Spoken word message. Conversational style of speech in everyday life

For colloquial and everyday speech, an informal, relaxed, relaxed atmosphere is typical. The specific features of the colloquial-everyday style are usually most clearly manifested when it comes to objects, situations, and topics that are relevant in everyday life. In colloquial communication, a special, everyday type of thinking prevails. Colloquial speech occupies an exceptional position in the system of the modern Russian language. This is the original, original style of the national language, while all others are phenomena of later secondary education. Colloquial speech was often characterized as vernacular, which was considered outside the framework literary language. In fact, it is a kind of literary language.

Conversational style is opposed to book styles. It forms a system that has features at all levels of the language structure: in phonetics, vocabulary, phraseology, word formation, morphology and syntax.

Conversational style finds its expression both in writing and orally.

“Colloquial everyday speech is characterized by special conditions of functioning, which include: the lack of preliminary consideration of the statement and the lack of preliminary selection of language material associated with this, the immediacy of speech communication between its participants, the ease of the speech act associated with the lack of formality in relations between them and in the the nature of the utterance. An important role is played by the situation (the environment of verbal communication) and the use of extralinguistic means (facial expressions, gestures, the reaction of the interlocutor). The purely linguistic features of colloquial everyday speech include the use of such non-lexical means as phrasal intonation, emotional and expressive stress, pauses, speech tempo, rhythm, etc. In colloquial everyday speech, there is a wide use of everyday vocabulary and phraseology, emotionally expressive vocabulary (including particles, interjections), different categories of introductory words, originality of syntax (elliptical and incomplete sentences of various types, words-addresses, words-sentences, repetitions of words, breaking sentences with plug-in constructions, weakening and violation of the forms of syntactic connection between parts of the statement, connecting constructions, etc.).

In addition to its direct function - a means of communication, colloquial speech performs other functions in fiction, for example, it is used to create a verbal portrait, for a realistic depiction of the life of a particular environment, in the author's narration it serves as a means of stylization, when confronted with elements of book speech, it can create a comic effect.

§ 2. Language features of conversational style

Pronunciation. Often, words and forms in a colloquial everyday style have an accent that does not coincide with the accent in more strict styles of speech: dabout dialect(cf.: normative great danesabout R).

Vocabulary. Colloquial and everyday vocabulary, being part of the vocabulary oral speech, is used in casual conversation and is characterized by various shades of expressive coloring.

These include:

and nomenclature: bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit and etc.;

and m e n a p r i l a g a t e l e : meticulous, sophisticated, industrious, lax and etc.;

Verbs: to be mean, to be greedy, to be secretive, to be ill, to chatter, to stir up and etc.;

adverb: basta, quietly, somersault, instantly, little by little, slowly, well and etc.

There are also colloquial places (sort of), s o u z s (once - in meaning if), h a s t and c s (maybe, out in the meaning here, hardly whether), m e f d o m e t i i (well, uh).

Phraseology occupies a significant place in colloquial everyday speech. This is due to the dominance of a specific way of thinking in the sphere of everyday communication. Concrete thinking does not shy away from abstraction. A person generalizes his specific observations, highlighting something significant and digressing from some particulars. For example: No smoke without fire. Don't hide the awl in the bag. Leopard change his spots. For me, mathematics is a dark forest. Quieter than water, lower than grass. Instead of saying Live unfriendly, quarrel - they say: They bite like dogs.

Colloquial phraseology is the great guardian of the traditional form. It contains many phraseological units that arose in ancient times.

Word formation. In the category of nouns, the following suffixes are used with a greater or lesser degree of productivity, giving words a colloquial everyday character:

- ak (-yak) - good-natured, healthy, simpleton;

- an (-yang) - rude, old man;

- ah - bearded man;

"- ash - huckster;

- ak-a (-yak-a) for words of a common gender - a reveler, a bully, onlookers;

- szhk-a- sharing, cramming, feeding;

Yen is a minion;

- l-a - tycoon, thug, crammer;

- n-i - fuss, squabble;

- rel-I - running around, messing around;

- thai - lazy, slobbery;

- un - talker, talker, screamer;

- wow-a- dirty, fat woman;

- ysh - silly, naked, strong man, baby;

- yag-a - poor fellow, hard worker, hard worker.

Colloquial vocabulary also includes words with the suffix - sh-a, denoting female persons by their profession, position, work performed, occupation, etc.: director, secretary, librarian, cashier.

In most cases, subjective evaluation suffixes give words a colloquial coloring: thief, rascal, little house; dirt, beards; big, furious; in the evening, in a whisper etc.

For colloquial adjectives, one can note the use of the suffix -ast-: big-eyed, toothy, tongued and etc.; as well as prefixes pre-: kind, amiable, obnoxious and etc.

The colloquial vocabulary includes many verbs in -nicat: to roam, to wander, to swindle.

Morphological features colloquial speech are characterized by the following:

The form of the prepositional case of nouns: I leave, in the shop (cf .: on vacation, in the shop);

The nominative form of the plural: contracts, sectors (cf.: contracts, sectors);

form genitive plural: orange, tomato (cf.: oranges, tomatoes);

Colloquial version of the infinitive: see, hear (cf.: see, hear).

