Professional barbecue dimensions drawings. Do-it-yourself brazier made of metal - ideas and ready-made solutions in instructions with photos. Mobile options for barbecue ovens

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A picnic or a weekend in the country without barbecue loses all its flavor. Or without a barbecue, but the barbecue in this case is more convenient: you almost don’t need to look after it, just turn the skewers over and sprinkle the fire if the coals flare up. And they marinate the meat in advance, at home.

For dishes prepared for, you need constant supervision. A barbecue picnic is not just a picnic, but a special event, a barbecue picnic. Exquisite, but troublesome. And a simple kebab can turn out to be no less tasty, if only the meat was correctly selected and marinated. And the brazier, which also looks quite simple, was made according to all the rules.

Build or transport?

The first thing you need to decide if you decide to get your own brazier, and not lay out fences from improvised materials or buy a disposable one - build a brazier from brick or make it from another material. Which, by the way, doesn't have to be . A very simple brazier under a canopy, for example, can be fashioned from adobe on clay from the nearest ravine.

But we will consider decent-looking structures that you can build with your own hands. Brick brazier, of course, is only suitable for summer cottages or suburban housing. Its simplest version (to be considered) can be laid out on its own, without being a stove-maker at all.

Brazier made of metal is often made transportable. By the way, the name "mobile brazier" is incorrect. A mobile device, generally speaking, is one that can be used on the go. And no one has yet come up with pocket or shoulder barbecues that would be fried and squashed while the owner picks mushrooms or weeds cucumbers.

Making a brazier out of metal is also not difficult. Very simple and convenient constructions will be discussed below. In terms of complexity, labor intensity and costs, a simple brick and a good iron brazier are approximately equivalent. Therefore, let's first deal with two questions: where the barbecue will turn out tastier, and which barbecue is better suited to the gazebo. Indeed, without a cozy gazebo, a cottage is not a cottage.

As for taste, there is no difference. The author of the article, who overate kebabs in his life in the space from the Caucasus and Central Asia to the Arctic and from the Gauja to the banks of the Indigirka, in any case, did not notice. This is explained by the peculiarities of the method of cooking shish kebab, which is described below.

As for the gazebo, a mobile or stationary barbecue is needed, of course, metal or stone. Brick in a room open to all winds in the off-season draws moisture into itself, and it has to be heated for a long time until it starts to “barbecue” properly. On the road, for accelerating heating, most often there is simply not enough time, not to mention the fact that the fuel is not lying underfoot now.

For comparison, remember: a heating stove heats up better and consumes less fuel if it is heated regularly. And if he gets cold and damp during the winter in an uninhabited unheated room - then he smokes for a long time and “eats” immoderately until he “catches his breath” and enters the operating mode. And a brick brazier in the country, and even if it is in the open air? He, as they say, will not even have time to breathe, as he will again be left to the mercy of bad weather. However, we will talk in more detail about the features of the construction of summer heating and cooking appliances made of bricks.

It is better to place a gazebo brazier not in the gazebo itself, but next to it, under a separate shed canopy. Why - it will be clear from the future. A properly equipped summer garden gazebo with a barbecue is shown in the figure.

How barbecue is prepared

Fire, as you know, is the enemy of barbecue. The shish kebab is not fried, and it is not baked, as they often write incorrectly. The physical chemistry of the "ripening" of barbecue on the grill is quite peculiar. This process takes place under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Intense "conditionally hard" infrared (thermal) radiation from coals; its color temperature corresponds to 870-1100 K, which will be approximately 600-800 degrees Celsius;
  2. "Conditionally soft" IR of medium intensity from the hot walls of the barbecue, heated within 400-200 degrees, counting from the coals to the upper edge;
  3. A stream of hot (250-300 degrees), oxygen-depleted air, going up from the coals;
  4. Intensive evaporation of moisture from the upper, open surface of the barbecue.

The role of each of the factors is as follows: “conditionally hard” IR warms up meat and layers of additional products (onions, sweet peppers) in the mass, initiating the process of protein denaturation. "Conditionally soft" IR basically gives a ruddy crust. Hot air passing through the coals and giving them oxygen maintains the temperature of the pieces, preventing the denaturation reaction from dying out, as a result of which carcinogens can form. In addition, the formation of harmful products in the meat guarantees both the evaporation of moisture and the acidic environment in the pickled meat.

Note: remembering the “bruise”, or “bruise”, denatured alcohol - do not expect that a properly prepared barbecue will “give you a balda” without “booze”. Denaturation in translation is the deprivation of something of its true nature. With regard to meat, it is the breakdown of long, tangled complex tangles of protein molecules into short, consisting of several amino acid residues, fragments that are easily digestible by the body. If the ball has already unraveled, but has not yet broken into pieces (poorly fried / boiled / baked meat), such a product is dangerous to health. And “him, darling” was denatured to a “bruise”, adding emetic stone and aniline dye to hydrolytic ethyl alcohol.

From the foregoing, the following is essential for barbecue:

  • The optimal size and shape of the pieces are cubes from a matchbox (in plan) to half a cigarette pack.
  • Marinate - only in vinegar with onions and parsley; about one single exception below.
  • Sweet pepper as part of the kebab who recognizes who does not, but layers of whole onion circles are required.

Now let's explain. Too small pieces will dry out quickly, and denaturation will stop in the middle - it requires a strictly defined amount of moisture. Too large “kusmans”, firstly, will turn out to be waterlogged: after the end of denaturation, other reactions will begin with the participation of water, which will also cause harmful products. Secondly, IR from coals and hot air will not heat up the whole piece quickly enough to the skewer: denaturation inside it will be delayed, and in the meantime it will burn from above, which will lead to the formation of the same carcinogens. Kebabs and similar dishes from large pieces of meat should be cooked on a specially designed grill, which will be discussed later.

A fairly acidic environment is required for successful denaturation.(remember, gastric juice is also acidic), but acetic acid alone is not enough. In order for denaturation to take place without "harmfulness", an additional set of organic acids is needed, which is exactly what is in the onion with parsley, and nowhere else. "Parsley" acids are quite heat-resistant, but "onion" acids begin to decompose already at 70-80 degrees. Heated onion "carriages" intensively give them to the meat.

In mayonnaise and other slightly acidic environments, only the most juicy, tender meat, already quite sour by its very nature, can be marinated. In practice, this is the carbonate (back muscles) and the kidney part of a properly, home-style, fattened pig or immature lamb kept on free pasture. Any other meat is marinated in vinegar with onions and parsley.

Vinegar for marinade should be taken table alcohol or wine. Apple cider vinegar is useful in many ways, but it has an excess of malic acid, which is the enemy of barbecue is not worse than fire.

What is important for a barbecue

Also from the foregoing, certain requirements follow that the correct barbecue must meet. First, a gross but widespread mistake is to make blower holes in its walls. The point here is not only that the decaying coals do not settle in an even layer, but in a longitudinal bed, because of which the edges of the kebabs warm up worse and turn out to be “unfinished”, or, conversely, the middle is overexposed.

