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Prospects for developing an ideal figure depending on your body type. Basic forms of health-improving physical education. Means and methods for correcting a student’s individual physical development. Mode of educational and work activities, rest and sleep.

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Ministry of Health of Khabarovsk Territory

Regional state budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education

"Khabarovsk State Medical College"

in the academic discipline OSSE.04 “Physical Education”

Correction of a student’s physique (body weight) by means of physical education

Student of group LD-11(2): Vysotskaya Yu.S.

Teacher: M.A. Piryazeva


It is known that the physical development of a person as a process of change and formation of morphological and functional properties depends on heredity, and on living conditions, as well as on physical education from the moment of birth. Of course, not all signs of physical development are equally amenable to correction at student age: the most difficult thing is height (more correctly, body length), much easier is body mass (weight) and certain anthropometric indicators (chest circumference, hips, etc.). ).

In this work, we will consider by what means and methods of physical education each interested student can correct and maintain normal their anthropometric indicators, in particular body weight.

Prospects for developing an ideal figure depending on your body type

wellness physique physical regimen

Unlike height, body weight (weight) is subject to significant changes in both directions with regular exercise in certain physical exercises or sports (with a balanced diet).

Before you start training, you need to accurately assess your data: general health, heart readiness for physical activity and body type. People with different body types respond differently to the same training system. What will give great results for one may not work for another.

As is known, normal body weight is closely related to human height. The simplest height-weight indicator is calculated using the formula: height (cm) - 100 = weight (kg). The result shows normal body weight for a person of this height. However, this formula is only suitable for adults with a height of 155-165 cm. With a height of 165-175 cm, you need to subtract 105, with a height of 175-185, subtract 110.

You can also use the weight-height indicator (Ketley index). In this case, dividing body weight (in g) by height (in cm) gives the quotient, which should be about 350-420 for men and 325-410 for women. This indicator indicates excess or lack of body weight.

Directed changes in body weight are quite accessible at student age. The problem is different - you need to change your usual lifestyle. Therefore, the prevention or treatment of obesity is largely a psychological problem. But whether or not you need to significantly change your body weight, you decide for yourself when assessing the proportionality of your body. All that remains is to choose sports (exercises) for regular exercise, especially since some types contribute to weight loss (all cyclic ones - middle and long distance running, cross-country skiing, etc.), others can help “gain” body weight (weightlifting , athletic gymnastics, kettlebell lifting, etc.).

The true anthropometric proportionality of the human body, recognized by both anatomists and biodynamic specialists, is based on the views of the ancient Hellenes, whose cult of the human body was quite high. This was especially clearly reflected in the classical proportions of the works of ancient Greek sculptors. Their development of body proportions was based on units of measure equal to one or another part of the human body. This unit of measure, called the module, is the height of the head. According to Polycletus, the height of the head for a normal human figure should be eight times the height of the body. So, according to the “square of the ancients,” the span of outstretched arms is equal to the height of the body. The length of the thigh fits four times the height of height, etc.

Main body types

* asthenic (ectomorphic);

* hypersthenic (endomorphic);

* normosthenic (mesomorphic).

Slender (asthenic body type or ectomorph)

The distinctive features of people with an asthenic body type are light, fragile bones, long, thin limbs, a narrow, long chest, a relatively wide pelvis, narrow shoulders, long and thin muscles, a scanty layer of subcutaneous fat.

Recently, there are more and more men of asthenic body type. Acceleration, lack of full-fledged physical activity, and an “environmental” drop in testosterone levels lead to the formation in young people of a tall, narrow-shouldered figure with undeveloped muscles and weak ligaments, which is called “unisex.”

Forming an ideal figure for a man with an asthenic body type can take several years of hard work.

You need to start building your body by strengthening the ligaments (through stretching exercises in combination with strength training) and only then start building muscle mass. To achieve success, you need to resort to strength training and pay special attention to nutrition.

The workout should be hard (in terms of the complexity of the exercises and the weights used), but not long, so as not to lose the calories necessary for building muscles. Men with a slender figure accumulate calories with difficulty and are consumed very quickly; you need to reduce general physical activity (running, jumping, team sports, etc.) and try to rest more.

Stocky figure (hypersthenic or endomorph)

People with a picnic body type are characterized by round, soft shapes due to a well-developed fat layer, a wide red face with soft features. People with a picnic body type show a certain tendency towards obesity.

The main goal of fitness for a full (endomorphic) body type is to combat obesity (note, not excess weight!), to build muscles hidden under a layer of fat and to develop muscle relief. There is something to work on: add some things, subtract some things.

It is necessary to adhere to a low-calorie diet; during training, perform as wide a range of exercises and complexes as possible with a large number of approaches and repetitions, reduce the break time between approaches, add aerobic exercises to the training system associated with increased calorie consumption (running, cycling, swimming, sports games).

Athletic figure (normosthenic, or mesomorph)

An athletic body type is characterized by a wide chest and shoulders, a proportional torso and legs, a strong skeleton and muscle structure, without excess fat. Strong broad shoulders, trapezoidal body with a relatively narrow pelvis. Powerful convex muscle relief on strong bones. Strong arms and legs, large hands and feet, broad shoulders, narrow hips. The legs sometimes seem thin in comparison with the upper parts of the body and especially the hypertrophic shoulder girdle. A strong, elongated head, a free, strong neck with a pronounced trapezius muscle.

If you have a normal body type (athletic figure), there is no need to overload, just improve your body. To do this, you need to follow a balanced diet, the training program should be varied, combining strength training, relief work and aerobic exercises.

Basic forms of health-improving physical education for body correction

During physical education, excess adipose tissue is used to produce the required amount of energy to perform exercises. As a result, there is a decrease in excess weight. Increasing body weight can also lead to an improvement in body type, but only when this occurs due to the growth of muscle tissue.

You can achieve a significant increase in muscle tissue through such means of physical education as weightlifting and bodybuilding. However, for most female students this is probably not the most suitable option, since in this case the physique of the fair sex will acquire masculine features. A much better option for girls is to engage in various types of athletics.

Each sport in this category forms certain body features, which, quite possibly, will be the desired results of body correction.

When running, women develop correct posture and a symmetrically developed body. Correcting the physique through jumping can reduce body weight, lead to strong chest development and increase the ratio of leg length to torso. When correcting the physique using such a means of physical education as gymnastics, a small body weight, long thin legs, and a narrowed pelvis are achieved, which together gives a slender, athletic figure. Synchronized swimming or figure skating will allow you to correct your physique due to the formation of a strictly symmetrical body, correct beautiful posture, slender legs, and chest development.

It should also be taken into account that the best results in body correction using physical education can be achieved in childhood and adolescence. During this period, the body is still developing, so undesirable body features can be corrected quite easily. In adulthood, body correction is much more difficult to carry out, since the body is already formed, growth has stopped, and the growth zones of the bones are already “closed” to influence by means of physical culture. However, correction of physique by reducing excess body weight (i.e. reducing excess fat deposits) during physical education can be carried out at any age (of course, in the absence of contraindications to physical activity)

Students can engage in body correction not only in classes at an educational institution, but also in fitness clubs, as well as on their own (evening and morning jogging in stadiums or parks, jumping rope, performing general developmental physical exercises at home).

According to the degree of influence on the body, all types of health-improving physical culture (depending on the structure of movements) can be divided into two groups: exercises of a cyclic and acyclic nature.

Cyclic exercises are motor acts in which the same complete motor cycle is constantly repeated for a long time. These include walking, running, skiing, cycling, swimming, rowing.

In acyclic exercises, the structure of movements does not have a stereotypical cycle and changes during their execution. These include gymnastics and strength exercises, jumping, throwing, sports games, and martial arts. Acyclic exercises have a predominant effect on the functions of the musculoskeletal system, resulting in increased muscle strength, reaction speed, elasticity and mobility in the joints, and lability of the neuromuscular system.

Types with a predominant use of acyclic exercises include hygienic and industrial gymnastics, classes in health and general physical training (GPP) groups, rhythmic and athletic gymnastics, and gymnastics using the “hatha yoga” system.

1) Morning hygienic exercises

Morning hygienic exercises help to quickly bring the body into working condition after waking up, maintain a high level of performance during the working day, improve coordination of the neuromuscular system, and the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. During morning exercises and subsequent aqua procedures, the activity of skin and muscle receptors, the vestibular apparatus is activated, the excitability of the central nervous system increases, which helps to improve the functions of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs.

