on the quality of the materials and the accuracy of the technology. However, for this entire group, adherence to technology is key: even small deviations can have disastrous consequences.

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that the cost of the ventilation system must be added to the cost of all non-inertial boxes. If it works out - natural, if not - forced will be needed (it is much more expensive to install and maintain). But there must be ventilation, and it must be calculated correctly.

The construction of a wooden house will require about 60-70% of the cost of a brick one. But here it is still necessary to include caulking and grinding the log house. You can't get by without them. Want, if a wooden house is immediately planned for finishing, grinding is not required.

What is faster to build

The longest construction period for a brick house (again). It will take at least a year to build. This is if all technical processes will go without delay. It will take about 6 months to distill the box of building blocks from the finished adobe. It is possible to build a house from all types of panels for 1-3 months. The same amount will be required for the assembly of frame houses.

And again, wooden houses do not fit into any group. If you cut corners on the spot, you will assemble the walls for about a month, perhaps two. If you ordered a finished project and brought a layout with cut bowls to the site, you can fold it in a few days. Add time to the foundation and roof. The total will be up to six months. But it will not be possible to enter immediately after the forcing of the walls - before the start of finishing, you need to wait at least another six months or even a year - it depends on the initial importance of the material.

Only a house made of glued laminated timber can be finished immediately. All other wooden houses must stand for at least six months - the wood must dry out and sit down, take on its operational dimensions. The difference in height can be up to 15-20 cm per frame, and this is a lot. Therefore, finishing begins only after 9-12 months. So put the box and quickly move into it in this case will not work.

So, features - the sea. But if you decide which house to build in the country, and you plan to stay there only during the season, there is no desire or opportunity to spend a lot of money, then pay attention to the frame or SIP panels. They are inexpensive and are built quickly. Just study the technology thoroughly: they do not like mistakes.

My home is my castle

If we talk about the fortress of the walls, then brick houses are in the first place. These are definitely bulletproof walls. Sufficiently strong - expanded clay concrete, cinder block, adobe technologies. Their density is also sufficient to stop a bullet. With other building blocks it is a little more difficult - you need to look at the density.

Expanded clay is a good choice - dense enough to be reliable, average in price and construction speed (about 6 months)

Strong enough are obtained at home with concrete components 3D panel, MDM, SOTA, Termodom, Izod. All other technologies are in no way an obstacle to serious shock loads. Of course, you can’t break through them, but they definitely aren’t a fortress either.

As you can see, it is impossible to say unequivocally that some technology is the best. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages, choose the most important points and determine for yourself which house will be built to meet your requirements.

The owners of suburban areas have a great opportunity to assemble inexpensive houses with very good performance characteristics. There are several ways to build an economical and reliable building today. In this article, we will talk about what is cheaper to build houses from.

What factors affect the cost

You can save when building a country house:

  • Properly drafted. A compact house with a well-thought-out layout will cost less than a large “chaotic” building and will be no less comfortable at the same time.
  • Choosing the right material for walls, roofs, ceilings and finishes.

It is the latter factor in terms of project cost that often plays a decisive role.

Materials for how to choose

When deciding what exactly the walls of the house, its ceilings and roof will be built from, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Climatic conditions. In cold regions, it is better to use, albeit not so durable, but always warm materials. The owners of sites located in the southern regions of the country have a much wider choice. In this case, you can use absolutely any modern inexpensive materials.
  • Specific properties of materials. Of course, buildings made of SIP panels or foam concrete are much cheaper than brick or log houses.
  • features of the local market. For example, wood may be cheaper in wooded regions, while concrete may be cheaper in steppe regions.

The most economical building materials

So, now let's see what is cheaper to build houses from. A very economical and convenient building in our time can be built using:

  • Timber and modern insulation. This is the most inexpensive type of buildings at the moment. At the same time, despite the cheapness, panel houses have very good performance characteristics. Inexpensive materials are also used as cladding in this case. Most often it is plywood and siding.
  • SIP panels. Such a building will cost more than a shield building, but it is also built faster.
  • Foam blocks. Buildings erected from them are also very inexpensive and at the same time are considered somewhat more reliable than panel buildings.

All these modern materials for building a house fit very well and at the same time are able to last for a long time. Next, let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Perhaps this will help someone make the most successful choice.

Advantages of frame buildings

Wooden houses of this type, in addition to being cheap, also have such advantages as:

  • Ease of construction. You can build a frame-panel house on your own, without the involvement of specialists. When erecting such a building, there is no need to use any expensive equipment. The foundation for a panel house can be poured with the most inexpensive - columnar (of course, only on reliable ground).
  • Excellent heat-preserving qualities. Such houses are isolated from the cold using modern inexpensive materials. Usually it is mineral wool or polystyrene foam. Even not too expensive unprofiled timber in this case is used in minimal quantities - only for the construction of the frame.
  • Aesthetic With the use of high-quality internal and external cladding, choosing this technology, you can actually get a very beautiful and at the same time comfortable building.
  • No shrinkage. Unlike expensive block and log buildings, you can move into a house built using this technology immediately after its construction.

