When to plant grape cuttings in water. Growing green grape seedlings from cuttings at home. Harvesting and winter storage of seedlings

Growing grapes from seeds at home does not always give a good result, and seedlings purchased from nurseries or markets may be of inadequate quality. The best option for those who want to get healthy planting material is propagation by cuttings. Plants obtained in this way take root well, but their preparation and care require certain rules. How to grow grapes from cuttings so that plantings give a large amount of green foliage and a rich harvest?

The first and main stage of growing grapes is the preparation of cuttings, or chibouks, as experienced growers call them. This is best done in the fall before the first frost, when the plants have completely shed their leaves. The branches that will be used for subsequent propagation are best taken from the middle of the bush - they should be as straight as possible, without curved shapes, the optimal thickness is 7-10 mm.

Particular attention should be paid to branches that bore large fruits. It is not recommended to use diseased or barren bushes and so-called fattening branches with a thickness of more than 12 mm for harvesting. The procedure is carried out on a cloudy day or in the early morning before the sun comes out, using a clean, sharp pruner for this.

  1. All leaves, excess shoots, antennae and other details are removed from the shoots, leaving only 3-4 buds.
  2. The vine is cut into shoots up to 60 cm long, the lower incision is made at an angle a couple of centimeters above the kidney.
  3. On the bottom of the resulting cuttings, you need to make 3 cuts about three centimeters long, so that the shoots grow roots better.
  4. Apply designations to the processes (with a marker, using store price tags, tags, etc.), then tie them together and put them in water for a day.
  5. Process shoots copper sulphate solution a (5%) to prevent mold, dry and store until spring. To prevent moisture loss, the pipes are treated wax or paraffin on cuts.

Store grape chibouks in different ways. If there are few shoots, you can store them in the refrigerator - make a container from two plastic bottles and put them in the bottom drawer, where vegetables usually lie. When stored in the basement, the material is sprinkled with fresh sawdust, river sand or moss - it has good antimicrobial properties, prevents the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms and fungal spores.

Another storage method is in a trench dug in the area. The place should be dry, but at the same time protected from direct sunlight. It is necessary to dig a trench about 50 cm deep, put chibouks there and sprinkle with soil, and make drainage grooves around.

The temperature must be maintained at 5-6 ° C, but not higher, otherwise the shoots will germinate ahead of time. Planting material should be inspected from time to time for the appearance of mold and drying of sections, from time to time turn them over to the other side. High-quality, suitable for growing cuttings should be green at the cut, without defects, rotten or withered areas.

Important! Cuttings are an inexpensive and effective way to grow grapes, but it has one significant drawback. Fruiting will have to wait long enough, as the grown bushes will bring the harvest only next year.

Prices for grape cuttings

grape cuttings

Rooting shoots

It is necessary to start preparing grape cuttings for planting in mid or late February. They need to be carefully examined, first of all, check the sections. If liquid oozes out of them, the shoots most likely will not germinate, as well as absolutely dry branches. Only those cuttings with a green cut, without blackness and mold, on which moisture appears after pressing, are suitable for further germination.

To speed up the appearance of roots and the development of seedlings, they need to be rooted in one of the available ways, having previously kept them in warm water for two days, changing the water daily. You can add to it aloe juice, honey or a special preparation-activator of growth. Some experienced growers claim that without this procedure, the chibouks may not germinate at all, so it is not recommended to ignore it.

Table 1. Ways of rooting grape cuttings.

Rooting methodDescription

In water (kilchevanie)

In glass jars, put a layer of cotton wool 2 cm thick, pour a little light pink solution of potassium permanganate or water with a slice of charcoal. Put the chibouks in containers, and create a greenhouse effect on top with a plastic bag and place them so that the bottom of the can is warm, and the top, on the contrary, is cool. At home, such a microclimate is obtained using bottles filled with water of different temperatures. The advantage of this method is that it activates the development of roots, and the formation of buds, on the contrary, slows down

Pour drainage at the bottom of liter containers, lay a substrate of humus, clean river sand (you can replace it with perlite or vermiculite) and garden soil, previously steamed, on top. Put the shoots in the bottom layer in the ground and water well.