2) Industrial gymnastics. This type of health-improving physical education is used in various forms specifically in production. Introductory gymnastics before starting work helps to activate nerve motor centers and increase blood circulation in working muscle groups. It is needed especially in those types of production activities that involve maintaining a sitting working posture for a long time and accurately performing small mechanical operations.

Physical breaks are organized specifically during work. The time of their implementation is determined by the phases of the configuration of the level of performance - depending on the type of activity and the contingent of workers. The physical training break must be ahead of the phase of decreased performance. By performing exercises with musical accompaniment for unused muscle groups (using the mechanism of active rest), coordination of the activity of nerve centers, accuracy of movements are improved, the processes of memory, thinking and concentration are activated, which has a beneficial effect on the results of the production process.

Industrial gymnastics for a student is the discipline “Physical Education”, the attendance of which by students is very important due to the reasons described above.

3) Rhythmic gymnastics.

The highlight of rhythmic gymnastics is that the pace of movements and the intensity of the exercises are set by the rhythm of the musical accompaniment. It uses a complex of different agents that affect the body. Thus, a series of running and jumping exercises affect to a greater extent the cardiovascular system, bending and squats - on the musculoskeletal system, methods of relaxation and self-hypnosis - on the central nervous system. Exercises on the ground develop muscle strength and joint mobility, running series develop endurance, dance series develop plasticity, etc. Depending on the choice of means used, rhythmic gymnastics classes can be more athletic, dance, psychoregulatory, or mixed in nature. The nature of energy supply, the degree of enhancement of respiratory and circulatory functions depend on the type of exercise.

Depending on the selection of series of exercises and the pace of movements, rhythmic gymnastics classes can have a sports or health-improving orientation. The greatest stimulation of blood circulation up to a heart rate level of 180-200 beats/min can only be used in sports training by young, awake people. In this case, it is more anaerobic in nature and is accompanied by inhibition of aerobic energy supply devices and a decrease in the MIC value. Significant stimulation of fat metabolism does not occur with this type of energy supply; in this regard, a decrease in body weight and normalization of cholesterol metabolism, as well as the development of general endurance and performance, are not observed.

4) Athletic gymnastics.

Athletic gymnastics classes cause pronounced morpho-functional changes (mostly of the neuromuscular system): hypertrophy of muscle fibers and an increase in the physiological diameter of the muscles; growth of muscle mass, strength and strength endurance. These configurations are associated mainly with a long-term increase in blood flow in working muscle groups as a result of repeated repetition of exercises, which improves the trophism (nutrition) of muscle tissue. It should be emphasized that these configurations do not contribute to increasing the reserve capabilities of the circulatory system and the aerobic productivity of the body. Moreover, as a result of a significant increase in muscle mass, the relative characteristics of the most important functional systems worsen - vital index (VC per 1 kg of body weight) and the highest oxygen consumption (VO2 per 1 kg), not counting the fact that an increase in muscle mass is accompanied by an increase in the fat component, an increase in cholesterol levels in the blood and an increase in blood pressure, which creates favorable conditions for the formation of the main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.

5) Aerobics.

Aerobics is a system of physical exercises that provide energy through the use of oxygen. Aerobic exercises include only those cyclic exercises that involve at least 2/3 of the body’s muscle mass. To achieve a positive effect, the duration of aerobic exercise must be at least 20-30 minutes, and the intensity must not exceed the level of PANO. Specifically, cyclic exercises aimed at developing general endurance are characterized by the most important morpho-functional configurations of the circulatory and respiratory systems: increased contractile and “pumping” function of the heart, improved utilization of oxygen by the myocardium, etc. Differences in individual types of cyclic exercises associated with structural features motor act and the technique of its implementation are not of fundamental importance for achieving a preventive and health-improving effect.

6) Healthy walking.

In mass physical culture, health-improving (accelerated) walking is widely used: at an appropriate speed (up to 6.5 km/h), its intensity can reach the training regime zone (heart rate 120-130 beats/min).

Under these conditions, 300-400 kcal of energy is consumed per 1 hour of walking, depending on body weight (approximately 0.7 kcal/kg per 1 km of distance traveled). For example, a person with a body weight of 70 kg spends about 50 kcal when walking 1 km. At a walking speed of 6 km/h, the total energy consumption will be 300 kcal (50*6). With daily health walking exercises (1 hour each), the total energy consumption per week will be about 2000 kcal, which provides a small (threshold) training effect to compensate for the deficit in energy consumption and increase the functional capabilities of the body. This is supported by research into peak aerobic performance. Thus, after 12 weeks of training in recreational walking (1 hour 5 times a week), the subjects observed an increase in VO2 max by 14% compared to the initial level. But such a training effect is possible only for unprepared beginners with low UFE. For more trained athletes, the health-improving effect of walking decreases, since with increasing training the intensity of the overload becomes below the threshold. Increasing walking speed to more than 6.5 km/h is difficult, because it is accompanied by a disproportionate increase in energy costs.

There are a large number of complexes of general developmental and corrective physical exercises used to correct physical development. In particular, the following complex can be proposed to eliminate excess body weight:

1. Walking in place for 2 minutes2. I.p. - o.s. bend your arms in front of your chest and jerk to the sides while turning your torso left and right.

3. I. p. - o.s. extend your arms forward (palms down). Perform swinging movements with your legs, alternately reaching the right palm with the toe of your left foot and the left palm with the toe of your right foot.

4. I. p. - o.s. stand, feet wider than shoulder width, arms along the body. Bend your torso to the right and left, reaching your toes with your hands.

5. Perform jumping claps overhead 50-100 times.

6. Slow walking for 30-40 minutes. Accelerated walking (450-500 m), jogging (500-550 m).

7. Play basketball, volleyball, football, badminton, etc. for 15 minutes.

After classes, you should take a shower and rub your body with a terry towel. The above complex can be supplemented with a visit to the pool (2 times a week) and participation in hiking trips on weekends.


The educational process has its side effects: low physical activity, a sedentary lifestyle, high mental stress, regular stress. These factors can contribute to improper physical development, disharmonious physique, physical fatigue, and as a result, deviations from normal health indicators.

In this work, we examined the means and methods available to each student for correcting anthropometric indicators (body weight in particular). The desired result can be achieved with the proper use of physical education means and an individual approach when choosing means and correction methods.

It should be noted that, along with performing physical exercises, for the correction of individual physical development and motor capabilities, diet, educational and work activities, rest and sleep are of great importance.

One of the main accompanying factors is the correct motivation and strong-willed factor of the student. The desire for a harmonious, healthy lifestyle.


1. Dvorkin, L. S. Physical education of students [Text] / L. S.

2. Dvorkin, K. D. Chermit, O. Yu. Davydov. - M.: Phoenix, 2008.

3. Correction of physique (body weight) of medical group students by means of physical education [Text]: method. instructions / E. I. Goncharova, I. B. Biryukova. - Ukhta: USTU, 2012. - 18 p.

Posted on Allbest.ur


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For those who want to gain weight, our products and, above all, “POLYPROTENE Energy” are ideal. It is optimal to use this product in combination with POLYPROTEN Protein according to the body weight gain program given below. To assess body weight deficiency, it is convenient to use an indicator called “Body Mass Index” (BMI). BASIC PROGRAM FOR GAINING BODY WEIGHT BREAKFAST - complete. Next, after 1.5-2 hours, 50 gr. dry mixture “POLYPROTEN Protein” (4 tablespoons without top - 30 grams of protein). After 1.5-2 hours 100 gr. dry mixture “POLYPROTEN Energy” (8 tablespoons without top - 17 grams of protein). LUNCH - full. Then after 1.5-2 hours 25 gr. dry mixture “POLYPROTEN Protein” (2 tablespoons without top - 15 grams of protein). After 1.5-2 hours 100 gr. “POLYPROTENE Energy” (8 tablespoons without top - 17 grams of protein). DINNER - full (no later than 20 o'clock). Do not eat high-calorie foods. After 1.5-2 hours 25 gr. mixture “POLYPROTEN Protein” (4 tablespoons without top - 15 grams of protein). You can consume an unlimited amount of fruits and vegetables throughout the day. TOTAL - the daily intake of protein only in dry mixtures is 94 grams. At 94 gr. protein in the mixtures accounts for 833 protein-free kcal. Method for preparing the mixture: pour the dry mixture into warm water (you can use milk, fermented milk products, juices to taste). Total fluid intake should be at least 30 ml/kg body weight per day. To expand the flavor range, you can mix it with fruits or vegetables in a blender. Daily caloric intake is 3000 - 3500 kcal. For reference: 1 gr. carbohydrates (pasta, bread) - 4 kcal (1 piece of bread 60 g - 240 kcal); 1 gr. fat (vegetable oil, butter, smoked meats) -..

