Which includes rough finish. All about fine and rough finishing in new buildings. Fully refurbished by builder

Buying an apartment in a new building, it is unlikely that you will be able to immediately enter to live in it. And it's hard to call it an apartment. More like a stone or concrete bag. No plumbing, no amenities, nothing that is customary to see in modern comfortable housing.

All that is there is a concrete floor, brick walls, windows and doors, which, most likely, will have to be changed. The new settler immediately plunges into a long, painstaking repair in order to create his own comfortable, cozy home.

Where to begin?

The main rule in repair: do not rush. Especially if it is an apartment in a new building. Do not forget that the new house will undergo shrinkage for about two more years. If repairs are made quickly, then cracks can occur with shrinkage at home. Therefore, everything is done slowly, in extreme cases, before the overhaul, light cosmetic, inexpensive repairs are made.

Think and plan

A very important stage, on which the success of the entire repair will depend. You can plan both yourself and using the services of a designer. If you decide to do the planning yourself, then it is recommended to use special computer programs, you can create a visualization in them and see the future apartment.

Before starting the repair, a plan is drawn up, including:

  1. Moving walls (except load-bearing).
  2. Apartment layout.
  3. The design and style is determined.
  4. Furniture arrangement.
  5. Places of installation of electrical appliances (the placement of wiring depends on this).
  6. Location of plumbing and washbasin (for planning water supply and sanitation).
  7. The types and sizes of interior doors, doorways, the height of thresholds are agreed upon.
  8. It is specified what materials the walls, ceiling, floor will be made of.

By carefully planning everything and thinking it over, you can make an estimate, calculate the amount of materials needed and the approximate cost.

Go to main

Dirty work

Repairs should start with dirty work:

  • Moving and dismantling partitions. If some kind of rough finish was performed, all this is removed.
  • According to the drawn up plan, wiring and pipes for water supply and sewerage are being divorced. It is not recommended to save on materials here. Wires and pipes will be embedded, and if they turn out to be of poor quality, it will be very difficult to replace them. To do this, you will have to break the walls and, accordingly, make repairs again. Therefore, it is better to immediately buy good materials, let it cost a little more.
  • Changing windows and doors(those that are installed in new buildings are of very dubious quality).
  • Level the floor if necessary or bring it to the same level throughout the apartment, a cement-sand screed is made.


There are many communications in the bathroom: this is an extractor hood, plumbing, and electricity. Repair in the bathroom begins with their installation.

  1. For electrical wiring, only whole pieces of wire are used and with a power reserve. They must be either plastered or located under sheets of drywall.
  2. Junction boxes are installed outside the bathroom.
  3. If the water pipes will be built into the wall, it is recommended to use plastic or polypropylene pipes. They are more durable and reliable than metal-plastic pipes on corner joints (fittings).

The bathroom floor is traditionally tiled. You need to pay attention:

  • Having leveled the floor and completed the concrete screed, be sure to make waterproofing with a special impregnation or mixture.
  • When laying tiles, pay attention so that air pockets do not form.
  • Don't skimp on grout. High-quality grout will get rid of mold and fungus.

The walls of the bathroom are plastered or sheathed with sheets of moisture-resistant drywall. Lined with tiles, plastic panels or wallpaper. Many people think that wallpaper cannot be used in the bathroom due to moisture and hot steam, but this is not so. Vinyl, liquid, moisture-resistant washable wallpapers, glass wallpapers are quite suitable for these purposes.

For the ceiling, plastic panels, aluminum profile ceilings, synthetic stretch ceilings are used. It is not recommended to level the ceiling with drywall. Even moisture-resistant sheets will last no more than 10 years in a damp room. The most budgetary way to level the ceiling in the bathroom is moisture-resistant putty, followed by painting.

After the repair is completed, plumbing fixtures, sockets, switches are installed, furniture is brought in.

Walls and ceiling

Rough finishing of walls and ceilings, first of all, includes surface leveling.

There are two primary alignment methods:

  • Wet. Solutions based on dry building mixtures, plasters, putties are used. This method is very time consuming and dusty, the thickness of the plastered surface should not be more than 80mm.

When finishing with mixtures, 3 types of mortar are used:

  1. Plaster. It is used in cases where the surface has strong drops. Plaster for the ceiling is made on the basis of gypsum.
  2. Putty. Designed for sealing small bumps, chips, cracks. There is a starting putty (for rough surface treatment) and finishing (for final leveling and creating perfectly even and smooth walls and ceilings).
  3. Primer. Deeply impregnates the surface, improves adhesion.
  • Dry. The walls and ceiling are leveled with sheet materials, most often drywall is used. The disadvantage of this method is that the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is “eaten up”.