More harm is that the air that has passed through the coals from the sides does not have time to give all the oxygen to the smoldering mass, especially at the end of cooking, when the upper holes are partially open. And in the presence of oxygen, the denaturation reactions turn sharply in an energetically favorable, but very harmful direction for the body of the eater.

Blower holes of the brazier need to be done only in its bottom. Diameter - 10-15 mm, the step is twice as large. The arrangement of the rows is chess. Step between rows - as in a row. If a rigid metal mesh (not a chain-link!) Is available from a bar or wire with a diameter of at least 4 mm, it is better to make the bottom of the brazier from it. Thanks to the free flow of air to the coals, the kebab will ripen faster, it will be tastier and healthier.

Note: blower holes on the sides are desirable for barbecue, where the physical and chemistry of cooking is significantly different. In a combined barbecue grill, you must, firstly, provide slots for skewers in the long walls so that they lie lower, as will be said later. It will not interfere with the installation of the grid. Secondly, when using it as a barbecue, the side holes must be covered with something non-combustible, and the air flow must go through the bottom. The best option is a replaceable bottom. For a brazier perforated, for a barbecue deaf.

Iron on the grill should be taken at least 2 mm thick, and preferably 4-6 mm. And here it is not only and not so much about durability. The walls of the brazier should reflect IR well, and thin iron is translucent for it. In addition, it plays easily, which is why the layer of soot cannot grow to the desired thickness.

What's the deal here? the reader may ask. If you are a fairly experienced photographer, try taking a picture of a sooty surface that has cooled to outside temperature on infrared film, or through an IR light filter if the camera is a digital SLR. Cheap "soap" and telephone-smartphone-tablet matrices do not perceive IR.

So, a thick black matte smoked surface in IR rays looks light gray in a thin layer, or even almost white, like unglazed faience. This is in a thick layer, and if the soot is finely dispersed from high quality fuel. And the role of IR from the walls of the brazier in the maturation of shish kebab has already been said.

Note: outside the brazier can be painted with heat-resistant paints or mineral varnishes, which will be discussed later. But inside - do not paint, let it smoke. Maybe the fingers will never get dirty, but it will be tasty and healthy.

Finally, it is desirable to maintain the dimensions of the brazier as follows: width - 220-250 mm, this is a little more than the length of a serving of 6-8 pieces, the dimensions of which are indicated above, with onion layers. Barbecue length - at the rate of 80-120 mm per serving. Laying skewers close to each other is a gross mistake for beginners or careless barbecues. Without a free flow of air between servings, shish kebab will not be shish kebab.

Special mention should be made of the depth of the fire. The optimal distance from meat to properly burnt coals is 30-70 mm, depending on the type of fuel. Based on this, it is often recommended to make a fire with a depth of 120-150 mm. This is true if you cook shish kebab exclusively on charcoal, which holds strong heat for a long time, settles weakly, and it takes nothing to cook it.

However, it is better to make the fire deeper, 180-200 mm, and in its long walls there are vertical slots for skewers. The height of the suspension, depending on how hot the coals are, is easily adjusted by firmly inserting pieces of sticks into the slots. They can be changed to shorter ones as the smoldering mass settles. On a brazier with a depth of 180 mm of this design, it is possible to cook quite a decent barbecue even on firewood from rakita.

About hoods and chimneys

Does it make sense to build a brazier with a hood, since it requires power supply? It's not about electricity. And the fact that the degree of heat that coals give is best judged by the haze over the barbecue.

The secret is that the red-hot, and therefore invisible, flue gases should thicken into smoke about 3-7 cm above the barbecue. Condensation in this case is not just condensation, but the result of certain chemical reactions. The smoke over the barbecue, by the way, is not harmful and can be successfully used for smoking, but.

If the smoke immediately flies away, and it is not visible to the eye, the barbecue will overheat. Rush faster. If smoke pours through the skewers, the kebab is cold, it will take a long time to cook. In any case, the taste and benefits will not be the same.
However, if the brazier is at least next to the gazebo, then the smoke freely spreading around the district will smoke it sooner or later. It needs to be collected and taken up, especially if the barbecue is indoors. That's why brazier with a chimney - this is a brazier under a smoke hood with a pipe. From the bottom of the cap to the top of the chimney there should be at least 0.8 m, and the cap itself should protrude beyond the outline of the brazier, in terms of 0.3-0.5 m or more to the sides.

The smoke from the brazier must first go up in a club, as in free space, and only then, sensing the draft, fly out into the chimney. This is achieved by adjusting the height of the cap suspension.

But this can only be done in metal barbecues. If the brazier is combined with brick or (see below), then their smoke channel should be simple, without smoke teeth and smoke turns. Accordingly, do not expect high efficiency, and such a device will have a more decorative value.

Why no chimneys, the reader may ask? Because the thrust necessary for the proper preparation of barbecue, in this case, is regulated by partially pushing the view. And with a complex chimney or at least one smoke tooth, then not for long and to the point of intoxication.

Let's take the grill

So, let's make a grill. First, consider metal products, as simpler and cheaper. And only then we will move on to solid, prestigious designs, but much more complex and expensive.


The simplest collapsible brazier, the details of which are shown in the figure, has served the author faithfully for more than 25 years, although the walls are made of 1.5 mm roofing iron. The bottom changed 3 times, then to a perforated sheet, then to a cut out of the grid. Friends repeated several times with minor changes, do not complain.

Its device is elementary. Racks (middle pos. in the figure, in the section) are made of 40 mm or more angle or pipes. Height - to the waist of the owner. At the upper ends of the racks, two longitudinal slots are made, rotated 90 degrees relative to each other. The length of the slots - H, according to fig; width - the thickness of the metal of the fire plus 1 mm.

The flanging of the side walls (on the left in the figure) is bent inward at a right angle. When assembling, the walls are simply inserted into the slots of the racks, and then the bottom is freely placed on the lower side, on the right in Fig. That seems to be all. No, not all.

The assembled brazier does not fall apart by itself, but is rather flimsy and, just standing on the ground, staggers. Considering that in a decent company there is no barbecue without libations, this can lead to disaster.

The way out is also elementary simple. The legs below are cut obliquely if they are from a corner, and if they are tubular, they are flattened at the point. Having collected the brazier, the legs are pressed or driven into the ground until the structure stops sloshing. You don’t need to beat with a sledgehammer, the metal flattens. Now that's all.

In a stationary brazier of this type, it is better to weld the walls with tacks. The bottom does not need to be welded, for the sake of convenience of its replacement and cleaning. Of course, in a stationary brazier, for which durability is important, and not weight and ease of transportation, metal must be put on the walls from 4 mm. The bottom can be thinner or mesh.

Video: metal brazier manufacturing technology

Attention! In this video, holes are made in the walls according to an erroneous “tradition”.

From a balloon and a barrel

A very popular design - barbecue. However, kebabs in them for some reason do not turn out very well. A thorough study of the problem (this is not a joke or a metaphor) revealed the following:

  • Coals, due to the roundness of the bottom, quickly settle in the middle, and do not burn out to ash along the edges; a rounded bottom, unlike a flat one, does not provide a uniform supply of air to the fire.
  • Rounded, again, the walls reflect the IR not on the barbecue, but back on the coals, exacerbating the unnecessary effect described above.