In peat tablets

Moisten the peat tablets well, place the cuttings there with the lower part, and wrap the upper part in a moistened natural fabric and wrap it with cellophane

You can find out what peat tablets are and how to use them for growing seedlings and seedlings by reading on our website.

Grape cuttings should be placed in a place with good lighting and ensure that the lower part is constantly moistened. After about two weeks, the shoots need to be examined - growths should appear on them, from which roots will subsequently appear. If no changes have occurred, the cuttings should be left for another 2, maximum 3 weeks.

Attention! For growing vineyards in the middle lane, it is better to choose local varieties - some varieties of crops growing in the south are more capricious and require special conditions.

Landing in a temporary place

After the roots grow up to 0.5-2 cm long, they need to be transplanted to a temporary place, otherwise, when planted in open ground, the roots will become tangled and they can easily be injured. To do this, you need to take large plastic bottles or buckets, make several holes at the bottom for the outflow of moisture. The soil mixture can be made up of leaf soil, sand and humus, the optimal acidity level is 6.5-8 pH. Plant the cuttings so that the top sprouted eye is above the ground, planting depth is about 7-10 cm.

Watering the seedlings should be very careful so that the young roots do not rot. The temperature should be high enough (not less than 15 ° C) - in such conditions, moisture evaporates normally and does not stagnate. The average frequency of watering is once a week, pour no more than 100 ml of water per bush. In cool rooms, you need to water when the leaves and buds of the plants slightly sag, signaling that there is not enough moisture.

Advice! If the roots rot nevertheless occurred, you can try to save the seedlings. To do this, the damaged part is cut to living tissues, then put them in water, and after new roots appear on the chubuk, repeat the procedure.

Video - Growing seedlings from grape cuttings

Planting in open ground

Grape cuttings should be planted in May or early summer, when the threat of late frost is over. For planting, it is better to choose a well-lit place, closed from wind and drafts on the south side of the site - the more light and heat, the sooner the clusters will appear. Nearby there should be a support for which the grapes will cling with antennae - a fence, a net or a special trellis.

The main requirements for the soil are low acidity and normal air permeability. It is important that there is no stagnant water on the site, otherwise you will have to prepare high beds for planting. The procedure for planting cuttings is simple, but requires compliance with a number of conditions.

Table 2. Instructions for planting grape cuttings on the site.


Clear the area of ​​weeds, dig a hole 50 cm deep

Lay drainage at the bottom, pour humus on top, spill water heated in the sun at room temperature

Carefully remove the cutting so as not to damage the root system and earthen ball, put the plant and cover it with soil 40 cm so that the upper bud is above the ground

It is good to water the planted cuttings with warm water, tamp and mulch the soil

If the weather outside is cool, you need to cover the ground around the perimeter of the holes with oilcloth, and in sunny weather, provide them with shading for 2-3 weeks

Attention! For different varieties of grapes, agricultural technology provides for different planting schemes. For technical varieties used in the preparation of wine and juice, the distance is 80 cm, between table varieties - 1.5 m.

Video - Planting grapes with cuttings

Landing Care

Young plants, especially during the rooting period, require careful care, which consists in watering, mulching, fertilizing and other events.

  • After planting, the cuttings need water abundantly– at least three times a week, preheating the water in the sun. After a while, watering is reduced to two times in seven days. So that moisture does not evaporate, the soil can be mulched with peat or sawdust. At the end of summer, to stimulate the ripening of new shoots, you can completely stop watering.

  • Immediately after watering loosen the top layer of the soil, not coming close to the young roots.
  • Definitely needed remove weeds so that they do not pull nutrients from the soil.
  • At the beginning of summer (in June), planting should feed using a solution of 10 grams of potassium salt, 10 grams of urea, 15 grams of superphosphate, diluted in 10 liters of water. The next fertilization is required in early August, for which phosphates and potassium salt are used.
  • pruning must be carried out regularly, otherwise the shoots will grow too much, and the berries will be small. In the first year, the roots that have come to the surface, as well as immature processes, are removed. Next spring, you need to cut off the frozen and damaged parts, pinch the tops of the shoots and tie them to the supports. The first serious pruning is done when the lateral processes reach a length of 15 cm, leaving no more than two shoots on each cutting.

As a rule, grape cuttings take root well and begin to grow actively, after which they bear fruit. Problems are possible with improper storage of planting material, violation of rooting rules, improper use of growth stimulants and fertilizers (excessive nitrogen).

