Examples of planning a house 6 by 8. Projects of houses and baths. Advantages of a compact low-rise building

You can build your own cottage with minimal investment and quite quickly. Projects of houses 6 by 8 meters, with a compact size, have a convenient well-thought-out layout. Such a house will contain all the premises necessary for life on the first and attic floors. Projects with small dimensions can be used for the construction of suburban and urban real estate in small areas. And this is not the whole list of their advantages.

Characteristic features of 6 by 8 house projects

Modest in terms of area, residential buildings can be erected on sites of any size and shape, internal zoning is then selected depending on the needs of the owners. You can expand the total footage of the house by choosing a project with two floors or an attic. Then the building, compact on the outside, will be spacious inside. If the layout of one-story cottages is minimalistic, then with an increase in the number of storeys, it will be much easier to organize living and domestic space comfortably.

For the construction of compact houses, various materials are used:

  • wood;
  • aerated concrete;
  • brick;

Buildings with these dimensions and visual diversity differ - our catalog contains projects and photos of cottages designed in different versions: projects of wooden country houses 6x8 in size and stylish city cottages.

Advantages of small dimensions

A one-story small house with an attic is suitable for those who want to build a cozy country residence, owners of small plots within the city, as well as pensioners. Two-story buildings are more spacious. Projects of houses 6 by 8 meters from foam blocks - a budget solution with a rational zoning plan, suitable for those who want to save on heating.

Among the advantages of cottages with dimensions 6x8:

  • economy of construction and operation;
  • construction time;
  • household practicality;
  • low heating costs.

In addition, the projects of modern 6 by 8 houses with Scandinavian-style or high-tech interiors look spacious, due to the right colors and textures, and are not inferior in comfort to classic interiors.

Projects of 6x8 houses are a compact and affordable solution for most Russian families. The cottage area of ​​96 m2 accommodates all the functional premises necessary for comfortable accommodation of a family of 4-5 people.

Features of cottages 6x8

The main advantage of a 6x8 house is its efficiency. The construction of a small cottage does not require large expenses for construction and finishing, materials, a solid foundation and further operation.

Other advantages of 6 by 8 houses:

  • Operational installation. The construction of cottages takes a minimum of time - the work is carried out by experienced craftsmen without heavy equipment;
  • Small architectural forms. Modern designs are complemented by terraces and beautiful porches;
  • Convenient layout. All rooms are isolated, and their thoughtful arrangement provides comfort for the whole family.

Specialists of the construction company "Dachny Sezon" undertake the installation of objects of any complexity in Moscow and the Moscow region, regardless of the time of year. You can order the construction of a 6 by 8 house from us, or you can buy only a house project.

Construction of a cottage 6x8

One-story and two-story houses 6 by 8 will be an ideal choice for both seasonal and permanent residence. Our craftsmen use only natural materials in construction, which ensures 100% environmental friendliness of the building.

Note! Cottages are rented out completely ready for settlement and living.

Turning to the construction company "Dachny Sezon", you choose consistently high quality and affordability. We are confident in the reliability and durability of structures, so we provide a guarantee for our facilities - 7 years.

6x8 house projects are the best solution for every family!

Owners of a private plot often think about what kind of house they want to build, because this is a building for many years, so you need to think through everything carefully and seriously. First of all, it is important to choose a project, that is, to understand the layout of a 1 or 2-storey house inside, the location of the rooms, their area and number.

This is not an easy task that requires a responsible attitude. But if you explore the various options, you are sure to find something that will suit your taste and will meet all your needs.


Such a dwelling can be considered comfortable and quite spacious if the living space is used correctly. And for this it is necessary to take into account all the details, optimally arrange the rooms and provide for the presence of all conditions for a comfortable life. It is worth noting that in such a house you can do redevelopment due to the ease of the structures used.

A wide variety of projects will open before you, whether it is a classic house made of timber or brick, a two-story building with a spacious attic, or a compact dwelling with two bedrooms and a large hall for receiving guests.

As for the layout, it is important to take into account additional details. These include panoramic windows, the presence of a terrace, veranda or balcony, a basement, and the organization of a sauna with a bath is often in great demand.


To build not only a spacious, but also a comfortable house, certain rules must be observed. Of course, I want to save space on the site, but at the same time, so that everyone has enough space, it is cozy and warm. The project of houses made of timber 6 by 8 m is in great demand, as they have a lot of advantages. Such buildings are compact, despite the fact that the total area can be considered quite impressive.. As for the cost, such housing is much cheaper than a building made of concrete or brick.

