Attachment from the frame to a brick house. Brick extension to a brick house: project, permission, construction. What can be extensions to the house

One of the advantages of living in the private sector is the possibility self construction in my own way own project- you can build a house of any size (naturally, within available space land plot) and then, if necessary, increase it in size. If the strength of the foundation allows, the house can be increased in height or, conversely, increased in length or width - so to speak, make an extension to it, which will be discussed in this article. Together with the site site, we will deal with materials and technologies that allow us to independently solve the question of how to make an extension to the house? And we will start with the study of materials, where we will figure out which materials and under what circumstances are best used.

How to make an extension to the house with your own hands photo

How to make an extension to the house: the choice of materials

In general, there is one iron rule that is better not to break. It sounds like this - what the house is built from, from which you need to make an extension to it. At least that was the case before, when the choice of building materials and technologies was limited to bricks, other blocks and clay. Today, during the advanced technological progress, things are a little different - there are technologies that allow you to break this rule, and grossly. Now easily to wooden house can be attached brick building, veneer with the same and get a solid-looking structure. In general, it is not at all necessary to become attached to the old building in terms of material.

Now in more detail about the most popular materials, through which you can quite simply solve the question of how to make an extension to the house with your own hands?

  1. Blocks of various formats and bricks. It makes no sense to break them into separate subgroups, since the technology for their use is, in general, the same type - a foundation is being built on which, block by block, brick by brick, the walls of the extension are laid out. The only thing that distinguishes this whole thing is the properties and qualities of the materials - this is important, and it is imperative to take them into account when choosing materials. Let's start with the classics -. Strong, durable, material - considering it is very expensive. Not only that, a brick is enough cold material, which will additionally have to be insulated, and this is a plus for the cost of the extension. In addition, this material requires a solid foundation. In this regard, it looks much more attractive - its price is a couple of times lower, the blocks are larger and the material itself is much warmer. Where the brick will need to be laid out in three rows, it is enough to lay the cinder block in two rows. Aerated concrete looks even more attractive - it is light, and the question of how to properly make an extension to the house can be solved even on a shallow (0.5 meter) foundation. Moreover, it is a very warm and porous material, which, with a thickness of 200 mm, is able to effectively retain heat in the premises. After plastering, it acquires a very decent strength, which makes the structure reliable. In principle, other block materials- for example, shell rock is often used, it has shown itself well in terms of keeping heat in the premises (popularly it is called sawdust concrete).

    How to make an extension to the house photo

  2. . To date, this is the most optimal option not only for an extension, but also for the construction of private houses in general - the essence of this technology is the manufacture of a wooden and metal frame, followed by its sheathing in such a way. sheet material, how . Insulation is laid inside the frame, which makes the structure very warm. By and large, now it is the cheapest technology, which, among other things, boasts simplicity and a very fast pace of construction. The only thing that the frame extension is not able to boast of is its durability. Although who knows - with proper observance of technology and proper care, it can stand for about a century. We will talk a little further about how to make a frame extension to the house.

In addition to the options described above, you can consider the technology of building an extension using the method of monolithic concreting. Moreover, it is not necessary to use real heavy concrete for these purposes - the best option in such a case there may be a so-called cinder block. Slag houses are very warm in winter and cool in summer - they are durable and able to serve for a very long time.

How to make the foundation of an extension to the house: features

The main problem in making the foundation of the extension is to connect the new and the old base. If it is done incorrectly or not done at all, then no matter how you splice the walls of two separate buildings, a crack will still appear at the place of their joining. Moreover, it is through, with all the ensuing consequences - heat leakage, condensation and, as a result, the appearance of fungus and mold in this place. In general, there is little pleasant. That is why special attention should be paid to the following points.

In principle, these three nuances will be quite enough to securely connect the two foundations together. Alternatively, if you, of course, can get to the bottom of the base existing house, extensions can be added a little under it.

How to make an extension to a brick house: the nuances of joining walls

Dock to a brick or any other block house frame structure not a problem at all vertical bar wooden frame or the profile of the metal frame of the building is simply attached to the wall of the building with anchors and that's it! There are practically no nuances here - except perhaps the observance of the vertical level of this beam and the sealing of the junction. The last operation is performed either with polyurethane foam, or by means of the so-called PSUL tape (pre-compressed sealing tape).

How to make an extension brick house a photo

Another thing is the docking of a brick or block building with a similar house. Here things are somewhat more complicated, and you cannot do without special embedded parts or ligaments. It is possible to ensure a reliable connection of the walls without bandaging the blocks only by driving iron embedded parts every 4-5 rows of blocks. Holes are drilled in the wall of the existing building (two, one on each side of the block at a distance of 3 cm from the edge) - reinforcement is hammered into them, which should protrude from the wall of the house by at least 30 cm. When she gets laid new block, cement will reliably connect two walls into a single whole product. As an option, again, you can make potholes with a puncher, which, paired with reinforcement, will provide a reliable connection between the two block walls together.