Reproduction by cuttings- a simple and affordable way to grow grapes on your site, and if you follow the rules for caring for planting, the bushes will delight you with a rich harvest.

It's time to start growing grape seedlings for spring planting from pre-harvested or purchased cuttings if you are a supporter of self-grown green grapes, or for other reasons have chosen this particular method of laying a vineyard, for example, to save money on buying seedlings.

I will talk about the method that, in my opinion, is most suitable for those who grow a small number of grape seedlings for themselves in an apartment. For a dozen cuttings, it makes no sense to use special technologies, build kilchevators, etc. And with a small number of them, you can apply a method with a higher yield of seedlings than the traditional shkolka.

In late February - early March, the vine is removed from the storage place (cellar, refrigerator, etc.) and cut into 2-3 eyed cuttings. The upper cut is made at a distance of 1 ... 2 cm above the eye, the lower - slightly obliquely at a distance of 0.5 ... 1.0 cm below the eye (diaphragm). It is better to smooth the lower sections with a sharp knife so that there are no remnants of the crushed cambium after cutting with a pruner.

After that, the cuttings are soaked for a day in settled tap water (preferably boiled or melted water) with the addition of stimulants: honey (a tablespoon per 10 liters), heteroauxin and preparations based on it, charkor, fumara, sodium humate, humisol, etc. - in accordance with the attached instructions.

I soak the cut cuttings in a solution of sodium humate, and after removing the cuttings from the water, I air them for 15–20 minutes, and in the lower part of the cutting I make 2–3 shallow vertical grooves with a knife, each 1–2 cm long. After that, I rub the drug into the sections and grooves Kornevin (I wash my hands thoroughly).

Naturally, if you have several varieties, the cuttings must be marked after cutting to eliminate confusion.

Then, in an ordinary half-liter jar (or several, depending on the number of cuttings), I put a layer of cotton wool a couple of centimeters thick on the bottom, and pour the same layer (about 2 cm) of boiled water. Before pouring, it must, of course, be cooled and it is advisable to add a couple of crystals of potassium permanganate to obtain a pale pink color, and also put a piece of charcoal in a jar. This is necessary to prevent rapid turbidity and deterioration of water.

Grape cuttings are placed in a jar, a jar - on the windowsill. Everything. Now you need to monitor the water level every 2-3 days, maintaining its thickness within 0.5 ... 1 cm. Even if you forget to look into the jar for some day and the water evaporates, the wet cotton wool will not allow future grape seedlings to dry .

Scientists have proven that roots are best formed not in the water itself, but at the water / air boundary, from the moistened part of the cambium. In grapes, the first roots begin to grow from the nodes of the cutting. This method just provides a combination of both of these conditions: a thin layer of water - the necessary aeration, and the optimal distance of the lower cut from the node - the passage of the water / air boundary along the node.

If personally your cuttings will be nodes in the water 5 mm deeper or smaller - it's okay, it's still impossible to achieve the ideal, and not everything is known for certain about the rooting process ...

For especially meticulous more advice.

You can put a plastic bag on top. It will turn out such a window greenhouse, the humidity in which will be higher compared to the dry air in the apartment. You will add water less often, and the blooming buds are good.

If it is possible to ensure heating of the lower part of the cuttings: put the jar on a warm (but not hot!) base, for example, on a metal sheet above a heating radiator, etc. - use it, it will increase the likelihood and speed of rooting of grape cuttings.

But if this is not possible - do not worry too much. You can strive for the ideal endlessly, and everything that needs to be done is mandatory, you have already done it.

As a rule, buds open first, and then roots appear. Between these events, an average of 2 ... 3 weeks pass. When less, and when more, depending on the variety and quality of the vine. Sometimes, and up to two months you need to wait for the roots! This method is good because the emerging shoots are easily provided with water, even when there are no roots yet: they simply suck it out of the jar.

And one more important point. If one shoot came out of the kidney, and after it a second one appears after a few days (from the replacement kidney), and there are no roots yet, remove (carefully break it out) first, stronger from escapes! Do not be sorry: any, even the very last, shoot will give the beginning to your bush, but the first, violently growing one, can use up the entire supply of nutrients from the tissues of the cutting, and they may not be enough to form roots. Naturally, if an inflorescence germ appeared on the shoot, it must be pinched off immediately!