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Obesity is a chronic metabolic disorder, manifested by excessive development of adipose tissue, progressing in its natural course, a serious risk factor for the development of various diseases.

Obesity- it's a ticking time bomb. The presence of obesity, arterial hypertension, impaired carbohydrate tolerance and high levels of lipids in the blood are combined under the so-called “metabolic syndrome X”. This syndrome is one of the main causes of the development of cardiovascular diseases and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Obesity increases the risk of death from coronary heart disease by 5 times. Obese people have a high risk of developing cancer. Obesity brings with it changes in the endocrine and reproductive systems.

Overweight– the problem is not only personal, individual. This is a medical and social problem that significantly worsens the health of society as a whole and leads to a reduction in life expectancy. Obesity is one of the most common diseases in the world. Currently, it is becoming a global epidemic. In developed countries, 35% of the population is overweight. According to statistics, more than half of the adult population of Western European countries is obese; in the United States the figure is even higher; in Russia, about 55% of Russians are overweight.

The relevance of the problem of obesity also lies in the fact that by 2025, 67% of the population will be overweight, and this means diseases, discomfort, sexual unattractiveness, the risk of early death, etc.

Economic consequences of obesity: in developed countries, the total costs of treating obesity amount to about 10% of healthcare costs, including direct costs of treatment - from 3 to 5%.

Indirect costs associated with obesity: temporary incapacity for work, disability, decreased earnings, unemployment, decreased quality of life, premature death.

So, obesity is one of the global health problems around the world.

Main causes of obesity:

- 60–80% is the result of a high-calorie unbalanced diet, an imbalance between the amount of energy consumed and expended; - lack of essential micronutrients in the diet of a modern person (if the necessary nutrients are regularly supplied to the body, a person is healthy, he is able to withstand pathogenic viruses and microorganisms, various diseases, various stresses, mental and physical stress); - hereditary factor; — chronic stress (in conditions of a lack of positive emotions, a person subconsciously strives for pleasure, and delicious food is one of the easy ways to get this pleasure); - disruption of the endocrine function of adipose tissue ( The processes of maintaining the optimal amount of fat in adipose tissue are called adipostate . The highest center for regulating these processes is hypothalamus: it houses the hunger center and the satiety center. Stimulation of the hunger center causes bulimia(uncontrollable appetite), and the center of saturation - anorexia(lack of appetite). Fat recycling process – lipolysis, the process of fat formation - lipogenesis. In progress lipolysis hormones are produced adipsin and resistin, stimulating the hunger center, and in the process lipogenesis and a hormone is produced leptin, which serves as a powerful stimulator of the saturation center. The optimal alternation of the secretion of these hormones during food intake and its absence ensures normal adipostat); - changes in the production of hormones that regulate carbohydrate metabolism.

In clinical practice, it is customary to divide the degrees of obesity: - 1st degree - excess weight exceeds normal weight by 10-29%; – 2nd degree – by 30 – 49%; — 3rd degree by 50 – 99%; — 4th degree – more than 100%.

There are two stages of the disease: progressive and stable. And here the question arises about a person’s normal weight: what should it be?

Approximately normal weight is considered to be weight calculated using Brock's formula: height (in cm) - 100. Deviation in the direction of increase is acceptable: for men by 10%, for women by 15% of body weight.

Waist circumference (an indirect indicator of the amount of visceral fat): for women - no more than 88 cm, for men - no more than 102 cm.

Body mass index (BMI) most accurately characterizes normal weight and its deviation in one direction or another. It is calculated by the formula: body weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.

BMI = body weight in kg / (height in m) squared.

Thus, a BMI less than 19 occurs in thin, emaciated people; BMI = 20 – 25 – with normal weight; BMI = 26 – 30 – overweight; pay attention! BMI = 31 – 40 – with moderate obesity; BMI more than 41 – the situation is out of control, morbid obesity has formed.

An equally important characteristic of weight is the ratio of waist volume to hip volume. The following values ​​are considered acceptable: for women less than 0.8, and for men less than 0.9. For people over forty years old, the following are acceptable: for women - 0.85, for men - 0.95.

So what do you need to do to be both beautiful and healthy? To do this you need to learn to count!

If you want to lose weight, it is absolutely necessary to know the calorie content of the food you eat during the day so that you can compare the amount of energy coming in and expending. But we also need to know how many calories we spend.

Example: surgical nurse, height 165, weight 65 kg. BMI calculation: 65 kg / (1.65) m squared = 23.9. Then the daily requirement for kilocalories is: 35 kcal x 65 kg = 2275 kcal, i.e. approximately 2300 kcal.

Losing weight is necessary and even necessary. But traditional approaches to the correction of obesity, strict diets and fasting do not provide effective and lasting weight loss. But how to deal with this?

If you have seriously decided to improve your health and change your life for the better, then read on.

Biologically active food additives, available in huge quantities in ARGO products, come to the rescue. Here are the health products of the Nutrikon series, Pectolact, health phyto-teas, protein-vitamin cocktails, and the “Success” bar.

An important advantage of the Nutrikon series products is the high bioavailability of microelements, which is ensured by the new technology of growing selenium - spirulina and chromium - spirulina. The composition of Nutrikon products includes in different proportions: rose hips, burdock root, lingonberry leaf, spirulina, oats in a grain shell, flax seed, St. John's wort and a number of other plant components used for weight loss.

Effects of series products "Nutrikon" in the correction of obesity: - decreased absorption of fats and carbohydrates; - balanced diet; — activation of metabolism (B vitamins, micronutrients); - reducing the total caloric intake of the diet; - normalization of intestinal motility; — loss of appetite (swelling of the appendix, regulation of the appetite center); — improvement of adaptation processes; — improvement of lipid metabolism, removal of endogenous cholesterol.

It is now considered an indisputable fact that micronutrients regulate the centers of hunger and satiety.

Nutrikon – Chrome especially recommended for weight loss, because... chromium is present here in a form bioavailable to the body, interacts with insulin in the process of carbohydrate metabolism, and participates in the construction and functioning of nucleic acids. The daily human need for chromium ranges from 50-200 mcg. Nutrikon chromium is especially necessary for people who eat a monotonous diet and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Nutrikon - chromium is used for the prevention and correction of excess body weight in a daily dose of 15 - 20 g per day, before or during meals. The course of continuous use is usually 1-2 months, but in some cases (for example, with diabetes mellitus, especially type 2, accompanied by obesity) it can be increased. It is advisable to repeat courses 3-4 times a year.

Nutrikon – Green, its use in case of excess weight is very important, since in addition to the main components, it contains kelp sugar, which is an additional source of soluble polyphosphates and organic iodine, speeds up metabolism. Nutrikon-Green is especially effective for obesity, combined with iodine deficiency, atherosclerosis, pathology of the biliary tract and chronic constipation. The recommended dose of Nutrikon-Green per day for an adult is 20 g. Such amounts of Nutrikon can be used for a long period of up to six months or more, especially in areas with natural iodine deficiency.

Nutrikon – Phyto used in the correction of excess weight as a product richest in essential micronutrients. It has an antioxidant, mild sedative, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. According to the results of a clinical study of Nutrikon - Phyto, its components help reduce BMI and waist circumference. It is recommended to alternate Nutrikon-Phyto with other products of the Nutrikon series. The dose of the product is 20 g per day, usually divided into 2-3 doses, but for chronic constipation, as prescribed by a doctor, it can be 30-45 g per day, i.e. 6-8 teaspoons.

Nutrikon – Selenium It is especially recommended for persons with lipid metabolism disorders, elevated levels of cholesterol, triglycerides in the blood serum and associated complications from the cardiovascular system. The composition includes spirulina enriched with selenium, as well as a number of other plant antioxidants, their task is to neutralize excess amounts of free radicals. Indicated for the prevention of pre-tumor and tumor diseases. Used for excess body weight in a daily dose of 3-4 teaspoons, divided into 2-3 doses; take before or during meals. This amount of Nutricon - Selenium provides up to 50% of the body's daily requirement for selenium. The duration of the course is from 1 to 6 months.

Nutrikon – Plus– a product with the highest content of vitamins, especially group B, beta-carotene, trace elements, amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids. Taking it at short intervals or directly during meals helps reduce appetite. When using it for overweight and obesity, you must follow a low-calorie diet. It is used for overweight and obesity in an average dose of 4-6 teaspoons per day. The continuous course of use ranges from 1 to 6 months.

