We choose “People's House. Brick wall: masonry thickness Brick wall 510 mm

Brick as a building material has been known for a very long time. Mention of it can be found in the Bible, in stories about the times after the Great Flood.

Construction brick houses Its roots go deep into history; in any country there are many such buildings, which are decades old. There are long-lived houses built 150, or even 200 years ago. Brick always remains the most sought after and popular building material in the world.

Why did builders love this material so much? Here we can highlight several clear advantages.


In construction they use M100, M125, M150, M175. The digital index after the letter indicates strength and indicates that this type can withstand loads of 100, 125, 150, 175 kg/cm2. Brand M100 is suitable for building a house with a height of 3 floors.


The house that good thickness brick built from quality material and according to all the rules of house construction, it can last for more than a century.

Environmental friendliness

The brick contains natural substances that do not contain harmful impurities - clay, sand, water. It also allows air to pass through, “breathes” and does not rot.

Versatility, aesthetics

And the styling technology brings to life the most daring architectural projects. Individual style brick house will give it originality and uniqueness.

Frost resistance

Extensive experience in using bricks in construction and testing them in different climatic zones confirm that this material has high frost resistance, which is designated F25, F35, F50.

The digital index indicates the amount of freezing and thawing of a brick in a water-saturated state, after which irreversible changes begin in it.

Fire safety

Brick is a fire-resistant material that meets all fire extinguishing standards and rules, and the thickness of the walls is brick house will not allow the fire to spread from room to room.


Brick is a good insulating material, much better than wood and reinforced concrete panels. in a brick house it protects well from street noise.

Minimum wall thickness

One of the main characteristics of a brick house is the thickness of the walls. Regular size ceramic bricks is 250x120x65 mm. Building codes and regulations accept a value that is a multiple of 12 (the length of half a brick) to determine the thickness of walls.

It turns out that the thickness of the wall is:

  • half a brick - 120 mm;
  • in one brick - 250 mm;
  • one and a half bricks - 380 mm (10 mm is added to the thickness of the seam between the bricks);
  • in two bricks - 510 mm (10 mm per seam);
  • two and a half bricks - 640 mm.

The same building codes clearly define the minimum thickness of a brick wall. It should be in the range from 1/20 to 1/25 of the floor height. A simple calculation shows that if it is 3 meters, then the walls should be at least 150 mm thick. Brick wall, whose thickness is less than 150 mm, is suitable for simple internal partitions.

External load-bearing brick walls

The strength and stability of the entire building is ensured by the external walls. They are called load-bearing because they distribute the entire load acting on the building. They bear the weight of floors, higher walls, roofing, operational load (furniture, things, people) and snow.

The starting point for any masonry is the corners of the building. A beacon is made on each of them (a corner is made of bricks, aligned vertically and with the axes of the building). Corner masonry rises 6-8 rows. It is recommended to reinforce the corners of external walls metal mesh made of wire with a diameter of 6 mm. Then, twine is stretched between the beacons at the level of the top brick along the edge of the wall, which marks the outer axis of the structure. Brickwork is carried out from one lighthouse to another, the thickness of the walls consists of an outer part, an inner part and a middle part, which is filled with insulation or filled with other material. Bricks are placed on the wall with a bandage; after three or five spoon rows, one bond row is required. There are many brick laying schemes. Depending on the chosen scheme, the order of placement of the spoon and butt rows may differ. The same applies to seams; they should not be located on top of each other. Using halves and quarters, the brick can be easily moved to the side relative to the bottom row. After laying several rows, the verticality of the wall is checked with a level to avoid various curvatures of the plane, which could spoil the aesthetic appearance of the building.

The thickness of the brick load-bearing wall is selected based on the characteristics of the environment and one’s own capabilities. But for any calculations, it should not be less than 380 mm (one and a half bricks). IN northern regions the thickness is usually increased to 510 mm, or even up to 640 mm.

To reduce the load of the walls on the foundation and lighten the structure, the outer walls are laid from hollow brick. It is not profitable to make continuous masonry; it requires high costs and reduces the thermal protection of the building.

Wall insulation

Often they use a technology in which masonry is carried out with the construction of wells. It consists of two walls, 140-270 mm apart from each other, with obligatory ligation of rows every 650-1200 mm. The wells between the masonry are filled with insulation with mandatory compaction. This can be lightweight concrete, slag, expanded clay, sawdust, etc. When using them, the thermal protection of the building increases by 10-15%.

The most effective insulation is polystyrene foam. Its use allows you to reduce the thickness of the walls to 290 mm (brick 120 mm + foam plastic 50 mm + brick 120 mm). And if you leave a well 100 mm wide (for two layers of foam plastic laid with overlapping seams), then such a wall in terms of thermal conductivity will be equivalent to solid masonry 640 mm thick. A brick wall, the thickness of which is 290 mm, must be additionally reinforced with mesh every 5 rows.

To make housing even more comfortable, additional insulation is installed outside or inside the building. Polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, mineral wool and other soft or hard materials. With them you can increase it up to 100%.

Internal load-bearing walls

Buildings with a length or width of more than five and a half meters are separated along the long side by internal load-bearing walls. They are used for end support of the ceilings or coverings of the structure.

The thickness of internal brick walls is made smaller than external ones, because insulation is not required here, but not less than 250 mm (brick laying). All load-bearing walls, both external and internal, are interconnected and, along with the foundation and roof, form a single structure - the skeleton of the building. All loads acting on the structure are evenly distributed over its area. Joint points between external and interior walls reinforced with meshes or separate reinforcement through 5 rows of masonry. The partitions are made at least 510 mm wide and they are also reinforced. If it is necessary to install pillars as load-bearing supports, then the cross-section of the structures must be at least 380x380 mm (one and a half brick masonry). They are also reinforced with 3-6 mm wire every 5 rows along the height of the masonry.


These walls create a zonal division of space large premises. Since the partitions are not load-bearing, and they are not subject to any load other than their own weight, here you can choose which brick wall thickness is most suitable for a given room.

Partitions 120 mm thick (half-brick masonry) are installed mainly between rooms and bathrooms. If you need to separate small room type of pantry, then it is possible to lay a wall with a thickness of 65 mm (on-edge masonry). But such a partition must be reinforced with 3 mm wire every 2-3 rows of masonry in height, if its length is more than one and a half meters.

To lighten the weight and reduce the load on the floor, partitions are made of hollow or porous ceramic bricks.

Masonry mortar

If external masonry walls are carried out “for jointing”, then depending on the quality, composition and correct application mortar depends on how aesthetically pleasing the brick wall will look. The thickness of the seams must be the same everywhere, and they must be filled completely; voids are not allowed. The solution must be prepared before starting work and applied within two hours. For plasticity, clay, lime or marble pulp is added to it.

For horizontal seams, a thickness of 10 to 15 mm is used, for vertical seams - from 8 to 10 mm.

