Changing the degrees of the adjective in Russian. Comparative and superlative adjectives

Quality adjectiveshave degrees of comparison. They express a greater or lesser degree of quality in a given subject compared to another subject.
For example: (My house is more beautiful than your house). sometimes the comparison takes place within the same object (increase or decrease) in different periods of its development, i.e. in this moment compared to its previous state.
For example: (Demand for a product has become higher than last year).

Adjectives have two degrees of comparison

1.comparative adjective means that some feature is manifested to a greater or lesser extent in one subject than in another.
For example: I am happier than you. Your briefcase is heavier than mine. My dog ​​is smarter than yours.

The comparative degree is:
A) simple
B) complex

BUT) Simple comparative degree formed with suffixes:
"her" (s): For example: beautiful - more beautiful, smart - smarter, cold - colder;
"e" (with alternation of the last consonant of the stem or without alternation):
For example: big - more, short - shorter, sweet - sweeter;
"she": For example: old - older, young - younger.
Sometimes, when forming the comparative degree of an adjective, a different root is used.
Good is better, bad is worse, small is less.
Adjectives in the form of a simple comparative degree do not change and do not have endings!

B) Compound Comparative is formed from the full form of the positive degree of the adjective with the help of particles more and less.
Big - more (less) big, beautiful - more (less) beautiful.

2) Superlative adjectives.
The superlative degree shows that some feature is manifested in the given subject to the greatest extent, in comparison with the same feature in other homogeneous subjects.
This one is mine Best game; He is the smartest boy in the class.

Superlatives are:
A) simple
B) complex
The superlative degree of an adjective can change by gender, number, and case.
(We approached the highest mountains).

BUT) Simple superlative formed with the help of suffixes "eysh", "aysh".
For example: stupidest, deepest, rarest, closest
Sometimes, when forming the superlative degree of an adjective, a different root is used.
For example: Good is the best, bad is the worst.
B) Compound Superlative is formed from the full form of the positive degree of the adjective using the particles most, most and least.
For example: Small - the smallest, the smallest, the least small, smart - the smartest, the smartest, the least smart.

Adjectives in the superlative degree, like the full forms of the positive degree of adjectives, change in gender, number and case.

Publication date: 01/28/2012 17:58 UTC

  • Morphological analysis of the adjective in Russian.
  • Full and short forms of adjectives. Declension and spelling of case forms of adjectives in Russian.
  • The concept of an adjective. Morphological features of adjectives. Classes of adjectives in Russian.

Adjectives can have degrees of comparison: comparative and superlative. Comparative degree shows that in one or another subject the feature is manifested to a greater extent than in another, for example: The left bank of the river cooler right; Left bank of the river more steep than the right one.

A superlative degree shows that one or another object is superior to other objects in some way, for example: Baikal - deepest lake on earth Baikal - the deepest lake on earth.

Adjectives in the form of a comparative degree in a sentence are predicates, and in the form of a superlative degree they are definitions.

281 . Write off, underlining adjectives in the comparative and superlative forms as members of the sentence. Above adjectives in the form of a comparative degree, inscribe sr., in the form of a superlative degree - prev. Is it possible to insert synonyms in place of the highlighted word? Why?

1. On the territory .. our Motherland is even the most big river in Europe. - Volga. 2. Central Siberian .. plateau - one of the largest in the world .. . 3. Klyuchevskaya Sopka - the highest volcano in Asia .. 3. 4. The pr..genus Severn.. Ural is more severe than the pr..genus Middle.. and South.. Ural.

The comparative degree of adjectives has two forms: simple and compound.

simple form comparative degree is formed by adding adjective suffixes to the base of the initial form -her(s) , for example: friendly - more friendly (her); -e(there is an alternation of consonants before it), for example: loud - louder; -she, for example: thin - thinner.

Sometimes when adding suffixes -e and -she the suffix is ​​cut off from the base of the initial form -to- (-ok, -ok), for example: sweet - sweeter, thin - thinner.