Nutrikon – Gold used in obese patients as a product with immunomodulatory and tonic properties, it will help quickly adapt to a new diet and strengthen the immune system. Used in a dose of 15 - 20 g in 1-2 doses, in the first half of the day. The continuous course is usually 3-4 weeks, the course should be repeated 2-3 times a year.

Nutrikon – Yantar- a complex action product, which includes wheat grain shells, natural succinic acid, rose hips, motherwort grass. Effective for increased physical and psychological stress, after severe debilitating diseases. The product is recommended for use during pregnancy. Three tablespoons of Nutrikon - Amber replenish 40% of a person’s daily need for dietary supplements and from 5 to 20% for vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Contains 150 mg of succinic acid, which covers a person’s daily need for it.

How to take dietary supplements from the Nutrikon series to lose weight:

1st method. Slow, gradual loss of body weight.

With this method, body weight is reduced within 3-6 months. To do this, it is enough to take 15–20 g of one of the Nutrikon series products per day (divided into several doses and taken before meals). In this case, you should adhere to a balanced diet, with a sufficient content of the necessary organic nutrients. This method can be recommended: - for slight excess body weight; — in cases of poor health, the presence of concomitant chronic diseases; - people over the age of 50, when the tendency for metabolism to slow down begins.

It is recommended to alternate different products of the Nutrikon series, depending on a particular concomitant pathology. If excess body weight is accompanied by disorders of the blood lipid spectrum and/or carbohydrate metabolism, then the use of Nutrikon - Chromium, Nutrikon - Selenium is most justified. If there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then Nutrikon basic, Nutrikon - Phyto, Nutrikon - Green are recommended.

2nd method. Accelerated weight loss.

The method consists of combining Nutrikon with a low-calorie, nutritious diet. The total daily calorie intake is reduced by eliminating, first of all, fatty foods, sweets and high-calorie carbohydrate foods. The total calorie content of the diet should be no more than 1600 - 1800 kcal. The amount of Nutrikon per day is 20 - 40 g (take 10-15 g 10-20 minutes before meals or in the intervals between main meals, as hunger arises). This scheme is suitable for people with excess body weight exceeding the ideal weight by more than 20%. Nutrikon-Chrome is especially recommended for such people. To compensate for the deficiency of B vitamins, amino acids, and polyunsaturated fatty acids, Nutrikon - Plus E is suitable.

3rd method. Applications of fasting days.

Nutrikon can be used in this case as follows: its daily dose, divided into 3-6 doses, should be 30-60 g per day. At each dose, Nutrikon should be taken with a low-calorie liquid (at least 150 ml for every 5 g of Nutricon). For this purpose, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, natural fruit and vegetable juices without sugar, tea or coffee with milk, low-fat kefir, as well as low-calorie drinks - Pectolact and herbal teas - will be used.

Fasting days are recommended to be carried out once a week. At the end of the fasting days, you should adhere to a dairy-vegetable diet for a week.

Protein-vitamin-mineral complexes "Grace" and "Energy".

Cocktail "Energy". The use of this product makes it possible to regulate body weight as desired. By replacing 1-2 regular meals with a cocktail, you can achieve weight loss. By consuming a cocktail in addition to your main diet at breakfast and/or dinner, thereby giving your body additional energy and nutrients, you can, on the contrary, achieve weight gain. It is advisable to combine cocktails with products from the Nutrikon series. It is recommended to drink the cocktail 2 times a day.

Cocktail "Grace". In addition to the properties of the “Energy” cocktail, regular use of the “Grace” cocktail: - increases the viability of bifidum and lactobacilli, suppresses the proliferation of conditionally pathogenic bacteria; - normalizes intestinal function; - facilitates the functioning of the liver.

It is used in a weight loss program, replacing breakfast and/or dinner, preferably in combination with taking Nutrikon series products, thereby increasing the fullness of breakfast or dinner and achieving a greater feeling of satiety.

Company products Apifarm LLC It is manufactured exclusively for the ARGO company and undergoes mandatory laboratory and clinical testing. The company offers a “Recipe for Success” kit, designed primarily for body weight correction. You can use the whole complex or each drug separately, depending on the task. The “Recipe for Success” set includes: “Catalytin”, “Khitolan”, “Leptonic”, “Argoslastin”. "Katalitin"- “burn” fats . Compound: chitosan, Leuzea safflower, corn silk, rose hips. Contributes to: Reducing body weight, reducing appetite, normalizing blood lipid levels, inhibiting atherosclerotic processes in the cardiovascular system of the body. "Khitolan" remove fats. Compound: highly purified crab chitosan, excipients. Contributes to: binds and removes excess fat and cholesterol from the body; reduces the load on the liver; has an antiulcer effect; normalizes intestinal microflora; binds and removes toxic elements and intestinal toxins; binds and removes radioactive isotopes; stimulates the immune system; increases the body's resistance to infections; neutralizes toxic peroxide compounds. "Leptonic"- stimulates metabolic processes. Compound: propolis, chaga, radiola rosea, Leuzea safflower. "Argoslastin"- regulate calories. Compound: acesulfame, aspartame, excipients . Possesses more sweet than sugar, has zero calories and goes well with dietary supplements. Allows you to reduce the calorie content of your diet without extra effort and increase the effect of diets, exercise and the use of dietary supplements.

After a 32-day course of using the “Recipe for Success”: - body weight decreases by an average of 5 kg; - blood biochemistry is normalized; - metabolism improves.

REMEMBER: losing weight is not a march - a throw with full gear. Maintaining body weight within normal limits is a lifestyle!!!


  1. Remember to eat rationally.

  2. Try to eat a varied diet.

  3. Eat little and often.

  4. Limit fluid intake to 1.5 liters per day.

  5. Limit your salt intake.

  6. Try not to consume sugar.

  7. Move more.

  8. Use water treatments.

  9. Take time for massage, including self-massage.

  10. Create yourself a support group.

  11. Maintain your results.

“The serious problems we have cannot be solved at the level of thinking at which we created them.” Albert Einstein

Cocktail "Energy"— Protein-vitamin-mineral complex with Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. PROPERTIES: is a source of amino acids, including essential ones, as well as bioavailable forms of natural vitamins and microelements in the daily diet (including calcium, potassium and iron), especially in conditions of an unbalanced diet; promotes weight loss, provided that the cocktail replaces breakfast and/or dinner; helps reduce blood cholesterol levels; does not contain components of animal origin and glucose.

APPLICATION: in complex programs for regulating body weight: for weight loss - instead of breakfast and/or dinner, for weight gain - in addition to the main diet;
as a vitamin-mineral complex;
in addition to the basic diet: athletes and people engaged in heavy physical labor; weakened patients as a restorative agent after inflammatory, infectious diseases, surgical interventions;
for the prevention of atherosclerosis, as part of a hypocholesterol diet;
for the prevention of osteoporosis;
for the prevention of cancer;
for chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially chronic intestinal diseases accompanied by dysbiosis, constipation, diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
in addition to the basic diet of people engaged in heavy physical labor; weakened patients, as a restorative agent after inflammatory, infectious diseases, surgical interventions; after radiation and polychemotherapy for cancer patients;

To obtain one serving of the finished drink, you need to pour 2 heaped tablespoons of the dry mixture (25 g) with 200 ml of cold or warm water and mix thoroughly. When preparing a cocktail, you can use jam, berries, and fruits to taste. A glass of ready-to-drink drink contains 1/3 of an adult’s daily requirement for calcium, 1/5 of the need for other microelements and vitamins. It is recommended to use 1-2 times a day. The duration of use is not limited.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Individual intolerance to the components.

RELEASE FORM: Powder in a plastic jar 380 g.

Cocktail "Grace" — Vitamin-mineral complex with vegetable protein and dry lactulose. PROPERTIES: replenishes protein deficiency, including essential amino acids, and also promotes the formation and increase in muscle mass; replenishes the lack of vitamins and microelements in the daily diet; promotes weight loss, provided that the cocktail replaces breakfast and/or dinner; is a nutrient medium for normal intestinal microflora;

Increases the viability of bifidum and lactobacilli;
normalizes intestinal function, accelerates the movement of feces through the intestines;
improves liver detoxification function; promotes the removal of toxic metabolic products from the body;
replenishes the deficiency of bioavailable calcium, potassium, iron, vitamin D;
helps reduce blood cholesterol levels;
does not contain components of animal origin and glucose.

