Is it possible to take plants from someone else's house? Folk signs - HOME. Things and flowers that should not be kept at home. What flowers should not be kept at home?

Over time, different nations a huge stock of various beliefs has accumulated about animals, weather, pregnancy, money, and even something has been invented about plants.

I can’t say that I believe in all these signs and superstitions, and therefore I want to talk about the history of the emergence of some beliefs about plants and whether they actually have the meaning that has come down to our times. Before continuing this topic further, I want to tell you one thing: everything in your life will be the way you want it, for example, if a black cat crossed my path, this means great luck. You build your own life, and what you believe in will happen to you.

Indoor plants.

Remember what the Bible says: “And according to your faith it will be given.” This means that you and only you create for yourself various signs and superstition. If you decide that a black cat means trouble, then so be it. And I convinced myself that if a black cat crosses the road, great luck awaits me, now it’s the only thing that happens the way I need it.

And I advise you, create signs for yourself, and if someone got burned before and associated their failure with a black cat, this does not mean at all that the same thing will happen to you. In addition, a huge business is built on superstitious people. Yes, you can make good money from human fear. Okay, I digress, let's get back to plant superstitions.

People also have some superstitions about plants:

Signs about indoor plants: plants die in a bad house.

For some reason, people believe that in a house in which there is bad energy, the plants do not take root. But it turns out that this is not always the case. If your plant is proper care suddenly dried out, which means it warded off some kind of misfortune or damage. The dead plant has fulfilled its function. In general, if any plant disappears, especially a gift, then it has warded off illness or some kind of trouble, and taken with it something bad that was intended for the owner of the plant. First of all, thank the plant, then take it outside and bury it.

Caring for flowers. The illustration for the article is used under a standard license ©site

Signs and superstitions about indoor plants: flowers grow better if you steal them.

This folk sign came to us from the distant past, when only rich people could afford many flowers and they were difficult to get. But stealing the shoot useful plant, our grandmothers put in flower pot coins. But this does not affect the growth of the plant in any way.

Sign - you can’t give flowers in pots.

Someone claims that it is a very bad omen to give indoor plants in pots. It is believed that such flowers convey bad luck. And some people think that giving such gifts is not decent.

But on the contrary, all the negative energy is transferred to cut flowers (especially dry ones), which cannot be said about flowers in pots. So cast aside all doubts and feel free to give potted flowers to your friends. Fortunately, this habit becomes a tradition in our lives.

People also believe that cacti and climbing plants bring danger into the house. Although if you believe all the folk signs and superstitions, then having almost all flowers in the house is dangerous. For example, people say that all climbing flowers “drive away” husbands from their homes, so they are called muzhegons. I wonder why this happened among the people?

In fact, according to experts, flowers cannot harm a person in any way. It’s just that every person is individual and everyone needs their own green friend. If you grow flowers that are not “yours” in the house, then you get the feeling that you are wasting your life uselessly, the plants absorb your energy and give nothing in return.

Flowers in a pot. The illustration for the article is used under a standard license ©site

You just need to choose your own from a huge number of colors. It's not difficult to do this. To do this, trust your inner feelings and listen to what qualities you want to improve and change in yourself. And know that when caring for your flowers, you should experience real joy and happiness.

An anecdote on this topic: B flower shop The saleswoman addresses the student:

-young man buy flowers for the girl. Flowers will say everything for you.

The student thought and said:

-give me one, I'll be brief.

After reading this article, you can find out which indoor plants bring misfortune to the house. Superstitions associated with them were formed over a long time under the influence real cases that happened to some people and were passed on from generation to generation.

Despite the fact that most biologists treat such beliefs with sarcasm, whether you believe or not in their validity, you must decide for yourself, because even psychologists say that when choosing plants for your home, you should not be guided by superstitions, but trust your own feelings.

Don't forget that there are things that bring bad luck into your home for good reason - many of them are poisonous, and some cause severe allergic reactions.

Basic data

The main superstitions associated with indoor plants are based on their death. So, for example, if a plant dies, it is believed that it has warded off misfortune from the owner, and the opinion that stolen flowers take root better has ruined many beautiful plants, from which cuttings were separated without the consent of the owners.

Signs about the existence of things that bring misfortune to the house were formed only in relation to the most popular house plants. As for species that have recently appeared in flower shops, such as orchids, they simply have not yet had time to earn a negative attitude towards themselves. At the same time, it is quite likely that in a few decades they will “grow” with their own signs.