How to make an extension to a wooden house photo

And in conclusion, the topic of how to make an extension to the house, a few words about the connection of walls with a block or brick extension. This combination of buildings is also common, and it will not be superfluous to know how they are connected. In fact, you will have to make a metal girth for the blocks - it is attached to the wall wooden house through powerful self-tapping screws and is a kind of channel, inside of which a block or brick wall exactly enters. By and large, this is the same option that is used to attach a wooden extension to a brick house, only exactly the opposite.

If you decide that you simply need a brick extension to a brick house, then you first need to decide what purpose such a veranda will have. If you plan to use it for recreation, then it makes sense to build outdoor terrace or a gazebo. If necessary, to further insulate the house, you can build a closed veranda, which will play the role of a vestibule between the front door and the street. This approach will prevent the passage of cold masses into the home. For those summer residents who visit Vacation home mainly in autumn, an insulated extension is perfect, then in winter it will be possible to sit in it with a cup of tea.

Design and building permit

Before a brick extension to a brick house is erected, it is necessary to create its project and approve it in the appropriate authority. Most often, the veranda is attached in such a way as to cover front door. Therefore, if the house is already ready, then it is not always possible to install an extension from the side you want. If you place a veranda without entering the house, then the room will be torn off from the main building, and you will have to carry tea and food into it across the street.

You can choose the size of the extension yourself, taking into account the number of people who could rest on it at the same time. For a family of 6 members, an outbuilding with dimensions of 3x4 meters will suffice. At the same time, it is important to take into account general form from the street. If the veranda is small, and the building itself consists of two floors, then the architectural ensemble is unlikely to look harmonious. Whereas for little house a veranda the width of the wall of the building is perfect. This will increase usable area, and from the side the extension will look decent.

Before a brick extension to a brick house is installed, it must be officially legalized, whatever its purpose. It is necessary to carry out these manipulations even before the start of construction. After you have come up with the design of the extension and its general appearance, you need to visit a special department that deals with the design of buildings. There you will have the opportunity to order a veranda project, after its completion you need to go to the architectural department of the city, where you will receive a building permit and make changes to the house project. As practice shows, it is recommended to do this in advance, since the design and its approval can take about 2 months. That is why it is better to do such work in the winter, when the construction season has not begun.

Territory marking

If you need a brick extension to a brick house, then you can do the work on its construction yourself. At the first stage, it is necessary to mark and break the site. To do this, the master has to remove fertile layer, deepening 15 centimeters. The soil can be used on flower beds or on the territory of the cottage. The construction site is leveled, only after you can proceed to its breakdown. Using the dimensions specified in the project, you should mark the boundaries of the extension. To do this, at the corners of the future veranda, you need to drive iron rods or wooden pegs, pulling twine between them.

Building a foundation

Before making an extension to a brick house, it is imperative to create a foundation, which can be tape or columnar. Most often, foundations are built for verandas, the depth of which is equal to a given parameter, characteristic of the foundation of the main building. Experts do not recommend linking these elements together into a monolith, since the veranda and the house will have different weights, therefore, varying degrees shrinkage. In order for a heavy house not to pull a light building along with it, the veranda must be installed on separate bases. A 4-centimeter gap should be provided between the foundation of the house and the extension.

For reference

If you are thinking about the question of how to make an extension to a brick house, then you need to take into account the characteristics of the soil on the ground and the total mass of the veranda. During construction, the foundation can move during operation, then the extension will move away from the wall of the main building. Lightweight foundations are not designed for heavy walls, so they can shrink under weight.

Construction of a strip foundation

Veranda, can be installed on a strip base. To do this, use concrete. Initially, a trench is dug, the dimensions of which are selected taking into account the foundation of the house. Formwork is laid in the pit, the height of which should be equal to the height of the future base or slightly more. It must be formed from boards knocked together. For you should use six parts of crushed stone, three parts of sand, part of cement.

Foundation for brick extension poured in several layers, the first of which is reinforced with stones. Then you can start pouring the next portion, in which stones are added. For the top layer, stones are not required, the surface must be leveled with a trowel and left for 4 days. If on the street hot weather, then twice a day the surface of the foundation must be watered, so it will be possible to avoid the appearance of cracks.

Construction of a column foundation

It can also be installed on a columnar base. This approach is relevant in the case when the extension will have completely small size. In order to insure against a hole, you need to dig below the freezing depth of the soil, which is more than 1 meter. For brick walls it will be necessary to install supports not only in the corners, but also around the perimeter, placing the elements in increments of 60 centimeters.

Work methodology

Before starting the construction of a brick extension to the house, it is necessary to dig holes, at the bottom of each of which a 20-centimeter layer of sand is poured. It is carefully tamped, spilled with water. Next, the master can start pouring concrete, which should reach the surface of the earth. After the solution hardens, it should be smeared with bitumen, filling the gaps between it and the ground with sand. The above-ground part of the support is created from block masonry or bricks, so that the height of the element reaches the main foundation or is slightly lower. Approximately 30 centimeters should remain until the finishing floor of the veranda.