APPLICATION: as an additional source of protein, vitamins and microelements in the basic diet of adults, children, pregnant and lactating women, people suffering from chronic diseases;
in sports, especially in “bodybuilding”, aerobics, and shaping programs to improve the external parameters of the figure;
for the prevention of osteoporosis, especially in women, as well as in those taking glucocorticosteroid drugs;
as part of a hypocholesterol diet to reduce serum cholesterol levels, prevent coronary artery disease, hypertension and their complications, including repeated strokes;
for chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially chronic intestinal diseases accompanied by dysbacteriosis, for constipation, diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
in addition to the basic diet of people engaged in heavy physical labor; weakened patients, as a restorative agent after inflammatory, infectious diseases, surgical interventions; after radiation and polychemotherapy for cancer patients;
for the prevention of atherosclerosis, iron deficiency anemia;
for the prevention of hypokalemia (decreased potassium levels in the blood serum), including during diuretic therapy;
can be used by people who observe religious fasts, vegetarians, and people with diabetes.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Individual intolerance to the components of the cocktail.
Note: patients with severe chronic renal and liver failure require additional consultation with a doctor for individual selection of the dose of the product.

RELEASE FORM: Powder in a plastic jar 380 g.

Catalitin. COMPOSITION: Chitosan, corn silk, buckthorn bark, Leuzea safflower root. Excipients: starch, calcium stearate. To produce Catalitin, chitosan with a high degree of deacetylation (at least 92%) is used, made from chitin from the shells of Kamchatka crab.

PROPERTIES: normalizes lipid metabolism, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood;
reduces the absorption of dietary fats and cholesterol in the gastrointestinal tract;
lowers blood sugar levels, reduces the body's need for insulin;


diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
And also

1-2 tablets 3 times a day half an hour before meals; Course duration is 30–40 days. 2 courses per year are recommended. To correct body weight, it is taken as part of the “Recipe for Success” set. In this case, Catalitin is taken in courses of 5 days with breaks of 3 days, 2 tablets 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: It is not recommended for people suffering from cholelithiasis, children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, as well as those with individual intolerance to the components of the product.

RELEASE FORM: 40 tablets per package and 100 tablets per package.

Hitolan. COMPOSITION: Chitosan. Excipients: starch, calcium stearate. To produce Chitolan, chitosan with a high degree of deacetylation (at least 92%) is used, made from chitin from the shells of Kamchatka crab. PROPERTIES: normalizes lipid metabolism, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood; reduces the absorption of dietary fats and cholesterol in the gastrointestinal tract;

Reduces blood sugar levels, reduces the body's need for insulin;
binds and removes various toxic substances: bacterial toxins, heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, etc.), radionuclides (strontium, cesium, etc.), allergens;
reduces the toxic load on the liver, reduces the reabsorption of toxins released in the intestines;
has an antioxidant effect;
has a fixing effect, suppresses putrefactive and fermentation processes in the intestines, reduces gas formation;
prebiotic effect (promotes the growth of normal intestinal microflora).

APPLICATION: For prevention in complex therapy:
lipid metabolism disorders, including atherosclerosis;
diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2;
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
allergic diseases;
food poisoning;
overweight and obesity.
And also
when living in environmentally unfavorable regions;
when working in “harmful” industries;
to increase the overall tone of the body.

1-2 tablets 3 times a day half an hour before meals; Course duration is 30–40 days. 2 courses per year are recommended. To correct body weight, it is taken as part of the “Recipe for Success” set. In this case, Chitolan is taken continuously throughout the entire body weight correction course, 2 tablets 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Chitolan is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with individual intolerance to the components of the product.

RELEASE FORM: 40 tablets per package.

Leptonic. General strengthening and tonic. PROPERTIES: Flavonoids of the dietary supplement "Leptonic" have anti-inflammatory, capillary-strengthening, antioxidant, antispasmodic effects. Rhodiola rosea contains a number of phenolic compounds that stimulate the central and autonomic nervous system, enhance the function of the thyroid gland, and have an adaptogenic, stress-limiting, and anabolic effect.

n-tyrosol also has an adaptogenic effect, showing activity in asthenia, neurasthenia, and impotence.
The chromogenic complex of chaga has high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity.
Phenolcarboxylic acids of propolis have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity.
Thanks to its composition, the Leptonic dietary supplement actively eliminates the main manifestations of adaptation stress and has a mild tonic and general strengthening effect.

COMPOSITION: Extracts of chaga, propolis, roots of Leuzea safflower, roots of Rhodiola rosea. Excipients: lactose, glucose.

APPLICATION: for low blood pressure;
with decreased thyroid function;
as a tonic.

For adults - 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day with meals. Duration of treatment is 2–4 weeks. To correct biorhythms, the dietary supplement “Leptonic” is used in the morning at 9–10 a.m., once a day. If there are contraindications to the use of the dietary supplement "Leptonic", the dietary supplement "Vazoleptin" is used for the same purpose and according to the same scheme.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Individual intolerance to components, increased nervous excitability, insomnia, high blood pressure, cardiac dysfunction, severe atherosclerosis, pregnancy, breastfeeding. It is not recommended to take the product in the evening.

RELEASE FORM: 50 tablets weighing 500 mg per package.

Argoslastin. Sugar substitute. PROPERTIES: The product is non-toxic and does not have mutagenic or carcinogenic properties. It has zero calories and goes well with any dietary supplement. COMPOSITION: Acesulfame potassium and aspartame. APPLICATION: — for effective reduction of blood sugar in patients with type I and II diabetes mellitus; — for the prevention of diabetes, increasing the effectiveness of low-calorie diets; - for the purpose of correcting excess body weight.

Recommendations for use - Used as a sugar substitute.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Presence of phenylketonuria, a rare hereditary disease.

RELEASE FORM: Effervescent instant tablets with a pleasant sweet taste, 200 pieces.

Video about the Nutrikon product series:

Obesity and overweight have become a global epidemic with an increased risk of clinically important comorbidities, as declared by WHO in 1997. The prevalence of obesity is increasing among both adults and children of all ages. Over the past 40 years, the prevalence of obesity in the United States has increased from 13 to 31%, and the number of overweight individuals in the population has increased from 31 to 34%.

A.V. Kaminsky, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Department of Radiation-Induced General and Endocrine Pathology; Scientific Center for Radiation Medicine of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Research from the UK and US shows a persistent increase in the prevalence of obesity with age among both men and women. Our pilot studies in 2003 showed that in Ukraine the prevalence of obesity among people over 45 years of age could be 52%, and overweight - 33% (obesity + overweight is 85%). Normal body weight is observed in only 13% of the adult population of Ukraine.

Obesity is a complex chronic disorder of lipid metabolism with excessive accumulation of fat (triglycerides) in different parts of the body, accompanied by an increase in body weight and the subsequent development of various complications.

Obesity is the result of an excess of calories entering the body from food over calorie expenditure, especially with a lack of movement, that is, the result of maintaining a positive energy balance for a long time.

Obesity is a disease and is not currently seen as a psychological problem characterized by low discipline or weak willpower. Only recent studies have partially explained the biochemical and genetic factors involved in the etiology of obesity, pointing the way to more effective treatments.

In the United States alone, more than 400,000 people a year die from the consequences of obesity. The medical and disability costs associated with obesity amount to more than $100 billion annually. The total economic harm due to obesity exceeds that of cancer. In obese women, a moderate loss of body weight (10% of the original) leads to a reduction in disability by 20%.

Excess body weight and abdominal obesity determine the risk of developing type 2 diabetes (2-3 times more often), arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, coronary heart disease, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis and its clinical manifestations, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, cholelithiasis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, flat feet, gout, Pickwick's syndrome (attacks of hypoventilation and drowsiness up to sleep apnea), liver steatosis, etc. Obesity is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Body weight is a more reliable predictor of the development of coronary heart disease than blood pressure, smoking or impaired glucose tolerance. Morbidity and risk of premature death are directly related to the amount and pattern of distribution of excess fat.

Excess visceral fat closely correlates with various pathologies and occurs in:

  • 57% of patients with type 2 diabetes;
  • 30% – with gallbladder diseases;
  • 75% – with arterial hypertension;
  • 17% – with coronary heart disease (CHD);
  • 14% – with osteoarthritis;
  • 11% – with cancer of the breast, uterus and colon.

Prospective studies have shown that obesity is a major risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes. According to recent reviews conducted in the United States, the risk of diabetes increases by 9% with each additional kilogram above normal body weight. The risk of developing type 2 diabetes in obese patients increases in direct proportion to body weight and duration of obesity. Large population studies in Sweden have shown that abdominal obesity is a major risk factor for the development of diabetes.