Disadvantages of panel buildings

Timber and modern insulation are just a great answer to the question of what is cheaper to build houses from. But of course, like any other technique, this building construction technology has its drawbacks. The disadvantages of frame-panel houses include, first of all, a not too high degree of environmental safety. The fact is that mineral wool and expanded polystyrene are materials that, in certain situations, can emit. When building a house, this must be taken into account and the inner lining made as airtight as possible. Mineral wool releases and polystyrene foam - poisonous styrene.

The disadvantages of panel structures can also be attributed to a not too high degree of fire resistance. Wiring in such a house is best left to a specialist. Even though it will incur additional costs. You will also have to spend money on treating the wooden frame with antiseptic and fire-resistant compounds, as well as insect repellents. As you know, only if these funds are used, wooden houses are quite durable.

The owners of remote summer cottages often refuse to erect such buildings due to the not too high mechanical strength of the walls. To break into such a house in the absence of protection, thieves may not even need to pick the lock.

Advantages of buildings from SIP panels

This type of building is structurally very similar to the previous one. In fact, this is just a kind of panel house. The only difference is that the elements of this type of building are assembled from panels supplied ready-made. Of course, when using such material, the building is more reliable and durable. Houses made of SIP panels are not too expensive. However, their cost, as already mentioned, is slightly higher than that of conventional shield ones.

SIP panels consist of two OSB boards, between which expanded polystyrene is fixed. Despite the apparent fragility, due to the integrity of the structure, they are able to withstand huge loads and, in fact, are just perfect for buildings. You can also build a building from this material yourself. It is not required to fill under SIP-walls and too powerful foundation. The advantages of this material include a very low degree of thermal conductivity.

As in the case of a frame-panel house, the construction of such a building does not require the use of expensive equipment. The panels are processed in an elementary way - with the help of a conventional hacksaw. Therefore, houses from SIP panels can have any layout and architecture.

Cons of SIP buildings

The disadvantages of such houses are about the same as those of conventional frame-panel houses. That is, they do not differ in fire safety and environmental cleanliness. In addition to polystyrene foam, in this case OSB panels are also used, the safety of which is highly doubtful. Some of the disadvantages of SIP panels include the fact that you can build houses from them only of a limited height (maximum 2 floors). Engineering communications in buildings of this type are quite difficult and expensive to carry out. This can also be attributed to the disadvantages of such buildings.

Advantages of houses from foam blocks

This material is slightly more expensive than SIP panels. However, the cost of the foam block is still low, and the difference in price in this case is not critical. In addition, in comparison with SIP buildings and panel buildings, houses made of this material have a lot of advantages. These include:

  • The ability of the walls to "breathe". In this regard, buildings made of foam blocks are comparable to, for example, comfortable structures such as log houses. The microclimate in buildings erected from this material is created almost the same.
  • Fire resistance of walls. Concrete, as everyone knows, does not burn.
  • Durability. By definition, such a building can serve much longer than a wooden building. Concrete does not rot and is not damaged by insects.

Disadvantages of foam concrete houses

The disadvantages of such buildings include, first of all, the need for thorough waterproofing of the foundation and the use of materials that prevent the penetration of moisture into the walls. Inexpensive foam block houses should be protected as carefully as possible. The fact is that this porous material absorbs moisture very well. At the same time, its heat-preserving qualities are lost. Moreover, wet blocks of this type easily crumble, which can even lead to cracks in the walls.

Despite the fact that foam concrete is lightweight, the foundation for it should be used sufficiently powerful and reliable. It's all about the fragility of this material. Foam concrete can give cracks even with small movements.

The disadvantages of this material, in comparison with SIP panels, include some difficulty in building houses when using them. To build, fasten the foam blocks with special glue. In this case, the seams, unlike concrete ones, are very thin and do not let the cold through. However, masonry by this method involves the use of blocks of ideal geometry. But despite existing standards, material with various kinds of defects is often sold on the domestic market.

From the foregoing, a simple conclusion can be drawn. You should buy foam blocks only from large manufacturers who value their reputation and supply the market with sufficiently strong material with ideal geometry.

Cost of materials

For the construction of the walls of the building, structural and heat-insulating foam blocks are usually used. The price for them depends on the size, manufacturer and supplier. For the D500-D600 block, for example, you can pay from 47 to 185 rubles. The cost of a foam block of the most convenient dimensions for laying 20x30x60 mm is usually 135-150 rubles.

The price of SIP panels of different sizes can be found in the table below.

Dimensions (mm)

OSB thickness (mm)

Cost, rub.)

Thus, the price of a SIP house (or rather, only its walls) 5x5 m in size with a ceiling height of 250 cm and a wall thickness of 12 mm will be 47,200 rubles, not counting the cost of consumables. Of course, it's not too expensive. Foam blocks of the same size will cost about 55,000-60,000 rubles, which is also quite cheap.