Brick wall construction

A brick extension to a brick house with your own hands may well be done. Before you start building walls, you need to check how horizontal the surface of the foundation is. If the base is uneven, then the laying may be deformed and cracked during shrinkage. In order to connect the main wall with the extension, it is necessary to make holes in it during the construction of the walls, deepening by 2/3. It is necessary to drill such holes through 3 rows of masonry. Reinforcement is installed in them, which will protrude from the wall by 0.5 meters. It is to be laid in the seams of the future masonry. In order for the seams in these rows not to be too wide, the reinforcement should not have a very large diameter.

Before laying the bricks, a string should be stretched along the wall, along which it will be possible to control the horizontal rows. Verticality is checked with a plumb bob. The thickness of the walls is determined by the purpose of the future extension. If it is supposed to make a living room out of it, then the masonry should be one or two bricks thick. If the room will serve as a utility room or veranda, then 1/2 brick masonry will suffice.

After the construction of the brick walls is completed, they need to be pulled over the top with a concrete belt, for which a formwork is made into which the reinforcing structure is laid, poured concrete mortar. After the concrete hardens, the formwork is removed, and the master proceeds to the flooring device.

Covering the extension

The extension of the garage to the brick house is being built using the same technology as described in the article. Only in this case, the dimensions of the room will be determined by the dimensions of the car. At the next stage, the ceiling is equipped, for which bars are used, they will act as beams. These items are installed on upper part walls at a distance of 70 centimeters from each other. Their fixation is made by special corners. When installing beams on a brick building, they can be embedded in concrete belt, in advance wrapping the edge of each of them with roofing material. Now you can hem the beams with thick plywood or boards, on which the insulation will be laid on top.

Extension projects to a brick house may include a roof different designs. However, most often single-sided options are used for this, which consist of rafters. The angle of inclination can vary from 25 to 30 degrees, this is necessary in order for precipitation to winter time did not stay on the surface. On the facade of the roof or wall, a mark should be made in the form of a flat horizontal line, according to which the bars supporting the rafters will be fixed. bottom support for them, the edge of the wall will serve or the rafters should extend beyond the boundaries of the walls by 300 millimeters in order to protect them from rainwater. The rafters are fixed with metal corners.

frame wooden outbuilding- the easiest way to increase the size of the house and get additional usable area. This is one of the most common options, since it is built quickly, construction requires a minimum of effort, and as a result, you can get a completely strong, durable and warm structure. The device of a frame extension to the house with your own hands is not a very expensive process, so it is quite possible to do without the involvement of professionals.

Materials for the construction of an extension and the necessary calculations

A frame wooden extension, as the name implies, is being built on a frame - a wooden "skeleton" made of timber, to which insulation and insulation will be attached. outer skin. Such an extension can be attached to the front of the house, it can be either open or closed. However, it can be turned into an additional room on the side of the building, and you can also equip a separate exit from the house so that you can, for example, quickly go to the garden.

The construction of a frame extension to the house with your own hands begins with the design and selection of materials: for the construction you will need a bar with a section of 150x150 mm, boards for horizontal lintels, insulation material, OSB boards for external and inner lining frame. The extension will require finishing: for inner space drywall can be used, outside it can be finished in accordance with the general design of the building. OSB boards can be plastered or equipped with a ventilated facade with installation external insulation and sheathing clapboard, siding or other materials.

How to make a frame extension? When calculating, you need to take into account the following information:

  • The distance between uprights should be 1 cm less than the width of the insulation boards. If you choose mineral wool 60 cm wide for insulation, the pitch of the racks should be 59 cm.
  • Horizontal lintels of the frame are also calculated depending on the size insulation boards. If the sheet height is 1 m, then the distance between the jumpers is 99 cm. The thickness of the insulation in middle lane Russia should be 15 cm, then the annex will have a comfortable temperature at any time of the year.
  • It is necessary to calculate the location of doors and windows. For door and window frames, boards of 150x50 mm are used.

Main stages of construction

Having calculated the size and location of the extension, you can proceed directly to the construction. Desired plot near the house it is cleared and leveled, it is necessary to remove everything superfluous from it.

It is necessary to equip solid foundation: for the frame extension, the columnar option is most often chosen, although sometimes it is used strip base. The depth of the shallow foundation is 70 cm.

If selected columnar foundation, for it you need to prepare holes square shape with a side of 50 cm. A layer of sand with crushed stone is poured and compacted at the bottom, it is also necessary to install the formwork to create the basement. Reinforcing bars are being laid metal carcass, and the base is poured with concrete mortar, it must be given time to dry completely.

The duration of the process depends on the humidity of the air, at first it is necessary to water the upper part with water so that the concrete dries evenly and does not crack. When the base is ready, the formwork is dismantled, and you can proceed to the construction of the frame. Do-it-yourself frame extension is built as follows:

Do-it-yourself frame extensions to the house can be built in a matter of days, and this is one of the main advantages of such construction. The room can be quite large, so the additional usable area can be used as you like.