Obesity in diabetic patients increases cardiovascular risk and mortality. Compared with people of normal weight, the relative mortality rate is 2.5-3.3 times higher for people with diabetes and obesity (20-30% overweight), 5.2-7.9 times higher for overweight people body by more than 40%. A mass index exceeding 30 kg/m2 is critical for the occurrence of type 2 diabetes, and an increase in body weight for 5-10 years precedes its manifestation. At a younger age, critical body mass is most closely associated with the development of diabetes in the future; the risk is especially high with rapid weight gain in the period 20-30 years.

The results of the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Program (3200 patients with increased body weight and impaired carbohydrate tolerance) showed that even a slight decrease in body weight (by 7%) leads to a significant reduction in the negative consequences and risk of developing diabetes.

Overall, weight loss reduces the risk of overall mortality by 25% and the risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease by 28%.

Obesity classification

Obesity is defined as excess body weight of more than 25% for men and more than 35% for women compared to the ideal weight based on height.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has proposed a unified indicator for assessing body weight - body mass index (BMI). It is currently the most important criterion for obesity. BMI is an important indicator for monitoring health risk factors and depends, to some extent, on ethnicity. The formula for calculating this index is as follows: BMI (kg/m2) = ratio of body weight (in kg) to height (in m2). In many Western countries it is called the Quetelet index (Table 1).

Obesity is considered to be a BMI exceeding 29.9 kg/m2 (normal limits are 18.5-25 kg/m2), which is divided into three degrees.

Waist circumference is also an important risk indicator for abdominal obesity. For men it corresponds to more than 102 cm, for women - more than 88 cm.

Another risk factor for developing complications is the degree of weight gain throughout life. Thus, an increase in body weight after 18-20 years of more than 5 kg increases the risks of developing diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease.

Diagnosis of obesity should include not only anthropometric data, but also medical history, examination of health status, health risks, laboratory tests, and assessment of the psychological status of patients.

Height, body weight, BMI, shape of fat distribution (gynoid or android), the presence of thyroid pathology, cardiovascular pathology, arterial hypertension, cancer, diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia should be assessed.

Obesity treatment

The goal of obesity treatment is to gradually reduce body weight to realistic levels and to prevent subsequent obesity-related morbidity and mortality.

Goals of body weight correction:

  • preventing further weight gain;
  • reduction in body weight by 10-15% (from initial values);
  • maintaining the achieved weight values ​​over a long period of time;
  • reducing risk to improve quality and increase life expectancy.

Maintaining the achieved body weight is a more difficult task than losing weight itself. It requires lifelong correction of lifestyle, behavioral reactions and diet therapy. Therefore, weight management programs should emphasize the continuity of such therapy throughout life.

The basis of obesity treatment is caloric restriction and increased physical activity, achieving energy balance, which is included in the concept of lifestyle.

However, it should be understood that only 42% of obese patients will comply with the doctor's recommendations. For most obese patients, the target weight loss should be 10-15%/year.

Treatment of overweight and obesity is a multi-step process that includes a series of tests, lifestyle changes, drug therapy and, in some cases, surgery. It should not be forgotten that drug therapy for obesity is recommended as an addition to lifestyle modification.

Lifestyle change

Lifestyle changes include attitudes about your diet, physical activity and body weight. Patients should keep a daily self-monitoring log, weigh food, and estimate their calorie content. Nutritional therapy complements emotional control and may include periods of relaxation, meditation, and others. Patients can also participate in closed support groups (10-20 people), which are designed to create positive emotions, promote self-affirmation, and allow you to visually assess the successes of other patients. It is imperative to include spouses in the treatment process. A spouse's lack of interest in losing weight increases the likelihood of abandoning the weight loss program.

The principles of diet therapy for overweight and obesity consist of several important rules.

  1. Caloric restriction.
  2. Significant reduction in fat intake, especially of animal origin.
  3. Maximum reduction in food intake in the evening.
  4. You should eat at least four times a day.
  5. All dietary restrictions of the patient must apply to the entire family. There should be no products at home that are “forbidden” to the patient. You should eat slowly.

Calorie restriction

Dietary restrictions in obese patients can be moderate or significant, depending on the possible health risks. There are two levels of calorie restriction - a low-calorie diet (LCD; calorie intake ranges from 800 to 1800 kcal/day), which is acceptable for most obese patients, as well as a specialized ultra-low-calorie diet (VLCD; calorie intake ranges from 250-799 kcal/day) , prescribed to patients with high health risks.

Successful weight loss largely depends on following a low-calorie diet, when energy expenditure per day is greater than the number of calories obtained from food consumption. Using a low-calorie diet can reduce body weight by 10%. However, only 15% of patients follow such a diet.

The NHLBI and NAASO recommend a standard low-calorie diet of 1000-1200 kcal/day for women and 1200-1600 kcal/day for men (and for women who exercise regularly or weigh less than 75 kg).

If there is a concomitant pathology (diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, arterial hypertension, etc.), in addition to a nutritionist, doctors of relevant specialties should take part in the preparation of the menu. Drawing up a menu without a nutritionist is unacceptable!

Drug therapy

One of the reasons many doctors refuse to treat obesity is that they do not have sufficiently effective and safe means for weight loss in their arsenal. Currently, only two drugs are approved by the FDA for long-term use: sibutramine and orlistat. However, only orlistat is recommended for long-term use - safety was assessed in the XENDOS study over 4 years, and the use of sibutramine is limited to 1 year of use.

As monotherapy, any drug can reduce body weight by no more than 8-10% per year from initial values. However, to maximally reduce the risks of obesity and diabetes, weight loss should be more than 12%. This is a goal that cannot be achieved through drug monotherapy alone.

It is recommended to prescribe medications to obese patients only as part of a comprehensive program, which includes diet therapy, physical activity, behavior and diet correction, which accelerates the process of weight loss and is carried out under the supervision of experienced doctors (endocrinologist, therapist, family doctor).

Principles of drug therapy for overweight and obesity.

  1. Use of drugs approved by the FDA for long-term use.
  2. The drugs can only be used as part of a comprehensive program that includes diet and increased physical activity.
  3. The drugs should not be used alone.
  4. Drug therapy is indicated for patients with a BMI of 30 or higher without associated risk factors for obesity.
  5. Drug therapy is indicated for patients with a BMI of 27 or higher with concomitant risk factors for obesity (arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes, rest asphyxia).

Modern official medicine gives preference to drugs whose clinical effectiveness has been proven by many multicenter, placebo-controlled and randomized studies using the principles of evidence-based medicine

Medicines used to reduce body weight are divided into two main groups: drugs to reduce appetite and drugs that reduce the absorption of nutrients (fats, carbohydrates, etc.) - dietary correctors. There are also a number of other drugs, including microelements, vitamins, amino acids, peptides, hormones, etc. In particular, the ADA and AACE recommend the use of drugs that have undergone full clinical trials and are approved by the FDA.

Not all drugs are equally safe. Centrally acting drugs (noradrenergic agents), such as phentermine, are approved by the FDA, but are recommended only for short-term treatment as an adjunct to primary treatment for obesity. When taking benzphetamine or phendimetrazine-based drugs, there is a high risk of abuse of these drugs.

In general, we propose dividing drugs for weight loss into several groups (Table 2). All of them allow you to change eating behavior. Effective drugs for weight loss are those that reduce the initial weight by at least 5%/year.

Centrally acting drugs that increase serotonin levels have previously been widely used for weight loss, but have serious side effects. For example, fenfluramine was removed from the drug market in the United States because it caused damage to the heart valves. Serotonin reuptake inhibitor drugs similar to fluoxetine have not shown long-term effectiveness. Therefore, the FDA has not approved any of the noradrenergic drugs for the long-term treatment of obesity. Centrally acting drugs with amphetamine-like effects, although approved for use in a number of countries, their use is significantly limited.

Sibutramine showed long-term effectiveness in reducing body weight and reducing blood fat metabolism, however, in some patients there was a statistically significant increase in blood pressure and increased heart rate (and therefore they were unable to continue taking the drug). Frequent side effects such as xerostomia, constipation, headache and insomnia, plus limited effectiveness, prevent its widespread use.

The FDA has approved the only drug to reduce fat absorption, orlistat (Xenical). This drug is a lipase inhibitor and blocks the absorption of some of the fats in food. Xenical is the most studied and safe drug for weight correction and does not have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system.