Quite often, when buying a new home, people learn about the concept of "rough finish". Primary (rough) finishing is a complex of works on preparing surfaces for subsequent fine cladding. But not in all cases, you need to immediately go to inspect a new apartment in order to understand what a rough finish is and what this type of repair includes. It is enough to know more about it.

Features of housing with a rough finish

Wall surfaces in such residential buildings, as a rule, are already covered with plaster, but they are still very far from ideal. Because all defects will have to be leveled with a plaster mixture and putty. With ceiling structures, everything is much worse, since the differences in these surfaces can be very significant.

The electrical wiring in the "rough" apartments has already been carried out, and all the necessary cables have been laid to the installation sites of the electrical outlets. The floor in new apartment buildings deserves special attention, since:

  • a lot of dust and construction debris accumulated on it;
  • often it needs to be aligned.

Heating radiators in such rooms are installed by the cheapest, so you most likely decide to change them to more modern models. This is what an apartment with rough work often looks like. Representatives of the developer company are not particularly interested in the quality of repairs, because the owners of new housing have a lot of work to do.

What to do before repair

Before you start the rough finishing of the apartment, you should think carefully and depict on the diagram the location of the furniture, mark the points for mounting switches and electrical outlets, and also decide where it would be more convenient for you to put the TV, landline phone, personal computer and lighting equipment. .

You will also have to think about the appearance and dimensions of interior door structures, select high-quality plumbing and schematically depict its installation. Consider the type of ceiling that will be installed in a brand new apartment: plaster, suspended, stretch. The walls also deserve attention: wallpapering, painting, tiling or decorative plaster. Do not forget about the flooring: underfloor heating, parquet, laminate, linoleum, etc.

Rough finishing should be carried out using high-quality and reliable materials according to a certain algorithm. If this is neglected, then later you will have to redo something when furniture and household appliances are already brought into the dwelling.

List of facing measures

In fact, rough finish is preparation apartments for decorative (finishing) design. Such a repair may involve a variety of repair and preparatory measures, therefore rooms with a rough cladding can be very different from each other. However, there is a mandatory set of works that must be carried out so that the new owner can start cosmetic cladding immediately after the conclusion of the purchase / sale agreement.

In order for the property to be sold to the future owner, it must be built in full accordance with the terms of the project from one of the design institutes. That is, the actual layout of the apartment must fully comply with all design and calculation decisions. Today, the real estate market is mainly represented by apartments with a free layout. Thus, only load-bearing wall structures are erected, and the construction of partitions between rooms is the work of the new owner.

The mandatory components of any rough finish include:

This is just a rough list of what the rough work involves. Premises that are much less prepared for subsequent repair activities are very rare.

Features of rough wall decoration

It is generally accepted that walls are the most important surfaces in any apartment, because they are responsible for its overall attractiveness and have a significant functional purpose, separating zones and rooms from each other. Wall structures in modern high-rise buildings can be made from a variety of building materials. Often on the market there are apartments with plasterboard, concrete, panel, block or brick partitions.

The most important task of any roughing of walls is their alignment. During the construction of the building, workers do not really strive to make them perfectly even, therefore partitions are often not without flaws. Developers often try to save on repairs and meet deadlines, so the rough finish in most cases is not particularly even.

The owner is very interested in the highest quality repairs. Therefore, it is not advisable to immediately finish wall surfaces from a rough finish with wallpaper, decorative plaster or paint. Experts advise re-leveling the planes on their own using high-quality consumables, or turn to the services of a team of workers.

Black ceiling and floor cladding

The initial finish in this case involves a conventional screed device. For this, the simplest and most economical method of pouring the concrete mixture is used, followed by leveling with the help of beacons. The mixture is supplied to the room by a special compressor. Leveling is carried out by means of vibrational action. In general, this technology gives pretty good results - the floor turns out to be very even, but defects often remain on its surface due to minor height differences and the presence of irregularities.

Such a screed can provide the floor with quite good performance properties. The owner of the apartment must decide for himself whether to lay the floor material directly on the rough finish or to level the surface first. If it was decided to eliminate floor defects, then they can be eliminated using a self-leveling floor system or special mixtures with a self-leveling effect.

The ceiling is the most problematic element of any rough finish of a dwelling in a new building. Structures built in accordance with the project may have very significant deviations and shortcomings. Even in the most modern buildings, the evenness of this surface can amaze even experienced repairmen. Draft ceiling finish often involves sealing cracks and gaps between floor tiles, then the coating can be whitewashed or covered with a plaster mixture.