The solution was found to be quite simple. The scheme of the improved balloon brazier is shown in fig. on right. The essence of the improvements:

  1. A through longitudinal air duct is arranged from an 80-mm corner, in the shelves of which 20-30 mm holes are drilled in increments of 40-50 mm. The corner is welded into the balloon; both ends of the duct are open to the outside.
  2. The blank cylinder must be cut in diameter not by half, as for a barbecue, but by a quarter or a third, so that the upper opening is the width necessary for the barbecue - 220-250 mm.
  3. The height of the suspension of skewers above the coals increases to 100-120 mm.

In such a balloon grill, the coals settle evenly, and the barbecue comes out anywhere. The lack of a “soft” IR is apparently compensated by a denser flow of hot air due to the reverse heating of the coals of their IR. "Soft" IR and hot air for barbecue do about the same thing. But the skewers here already need to be placed higher, as said. The coals in the improved balloon barbecue are apparently hotter. Exactly the same solution can be used in a barbecue from a barrel, although the barrel is more suitable for barbecue in size.

Video: barbecue grill from a gas cylinder (! Without an air duct)


The author first saw a metal brazier with a throat in Central Asia in the late 70s, and then in the Caucasus in the early 80s. In the first case, kebabs were cooked on this, and in the second, karski shish kebab. The development of this is some kind of traditional designs or the fruit of the creativity of local craftsmen of that time, it was not possible to find out. Its principle is clear from Fig.

To understand the essence of the idea, you need to dwell on the dishes for which these devices were intended. Kebab is, in general, the same barbecue, only from 2-3 large, half-fist or fist-sized pieces of meat. By the way, the popular kebab is chops strung on a skewer and cooked on a regular grill from very dense minced meat. Meat for minced meat for kebab is by no means passed through a meat grinder. It is finely chopped with a billhook in a flat wooden bowl. But more about kebabs and other delicacies of the Turkic-Parsian cuisine is a completely different topic. As well as the equipment for their creation.

Karski shish kebab is already one large, with a small plate or a large saucer, a flat (3-4 cm thick) piece of mostly veal, squeezed from the sides by whole carriages of a very large onion, which, in turn, are clamped by halves of a properly soaked kidney . The shish kebab is considered the most exquisite, where the meat and the kidney come from the same calf.

As you can see, in both cases, large pieces are cooked on the grill. Hence the role of the throat, in which the skewer is placed, is clear. It is actually a flowing oven chamber. A lot of fuel is put into the brazier with a throat, until the middle of the narrowing between the fire and the throat, and a significant part of it is wasted: the dish should be ready before the upper side holes appear from under the coals.


The folding brazier is convenient for hikers and other lovers to go out, and not go out into nature. The most important thing in its design is the minimum weight, so they are made of thin heat-resistant stainless steel.

There is every reason to believe that for the first time light folding braziers were introduced into use by workers of regime factories of the USSR that produced jet engines. There were enough suitable materials in abundance, and the citizens of the Soviet Union considered it a matter of honor to steal something from an enterprise, especially a military one.

It must be said right away that the manufacture of such a brazier requires not only special materials, but also an accurate knowledge of its properties and solid skills in working with it. For example, ordinary piano and door hinges will not work on wall hinges (see below), they will soon become unusable. That is, you need to do the hinges yourself. "Bazaar" fasteners made of ordinary structural steel are also not good, you need to look for and purchase a special one. Therefore, good industrial folding barbecues are quite expensive.

But there is no need to smoke such a brazier: the “reactive” stainless steel reflects IR so well. And it is easy to clean, which is important when hiking - you can carry it in a backpack without fear that something will get dirty there. Again, due to the practical "mirror" of special steel in IR, the brazier from it requires very little fuel and is instantly ready for work.

Drawings of a brazier-diplomatic of this type are shown in fig. on right. The device is quite clear:

  • The legs (4) are folded under the pallet skirt (1).
  • The crossbar (3) holds the whole assembly together.
  • If it is removed and placed on its side in the pallet, then the short sidewalls 2 fold inward on hinges.
  • The hinged long sidewalls are also folded onto them, the clasp snaps into place - ready to be carried.


Round braziers, apparently, trace their genealogy to the traditionally primitive way of cooking shish kebab. Namely: sticks with pieces of meat strung on them were stuck into the ground with a tent, with an inclination inward, around the fire. And each jealously watched that the eternally hungry and aggressive fellow tribesmen did not appropriate his share.

On the one hand, it’s not very convenient: in order to turn the other side to the heat, you need to pull the knitting needle with meat out of the ground and stick it in again. On the other hand, rearranging it, you can quickly cook a good barbecue without exposing it to the direct action of the flame and without waiting until the fire burns out to coals.

Nowadays, round barbecues are used by sincere companies, where everyone knows how to cook barbecue. And not just knows how, namely to your liking. We are no longer ready to kill each other for a piece of food, so barbecue on a round grill is cooked according to all the rules: over smoldering coals.

For this, the round barbecue had to be improved: in the center of the fire they put a column with a flat (or with grooves for the ends of the skewers) mushroom cap, see fig. An unsightly, but good iron round barbecue is obtained from a leaky boil.

The column is made of 6-12 mm threaded rod; at the "iron" bazaars there are now as many as you like. It makes no sense to try to weld it to the bottom, in which a thin layer of metal remains from the metal. The fungus rack is fixed through a through hole with two nuts and washers as wide as possible. The fungus cap is the same washer, also between the nuts.

Admirers of Gothic and Druidism can lay out a round barbecue made of wild stone on a greasy clay mortar, leaving channels for air flow between the lower stones. A column with a hat, if it is not solid, is laid out of limestone, but already on a clay-cement mortar with increased strength and adhesion: there is no dressing either in rows or between rows, and alternating thermal stresses are not small. The result is a very original brazier, reminiscent of a pagan altar.

Round barbecues have one peculiarity: kebabs on them are prepared from meat of different varieties. What is harder is strung last, closer to the tip of the skewer. The reason is clear: there the meat is more baked.

About barbecue roofs

Metal grills with a roof are in fashion now. Any fashion is always both expedient and meaningless at the same time. And barbecues with a roof, this remark applies to the fullest.

Drops of water from a sudden splash of rain are no less an enemy of barbecue than fire. Recall that proper protein denaturation requires timely dosing of the moisture content of the meat, and here it is raining. Therefore, the roof over the brazier should protect from the rain, first of all, the barbecue, and the cook, in extreme cases, can throw on a plastic cape.

Look at fig. On the left is a properly arranged covered barbecue. It is beautiful, comfortable (the place under the overhangs is used for shelves), and provides a free exit of smoke. Large roof overhangs reliably protect against precipitation. And in the fact that on the right - the roof is generally incomprehensible for what, except perhaps to wind up the selling price.

What to paint?