Now watch for the appearance of roots in your future grape seedlings. First, tubercles of callus appear on the cut and from scratches, and then the first roots form from them. It is not necessary to allow them to grow more than 0.5 ... 1 cm: then, when transplanted, they easily break off!

Cuttings with roots that have appeared - almost seedlings - are planted in any suitable container, depending on the possibility of placing seedlings in the apartment.

I had to plant both in peat pots with a capacity of 200g, and in 5-liter plastic containers ... Of course, the larger the capacity, the more powerful your plant will grow by the beginning of May! The most optimal containers are 0.5 ... 1 liter. They can be plastic disposable beer glasses, cardboard or plastic bags from kefir or yogurt with a cut top, PET bottles cut in half, etc.

The soil mixture is prepared very light: 1 part garden (preferably sod) soil + 1 part humus + 1 part sand, or 1 part purchased universal soil mixture + 1 part sand. The cutting is planted so that its heel is deepened by 1/4 ... 1/3 of the container. Rule: leave as much volume as possible at the bottom for the development of the roots, and at the same time, so that the cutting does not fall, but stays in the container. Transplant very carefully: young roots are quite fragile! Water well after transplanting. It is very good to add perlite or vermiculite to the soil mixture instead of sand. They are lightweight and hold moisture well.

If the earth is normal: not very heavy and not very acidic, then the cuttings take root quickly and grow well. Monitor the condition of the leaves: with an unbalanced chemical composition of the soil and with increased acidity, they can chlorosis (the leaf blade dries out from the edge) and even die! In this case, a universal remedy: wood ash. 2-3 tablespoons are infused in 1 liter of water and cups with seedlings are well spilled. You can even do this for prevention, at the same time as planting cuttings. After a couple of weeks, the operation can be repeated. Additionally, a solution of manganese chelate helps well: it is sold in specialized stores. It is applied according to the instructions.

With good growth of grape seedlings, you can proceed to their accelerated formation by pinching.

For example, if you plan to grow 2 (or more) sleeves, then, with a planting depth of 40 cm in your area, pinch the shoot at a distance of 30-35 cm from the heel, when it reaches the appropriate length. Stepchildren will develop from the two upper buds, which will become the future sleeves.

Gardener 24

Many novice gardeners are interested in the question, how to grow grapes from cuttings?

Growing grapes from cuttings is the easiest, cheapest and most effective way. You can also propagate grapes by seeds, grafting and layering. When breeding new varieties, sowing by seeds is used. Usually out of one thousand seedlings, about 1-2 are of interest, all the rest are worse than the original. Therefore, grapes are best propagated by cuttings.

How to prepare grape cuttings in the fall

Grape cuttings, for the most part, are harvested in the fall, from healthy bushes that grow on your territory. The thickness of the vine should be 7-10 mm, length 55-60 cm, 4-5 buds. The lower cut should be at an angle, and the upper cut should be 2 centimeters above the eye. Sections of cuttings should be dipped in paraffin or wax, tied with twine and soaked for two days in water. In order for the cuttings not to dry out, they must be folded into plastic bags and put in the refrigerator. The cuttings are also stored in the cellar, in wet sand. The temperature where the cuttings are stored should be between 0 and +5°C.

The end of February, the beginning of March is the time when you need to start growing grape seedlings from cuttings. Remove the cuttings from where they were stored.

Now the cuttings need to be divided into 2-3 eyes. From above, the cut should be one or two centimeters above the eye, and at the bottom obliquely, only 1 cm below the eye. The cuts that are at the bottom must be cleaned with a sharp knife. Then disinfect the cuttings in a solution of potassium permanganate for 5 hours at room temperature. After the cuttings need to be soaked in well-settled water, it is better if it is melt water, but it should be at room temperature. They need to be soaked for 2-3 days, immersed in water by 2/3.