Below are the most famous indoor plants that bring misfortune, the signs about which are often extremely contradictory.


In the Middle Ages in Greece and Rome, ivy was not only a symbol of devotion, but also acted as one of the most common talismans for young girls. It was believed that it symbolizes not only the possibility of a successful marriage, but also allows the owner to maintain youth and attractiveness for a long time. To do this, it was enough just to wear a sprig of ivy on the chest.

As for the present time, in the East they believe that it increases vital energy owner, prolonging his life. At the same time, in post-Soviet territories there is an opinion that ordinary ivy, widespread in the southern regions, attracts misfortune to the house. In addition, it is not recommended to place it in the home of newlyweds, as it can also cause quarrels, as a result of which men leave their families.


Even in pre-war times, ficus was considered one of the most pronounced symbols of well-being. It was believed that he attracted wealth to the family. That is why even the poorest segments of the population sought to obtain this plant. However, after the war, attitudes towards him changed radically. The opinion began to actively spread among the people that in those families where the men survived and returned from the war, there were no ficus trees.

Since people called it the “widow plant”, within a fairly short time it gained a bad reputation and most of the gorgeous specimens of these plants were mercilessly destroyed.


Monstera is a fast-growing vine with carved leaves. In China, it is customary to give it to respected elderly people, as it is believed that it can influence the increase in the number of days allotted to a person to live. Because of this sign, there she is considered a wonderful gift for almost any holiday. However, our people’s superstitions about keeping monsteras in the house are radically different from the Chinese. There is an opinion that this is one of the most dangerous vampire plants that absorb human energy, which is why people become lethargic and apathetic. In addition, it is not recommended to have it in families where there are people with heart disease or lung problems, since at night it can “strangle” a person.

But the monstera can be placed in public place, where many accumulate negative energy, for example, in court. There she will not only delight you with her appearance, but will also consume excess negative energy.


The opinion about the “mystical” fern plant, whose flower has been sought since ancient times on the night of Ivan Kupala, is quite contradictory. So, in some parts it is believed that if you bring a fern into your house, you will bring misfortune with it, and as long as the plant is in it, various misfortunes will be attracted to you. However, in other places it is believed that the fern, on the contrary, protects the family from the evil that other people do and all evil spirits. It is believed that if a fern suddenly dries up, then it has taken upon itself damage directed against the owner of the home.


There is a common superstition that if kept in a house, the girl living in it will never be able to marry for love. In fact, this plant is considered a permanent reason why a girl may remain alone until old age. In addition, it is not recommended to keep violets in the house due to the fact that the female part of the family may develop various diseases of the reproductive system.


It is believed that this plant has such powerful energy that it easily suppresses the human biofield, having a powerful negative impact on the health of people who are in close proximity to it every day. People who have it at home often get seriously ill. Despite the fact that today there is no scientific evidence of this fact, if you still decide to have Cyperus in your home, be sure to listen to your health.


Eat large number plants that should not be kept in the house from an emotional and psychological point of view. These indoor plants, which bring misfortune to the house, have received the name “husband plants” from people.

  • Scindapsus is one of the most popular varieties of tropical vines. It is believed that she not only brings quarrels into the house and is the culprit of divorce, but also “drives out” all men from the family, including even sons and grandchildren.
  • Cissus, like scindapsus, belongs to the category of plants that have a direct impact on men leaving families. In addition, cissus is considered a real magnet for attracting misfortunes into the family.
  • Hibiscus - it is not recommended for unmarried women to have it, as their personal life begins to deteriorate, and their lover may sooner or later leave for another.
  • Hoya - it is believed that this plant can not only “drive” a man out of the house, but also drive him away from the world.
  • Tradescantia - in the house where this plant is located, the marriage may soon collapse.

Signs associated with flower coloring

As a rule, signs associated with flowers do not foretell anything terrible. Often, flowers that bring misfortune to the house are also divided according to color. For example:

  • White flowers symbolize purity and innocence. That is why there is a belief that it is better to give newlyweds flowers of this color for their wedding.
  • Red flowers symbolize passion and love.
  • Yellow flowers portend an imminent separation.
  • It is customary to give blue flowers to loved ones, as they symbolize sincerity and kindness.


Do not rush to throw away your favorite flowers just because someone told you that they bring bad luck to the house. Of course, whether to believe or not to believe in such statements is a personal matter for each person, but you should first of all trust your own feelings.