Of course, it is better to paint a metal brazier - it rusts after all. Usually, heat-resistant paints for car mufflers, on organosilicon or aluminum powder, are recommended for this. But they are expensive and require careful surface preparation in an industrial setting. Their resistance is not so high: who has seen a Glushak that has remained silver after a year of operation?

There are also special silicone-based paints for barbecues and barbecues on sale. But they are even more expensive, and you need to dry (or rather, bake) the painted product in a special high-temperature chamber, which you can’t build at home.

However, we take into account that inside, where there is fire and coals, it is not necessary to paint the brazier at all: smoked will give out only the best kebabs. And the outer walls above 400 degrees do not heat up, otherwise the brazier is made incorrectly. And the black color for the barbecue is quite enough: not easily soiled, but glamorous divorces are completely out of place here.

In this case, it turns out a very cheap and practical option: the good old Kuzbasslak or its analogues - bituminous mineral varnishes, in 3-4 layers. Each subsequent - after the complete drying of the previous one.

This method of painting has disadvantages. The first is that it stinks and the fumes are toxic. The second one takes a long time to dry. Therefore, you need to paint only in the summer under a canopy, and the whole painting process will drag on for a month and a half. Third - the dried varnish gains strength for a long time, and at first the barbecue must be handled with care. Finally, during the first or second heating, there will still be a smell, so they will have to be done idly in the open air.

But then, when the varnish is completely bituminized and sintered, it will last for decades. And it will be possible to damage the stone coating only by shooting from a firearm.


And now let's move on to barbecues, which require not manufacturing, but construction, i.e. made of bricks. Let's say right away: a brazier, and only a brazier made of bricks, has no advantages over a simple one, without artistic forging and other expensive decorations, it has no metal, but it is much more expensive and more difficult to perform. Therefore, brick barbecues are performed either for decorative, aesthetic and prestigious purposes, or combined with.


To build a brazier from brick or stone, you need to prepare a solid foundation for it - the foundation. In addition to the barbecue grill of a traditional or similar design, the foundation needs a reinforced cast, slab or tape. Cast, of course, from concrete, and not from cast iron, epoxy or acrylic. The blind area of ​​the foundation to the sides is about 10 cm.

The construction of such foundations is a separate issue. Here we will only give a recommendation: deepening the foundation into the ground - 1.5 cm per 1 row of laying with flat bricks. Plus, the protrusion above its surface is about 5 cm. That is, if a 12-15 cm thick slab goes under a waist-high slab, then a foundation half a meter deep is needed under a fireplace with a chimney 37 rows high.


Any brick heaters are placed on. Cement is not heat-resistant, and gypsum is also not moisture resistant. For the simplest brazier-barbecue, self-digging ravine clay and sand will go from there, but in order to fold a combined and / or decorative brazier, you will have to buy building clay of medium fat content and river sand, sifted, washed and calcined.

For masonry mortar, you need 1 part of clay and 3-4 parts of sand. They knead it in water until the density of sour cream, and immediately check for fat content (adhesion ability): dip a trowel (trowel) into the solution and take it out. A solution of normal fat content should remain on the instrument in an even layer 2-3 mm thick.

If the solution remains a thick layer or lumps - it is too greasy, you need to add sand and a little water to the desired density. If, draining, leaves gaps - the solution is lean, you need to add clay, preferably more fat. There is nowhere to hurry: the solution in the tub dries for weeks, this is not cement.


The masonry seams are 3-4 mm thick, otherwise the structure will dry for months and turn out to be fragile. The crucible (the part of the furnace directly exposed to fire) in furnaces, with or without a brazier, is laid out from fireclay (refractory). The seams between ordinary and fireclay bricks, as well as between any brick and metal embedded parts, are widened, from 6 to 13 mm; this is the maximum width of the seams of clay masonry. The reason is the difference in the thermal coefficients of expansion of materials.

Fireplaces, hobs and separate brick barbecues can be laid from ordinary solid (solid) red ceramic bricks. On a brick barbecue, a hollow brick with through holes will go well; it is laid out so that the passages in the brick are free and vertical, this will be a blower grate. But burnt iron brick (with a dark core) is no good.

In passing about fireplaces

Recently, such a phenomenon has been noted: a home-made outdoor fireplace-brazier. It makes no sense, to be honest.. Of course, it's nice to sit by the fire in front of the fireplace in bad weather. But only if you yourself are not wet with rain, do not cover with snow and do not belittle by a cold wind. And summer night gatherings are much more romantic just by the fire. Outside the fire danger room, there is nothing from him.

If you definitely want a fireplace in landscape design, then it will be easier to buy a ready-made garden stove-barekyu. You can also cook barbecue in it, and make a fire with a flame - here's a fireplace for you. It does not require accelerating ducts, it is ready for full use immediately after assembly.

A decorative garden stove will cost hardly more than materials for a brick fireplace alone. The foundation is not needed, it is assembled on site in 20 minutes. If necessary, it can be disassembled and rearranged for a short time, or even moved entirely: it is lifted without much effort by two, of which one is a woman. And in the fall, you can disassemble and move it indoors until spring.



A simple brazier with a chimney can be built by an amateur bricklayer, who has at least once folded one even wall. The masonry scheme is in fig. below. Brick everywhere is ordinary, not fireclay. The same brazier can be used as a barbecue. For beginners, this design is good because the smoke tent, which is correctly located and narrows into the chimney, and indeed the entire fireplace, is laid out from solid bricks. There are no halves, three-fours and undercuts in the masonry. Whoever put at least something himself knows how many pancakes there are waiting for an inexperienced master.


Here in fig. - ordering fireplaces with barbecue. On the left - the usual straight line; right - corner. A fairly experienced stove-maker should already lay these, so we will refrain from detailed explanations. Perhaps it is right for him to teach us, and not vice versa.

Barbecue oven

And here in Fig. - already aerobatics: a barbecue grill modeled on a small one, but folded, without the obligatory dressing of seams in the rows. Its construction also requires considerable experience, so we confine ourselves to only one remark. The design is quite complex, massive and in its raw form, when laid in Dutch style, does not look particularly strong. Therefore, commissioning will probably require at least 5 accelerating flow after the mortar has dried. And in the off-season, autumn or spring. The first bookmark of fuel is no more than a quarter of the norm, and then we proportionally increase it to 100% in the fifth furnace.

Video: masonry brick brazier

Barbecue cauldron?

Is it possible to build with a barbecue? That is, a hearth with a boiler embedded in it, and somewhere on the side, the barbecue is also ripening.

According to heat engineering and the mode of the furnace, it does not work out in any way. Culinary operations with a large amount of liquid require an unreasonably large, for a barbecue, heat concentration in the furnace part. Barbecue, on the other hand, requires gentle heating. From such a heat press, it will immediately shrink and turn into something nasty in appearance, smell and taste, and even carcinogenic and toxic.

About the drive

The network has descriptions of home-made electric grills for rotating skewers. The same factory ones are also on sale. Probably both were born under the influence of information about English castles, where the grill for boar or deer carcasses spun from the impeller in the chimney. They are in castles more than 10 m long, so there is enough thrust and enough power for rotation even with primitive mechanics.