At the next stage, it is better to treat the cuttings with a growth stimulator by placing them in the solution with the lower eye for a day. The next stage is furrowing. When you remove the cuttings from the growth stimulator, make scratches 2 cm long above the lower eye with a fork or a nail. This technique will cause cell activity at the site of the furrow and give an incentive for the fastest formation of roots. Now let's make a kilchivat. We need pine sawdust, scalded with boiling water and chilled. Then, cut off the top of a 2-liter plastic bottle, make small holes at the bottom for water to drain. In such a container, 5-6 cuttings will fit. Pour 3-4 cm of sawdust into the prepared container, place the prepared cuttings vertically and fill with sawdust to the top eye. An important point for growing cuttings is the room where they will grow. It is better to put them near the radiator, where the temperature is 22-25 ° C, and cool air from above. Cuttings should be watered every 2-3 days and sprayed daily with warm water. With this mode, callus is formed on the cuttings in the place where the scratches are made and the rudiments of roots appear.

After 25-30 days, the upper bud awakens and the shoot begins to grow, and roots form from below. Rooted cuttings are transplanted into any suitable container. Paper bags from kefir or plastic bottles are well suited for this. Plant cuttings in a nutrient mixture consisting of 1 part garden soil, 2 parts sand and 1 part humus.

If you are fond of viticulture and have long thought about growing grapes on your site, but did not know how to do it correctly, this article is for you. How do grapes reproduce? There are three main ways in which grapes can be propagated: layering and cuttings (chibouks). The simplest and most popular of them is the propagation of grapes by cuttings. In this article, we will tell you how to propagate grapes with cuttings so that you can easily plant a grape bush.

How and when to harvest cuttings

Propagation of grapes by cuttings at home is a simple task, the main thing is to do everything right. Harvest cuttings in the fall, but if you do not want to cut grapes in the fall, you can try to prepare planting material in early spring. But here you need to correctly calculate the time in order to be in time before the start of sap flow. In order to propagate grapes, you need to properly cut the planting material itself and save it until it's time to plant the plants.

If you plan to propagate grapes with green cuttings, you can harvest grape shoots in the summer (in June, in July it will be too late) or in the spring.

How to cut

It is best, as already mentioned, to harvest material from the fall, because in the spring there is a chance not to be in time before the start of sap flow. Grape cuttings should be cut after the leaves have fallen, so as not to harm the plant. In order for grape cuttings to be successful, choose fruit twigs - this way you will get the best result when you propagate the plant.

It is best to choose straight shoots and vines, because they are the most convenient to care for later. The last rule: your future seedlings should not be too short in order for the cultivation of grapes to be successful.

The best option is to cut branches before severe frosts hit. In principle, you can do all the procedures both in the middle of autumn and at the beginning of winter. If you cut the cuttings in the winter, then these plants will tolerate lower temperatures well in the future. Be sure to treat your twigs with copper sulfate so as not to accidentally bring any infection there.

How to save

You should carefully collect your future seedlings in a bunch, and do not forget to mark the name of the variety on each bunch so that there is no confusion when you plant your cuttings. Next, place them in a plastic bag and place them in a specially prepared storage. All these procedures should be done no later than the beginning of winter so that the material does not deteriorate.

Where is the right place to store grapes? For these purposes, even the most ordinary refrigerator is perfect, if the number of cuttings is not too large. If you plan to grow grapes with cuttings in large quantities, it is better to use a cellar for storage. You can also bury them in the ground, but this way you will not be able to periodically check the condition of the shoots.

Green cuttings

If you want to plant grapes with green cuttings, then the propagation of grapes by cuttings begins in the spring. After the shoots have been cut, they must be placed in a bucket, sprayed with water and covered with a damp cloth. After that, you need to put them in the basement for the night.


For green cuttings to be successful, green layering must be germinated. After the shoots stand all night in the basement, it is necessary to cut them into cuttings, leaving only two leaves and two eyes. After that, half of the top sheet is cut off, and the bottom sheet is completely removed. Next, you need to place each of the layers in water, adding a rooting solution and hold in the solution for about 10 hours.

After that, place the wooden slats in the jar, forming a semblance of a frame above its surface, and place up to 4 cuttings there. Then you need to cover the resulting structure with a plastic bag and place it on the windowsill. The first 10-12 days you can do nothing, but after that you can water and ventilate your branches about once a week. After a few weeks, the shoots should sprout and develop small roots.

Planting and rooting

Next, you need to plant your green shoots in a deep box filled with a fertile mixture, and cover it with glass, thus creating a semblance of a greenhouse. In order for the cuttings to take root properly, they need a high level of humidity, so spray them with a spray bottle at least 4 times a day.