What to make ceilings and roofs from

The use of SIP panels and foam blocks significantly reduces the cost of building houses. From various materials of a modern type, such as metal tiles, ondulin or profiled sheets, it is possible to assemble a very inexpensive roof for a country building. The floor and ceiling in a budget house are usually sheathed with a simple edged board.

As for the frame of the floors and the roof, then the choice, of course, is not too big. Logs, beams and truss system are usually made of timber. And the material used is quite thick. After all, such structures are load-bearing and must withstand serious loads. Therefore, saving on them, of course, is not worth it. However, the price of an ordinary non-profiled timber is not too high.

Thus, using the materials described above for building a house, you can save a lot of money and at the same time get reliable and environmentally friendly structures.

How to choose a cutting board

When choosing this material, you should pay attention to two factors:

  • The presence of knots. They should be as few as possible. Especially the dark ones. Such knots will surely fall out over time, and ugly holes will form in the floor or ceiling.
  • Material geometry. All selected boards must have the same thickness and be even in all planes.

Advantages and disadvantages of metal tiles

In addition to the low price, the advantages of this material used to assemble an inexpensive roof most often include:

  • light weight,
  • strength and durability,
  • aesthetic appearance,
  • ease of installation.

The disadvantages of metal tiles are:

  • noise during rain
  • the ability to rust and click in the sun with improper installation.

As you can see, the answer to the question of what is cheaper to build houses from is not too complicated. Choosing inexpensive materials for the construction of walls, floors and roofs of a building is very simple these days. Of course, when drawing up a project, everything should be carefully calculated and thought out. In this case, the house will be economical, reliable and comfortable.

Who today does not dream of a big country house? But before you decide to make your dream come true and start building a home ownership, you should think carefully about the purposes for which the future construction is planned. If you need a dacha for a seasonal stay, this is one thing, but building a house for permanent residence is a completely different construction format. And the most exciting question: from what to build a house inexpensively and efficiently. Let's try to understand our article.

The first thing you need to decide when deciding to build your own house for permanent residence is the building material, the choice of which depends on a huge number of related factors:

  • strength and durability;
  • microclimate inside residential premises;
  • thermal conductivity and sound insulation;
  • frost resistance;
  • thermal insulation and moisture resistance.

What materials for suburban construction does the modern market offer, and what is the best way to build a house for permanent residence?

Of course, you need to choose the material for individual construction, taking into account all of the above parameters, but The main criterion is considered to be strength, since it is she who forms the structure of the building and affects the load-bearing function of the walls.

When choosing what to build a house for permanent residence from, all materials can be divided into four main groups:

  • brick and stone;
  • lightweight concrete materials;
  • wood;
  • chipboard panels.

Construction of a house for permanent residence from bricks

Brick buildings are the most massive structures. They perfectly resist the effects of various natural factors and, at the same time, have an attractive appearance. However, in order to build your own house, from the most seemingly popular material - brick, you will have to incur no small financial costs.

The main advantages of a brick house are the high strength of the material. And in terms of its bearing capacity, a wall erected from this type of building materials is almost as good as concrete. Such characteristics are ideal for both low-rise suburban construction and for the construction of multi-storey buildings. In addition, a brick house will not burn, rot or shrink.

Only, in terms of maintaining energy efficiency, walls made of ceramic or silicate bricks lag far behind other building materials. In order to ensure sufficient energy efficiency for a private house, a brick wall must have a minimum thickness of 120 cm. It becomes clear that no one will build a "bunker" with such walls for permanent year-round living, so today more and more often brick is used as a facing material.

Another important disadvantage of building a brick house is the high cost of the material, so it is important to correctly calculate your financial capabilities, otherwise the construction may take a very long time.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say that the main The advantages of brick as a building material are:

  • the possibility of long-term operation of the built house;
  • high frost resistance;
  • exact geometry of products;
  • good combination with any type of masonry mortar;
  • high strength;
  • aesthetic appearance.

However, brick has many disadvantages:

  1. Low moisture resistance some types of material. For example, silicate brick strongly absorbs water, this can be clearly seen when it acquires a dark shade during rain. This quality greatly affects the humidity inside the room. In this regard, silicate brick is not used for laying basements and basements; you should not use silicate brick when building a house in regions with high air humidity.
  2. High thermal conductivity. To achieve positive characteristics, it is necessary to resort to additional costs for thermal insulation of walls or their thickening.
  3. High product weight. The brick has a large mass, which makes the structure heavier and creates an even greater load on the foundation. To solve such a problem, it is necessary to build a stronger and more solid foundation, and this further increases construction costs.
  4. High material cost.

So, it turns out that brick has significant drawbacks, so before making it the main material in the construction of a private house, you should think carefully.

brick houses

Building a house from concrete blocks

Today, among building materials, brick significantly reduces its position, giving way to modern building blocks.