But it all depends on personal wishes, and if you are not satisfied with a house made of ordinary timber, you can choose a frame option. The construction technology of such an object differs in design and other features. To begin with, it is important to choose a specific type of frame, because they are offered in different versions. It is recommended that you seek help from a qualified professional, who can provide advice and give helpful advice.

The classification of frame structures depends on the principle of assembling elements and parts. Among them are half-timbered, frame-panel, post-and-beam and panel models.

There are other methods that are often used during construction and have excellent characteristics. So, if you decide to build a 6x8 m house, first select a project and decide on the location of the rooms.

Layout of a one-story and two-story building

There are many options for a country house with such parameters. Cottages with two floors have gained great popularity, which are great for families with children. This property consists of several spacious rooms. Of course, the house is equipped with a quality toilet, bathroom and all other amenities.

If we talk about two-story projects, there are often “service” rooms below, but there is always a living room and maybe a lounge. The layout includes two bedrooms upstairs and an additional bathroom, the size of which can be more modest than on the first floor.

If you are interested in redevelopment of a private house, then you can do it quite simply and easily. Today, in such situations, many use special programs, thanks to which you can prepare a project and see how everything will look.

Much attention must be paid to the choice of building materials, because there are rules for decorating a wooden house (environmentally friendly materials) or a brick dwelling.

The internal organization of space depends solely on the number of rooms, their parameters and purpose.

A one-story house 6 by 8 m is ideal for small families, because two two-room apartments can be located here, in addition, you can even equip a bathhouse and a boiler room. To make the space look ergonomic and comfortable, you can attach a veranda, which in the summer will serve as a dining room. You can supplement the project of such a house with an attic to increase the space., such options are in great demand.

The second floor of cottages is usually intended for sleeping places, as well as guest rooms. Downstairs there is a spacious kitchen, which can be combined with a dining room, as well as a large hall.

The cost of a country house 6 by 8 meters is small, so such dwellings are in demand. Whether it is a summer cottage where you plan to come only for holidays or weekends, or it is a full-fledged home, the main thing is to properly organize the project and resort to the help of professionals. If you decide to build a house with two floors, you can provide for a balcony or make a small veranda at the top, especially if there is an amazing view from there.

Project preparation rules:

  1. Decide on the number of rooms. Since we are talking about a dwelling with an area of ​​​​48 square meters, there may be not two, but more rooms, a spacious kitchen and even two bathrooms. The dimensions of the rooms depend on your wishes and requests.
  2. The type of roof plays an important role and during the planning it is necessary to pay special attention to this, since there are many varieties of it.
  3. The shape of the house matters, because it affects the parameters and arrangement of the rooms inside. You can build a square, rectangular, multi-faceted structure as you wish.
  4. Decide on the type of construction, because there are some differences between a cottage and a country or guest house.

Beautiful examples

An excellent solution for a house with parameters of 6 by 8 m would be a dwelling with a spacious kitchen. Coming out of it you can see the stairs, and next to it there can be a living room, for example. You can equip a bathroom near the entrance. If you decide to build a dwelling with an attic, it will be possible to include three bedrooms in the layout, and this is a great option for a large family.

If we are talking about the construction of a garden house, the project may not include a bathroom. According to the layout, the building will have only one bedroom, a large living room and a rather cozy kitchen that opens into the dining room. If it is possible to build an attic room, it turns into a bedroom. Increasing space as mentioned above is possible due to the veranda, which can be both open and closed, it all depends on your personal wishes.

Well, are you the owner of a small private house 6x8 or are you in the process of building housing of this size, but do not know how to place all the necessary premises in it? Then you have entered correctly, then you will learn how to optimally use the available space, depending on the number of floors in the building, the material from which it will be built.

We design

Considering the projects of 6 by 8 houses, future owners often focus on the appearance of the building, without delving too deeply into the functionality of the latter. During the design, it is possible not only to correctly place the rooms, but also household appliances, not to mention communications.

A detailed project will allow you not to buy unnecessary building materials for rough and fine finishing, it makes it possible to see the future housing almost “live”.

When designing a house, try to bring the shapes of the rooms as close as possible to a square or a rectangle, this will not lead to the impossibility of rationally arranging furniture in the future.

A large number of online programs will allow you to design at your discretion, but before that, be sure to consult with the masters, because sometimes a beautiful project turns out to be impossible in terms of technology.

