Ways to add an extension to a house. Extension to the house: photos of chic design solutions. Building an extension to the house with your own hands: step-by-step instructions with important notes

One of the advantages of living in the private sector is the opportunity self-construction in my own way own project– you can build a house of any size (of course, within available area land plot) and then, if necessary, increase it in size. If the strength of the foundation allows, the house can be increased in height or, conversely, increased in length or width - so to speak, make an extension to it, which will be discussed in this article. Together with the site, we will look at the materials and technologies that will allow us to independently solve the question of how to make an extension to the house? And we’ll start by studying materials, where we’ll figure out which materials are best used and under what circumstances.

How to make an extension to a house with your own hands photo

How to make an extension to a house: choosing materials

In general, there is one iron rule that is better not to break. It sounds like this: what the house is built from is what you need to make an extension to it from. At least, this was the case in the past, when the choice of building materials and technologies was limited to brick, other blocks and clay. Today, during advanced technological progress, things are a little different - there are technologies that make it possible to violate this rule, and rudely. Now it’s easy to wooden house can be attached brick building, veneer with the same and get a solid-looking structure. In general, it is not at all necessary to become attached to the old building in terms of material.

Now, in more detail about the most popular materials, with which you can quite simply solve the question of how to make an extension to the house with your own hands?

  1. Blocks of various formats and bricks. There is no point in dividing them into separate subgroups, since the technology for using them is, in general, the same type - a foundation is erected, on which the walls of the extension are laid block by block, brick by brick. The only point that distinguishes this whole matter is the properties and qualities of the materials - this is important, and it is imperative to take them into account when choosing materials. Let's start with the classics - . Strong, durable material - considering it is quite expensive. Moreover, the brick is enough cold material, which will additionally have to be insulated, and this will add to the cost of the extension. In addition, this material requires a solid foundation. In this regard, it looks much more attractive - its price is a couple of times lower, the blocks are larger and the material itself is much warmer. Where the brick will need to be laid out in three rows, it is enough to lay the cinder block in two rows. Aerated concrete looks even more attractive - it is lightweight, and the question of how to properly build an extension to a house can be solved even on a shallow (0.5 meter) foundation. Moreover, it is a very warm and porous material, which, with a thickness of 200 mm, is capable of effectively retaining heat in rooms. After plastering, it acquires very decent strength, which makes the structure reliable. In principle, we can consider other block materials– for example, shell rock is often used; it has shown itself to be quite good in terms of preserving heat in rooms (popularly called sawdust concrete).

    How to make an extension to a house photo

  2. . Today, this is the most optimal option not only for extensions, but also for the construction of private houses in general - the essence of this technology is the production of wooden and metal frame followed by covering it like this sheet material, How . Insulation is placed inside the frame, which makes the structure very warm. By and large, this is now the cheapest technology, which, among other things, boasts simplicity and a very fast pace of construction. The only thing that a frame extension cannot boast of is its durability. Although, who knows - with proper technology and proper care, it can last for about a century. About how to do frame extension to the house, we'll talk a little further.

In addition to the options described above, you can consider the technology of building an extension using the method monolithic concreting. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to use real heavy concrete for these purposes - the best option In such a case, the so-called cinder concrete may turn out to be. Slag houses are very warm in winter and cool in summer - they are durable and can last for a very long time.

How to properly make the foundation of an extension to a house: features

The main problem in making the foundation of an extension is connecting the new and old foundations. If it is done incorrectly or not done at all, then no matter how you join the walls of two separate buildings, a crack will still appear at the place where they join. Moreover, end-to-end, with all the ensuing consequences - heat loss, condensation formation and, as a consequence, the appearance of fungus and mold in this place. In general, it’s not very pleasant. That's why special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the following points.

In principle, these three nuances will be quite enough to reliably connect two foundations together. Alternatively, if, of course, you can get to the bottom of the base existing house, the extensions can be added a little under it.

How to make an extension to a brick house: nuances of joining walls

Dock to a brick or any other block house frame structure not a problem at all - vertical beam wooden frame or the profile of the metal frame of the building is simply attached to the wall of the building using anchors and that’s it! There are practically no nuances here - except perhaps maintaining the vertical level of this beam and sealing the joint. The last operation is performed either using polyurethane foam, or by means of the so-called PSUL tape (pre-compressed sealing tape).