Affordable price is the main reason for choosing blocks. At the same time, building a house for permanent residence from blocks is not only cheaper, but also much faster, since such a large-sized material can replace from 4 to 14 ordinary bricks in quantity.

Today, the building materials market offers block types:

  • gas blocks;
  • foam blocks;
  • cinder blocks;
  • expanded clay concrete blocks;
  • wood concrete;
  • shell rock blocks.

Let's take a closer look at each type.

Gas and foam blocks

Gas and foam blocks have the same technical characteristics and are great for the construction of low-rise buildings. Their only difference is in the internal structure of the material.

gas blocks are made from a homogeneous mixture of sand, cement and lime with the addition of a special powder - a blowing agent, in order to achieve small through channels inside the block.

foam blocks, on the contrary, they have closed pores inside the material. Such a structure is achieved during production by adding special substances - foaming agents to the concrete solution. It is worth noting that such production allows you to increase the quality of foam blocks, creating additional energy-saving opportunities for the material and significantly reducing its weight. Also, unlike a gas block, the open channels of which conduct moisture well, foam blocks do not need additional protection from moisture.

They produce blocks of various formats and thicknesses, which allows the developer to choose the best material for individual construction without extra costs for additional insulation. Good geometric data make it possible to build houses with a complex structure.

Also, foam blocks and gas blocks do not need complex finishing, this can be done using putty or decorative plaster.

In addition to all these advantages, a weighty argument in choosing this particular material for construction will be its low cost. Average price in the construction market 1 m 3 is about 3 thousand rubles.

Among the disadvantages of foam and gas blocks can be identified the following characteristics of these materials:

  • fragility;
  • high water permeability (for gas blocks);
  • mandatory external and internal decoration of the house;
  • the presence of chemical elements in the composition.

houses from gas blocks and foam blocks from construction companies represented at the exhibition of houses Low-Rise Country.

Cinder blocks and expanded clay concrete blocks

Cinder blocks are also inexpensive building materials, however, due to the too high thermal conductivity of the erected walls, they require additional insulation. In addition, the cinder block has a lot of weight. It is these shortcomings that can explain the fact that consumers prefer expanded clay concrete blocks.

As positive characteristics of cinder block builders provide:

  • fire resistance;
  • low cost;
  • high thermal insulation;
  • resistance to fungus and mold damage;
  • long service life of the built house.

The main disadvantages of cinder block are:

  • brittleness of the material;
  • low moisture resistance;
  • low sound insulation;
  • the need for interior and exterior decoration of the house.

Expanded clay block products, at the same cost, are less thermally conductive, more durable and environmentally friendly material.

Expanded clay blocks are a material consisting of expanded clay gravel (the result of special firing of clay) and cement mortar. Such raw materials have high strength indicators and are designed for the construction of individual houses up to 3 floors. At the same time, the construction process does not take much time. In addition, expanded clay concrete is a fairly warm and environmentally friendly building material, as it does not contain synthetic additives.

Good vapor permeability creates an optimal balance of humidity in the living room.

Prices for expanded clay blocks quite acceptable, 1m 3 will cost about 3 thousand rubles.

And also, on our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects houses from expanded clay blocks from construction companies represented at the exhibition of houses Low-Rise Country.


The constituent components of wood concrete blocks are wood chips and cement mortar with special additives. This composition allows you to get a warm and light block.

In terms of its density, arbolite allows the construction of buildings with a small number of storeys, while its elasticity, it is able to withstand, among other things, floor slabs.

Such material breathes well, is very environmentally friendly, has excellent heat and sound insulation.

The disadvantages of arbolite include:

  1. High rate of moisture absorption. A house made of wood concrete blocks requires additional protection from moisture, which means that you will have to invest in insulating and specialized moisture-repellent finishing materials.
  2. The uneven surface of the block leads to some difficulties in the construction of walls, and also causes a large consumption of concrete mortar.

Also, a significant disadvantage of wood concrete is often considered a large amount of low-quality material in the construction market. In view of the fact that the production of blocks does not require specialized equipment, they are often produced by an artisanal method, using non-certified chemical additives and violations of production technology. All this causes a deterioration in the quality of finished raw materials, so you need to buy wood concrete only from trusted sellers and manufacturers.

Prices for the purchase of wood concrete start from 4 thousand rubles per 1m 3.

You can also see the most popular projects on our website. houses from wood concrete from construction companies represented at the exhibition of houses Low-Rise Country.

Shell rock blocks

This type of material is the most expensive among the blocks and will cost at least 5 thousand rubles per 1 m 3. At the same time, the technique of obtaining raw materials from the marine sedimentary massif additionally makes the shell rock fragile.

Advantages of shell rock blocks:

  • sound absorption;
  • good thermal insulation;
  • durability;
  • good vapor permeability;
  • environmental friendliness.