Choosing a building material

Considering that houses with such dimensions are often built in summer cottages, the choice of building material depends on several factors:

  • the location of the house on the site, for example, if the rooms face south, then you can completely save on the thickness of the bearing walls by reducing the number of bricks or replacing them with a foam, gas block;
  • overall construction budget. Agree that the price category of wooden beams is higher than modern analogues;
  • the number of people who will live in the building. Agree that a house for two is not suitable for a family of 4 people.

The main materials for the construction of housing measuring 6 by 8 sq.m. are: classic brick, foam, gas and other types of blocks, glued beams or logs, ready-made panels for the construction of frame houses attract special attention.

One-story housing

A one-story 6 by 8 house is suitable for a couple or for a family with children, but no more than two, since it will be very difficult to single out separate rooms with such a small size.

When designing the placement of premises, first of all, try to avoid unnecessary corridors in the layout. Enough will be a hallway or vestibule.

Now a little about the layout, in the case of a family with children, the best option would be to combine the kitchen and living room, which will also serve as a sleeping place for parents, and the room is given to the younger generation. If only a couple lives, then you can not make a kitchen-studio, leaving the living room and bedroom as separate enclosed spaces.

The main advantage of a one-story building is the absence of the need to fill the tiled foundation, because the load on it is much less.

What if you have 2 floors?

We note right away that a two-story house 6 * 8 is considered the best option, since with small dimensions in general, you can equip all the necessary premises. As for the layout of a 6 by 8 house with two floors, in most cases a kitchen, a living room, perhaps even a guest room, as well as a bathroom are equipped on the first floor, the second floor in this case is completely reserved for "master's needs".

An alternative option would be to arrange a kitchen-studio on the ground floor, where an adult bedroom is also located, and the second one is allocated for children and, for example, a dressing room or a small gym.

An important point in the construction of this housing is the pouring of the appropriate foundation, as well as the choice of building materials. Very often, a combination of building materials is used in projects, when heavier ones are used for the first floor, and frame-panel slabs are used for the second.

Building with an attic

If the budget does not allow for an additional second floor, pay attention to a 6 by 8 house with an attic.

This housing option will allow you to significantly save money without losing the functionality of the house. In addition, the floor under the roof or attic allows you to create unique interior designs due to the unevenness of the walls and ceilings.

In the standard version, the first floor is allocated for domestic needs: a kitchen, a sanitary unit, sometimes a boiler room, and the second floor is used for a bedroom, an office, a room and rooms for children. If housing is being designed for a childless couple, then, often, the attic room is assigned to the living room - the studio, and the rest room is placed below.

Another positive side of a house with an attic is the savings on home insulation, because the roof also turns out to be “warm” due to the transfer of the attic to a living space.

The best choice - frame technology

If not so long ago a house built using frame technology aroused a natural question among the layman, why, if there are familiar building materials, then the craftsmen, having studied all its advantages, increasingly prefer this particular method of housing construction.

First of all, frame housing differs from other house construction technologies in the following parameters:

  • construction speed. The construction time for a 6x8 frame house varies from a week to several months, it all depends on the complexity of the project. Such a short period is due to the fact that the finished panels are delivered to the construction site and there they are only assembled according to the principle of Lego cubes.
  • budget price range.
  • reliability of structures;
  • variety of options. It can be either a one- or two-story building option, housing with an attic;
  • good thermal insulation characteristics. A dwelling built using frame-panel panels is in no way inferior in thermal insulation properties to a brick building with a wall thickness of half a meter, while the difference in the cost of projects will be significant;
  • does not require a massive foundation foundation.

Despite the fact that there are a lot of photos of private houses 6 by 8 in the network, and you can always choose exactly what you like, it’s better to create an individual project, and you already know what to base on when choosing technology and types of houses.

Photos of houses 6 by 8

To date, it is the layout of the house 6x8 that is the most common. And this is not surprising, because such a house allows you to create comfortable living conditions and at the same time does not require large financial costs for its operation. Of course, such a building cannot be called spacious, but a family of 3-5 people can live in it. And in order to somehow compensate for the missing space, when drawing up the project, they provide for an attic option. It can be an excellent solution for one-story and two-story houses.

One-story house with an attic: how to plan

If you draw up a project for a one-story 6x8 structure with an attic, then this option will become a budget one. Thanks to him, it is possible to combine low costs and high quality and strength characteristics of the building.

To build a one-story house 6x8 with an attic, it is necessary to draw up a project that meets all the standards and requirements of the customer.