Syntactic features of colloquial speech are of great originality. This is:

Predominant use of the dialogue form;

Predominance of simple sentences; of the complex, compound and unionless are more often used;

Widespread use of interrogative and exclamatory sentences;

The use of sentence words (affirmative, negative, incentive, etc.);

Widespread use of incomplete sentences;

Breaks in speech caused by different reasons(the speaker's excitement, an unexpected transition from one thought to another, etc.);

The use of introductory words and phrases of different meanings;

The use of insert structures that break the main sentence and introduce additional information, comments, clarifications, explanations, amendments, etc. into it;

Widespread use of emotional and imperative interjections;

Lexical repetitions: - Yes Yes Yes.

- various kinds of inversions in order to emphasize the semantic role of the word highlighted in the message: I like those white shoes better;

- special forms of the predicate.

In colloquial speech, there are complex sentences, parts of which are connected by lexical and syntactic means: in the first part there are evaluative words - smart, smart, stupid etc., and the second part serves as a justification for this assessment: Well done for standing up.

Control questions and tasks

Exercise 1.

    Determine which styles these texts belong to.

    Thunderstorm is atmospheric phenomenon, consisting in electrical discharges between clouds (lightning and thunder), accompanied by rain, hail and stormy gusts of wind.

    - Well, a thunderstorm! It's scary to go to the window.

Yes, there hasn't been such a storm for a long time.

Imagine, in such a thunderstorm, to find yourself in a field ...

3. A strong wind suddenly roared in the sky, the trees raged, large drops of rain fell sharply, splashed on the leaves, lightning flashed, and a thunderstorm broke out. (I. Turgenev).


Determine the style of speech. Indicate the language features of the conversational style.

Hey good man! the coachman shouted to him. - Tell me, do you know where the road is?

The road is here; I'm on a solid line. - answered the roadman, - but what's the point?

Listen, little man, - I said to him, - do you know this side? Will you take me to bed for the night? (A. Pushkin).

Task 3.

What linguistic means make the text emotional?

It was about the tree. The mother asked the watchman for an ax, but he did not answer her, but got on his skis and went into the forest. Half an hour later he returned.

Okay! Let the toys be not so hot and smart, let the hares sewn from rags look like cats, let all the dolls have the same face - straight-nosed and pop-eyed - and let, finally, fir cones, wrapped in silver paper, but, of course, no one had such a Christmas tree in Moscow. It was a real taiga beauty - tall, thick, straight, with branches that diverged at the ends like stars.

(A. Gaidar).

Task 4.

Determine the stylistic and semantic originality of the highlighted words.

1. He is completely reached. 2. What are you doing here bazaar arranged? 3. I will visit you in the evening I'll take a look. 4. I will not go before anyone bow! 5. The child also needs injection have. 6. And by the way, he is a figure at work.

Exercise 5.

Expand the meaning of colloquial metaphors.

1. Why are you sitting inflated? What is not satisfied?

2. It is necessary that the foreman was toothy a guy so that he could talk with the authorities and with the suppliers, and make a suggestion to his own comrades.

3. The family almost never has everything smooth. Here Nadia is offended by her Peter, but she herself also has a character - not sugar.

4. If you don’t develop your will from childhood, then you will grow up not as a man, but as a rag.

5. He is now so caught up in this problem that it is completely useless to force him to do something else.

Task 6.

Match the meanings of the underlined words. Determine which ones are stylistically neutral and which ones are colloquial.

1. Nikolai in childhood is strong stuttered. About fishing you tell me don't stutter.

2. Under wadded blanket will be hot to sleep. What are you today cotton some.

3. He was in love with me, even wooed. Woo me master in our workshop.

Task 7. Determine which of the two synonyms is neutral and which is colloquial.

1. The controller, my dears, also has a hard job: firstly, stowaway to find the passenger, and secondly, to make him pay the fine. I didn't put on my jacket today, but the money was all there. Well, I had to go to work. hare to go - there was no time to return.

2. - How did you spend your vacation? - I went to the Oka, lived in the village. all day long went through the forest. Ah, what a delight! Today is half a day dangled shopping for gifts. To the people before a holiday - God forbid!

3. - Well, tell me honestly: you are got scared then? Tell me honestly. Well, I was a little scared, of course. And you would be in my place didn't flinch?

4. Distribution of books disposes of Valentina Vasilievna, you should contact her. - Who do you have here control work in command?

Task 8. Determine the meanings of the highlighted words.

I wake up in the morning, someone bale bale on glass. 2. There were cakes in the refrigerator. And cakes bye-bye. 3. Well, I think, now I'll sit down and study. And here - ding. - The wolf is coming. 4. - Is Irina at home? - What you! Came, ate, changed clothes and fyut! - And Zhenya swims - oh-oh-oh! At least put him on the rescue team.

Task 9 . Explain the meaning of the highlighted expressions.

With you, Artem, no stake, no yard. At a nearby large station, workers brewed porridge. These smugglers Grishutka became across the throat. Disappeared as if he had sunk into the water. I was looking for up to the seventh sweat. "He fell like snow on his head" - laughing said Rita. By night he completely exhausted. Case not worth a damn. I'm in these things shot bird. Tell me, Tsvetaev, why are you on do you have a tooth?