When constructing a brick building, you need to know that any deviation from the project can subsequently lead to unpredictable consequences. Stability and strength of brick load-bearing walls easy to reduce if:

  • reduce their thickness;
  • increase their height;
  • increase the area or number of openings;
  • reduce the width of the walls between the openings;
  • arrange additional niches or channels in the walls;
  • use heavier floors.

A brick wall whose thickness is less than the design thickness must be additionally reinforced.

All changes to the project must be made by specialists; this cannot be done independently.

Brick buildings have obvious advantages, placing them one step above houses made of any other materials. Made according to original designs, they have their own style and charm. This is also a good option for investing funds and transferring real estate to descendants by inheritance.

Specialists from Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering have convincingly proven that in terms of price/quality ratio, VELOX technology is superior to all other known technologies for the construction of low-rise housing.

ANNOTATION article “Commercially available resource-saving low-rise building. Comparison of indicators of external fences", TGASU, 2008.
Authors: A.I. Gnyrya, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; S.V. Korobkov, Ph.D., Associate Professor, R.A. Zharkoy, graduate student

The authors compare the following construction technologies used at construction sites in Tomsk:
  1. Brick wall 510 thick with insulation with 100 mm thick slabs
  2. Cellular concrete "Sibit" with external insulation with a mini-slab 100 mm thick
  3. Expanded polystyrene concrete with external insulation with expanded polystyrene 100 mm thick
  4. Wooden beam 150 mm with external insulation with a mini-slab 100 mm thick
  5. Wooden frame 150 mm filled with mini-slabs 150 mm thick
  6. Beam 150 mm insulated with brick lining 120 mm thick
  7. Permanent formwork “Izodom” 150 mm thick with heavy concrete
  8. Fixed formwork "Velox" (VELOX) with polystyrene foam 100 mm with heavy concrete
  9. Fixed formwork "Velox" (VELOX) with lightweight concrete 400 mm thick
  10. Expanded clay concrete blocks insulated with 150 mm expanded polystyrene "Teplosten"
according to the following parameters:
  • wall thickness
  • heat transfer resistance
  • Thermal energy requirement for heating a house per month
  • duration of construction
  • cost of 1 sq. m of external fencing and the estimated cost of the house box
  • fire safety

Based on the calculation results, a summary comparative table of indicators of external enclosing structures was compiled.

Then designs 4, 5 and 6 were excluded from comparison as they did not meet the standards fire safety buildings and structures (SNIP 21-01-97), noting the possibility of using these materials for the construction of dachas intended for seasonal or year-round use.

Next, the authors, having determined the average cost of a building “box,” excluded from the comparative table structures whose price exceeded this average cost, as the most expensive and energy-consuming materials. These are designs 1, 2, 3, 9.

As a result, as " people's house» the authors confidently chose the technology monolithic construction in permanent formwork "VELOX" (VELOX), listed the following advantages:

  • ease of installation and increased accuracy of wall geometry control
  • highest thermal efficiency
  • versatility for walls of any design and applicability of concrete of any grade
  • low cost
  • no need to use heavy-duty equipment
  • high rates construction
  • seismic resistance and reliability
  • microclimate in the room, like wooden house.
  • simplicity of finishing,

without noting any obvious shortcomings.
“Silver” is given to structures made using the “Izodom” technology, and “bronze” to “Teplosten” structures.


A.I. Gnyrya Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, St. Korobkov, Ph.D., Associate Professor, R.A. Zharkoy, graduate student.
Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Some text is missing

The advantages of low-rise, high-density urban residential development compared to multi-storey buildings, regardless of the type of buildings (panel, brick, monolithic, etc.), are obvious to users, as well as to investors, architects, builders, housing and communal services specialists and normal society as a whole.

The first and initial functional benefit is the creation of a healthy living environment. Only family home, an apartment close to the ground can develop physically and mentally healthy children and citizens, as well as help them find the right spiritual and moral guidelines. The manifestation of alienation, aggressiveness, and lostness of people in our society, as studies by psychologists show, are largely associated with varying degrees of discomfort in them permanent residence in multi-storey buildings.

Low-rise buildings sharply reduce the safety of living in the event of natural disasters, fires, emergencies, etc. The conditions for maintenance, maintenance, repair, reconstruction are simplified, and with full physical wear and tear reconstruction, demolition and disposal of buildings.

Thermal protection, noise protection, insolation and overheating resistance can be significantly improved in summer time, temperature and humidity conditions of the premises. Application of new systems engineering equipment will improve the reliability, efficiency, and quality of use of heat supply systems, water supply and sewerage systems, ventilation, etc. A special place will take the development and implementation of so-called local and autonomous systems life support. The guideline here is the idea of ​​​​building an environmentally friendly house with low thermal energy consumption.

According to the results of an April survey conducted by the Public Opinion Foundation (residents of 110 settlements Russia), almost 60% of citizens prefer apartments own house. Moreover, many would like to live outside the city.

The Russian government supports the development of individual housing construction in Russia. The country's president calls for more individual houses to be built - for one or more families.

During a meeting of the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Implementation of National Projects, held on April 2, 2008, the President set the task of building from 500 thousand to 1 million individual houses in Russia annually. According to him, these should be houses with a total area of ​​70 to 120 m2, costing about 20 thousand rubles per 1 m2. The President proposed creating a Federal Fund for the Promotion of Housing Construction, to which all inefficiently used lands of ministries and departments, state-owned enterprises and institutions will be transferred. "If we are in in full If we implement an ambitious project of individual housing construction, then, without exaggeration, we will live in a qualitatively different country, with a different standard of living and psychology of people who have turned from inhabitants of communal apartments into owners of their own land,” the President commented on his initiative.

So, there is hope that every Russian family will have the opportunity to acquire individual inexpensive housing. But the question is, what should this “people's house” be like? Perhaps it will be classic brick or lightweight concrete, or maybe using wood? It is difficult to immediately answer these questions; research and comparison are required to determine which technology is more preferable. But in any case, the main indicator for any home is compliance with current regulatory documents on heating engineering, fire safety standards And sanitary requirements so that the house is warm, fireproof and made of reliable environmentally friendly building materials.

If you imagine a house in large components, it turns out that it consists of a foundation, walls and a roof. The design of the roof differs little when using one or another construction technology; the foundation also remains virtually unchanged. It turns out that by “construction technology” we mean only a fairly narrow segment of the house, which is called “walls”. This means that in order to search for a “people’s house” it is necessary to compare different wall options and choose the optimal one. We will not try to compare interior and exterior decoration, nor engineering communications, because the cost of these materials can vary widely. We will make the choice from the point of view of a private developer who needs to build an individual one-story house with a total attic area of ​​128 m2 according to an existing project, we will try different walls on the same house. To objectively evaluate this or that design, let’s forget for a while such concepts as aesthetics, prestige, durability, etc.