Adjectives small (small), bad, good form a simple comparative degree from other bases: less, worse, better.

Adjectives in the form of a simple comparative degree do not change either by gender, or by numbers, or by cases. In a sentence, they are predicates.

282 . Form a simple form of the comparative degree of adjectives. In what meaning is the highlighted word taken in the formation of the form of the comparative degree in the 2nd paragraph? in the 3rd?

  1. Beautiful - more beautiful; pr..intelligent,, calm, comfortable, terrible,, pr..lying, pr..quirky, pr..attractive, pr..visual, old, skillful, free..
  2. Long - longer; early, old, thin, distant, bitter.
  3. Small - less; bad, good.

283 . Write off, forming from the names of adjectives given in brackets, a simple comparative degree. Underline them as part of the sentence. Which adjectives have a simple comparative form taken from a different stem?

1. Health (expensive) gold. 4 2. Good (good) me..whom p..horns. 3. After work 3 meals (delicious). 4. True (bright) sun. 5. Rainy., summer (bad) autumn ...


The compound form of the comparative degree is usually formed by adding the word more to the initial form of the adjective: friendly - more friendly, loud - louder.

In adjectives in the form of a compound comparative degree, the second word changes in gender, case and number, for example: at a higher price.

In a sentence, compound comparative adjectives are usually predicates and attributives, for example: This year the winter is snowier than last; We returned home along a wider road.

The compound form of the comparative degree is more often used in scientific style.

284 . Form a compound form of the comparative degree by using adjectives in all three genders. Make up 2-3 sentences with the written words.

Sad (?) ny, clear (?) ny, dangerous (?) ny, ruthless (?) ny, pr.. lying.

285 . Write off with missing commas. Underline the adjectives as part of the sentence. Name the types of orthograms in place of gaps and brackets.

My Fatherland Russia


      I live in the depths .. not Russia ..,
      In the land of lakes and ore rocks.
      Here the rivers are blue 3 mountains are blue
      And in blue 3 o.. lights meta (l, ll).
      By cr.hote by hidden forces ..
      I have nothing to compare my Urals with.
      Another view here .. tsya Russia,
      Severe, maybe.
      Or maybe she's younger...
      St..zhey here frontier (?).
      But the Russian heart is still the same.
      And kindness. And those songs!
      And the faces are the same as in Ryazan ..,
      And it also sounds (?) us to them .. on.
      Like the sun in a precious grain..,
      In the Urals .. Russia is reflected.

(L. Tatyanicheva.)

Comparison of two objects on any basis can be expressed in different ways, for example: A brother is more attentive than a sister; Brother is more attentive than sister.

286 . Compare the following items in some way. Write down the resulting suggestions. Label the members of the sentence. How did you express the comparison? Express the same thoughts in a different way.

Sun and Earth. Moon and Earth. Ural and Caucasus mountains. the Barents Sea and Black Sea. Vegetation 3 tundra and taiga vegetation. Yenisei and Volga.

The superlative degree of adjectives has two forms: simple and compound.

The simple superlative form is formed by adding an adjectival suffix to the stem. -eysh- (-aysh-) , for example: fair - fairest. Before -aysh- alternation of consonants, for example: deep - deepest. This form of adjectives is most often used in book speech.

Adjectives in the simple superlative form are inflected.

The compound superlative form is a combination of the words most, most and the initial (initial) form of the adjective, for example: the most fair, the most strict.

In the compound superlative degree of adjectives, the word most is invariable, for example: in the most inaccessible place.

Superlative adjectives in a sentence are most often definitions.

287 . Write the adjectives in simple and compound superlative forms. Highlight the suffix, underline the alternating consonants.

288 . Write off by inserting the missing adjectives in the form of compound superlatives. Write the words in brackets in the correct form. Why are some proper names enclosed in quotation marks? Which of the proper names are not inclined? And in what case are they?