Task 10 . Explain the meaning of the following phraseological units. In case of difficulty, refer to the phraseological dictionary.

To be in the seventh heaven; do not believe your own eyes; walk on hind legs; open your mouth; freeze in place; both ours and yours; be silent like a fish; walk around to about; from small to large; play cat and mouse; come out dry from water; lead a cat and dog life; written in black and white; the house is a full bowl; chickens do not peck money; only bird's milk is not enough.

Task 11 . Write phraseological units with the word eye. Pick up similar phraseological units from your native language.

Don't take your eyes off; eat with eyes; flap your eyes; do not close your eyes; pull the wool over someone's eyes; close (to what), open eyes (to whom, what); speak in the eye; speak for the eyes; talk face to face; need an eye for an eye; do by eye; blurred in the eyes; spin before the eyes; sparks from the eyes fell; hide your eyes; go wherever your eyes look; do not believe your eyes; fear has big eyes.

Task 12 . Replace the highlighted combinations with phraseological units with the word eye.

Such apples were sent to me from Georgia yesterday - extraordinary beauty! 2. My friend and I do wood inlay work. But in a different way. He will calculate everything, copy the drawing, then select the tree as if. And I - without any precise calculations. As a result: I envy him, he envy me. 3. Now Sergey should come to me. You won't be offended if we go straight to my room? We really need to talk alone. 4. Something Ivan to us hasn't come for a long time. Maybe he went somewhere? 5. That closet all over the room spoils - somehow it becomes a pity: they are used to it, sort of like a member of the family. 6. I think: what is Frolov trying to do not meet with me. And meet - tries not look on me. Well, then he himself came and honestly told everything.

Task 13.

Name the colloquial phraseological units you know with the words head, hands, tongue etc. Pick up similar phraseological units from your native language.

Task 14.

With the help of suffixes -UN / UN-I, -UH-a, -USH-a, -UShK-a, -L-a (-LK-a), -K-a, -G-a, -IK form colloquial nouns with the meaning "the name of a person according to an excessively manifest feature."

Boast, grumble, walk, work, yawn, whimper, whine, chat.

Task 15.

Using the suffixes (-i) G-a, -UL-i, (-i) K (-yak), -YSH, - CHAK, -AH, OH-i, -IK, -IC-a, form from the following adjectives colloquial nouns with general meaning"the name of a person according to a strongly manifested feature."

Modest, dirty, fat, healthy, strong, kind, cheerful, dexterous, naked, quiet, clean, dumb, smart.

Task 16.

Explain what words these colloquial verbs are formed from.

To be idle, to be frank, to be cautious, to be liberal, to be fashionable, to be modest, to be capricious, to be delicate, to be lazy.

Task 17.

Determine from the context what semantic-stylistic shades each of the selected nouns has.

1. Alexander! You are already an adult and I intend to talk to you like man to man. 2. Sasha, you listen to what your father says to you, he worries about you, and he knows life better than you. 3. Sasha! You don’t fool me - you don’t have any urgent business right now. So come with us. 4. Ah, Sasha! Come on, brother, come in, they just talked about you. Just in time for tea. 5. Sasha, you could rest a little. Go son, take a walk in the fresh air.

Task 18.

Try to restore the full form of the following colloquial phrases. Pattern: Not seen with a baby stroller? - Did not see a woman with a child stroller?

1. Do you have a cough?

2. With green balconies - is this yours?

3. I'm two in thirty and one bagel?

4. Behind me in glasses and a woman with a child.

5. Didn't you pass here in a gray coat?

6. In a blue robe, she always flirts with him.

Task 19.

Write down these combinations in two columns: in the left - stylistically neutral, in the right - stylistically marked (that is, colloquial)

Steep descent, steep temper; household, home child; wave a handkerchief, wave out of town; go down the slope, go down the deuce; military glory, combat girl; hold on to, city, hold on to a chair; climb a tree, climb into a stupid story.

Task 20.

Replace phraseological units with synonymous words or free combinations.

    They live soul to soul with their mother-in-law, she was just lucky with her mother-in-law. 2. I am in these tables no boom-boom. 3. Don't worry! We will honor them honorably. 4. Didn't they know they were coming here for work and not for a picnic? But they don’t want to work properly - good riddance! 5. You don’t explain to me, it’s been like two times two - four for me for a long time. 6. - Does Kostya get bored there? - What you! He and Petka - you can’t spill water, he has no time to think about us.

Features of the conversational style.

Completed by: Nikitina E.V. student 11a

general characteristics conversational style.