How to make an extension to brick house photo

Another thing is joining a brick or block building with a similar house. Here things are somewhat more complicated, and you cannot do without special embedded parts or ligaments. Provide reliable connection walls without ligating the blocks is possible only by driving iron embedded parts every 4-5 rows of blocks. Holes are drilled in the wall of the existing building (two, one on each side of the block at a distance of 3 cm from the edge) - reinforcement is driven into them, which should protrude from the wall of the house by at least 30 cm. When it fits new block, the cement will reliably connect the two walls into a single whole product. As an option, again, you can use a hammer drill to make potholes, which, when paired with reinforcement, will provide a reliable connection between the two block walls with each other.

How to make an extension to a wooden house photo

And in conclusion to the topic of how to make an extension to a house, a few words about connecting walls with a block or brick extension. This combination of buildings is also common, and it would be useful to know how they are connected. In fact, you will have to make a metal girth for the blocks - it is attached to the wall wooden house using powerful self-tapping screws and is some kind of channel, into which a block or brick wall. By and large, this is the same option that is used to join wooden extension to a brick house, only exactly the opposite.

Reading time ≈ 10 minutes

Building extensions to a wooden house with your own hands is becoming very popular in lately, as can be seen from the huge number of projects with photos. Indeed, owners of private houses often face the question of expanding space, and the best solution in this case it becomes an extension. Among other things, an extension can radically transform the appearance of the house, making it more modern, cozy and attractive.

Option for a closed glazed extension

Types of extensions by shape and purpose

By appearance and, accordingly, according to their functional purpose, extensions are divided into several types:

  1. Additional full room in the house.
  2. Open/closed veranda.
  3. Porch.

Let's look at each type in more detail with their advantages and disadvantages.

Various options for extensions to a residential building.

Full room

IN in this case an additional full-fledged room is being built, suitable for year-round residence. It can also be used as:

  • utility room;
  • garage;
  • pantry;
  • winter garden;
  • summer kitchen;
  • additional bathroom;
  • guest house.

An extension used as a garage.

For construction, wooden beams, bricks or foam blocks with insulation are most often used.

Advantages of this type:

  • significant increase usable area Houses;
  • ease of communication (electricity, heating) from the main building;
  • ease of refurbishment of the room, if necessary, for another function.

Construction of an extension from wooden beam.

Well done, beautiful extension can advantageously complement the exterior of the house. However, there are also disadvantages to this solution. For example, you will need to do reliable foundation and spend money on high-quality insulation, which will be reflected in the cost of the entire project.

Also, for the addition of a full-fledged room, you will need to allocate quite a lot of space, which is not always possible for owners of small plots.

An extension made of logs in the form of a full-fledged living room.

Enclosed veranda

Usually this unheated room with walls made of brick or timber, fully glazed. Due to the lack of heating, it is used only in the warm season.

Spacious glassed room.

Design advantages:

  • the ability to implement almost any design;
  • glass buildings look very impressive and advantageous;
  • in summer you can relax on the closed veranda even in strong winds and rain;
  • glazing protects against annoying insects.

There are few disadvantages to this design, but they still need to be taken into account:

  • a large glass area means the need for frequent and thorough cleaning;
  • The glass-covered structure does not give that feeling of being on fresh air, which many expect from the veranda.

A fully glazed veranda looks very original and stylish.

Another complete example glass veranda in the photo:

A glass terrace can become a real highlight of the house.

Construction of a terrace and a house from different materials can also be turned into an advantage. For example, in the photo below, the extension is made of different materials in different color scheme, but it looks simply magical:

A snow-white closed terrace near a gray house.

Open veranda

A simple, practical and functional frame structure, which has recently become very popular. Open veranda looks great in tandem with a wooden house.

Outdoor terrace with beautiful views of the lake.

Advantages of open design:

  • much smaller financial investments for construction using minimal materials;
  • the opportunity to stay outdoors;
  • the need for a smaller building area than for a full-fledged residential room;
  • ease of installation;
  • functionality and convenience.

An open terrace with one glazed wall.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth remembering that the use is strictly seasonal. Moreover, in too cold summer weather, when strong wind or in the rain, staying on the veranda will be uncomfortable. In addition, insects will torment you in the evening.