In addition, the shell rock has a number of exceptional properties determined by its nature. So, the material during its formation is impregnated with sea salt and absorbs a large amount of iodine. The presence of these substances in the composition of raw materials endow the house from it with healing properties. Also, it is thanks to iodine that shell rock walls protect very well from radiation.

The cons of the shell rock can be considered:
  1. The need for strengthening in the case of building a house of more than two floors with the help of special armored belts.
  2. The absence of unified forms of blocks (it is practically impossible to find two blocks of shell rock that are identical in shape).
  3. The need for additional protection of the structure from moisture.
  4. The material, due to its fragility, requires care during transportation, as well as unloading or unloading.

Construction of wooden houses for permanent residence

As for wood, there are two options for building materials:

  1. log;
  2. beam;

A house for permanent residence made of wood has a minimal load on the foundation, which allows you to save money already at the very first stage of construction.

An important point when choosing a building material is also considered the fact that it is possible to build wooden houses regardless of the season and in any weather.

Timber house

A modern timber will allow you to build a neat individual house in any style. It has good geometric parameters, rectangular or square section and smooth, very even sides. Houses made of timber give minimal shrinkage, the manufacture of a log house does not require the use of special construction equipment, and the aesthetic data of the material make it possible to do without external and internal decoration, and thus save on finishing work.

The beam has a large number of advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • aesthetics;
  • the efficiency of the construction of the building;
  • high level of sound insulation and good thermal conductivity;
  • strength and reliability of the structure;
  • the possibility of installation at any time of the year;
  • does not require the construction of a bulky, expensive foundation;
  • does not require decorative finishing;
  • positive, healing properties from wood.

However, the beam also has disadvantages:

  1. The need for additional material processing. The main, common disadvantage of wood products is its susceptibility to moisture and insects. In addition, over time, it has the properties of cracking and rotting, thereby losing its original aesthetic appearance, so the tree must be constantly treated with special substances.
  2. High fire hazard of the material. Any wood is highly flammable, and because of this, it requires additional protection by treatment with fire-retardant compounds.
  3. Requires additional costs for heat and waterproofing.
  4. Long term shrinkage. Despite a slight shrinkage, a private house will sag within six months. In this case, cracks may occur in the walls during shrinkage.

On our website you can see the most popular projects houses from double timber, glued laminated timber and profiled timber from construction companies represented at the exhibition of houses Low-Rise Country.

log house

Log buildings are classics of wooden houses. In addition to the traditional Russian hut, modern building technologies allow you to build a log house of any configuration, from a small Finnish house to a cozy Art Nouveau cottage.

Modern building logs are 100% natural and environmentally friendly, which provides excellent natural ventilation of the room.

As in the case of timber, no cost for a massive foundation is required.

Durability, reliability and beautiful appearance are also the main characteristics of a log house.

The advantage is the rapid warming up of a house made of wood, because this significantly saves heating costs.

The availability and lightness of the material make it possible to build a comfortable wooden house as soon as possible.

To the minuses of the log, like any wooden material, include:

  • susceptibility to decay;
  • strong and prolonged shrinkage;
  • fire hazard of the material;
  • additional costs for insulation and waterproofing of the structure.

Today, the construction market offers two types of logs, chopped or rounded.

rounded log- a product of the industrial processing of lumber. It has a lower price, does not require additional finishing and looks quite attractive.

Chopped logs they are more expensive due to their manual processing, but they have greater strength.

Beautiful log house

When deciding which specific construction technology to choose, you should pay attention to two aspects:

  1. When building a house from timber and logs of industrial processing, there is absolutely no need to cut recesses (bowls) for greater stability of the structure.
  2. If you choose to build a house from hand-cut logs, then you have to pay for the very expensive work of a professional cutter (a specialist who cuts bowls - special recesses for connecting logs into a log house).

Building a house from a log can hardly be called quite affordable. So, cost of 1 m3 rounded log ranges from 7 to 10 thousand rubles, and chopped is much higher.

Also, on our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects houses from hand-cut logs and rounded logs from construction companies represented at the exhibition of houses Low-Rise Country.

Construction of a frame house for permanent residence

A brief description and description of the main pros and cons will be made between country houses from the following materials:

  • bricks;
  • sawn shell rock;
  • foam blocks;
  • gas blocks;
  • reinforced concrete on fixed formwork;
  • timber or round logs.

Country house made of bricks

To build a brick house, a solid foundation is needed, either a deep-buried type or a slab type. This is due to the large load of the entire structure. The load primarily depends on the weight of the building, and masonry bricks cannot be called easy. 1 cube of brick weighs on average 1200-1800 kg. To make it more clear, 5 square meters of a wall 25 cm thick will weigh about 2 tons. Considering that the foundation is massive, the financial costs of construction increase dramatically.

Brick in its technological range is the "smallest" masonry material. If, for example, it is compared with a shell rock or foam block. Based on this, for the laying of load-bearing walls, a significant amount of binder, that is, a cement-sand mortar, will be required. This also entails significant financial costs.