At the meeting of the "Club of famous captains" gathered - - seamen.. swimmers, travelers, towns.. swarms of adventure novels 4. - - among them was Dick Send, Mr..roy r..mana (Jules Verne) "Fifteen-year-old c..pit." - - everyone considered Tartarin from Tarascon, the hero of the novel (Alphonse Daudet), and - - was, of course, Baron Munchausen from books .. (Raspe). All members of the club 3 reckoned with the opinion - - of them Captain Nemo, one of the city of swarms of books .. (Jules Verne) "The Mysterious Island".

Reference: wise, cheerful, young, "truthful", famous.

289 . What rivers, lakes, mountains, cities are there in your area? Compare rivers by width and length, mountains by height, lakes by depth, cities and villages by size. Use synonyms when making sentences high-water, full-flowing; deep, bottomless; shallow, shallow, shallow. Underline the comparative adjectives.

Which acts as the original form: kind - kinder, more / less kind, kindest, kindest, kindest of all.

It expresses the attribute of a given object beyond comparison with the attribute of another object, in relation to the degree of manifestation of the attribute, it is neutral.


Comparative forms denote:

1. A sign that is manifested in one subject to a greater extent than in another.

  • Elbrus above Kazbek.
  • This first sound was followed by another, harder and lingering...
  • (I. S. Turgenev)
  • Further experiments were more complex than the previous ones.
  • (Academician I.P. Pavlov)

2. A sign that in the same subject in different time manifests itself unequally, it is present to a greater, then to a lesser degree.

  • I am now more modest became in desire
  • My life or you dreamed of me ...
  • (S. A. Yesenin)
  • Faith has become more restrained than it was.

Comparative degree can be simple(consist of one word) and composite(composed of two words).

Comparative Degree Education

initial form of adjective Means of Education of the Comparative Degree Comparative adjective




simple form

-her (-her)

acute her (her)

interesting her

more meaningless

Adjectives with stems in r, k, x, d, t, st






-e+ alternation of the final consonant of the stem

hot e

hush e

dearer e

younger e

steep e

Adjectives with suffixes - to -, -OK -(-ek -)

bottom k uy

high ok uh

-e+ suffix truncation - to -, -OK -(-ek -)

lower e

higher e



-she+ truncation of the final consonant stem r, k

share she

tone she



on - + -she(-e)


for more




from other bases







Composite form

more or less words


less weak

more sweet

Do not have a simple form of comparative degree quality adjectives with suffixes - sk -, -ov -, -l -, -n -(they don't have short forms!): friendly, mass, blood, emaciated, etc. This also includes adjectives with the suffix - to - such as fusible, bulky, heavy, separate non-derivative words (flat, dilapidated, proud, sloping) and words denoting animal colors: brown, savrasy, etc.


Superlatives denote:

1. A feature that is manifested in a given subject to the highest degree or more than in all other subjects.

  • Elbrus - highest from the mountains of the Caucasus.
  • In this group Ivanov - most capable and hardworking student.
  • you today the best.

2. The ultimate degree of quality without comparison with other subjects, including as part of set expressions: the kindest soul, the worst enemy.

  • Has come the most important stage in your life.
  • Everything needs to be figured out smallest details.

Superlative education

initial form of adjective Superlatives Superlative adjective





simple form

-ash -+ alternating final consonant stem

watchman ish ii

short ish ii

hush ish ii

high ish ii



-eysh -

brave eysh ii

miraculous eysh ii

high ok uh


nai -+ -sh- (truncation of the suffix - OK -)

nai - + -eysh -


the most beautiful




from other bases


the worst




Composite form

word most

the hardest

the most accessible



words most, least

most faithful

least cheerful




compare. step. adj. + Genitive pronouns all - all

the saddest of all

smarter than everyone

the most interesting

Qualitative adjectives with suffixes do not form a simple superlative form - sk -, -n -, -ov -(-ev -), -to -, -ast -, -ist -: native , business , loud , loud , colorful , sprawling , thoroughbred , many words with suffixes - Liv -, -chiv -, -ovate - (-evat -): boisterous, talkative, whitish.