But for barbecue, the electric rotation of the skewers is useless, only the brazier is more expensive and more difficult. Moreover, the physico-chemistry of barbecue cooking is such (see above) that it ripens properly only if you turn it to the coals first with one side, then the other. In more detail, the most complete protein denaturation occurs if the process proceeds stepwise, as if in jolts.

Video: implementation of a brazier with an electric drive

Why you should not do this - said above!

Without skewers and coals

But what about in winter in a city apartment, if suddenly you want a barbecue, but you don’t feel like going to a restaurant? By the way, there is a way. It turns out, however, not quite that. But, in any case, the taste will immediately feel that this is still a barbecue, and not a pie or a roast.

You will need, of course, pre-marinated meat, onions, parsley. Then - an aluminum pan, the same (not enamelled!) Household milk can or just a large can. Empty and clean, of course.

A metal mesh is inserted into the vessel 2-3 cm from the bottom. The distance is maintained with the help of its bent edges. The meat is then strung on wooden needles; portions are made half the usual, i.e. 3-4 pieces. Knitting needles with meat are either inserted into the cells of the grid vertically, or laid horizontally on it. It is possible in 2-3 layers on top of each other, but there should not be direct contact of the meat with the bottom, for this there is a mesh.

And they cook in an ordinary oven of an ordinary household gas stove, at a temperature of 250-300 degrees. Cooking time - 15-25 minutes, depending on the meat. A good indicator is the aroma. As shish kebab pulled - denaturation is in full swing. The smell has weakened a little (here you need an olfactory skill) - almost ready, turn off the burner. After another 3-4 minutes - it is ripe, you can take it out and serve.

Finally - what do you eat it with?

More precisely, what else is under it ... they use it. A topic that is not directly related to barbecues, but is inextricably linked with barbecue culture, and in it is of paramount importance.

Vodka for barbecue is clearly bad form. Shish kebab is a dish of delicate taste and bouquet, and it should be perceived with not yet stunned taste pimples and olfactory holes. If you really want to bring the feast to the valiant stage, then it’s better to swallow “her, dear” afterward, under the traditional Russian pickle. Or under pressed caviar, if the price does not scare. Here it is also good that a stomach fed with meat will not allow revelry to reach complete disgrace.

And, as you know, red dry wine, moderately tart, goes best with barbecue. But not everyone knows that true barbecue wine is not expensive (and most often fake in stores) Kindzmarauli or Khvanchkara, but inexpensive, and therefore mostly natural saperavi. And few people know that the most excellent saperavi is made in the Crimea by Golitsyn Wines.

Grapes "Saperavi" are very hardy, unpretentious, the taste and bouquet of wine from it is not that very thin, but practically does not depend on the place of growth. On the table or for something else, except for pomace for simple table wine, it is not suitable: the berries are small, like large currants. The taste of fresh is a complete set on edge: tart, viscous. But Saperavi wine harmonizes with barbecue in the best possible way.

If it’s on fire to start a barbecue feast with a strong one, then you need to stock up on cognac. You can’t drink enough of it to disperse to complete dope, it tends to sleep. Classic scotch also goes well with barbecue. Not necessarily a vintage 12 year old. The commonplace "Blue Label" (Blue Label) will be quite appropriate. But - God forbid - bourbon! Then it’s better to immediately stool out of the vat with ladles.

The author once, plucking up the courage, decided to “drank” under the kebab, with ... red rum! Moreover, only Dominican was available, not the best. It turned out - quite even. Unless, of course, you overdo it. Which, of course, is always and everywhere correct.

The article provides information on how a collapsible brazier is made. What are its dimensions, what materials are used for this. Whether a drawing is required for manufacturing. If “yes”, then what you need to pay attention to, what parameters are important, taking into account the ease of use of the brazier for barbecue. The manufacture of the brazier is considered in stages.

Barbecue dimensions

Dealing with the dimensions of the iron barbecue grill according to the drawings presented on the Internet, one can only say that among them there is only one standard parameter - the height of the sides. It varies in the range of 13-15 cm. You shouldn’t do less - the barbecue will burn, a high height - you will have to prepare more coals, and these are costs and time.

All other sizes at the discretion of the customer:

    the width is selected depending on the length of the skewers used;

    the length depends on the amount of barbecue required in terms of simultaneous frying, for example, if a gap of 5 cm is left between the skewers, plus the width of the meat itself, it will turn out within 8-10 cm, if you need to fry 10 sticks, then the length will be within 1 m ;

    the height depends on how to cook on the grill: standing or squatting, in the first case it is 70-80 cm, in the second 20-30 cm;

    as for the thickness of the sheet iron, a size of 2 mm is suitable for a collapsible structure, but for the bottom it is better to use a three-millimeter metal.

Dimensions of a high barbecue with a lid

Manufacturing technology of a collapsible brazier

First of all, a drawing of a brazier is sketched on paper with a designation of dimensions on it. In purely constructive terms, this device is a parallelepiped. That is, all opposite paired walls are equal to each other. The only plane that is present in the brazier in a single form is the bottom.

The development of drawings of barbecues must be approached thoroughly. Because this is the basis of the future design. It is on it that the proportions of the brazier are displayed. And although this is of little importance for a portable collapsible version, there must still be some aesthetic side to the design.

The drawing below shows the full details of the structure. This is how the masters sketch it on paper. The main task is to show the dimensions of each part, because they are made individually. And the exact dimensions will help to arrange the parts into a single whole without adjustments.

Drawing of the brazier and its details

If the drawing of a brazier made of metal with dimensions is ready, the master proceeds directly to the manufacture of the brazier.


As mentioned above, a steel sheet with a thickness of 2 and 3 mm is required as a material. Reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm can be used as legs. Eight M6 or 8 bolts are required to connect the parts of the brazier.


According to the drawing, all dimensions of the parts of the brazier are transferred to a sheet of iron. As already mentioned, there will be two side walls, end walls too, the bottom is one part. Paired walls are the same.

You can not scatter markup throughout the sheet. Many part sizes are the same, so the edges of the two parts will be indicated by one line. This way you can save money by reducing waste.

On the market you can find cut sheets of metal. If you correctly compose (make a competent layout of parts) markup, then you can purchase not a whole sheet, but a cropped one. It costs a lot less.

Now the important point. The parts of the brazier are connected with bolts (as one of the options), therefore, under the docking points, the sides are made, which are bent inward from the main plane of the walls by 90 °. At the same time, on the side walls, the bend is made at three ends with fastening to the end walls and the bottom, on the end walls only from this side - to the bottom. Bend Width:

    if used for connection bolt M6 - 10 mm;

    if the M8 bolt is 12 mm.

This parameter must be added to the dimensions of the parts. For example, if the length of the brazier is 50 cm, then the length of the side walls is 52 cm, because a 1 cm bend is added to it on both sides.

Cutting, bending, drilling

The next step is cutting out all parts of the brazier exactly along the marking lines. This is usually done with a grinder with a cutting diamond disc. You can use other tools: a plasma cutter, a jigsaw with a metal blade. Cutting must be carried out exactly according to the applied markup. Everything must be done carefully.