Warming and finishing of the frame extension

Frame extensions to a wooden house will require complete finishing, and in regions with a cold climate, additional insulation is necessary. Finishing materials are selected depending on appearance main house: for wooden construction The most common option is a ventilated facade with external cladding made of siding or a block house. To insulate the extension, you can use foam, mineral wool, polyurethane foam and other materials.

For the construction of a ventilated facade, a vertical crate is stuffed on the walls, between the posts of which a heater is placed. It should be located as tightly as possible, otherwise each slot will become a "cold bridge". Each insulation board is attached to the wall in several places with special dowels with mushroom caps.

FROM outside insulation close waterproofing membrane, after which the second layer of the crate is stuffed. Attached to it outer lining, after which the extension will take on a finished look.

The floor must also be insulated, otherwise the building will lose a large amount of heat through it. Cranial bars are attached to the floor beams, on which draft boards are laid. They are covered with a layer of waterproofing, and insulation material is laid between the lags.

It is covered with a second layer of waterproofing, after which a finishing floor is laid. It can be leveled with plywood sheets, after which parquet is laid, parquet board, laminate or other type of flooring.

Ceiling insulation involves laying insulation between the rafters, which bottom side lined with boards. The ceiling can be simply painted, or you can install modern stretch or suspended coatings.

The interior decoration of the walls can also be very diverse, it depends on how the extension is supposed to be used. In a wooden house, the most environmentally friendly materials are most often chosen, such as lining or cork panels, but you can use the usual drywall sheet. Drywall can be pasted over with wallpaper or choose another finishing material.

Options for using a frame extension

The extension can be not only closed. It can be used as a summer veranda, in which case insulation and completely closed walls are not required.

Such a room will allow you to communicate with nature and spend time outdoors without leaving home, so it will become profitable solution for giving. There are several more options for using the extension:

  • Rest zone. The room can be turned into a hobby room, for which there was no place in the main house. It can be a mini-workshop, a sewing room, etc.
  • Winter Garden. If you build a glazed frame extension and bring water into the room, it can be turned into a real mini-greenhouse.
  • In old houses, the extension room is often equipped with a bathroom, which was not provided for by the main project. In this case, it will be necessary to carry out work on waterproofing the floor, connecting water supply and sewerage. Ceramic tiles are most often used as wall and floor coverings.

You can build an extension with your own hands and completely finish it in one season. This work is quite within the power of the home master, you can also involve one or more assistants.

Sooner or later, every homeowner begins to think about expanding the living space. And here a lot of questions arise, the main one of which is how to do it? Nowadays, the range of materials on the construction markets is quite impressive, which means that there are plenty of options for how to increase housing. Today we will look at some of them. We will find out what an extension can be (projects and photo examples will help in this), and also try to understand how difficult such construction can be. It doesn't hurt to learn how to do this kind of work yourself.

On the Internet you can find various projects outbuildings to the house. And before starting such construction, it is worth familiarizing yourself with them. This will allow you to adopt any solutions, and then add your own. Only then can you get a unique building that will not only be, but also increase your living space.

Many may say that such construction is too labor-intensive and almost impossible to do on their own, but this is a delusion. At right approach and learning all the nuances is not so difficult, although you will have to face some difficulties. But, as they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. But as a reward, you can get not only a do-it-yourself extension to a wooden house, but also satisfaction from the work done. In addition, the funds saved on the remuneration of specialists will not be superfluous.

Consider various options outbuildings in general terms, as well as examples of similar work done by ordinary home craftsmen without any experience.

Solutions for adding a veranda to a wooden house in photo examples

Such a building is quite relevant for summer residents who love to sit in the evenings over a cup of tea with family or friends. After all, it is much more pleasant to communicate in the open air than in a closed room. In addition, it is possible that the veranda will be thought out in such a way that it is possible to install. This will protect it from snow, as well as add warmth to the house itself.

Another plus of such a building is that on winter period you can go there. In this case, it can even be used as an additional room. But this is more suitable not for summer residents, but for owners in the private residential sector who live indoors for a whole year.

The material for such buildings is most often wood. Sometimes, if there is such an opportunity, it is made on those sides that do not adjoin the house. We offer you to see a few photos of wooden verandas attached to the house:

Looking at these photos wooden verandas attached to the house, it seems that they are built by professionals, but they are not. Today we will definitely consider how you can do this with your own hands.

Variants of terraces attached to the house - how do they differ from the veranda

You should start with what many confuse. But the differences here are fundamental. The fact is that the veranda is always attached to the house, but the terrace opposite is located and does not adjoin the house. In addition, terraces are often without a roof and walls. At their core, they are open. Hence the consequence - they are built more often from a more durable material that tolerates precipitation.