Having analyzed the designs of already built individual houses in the city of Tomsk, we received two dozen wall options, each of which is included in a separate group:

  1. brick (with and without insulation);
  2. concrete (light concrete, heavy concrete);
  3. wooden (timber, log);
  4. frame (type “Canadian house”);
  5. from combined materials.

From each group, a wall was selected whose heat transfer resistance met the current heat saving requirements. So, 10 walls participating in the experiment:

1. Brick wall 510 mm with insulation mineral wool slabs 100mm in wall thickness. The outer layer is 120mm facing brick, the interior layer is 20mm plaster;

2. "Sibit" 400 mm with external insulation with 100mm mineral wool slabs and siding cladding; indoors - 10mm plaster layer;

3. Expanded polystyrene concrete 400 mm with external insulation with 100mm polystyrene foam and external polymer plaster, the inner surface of the wall is 20mm plastered cement-sand mortar;

4. Beam 150 mm with insulation with 100mm mineral wool slabs and siding cladding, with lining inside.

5. Wooden frame 150 mm, filled with 150mm mineral wool boards, plasterboard inside, OSB board and siding outside.

6. Beam 150 mm with insulation with 100mm mineral wool slabs and facing brick, inside - lining.

7. Izodom system- permanent polystyrene foam formwork: polystyrene foam insulation 150mm (75+75), reinforced concrete 150mm, inside two layers of gypsum plasterboard (fire-resistant plasterboard) 25mm on a metal frame, outside polymer plaster 10mm.

8. VELOX system classic- permanent chip-cement formwork 70mm (35+35), reinforced concrete 150mm, polystyrene foam insulation 150mm, inside cement-sand plaster, exterior façade plaster.

9. VELOX system on lightweight concrete 400mm, siding outside, plaster inside.

10. Block "Teplosten"- inner layer of expanded clay concrete 60mm, outer layer of expanded clay concrete 100mm, inside the wall - expanded polystyrene 150mm, interior finishing with a plaster layer.

Technical and economic indicators of low-rise buildings (Table 1):

  • A wall thickness of more than 500mm is uneconomical for several reasons, one of which is the width of the foundation blocks; the greater the thickness of the wall, the smaller the volume of the room, therefore, the smaller the total area;
  • Heat transfer resistance is an indicator of pass or fail building regulations according to thermal characteristics, namely TSN 23-316-2000 “Thermal protection of residential and public buildings Tomsk region";
  • The need for thermal energy during the heating period is an important characteristic of heat loss in a building, as well as an important component of the cost of operating a residential building;
  • Duration of construction of the building in days;
  • The cost per square meter of external fencing is a determining factor in the cost of the entire building and the cost of m total area, expressed in rubles.

Note to table 1:

The calculation of heat transfer resistance was determined in accordance with SNiP 02/23/2003 “Thermal protection of buildings” for the city of Tomsk.

The need for thermal energy was determined according to TSN 23-316-2000 of the Tomsk region. An individual energy passport was compiled for each option.

The cost of thermal energy per kWh is 60 kopecks.

The duration of construction of the box was determined in accordance with the Unified Standards and Prices (ENiR).

The total cost of 1 m of external fencing is the sum of the materials and the cost of the work expended. This value is determined according to the quarterly magazine “Construction Price List” No. 4/2008.

The cost of the box is the cost of the walls from the top of the foundation to the bottom of the mauerlat, excluding the costs of the floor and foundation.

Indicators of individual enclosing structures residential buildings with attic
Table 1

Design outer wall ThicknessHeating cost per monthCost of a "box" of a house
mmm 2 ?C/WkWhkWhrubdaymaterialsJobtotalrubrub1/rub
IBrick per kWh
1 760 3,46 25 640 3 259 1 956 47 2 925 575 3 500 666 356 10 412 1,00
2 570 3,6 25 293 3 215 1 929 32 2 256 675 2 931 535 760 8 371 0,8
3 530 4,35 23 812 3 027 1 816 48 1 926 974 2 901 525 602 8 213 0,79
4 150mm timber with 100mm insulation and siding, lining inside320 3,46 25 640 3 259 1 956 53 1 331 580 1 911 330 176 5 159 0,50
5 Wooden frame 150mm inside 150 min. cotton wool, plasterboard inside, OSB** outside and siding (element-by-element assembly)200 3,85 24 735 3 144 1 887 27 1 211 325 1 536 258 004 4 031 0,39
VCombined materials
6 Beam 150 insulated 100mm and brick facing 120mm, lining inside400 3,7 25 061 3 186 1 911 51 1 898 751 2 649 445 033 6 954 0,67
7 360 4,05 24 338 3 094 1 856 64 1 850 810 2 660 444 719 6 949 0,67
8 420 4,37 23 779 3 023 1 814 47 1 618 680 2 298 387 024 6 047 0,58
9 520 2,2 30 759 3 910 2 346 44 2 445 610 3 055 520 577 8 134 0,78
10 310 4,3 23 894 3 037 1 822 37 2 080 385 2 465 409 708 6 402 0,61

* EPS - polystyrene foam
** OSB - plywood with oriented chips
*** GKLO - fire-resistant sheet plasterboard
**** ShchCP - chain-cement board

According to SNiP 21-01-97 “Fire safety of buildings and structures”, wall structures numbered 4, 5, and 6 are fire hazardous, so we will exclude them (Table 2). At the same time, we will determine the average cost of the “box” of the building, this value is equal to RUB 498,535. Let's exclude the most expensive walls numbered 1, 2, 3, 9 (Table 3). An expensive material, as a rule, is a material that takes large number energy, so-called energy-consuming materials. If their total number in the house is reduced to a minimum, we will get a “people's house”.

Table 2

Exterior wall constructionThicknessHeat transfer resistance RThermal energy demand during the heating periodHeat energy demand per monthHeating cost per monthRelative duration of construction of box wallsCost of 1 m 2 of external fencing, rub.Cost of a "box" of a houseRelative cost of 1 m 2 of total areaPresent value factor
mmm 2 ?C/WkWhkWhrubdaymaterialsJobtotalrubrub1/rub
IBrick per kWh
1 Brick wall 510mm thick with insulation with 100mm mineral wool slabs and 120mm brick lining, plaster inside760 3,46 25 640 3 259 1 956 47 2 925 575 3 500 666 356 10 412 1,00
2 Sibit 400 with external insulation with 100mm mineral wool slabs and siding cladding570 3,6 25 293 3 215 1 929 32 2 256 675 2 931 535 760 8 371 0,8
3 Expanded polystyrene 400mm, plastered inside, outside EPS*, 100mm and facade plaster530 4,35 23 812 3 027 1 816 48 1 926 974 2 901 525 602 8 213 0,79
VCombined materials
7 System "Izodom", Reinforced concrete 150 mm, PPS insulation 150 mm, inside two layers of GKLO*** 25 mm per met. frame, outside polymer plaster360 4,05 24 338 3 094 1 856 64 1 850 810 2 660 444 719 6 949 0,67
8 Velox system, CPS**** 70mm, PPS 150mm, reinforced concrete 150mm, façade plaster inside and outside420 4,37 23 779 3 023 1 814 47 1 618 680 2 298 387 024 6 047 0,58
9 Velox system on lightweight concrete 400mm, 70mm shchtsp, siding on the outside, plaster on the inside520 2,2 30 759 3 910 2 346 44 2 445 610 3 055 520 577 8 134 0,78
10 Block "Teplosten". Expanded clay concrete 60mm, PPS 150mm, expanded clay concrete 100mm, clay turf inside310 4,3 23 894 3 037 1 822 37 2 080 385 2 465 409 708 6 402 0,61