Even if you personally know people whose lives did not work out for some reason and in their house there were some of the plants listed in this article, this does not mean that the people suffered exactly from them negative influence. After all, most countries have their own folk signs associated with plants.

Indoor flowers should be selected for your home only taking into account your taste preferences, because first of all, they should please you with their appearance and lift your spirits.

Indoor plants have energy that can attract happiness, luck, wealth into the house, and it would be very nice to present such a talisman as a gift to friends. But is it possible to give flowers already in pots? Let's answer this question.

Is it possible to give flowers in pots - negative signs

Some plants can make their owner happy, others - on the contrary, draw all the juices out of him. It would seem that a houseplant in a pot would be a wonderful gift for someone who loves to make flowers, however, there are beliefs that such a gift would not be the best.

Negative signs do not always work, but in in some cases Moreover, the same omen can be interpreted as both good and bad.

For example, there is no need to give potted plants to those who are sick. The sign is very gloomy - if a flower with roots is given, then they seem to want the sick person to “grow into the ground.” On the other hand, it is believed that if this flower withers, it will take away bad energy.

Another sign warns that if the plant does not take root in the new owner’s house and begins to wither, then similar negativity awaits the new owner - troubles may begin in his life.

The next sign is to present a pot of damp earth y. People are sure that the gift will attract illness and trouble to the new owner. Neutralize this bad omen You can buy a plant at a flower shop that will not be in damp soil, but in a special soil mixture.

Believe me last It warns against that the person who gives the flower dumps his troubles and adversities on it. This means that the negative goes to the person who accepted the gift.

Indoor plants as a gift - good omens

There is an opinion that if a person is given flowers in a pot (especially when there are several of them), they begin to act as talismans. At the same time, they protect both the person and the house in which he lives from damage.

The sign assures that if a plant suddenly withers (even if immediately), then it simply took away all the negativity that was on the owner and the house. At the same time, on at the moment the room is completely cleared of negativity. As you can see, there is also a good omen associated with giving such a gift.

If a person is not superstitious or only trusts good omens, you can give him a houseplant. But if he is sure that the gift will bring him something negative, then this negative energy will be constantly attracted to him.

What flowers are given to men and women?

Probably everyone knows that there are special plants that can attract happiness, luck, joy, wealth, and so on. Of course there is also flowers that attract separation, betrayal, deception. So that there is always happiness and joy in your home, and the possible negative impact of donated flowers in pots is completely neutralized, you can keep such plants in your home.

  • Spathiphyllum- it is often called Women's happiness, since it allows you to neutralize negative energy in the house, restores warm relations between spouses.
  • Violet It helps not only to maintain family comfort, but also to improve relationships between children and parents, and helps people overcome mental anguish.
  • Chinese rose symbolizes peace, tranquility, comfort, passion.
  • Myrtle- an ideal gift for a young family, as it will attract peace, happiness and understanding. However, single men It’s also suitable for women, as it will help attract a soul mate.
  • Chlorophytum It will help you to be more focused, calm, and easier to endure the difficulties of life.
  • For those who want to achieve well-being and material wealth, you need dracaena Sandera.
  • money tree, or fat woman, will also be a wonderful gift for a friend who has long dreamed of improving his financial situation.
  • Live long life, have good health, nerves of steel and material wealth a combination of plants will help Geranium And Azalea.
  • Ficus- an irreplaceable gift for a couple who cannot conceive a child for a long time. This plant attracts good luck, helps preserve the family hearth and guarantees fertility.
  • Orchid- a plant that will bring prosperity to the house.

Gave a flower in a pot, how to remove negativity

If someone gave you a houseplant in a pot and you are afraid that it will have a negative impact on you, or the person who presented it could be planning something bad, in the end the plant spoke to attract negativity to you, you can perform the following rituals.

Pay off. As with receiving a mirror as a gift, give the gift giver a few coins. This way you are already buying the item rather than receiving it as a gift.

Cleanse the plant of negativity. To do this, sprinkle it with holy water and read the Lord's Prayer over it several times. Rest assured, this will help remove any possible negativity that could transfer to the plant. As a last resort, you can re-gift your gift. However, this method is quite cruel, because you will give away the negativity that the donor might have left on you.

In general, there is nothing wrong with such a present. Eat negative signs associated with house plants, but there are also positive ones. In addition, many indoor flowers have a positive effect on both the owner and the overall atmosphere in the room. Therefore, if a person has nothing against it, feel free to give him such a gift.