Conversational style is a style of speech that serves for direct communication between people. Its main function is communicative (exchange of information). Conversational style is presented not only in oral speech, but also in writing - in the form of letters, notes. But mainly this style is used in oral speech - dialogues, polylogues. It is characterized by ease, unpreparedness of speech (lack of thinking over the sentence before uttering and preliminary selection of the necessary language material), informality, immediacy of communication, the obligatory transfer of the author's attitude to the interlocutor or the subject of speech, saving speech efforts ("Mash", "Sash", "San Sanych" and others). An important role in the conversational style is played by the context of a certain situation and the use of non-verbal means (reaction of the interlocutor, gestures, facial expressions). The linguistic differences in colloquial speech include the use of non-lexical means (stress, intonation, rate of speech, rhythm, pauses, etc.). The linguistic features of the conversational style also include the frequent use of colloquial, colloquial and slang words (for example, "start" (start), "today" (now), etc.), words in figurative meaning(for example, "window" - in the meaning of "break"). The colloquial style of the text is distinguished by the fact that in it very often the words not only name objects, their signs, actions, but also give them an assessment: “dodger”, “well done”, “careless”, “be smart”, “take a sip”, “cheerful ". The syntax of this style is characterized by the use of simple sentences (most often compound and non-union), incomplete sentences (in dialogue), the widespread use of exclamatory and interrogative sentences, the absence of participial and participle turns in sentences, the use of sentence words (negative, affirmative, incentive, etc. .). This style is characterized by breaks in speech, which can be caused by various reasons (the speaker's excitement, looking for the right word jumping from one thought to another). The use of additional structures that break the main sentence and introduce certain information, clarifications, comments, amendments, and explanations into it also characterizes the conversational style. In colloquial speech, complex sentences can also be found, in which parts are interconnected by lexical and syntactic units: the first part contains evaluative words ("clever", "well done", "stupid", etc.), and the second part substantiates this evaluation, for example: "Well done for helping!" or "Fool Mishka, that you obeyed!" . Conversational style features:

A common form is a dialogue, less often a monologue.

Non-strict selection of language means and simplicity (and slang words, and professional terms, and dialectisms, and curses), imagery and emotionality.

Colloquial simplification of words (now - right now, what - what), sentences (one cup of coffee - one coffee). Phrases are often truncated and "tailored" to fit specific situation, in which clarifications and details are not needed (the door closed, got up and left); word doubling is common (yes-yes, right-right).

Fuzzy compliance with the logic and specificity of speech (if the interlocutors lose the thread of the conversation and move away from the initial topic).

The atmosphere of speech communication is important - facial expressions and gestures of the interlocutors, emotional reactions.

Frequent use of exclamatory and interrogative sentences.

Scope of application:Household

Functions: Directly everyday communication, exchange of information.

Main style features: ease, simplicity of speech, concreteness.

Genre: friendly conversation, private conversations, everyday story.

Word formation. Many words of the colloquial style are formed with the help of certain affixes (in most cases - suffixes, less often - prefixes). So, in the category of nouns, the following suffixes are used with a greater or lesser degree of productivity, giving words a colloquial character:

Ak (-yak): good-natured, healthy, simpleton;

An (-yan): rude, old man;

Ah: bearded man, circus performer;

Ash: merchant;

Ak-a (-yak-a) - for the words of the general city: reveler, bully, onlooker;

Ezhk-a: sharing, cramming;

Yen: minion;

L-a: bigwig, thug, crammer;

Lk-a: locker room, smoking room, reading room;

N-I: fuss, squabble;

Relative: running around, dirtying;

Ty: lazy, slobbery;

Un: chatterbox, talker, screamer, messy;

Wow: dirty, fat;

ysh; silly, naked, strong man, baby;

Yag-a; poor fellow, hard worker, hard worker.

Examples of the functioning of the conversational style:

1) As an example, one of the characters in A.P. Chekhov's story "Revenge" can be cited:

Open it, damn it! How much longer will I have to freeze in this through wind? If you had known that it was twenty degrees below zero in your hallway, you would not have made me wait so long! Or maybe you don't have a heart?

This short passage reflects the following features of the conversational style: - interrogative and exclamatory sentences, - colloquial interjection "damn it", - personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person, verbs in the same form.

2) Another example is an excerpt from a letter from A. S. Pushkin to his wife, N. N. Pushkina, dated August 3, 1834:

Shame on you, lady. You are angry with me, not understanding who is to blame, me or the post office, and you leave me for two weeks without news of yourself and the children. I was so embarrassed that I didn't know what to think. Your letter calmed me, but did not console me. The description of your trip to Kaluga, however funny, is not at all funny to me. What is the desire to wander into a nasty provincial town to see nasty actors performing nasty old, nasty opera?<…>I asked you not to travel around Kaluga, yes, it’s clear that you have such a nature.

In this passage, the following language features of the colloquial style appeared: - the use of colloquial and colloquial vocabulary: wife, drag, nasty, drive around, what a hunt, union yes in the meaning of 'but', the particles are not at all, the introductory word is visible, - the word with evaluative derivational suffix town, - inversion word order in some sentences, - lexical repetition of the word bad, - appeal, - presence of an interrogative sentence, - use of personal pronouns 1 and 2 persons singular, - the use of verbs in the present tense, - the use of a form that is absent in the language plural words Kaluga (driving around Kaluga) for convoy Syntactic features of colloquial speech in combination with expressive vocabulary create a special, unique flavor of colloquial speech:

The syntactic features of colloquial speech in combination with expressive vocabulary create a special, unique flavor of colloquial speech:

A: Are you cold? B: Nothing! ; A: Have you wet your feet again? B: And how! What a rain! ; A: How interesting it was! B: Charm! -, A: Milk ran away! B: Nightmare! The whole slab was flooded//; A: He almost got hit by a car! B: Terrible! , A. They again rolled him a deuce / / B: Go crazy! . A: Do you know who was there? Efremov // B: Wow! . A: Let's move to the dacha tomorrow! B: Go!