Average cost per box: RUB 498,535

Despite the fact that some walls do not meet fire requirements or are expensive, we highlight their advantages and disadvantages:

Wooden walls (timber, log):

Wooden walls have low thermal conductivity, so if the house is not heated in winter, warm it up until comfortable conditions possible in a few hours; create a healthy microclimate in the house; remove excess moisture from the room; relatively light and resistant to deformation; can be built on a simple columnar foundation; can withstand a large number of “freezing-thawing” cycles, their service life is about 100 years.

Highly flammable and susceptible to insect pests and rotting; after the felling is completed wooden walls at least a year must pass before finishing begins (settlement up to 10%); When dry, they become deformed and crack. Caulk timber walls- a complex and expensive procedure.

Frame walls:

They have low thermal conductivity; the lightest of all those considered and resistant to deformation; can be built on a columnar foundation or a floating column foundation; costs of funds, effort and time for construction frame walls minimal; There is no need to wait for the house to settle before finishing.

Highly flammable and susceptible to insect pests and rotting; the design of the walls does not provide confidence in the construction; an increase in the size of the house leads to a significant complication of the frame and a decrease in reliability; It is advisable to use it in the construction of summer cottages intended for seasonal or year-round use.

Indicators of enclosing structures of individual residential buildings with an attic (fire hazardous walls excluded)
Table 2

Exterior wall constructionThicknessHeat transfer resistance RThermal energy demand during the heating periodHeat energy demand per monthHeating cost per monthRelative duration of construction of box wallsCost of 1 m 2 of external fencing, rub.Cost of a "box" of a houseRelative cost of 1 m 2 of total areaPresent value factor
mmm 2 ?C/WkWhkWhrubdaymaterialsJobtotalrubrub1/rub
IBrick per kWh
VCombined materials
7 System "Izodom", Reinforced concrete 150 mm, PPS insulation 150 mm, inside two layers of GKLO*** 25 mm per met. frame, outside polymer plaster360 4,05 24 338 3 094 1 856 64 1 850 810 2 660 444 719 6 949 0,67
8 Velox system, CPS**** 70mm, PPS 150mm, reinforced concrete 150mm, façade plaster inside and outside420 4,37 23 779 3 023 1 814 47 1 618 680 2 298 387 024 6 047 0,58
10 Block "Teplosten". Expanded clay concrete 60mm, PPS 150mm, expanded clay concrete 100mm, clay turf inside310 4,3 23 894 3 037 1 822 37 2 080 385 2 465 409 708 6 402 0,61

Average cost per box: RUB 498,535

Advantages and disadvantages of expensive walls.

Brick walls:


Brick walls are very strong, fireproof, durable; allow you to use reinforced concrete slabs floors; allow you to build walls of complex configurations and lay out decorative elements of the facade.


They have high thermal conductivity; absorb moisture due to capillary suction and freeze in winter, which leads (during seasonal operation) to destruction; relatively heavy and do not tolerate deformation. In this case, a strong foundation is required. To ensure thermal insulation, brick walls have large sizes; after completing the laying of the walls, a year must pass before finishing them begins; the walls must “settle” before finishing begins; the main disadvantage is high cost.

Lightweight concrete (foam concrete, expanded clay concrete, polystyrene concrete):


Relatively fireproof, durable; the relatively small sizes of the blocks and the ease of their processing make it possible to build walls of complex configurations from them; the thickness of such walls can be half that of brick ones; laying walls from blocks is much easier and cheaper brickwork; Due to the low density of cellular concrete, the entire wall structure is 2-3 times lighter, which simplifies the construction of the foundation.


Due to the high porosity of the product have increased moisture absorption, therefore, after the construction of the walls is completed, the façade of the building must be covered with compounds that create a moisture-proof, vapor-permeable film on the surface; walls do not tolerate deformation; before finishing them, the walls must “settle”; cracks may form during settlement; relative to the road.

Walls that take place in the “people's house”:

Izodom system:


The ease of assembling walls from blocks allows you to achieve high construction speed; due to thermal efficiency construction of enclosing structures can be carried out in winter conditions- the concrete is in a warm formwork; reliability and seismic resistance of the structure - load-bearing element the walls are reinforced monolithic concrete; relatively low construction cost; lack of heavy lifting equipment.


High fire hazard buildings until completion of interior and exterior decoration; the difficulty of maintaining the “geometry” of the walls at the time of construction - polystyrene foam “floats” in the concrete; plastering the facade requires special expensive materials intended only for expanded polystyrene; fire regulations require as interior decoration two layers of fire-resistant plasterboard 2x12.5mm on a metal frame, which is naturally expensive; received air gap between the interior decoration and the wall - an attractive place for rodents, as well as difficulty in attaching cabinets and other equipment; It is not allowed to use materials heavier than 16 kg per square meter of exterior wall finishing.

"Velox" system:


High fire resistance; ease of installation and increased accuracy of wall geometry control; highest thermal efficiency; the ability to change the thickness of concrete and polystyrene foam due to the simple design of the screeds; low cost of materials; there is no need to use heavy-duty mechanisms; high pace of construction; it is possible to use lightweight concrete; high seismic resistance and reliability of the system due to monolithic reinforced concrete; the indoor microclimate is similar to a wooden house, since the formwork is made of 95% wood chips ; simplicity of exterior and interior decoration.

Not found.

Technology "Teplosten":


Easy installation and low cost; high fire resistance; high pace of construction; saving the cost of materials; does not require external finishing when using mass-painted blocks.


Low bearing capacity; sensitivity to general deformations; for heavy floors, a separate frame made of metal or reinforced concrete is required as a load-bearing frame; lack of government approved or certified technical solutions for the construction of houses.

According to research and analysis of advantages and disadvantages different technologies construction of external fencing low-rise buildings in the city of Tomsk, we can say with confidence that the technology of monolithic house construction in permanent cement-chip formwork Velox (Velox) can rightfully be considered a “people's house”. Its positive thermal efficiency qualities, ease of installation, combined with high reliability and environmental friendliness put this technology in first place. The Izodom technology takes second place, and the Teplosten technology takes bronze.