If you see that more or less strong roots have begun to appear, reduce the number of sprays.

In principle, by autumn it is already possible to plant your seedlings in open ground. If the rooting of green cuttings in an impromptu greenhouse was successful, then before the onset of cold weather, the seedling will acquire a more or less developed root system. However, it is too early for him to survive his first winter - dig it up before the onset of frost and store it in the basement until the first spring days. When it warms up, plant in a permanent place.

Further care

Care for young grapes following the instructions. Pruning, water it in a timely manner and loosen the ground around the plant well. Also, do not forget about top dressing, because the seedling will need nutrients to grow into a huge grape bush.

If you do not want to cut planting material in the spring, but prefer to do everything in advance, this option is for you. After you have cut the shoots and safely kept them from winter frosts, it's time to germinate them and plant them in open ground.


With the advent of spring, take out the shoots and inspect them for various defects. If any were found, immediately get rid of the branches, they are of no use to you. Defects include damaged bark and poorly preserved eyes.

First of all, it is worth checking whether your cuttings will sprout. They need to be planted in plastic cups or cut plastic bottles. To see the result, the container itself must be prepared. So, on the bottom of cups or bottles, it is necessary to make a hole for water to drain, and fill the containers themselves with soil mixture, adding a little sand and humus there.

You need to plant the cuttings shallowly - only 3 cm, and you will provide further care for them by watering and spraying from time to time. After some time (usually it takes several weeks), you will be able to notice the beginnings of the root system, as well as the appearance of leaves on the cuttings themselves. This is a sure signal that after 2-3 weeks it will be possible to transplant to a permanent place, when your seedlings are properly rooted.

Planting and rooting

When your seedlings are well established, start planting. Choose a well-lit area with a deep water table, dig a hole 80x80 cm and up to 75 cm deep. Next, at the bottom of the pit, pour a layer of drainage (20 cm) and a nutrient layer mixed with earth. After that, it is necessary to place the seedling in a hole, very carefully straighten its roots and cover it with earth. In this case, the root neck should rise 5 cm above the soil level. The distance between two seedlings should be 20 cm.

At first, in order for the seedling to take root properly in the ground and not be broken by strong winds, it is necessary to tie it to some kind of support (usually they build special props for vines). In principle, if you plant all your seedlings in a timely manner (planting work must be carried out around the beginning of May), then before the onset of severe frosts, they will just have time to gain a foothold in the ground.

Further care

Immediately after planting, you should water the seedling abundantly (usually up to two buckets of water are spent on this). As mentioned earlier, in the first year, grapes require special care, as this determines their development in the future. You must make every effort to ensure that the plant is properly strengthened. To do this, it is necessary to water it in a timely manner (not to let the earth dry out, but also not to plant a "swamp"), and also from time to time to feed the vine bush with fertilizers.

As you can see, it is not difficult to propagate grapes by cuttings; many professional growers have grown their vineyards in this way.

Video "Rooting green cuttings"

From this video you will learn how to properly root green cuttings.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


A beautiful vineyard is the dream of any gardener. To do this, it is important to be able to grow the desired plant varieties at home from cuttings, choosing the right breeding option. Learn how to grow grapes from cuttings: how to prepare and store shoots, kilch, plant them and take care of the school.

How to grow grapes from cuttings

Planting grapes with cuttings is a vegetative method. To get a good variety with a successful harvest, it is better to start growing grapes from cuttings at home or plant them. Only from healthy grapes will you get a strong shoot that will give good fruits and will not hurt. In order to master the technique of preparing a scion at home and correctly carry out cuttings of grapes in the spring for propagation, it is important to know the sequence of stages and the sequence of actions.

Procurement and storage of cuttings

Growing grapes from cuttings at home begins with harvesting a scion - this is a segment or a whole shoot that has managed to become stiff. Start harvesting them from mid-autumn, but no later than the first days of winter come. It is imperative to choose shoots with live buds, as well as from healthy and productive grape bushes. The diameter of the cut scion should be at least 1 cm, and the length should be from 4 to 8 buds. The more escape, the better. So in the spring it will be possible to choose a healthy piece and cut it out of the workpiece.