Of course, there are options for adding terraces to wooden ones, but this is rather an exception. At the same time, if we go back only a few decades ago, then at that time an open (without a roof) platform of natural or artificial origin was considered a terrace.

Now many people confuse these two concepts, calling verandas adjacent to the house as terraces on stilts, but this is still not true historically. Although time does not stand still, a person is trying to make his life more comfortable. This is probably why they called the terrace a platform with a roof adjacent to the house. After all, it stands on stilts, while the veranda must have a foundation.

Here are some examples of terraces in photo illustrations:

How to attach a garage to the house and what is it for

Adding to the house is very good decision. Indeed, in this case, in the cold season, there will be no need to go out into the cold to reach it. However, even here there are pitfalls. The garage needs an ideal one that will not allow carbon monoxide enter the dwelling. And the fact that the car will start in the garage for sure, no one doubts. Here are some photos of garages attached to the house:

Adding a garage to the house is not an easy task, but it is quite feasible. It is only necessary to understand how capital it will be. Do I need a foundation, what will be the floor and walls. Most often, the material for such buildings is a foam block. But many, as a garage attached to the house, use several racks of timber, on which they rely. Thus, although the car is not protected from snow and rain in the wind, the roof will save it from the sun.

Examples of residential extensions to a wooden house

Attach to a wooden house as a living space or - this is perhaps the most common type of all listed. This is not surprising, because not everyone has the opportunity to buy land, build a new large and spacious one. And the construction of an additional room is possible even in a relatively small area. But here the situation is a little more complicated than with the construction of a veranda or carport. Do not forget that the building should not only be capital, but also enough so that you can live in it comfortably.

Important! When erecting such an extension, it is necessary to carefully study the soil, calculate the foundation that can support the weight of the structure, and also draw up a detailed project. Do not forget that such a capital structure must be registered with the cadastral chamber. Otherwise, you can not only lose money on fines, but also receive a notification about the demolition of an illegal building.

And yet, extensions to country house are a good solution. After all, no one bothers to collect all the necessary papers in time. And the extra living space has never bothered anyone. Besides, it's too large funds it won't require.

Extension to a wooden house: projects, materials and photos of possible layouts

Making an extension to the house with your own hands, although difficult, is quite possible. But this will require some knowledge. The main thing that needs to be decided before undertaking such work is what material the structure will be made of. The material can be the following:

  • Boards on a frame made of timber. Such a building needs a minimal foundation;
  • Rounded timber or logs- such a building also does not require too strong a foundation. The fact is that its lower crown will already play the role of a support. In addition, such a structure will be warmer and more durable, but at the same time more expensive;
  • . Here you need a very strong foundation that can support the weight of the building. Otherwise, the extension will begin to collapse in a year or two, and may not even stand for 3 months. It all depends on the soil;
  • he also demands solid foundation, perhaps even stronger than for the foam block. As a result, such extensions are very expensive.

Important! Regardless of what material it was decided to build a residential extension in the country, it needs to be firmly fixed to the house itself. Otherwise, the building will not have the necessary strength. In this case, there is a risk of collapse, and this is already life-threatening.

Let's try to deal with each of these materials.

Extension to the house from the frame: the nuances of construction, design and photo examples

The annex to the house is convenient in that it requires least cost and easy to do by hand. And there is no need to work large quantity people - two people are enough. But still, a foundation is needed.

It is also convenient to make a frame extension to the house due to the lack of the need to hire a designer who would calculate everything. This is another budget savings item. Of course, the extension will need to be insulated very high quality, but with a huge assortment on the shelves these days, this will be quite easy to do.

The most difficult stage in such construction will be the construction of the foundation. Well, it’s much easier to assemble the frame, fix it to the wall of the house and sheathe it. Today there are more simple ways. On sale there is a special material. It's oriented particle boards. Moreover, with their help, the so-called one is made at the factory, the two sides of which are OSB, and between them is a layer of foam. Such material is quite durable and strong, in addition, it has another important advantage - it is an excellent insulation. Thus, the home master can only assemble a solid frame and sheathe it with similar material.

Important in such cases exterior finish, because the durability of the frame extension to a wooden house largely depends on it. You can read about similar work in our other articles. And now we invite the dear reader to look at a few photo examples of such extensions made by home craftsmen:

An extension to a house made of timber - some installation nuances

When planning an extension, it should be understood that both its foundation and service life depend on how it is designed. After all, no one will start construction with the expectation that in a couple of years the living room will need to be demolished. Also, do not think that with the design of such buildings you can not "bother". This is not a barn or closet, which means that everything should be taken care of in advance.

Let's start with the fact that the best option (of course, with a small weight) would be a pile-screw. It will be a cheaper and not too labor intensive choice. Yes, and you can drive piles into the ground to the required depth yourself with the help of special equipment or even manually. The main task here is to calculate the load on each pile to select their number and diameter.

Important information! When constructing a pile-screw foundation, it should be understood that the supports must pass under each wall. If there is a partition in the room, then under it they are also required.