4) An example of a conversational style of speech, small text: - Have you tried it? I glanced at the cheese. - Dad said it was delicious. - Of course, delicious, since he ate it yesterday for both cheeks! - And now you yourself don’t hamster as if in last time lunch, I laughed. It clearly highlights slang expressions that are inapplicable nowhere more than in everyday dialogue.

5) Dragon Chronicles

" Yulia Galanina in her "Dragon Chronicles" boasts a unique atmosphere, because she used the conversational style not only in the dialogues, but throughout the book. Here are short examples of texts:

"And as always, I need more than anyone else. Except for me, not a single fool climbed the fence." "And dragons are a dangerous thing. And harmful, and nasty, and frankly selfish, and also a dragon!"

If book styles (scientific, official-business, newspaper-journalistic, artistic) are used primarily in an official setting and in writing, require indispensable care about the form of expression, then colloquial style used in informal settings. The degree of preparedness of speech may be different. In everyday conversation, she is usually completely unprepared (spontaneous). And when writing a friendly letter, drafts written in advance can also be used. But this readiness never reaches the degree that is characteristic of book styles.

All this leads to the fact that the dominant of the conversational style, especially colloquial speech that exists in the oral form of informal personal communication, is to minimize the concern for the form of expression of thoughts. And this, in turn, gives rise to a number of linguistic features of conversational style.

On the one hand, the colloquial style of speech is characterized by a high degree of standardization of the language. Typified, standard constructions are convenient for spontaneous (unprepared) speech. Each typical situation has its own stereotypes.

For example, etiquette stereotypes include phrases: Good afternoon!; Hey!; What's new?; Till! Stereotypes are used in urban transport: Are you leaving on the next one?; in the shop - Weigh three hundred grams of oil etc.

On the other hand, in a relaxed environment, the speaker is not limited by the strict requirements of official communication and can use untyped, individual means.

It should be remembered that colloquial speech serves not only the purposes of the message, but also the purposes of influence. Therefore, the colloquial style is characterized by expressiveness, visualization and figurativeness.

Among characteristic features conversational style can be distinguished as follows:

Language tools Examples
Language level: Phonetics
Incomplete type of pronunciation. Grit instead of He speaks; hello instead of hello.
Intonation as one of the main means of expressiveness and organization of speech: a quick change of intonations, timbre, tempo, overflows of intonational colors, etc.

The organizing role of intonation in unionless proposals, in sentences with free connection of parts, etc. ( We were walking / it was raining; Subway / here?)

Accelerated pace when pronouncing the formulas of greeting, farewell, names and patronymics ( Tan, hello!); when expressing motivation, especially when combined with the emotion of irritation. ( Shut up!)

Slow pace with lengthening of vowels when emphasizing conviction - lack of conviction ( Yeah. Mind-e-tsya); to express surprise - He's already arrived. - Come-e-hal?) and etc.

Language level: Vocabulary and phraseology
A large percentage of neutral specific common vocabulary. Sofa, bed, sleep, dress, faucet.
Neutral colloquial vocabulary. Doctor, usher, knife, understand.
Some socio-political and general scientific terms, nomenclature names. Revolution, administration, governor, analysis, radiation, bulldozer, excavator.
Emotionally evaluative colloquial vocabulary. Hard worker, headless, poor fellow, parasite.
Standardized figurative means. Metaphors: get stuck in the city; well, you're a beetle!; phraseological units: bend your back; stuff a pocket; hyperbole and litote: awful fun; terribly funny; you can go crazy from this computer science; I would eat a bull now and etc.
Interspersed with professionalism, jargon, colloquial words, etc. We have four today couples. Yes with a window. Crazy not to move out in the evening!
Language level: Morphology
The frequency of the nominative case compared to other cases. There is a store like this / Products / / and the entrance is on the left / under the stairs / /
Frequency of personal pronouns, demonstrative pronouns and adverbs, particles. Granny// Played cards with me/ fool// We were left... we were left alone/ me/ and her// And John's dog, so// We fed this John/ and then sat down... I ran to her for cigarettes/ and we sat down to play/ the fool// Well, ten games a day// Here//
Absence of gerunds, rare use of participles (only passive past tenses). You gave me a broken chair! Is it sewn or ready made?
Free handling of temporary forms (change of times, use of the form of time is not in its meaning). And there we met. "Kolya, hello" ... And we are sitting, or rather, standing, chatting there, we will sit on the bench for literally three hours. How will we begin to remember how our bus sat down, how we were pulled out.
The use of verbal interjections. Jump, lope, shast, bang, fuck.
Language Level: Syntax
Short simple sentences as if strung on top of each other. We lived in a country house. We lived in the country house. They always left early. We also had a doctor.
Incomplete sentences, especially with the omission of the main members. - Tea?
- Half a cup for me.
Restructuring of the phrase on the go, broken structure with interruptions in intonation. Activity of connecting structures, with introductory words and particles. My husband was in the soldiers. He served in the artillery. Five years. And so. They told him: “Here is a bride for you. Grows. Very good".
Activity of interjection phrases. Oh is it? Well, strength!
Freer word order (words are arranged in the order of thought formation). In this case, everything important moves to the beginning of the sentence. Well, we, of course, lost money there. Because they were ordinary workers. I was a turner there.
She gave a wicker basket.
He was in Moscow then.