  1. Sort and sign the prepared cuttings, using not paper labels, but plastic ones or by attaching a photo. If you cannot process the scions right away, then it is better to dig them in or wrap them in a bag.
  2. Soak the chopped shoots well with water, soaking them for a day.
  3. Soak the shoots for thirty minutes in a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect.
  4. Wipe them with paper towels, lay them out and dry.
  5. After that, wrap the shoots with a plastic bag, tie them tightly and send them to home storage.

In the refrigerator or basement, where the temperature is from 2 to 6 degrees Celsius, or even on the balcony, grape cuttings are perfectly preserved, which can then be planted in the ground in spring. The main thing is to check them sometimes so that the shoots do not dry out, do not become moldy and do not rot. If something like this happened, then additionally perform the procedure of soaking, disinfecting and drying. Then pack them again and send them to storage.

Preparing for rooting

Growing grapes from cuttings at home and properly preparing them for rooting is as follows:

  1. Using a pruner, make small cuts: one directly below the kidney, and the other 3 cm above the kidney.
  2. To furrow the scion, run the end of a sharp nail from the middle to the very bottom.
  3. Soak the cuttings in water for a day so that they are completely covered with it.
  4. For another day, leave them at one end in a jar with a special stimulant.
  5. Then lower the cutting into a jar of ordinary water by about 3-4 cm with the end, which has settled in a special solution. Do not confuse varieties and it is good if they do not interfere with each other.
  6. After 12 days, the upper kidney should swell and germinate.
  7. The water will gradually evaporate. Top it up from time to time.

After 20 days, roots should begin to grow. Once this happens, transplant the cuttings into the substrate:

  1. At the bottom, pour drainage first, add a little substrate for the grapes.
  2. Insert the cutting and fill with the remaining mixture to the top so that the green shoot is above it.
  3. Water the seedling with water.
  4. To root the seedling, expose it to the sunny side.
  5. Pour a little so as not to flood.
  6. Feed the plant if desired.


This is a special method that ensures the formation of callus on the cuttings. It contributes to the rapid emergence of roots and good survival, not only when grown in the ground on an ongoing basis, but also for forcing. The essence of this technique is that the lower part of the scion is placed in conditions with a high temperature, and the rest of the cutting is kept, on the contrary, at a low temperature. This allows the buds not to bloom ahead of time, but the rhizome, on the contrary, to form.

The easiest home method of kilching is to plant a cutting in the ground, and cover it with a layer of peat or humus from above to a height of 10-15 cm. You can also cover with glass or polyethylene to create greenhouse conditions. If the ambient temperature is about 20 degrees Celsius, then the process of kilching will last within 15 days. If the temperature is above 24 degrees, then germination will take about 10 days.

Planting cuttings in school

A pre-prepared piece of land where grapes will be planted with cuttings is called a shkolka. For her, it is better to choose a small place that is very well lit by the sun. Transplantation of shoots to school is done as follows:

  1. Somewhere in mid-April, it is necessary to dig up the earth to a depth of about 40 cm.
  2. For 1 m2 of the plot, add 2 buckets of sand, one - humus and a small scoop of wood ash.
  3. Dig everything carefully again and loosen the ground well.
  4. Then make small mounds, in which the cuttings will be planted in the future, after paraffinizing the kidneys in advance.

Grape school care

During the entire period of growing a seedling at home, keep the soil of the school loose, without weeds. Thoroughly loosen the soil after each watering or rain. To feed the cuttings, it is better to use special organic fertilizers that are applied along with watering. Closer to August, in order to achieve better maturation of the vine, make a chasing. When 1-2 mature, stiff shoots appear in the fall, the seedling will be ready for transplanting to a permanent place.

How to propagate grapes cuttings in spring

Planting grape cuttings in the spring takes a little time:

  1. Cut off the shoots immediately put in the water.
  2. Cut each of them into cuttings with 2-3 buds. Make the bottom cut oblique, at an angle.
  3. After that, plant the grafts in cups and create a dark but warm environment until they take root and begin to grow.
  4. For the rest of the summer, the cuttings will be in such conditions, and in the fall they can be sent for storage, so that they can be planted in the ground or a bucket next spring, and only transplanted to a permanent place in the fall.

Video: how to grow grape seedlings from cuttings

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