This article is aimed at helping an individual developer in choosing a construction technology and the ability to quickly, efficiently and inexpensively solve the problem of building a house that meets all modern requirements.


Hello, Elena.

The design proposed for implementation using slotted 2nd brick will not satisfy SNiP “Thermal protection of buildings” for the city of Rostov-on-Don.

Below is a thermal engineering calculation prepared according to the SNiP “Thermal Protection of Buildings” methodology for 2 options external walls:

1. using double slot porous bricks, with a total wall thickness of 510 mm (thermal engineering calculations have been prepared for a thermally efficient ceramic 2nd brick, porous and with a hollowness of more than 50%; if ordinary slotted brick is used, the result will be even worse;

2. using a thermally efficient ceramic block Kerakam Kaiman 30, lined with brick, with a total wall thickness of 430mm.

When designing our houses, we use the most modern and economically feasible technologies, in particular, the most heat-efficient ceramic blocks among those produced in Russia are used as load-bearing walls. Kerakam Kaiman 30.

The cost of a Kerakam Cayman30 block with delivery to the site in the Rostovk region is 106 rubles.

Below is a calculation of the costs of building the house you are considering for two options for external walls.

Looking ahead, I inform you that the increase in construction costs for the house you are considering when choosing the option of constructing external walls from double brick will be 168,216 rubles.

Below is a thermal engineering calculation performed according to the methodology described in SNiP “Thermal protection of buildings”. As well as an economic justification for the use of the Kerakam Kaiman 30 ceramic block when comparing the costs of building the house in question from double slotted bricks.

To begin with, we will determine the required thermal resistance for the external walls of residential buildings for the city of Rostov-on-Don, as well as the thermal resistance created by the structures under consideration.

The ability of a structure to retain heat is determined by such a physical parameter as the thermal resistance of the structure ( R, m 2 *S/W).

Let us determine the degree-day of the heating period, °C ∙ day/year, using the formula (SNiP “Thermal protection of buildings”) for the city Rostov-on-Don.

GSOP = (t in - t from)z from,

t V- design temperature of the internal air of the building, °C, taken when calculating the enclosing structures of groups of buildings indicated in Table 3 (SNiP “Thermal protection of buildings”): according to pos. 1 - by minimum values optimal temperature corresponding buildings according to GOST 30494 (in the range 20 - 22 °C);
t from- average outside air temperature, °C during the cold period, for the city. Rostov-on-Don meaning -0,1 °C;
z from- duration, days/year, of the heating period, adopted according to the set of rules for a period with an average daily outside air temperature of no more than 8 °C, for the city Rostov-on-Don meaning 166 days.

GSOP = (20- (-0.1))*166 = 3,336.60 °C*day.

The value of the required thermal resistance for the external walls of residential buildings will be determined by the formula (SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings)

R tr 0 =a*GSOP+b

R tr 0- required thermal resistance;
a and b- coefficients, the values ​​of which should be taken according to Table No. 3 of SNiP “Thermal Protection of Buildings” for the corresponding groups of buildings, for residential buildings the value A should be taken equal to 0.00035, the value b - 1,4

R tr 0 =0.00035*3 336.60+1.4 = 2.5678 m 2 *S/W

Formula for calculating the conditional thermal resistance of the structure under consideration:

R0 = Σ δ n n + 0,158

Σ – symbol of layer summation for multilayer structures;
δ - layer thickness in meters;
λ - coefficient of thermal conductivity of the layer material subject to operational humidity;
n- layer number (for multilayer structures);
0.158 is a correction factor, which, for simplicity, can be taken as a constant.

Formula for calculating the reduced thermal resistance.

R r 0 = R 0 x r

r– coefficient of thermal technical homogeneity of structures with heterogeneous sections (joints, heat-conducting inclusions, vestibules, etc.)

According to standard STO 00044807-001-2006 according to Table No. 8, the value of the coefficient of thermal uniformity r for masonry made of large-format hollow porous ceramic stones and gas silicate blocks should be taken equal to 0,98 .

At the same time, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this coefficient does not take into account the fact that

  1. we recommend masonry using warm masonry mortar (this significantly levels out the heterogeneity at the joints);
  2. as connections between the load-bearing wall and the facing masonry, we use not metal, but basalt-plastic connections, which conduct heat literally 100 times less than steel connections (this significantly eliminates the inhomogeneities formed due to heat-conducting inclusions);
  3. window slopes and doorways, according to our project documentation additionally insulated with extruded polystyrene foam (which eliminates heterogeneity in the areas of window and door openings, vestibules).
From what we can conclude - when following the instructions of our working documentation the masonry uniformity coefficient tends to unity. But in calculating the reduced thermal resistance R r 0 we will still use the table value of 0.98.

R r 0 must be greater than or equal to R 0 required.

We determine the operating mode of the building in order to understand what the thermal conductivity coefficient is λ a or λ in taken when calculating the conditional thermal resistance.

The method for determining the operating mode is described in detail in SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" . Based on the specified normative document, let's follow the step-by-step instructions.

1st step. Let's define shumidity level of the building region - Rostov-on-Don using Appendix B of SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings".

According to the table the city Rostov-on-Don located in zone 3 (dry climate). We take value 2 - dry climate.

2nd step. Using Table No. 1 of SNiP “Thermal protection of buildings” we determine the humidity conditions in the room.

At the same time, I draw your attention to heating season air humidity in the room drops to 15-20%. During the heating season, air humidity must be raised to at least 35-40%. A humidity level of 40-50% is considered comfortable for humans.
In order to raise the humidity level, it is necessary to ventilate the room, you can use air humidifiers, and installing an aquarium will help.

According to Table 1, the humidity regime in the room during the heating period at an air temperature of 12 to 24 degrees and relative humidity up to 50% - dry.

3rd step. Using Table No. 2 of SNiP “Thermal protection of buildings” we determine the operating conditions.

To do this, we find the intersection of the line with the value of the humidity regime in the room, in our case it is dry, with humidity column for the city Rostov-on-Don, as was found out earlier, this value dry.

According to the SNiP methodology "Thermal protection of buildings" in the calculation of conditional thermal resistance ( R0) value should be applied under operating conditions A, i.e. thermal conductivity coefficient must be used λ a.

You can see it here Thermal conductivity test report for ceramic blocks Kerakam Kaiman 30 .
Thermal conductivity value λ a You can find it at the end of the document.

Let's consider the laying of an external wall using Kerakam Kaiman 30 ceramic blocks and double ceramic bricks. We use facing ceramic bricks as façade finishing.

For the ceramic block option Kerakam Kaiman 30 total wall thickness excluding plaster layer 430mm (300mm ceramic block Kerakam Kaiman 30+ 10mm technological gap filled with cement-perlite mortar + 120mm facing masonry).