It should be remembered that, on the one hand, almost all norms of colloquial style are optional (optional), and on the other hand, the features of colloquial speech and colloquial style as a whole should not be transferred to the official oral, especially - written speech. The use of elements inherent in the colloquial style in other styles (publicistic, artistic) should be stylistically justified!

The colloquial style of the language is opposed to all other styles, which are called bookish. The main condition for such a contrast is that the conversational style uses predominantly dialogic speech, and this style functions mainly in oral form, while book styles are distinguished mainly by the written form of presentation and monologue speech.

The colloquial style performs the main function of the language - the function of communication (in the narrow sense of the word), its purpose is the direct transmission of information, mainly orally (with the exception of private letters, notes, diary entries). The language features of the conversational style are determined by the special conditions of its functioning: informality, ease and expressiveness of speech communication, the absence of a preliminary selection of language means, automatism of speech, everyday content and dialogic form.

The situation has a great influence on the conversational style - the real, objective situation of speech. This allows you to reduce the statement to the maximum, in which individual components may be absent, which, however, does not interfere with the correct perception of colloquial phrases. For example, in a bakery, the phrase “Please, with bran, one” does not seem strange to us; at the station at the ticket office: “Two to Rekshino, for children and adults”, etc.

In everyday communication, a concrete, associative way of thinking and a direct, expressive nature of expression are realized. Hence the disorder, fragmentation of speech forms and the emotionality of style.

Like any style, conversational has its own special scope, a certain theme. Most often, the subject of conversation is the weather, health, news, any interesting events, purchases, prices ... It is possible, of course, to discuss the political situation, scientific achievements, news in cultural life, but these topics also obey the rules of conversational style, its syntactic structure, although in such cases the vocabulary of conversations is enriched with book words and terms.

For casual conversation necessary condition is the lack of officiality, trusting, free relations between the participants in the dialogue or polylogue. The attitude towards natural, unprepared communication determines the attitude of speakers to language means.

In the colloquial style, for which the oral form is the original, the most important role is played by the sound side of speech, and above all, intonation: it is she (in interaction with a peculiar syntax) that creates the impression of colloquialism. Casual speech is distinguished by sharp rises and falls in tone, lengthening, “stretching” of vowels, scanning of syllables, pauses, and changes in the pace of speech. By sound, one can easily distinguish the full (academic, strict) pronunciation style inherent in a lecturer, orator, professional announcer broadcasting on the radio (all of them are far from the colloquial style, their texts are other book styles in oral speech!), From incomplete, characteristic of colloquial speech. It notes a less distinct pronunciation of sounds, their reduction (reduction). Instead of Alexander Alexandrovich, we say San Sanych, instead of Marya Sergeevna - Mary Sergeevna. Less tension of the speech organs leads to changes in the quality of sounds and even sometimes to their complete disappearance (“hello”, not “hello”, not “says”, but “grit”, not “now”, but “lose”, instead of “what » «cho», etc.). This “simplification” is especially noticeable orthoepic norms in non-literary forms of colloquial style, in common speech.

In radio and television journalism special rules pronunciation and intonation. On the one hand, in improvised, unprepared texts (conversation, interview), it is natural and natural to follow the pronunciation norms of conversational style, but not vernacular options, but neutral ones. In the same time high culture the speaker's speech requires the accuracy of pronunciation of words, the placement of stresses, the expressiveness of the intonation pattern of speech.

The vocabulary of the colloquial style is divided into two large groups:

1) commonly used words (day, year, work, sleep, early, you can, good, old);

2) colloquial words (potato, reader, real, nestle).

It is also possible the use of colloquial words, dialectisms, jargon, professionalism, that is, various non-literary elements that reduce the style. All this vocabulary is predominantly everyday content, specific. At the same time, the circle is very narrow. book words, abstract vocabulary, terms and little-known borrowings. The activity of expressive-emotional vocabulary (familiar, affectionate, disapproving, ironic) is indicative. Evaluative vocabulary usually has a reduced color here. The use of occasional words (neologisms that we come up with just in case) is typical - “good-looking”, “dealing”, “kundepat” (poorly done).

In colloquial style, the law of "saving speech means", therefore, instead of names consisting of two or more words, one is used: condensed milk - condensed milk, utility room- utility room, five-story building - five-story building. In other cases, stable combinations of words are converted and one word is used instead of two: forbidden zone - zone, academic council - council, sick leave - sick leave, maternity leave- decree.