Attention should also be paid to lower crown. It must be made from a more durable one. Ideally, if it is from logs. Do not think that for the installation of an extension from a bar to log house only 3 walls are needed - this is a delusion. 4 walls are also being built, because a joint one is also needed here. It makes sense to pay special attention to the fastening between common walls. It depends on this whether cracks will appear in this place over time.

Here are some photos of examples of such solutions:

Extension to the house of foam blocks - advantages and disadvantages

This is probably the most common option. After all, the foam block has a relatively low cost, it can provide quite good insulation (in comparison with a brick), and the installation speed is considerable. But when compared with a bar, the foam block has a big drawback - it requires a fairly strong foundation. And already pile-screws are indispensable here.

The foundation for an extension from a foam block to a wooden house is necessary. The best option here would be grillage pile foundation. This means that the cost of the foundation automatically increases significantly.

Installation of extensions to houses made of gas silicate blocks is also quite common. But some home craftsmen do not understand the difference between them and foam blocks. Everything is pretty simple. slightly heavier and more expensive than foam concrete, but at the same time its strength is much higher. In addition, it does not require a hitch from a concrete solution (special glue is used). As a result, there are practically no seams, which contributes to greater thermal insulation, and therefore lower heating costs in the future.

Important! Regardless of what is chosen as a building material, communication systems in the future living room should be considered. After all, if this is not done, you will have to hammer holes for heating, ditch the walls for electrical wiring. Without this, there can be no talk of any living, especially comfortable.

We offer the dear reader a few examples of such buildings:

Extension to a brick house - differences from previous options

The main difference here is that no fourth wall is required. This means that three common ones are quite enough. The foundation can be either tape or columnar. Yes, and you can choose any material for construction - it all depends on the wishes and capabilities of the home master.

Grip with bearing wall at home happens with the help of . When building an extension to a house made of brick or concrete, a reinforcing hitch is also often used. Bearing wall drilled with a puncher, while the drill should be slightly smaller in diameter than the rod, for a more rigid hitch. After that, a piece of reinforcement (it should not be smooth) is driven into the drilled hole up to half, and its second part is laid into the joint of foam blocks or bricks.

Important information! You should not start building if the house is quite old. This is irrational, because the brick softens over time, which will have a bad effect on the coupling with the new structure. In addition, the drilling of the wall, as well as the new building, create an additional load on it.

It may be interesting for a respected reader to look at some of the solutions of home craftsmen:

The device of the foundation for an extension to the house and its types

The foundation is the foundation that holds the entire structure. So, you should treat his device with great responsibility. Most simple solution with a small weight of the building, there will be a pile-screw foundation. To do this, at a certain distance from each other, piles are screwed into the ground, which will carry the main load.

If the building is heavier, you will have to fill in the strip foundation. At the same time, piles also do not interfere, they will give additional strength. But the most durable of all types of foundations can be called a pile-grillage foundation. For its device, you need to dig a trench around the perimeter of future walls. After, they are already driving along this trench screw piles or they drill wells into which they lower reinforcing cage and filled with concrete. This is done in such a way that their upper edge is slightly above the ground level. And last step formwork is installed and concrete is poured. For more information on how to make a foundation for an extension to a house or for a bath, see one of our articles.

Before you pour the foundation for an extension to the house, you should decide whether the finished solution will be ordered and delivered to ready-made or make your own. In the latter case, you need accurate calculations components for the necessary strength.

How to make a roof for an extension

Most simple option there will be a device pitched roof for an addition to the house. This option is easy to implement and requires the least cost. However, this work also has its own nuances. When compared with gable ones, the simpler ones do not retain heat so well.

When constructing a veranda, the three-slope version is often used for an extension to the house, but such work is rather complicated. If there are some skills and knowledge of carpentry, then the home master will be quite capable of it.

Important! The roof should be thought out so that snow can easily roll off it, but do not forget about safety. After all, the accumulated snowdrift can fall on a person. That is why they try to make the slope more abruptly. In this case, the accumulation of snow will be small, and its removal is not dangerous.

If House master not sure that he knows how to make a roof on an extension to the house, and will be able to do it, it is better to seek help from specialists.

Instructions for installing an extension to the house with your own hands

Let's try to explain in general terms all the stages of building a veranda on a site adjacent to the house. More detailed instructions for each type of buildings we will analyze in following reviews. Here's how to make an extension to the house:

Illustration Actions to take

First of all, we start with the foundation. In our case, this is a well. dropped into it metal pipe which is filled with concrete. Depth of about 1.7 m.

The distance between the piles must be calculated. In our case, the weight of the veranda will be quite small, and therefore the distance can be made larger.

On piles we assemble a frame from metal beams, which will play the role of the first crown, which takes on the main load.

Channels are welded together. In this case, the seam must be very strong.

We also took care of communications. Draining water from the sink in the house was in this place. Well, let's deal with that.

The holes in the channel are necessary for fastening the timber on which the entire structure will be built.