Houses 6x8 with one floor have many advantages, among which it is worth highlighting an attractive appearance, quick construction and low ground load. In addition, it is possible to build a building on soil with different bearing capacity.

Video: house layout with great interior design

On the video - the layout of the house 6 by 8 with an attic:

Project #1

This plan of the house assumes the presence of one floor and an attic room. It can be used for a bedroom if the family consists of more than 2 people. The fact is that on the first floor there are 2 bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen, combined with a dining room. Also, after going through the kitchen, you can find yourself in the bathroom.

The layout of the house 6 by 8 with an attic

Since the living room has large numerous windows, it is saturated with sunlight, which makes it more spacious. One bedroom is large and the other is smaller.

Project №2 with two rooms

When drawing up this project, the architects assumed that the construction of the house would take place on a green lawn. The fact is that the layout assumes the presence of a terrace, at the exit to which amazing views of nature open up. Upon entering the house, you will enter the hallway. There you can install a wardrobe for outerwear. The entrance hall is small, so it will not be able to accommodate a large number of guests.

Then you go down the corridor and enters the hall. It is large, spacious and well lit by the sun. Moving straight, go to the kitchen with a dining room. But to the right of the hall there are two bedrooms and a bathroom. At the top there is an attic, which will be a great place to relax. If you often have guests staying overnight, then you can make an attic visit a great place to spend the night with friends or relatives.

Project No. 3

This project is more suitable for the construction of a garden house, as it does not have a bathroom. According to the project, the building has one bedroom, a spacious living room and a cozy kitchen with a dining area. The existing attic room can be turned into a bedroom if the family consists of 3 or 4 people.

On the video - the layout of the house 6 by 8 with an attic and without a toilet:

Double storey

For those who wish to plan and equip an attic in a two-story 6x8 house, a number of factors must be taken into account. Among them, the layout of the rooms, their location and size are of particular importance. In such a house it will be possible to live on a permanent basis. If, when designing a house, you correctly arrange rooms and structural details, then this will solve a number of points and save usable space.

Layout of a two-story house 6 by 8 with an attic

A two-story house 6x8 can be built with a balcony. It can become a cozy place for tea drinking or relaxing. Planning a house with several rooms will be quite good. Among them are a wardrobe, a spacious hall and a veranda. The kitchen can be very versatile and connected to a spacious dining area. In any construction, it is important to understand

Project #1

This project will be a great solution for a 6x8 house. The kitchen here is quite large and spacious. Immediately leaving it, you will stand opposite the stairs, and the kitchen itself is located near the living room.

Two-storey house with an attic

The bathroom is right next to the entrance. There is also a bathroom on the top floor. There are 3 bedrooms in the attic. Thus, the house is suitable for a large family. But how typical designs of houses made of foam blocks look like, and how to choose the right one correctly, is described in great detail in this

Project No. 2

To build a compact two-story 6x8 house, you can use this project. It assumes the presence of 4-5 rooms and a bathroom. Moreover, the latter is located only on the first floor. There is also a spacious kitchen combined with a dining room. When you exit it, you immediately find yourself in the living room. But when drawing up the project, a closed veranda was provided.

So, at the request of the owner, you can convert it into a guest room, and make an office out of the living room. On the top floor there are two bedrooms. They are quite spacious and roomy.

On the video - a two-story house 6 by 8 with an attic and 5 rooms:

Project No. 3

When designing a two-story 6x8 house with an attic, they open up wide opportunities for creativity. This project involves a bathroom, kitchen and living room on the ground floor. But in the attic there are 2-3 bedrooms.

One of them is spacious, so it is ideal for parents, but the other 2 are smaller. This option is perfect for a family with little kids. The hall is quite spacious and flooded with sunlight. This is achieved through large windows that perform not only their direct functions, but also serve as an excellent decor for the facade. But how you can build an extension to the house from foam blocks, and how to do it yourself, is described in great detail in this

On the video - a two-story house 6 by 8 with an attic 3 rooms:

Project №4

This project allows you to build a two-story house with an attic for a comfortable stay for a large family. The top floor is reserved for 3 bedrooms. All of them are quite roomy and spacious. There is also a bathroom there. As soon as you climbed the stairs, you find yourself in a small hall. It is he who is a kind of node that unites all the rooms.

But on the lower floor you can see the kitchen-dining room, there is also a bar counter. Moving straight ahead, there is a large living room. And turning to the right, you will find a bathroom and a small office.