Comparative characteristics of the effectiveness and safety of orlistat and sibutramine are shown in Table 3.

Since July 1998, when Xenical was approved for use in Europe, 20 million patients worldwide have received orlistat. The drug is approved for use in 140 countries. In the USA, it was approved by the FDA for the treatment of obesity on April 26, 1999.

Orlistat (Xenical) is a synthesized stable substance (tetrahydrolipstatin), which is similar to the waste product of the bacterium Streptomyces toxytricini - lipstatin. The molecular weight of Xenical (C 29 H 53 NO 5) is 495.74. The drug is highly lipophilic, highly soluble in fats, and its solubility in water is very low.

The drug has no systemic effect and is practically not absorbed from the intestine. Xenical mixes with drops of fat in the stomach, blocks the active center of the lipase molecule, preventing the enzyme from breaking down fats (triglycerides). Due to the structural similarity of Xenical to triglycerides, the drug interacts with the active site of the enzyme - lipase, covalently binding to its serine residue. Binding is slowly reversible, but under physiological conditions the inhibitory effect of the drug during passage through the gastrointestinal tract remains unchanged. As a result, about 30% of dietary triglycerides are not digested or absorbed, allowing for an additional calorie deficit of approximately 150-180 kcal/day compared to diet alone. Unbroken triglycerides cannot enter the blood and are excreted in the feces, which creates an energy deficit and contributes to weight loss. Xenical does not affect the hydrolysis and absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and phospholipids.

An orally administered dose of Xenical is almost completely (about 97%) excreted in the feces, with 83% eliminated as unchanged drug.

More than three quarters of patients taking Xenical and following a diet achieved a clinically significant reduction in body weight (more than 5% of initial body weight) after 1 year. When taking Xenical and following a diet, after 1 or 2 years of treatment, twice as many patients lost weight by more than 10% of their initial body weight than when following a diet and taking a placebo. It can be predicted that patients who strictly follow the recommendations received (as can be judged by a decrease in body weight by more than 5% over 3 months) will significantly reduce body weight by the end of the first year of treatment (by 14%). After the initial weight loss, patients receiving placebo and diet regained twice as much weight as patients receiving diet and Xenical.

It is preferable to prescribe Xenical to all obese patients who have an addiction to fatty foods. When analyzing the fat content in a patient’s diet, one must keep in mind not only animal, but also vegetable fat, not only obvious, but also hidden fats (T.G. Voznesenskaya et al.).

In addition to its effects on weight loss, Xenical has an additional positive effect on total and LDL cholesterol levels. The use of Xenical reduces the amount of free fatty acids and monoglycerides in the intestinal lumen, reduces the solubility and subsequent absorption of cholesterol, and helps reduce hypercholesterolemia. The LDL/HDL ratio, a well-known prognostic factor for cardiovascular risk, significantly improved after 1 and 2 years of treatment with Xenical (p< 0,001 и р < 0,001 соответственно по сравнению с группой плацебо). Достоверное улучшение за 2 года лечения Ксеникалом было отмечено и со стороны апоВ- и липопротеина – двух хорошо известных сердечно-сосудистых факторов риска.

Xenical significantly reduces high blood pressure. A decrease in body weight after 1 and 2 years was accompanied by a decrease in both systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure. In high-risk patients (initial DBP 90 mm Hg), treatment with Xenical reduced it by 7.9 mm Hg. Art. by the end of the first year, while when taking placebo the decrease in DBP was 5.5 mmHg. Art. (p=0.06). Similar results were obtained for SBP in high-risk patients (initial SBP 140 mmHg). However, in patients receiving placebo, it decreased by 5.1 mmHg. Art., and in those receiving Xenical - by more than 10.9 mm Hg. Art. (p< 0,05). Таким образом, полученные результаты показывают, что Ксеникал в сочетании с диетой более эффективно снижает артериальное давление у больных ожирением и артериальной гипертензией, чем только диетотерапия. Снижение артериального давления уменьшает степень сердечно-сосудистого риска.

The 4-year Swedish XENDOS study, which was conducted among 3277 obese adults, examined the effectiveness of orlistat in metabolic syndrome. It was found that about 40% of obese patients had all the signs of metabolic syndrome (NCEP ATPIII). Weight loss with orlistat resulted in equivalent improvements in body weight, blood pressure, fasting glucose, blood lipids, and others in 60% of obese patients who did not have metabolic syndrome.

Obese individuals have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. A number of studies have shown that the use of Xenical can prevent the development or slow down the progression of type 2 diabetes. Among patients with initially normal oral glucose tolerance test results who received Xenical for 2 years, none developed diabetes. At the same time, during the same period in the placebo group, diabetes manifested in 1.5% of patients (p< 0,01). Кроме того, количество больных, у которых в ходе наблюдения развилось нарушение толерантности к глюкозе, в группе плацебо было вдвое больше (12,4%), чем в группе Ксеникала (6,2%, р < 0,01). Среди пациентов, уже исходно имевших нарушение толерантности к глюкозе, диабет за 2 года наблюдения в группе плацебо развивался более чем в 4 раза чаще, чем в группе Ксеникала (7,5% и 1,7%, р < 0.05). Положительная роль модификации образа жизни пациентов при приеме орлистата проявилась и в предотвращении манифестации СД 2 типа. Поэтому его рекомендуют применять лицам с высоким риском развития СД 2 типа наряду с препаратами акарбозы и метформином.

A retrospective analysis of 7 multicenter, double-blind studies showed that a 12-month course of orlistat treatment plays a significant role in reducing carbohydrate tolerance, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, HbA1c and fasting blood glucose (XEDIMET, Sweden). The effectiveness of Xenical in combination with diet exceeds the effectiveness of placebo in combination with diet in preventing the development and slowing the progression of type 2 diabetes.

Xenical significantly reduces fasting blood glucose levels. In patients with initially high fasting glucose (more than 7.77 mmol/l), Xenical reduced it by 0.47 mmol/l, and the use of placebo was accompanied by an increase in glycemia by 0.36 mmol/l. A multicenter (12 centers) placebo-controlled 57-week study of orlistat conducted in the United States on 391 patients receiving antidiabetic sulfonamides showed a weight reduction compared to placebo of 6.2 kg versus 4.3 kg, a decrease in waist circumference of 4.8 cm versus 2.0 cm, respectively. Patients receiving orlistat achieved a significantly greater effect when using lower dosages of glucose-lowering drugs than patients receiving placebo, which was reflected in the normalization of glycosylated hemoglobin (-0.28 vs + 0.18%), fasting glucose (-0.02 vs + 0.54 mmol/l) and insulin level (– 5.2 vs + 4.3%). Similar results were obtained in a study in the USA and Canada among 503 patients with a BMI of 28–43 who received orlistat + metformin or orlistat + metformin + sulfonamide for one year.

Taking Xenical reduces the concentration of insulin in the blood on an empty stomach. In patients at risk with hyperinsulinemia (initial 90 pmol/l), by the end of the 4-week induction phase in the group randomized to future use of Xenical, insulin concentrations decreased by - 17.8 pmol/l, while in in the group randomized to receive placebo, only -9.4 pmol/L. After the start of therapy, a further significant decrease in the level of insulinemia was observed in the Xenical group; the amplitude of the difference between the groups was 19.7 pmol/l (p = 0.021). By the end of the second year, the difference became even more pronounced (30 pmol/l, p< 0,017). Таким образом, Ксеникал снижает концентрации инсулина более чем на 30%.

The safety and effectiveness of orlistat were assessed in 375 adolescents aged 12–16 years, with a mean age of 13.5 years, who received 120 mg of the drug 3 times daily. 182 adolescents received placebo. There was a more frequent (in 27% of patients) loss of body weight due to visceral fat (more than 5% of weight) in the group receiving orlistat than in the group receiving only diet and placebo (in 16% of patients), in whom weight loss occurred within due to bone demineralization. This allowed the FDA to approve the use of Xenical in adolescents in the age group 12-16 years in the United States on December 15, 2003. To date, this is the only drug for weight correction approved for use in adolescents.

Orlistat is taken with every meal with water. The presence of lipases in the gastrointestinal tract is necessary for the effect of Xenical to manifest itself. Since the secretion of lipases is stimulated by the presence of food in the gastrointestinal tract, Xenical should be taken with meals. The effectiveness of Xenical is optimal when taking the drug during or within 1 hour after a meal containing less than 30% calories from fat. As the fat content in food increases, the total amount of fat excreted in feces increases. It is recommended that you take a multivitamin (supplement) while taking orlistat.