The veranda adds completeness to the exterior of the house.


Looks like several support pillars and roofing material and serves to protect the space from rain and snow. The porch is the simplest, but at the same time the least functional option extension, which serves a largely decorative role. However, if you install chairs on it, coffee table, small shop, the porch may well replace the gazebo.

A miniature porch with a bench and an armchair.

Design advantages:

  • ease of construction;
  • low financial costs;
  • no need for a solid foundation;
  • transformation of the façade of the building.

Obviously, in bad weather conditions you won’t be able to relax on the porch, and it will only be possible to use it in the warm season. Together with little functionality, these are all disadvantages of this type extensions.

Spacious porch front door.

Most often, the porch is located on the front of the building, through which residents and guests of the house get inside. However, it is not necessary to build a porch at the front door. If you place the extension in the backyard, you will get a cozy enclosed patio. Space can be expanded comfortable furniture, table, hammock and turn it into a place for a summer dining room, playground, a space for friendly gatherings and romantic dinners.

The porch in the backyard of the house serves as a favorite place to relax.

Materials for building an extension

You can build a terrace or room from various materials- this is even with a wooden house structure modern materials will look harmonious thanks to the finishing.

When choosing materials for an extension, it is worth moving away from the common stereotype that the house and the extension should be made of the same material. Of course, an extension is a harmonious continuation of the house, but a combination of different materials can look more advantageous and interesting.

Most often, the following materials are used to construct an extension:

  1. Beam. Practical, environmentally friendly, aesthetic and very durable material. Thanks to special impregnation, the wood is resistant to pests, rot and fungus. When building from timber, it is necessary to have expansion joint between buildings. The walls and roof are erected in the same way as the main living space.
  2. Brick. Natural, durable material for the construction of extensions.
  3. Foam block. Extremely common now, durable, affordable material with excellent thermal insulation properties. An additional advantage is fast construction premises thanks large sizes blocks. It is convenient to build additional rooms from foam blocks and closed verandas. The disadvantage is the mandatory need for exterior decoration due to the unaesthetic appearance of the blocks.
  4. An extension made of foam blocks does not require such a solid and powerful foundation (a columnar one is sufficient), but a brick and cobblestone structure in mandatory involves laying high-quality strip foundation to avoid distortions and deformations under the weight of the brick.

  5. Frame. This option is the least expensive in terms of finances and time resources. Using the frame you can build a terrace, veranda or porch. The method involves making a wooden or metal frame, which is then finished chipboards(OSB), and insulated special material(foam plastic, mineral wool, etc.). Frame structures Due to their lightness, they are excellent for the construction of two-story buildings.
  6. Polycarbonate. This material is used in the construction frame buildings. This material is extremely popular now due to the following properties: ease of use, lightness and strength, aesthetics, the ability to build any extension geometric shape. It can only be used for

The roof of the extension, made of polycarbonate, provides high natural light to the extension.

Main stages of construction

Before you start building an extension to a wooden house with your own hands, it is worth studying in detail ready-made projects with photos and draw up a work plan. What it should include:

  • location of the extension;
  • type and design of the extension;
  • type of foundation (based on the previous paragraph);
  • list of necessary construction and finishing materials;
  • supplying communications (minimum electricity);
  • budget calculation (which includes, in addition to the cost of materials, also transportation costs and wages of employees).

When drawing up a project for a future building, it is necessary to indicate the following aspects: soil composition, level of freezing and moisture absorption, condition of the walls and foundation of the main building.

Laying the foundation

For verandas, a columnar type of foundation is most often used, and if the building is quite large, pillars need to be laid every 60 cm around the perimeter.

Work progress:

  1. Holes are dug to a depth of 100 cm. The depth of the holes must exceed the freezing depth of the soil.
  2. A cushion of layers of sand and crushed stone is placed at the bottom.
  3. The pits are filled with concrete mortar.
  4. Since the veranda is being built for a wooden house, we construct support posts from beams.

Veranda foundation with finished bottom trim.