(good, yellow, interesting).

adjectives in English language do not change either by gender, or by numbers, or by cases. Adjectives in English can only change in degrees of comparison.

Adjectives are simple and derivative. Simple names adjectives have neither prefixes nor suffixes. Derived adjectives have suffixes or prefixes, or both at the same time.

Adjectives form, as in Russian, two degrees of comparison: comparative and superlative. The basic form of the adjective does not express comparison and is called the positive degree.


An adjective is a part of speech that is used to denote a feature of an object.

  • a clever boy (smart boy)
  • an English book (English book)
  • good butter (good butter)
  • a cold winter (cold winter)
An adjective in English has three forms of degrees of comparison:
  • positive (positive degree)
  • comparative (comparative degree)
  • superlative (superlative degree).

Degrees of adjectives

Formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives (Degrees of comparison of adjectives)

The basic form of the adjective is the positive degree. The forms of comparative and superlative degrees are usually formed from the form of a positive degree in one of two ways:

The first way to form degrees of comparison of adjectives. If the form of an adjective in a positive degree consists of one syllable, the form of its comparative degree is formed using the suffix -eg, and the superlative form - using the suffix -est, which are added to the base of the form of a positive degree.

The second way of forming degrees of comparison of adjectives. From adjectives whose positive form consists of three or more syllables, the comparative degree is formed using the word more, and the superlative degree - using the word most, which are placed before the positive form of the adjective.

From two-syllable adjectives, comparative and superlative forms are also formed using the words more and most.

Sometimes there are forms of two-syllable adjectives formed with the suffixes -er and -est. Most often these are adjectives, the positive form of which ends in -y, -er, -ow.

From some adjectives, the forms of degrees of comparison are formed especially, and these adjectives must be memorized immediately in all forms.

The adjective old forms degrees of comparison in two ways. In most cases, the suffix -eg or -est is added to the base form of the positive degree.

However, in cases where they talk about members of the same family - “elder brother”, “eldest of the brothers”, they use the form elder (senior) or eldest (the eldest).

For the correct spelling of the forms of degrees of comparison of adjectives, you need to know that when the suffixes -er and -est are added, the final letters of the adjective in the form of a positive degree change as follows:

  • y changes to i after a consonant and does not change after a vowel: dry dry (dry) - drier - driest But: gay (cheerful) - gayer - gayest
  • e omitted: nice (good) - nicer - nicest
  • the consonant doubles in monosyllabic adjectives after a short vowel: big (big) - bigger - biggest

The use of the adjective

The adjective is usually used in a sentence as a definition to a noun and stands before the word being defined. An adjective can also be a nominal member of a compound nominal predicate(predicative) and stand in this case after the linking verb to be.
Not is a clever boy. He is a smart boy. (Clever is the definition.) .Not clever. He is smart. (Clever is a nominal member of a compound nominal predicate.)

Not all adjectives are used in these two functions. adjectives alive (alive), afraid (scared), asleep (sleeping), awake (awake), ill (sick) and some others are used only as a nominal member of a compound nominal predicate.

To indicate a lower or lowest degree of quality of one item compared to another, the adjective is usually preceded by the word less (less, less) or least (least of all).

Additional material.
Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs.

In English, as well as in Russian, adjectives and adverbs have three degrees of comparison:

  1. positive
  2. comparative
  3. excellent.
In English, there are two ways to construct degrees of comparison.
1. For short (one-syllable) words:

with the superlative degree of the adjective, the definite article is often used; When constructing degrees of comparison of adjectives in writing:

  1. the final consonant with the preceding short vowel is doubled: big (bigger ((the) biggest
  2. if the final -y is preceded by a consonant, then -y becomes -i:
    easy (easier ((the) easiest; early (earlier ((the) earliest
  3. when -er u -est is added, the final -e is omitted: (see large above). The spelling does not affect pronunciation.
2. For long (consisting of two or more syllables) words:

It doesn't make sense to lengthen the word even further, so another short word is added in front in English:

  • beautiful
  • more beautiful
  • easily
  • more easily
  • most easily

To pass values least and least (least) the words less and least are used respectively:

  • less beautiful
  • least beautiful

Sometimes monosyllabic words form degrees of comparison with more / less or most / least, and vice versa, words consisting of more than one syllable have -er / -est at the end; it depends only on the sound - if some form is perceived by ear better than the other, it is put into a sentence: crisp - more crisp - (the) most crisp sounds better than crisp - crisper (the) crispest.