In the end, five parts should be obtained: side walls - 2 pieces, end walls - 2, one bottom.

The next operation is the bending of the connection sections of the barbecue parts. On the cut parts of the brazier, indents are applied for bends. Again a ruler and a marker are used. There will be three lines on the side walls: two parallel (for connection with the end walls), one perpendicular to them (for connection with the bottom). There is one line on the end walls. It should match in location with the line for the bottom.

A shallow cut is made along the drawn lines, it is not through, but with a slight depression of up to 0.5 mm. This is done in order to make it easier and smoother to bend the bends. Pay attention to the side walls, where the cuts of perpendicular lines will create squares in two corners. They are cut off completely.

Now bends are made with a hammer. The workpiece is placed on the edge of the table, it is better if it is finished with a steel corner, and with light blows the edge of the bend is bent along the undercut line. The bending angle is 90°.

The next stage is the formation of junctions. To do this, in the bends of the side walls with an indent from the upper and lower edges inward by 3 cm, a mark is made with a marker. Through holes are drilled through them.

Immediately it should be noted that the bottom of the brazier is not fixed to the walls. It simply lies freely inside the box of side and end parts, resting against the bends on four sides.

It remains only to drill holes in all parts of the brazier. They are designed to ensure that fresh air, saturated with oxygen, penetrates into the combustion zone of coals. Without air, the coals will not be able to give off the maximum amount of heat, from which the frying of the barbecue will drag on until cooked.

In principle, the homemade brazier is ready. It remains to be assembled and bolted.

Simple brazier design ready to use

Leg manufacturing

There are a huge number of options here. Often they are made of sheet iron with a thickness of 3 mm, bending the letter "Z". To do this, you just have to make holes for the bolts in the bottom of the brazier and in each leg.

A more reinforced design - from fittings or tubes of small diameter. The main thing is to choose a way to connect the legs to the barbecue (collapsible). The easiest is to weld a bolt to the leg, make a hole in the bottom for it. From below, the leg is inserted into the brazier with a bolt and tightened with a nut from above.

There is another option - they weld to the lower edges of the end or side walls of the brazier at the places where the legs of the tube are installed with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the reinforcement. The length of the tubes is 3-4 cm. That is, the legs will simply be inserted into the tubes when assembling the brazier. It is impossible to weld to the bottom, because this element is not fixed to the structure of the brazier. There is one point in this option - limiters are welded onto the legs in the form of washers or perpendicular transverse rods made, for example, from wire rod with a diameter of 6 mm. Although there are many options.

Barbecue legs made of smooth fittings

You can add a collapsible barbecue frying device with various convenient devices. For example, handles for lifting the entire structure in the form of rings welded by electric welding or bolted to the end walls. You can do without handles by making slots for the fingers. Today, braziers in the form of barbecues are popular, that is, equipped with a lid and a net on which meat, poultry or fish are placed.

Video description

The video shows a folding brazier-book:

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer installation of stoves and fireplaces, as well as various turnkey metal structures. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".


As an example, one type of collapsible brazier was considered: its drawings with dimensions, manufacturing and assembly technology. The main task of the manufacturer of works is to choose the correct dimensions of the structure and coordinate them with the customer. If you have any specific requirements, then it is advisable to discuss them with the master - the convenience of further use of the barbecue and the quality of cooking depend on this.

Metal brazier is the easiest to manufacture. Therefore, it is the most common, especially among those people who like to do something with their own hands and constantly relax in the country or in nature.


Braziers made of metal are:

Portable can be fully or partially collapsible.

Folding products

The first type is a single structure that can be folded into portable case. Such metal barbecues are designed for tourists. Therefore, their features are:

  • small sizes;
  • relatively low weight.

Most of the drawings of such barbecues provide for a brazier with dimensions of 45x26x16 cm (LxWxH). For a large company, it is not very suitable, because it will take a very long time to cook the barbecue.

Another feature of the correct folding braziers is a special material. They are used for their manufacture thin fire-resistant stainless steel. At the same time, all loops are also made from it with their own hands. Thanks to this, the brazier turns out to be quite light in weight.

Stainless steel is very easy to clean from soot. It is enough to wipe with a cloth, and its mirror appearance returns. Therefore, a folding brazier can be put in a backpack and not worry that something inside will become dirty.

Folding braziers are also made of sheet metal. They may have the above dimensions, and may also be larger. The products are a little heavy and therefore suitable for short trips. Such designs are a good option in cases where there is very little space in the car.

Collapsible and stationary models

Portable fully collapsible barbecues can also be folded compactly. However, compactness will be worse than that of folding ones. After all, the scheme provides for large-sized parts. At the same time, the creators use racks with a height of 1 m. They are much larger than similar elements of a folding barbecue. Due to their large size and height, collapsible portable braziers create great comfort while cooking barbecue.

Partially collapsible models and their sketches provide for the possibility of removing the legs. The brazier is an integral design.

Stationary ones have a large mass, and they can only be carried around the courtyard. They are distinguished by a large number of decorating beautiful elements. Many of them are . Such braziers have almost the same brazier as in collapsible structures. All other elements are beautifully designed and depend on the imagination of the creator. Often such barbecues resemble characters from fairy tales, a train, cars and any other items. Many stationary braziers are built into a frame with a roof.

Ideal Model

Its features depend on the shape of the brazier. Each form has its own optimal dimensions.

The drawing of an ideal classic rectangular metal brazier has the following features:

  1. Width - 250 mm. This is enough to accommodate 6-8 pieces of meat. With this value, all pieces, including those in the middle, receive heat from the longitudinal side walls. This heat is necessary for the formation of a golden crust. If you make the width larger, then the middle pieces will be without a crust.
  2. Length - about 1 m. This takes into account that one skewer should account for 8-12 cm. A margin of 5 cm on both sides is also taken into account. It turns out that 8 skewers can be placed in a meter barbecue. This is enough for an average company. You should not make a long length, because the cook will have to run from one end to the other. It is more convenient to stay in one place.
  3. Height - 200 mm. The optimal height is 150 mm. However, firewood is different and gives off its own amount of heat.
  4. Vertical cutouts in the longitudinal side walls. Their length should be 50 mm. This value will allow you to select the height of the skewers, depending on the type of firewood. The meat should be 30-70 mm from the coals.
  5. Holes in the bottom. There must be many. The diameter of each hole should be 10-15 mm. The distance between holes and rows of holes should be 20-30 mm. Drawings of an ideal brazier may include a mesh bottom. This option is better, since the air flow to the coals increases. The mesh should be made of wire with a diameter greater than 4 mm.
  6. Thickness metal walls - 2 mm and even better 4-6 mm. This will ensure a long service life and the creation of the necessary heat for cooking barbecue.
  7. The height of the entire structure depends on the height of the cook. In most cases - 1 m.