Construction of the frame

After laying the foundation, you can begin to build the frame of the building:

  1. First, the lower trim is mounted, the corners of which are fastened with a connection like “ dovetail" Dowels or nails are used to fasten the entire structure. The bottom trim can also be made double and the racks of the future veranda can be placed on it.
  2. Support beams are installed. At the wall of the veranda adjacent to the main room, the posts should be higher to construct a pitched roof.
  3. Keep in mind that a roof angle of 45-60° almost doubles the consumption of roofing material. At this angle, the wind resistance of the coating is expressed, but, on the other hand, the roof is well cleared of precipitation.

  4. If the veranda should be closed, cross beams will determine the height of the windows.
  5. The installation of the frame is completed by installing the top trim.

Frame of a wooden veranda.

When using timber, its cross-section should be 10*10 or 18*8 cm, but if a log is used, then the cross-section should not be more than 12*12 cm.

Roof and flooring

For verandas attached to the house, pitched roofs are most often used. If the extension is located at the end of the building, it is advisable to use gable roof. TO top harness rafters and sheathing are attached, onto which the roofing material is then laid.

Types of roofing for the roof:

Practical asbestos-cement slate roof.

To arrange the floor, logs with a distance of no more than 1 m are installed on the lower frame, on which a board is placed. Self-tapping screws are used for fastening. The board must be soaked special solution to prevent fungal infections.

If the veranda is supposed to be open, the floor should have a very small angle for water to drain.

Finally, the building needs to be furnished with furniture, decor, and flowers to suit your taste.

After arranging the furniture and decor, the veranda looks very nice and cozy.

As you can see, to build a beautiful, modern extension building a wooden house with your own hands is actually not so difficult, focusing on ready-made projects and photos. If you have certain knowledge and skills, you can do it on your own and hire professionals. But in any case, an extension is a great opportunity to expand the space, transform the house and make it even more comfortable!

You can watch the video on how to build an extension:

The desire to increase your country house Over time, it appears in almost every owner of a private home. AND great solution in this matter would be an extension to an existing house.

Begin construction work from drawing up a project, where it is worth drawing a clear plan of the planned object, thinking through the connection of all premises with existing house, choose the type of structures, foundation and decide which ones building materials will be used. The correct development of the project stage will determine financial expenses during construction. At this stage, it is also worth deciding on the nature of the use of this building, namely, whether it will be seasonal or year-round, and also decide how many storeys the new building will have.

There are several common types of extensions that can be classified according to their purpose.

Summer room (kitchen or veranda).

Such an extension is usually one-story and is used in warm time year. It is convenient for spending time together, family dinners, relaxation, etc. Of course, a lung or shallow foundation, preferably independent from the main building of the house.

Such a structure usually has pitched roof(Fig. 1, 2). It is recommended to use metal tiles or polycarbonate as roofing materials. In this case, it makes no sense to do thermal insulation, because the room will not be used in winter. It is worth noting that minimum angle the roof slope is 8°, you cannot do less, otherwise leaks will appear after rain and snowfalls.

Living room and attic, if the extension is two-story (Fig. 3, 4).

In this case, a more thorough approach will be required for constructing the foundation, erecting permanent walls and roofs, as well as installing waterproofing and thermal insulation materials, supply of all utilities.

Particular attention should be paid to the thermal insulation of walls, roof and floor, taking into account that the extension will be used in the cold season, and accordingly heating.

Before starting construction, you need to consider the condition of the house. The pairing of roofing and foundation structures will depend on this criterion. And it is worth considering that due to the difference in the magnitude of the load that the main structure and the extension will exert on the ground, there is a high probability that over time they will move relative to each other.

Another option for an extension to the house could be a separate building, closely adjacent to the main one., which quite often becomes the only possible

due to the fact that old house may not withstand the reconstruction of the roof, and this will compromise the stability of the entire structure.

Also the extension may differ in the type of foundation. Usually, a separate foundation is arranged for an extension, which is connected to the base of the old house using embedded reinforcement.

Of course more correct option- This is the general foundation that is laid at the stage of building a house. However, this happens quite rarely, and therefore it is worth ensuring maximum similarity of the foundations in terms of material and depth.

The most constructive and competent solution may be a separate foundation for the extension. The most common in this regard today is the foundation on screw piles(Fig. 5, 6). After screwing into the ground, the piles are combined into a single grillage by welding several metal channels or wooden beams. This results in a separate and independent foundation that will not be connected in any way to the main house, since the existing foundation can continue to move downwards, which can lead to deformation of the structure.