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Since indoor plants became fashionable and became the inhabitants of almost every residential building or apartment, many superstitions, beliefs and myths appeared among ordinary people about which flowers can be kept in the house and which cannot. Moreover, such a number of beliefs have appeared that if you take them into account, you might think that it is generally dangerous to have indoor flowers at home. Flowering and non-flowering, climbing plants and cacti, as many folk “experts” believe, carry a hidden threat to human life, health, and, ultimately, happiness. But, despite all this, people continue to grow these plants in their apartments and do not suffer any harm from them. Then the question arises: what caused all kinds of prejudices and fears towards flowers to appear? What prompts such rumors to be spread about plants?

In fact, plants are not capable of causing harm to humans (and even vice versa), and any plants can be grown at home. The question is: which plants are more suitable for this or that person and will become his “green friends”?

All kinds of beliefs about negative impact certain representatives of the flora for human life were created by people who grew plants that were not suitable for them. When we have a liking for a person or thing, we will not say that it has a bad influence on us. It is the same with plants and flowers: if we like a flower, then it cannot have a negative effect on us.

Apparently, the fact is that by planting plants in the house that we don’t like, we give ourselves a reason for internal dissatisfaction. Growing “foreign” plants at home that do not correspond to our character can create a feeling of a waste of time, a feeling that the plants are absorbing our energy, like energy vampires. Perhaps someone noticed that alcoholics lived in a house where there were a lot of cacti, and vines or ivy grew in the house of a divorced woman. But the reason for the divorce is not flowers, but may be that because of her excessive love for flowers, the woman devoted little time to her husband, which ultimately led to divorce. This is how warning beliefs and superstitions arise.

Vladimir Dal brought to us a large number of Russian proverbs and sayings, including many ominous warnings. For example, these: “Whoever plants a willow prepares a spade for himself” (he will die when a shovel can be hewn out of the willow); “The garden blooms late - to the death of the owner”; “Whoever sings in the forest and sees a raven will stumble upon a wolf,” and so on and so forth. The mentality of the Russian people implies a tendency towards some tragedy and constant fears. Our great-great-grandfathers left us a huge number of all kinds of signs and superstitions, and we do not lag behind them, and even moreover, we continue to create new ones...

You can often hear the following phrase: “I knew that since a neighbor passed by with an empty bucket, then you can turn around and go home, but nothing will work out anyway...” But with our faith we program ourselves for failure. The biblical saying “According to your faith be it done to you” says that by our faith we allow signs to be realized in our lives. And if you think that climbing plants will bring you trouble, then do not have them in your home, because it may happen that your strong belief in this will allow the omen to come true in your life. Remember that thought is material.

To some extent, the signs are true. The already mentioned common ivy is a plant of the Gemini sign. Since Gemini is a sign of lightness, mobility and inconstancy, under the influence of this plant the owners of the house can become more restless and even fickle in their feelings. Especially if there is only one or several ivy growing in the house and there are no other plants. However, if the owner of the flower was born under an earth sign, for example, under the sign of Taurus, then he is not initially characterized by lightness and mobility. And an air plant can, over time, lighten his character, help a person become more mobile, teach him to easily accept complex solutions. People who have known this person for a long time will be surprised at the changes that have happened to him. Suspicions may arise that the plant has “spoiled” the person

Let's take another situation: the owner of the house was born under the sign of Gemini or another of the air signs (Libra, Aquarius), that is, he already has a certain lightness of character. Air plants, including ivy, can make such a person restless and fickle, which theoretically could lead, for example, to leaving the family.

Each part of the plant (stem, leaf, flower) has a planetary ruler, which endows the parts of the plant with its own special energy. Cacti, thanks to their thorns, exude Martian energy, and the worst manifestation of the energy of Mars in a person is an addiction to alcoholic beverages. In addition, Mars is a masculine planet. So people say that “if you put cacti in your house, your husband will become a drunkard.”

How can flowers portend evil? If the person growing air ivy does not need to lighten his character, the ivy will be almost useless to him, only keeping him light. If creative nature breeds flowering plants, the latter will be an almost useless home decoration, helping a person not to lose his creative streak and enthusiasm. Apparently, the one who first said that “houseplants blooming is not good” was so far from a creative perception of life that the appearance of solar energy in his house caused unpleasant sensations. Only a conservative, a dull and limited person, unable to look at the world in a new way, could say that flowering plants bring problems.

Flowering plants help us look at the world with new eyes, to see something new and different in the familiar. A creative mood can frighten and puzzle a person who is afraid to change his views.