We lay the beam around the perimeter and fasten it. You can start building the main supports and the roof.

Having assembled the main frame from the timber, we reinforce it with transverse beams. In their role we have, 50 mm thick.

We put the boards supporting the roof in pairs and tighten them together.

It should look something like this. It should be noted that the boards supporting the roof also give strength to the frame. They are fixed to the main beams just with the help of tie rods.

The roof can be covered with corrugated board. It is quite resistant to all weather conditions.

The diagonal board plays a rather important role - it does not allow the building to heel due to the supporting beam of the frame. In our case, ordinary railings were made, but it is fashionable to sheathe or deglaze the building.

Here, the diagonals are decorative, and therefore made of thinner boards.

In general terms, the answer to the question of how to attach an extension to the house looks like this.

The cost of services of specialists in such construction

It is unlikely that it will be possible to build an extension to the house inexpensively when contacting specialists. But for general information, it does not hurt to consider the prices for such services using the example of various verandas:

Types of verandas Cost of work, rub. for 1m 2
open annexfrom 8 000
Frame extension with insulation 50mmfrom 9 000
Frame extension with insulation 100mmfrom 10 500
Frame extension with insulation 150mmfrom 11 500
Extension from profiled timber 90x140mmfrom 10 500
Extension from profiled timber 140x140mmfrom 12 500

Photos of verandas and terraces attached to the house: the work of professionals and not only

For those who still doubt that without special knowledge and skills, you can make a rather beautiful extension to the house - photo examples of verandas and terraces made by ordinary home craftsmen. Perhaps, the dear reader will find some solutions for his work. If not, then you can just enjoy. After all, it is really beautiful.

Surely many people liked the photos of the verandas attached to the house with their own hands.


It is unlikely that anyone can refuse an extra room attached to the house. But it’s one thing when this work was done by strangers, but it’s completely different if everything is done by one’s own hands. In addition, as it turned out, although it is difficult, it is quite doable. Is it worth it then to pay money to "someone else's uncle"? And it’s not a fact that the building will turn out to be of high quality and beautiful (there are enough hacks in our time). On the veranda, which was mentioned in the step-by-step instructions, it took about 10 days, along with painting. This means that for a maximum of 15-20 you can make it completely perfect. Specialists promise to do all the work in 30-60. Worth thinking...

We hope that the information presented by us today was useful to the reader. All questions (if you still have them) can be asked in the discussions for the article. Write, share your experience, because it can help someone.


Over time, the owners of private wooden houses sometimes plan to increase the area of ​​​​their own home. The fastest and most reasonable way to implement this plan would be to build a frame extension to the house with your own hands. The frame is easy to erect, does not require special construction skills. If this is not a complex project, then it can be erected in a fairly short period of time. How to choose the type of frame extension to the house, what materials and what recommendations exist for each of the stages of construction.

Frame extension to a wooden house

When a frame extension to the house is being built, step-by-step instruction provides not only work on the preparation of estimates and the coordination of the project of the future building. There are a number of nuances that need to be taken into account.

Do-it-yourself frame extension.

Before coordinating the project and building a frame extension, you need to choose what it will be and what goal is pursued by the new construction work:

  1. The easiest in terms of implementation and cost of a frame extension to a house with your own hands is summer terrace or a terrace to relax in summer time. Due to the seasonality of operation, the premises will not require big investments. Minus high-quality insulation, moisture-proof and heat-insulating membranes. You will also need to use high-quality terrace tiles when installing a summer kitchen. If the summer veranda is not used as a summer kitchen, then it will not be necessary to lay engineering communications at the initial stage of construction.
  2. A frame extension to a wooden house can be an additional full-fledged living space in an existing dwelling - with one or more rooms. In this case, the design will require additional insulation to reduce the cost of heating the room, choosing a more solid type of foundation and carrying out moisture insulation work.
  3. Extension to the old house utility rooms, which will require timely and competent bookmarking engineering communication at the construction stage. All pipes must be carefully insulated for their further year-round use.

On a note

The choice of the type of frame extension to the house is also important in order to ensure the best connection with the already built walls, foundation and roof of the old house. If you do not attach importance to the similarity of the structures of both buildings, there may be a skew or shrinkage of the house, cracks and further destruction of the structure.

Foundation selection

The type of foundation that builds to build also depends on the further intended use of the frame extension. Ideally, the foundation of the main part of the house should match the extension.

pile foundation.

The choice of a foundation for a frame extension with your own hands depends largely not only on the characteristics of an already erected wooden house, but also natural conditions and soil quality at the construction site. The main list of materials used is as follows:

  • Concrete.
  • Brick.
  • Stone.
  • Wooden beams and piles.
  • Metal rods.

On a note

When choosing the type of foundation, it is necessary to take into account the depth of the main structures. When erecting a multi-storey or massive extension, the depth must be made by more than 700 mm.

The main types of foundation that are selected when building a do-it-yourself frame extension are:

  1. Tape.
  2. Slab.
  3. Pile.
  4. Columnar.
  5. Pile-grillage.

Strip foundation.