At the same time, between two buildings a minimum of possible distance, i.e. a technological gap that is filled with thermal insulation and waterproofing materials.

An extension to the house can be made according to frame technology or from a wooden beam (Fig. 5, 6).

Frame technology the most acceptable, since it is light in weight and consists of the construction of a frame made of wooden beams and filled with insulation. For example, these can be SIP panels, which in cross-section represent a three-layer “pie” of two load-bearing surfaces (usually OSB), between which foamed polystyrene foam is pressed, where the thickness of the insulation can be different, so you can select panels for any climatic region. In this case, no cladding is required additional materials, which will reduce construction costs.

It will be enough interior painting panels varnished. It is also worth saying that a timber extension to a wooden house can be of two types: three walls and a fourth load-bearing one, which is already in the house, or three walls, which is the most reasonable in terms of material consumption. If planned winter accommodation, then it is worth using a material whose cross-section is at least 150 x 150 or 200 x 200 mm.

This type of timber is quite heavy, but it will also last longer. After the walls are erected, the remaining cracks must be sealed, otherwise it will be very cold in the extension. This can be done using modern insulation materials based on basalt wool or polyurethane foam.

Many owners country houses and dachas from time to time they redevelop the plots with their own hands. But sometimes you have to touch the house too. If it needs expansion, then an extension - ideal option increase usable area. At the same time, it can perform completely different functions and be located not only at the main entrance. Projects for extensions are developed taking into account the specific features of their operation.

Types of buildings

Before choosing an extension project with your own hands, you should decide on its functional purpose. Usually attached to the house the following types buildings:

For each type of extension, it is necessary to calculate the amount of materials and draw up a plan.

Types of residential extension structures

There are several basic options for DIY home extensions:

The first option is considered not only the easiest from a technical point of view, but also the most budget-friendly. He assumes that the roof of the main building remains in place, only slightly extending by the size of the extension to the house. The main building is being completed on one side or both. Then a passage is made between them so that total area buildings increased by the amount of the new building.

Room mansard type it will be more expensive, since it is supposed to carry out an add-on.

The third option for adding a house extension with your own hands involves your own roof. Otherwise, the structure resembles a side structure. A separate roof increases the consumption of material, so the extension will cost more and will take a little longer to build.

An extension to the second floor is carried out only if the foundation of the house allows it. If the building was not initially planned to be multi-story, then problems with its completion are possible. The foundation may simply not be able to withstand the additional load. In some cases it can be strengthened.

Designing a new premises

By law, any functional room is considered a do-it-yourself addition to a house. A balcony, loggia, winter garden or extra bedroom - all this will be considered an extension. The required elements of its design are:

  • foundation;
  • walls.

Unlike the main building, there may be no ceilings. Design solutions for roofing an extension with your own hands are the following:

It is recommended to build the foundation of the building separately, since the structures are operated under different loads.
At the design stage, it is very important to consider the compatibility of the new building with the old one. A do-it-yourself extension should not create obstacles to the communications that run through the site. If you plan to make multi-level buildings, then you need to take into account that this will delay snow masses. Therefore, they should be further strengthened to avoid subsidence of the foundation.

Base design

When increasing the usable area of ​​an existing building in the horizontal direction, it is unprofitable to build a slab or strip buried foundation. The most economical foundation designs are:

If preference is given to pile or columnar base, then you need to do additional protection the lower part of the structure from freezing. For this purpose you can use basement siding with an inner layer of insulation in the form of basalt wool or expanded polystyrene.

Wall design

When drafting an extension, you should decide in advance on the material for the walls. For frame or panel construction use a sandwich:

  • OSB sheets with a layer of expanded polystyrene or stone wool;
  • internal membrane for vapor barrier;
  • external film for waterproofing.

Laying lightweight blocks - aerated concrete or foam blocks - will cost a little more. If preference is given to the latter, then it should be taken into account that even walls made of the highest quality foam concrete are often covered with a network of cracks. Therefore, the facade will need to be plastered over the reinforcing mesh with a special compound.

Roof design

When designing an extension to a house with your own hands, you need to calculate the reliability of the elements of the rafter system, their configuration and select a step for their placement. If the height of the walls is the same, then the supports can be based on existing power structures. The rafters of a lower extension to a two-story building should rest on columns located near the walls of the main building.