1 layer
2 layer(item 2) – 300mm wall masonry using a block Kerakam Kaiman 30(thermal conductivity coefficient of masonry in operational condition A 0.094 W/m*S).
3 layer(item 4) - 10mm ( SuperThermo30) light cement-perlite mixture between the ceramic block masonry and the facing masonry (density 200 kg/m3, thermal conductivity coefficient at operating humidity less than 0.12 W/m*C).
4 layer

Pos. 3 - warm masonry mortar
pos. 6 - colored masonry mortar.

Let's consider the masonry of an external wall, using double slotted bricks, lined with ceramic hollow porous bricks.

For the option of using double slotted bricks, the total wall thickness excluding the plaster layer is 510mm (380mm double slotted bricks + 10mm filled with cement-perlite mortar + 120mm facing masonry).

1 layer(item 1) – 20mm heat-insulating cement-perlite plaster (thermal conductivity coefficient 0.18 W/m*C).
2 layer(item 2) – 380mm wall masonry using double slotted porous brick (thermal conductivity coefficient masonry with warm mortar in operational condition 0.247 W/m*S).
3 layer(item 4) - 10mm (SuperThermo30) light cement-perlite mixture between the ceramic block and the facing masonry (density 200 kg/m3, thermal conductivity coefficient at operating humidity less than 0.12 W/m*C).
4 layer(item 5) – 120mm wall masonry using slotted facing bricks(thermal conductivity coefficient of masonry in operational condition is 0.45 W/m*C.

We calculate the conditional thermal resistance R 0 for the structures under consideration.

Kerakam Kaiman 30

R 0 =0.020/0.18+0.300/0.094+0.01/0.12+0.12/0.45+0.158=3.8128 m 2 *S/W

The design of the external wall in which a double slotted wall is used porous brick

R 0 =0.020/0.18+0.380/0.247+0.01/0.12+0.12/0.45+0.158=2.1576 m 2 *S/W

We consider the reduced thermal resistance R r 0 of the structures under consideration.

The design of the external wall in which the block is used Kerakam Kaiman 30

R r 0 st30 =3.8128 m 2 *S/W * 0.98 = 3.7365 m 2 *S/W

External wall construction using double ceramic bricks

R r 0 D500=2.6839 m 2 *S/W * 0.98 = 2.1144 m 2 *S/W

The reduced thermal resistance of the structure in which the Kerakam Kaiman 30 ceramic block is placed is higher than the required thermal resistance for the city of Rostov-on-Don.

An external wall constructed using double slotted porous bricks opposite does not respondSNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" for the city of Rostov-on-Don.

Above, by calculation prepared according to the SNiP “Thermal Protection of Buildings” methodology, the required thermal resistance for the external walls of residential buildings for the city of Rostov-on-Don was determined, which amounted to - 2.5678 m 2 *S/W.

Below is a comparative calculation of the costs of building the house you are considering for two options for load-bearing wall materials: ceramic double porous brick 2nf and large-format ceramic block Kerakam Kaiman 30.

Initial conditions.

Total area of ​​the house – 241.90 m2.
window and door openings - 222 m2.
The perimeter of the foundation strip for the external walls and the wall separating the garage - 55 .00 linear meters.

The foundation is monolithic reinforced concrete.

Facade finishing - facing brick.

Ceramic block price Kerakam Kaiman 30 including delivery to the Rostov region 106 RUR/piece.

In the calculation we will take the cost double ceramic porous brick 2nf including delivery equal to 14 RUR/piece.

We calculate the costs of constructing one square meter of an external wall using comparable materials, as well as the difference in the costs of the foundation, because when choosing ceramic bricks, the total thickness of the external wall will increase by 8 cm, as a result, the thickness of the foundation wall will also increase by 80 mm.

Comparison of construction costs of Kerakam Kaiman 30 ceramic blocks and double ceramic bricks
Double ceramic brick (380mm) Ceramic block Kerakam Kaiman 30(300mm)
Cost of brick/ceramic block
at 1m 2 masonry
1m 2 masonry - 78 pieces of double brick
the price of a brick with delivery is 14 rubles
1m2 = 14 x 78 = RUB 1,092.00/m 2
1m 2 masonry - 17.1 pieces of blocks
price of the block with delivery to the Rostov region 106 rubles/piece
1m2 = 17.1 x 106 = RUB 1,812.60/m 2
Cost of solution
at 1m 2 masonry
580 rub/m 2 240 rub/m 2
Cost of anchors for
communicationsload-bearing wall with
face masonry

1m2 = 6.40 x 5 = 32,0 0 rub/m 2
anchor cost 6.40 rub/piece
number of anchors per 1m 2 - 5 pcs
1m2 = 6.40 x 5 = 32,0 0 rub/m 2
Cost of perlite
filling solution
technological emptiness
between load-bearing wall And
face masonry
at 1m 2 masonry

and cement, when filling a 10mm joint,
price - 25 rub/m 2
the solution is prepared on site,
Perlite sand is used
and cement, when filling a 10mm joint,
price - 25 rub/m 2
Cost of the mesh
necessary for saving
masonry mortar
at 1 m 2 masonry

price - 42 rub/m 2
used plaster mesh with a cell 5x5mm,
price - 33 rub/m 2
Cost of materials
for masonry reinforcement
at 1m 2 masonry

145 rubles/m2.

in every second row,
you will need 69.45 m2 of basalt plastic

one square meter:
((145 rubles/m2 + 50 rubles/m2) x 69.45 m2) / 222 m2 = 61 rubles/m 2 .

Cost of basalt plastic mesh
145 rubles/m2.
According to the instructions, it should be reinforced
masonry corners, laying ready-made cards
in every second row,
you will need 54.6 m2 of basalt plastic

The cost of laying the mesh
for reinforcement 50 rubles/m 2.

Cost of masonry reinforcement
one square meter:
((145 rubles/m2 + 50 rubles/m2) x 54.6 m2) / 222 m2 = 48 rubles/m 2

Cost of work
masonry 1 m2external wall.
The cost of masonry is 3,200 rubles/m 3
Cost of masonry 1 m2
3,200 rub/m 3 x 0.38 meters = RUB 1,216/m 2
The cost of masonry is 2,500 rubles/m 3
Cost of masonry 1 m2
2,500 rub/m 3 x 0.3 meters = 75 0 rub/m 2
Additional costs
for foundation work,
caused bybecause the thickness
outer wall made of
double brick is 8cm larger
Difference in external wall thickness
0.08 meters.
Accordingly, by the same amount
the foundation wall increases.
The height of the foundation wall is 2.8 meters.
Foundation perimeter for external
walls 55.00 linear meters
Additional quantity m 3 of concrete
0.08 x 2.8 x 55 = 12.30 m3
The cost of concrete B22.5 is 3,800 rubles/m 3
Cost of funds. work - 5,000 rub/m 3
Additional foundation costs
12.30 x (3,800 + 5,000) = 108,240 rubles
House project cost Base project cost
36,000 rubles
free project
Total: area of ​​external walls minus

222 x (1,092.00 + 580 + 32 + 25 + 42 +
+ 61 + 1 216) = 6 76,656 rubles
additional costs for the foundation - 108,240 rubles
costs for the house project - 36,000 rubles
676 656 + 108 240 + 36 000 =
820,896 rubles
area of ​​external walls minus
window and door openings - 222 m2
costs for wall materials and work
222 x (1,812.00 + 240 + 32.00 + 25+
+ 33 + 48 + 750) = 652,680 rubles

652 680 rubles

In total, refusal to use modern wall materials- ceramic blocks Kerakam Kaiman 30 in favor of double ceramic bricks, when building in Rostov region houses according to project 87-54 will lead to an increase in construction costs by 168,216 rubles!