The cost of masonry is a very conditional indicator, since it all depends on the desired result. For example, you can save money and buy grade 2 bricks. Considering that the brick initially has discrepancies and small irregularities, you can order dirty masonry from the construction team and in this case save a little. The result is load-bearing walls that require mandatory plastering. This is where the catch lies, the money saved on grade 2 bricks and dirty masonry will go completely to plastering work.

Brick houses have good heat and sound insulation, good durability

The second option is when a top-grade brick is purchased and a clean masonry is ordered from specialists for jointing. Initially, more money is spent than in the first case, but as a result, load-bearing walls are obtained that do not require external facade decoration at all. Plaster only finishes the inner surface of the walls.

At first glance, it may seem that brick construction is a very costly undertaking. However, a brick house has its own set of positive qualities. Not bad, but not the best thermal insulation and sound insulation, good seismic resistance, high strength and long service life of the building, about 100 years or more.

Attention! Given the high strength of the main walls, absolutely any type of roof can be mounted on them, so you can already try to save on roofing material.

Houses from sawn shell rock (cauldron)

Construction of a house from sawn shell rock (cauldron) is not available in any region. The main quarries and mines where kotelets are mined are located in the southern regions. According to its structure, the cauldron is a stone with a regular rectangular shape, dimensions 39x19x20 cm. The structure of the stone is relatively porous, but the cauldron has fairly good strength and low thermal conductivity.

To build a house from a cauldron, as in the case of a brick, a good capital foundation is needed. Therefore, choosing this material, we advise you to immediately calculate the cost of pouring a monolithic reinforced concrete foundation.

Considering that the cauldron is almost 3.5-4 times larger in volume than a brick, much less binder cement-sand mortar will be required for masonry. Here the boiler outperforms the brick, however, the walls of sawn shell rock will have to be plastered. A variant with a fine classic masonry from a cauldron, not very suitable for residential buildings. Clean masonry with jointing from a cauldron can only be used for the construction of non-residential buildings, for example, a garage or a fence.

The load-bearing walls from the boiler are “warm”, have good sound insulation, below average waterproofing and excellent strength. Boiler walls, like brick walls, have high strength and seismic resistance, which allows them to make roofs of any design, type and from any materials.

Country house from foam blocks

The load-bearing walls of a country house made of foam blocks are the warmest when compared among the masonry stone. The thermal conductivity of the foam block is only 0.2 - 0.4 W / (m * K), and for example, for the same brick, it is about 0.8 W / (m * K). The lower the thermal conductivity, the less cold penetrates the housing in winter at sub-zero temperatures.

At a cost, a foam block is about 2 times cheaper than a brick and 1.5 times cheaper than a boiler, if we compare the price for 1 m / cu. At the same time, even less masonry bonding mortar is required for the construction of walls than when using a boiler. This is due to the large dimensions of the foam blocks 20x30x60 cm. As a binder solution for foam blocks, not a cement-sand mortar is used, but an adhesive mass, which makes it possible to obtain a thin seam between adjacent stones with a thickness of only 5 mm.

For the construction of main walls from foam blocks, it is not at all necessary to make a massive foundation. Yes, the foundation must be solid and made of reinforced concrete, however, the foundation strip can be laid only 90-100 cm, that is, below the freezing point of the soil for the middle lane. This is due to the fact that the foam block has a light weight compared to brick. 1 m3 of foam blocks weighs about 600 kg.

Any medal has a reverse side, the foam block is no exception. Possessing good thermal insulation and sound insulation, this stone has poor waterproofing. The structure of the foam block is very porous, not that it passes water, but it absorbs moisture like a sponge. Due to poor quality, the walls of a country house made of foam blocks must be plastered, after which, in most cases, they are puttied with waterproof embossed facade putty.

It is worth mentioning another drawback. Compared to brick or koteltsovy capital walls, walls made of foam blocks have less strength. That is, in general, the building is earthquake-resistant and durable, but the choice of design and materials for the manufacture of the roof is limited.

Advice. Most often, a light roof is made from foam blocks on cottages from metal tiles or flexible bituminous tiles. You will have to forget about the classic ceramic tiles forever.

Country cottage from gas blocks

The gas block is the same masonry stone as the foam block. The thermal conductivity of the gas block is approximately 0.2 W / (m * K), which also does not emit this masonry material. In general, the gas block is as good in terms of thermal and sound insulation qualities as the foam block, however, the gas block has greater strength and better waterproofing.

A house made of gas blocks is stronger and more resistant to moisture than a house made of foam blocks

The whole point lies in the difference in the composition of masonry materials. Foam blocks are made from cement, sand and water, and aluminum powder is used as a foaming agent, which, in reaction with water (H2O) and oxygen (O2), produces a reaction in the form of a huge amount of oxygen bubbles. These bubbles form the porous structure of the foam block. Two more components were introduced into the composition of the gas block: quartz sand, which increases the strength of the structure, and lime, which increases the strength of the connection between particles of ordinary and quartz sand in the structure.