Read also: Multifunctional brazier from improvised materials

How to make the perfect model

First you need draw your own drawing. At the same time, the above rules are observed. The drawing will allow you to determine the dimensions of each side wall. During its drawing, they are determined with the implementation of the possibility of parsing the barbecue. If possible, then the length of the side walls should be increased by 2 cm. These additional centimeters will be curved edges. That is, 1 cm of each of the sides that will adjoin the racks will need to be bent at an angle of 90 °. 1 cm of the bottom edge of the sides of any brazier also needs to be bent. Do it inside the structure.

According to the drawn up drawing cut sheet metal and a profile pipe or corners. Holes are drilled in the bottom. Slots are made in the longitudinal side walls. In the case of a fully collapsible structure, two long openings are made in the racks. Their length should be equal to the height of the brazier. Imaginary lines that will pass through the openings should form a right angle.

If a non-separable brazier is created with your own hands, then the sidewalls are first welded. Next, racks are welded to them. You may or may not weld. This will improve the portability of the design. In this case, each pair of racks must be made in the form of the letter "H". In this case, the ends of the racks should be 1-2 cm higher than the horizontal partition. For reliable fixation, 4 protruding metal squares with dimensions of 2x2 cm can be welded to the sides of the brazier at the level of the top of the racks. These squares and racks will need to be fastened with hooks in the shape of the letter “P”.

For extra stability, you can make the ends of the posts sharp to drive them into the ground.

Throat Model

Such a brazier resembles a large bottle. The design consists of three parts:

  1. wide cylinder. Its height is 180-200 mm.
  2. cut cone. Height - 100-150 mm.
  3. narrow cylinder. It has a height equal to 100-150 mm.

The bottom part has a lot of holes in it. They are not only in the bottom, but also in the side walls. The upper ones are made at a height of 130 mm. The presence of side holes is a very interesting feature. Proper braziers should not have such holes, since a lot of oxygen enters the meat through them. It changes the chemical processes in the meat, and the dish is not the way it should be.

However, in the case of cooking meat on this grill, this is not the case because so much firewood is burned in the brazier that the side holes are blocked by coals. With the gradual smoldering of coals, the holes will become free, but until this moment the process of cooking meat is completed. As a result, some of the wood is wasted.

Outdoor barbecue - an opportunity to spend time in the warm company of family and friends and to please loved ones a variety of dishes of meat and vegetables on the coals.

The model of the barbecue oven depends on the frequency of use and the place of its installation. Owners of a private house erect a stone oven in their garden. This option can even serve as a summer kitchen.

Outdoor enthusiasts choose mobile devices for a picnic. For barbecue outdoors metal barbecues are perfect.

Homemade metal barbecue

Metal furnaces at home are made stationary, folding or collapsible. The stationary oven is additionally equipped with shelves, folding and collapsible models are convenient to put in the trunk of a car and go out into the countryside.

metal barbecue easy to do independently, having determined the terms of its use.

Advantages of metal products

Metal products have a number of advantages over options from other materials:

  1. mobile prefabricated or folding structure;
  2. democracy furnaces - the possibility of using improvised materials;
  3. ease of maintenance, compactness during storage;
  4. ability keep warm;
  5. strength.


It is worth noting the disadvantages of metal barbecues:

  1. When stored outdoors or in a room with high humidity, the product is exposed to corrosion.
  2. Furnaces not intended for installation indoors.
  3. Side walls and bottom of the barbecue burn out quickly if its fabricate a metal sheet of thickness 1-2 mm.

How to make a barbecue with your own hands? Product design and drawing

Barbecue at home can be made:

  • from sheet steel 3 mm thick;
  • from metal barrels(it is recommended to use a food barrel);
  • from gas balloon;
  • from washing machine drum.

Regardless of the intended material of manufacture, they first think over the design of the product. Easy to work with drawing sketch.

Photo 1. For example, the simplest drawing of a metal barbecue.

The host is determined with dimensions ovens. The parameters are determined based on the amount of food that is planned to be cooked. They focus on the convenience and correctness of the preparation of products.

Reference. Barbecue suitable for home use 30-100 cm wide and depth 15-20 cm. For example, for ten skewers, the optimal oven width is 100 cm.

The manufacturing scheme is compiled independently or taken ready-made from the Internet. The dimensions of the parts are indicated on the drawing so as not to be distracted by measurements in the process of work.

Material selection

Best for oven making Sheet steel. But it is easier to make it from materials that already have the desired shape. Barbecue-shaped items are barrel or bottle from propane.

Barbecue from a metal barrel or cylinder. A photo

A used barrel or cylinder is first processed. They are pre-fried for removal of harmful substances, cleared of paint.

Photo 2. The barrel is cut in half, for safety reasons, the sharp edges are bent and smoothed.

Photo 3. With galvanized metal railings and a welded handle, the former barrel already looks a bit like a barbecue.

Photo 4. Shelves made of wooden boards give the structure a finished look, the barbecue is ready to use.

Required Tools

For this manufacturing option you will need:

  • welding machine(in case of inability to use welding, the parts are fastened with bolts);
  • drill;
  • grinder, electric jigsaw;
  • bolts, wrenches, screwdriver;
  • metal corners, fasteners, hinges;
  • roulette, square;
  • metallic barrel or bottle.

To protect against injury during work use a mask, goggles, gloves.

Manufacturing steps

  1. Barrel cut in half.
  2. Build a stand for the convenience of further work. The stand will serve as barbecue legs. To do this, take pipes with a diameter no more than 50 mm and fittings. The height of the legs is selected individually. The dimensions of the stand are calculated in accordance with the parameters of the stand.
  3. Clean up the cuts from irregularities and frame them with metal corners.
  4. Attach the grate where the food will be cooked.
  5. The second half of the barrel will serve as a lid. To her welded pre-prepared overlays, fasten the loops and connect both halves. On the lid attach wooden handle.
  6. On a stand attach wooden or metal countertop.
  7. Burning the oven from the inside. To do this, pour 0.5-1 l of diesel fuel set on fire and wait until the fire burns out completely. After cooling, the barbecue is washed from soot, dried. The last step is to cover the finished product with heat-resistant paint.

Important! Ventilation holes are drilled on the bottom of the barbecue at a distance no more than 5 cm, start and finish drilling in 2 cm from the end wall.

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Sheet metal barbecue. Scheme and dimensions

For the construction of a furnace from sheet steel, you will need tools above. Instead of a barrel or cylinder, they take a sheet of metal.

Photo 5. Approximate scheme - such details are to be cut out of a sheet of metal.

  • endure previously made drawing from paper to metal. With the help of a grinder cut out details side plates, covers and bottoms.
  • The edges details are welded welding machine. Drill perforation is done on the side walls. The distance between holes is no more than 50 mm.
  • With the help of loops cover attached.
  • Legs are mounted from metal corners. If you wish for them weld the countertop.
  • Attach the grate for frying and make cuts for skewers.

Collapsible models are made in the same way, only bolts are used instead of welding.

Photo 6. Sawing a sheet of steel with a grinder should be done very carefully. In order for the cutting line to be even, you can use another metal strip.

How to place a barbecue on the site?