All projects included in the House Project promotion are presented for free on the page

Before starting brick construction, you need to decide on the type of masonry and what type will be used for construction. Considering large selection bricks and various masonry methods, this question can confuse a novice builder.

What you should pay attention to when choosing the type of masonry and brick

When choosing the type of masonry, factors such as:

(this is primarily affected by the number of floors of the building).
  • Climate. In addition to the necessary strength, the walls must also provide acceptable thermal insulation.
  • Aesthetic component. Masonry made from a single brick looks much more elegant than masonry made from one-and-a-half or double bricks.
  • As for the wall thickness, it can vary from 12 to 64 cm:

    • half-brick masonry (its thickness is 12 cm);
    • 1 brick (25 cm);
    • 1.5 bricks (38 cm);
    • 2.0 bricks (51 cm);
    • 2.5 bricks (64 cm).

    With regard to load-bearing walls, it is worth noting that in temperate climates a thickness of 2.0 - 2.5 bricks is usually used. Since the brick itself conducts heat well, after construction it is recommended to additionally insulate it using, for example, mineral wool.

    In terms of strength, in most cases a wall thickness of 38 cm is sufficient.

    The thickness of external load-bearing brick walls usually ranges from 51 cm (2 bricks) to 64 cm (2.5 bricks). In multi-storey construction, it is allowed to reduce the thickness of load-bearing external walls in height. If at the level of the 1st floor the thickness of the wall is 2.5 bricks, then starting from the 5th - 6th floor its thickness decreases to 2.0 bricks. The increase in thermal conductivity is compensated by a larger layer of thermal insulation.

    In low-rise construction, it is not recommended to install load-bearing walls less than 2.0 bricks thick. When constructing private one-story outbuildings, saving material and money comes to the fore, so the thickness of load-bearing external walls can be reduced to 1.5 bricks or less.

    Regarding internal load-bearing walls and partitions, the following recommendations exist:

    • for load-bearing walls inside the house, as a rule, masonry with a thickness of at least 1 brick (25 cm) is used;
    • In addition to internal load-bearing walls, partitions are also distinguished - they do not experience loads from load-bearing elements, the main purpose of such structures is simply to divide the room into separate zones. In this case, a masonry of 0.5 bricks (12 cm) is used. As a result, the wall is not rigid enough; in order to eliminate this drawback, it is reinforced with ordinary wire, placing it in mortar joints.

    Gas or foam concrete is often used for partitions in order to save money.

    Brick thickness, which brick should be chosen for construction

    In modern brick construction, single, one-and-a-half and double bricks are distinguished. The dimensions of a single ordinary brick are 250x12x65 mm; it was introduced into use back in the 1st half of the last century (in 1925 this standard size was fixed in regulatory documentation). A little later, one-and-a-half and double bricks began to be used; their sizes are 250x120x88 and 250x120x138. From a cost point of view, it is much more efficient to use double or one-and-a-half bricks for external walls.

    For example, when laying 2.5 bricks, the optimal option would be to use double bricks for laying a wall of 2.0 bricks and facing bricks for laying the remaining 0.5 bricks. If for the same volume of construction we use a conventional single brick, then the costs will be 25–35% higher.

    One more important factor, influencing the choice of brick type is its thermal conductivity. In this parameter, brick is inferior to many building materials, for example, a tree.

    The thermal conductivity of an ordinary solid brick is about 0.6 - 0.7 W/m°C, this figure can be reduced by 2.5 - 3 times through the use of hollow bricks. In this case, the brick conducts heat much worse, but at the same time its strength decreases. Therefore, the use of hollow bricks for load-bearing walls is not possible in all cases.

    Economically justified thickness of external brick wall

    It is considered economically unfeasible to build walls with a thickness of more than 38 cm from solid brick. In order to keep the house warm, various insulation methods are used.

    Quite often (especially in low-rise construction) lightweight masonry (like a well) is used. With this method of construction, 2 are built at a short distance from each other. brick walls 0.5 bricks. Air gap between them plays the role of an excellent heat insulator, because air does not conduct heat well. The rigidity of such a structure is ensured by diaphragms connecting the walls.

    With this method of construction, the walls must be connected with diaphragms.

    The resulting cavity between the walls can be filled with foam concrete, expanded clay and other heat-insulating materials.

    If so constructive solution combine with external and internal insulation walls, then brick construction becomes economically profitable.

    When choosing the thickness of brick walls, you should remember that this material has excellent strength properties, but has great inertia. This means that brick is best suited for the construction of residential buildings; only minor daily temperature fluctuations will be observed during the day. If you plan to build from brick country house, in which periodic residence is planned winter time, then it will warm up slowly.

    Scientists from the Tomsk University of Architecture and Civil Engineering have set themselves a difficult task: to choose a real “people's house”, i.e. a house that they could safely recommend for the masses low-rise construction throughout Russia. A house that would meet all construction standards and at the same time be affordable for residents of Russia.

    For complete objectivity, scientists analyzed all construction technologies presented on the construction market in the region.

    There are 10 in total various technologies construction of house enclosing structures:

    Brick wall 510 thick with insulation with mineral wool slabs 100 mm thick in the thickness of the wall. The outer layer is face brick 120 mm thick. Indoors – plaster 20 mm thick
    Cellular concrete "Sibit" with external insulation with a 100 mm thick mineral wool slab and siding cladding; inside premises - plaster 20 mm
    Expanded polystyrene concrete 400 mm with external insulation with polystyrene foam 100 mm thick and external polymer plaster; inside – cement-sand plaster 20 mm
    Beam 150 mm, with insulation with a 100 mm thick mineral wool board and siding cladding; interior lining
    Wooden frame 150 mm insulated with mineral wool 150 mm, outside OSB board and siding, inside - drywall
    Beam 150 mm insulated with 100 mm mineral wool slabs and lined with 120 mm bricks, lining inside
    System "Izodom", reinforced concrete 150 mm, polystyrene foam insulation 150 mm, inside there are two layers of 25 mm plasterboard on a metal frame; external polymer plaster
    Velox system, 70 mm chip-cement slabs, 150 mm reinforced concrete, 150 mm polystyrene foam insulation, plaster inside and outside
    Velox system, 70mm chip-cement slabs, 400mm thick lightweight concrete, siding on the outside, plaster on the inside
    Block "Teplosten", expanded clay concrete 60 mm, expanded polystyrene 150 mm, expanded clay concrete 100 mm, inside - plaster

    Walls built using these technologies are compared according to the following parameters:

    • wall thickness
    • heat transfer resistance
    • Thermal energy requirement for heating a house per month
    • duration of construction
    • cost of 1 sq. m of external fencing and the estimated cost of the house box
    • fire safety

    Heat transfer resistance is determined according to SNiP 23-02-2003, and the need for thermal energy is calculated according to TSN of the Tomsk region.