Considering the increased strength of the material, almost any type of roof can be mounted on the load-bearing walls made of gas blocks, and the outer walls can not be plastered with a cement-sand mortar, but simply puttyed with facade waterproof putty. There is only one minus for gas blocks - this is a high price compared to foam blocks.

Country house made of reinforced concrete on fixed formwork

The construction technology is relatively new, it is no more than 15 years old. The construction technology is as follows. On the surface of the fabricated strip foundation, a fixed formwork is installed, consisting of two sheets of dense polystyrene foam (polystyrene). No supports or formwork struts are required. The distance of 20 cm between two parallel sheets of expanded polystyrene is set by special plastic holders, which are fixed to the sheets.

The height of the foam sheets is not more than 25 cm. Having thus installed the formwork around the entire perimeter, it is reinforced by passing reinforcement or reinforcing cages between the sheets of foam plastic and the entire formwork is poured with liquid concrete. After that, they begin to install the second row of formwork, etc. In one day, 2-3 rows of formwork are poured with concrete in this way.

The advantage of this technology is that the walls are the most durable, which is important for areas located in an unstable seismic zone. In addition, a record-breaking construction period stands out. The walls of an ordinary one-story country house are raised in 7-9 working days. Another advantage is that the process of manufacturing load-bearing walls takes place in parallel with their internal and external insulation.

Attention! The downside of the construction technology on fixed formwork is the high consumption of by no means cheap liquid concrete and reinforcing elements.

Country houses made of timber or logs

For the construction of a house from a bar, a bar with a section of 100x150 mm or 150x150 mm is mainly used. And for the construction of a house from rounded logs, logs with a diameter of 15 to 25 cm are used. It must be said right away that the construction of a wooden house, in comparison with housing from any of the above-described stones, is much cheaper.

Timber houses require mandatory regular treatment from moisture

Saving starts from the very beginning, that is, from the foundation. For a wooden country house, it is not at all necessary to make a reinforced concrete foundation; it is quite possible to get by with the manufacture of a pile-screw or columnar type of foundation. The installation of walls itself also does not imply the use of any kind of binder solution or glue. The fastening of the timber to each other in the wall structure is carried out on dowels, and the walls of rounded logs are mounted using chopped or sawn cups.

The catch of such cheap and environmentally friendly walls lies in their increased vulnerability to moisture. And if there are a huge number of ways to protect the same walls from foam blocks from moisture, for example, plaster, putty, etc., then to protect wood from decay, there is only a small set of liquid emulsions that need to be impregnated with wood before the construction of load-bearing walls . Another disadvantage of wooden housing is the increased risk of fire, which will require you to fork out a lot when doing electrical wiring, which is more demanding than when building stone walls.

We have no right to specifically recommend or impose this or that building material or technology. Everyone chooses according to their personal preferences and based on their own financial capabilities. In this article, we only tried to give a brief description of the various construction technologies, and you decide for yourself what is more promising for you.

What material is better to build a house from - video

In this article, we will understand which materials for building a house are best for various purposes.

Today, many people dream of a big, beautiful and comfortable home. But before you make a decision and start building a building, you need to think carefully about the purpose for which the construction of the house is planned. One format is suitable for a seasonal building, the second for permanent residence. After planning, you should think about the material, because safety and convenience depend on quality material.

On the modern market there are various materials that have certain properties. Usually the most important selection criteria are:

  • strength, reliability of raw materials;
  • the ability to isolate noise;
  • preservation, isolation of heat;
  • frost resistance;
  • moisture impermeability.

Of course, before construction, all the parameters indicated above should be taken into account, especially if the building is individual. But still, the most important point is strength, as it forms the structure of the building and affects its functionality.

Materials for construction are divided into several categories:

  • stone and brick;
  • ceramic;
  • concrete;
  • wooden (from a log and a bar).

Buildings made of stone and brick

Structures made of stone and brick are distinguished by their massiveness. They are not afraid of the elements, while they have a stylish appearance. However, these durable materials are expensive.

The characteristics of a house built of stone or brick are not inferior to concrete.

Brick and stone structures are suitable for both small country houses and multi-storey buildings. Their main advantage is resistance to fire, moisture, and also such a building will not settle over time.

The disadvantage of brick and stone houses is low energy conservation. In order to build warm housing from this material, it is necessary to lay out walls 120 cm thick. Therefore, today brick and stone houses are losing their popularity, and raw materials are used for cladding.

Another significant disadvantage is high cost of material. Those wishing to build themselves a stone or brick house must calculate their finances and plan everything in advance before proceeding with the implementation of the plan.

Ceramic structures (ceramic blocks)

Bricks and ceramics are made using the same technology from clay. The difference is the savings on the construction of the building, because the ceramic blocks are larger in size, they need less, in addition, the protrusions at the ends suggest connecting the blocks to each other without a mixture. It is only needed to fix the horizontal rows to each other.

concrete materials

To date, brick is no longer as popular as it used to be, it has given way to a modern concrete block.