If the building is planned to be two-story or massive, it is necessary to make a choice in favor of a strip foundation. When using it during the construction of a do-it-yourself frame extension, the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. It is necessary to mark the territory. This is done with the help of wooden pegs and a rope stretched between them. The marking will mark the place for the trench under the future strip foundation.
  2. The soil is excavated according to the depth of the already established foundation for the house itself, or to the depth necessary for the construction of an extension. The bottom of the trench must be covered with a layer of rubble. Each of the layers must be carefully compacted.
  3. From wooden planks formwork is being prepared for pouring concrete. Its height should be equal to the height of the future base. An important point is that it is necessary to carry out waterproofing work around the entire perimeter of the future foundation, as well as to lay metal reinforcement to give strength.
  4. A third of the installed formwork is poured with prepared concrete mortar until completely solidified. Subsequently, the remaining part of the cement is poured with the removal of air bubbles using a special vibrator or tapping the formwork walls with a hammer.

On a note

The upper part of the fill should not only be leveled at a single level, but also covered with a film for more thorough drying. Light wetting of the surface is recommended to prevent cracks.

Floor covering installation

We found out how to attach a frame extension to the house with a high-quality foundation, now we'll figure out how to install the floor. There are two ways to install the floor:

Mounting wooden floor.

Concrete, most suitable for an extension with strip foundation- which will provide the greatest stability of the structure. The soil inside the already installed foundation is dug to a depth of about 350 mm. The bottom of the resulting niche, as well as the foundation trench, is covered with sand and gravel, or a 20-centimeter layer of expanded clay is covered, for better insulation.

If the extension to the house is frame, then with the help of the level, beacons are installed for further pouring the cement floor screed, on which tiles are already being laid, wood flooring, or flooring corresponding to the purpose of the room. AT cement screed it is easier to lay a floor heating system, if one is planned.

It will be more economical and environmentally friendly to install a wooden floor. According to it, beam ceilings are laid, installed above the waterproofing membrane. Fastening wooden beams to the foundation occurs with the help of special anchor bolts.

Corner joints of floor beams installed along the perimeter of the foundation of a frame extension to a wooden house are made according to the type interlock connections. Further mounted cross beams ceilings, layers of insulation are laid and top coat extension floor.

Extension installation

They will tell you more precisely how the frame extension to the house is mounted video and photo reports from real objects.

In short, a do-it-yourself frame extension to a wooden house is the most main part- its base, mounted as follows:

  • With the help of dowels and a puncher, wooden beams are mounted to the floor and the first wooden crowns;
  • The vertical beams of the frame are installed around the perimeter of the foundation of the extension and the places where future doors will be installed, in increments of no more than 70-100 cm;
  • To give strength to the frame extension, transverse floor beams are mounted;
  • If installation of the second floor of the extension is necessary, it is necessary to carry out additional strengthening ceilings first floor.

Fastening to a wooden building

One of important points construction of a frame extension to a wooden house - carrying out its docking with an already built structure.

If the selected materials do not match, the depth of the foundation or other specifications, then it is necessary to perform expansion joint at the junction of the foundations of the old house and the extension.

Annex by frame technology.

Work can be done in two ways:

  1. Laying roofing material between parts of the foundation, if their parts are even and vertical.
  2. Laying foamed polyethylene and expanded polystyrene at the joints with filling the upper part with sealant and a special closing pad.


If the simplest type of roof is chosen - single-pitched, then the installation of floors occurs quickly enough:

  • The beams are mounted at an angle - from the slope to the vertical beams of the extension with a protrusion of at least 300 mm;
  • OSB sheets, plywood or frequent rows of battens are laid for final assembly roofing;
  • Actually, finishing touch there will be installation of the selected roof - slate, iron sheets, tiles or other options;
  • sheets of mineral wool laid between the rafters;
  • The insulation is masked by sheathing with OSB sheets and decorative elements.


One of the final stages of construction - the process of insulating an extension to the house - also depends on the intended purpose of the future building. If the building is not intended for year-round living, then the most economical type of insulation is selected, or work to preserve heat indoors is not carried out at all - when choosing a summer type of construction.

Do-it-yourself warming.

In other cases, layers of insulation are laid not only during the installation of the floor and roof, but also at the stage of sheathing the racks of the frame with sheets OSB boards. comprises:

  1. Internal lining.
  2. vapor barrier membrane.
  3. layer of insulation.
  4. windproof material.
  5. External cladding.

Insulation of the frame extension to the house can be carried out using mineral wool from medium price category, or more expensive ecowool, but environmentally friendly and treated against fire and.


The final stage of construction is Finishing work inside the frame extension. They depend not only on the purpose of the premises, but also on the costs that the owner of the house is willing to bear. However, when choosing an installation, one should also take into account the type of foundation laid and the reliability of the supporting beams - heavy coatings will significantly reduce them.