The forms of degrees of comparison of some adjectives and adverbs in English are not formed according to the rule:

Note: The word little can be either an adjective or an adverb; in this case it is used only as an adverb little; if you need to build degrees of comparison from the adjective small, use the word small (see above).

Note: elder / eldest forms are used more often when the speaker is talking about members of his family:

  • My father is elder than my mother. My father is older than my mother.
  • This is my eldest son. This is my eldest son.
In most other cases, the degrees of comparison of adjectives are formed according to method 1:

old old er old est


The word most with the indefinite article (a most) is not a degree of comparison, but it matters very much: a most beautiful girl is a very beautiful girl.

The word most can come before a noun or a pronoun in plural(often with the preposition of) and has the meaning of many / most:

Most people like this. Many people like it. Most of them will not be able to come. Most of them won't be able to come.

The definite article is preserved before the superlative form even if there is no noun: Not is the best. He is the best.

To indicate the comparative degree of the adjective, the word than is used (than; at the same time, in order to avoid repeating the same noun, it is often put word one as a substitute for this noun or a possessive pronoun in the absolute form:

  • My car is bigger than their one / theirs. My car is bigger than theirs.
  • These cigars are stronger than those ones. These cigars are stronger than those.

In the second part comparative designs you can use pronouns in both the objective case (colloquial) and the accusative (literary) case, usually with an auxiliary verb:

  • She reads more than him / he does. She reads more than he does.
  • You are taller than me / I am. You are taller than me.
  • Did not come earlier than them / they did. He came before they
  • I know him better than her. I know him better than her.
  • I know him better than she does. I know him better than she does.

When comparing the same quality, the combination as ... as (same (same) ... as (and) / so (same) ... as (and) is used: She is as beautiful as my mother.(She is as beautiful as my mother.

When comparing quality in a negative form, the combination not so ... as is more often used (not the same ... as: I am not so beautiful as her / she is.(I'm not as pretty as she is.

When comparing with a multiple effect, a combination of as ... as with numerals is used; the second as may be omitted if no other comparison object is mentioned in the situation:

  • My sister is twice as beautiful (as yours).(My sister is twice as beautiful as (your).
  • His car is about three times as big (as my car).(His car is three times bigger (mine).

The word half in such cases has a value half as much:

This liquid is half as strong (as that one).(This liquid is twice as weak (that one). I have half as much money (as you have).(I have twice less money(than yours).

Sometimes the comparison can be strengthened with the help of additional words, more often than others much (much) is used for this: much more / less beautiful much more / less beautiful;

The Russian version than..., the... is translated into English the + comparative degree of the adjective... the + comparative degree of the adjective:

  • The faster you come the more you will get. The sooner you arrive, the more you get.
  • The sooner you do it the better. The sooner you do this, the better.

By saving us from having to memorize endings, English adjective over time (namely, centuries) ceased to change in numbers, genders and cases. But, as you understand, all the difficulties did not have time to disappear: the degrees of comparison (Degrees of Comparison) have not gone away and continue to "please" students. Why are they needed? Are the richest speech means won't let us do without all these additional forms?

Yes, they won't. All our life we ​​compare people and objects: someone is taller, someone is more beautiful, someone has a more powerful car. And all these thoughts need to be able to express in English. Every day we choose the best, the most interesting and exciting. The use of degrees of comparison is relevant in any language, because we are constantly looking for superiority. If you have already studied this foreign language, then this topic should be mastered at 100%.