The advantages of this material are its affordable cost and speed of construction. One concrete block can replace several bricks. You can build a house from a gas block, foam block, cinder block, shell rock, wood concrete, expanded clay concrete. All of them are similar in characteristics, most subspecies practically do not need complex finishing, but the disadvantage is that concrete materials are brittle, have high water permeability, and there are chemical elements in the composition of the material.

Wooden houses

Wooden houses are built from logs and beams. They have a low load on the foundation, as a result of which it will not settle over time, moreover, this is a good savings at the initial stage of construction. An important advantage is that, using wooden materials, you can build a house, regardless of weather conditions or seasons.

Timber buildings are a profitable option for those who want to become the owner of a neat individual building. Its cross section is both rectangular and square, with a smooth, even side. For such houses, shrinkage is minimized as much as possible, and the production of log cabins occurs without the use of special equipment. The tree is aesthetic, does not require finishing, therefore it is an economical option.

Positive aspects of using wooden beams:

  • eco-friendly material;
  • fast building;
  • good sound insulation, thermal conductivity;
  • design safety;
  • installation regardless of weather conditions and temperature;
  • does without expensive foundation and finishing;
  • pleasant smell of wood.

Disadvantages of timber houses:

  • requires additional processing from insects, prevention from rot and cracks;
  • easily catches fire, it is necessary to use fire-fighting means;
  • long idle time of the foundation;
  • well passes cold and water, so the cost of heat is inevitable.

Log buildings are traditional, well studied and quite attractive. You can build a small house or a huge, comfortable cottage. Such structures are natural and environmentally friendly, in addition, they do a good job with the natural ventilation of the space. Just like log buildings, log buildings do not need a massive foundation.

Advantages of log houses:

  • natural raw materials;
  • strong, safe and beautiful design;
  • warms up quickly, reducing the cost of heating;
  • available material;
  • short construction time.

Cons of log houses:

  • tendency to decay, attacks of insects;
  • easy tanning in a matter of seconds;
  • the foundation should be defended for about a year;
  • the design warms up quickly, but does not hold heat, it is necessary to insulate.

What is better to build a house for permanent residence (permanent residence)?

A classic for suburban housing construction is baked clay brick and has good wear resistance, strength, durability. The material is considered environmentally friendly, not afraid of high and low temperatures, resistant to all weather conditions. They are massive, but require insulation.

There are several times more positive aspects in such material than negative ones, so a brick house is considered the most successful option for permanent residence. He and the fire is not so terrible, and will last much longer than concrete and, especially, wood.

What materials are suitable for a summer house in the country?

Traditionally, summer cottages are built of wood. Log buildings or houses made of glued laminated timber- any of these options will be successful for a comfortable summer. Such constructions are environmentally friendly and safe, they ventilate the premises well, and besides, they have a pleasant smell.

Wooden cottages are especially appreciated, which can be easily built on an individual order. Such a house needs processing and care, but its availability, reliability and comfort are important advantages when choosing a summer house for a summer residence.

What is better to build a house in the Urals or in Siberia?

Such cold corners of Russia as Siberia or the Urals need warm houses. It is important to choose the material that will warm up quickly and not lose heat. Of course, in such regions, the house will still have to be well insulated, but if initially the raw materials are already “warm”, the owner of the building will save on cladding. The ideal option would be a concrete building, namely with cells.

Initially, porous concrete was used for insulation, and a little later, whole houses began to be built from it, which were distinguished by excellent heat retention. In addition, the construction of a fire-resistant building will take a little time. After construction, for more insulation, the house should be plastered, covered with panels.

What is suitable for the warm corners of Russia (house by the sea)?

A house by the sea is the dream of many romantics. Mostly, such buildings are made of stone. The increased humidity of the coast will quickly destroy the wooden structure. Still fit ceramic blocks who are also not afraid of water.

There is no need to build a house right on the beach, because a lot of money will be spent on the foundation for a house on the sand, very close to the coastline. It is better to start construction work at least 200 meters from the beach. In addition, a thunderstorm is a frequent occurrence near the sea. A wise decision would be to get a lightning rod and eliminate a large number of metal structures in the building.

What materials are cheaper to build a house from?

Nowadays, many people want to run away from the city and build their own house, but there may not be enough money for a massive structure. The current great financial difficulties do not leave the possibility of a big flight of fancy, so you have to choose from cheap materials, given that the house must be reliable and safe.

The cheapest houses are made from concrete and wood. Aerated concrete is refractory, does not rot, it needs a simple foundation, it is also warm and needs light processing. But when laying the material, it is necessary to adhere to a certain technology. While wooden houses are easy to build without certain nuances, they are prone to rotting, burning, and the foundation should stand for about a year.

The choice between these two cheapest materials depends specifically on the future home owner.

Country house - photo

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