A number of studies have found that the fat content in food is directly related to the frequency and severity of adverse events from the gastrointestinal tract when taking each dose of Xenical. Tolerability of Xenical inversely correlates with the amount of fat in food. With its use, general negative effects are observed in the form of increased stool frequency and steatorrhea, which was noted in a three-year study among patients receiving various combinations of orlistat with glucose-lowering drugs and a moderate diet containing about 30% fat. It should be noted that these side effects were a consequence of excessive fat consumption and, of course, indicate the high effectiveness of the drug. Xenical should be used with a moderately hypocaloric diet containing no more than 30% of calories in the form of fat. In this case, intestinal discomfort is usually not observed.

Xenical does not interact with alcohol. Xenical increases the bioavailability of pravastatin by 30%. When Xenical is prescribed in combination with pravastatin, the lipid-lowering effect is enhanced.

Based on the above, we consider the most acceptable treatment regimen for moderate obesity or overweight:

  1. Reducing the calorie content of food to 1200 kcal/day (for women) or 1500 kcal/day (for men), mainly by reducing fat in food (up to 30%) and simple carbohydrates (products made from sugar and/or wheat flour).
  2. Increase physical activity (30 min/day of vigorous movement or brisk walking daily or at least 4 times a week).
  3. Changing the eating regimen (4-5 times a day in small portions up to 18-19 hours), using third-generation sweeteners (based on aspartame, etc.).
  4. Xenical is used to further reduce caloric intake against the background of a low-calorie diet and correct lipid metabolism disorders by reducing intraintestinal absorption of lipids.
  5. Trial treatment with Xenical for 1 month at a dose of 120 mg 3 times a day with each main meal, in combination with the antidepressant fluoxetine at a dose of 20 mg 1 time a day in the morning 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after meals.
  6. If trial treatment with Xenical is effective (weight loss by 2-4 kg/month), long-term therapy for several years is required to further reduce body weight (10-15%/year) and maintain it at the level of achieved values.

For more detailed information about the use of the drug Xenical (orlistat) for the treatment of obesity and overweight, you can visit the website or call the hotline: 8-800-50-454-50 (all calls by free in Ukraine).


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The issue of weight is extremely important in many sports. For some athletes (basketball, rugby, etc.), increasing body weight (provided that this increase is the result of an increase in muscle mass) provides obvious benefits. Others, on the contrary, have to reduce body weight before the competition. Many sports involve organizing competitions based on weight categories. These include bodybuilding, boxing, equestrianism, martial arts, rowing, barbell, and wrestling. In addition, there is a group of sports in which, although the concept of “weight category” is not used, a certain body type of the athlete is assumed and traditionally this is, as a rule, a small weight of the athlete. This group includes sports such as gymnastics, figure skating, synchronized swimming, dancing, long-distance running, etc.

The problems facing athletes from both groups of sports are the same. According to the usual criteria, an athlete may not be overweight, but for a certain sport or for the weight category in which the athlete performs, his body weight may exceed the permissible norm. The demands of a sport often lead to an athlete trying to lose weight at any cost. This often happens to the detriment of physical performance and overall health. The basic rule for an athlete is that any attempt at weight loss should be aimed at achieving a weight and body mass composition that is optimal for health and physical performance. In addition, any weight loss program must contain an educational component. Otherwise, eating disorders, diets, and various weight loss drugs that flood the market become an inevitable practice, from which athletes are not protected.

1. The benefit is not weight, but health and fitness:
- do not set a goal to achieve an unrealistic weight (it is useful, first of all, to answer the questions: have you ever maintained the weight you want to achieve without resorting to diets; what was the last weight you maintained; are there any prerequisites for weight loss improve physical fitness, etc.);
- pay more attention not to weight, but to body composition and lifestyle;
- prevent rapid weight loss;
- monitor changes in physical performance and general condition that accompany weight loss.

2. Changing diet and eating behavior:
- do not starve and do not allow an excessive reduction in caloric intake (at least 1200-1500 kcal for women and at least 1500-1800 kcal for men);
- moderately reduce energy consumption and change the diet so that it is acceptable and achievable with your lifestyle;
- do not set unrealistic nutrition rules and do not regularly deprive yourself of your favorite foods;
- reduce fat consumption;
- eat more whole grains and grains, vegetables and fruits, increase the amount of dietary fiber in the diet to 25 or more grams per day;
- do not skip meals and avoid excessive hunger; have breakfast, as this will help you avoid overeating later;
- nutrition before training (competition) must be adequate;
- plan ahead for snacking, take some healthy foods with you if necessary, and always eat high-carbohydrate foods after intense physical activity;
- know your weaknesses, such as: do you eat more when you are excited, upset, depressed? Can you hold on in a situation where there is a lot of food around?

3. Correction of the physical activity schedule:
- aerobic exercise and strength training should be included as a mandatory component of physical activity, since their presence is an absolute requirement for burning fat and maintaining muscle mass;
- these exercises should become regular, regardless of training as such.
Thus, it is first advisable to make the necessary reasonable changes in the diet and physical activity schedule of the athlete. If weight loss really remains a necessity for an athlete, it is advisable to start a systematic weight loss program as early as possible in order to avoid weight circulation in the future. Weight loss programs are not recommended to be combined with periods of intense endurance training, as the training cannot be expected to be intense enough to improve the athlete's fitness. It is also important to be aware of the adverse effects on immune system function of consuming diets that are inadequate in energy and/or protein.

In practice, weight loss is divided by speed: gradual (from several months), moderate (several weeks) and rapid (24-72 hours). The most common method of rapid weight loss is dehydration. In this context, this definition includes measures that influence water loss through increased sweating (sauna, special clothing, etc.). This is not to say that these methods do not have negative consequences (ultimately, dehydration can impair thermoregulation), however, they remain a powerful tool for losing body weight if necessary to do so in a short period of time.

For weight loss at any rate, the negative energy balance method is acceptable. Ideally, an athlete sets himself the goal of achieving the desired weight in a real period of time and adheres to the tactics of gradual weight loss (maximum 0.5-1 kg per week).

With this approach - a negative energy balance, due to an increase in energy expenditure and a decrease in energy consumption, minimal losses of “lean mass” are guaranteed. Ideally, the negative energy balance should be 400-800 kcal per day (an average reduction in calorie intake by 10-25%). If the caloric intake of an athlete falls below 1800-1900 kcal per day, then the necessary replenishment of muscle glycogen reserves becomes difficult and adequate energy supply for physical activity during intense training is impossible. In addition, with very low-calorie diets (about 800 kcal per day), as well as low-calorie diets practiced over a long period of time, a significant portion of weight loss is water and protein loss. Also, due to the reserves of water and protein (50 percent or more of lost weight), weight loss occurs in the event of rapid weight loss.

Often, athletes who embark on weight loss programs already have a low percentage of body fat. In this case, achieving the required weight is possible only by losing “lean mass” with a minor contribution of the fat component. Weight loss occurs due to a decrease in water reserves in the body, muscle and liver glycogen reserves, i.e. reserves that are extremely important for athletic performance.

The time remaining for the athlete after the procedure for determining the weight category immediately before the performance becomes very important. This remaining time must be used wisely to restore glycogen and water reserves, and replace electrolytes lost during the dehydration process. Sports drinks (5-10% carbohydrates and electrolytes) combined with high-carbohydrate sources such as sports bars (at least 2-3 hours before competition) work well to address these needs in the short term.

In general, it is wise to adhere to the following recommendations:
- perform in a real weight category, do not set unattainable goals;
- try to lose weight gradually, strive for maximum loss of the fat component of body weight. In some cases, the following scheme is possible: remove most of the excess weight gradually during the pre-competition period and subsequent weight by dehydration 24-48 hours before the competition;
- try to ensure that the training process is accompanied by a high-carbohydrate diet (60-70% of energy consumed from carbohydrates), since muscle and liver glycogen reserves should increase in the best possible way, despite the period of weight loss;
- the recommended amount of protein is 1.2-1.8 g/kg body weight, and the ratio “amount of protein: amount of energy received” is important and should increase if the caloric content of the diet is reduced;
- use vitamin-mineral complexes if the amount of food consumed is limited for 3-4 weeks or more;
- maintain normal hydration during the training process, with the exception of the 24-48-hour period before the weight category determination procedure in case weight correction through dehydration is necessary;
- in the case of using dehydration for weight correction, try to maximize the period of time between the procedure for determining the weight category and the performance in order to use this time to restore energy reserves and water reserves in the body.