Most often, the roof slope of the house closest to the extension is dismantled. Elements of the rafter system are replaced with new ones that are longer.

Alternatively, you can disassemble roofing pie, but do not dismantle the rafters. They are erecting for a new building pitched roof. Strengthen rafter system possible with racks.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

Private house over time, it needs expansion - there is a need to expand the kitchen, add a veranda or arrange an additional room. Therefore, the owner of the house has a question - how to make an extension to the house with your own hands? Below are the stages of construction using frame technology.

Advantages of frame technology

A frame extension to a house has important advantages:

  • low cost and minimal amount of building materials;
  • work is completed quickly;
  • there is no need to build a massive foundation.

Schemes and drawings of the extension project are understandable to any novice builder. The technology is similar to assembling a construction set, but the end result is a comfortable and cozy additional room.

Preparatory work

Construction of an extension to the house begins with preparatory activities. Carefully inspect the construction site, remove all debris and vegetation from it, mark the area and stock up the following materials and tools:

  • metal pipes for supports;
  • components for concrete mixture- sand, cement, gravel;
  • self-tapping screws, nails, metal corner for fastening;
  • boards for logs 5 cm thick and 15 cm wide;
  • perfectly processed boards for finishing coating gender;
  • natural wooden lining for walls;
  • block 50 mm;
  • concrete mixer;
  • hammer, screwdriver, building level, rope and circular saw;
  • block house under a log for cladding the extension outside;
  • metal tiles for the roof.

Be sure to provide a drainage system under the extension. To do this, compact the soil under the veranda and make a slope in this place to allow water to drain. Below is step by step instructions construction of an extension.

Step-by-step instructions for building an extension to a house

1. Installation of supports. Nail it to the wall of the house wooden board at least 5 cm wide, which will become a support. Along the edges of the marked area for construction, install wooden structures- “cast-offs.” They need to be installed a little further than the marked area. Stretch a strong rope over them. Make sure the dimensions of the markings are correct so that everything is at right angles.

2. Dig a trench along the width of the foundation, one meter deep. Prepare cement mixture from sand, gravel and cement with the addition of water. Do wooden formwork. Start installing support pillars, make the distance between the pillars no more than 1.5 m. Place a cushion of gravel about 10 cm thick at the bottom of the trench. Cut the pipes in advance and install them vertically in the hole, securing them with boards. Next, the spaces between support posts and fill the walls of the trench with the prepared solution. To ensure that the vertical position of the pipe in the pit is not disturbed, secure the supports with spacers and wait three days for the solution to harden. After it hardens, the formwork can be removed.

3. Creating a floor. At the next stage of creating an extension to a wooden house with your own hands, take boards for the joists. Two boards are mounted to the supports with metal fastening corners at the end of the extension - place the rest between them. When installing joists, do not forget to check their horizontal position with a level. Transverse logs are mounted using 120 mm nails and grooves to the longitudinal part of the extension foundation.

4. Installation of the base for the walls and roof. The work begins with screwing the beams to the base of the floor using dowels and a hammer drill. The side beams are nailed to the walls. Videos and photos of this work can be found in our article. The stability of the structure is ensured by diagonal beams laid at the outer corners. Don't forget to mark the door and window openings. The entire structure is reinforced with transverse insert lintels. From the outside, the base of the extension is covered with a block house. It is advisable to lay a layer of glassine on the sheathing boards before covering; it will protect the building from moisture.

5. Arrangement of the roof. After installing windows and doors, the roof is covered with metal tiles. Cover the area where the roof adjoins the building with a galvanized iron apron.

6. Interior work. A do-it-yourself extension to the house will soon be built, there are still interior work. The walls and ceiling are covered with natural wooden clapboard. Before this, they can be insulated with penofol. To create a floor, you first need to make a rough floor. A rough block is laid on the sides of the floor joists, and the edged boards. Insulation is placed on them in the form mineral wool, and then proceed to install the finished floor.

We hope that our instructions helped you learn how to build an extension to your house. If you carefully study the sequence of work and properly prepare building materials and tools, as well as be patient, you can easily do beautiful veranda on one's own.

Video of building an extension to a house with your own hands