A special place in colloquial vocabulary is occupied by words with the most general or indefinite meaning, which is concretized in the situation: thing, thing, business, history. “Empty” words are close to them, acquiring a certain meaning only in the context (bagpipes, bandura, jalopy). For example: And where will we put this bandura? (about the closet).

The conversational style is rich in phraseology. Most Russian phraseological units are of a colloquial nature (at hand, unexpectedly, like water off a duck's back, etc.), colloquial expressions are even more expressive (the law is not written for fools, in the middle of nowhere, etc.). Colloquial and colloquial phraseological units give speech vivid imagery; they differ from bookish and neutral phraseological units not in meaning, but in special expressiveness and reducedness.

Compare: to die - to play in the box, to mislead - to hang noodles on your ears (rub glasses, suck from your finger, take from the ceiling).

Word formation in colloquial speech is characterized by features due to its expressiveness and evaluativeness: here suffixes of subjective assessment are used with the meanings of flattery, disapproval, magnification, etc. as well as suffixes with a functional coloring of colloquialism, for example, for nouns: suffixes -k- (locker room, overnight stay, candle, stove); -ik (knife, rain); -un (talker); ‑yaga (hard worker); ‑yatin (yummy); -sha (for feminine nouns of professions: doctor, conductor). Non-suffixed formations are used (snoring, dancing), word compositions (couch potato, windbag). You can also indicate the most active cases of word formation of adjectives with an estimated meaning: eye-eyed, spectacled, toothy; biting, pugnacious; thin, healthy, etc., as well as verbs - prefix-suffixal: play pranks, talk, play games, suffixal: der-anut, spec-kul-nut; healthy; prefixal: lose weight, buy, etc.

In order to enhance expression, doubling of adjective words is used, sometimes with additional prefixation (he is so huge - huge; water is black-black; superlatives.

In the field of morphology, the conversational style is distinguished by a special frequency of verbs, they are used here even more often than nouns. Indicative and especially frequent use of personal and demonstrative pronouns. Personal pronouns (I, we, you, you) are widely used because of the constant need to designate the participants in the conversation. Any dialogue (and this is the main form of colloquial speech) involves I - the speaker, you - the listener, who alternately takes on the role of the speaker, and him (he) - the one who is not directly involved in the conversation.

Demonstrative pronouns and others are necessary for colloquial style due to their inherent breadth, generalization of meaning. They are concretized by a gesture, and this creates the conditions for a very concise transmission of this or that information (for example: It's not here, but there). Unlike other styles, only colloquial allows the use of a pronoun accompanied by a gesture without first mentioning a specific word (I will not take this; This does not suit me).

Of the adjectives in colloquial speech, possessive ones are used (mother's work, grandfather's gun), but short forms rarely used. Participles and gerunds are not found here at all, and for particles and interjections colloquial speech is a native element (What can I say! That's the thing! God forbid about this and remember something! Surprise on you!).

In a colloquial style, preference is given to variant forms of nouns (in the workshop, on vacation, at home; a glass of tea, honey; workshops, a locksmith), numerals (fifty, five hundred), verbs (read, not read, raise, not raise). In a live conversation, truncated forms of verbs are often found, which have the meaning of an instantaneous and unexpected action: grab, jump, jump, knock, etc. For example: And this one grabs his sleeve. Colloquial forms of degrees of comparison of adjectives (better, shorter, harder than everyone), adverbs (quickly, more conveniently) are used. Even colloquial forms are found here in playful contexts (her boyfriend, evon comrades). entrenched in colloquial speech zero endings in the genitive plural of nouns such as kilogram (instead of kilograms), gram (instead of grams), orange (instead of oranges), tomato (instead of tomatoes), etc. (one hundred grams of butter, five kilograms of orange).

Under the influence of the law of economy of speech means, the colloquial style allows the use of real nouns in combination with numerals (two milk, two fermented baked milk - in the meaning of "two servings"). Peculiar forms of address are common here - truncated nouns: mom! dad! Kat! Van!

Colloquial speech is no less original in the distribution of case forms: here the nominative dominates, which in oral replicas replaces book controlled forms.

For example: I bought a fur coat - gray astrakhan fur (I bought a fur coat from gray astrakhan fur); Kasha - look! (conversation in the kitchen). Especially consistently nominative replaces all the rest when using numerals in speech: The amount does not exceed three hundred rubles (instead of: three hundred); with one thousand five hundred and three rubles (with one thousand five hundred and three).

The syntax of colloquial speech is very peculiar, due to its oral form and vivid expression. Simple sentences dominate here, often incomplete and extremely short. The situation fills in the gaps in the speech: Please show in a line (when buying notebooks); To you from the heart? (in a pharmacy), etc.

In oral speech, we often do not name the object, but describe it: Did you wear a hat here? As a result of the unpreparedness of the speech, connecting constructions appear in it: We must go. In Saint-Petersburg. To the conference. Such fragmentation of the phrase is explained by the fact that the thought develops associatively, the speaker seems to recall the details and completes the statement.

Complex sentences are not typical for colloquial speech, non-union are used more often than others: I will leave - it will be easier for you; You talk, I listen. Some non-union constructions of a colloquial type are not comparable with any book phrases. For example: Is there a rich choice or have you not been?; And for the next time, please, this lesson and the last one!