    The duration of construction of a house box is determined in accordance with the Unified Standards and Costs in Construction (ENiR).

    The reference material for calculating the cost of building materials is the magazine “Construction Price List” No. 4/2008.

    Based on the calculations, comparative table No. 1 is compiled.

    Item no. Exterior wall construction Thickness Heat transfer resistance, R Heat energy demand per month Heating cost per month Relative time of wall construction Cost of 1 sq. m of external fencing, rub Relative cost of 1 m2 of total area Present value factor
    mm m2оС/W kWh rub. day material Job total rub. 1/rub.
    1. Brick wall 510 mm with insulation in the thickness of mineral wool slabs 100 mm and brick lining 120 mm inside plaster 760 3,46 3 259 1 956 47 2 925 575 3 500 10 412 1,00
    2. Cellular concrete "Sibit" with external insulation with a 100mm mini-slab and siding cladding 570 3,60 3 215 1 929 32 2 256 675 2 931 8 371 0,80
    3. Expanded polystyrene concrete 400 mm, plastered inside, PPS insulation* and plaster on the outside 530 4,35 3 027 1 816 48 1 926 974 2 900 8 213 0,79
    4. 150 mm timber with 100 mm insulation and siding, lining inside 320 3,46 3 259 1 956 53 1 331 580 1 911 5 159 0,50
    5. Wooden frame 150 mm, inside 150 mm mineral wool, plasterboard, outside OSB** and siding 200 3,85 3 144 1 887 27 1 211 325 1 536 4 031 0,39
    6. Beam 150 mm with insulation 100 mm and facing. brick 120 mm, lining inside 400 3,70 3 186 1 911 51 1 896 751 2 647 6 954 0,67
    7. "Izodom" system, reinforced concrete 150 mm, PPS insulation* 150 mm, inside two layers of GKLO*** 25 mm on a metal frame, outside polymer plaster 360 4,05 3 094 1 856 64 1 850 810 2 660 6 949 0,67
    8. Velox system, ShchTsP****70mm, PPS150mm reinforced concrete 150 mm, plaster inside and outside façade 420 4,37 3 023 1 814 47 1 618 680 2 298 6 047 0,58
    9. Velox system, ShchtsP 70 mm, lightweight concrete 400 mm, siding outside, plaster inside 520 3,20 3 910 2 346 44 2 445 610 3 055 8 134 0,78
    10. Block "Teplosten", expanded clay concrete 60mm PPS 150 mm, expanded clay concrete 100 mm inside plaster 310 4,30 3 037 1 822 37 2 080 385 2 465 6 402 0,61

    *) EPS - expanded polystyrene, **) OSB - oriented particle board, ***)GKLO – plasterboard sheets, ****)ShchTsP – chip-cement slabs

    Wall structures numbered 4, 5 and 6 ( wooden frame and walls made of timber) do not meet the requirements of SNIP 21-01-97 “Fire safety of buildings and structures” and are therefore excluded from the comparison of technologies for constructing houses intended for permanent residence.

    At the same time, these technologies are relatively inexpensive (especially frames and timber with siding) and it is advisable to use them in the construction of summer cottages for temporary residence.

    From the data in Table 1 it is determined average cost construction of the building box, which amounts to 498,535 rubles. It is necessary to exclude from consideration designs whose price exceeds average price construction as expensive: these are walls numbered 1, 2, 3 and 9. We also note that the thicknesses of all four structures excluded from consideration exceed 500 mm; excessive wall thickness leads to a reduction in the volume of the room and, accordingly, to a reduction in the total area of ​​the house.

    Let us consider in detail the remaining structures that are suitable for the construction of a “people’s house”:

    Izodom system


    The ease of assembling walls from blocks allows you to achieve high construction speed; due to the thermal efficiency of permanent formwork, construction can be carried out in winter conditions; reliability and seismic resistance of buildings, since the load-bearing element of the walls is monolithic reinforced concrete; moderate construction cost; Heavy lifting equipment is not used during installation.


    High fire danger buildings until the completion of interior and exterior decoration; difficulties in maintaining the geometry of the walls at the time of construction, since polystyrene foam “floats” in concrete; when finishing, expensive materials intended only for polystyrene foam are used; Fire safety standards require the use of double plasterboard boards for interior decoration. metal frame, which leads to busyness and increases prices; the gap between the trim and the polystyrene foam wall is an attractive place for rodents; difficulties when attaching hanging furniture and equipment to walls; There is a weight limit (no more than 16 kg) for exterior finishing materials.

    Velox system


    High fire safety; ease of installation and control of wall geometry; highest thermal efficiency; the ability to change the thickness of concrete and insulation, thanks to the simple design of mounting ties; low cost of materials; heavy lifting equipment is not used during installation; high pace of construction; it is possible to use lightweight concrete as a filler; high seismic resistance, durability and reliability of structures; the indoor microclimate is no different from a wooden house; simplicity of exterior and interior decoration.


    Not found.

    Technology "Teplosten"


    Easy installation and reasonable cost of materials; high fire resistance; high pace of construction; no external finishing is required when using mass-painted blocks.


    Low load-bearing capacity; sensitivity to general deformations; when using heavy floors, an additional frame made of metal or reinforced concrete is required; lack of approved or certified technical solutions for building a house using this technology.


    From the above comparative studies and analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of various technologies for the construction of enclosing structures of low-rise buildings, it clearly follows that the technology of monolithic construction in permanent VELOX formwork can rightfully be considered the “people's house”.

    The Velox system beat its competitors in the following parameters:

    • affordability,
    • thermal efficiency,
    • durability, reliability and seismic resistance,
    • simplicity and accessibility of installation,
    • environmental and operational characteristics.

    The Izodom system receives silver, and the Teplosten technology receives bronze.

    This article is aimed at helping an individual developer in choosing a construction technology, as well as the ability to quickly, efficiently and inexpensively solve the problem of building a house that meets all modern requirements.

    This review material is based on the article “Commercially available resource-saving low-rise building. Comparison of indicators of external fences",

    Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2008.