So, for starters, remember that adjectives are quality (Qualitative) and relative (relative). And only the first group can be used in our rule.

Three degrees of comparison of adjectives in English: positive, comparative, superlative degrees.

Sometimes we use an adjective simply as a description. So we use positive degree. If you say that a certain quality is more pronounced in one subject than in another, then you need a comparative one. And in the superlative, we want to show that the subject acts as the very-most. Let's look at examples.

Positive (Positive or absolute) represents the usual form, such as in which the adjective is presented in the dictionary:

interesting - big - clever

This house is big.

Comparative degree of adjectives in English (comparative) is used when it is necessary to compare two or more objects, faces. In Russian, it sounds like this: bigger, more beautiful, more interesting, older.

bigger, colder, more difficult.

This house is bigger than that. This house is bigger than that one.

Superlatives in English (superlative) shows that an object or person has the highest quality characteristics. In Russian, it sounds like this: the best is the best; the kindest - the kindest; the smallest is the smallest. In English, it is always accompanied by the article “the” and is also formed in two ways:

the biggest, the most interesting.

This house is the biggest. This house is the largest.


Now is the time to consider the formation of degrees of comparison in English. How to add? When? How to write correctly?

Here it is worth considering only two of them. After all, the positive completely coincides with its dictionary form. Comparative and superlative degrees in English are formed taking into account some features and rules. Divide all adjectives mentally into groups: monosyllabic a plus disyllabic ending in -y, -er, -ow, -ble(this will be the first one) disyllabic and polysyllabic(second).

1. Simple (monosyllabic)

Add a suffix for comparison “er” to the basis of the word, and to indicate the superiority of quality - article the + adjective + “est”.

short - shorter - the shortest

short - shorter - shortest

When adding suffixes, there are some writing features:

a. If at the end of a word “y”, and before it is a consonant, then “y” changes to "i":

Lovely - lovelier - the loveliest

cute - cuter - cutest

But if “y” preceded by a vowel, no change is needed, just the appropriate suffix is ​​added.

b. If at the end of a word "e", then when adding suffixes “er” or “est”, only one is kept "e":

Simple - simpler - the simplest

simple - simpler - simplest / simplest

c. If the word ends in a consonant, and it is preceded by one short vowel, that is, it has a stressed short syllable, then we double the last letter:

Hot-hotter-the hottest

hot - hottest - hottest

And everything would be cloudless, if not for exceptions to this rule. Therefore, when studying this topic, it is important not only to understand, but also to strain the gyrus a little.


good-better-the best ( good - better- the best)

Bad - worse - the worst (bad - worse - the worst)

Little - less - the least (small - less - smallest)

Many - more - the most (numerous - more - the largest) - by number

Near - nearer - the nearest (close - closer - closest) - by distance

Near - nearer - the next (close - closer - next in line, in time, in order)

Far - farther - the farthest (farthest - farthest - farthest) - by distance

Far - further - the furthest (far - farthest - furthest) - according to information, actions

Old - older - the oldest (old - older - oldest)

Old - elder - the eldest (old - older - the oldest) - about family members

Late - later - the latest (later - later / later - latest - latest in time / newest)

Late - the last - the last

2. Complex (more than two syllables in a word)

To match two or more quality characteristics nessesary to use “more”, but characterizing top quality"the most". However, the adjective remains unchanged.

popular - more popular - the most popular

popular - more popular - most popular

The English language is full of exceptions. This rule has more than one. So, you need to remember a few more words that can form degrees of comparison in English two ways, i.e. with “er” and “est”, “more” and “the most”/”the least”:

Angry, common, friendly, cruel, gentle, narrow, handsome, polite, pleasant, serious, quite, simple, clever, sour.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that the English adjective is very scrupulous about what you will add to it and from which side. Therefore, in addition to studying the theory, engage in thorough practice, because only exercises will help you bring your knowledge to automatism. Improve your language: use comparative and superlative adjectives and make your speech smarter, richer and more interesting.