The stove or barbecue is located in the yard in the recreation area. The furniture is placed so that the barbecue can be approached from two sides. Then it is convenient to cook together, and the safety rule is followed. In the event of a fire, it will be possible to leave the dangerous area.

Carefully! A metal barbecue quickly heats up, with careless handling you can get burn.

If the area does not allow arranging garden furniture around the barbecue, a path is made to it. The path can be paved with bricks. Recreation area space should not be slippery, especially during rain, so it is covered with gravel or rubble.

Everyone's favorite summer dish is barbecue. These juicy pieces with a crispy crust and an appetizing “smoke” flavor are prepared by stringing pre-marinated meat on sharp rods - skewers, frying on hot coals laid on the bottom of the grill. The design of the brazier itself is usually a metal box on legs with perforations for air circulation and small recesses on the walls for the convenience of laying skewers.

Types of metal barbecues

Based on the dimensions of the barbecue are divided into:

  • stationary;
  • portable.

Stationary barbecues equip in suburban areas. Often they are made with forging elements, trimmed with stone or installed on a brick base. This adds to the appearance of aesthetics and exclusivity. If the brazier is equipped with a canopy or installed in a gazebo, then it is possible to cook kebabs and other dishes on it in almost any weather.

Used in hiking, when going out into nature. They differ in small size and weight. Often such barbecues are folded into a metal suitcase.

The simplest model of a portable barbecue is two metal frames on which skewers are placed. The disadvantage of small portable barbecues is the inability to cook a large number of servings of barbecue at the same time.

More complex, but also heavier models can be supplemented with a small pull-out table, grates, and adjustable airflow. But such advanced options have an impressive weight, so it is much more comfortable to transport them in a private car than to carry them manually.

If we classify the braziers according to the thickness of the metal from which they are made, then the braziers are divided into:

  1. - thin-walled;
  2. - thick-walled.

thin-walled usually make portable barbecues. Steel of small thickness makes it possible to lighten the models, but the durability of the structure suffers. In thin-walled barbecues, you can use only ready-made coals purchased in stores or prepared in advance on a fire. If you cook coals directly in the metal box of the structure, the steel will quickly burn out and the brazier will become unusable.

thick-walled usually make stationary models. For this, steel with a thickness of more than four millimeters is used. Such options are significantly more expensive, but the service life is much longer than that of barbecues with thin walls.

A standard brazier has a rectangular cross section, however, you can make a device for frying barbecue with your own hands from a gas cylinder or an old barrel. But the use of a container for fuels and lubricants is not recommended. The main thing is that the thickness of the metal is sufficient for the possibility of long-term use of the structure.

In addition to the barrel itself, you will need: a welding machine, grinder, drill, metal corners.

1. We make markings and cut off the upper half of the barrel with a grinder, leaving the ends in place. We will subsequently make a cover from the cut off part.

2. We make legs for the barbecue from metal corners. We cut the corners into four identical parts and weld them to the end of the barrel.

3. We measure the length of the barrel and cut off two corners equal to this length. They will serve as a support for skewers. We make cuts on the corners every 4-6 centimeters (guides for skewers) and weld them onto the inside of the barrel.

4. Metal hinges and two handles must be welded to the lid. This will protect the brazier and coals in case of rain.

Do-it-yourself non-separable metal grill

A collapsible brazier consists of: four legs, the same number of rectangular walls with perforation and a bottom.

Before starting work, we carry out a drawing and prepare materials.

Necessary materials:

  1. steel sheet;
  2. metal corners or rods with nuts, from which we will make barbecue legs;
  3. welding machine and electrodes;
  4. drill;
  5. grinder with cutting wheels or a hacksaw.

It is more convenient to make a drawing of the future barbecue on sheets in a cage. Be sure to indicate the length of the legs, the dimensions of the brazier itself, indicate the distance between the perforations on the walls and the guide chamfers for the skewers. The optimal number of chamfers is 8 pieces. The distance between the holes for ventilation of the bottom should be chosen from 7 to 10 cm, it is better to place them at a height of 5-10 cm from the bottom of the barbecue. The length of the legs is chosen individually.

Work order:

  1. On sheet metal, we mark the walls and bottom of the barbecue. We take the thickness of the metal 1.5-2 mm, but it can be thicker, this will increase the service life and ensure optimal heating of coals and food.
  2. By marking, we cut the metal with a grinder or a hacksaw for metal.
  3. We drill perforations on the walls.
  4. With a grinder or a hacksaw, we make cuts on the upper edges of the walls of the barbecue.
  5. By welding we connect the bottom and walls of the brazier.
  6. To make legs, metal corners are sharpened at one end, cutting off part of the metal at an angle. This is necessary so that the brazier enters the ground more easily.
  7. By welding we connect the corners and the metal box.

If the legs are made of metal rods, then 4 identical nuts are welded to the corners of the bottom of the barbecue, the rods are divided into four parts, each of which is threaded. Thus, a brazier with collapsible legs is obtained, which can be unscrewed if necessary.

Another option for collapsible legs is metal corners with holes for bolts, with which they can be screwed to the brazier box, and after use, unscrew and fold. But for this you have to wait for the metal to cool after cooking.

If the legs are long enough, it is advisable to connect them in pairs with metal jumpers to strengthen the structure.

Do-it-yourself collapsible metal grill

To make a fully collapsible metal brazier, a welding machine is not needed. But a drill, drills, a hacksaw or a grinder with cutting discs, bolts and nuts, a steel sheet 1.5-2 mm thick, metal corners for legs, and a tape measure will come in handy.

The first two points of work are the same as when performing a non-separable brazier - drawing and cutting out the details of the brazier from a steel sheet. But when performing a collapsible barbecue, you should add 3-4 centimeters to the joints.

Collapsible metal brazier - scheme

On the side and end walls of the brazier, we make small cuts and bend the sheets so that it becomes possible to join the corners and lay the bottom.

For a strong connection of parts during cooking, we drill holes for screws in the side edges.

We make the legs from pointed corners in a similar way, drilling holes in the walls to connect the walls of the barbecue and the legs with bolts.

The last point is the assembly of the finished structure.

Folding metal brazier

The design of a folding metal brazier is similar to the design of a non-separable brazier. The section is rectangular. The difference is that the walls of the brazier are not welded to each other, but are connected by movable furniture skirts, which allows you to fold the brazier after use. In order to prevent the walls from folding by themselves, we attach metal hooks to the upper part of the walls by welding.

This type of grill is very convenient for transportation.

Corrosion protection

It is desirable to protect any metal structure from corrosion, then it will last longer, and the appearance will be much more attractive.

Only special heat-resistant paints can be used to paint the brazier. They are sold in car dealerships in the form of an aerosol (such paints are applied to a car muffler).

Instead of painting, you can change the structure of the metal. Oxidation or bluing is a process in which a black heat-resistant film is formed on the surface of the metal. For bluing, the surface of metal parts is pre-cleaned and degreased, then the metal is kept at a temperature of 140 degrees in a solution of caustic soda (50 grams per liter of water) for one and a half to two hours.