Popular beliefs about the inadmissibility of the presence of certain indoor plants in the house mask our conservatism, our imperfection. Plants cannot harm a person, cannot kill his dignity, cause a husband to leave the family or cause poverty. We are simply not ready to perceive the beneficial energy of a plant; we are afraid of this influence and make up scary fairy tales about plants. Such is human nature: we do not trust the new, we are afraid of it, but our fear in no way forms a correct assessment of phenomena. Popular beliefs are also a consequence of the wrong choice of plants, because “foreign” plants that do not correspond to the qualities of a person’s character will not bring him much benefit.

So, it is very important to grow at home exactly those plants from which you will get the maximum benefit, and it is also important to be ready for self-improvement. It’s not difficult to choose your own from the variety of indoor plants. It is enough to formulate what qualities you want to develop in yourself, what areas of your life need improvement. To avoid the birth of new beliefs about the dangers of some plants, choose those flowers that will not be out of place in the house, that will help their breadwinner owners find happiness in life.

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House plants and flowers can have negative energy or even be vampires. This is why it is not recommended to keep some flowers in the house.

Of course, the energy in the house should be positive. After all, it is she who attracts good luck to all its residents. Previously, we wrote about which plants bring happiness to the house. This article will help you find the perfect energy companion for you. And today we will talk about which flowers you should not keep at home.

10 unlucky flowers

Rose. At first glance, this beautiful flower, who is the king of all flowers. However, the rose is not only beautiful. She perfectly absorbs energy, thus being not a donor, but a vampire. At the same time, the rose gives almost nothing in return, so it is advisable to keep roses at home only for those who are sure that they have something to give.

Orchid. With its name alone, this flower can win your love, but don’t be naive. They say that the orchid takes energy by feeding on the shortcomings of people. This pure water a vampire who has no limitations. The orchid rarely takes root in homes, but if this happens, then those who have problems with self-confidence will be even more unhappy. The flower also provokes insomnia. If you are ready to have an orchid against all odds, do not place it next to your sleeping place.

Begonias. These flowers are known for their popularity, but they can easily steal energy from people. True, they attract both positive and negative energy, which can partly serve as a good service. Moreover, when a plant shares what it has taken, it keeps the negative for itself, giving a small part of the positive back. But you should not keep more than one such flower at home, so as not to disrupt energy exchange.

Lilies. These seemingly harmless flowers can provoke scandals. They are dangerous because of their unexpectedness, since they can give peace and order to the home for a long time, and then suddenly change their energy. Keep lilies where you don't visit often - for example, in the country.

Lilac. Every person experiences pleasure when passing by a lilac bush in the summer. You should not cut these flowers home: many folk signs say that lilacs only bring trouble. Previously, we wrote about the magical properties of lilac and the signs associated with it. This article will help you not only learn more about lilacs, but also do the right thing when they bloom.

Tulips. There is a sign that these flowers provoke hair loss, deterioration of the skin and increase nervousness. Of course, many people love tulips, and you shouldn’t give them up completely. Just don’t plant them close to the house, for example, under the windows of a summer house.

Ferns. These flowers are good in front gardens and garden plots. They can be used to beautifully decorate a flower garden, or decorate a fern with flowers for Ivan Kupala. But experts do not recommend keeping it at home: it absorbs oxygen, releasing carbon dioxide, which means it can really give you a headache.

Tuberose. This flower smells very tasty, it is even used in perfumery, but this advantage does not compare with its disadvantage. He provokes betrayal. If you are married and do not want problems, it is better to give up this flower once and for all.

Hippeastrum. This representative of the world of flora really does not like it when someone makes a scandal in his presence, pouring out negativity. This flower takes everything to the last drop, giving it back later. If you often have someone quarreling at home, you run the risk of not getting rid of constant influx negative energy never.

Oleander. In some cases the smell of it is incredible beautiful flower may cause dizziness. If you have small children at home, then under no circumstances buy oleander as decoration.

Stellera dwarf. From this Japanese flower There is one big danger for small children and animals. The sap of the plant can cause health problems, which can be very dangerous for children.

Remember that many plants and flowers cannot be kept in the bedroom. This most important recommendation from the sages of Feng Shui. The bedroom should be neutral in its energy and not carry any negativity. Previously, we wrote about which indoor flowers will be most useful according to Feng Shui. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.07.2016 07:00

Each flower has unique energy. Some of them have a beneficial effect on the home atmosphere, while others...