The order of words in live speech is also unusual: as a rule, the most important word in the message is put in the first place: Buy me a computer; He paid with the currency; The worst thing of all is that nothing can be done; These are the qualities I appreciate.

The following features of colloquial syntax should also be noted:

1. The use of a pronoun that duplicates the subject: Vera, she comes late; The policeman, he noticed it.

2. Putting at the beginning of the sentence an important word from the subordinate part: I love bread, so that it is always fresh.

3. Use of sentence words: Okay; It's clear; Can; Yes; Not; From what? Certainly! Still would! Well, yes! Well no! Maybe.

4. The use of plug-in constructions that introduce additional, additional information that explains the main message: I thought (I was still young then) that he was joking; And we, as you know, are always glad to have a guest; Kolya - he in general a kind person wanted to help...

5. Activity of introductory words: maybe, it seems, fortunately, as they say, so to speak, let's say so, you know.

6. Widespread lexical repetitions: so-and-so, just about, barely, far, far, fast-quick, etc.

In conclusion, we note that the colloquial style, to a greater extent than all other styles, has a bright originality of linguistic features that go beyond the normalized literary language.

This does not mean that colloquial speech always conflicts with literary language rules. Deviations from the norm can fluctuate depending on the intra-style stratification of the colloquial style. It has varieties of reduced, rude speech, vernacular, which has absorbed the influence of local dialects, etc. But the colloquial speech of intelligent, educated people is quite literary, and at the same time it differs sharply from the bookish one, bound by the strict norms of other functional styles.

Questions for self-control:

1. How does the scope of functioning determine the linguistic features of the conversational style?

2. Vocabulary and word formation of colloquial style.

3. Morphological and syntactic features of oral colloquial speech.

Table 1. Characteristics of conversational style


Can you imagine... I'm going home in the evening and suddenly a huge dog meets me.

Yeah. Dark. There is not a soul on the street, and she flies right at me.

Well, you must have taken to your heels out of fear.

Vice versa. I got up and stand like a pillar. I'm afraid to move.

Caught up?

Well no. The cat jumped into the entrance, and the owner recalled the dog.

The colloquial style is widely used in fiction for the figurative display of certain events, as well as for speech characteristics heroes:

... Fedor pulled out a canvas on a stretcher, a box ...

Savva Ilyich raised his head:

Fedyushka, what are you doing?

Sleep, sleep, Ilyich.

Where there. I sleep like a bird of God. What are you?

I want to prime the canvas.

Time something, like, not working – night?

Needed by morning.

You're a crazy guy, I see. By the morning it is necessary, but not ready.

Savva Ilyich began to rise.

Sleep now!

I'll help ... Careless, you upset me. You don't take things seriously.

(V. Tendryakov)

Scientific style - variety book styles literary language. It is used in speech and writing.

The main function of the scientific style is the evidence-based presentation of scientific information. The scientific style is distinguished by a preliminary consideration of the statement, a strict selection of linguistic means. Scientific speech is monologue speech.

1. Lexical level:

Highly specialized terminology (special terms of a given science): processor, deviant behavior, vocabulary, integral, etc.

General scientific vocabulary (terms used in different fields of science: factor, goal, experiment, etc.

abstract nouns(not being terms): opportunity, circumstances, interest, etc.

2. Morphological level:

Verbs imperfect form in the present tense form (they answer the questions: what are we doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing?): play, solve, use, explain, etc.

Verbs in the passive form (with the postfix -sya): used, complicated, considered, etc.

Verbal nouns (words answer the questions: who? What? and are formed from verbs): expansion, complication, description, etc.

Participles (words answer the question which one? And call the sign of the object according to the action performed): located, solved, considered, speaking, etc.

Participles (the words answer the questions: what are you doing? What are you doing? and indicate an additional action): studying, reducing, characterizing, doing, etc.

3. Syntactic level:

Author's "we" (personal construction: we + verb in personal form, author (about himself) + verb in personal form; impersonal construction, passive construction): Next, we present a classification of costs; The author has been dealing with this problem for a long time.(personal forms); Based on the above, the following conclusion can be drawn(impersonal form); During the analysis, the following assumptions are made(passive form).

Compound sentences with the allied word which (in such a construction there are at least two stems (subject + predicate): Cost items that we cannot account for separately will be reflected in the item "other costs"(There are two bases in this sentence: articles will be reflected, we cannot take into account);

Participles and participles (participles and participles with dependent words): costs associated with the work of the unit; the level can be determined by evaluating the possible costs.

Homogeneous Members sentences (words answer the same question and are one member of the sentence): The intonation of enumeration, explanation and opposition forms speech into a textual unity.

Chains of words in the form of the genitive case (nouns are connected by questions of the genitive case: whom? what?): In this paper, we consider the problems of proving(r.p.) guilt(r.p.) suspected pollutant(r.p.) establishing(r.p.) causation(r.p.) between environmental impact and damage.

Introductory words and phrases (words that are not grammatically related to other members of the sentence): firstly, in this way, of course, fortunately, unfortunately, etc.