For, to save time and energy, some owners go to the trick - install suspended ceiling structures. This technology includes the installation of finishing sheets on a pre-assembled structure, that is, the evenness of the overlapping slabs will not have any effect on the visual parameters of the room. When installing stretch ceilings, there is also no need to level the ceiling. However, in other cases, the surface often requires preliminary preparation.

In general, the primary finishing, which prepares the apartment for the subsequent finishing lining, significantly facilitates the repair work and saves the construction site from most of the shortcomings and defects that appeared during the construction stages.

Rough apartment decoration allows you to make a full-fledged room out of a concrete box, in which there is:

  • water supply;
  • heating;
  • doors and windows.

It can also connect electrical equipment, install plumbing, connect a radio, telephone, etc. However, this does not mean at all that repairs can be started immediately after signing a contract for the sale of real estate. Often, the surfaces need to be properly leveled in order to make a truly attractive and high-quality interior after finishing cladding.

Many people, when choosing a new living space in the primary market, understand that not every apartment can be moved in and lived right away, even when they receive the keys. Many housing options are being sold with varying degrees of readiness for occupancy. The bulk of new apartments can please a potential owner only with such a “luxury” as a rough finish. What this concept includes and what kind of apartment you will get in the end, we will tell in our article.

Different types of apartment renovation

New apartments in modern residential complexes can be purchased with the following finishing stages:

  • Rough finish or no repair.
  • Under clean finish.
  • With prefinishing white finish.
  • Fully finished by the builder.

You will come across all of the above options while monitoring ads on the real estate market. The pricing policy per square meter will differ depending on what kind of decoration is done in the apartment. In order to have a clear idea of ​​​​the finish options from the developer, let's look at each type separately and tell you in detail about all the nuances.

For finishing

The difference between the fine and rough finishes is that the fine finish already has partitions (the installation of partitions is agreed with you in the contract, in writing). The flooring is not bare concrete, but evenly poured screed. The ceiling and walls are covered with plaster. Also, in most cases, electricity has already been installed in apartments for final finishing (there are exceptions, check with the developer for all questions). All other systems do not differ from the draft version, and are indicated only by entrance markings.

You should not rely on perfectly even walls; the quality of plastered surfaces in new buildings leaves much to be desired. In any case, you yourself will have to bring the walls and ceiling to a perfectly even state. Just by purchasing such a home, you will spend a little less finishing materials.

With pre-finishing

Housing in a new building with pre-finishing is already ready for the start of finishing. The apartment has already been wired, the walls and floor are leveled, and the ceiling is finished with plaster. By purchasing this housing option, you have to install the substrate and the finishing materials themselves.

Do not forget that the repair of the toilet and bathroom is up to you, because finishing work has not been completed in these rooms.

Remember that the walls "leveled" by the developer must comply with building codes and regulations, which allow the following deviations:

  • Walls - up to 1.5 cm per square meter.
  • Floor and ceiling - up to 1 cm.

If you look closely at this housing option, everything is not as good as it might seem at first glance. Even if the builders comply with all norms, not all finishing materials can be laid evenly on such “qualitatively leveled” surfaces.

The nuance of such an apartment in a new building is that the house will sink in the next 4-5 years, which will lead to cracks on the walls. For temporary repairs, inexpensive finishing materials are quite suitable for the first time, and after 5 years it will be possible to start a good repair without worrying that the money will be wasted.

Fully refurbished by builder

Housing in a new building with a complete renovation is an apartment in which the whole range of works has been completed, including the installation of finishing materials. Also, in such housing, the necessary plumbing, entrance and interior doors and windows have already been installed. The apartment is actually ready for tenants to move in, the only thing you need is to purchase furniture.

Of all of the above, this option seems to be the most attractive for a potential buyer, because he does not have to spend time and financial resources on finding qualified finishing workers. But this option also has its drawbacks. The quality of finishing work in an apartment very rarely exceeds the average, apartment renovation may be required faster than if it was originally made from better materials.

What does the rough finish of the apartment include

Draft renovation in a new building includes:

  • Floor screed. It is made on the basis of sand and cement and is evenly poured at the same level around the entire perimeter of the housing.
  • Installation of entrance doors (metal) and windows (plastic or wooden).
  • Wall decoration. Using a mortar based on cement or lime, the surface of the walls is leveled. Finishing will have to be done by yourself.
  • Ceiling treatment. The surface of the ceiling is plastered and all the seams of the floor are covered. In most cases, the quality of such work leaves much to be desired, because the surfaces remain uneven and require additional processing.
  • In the draft version of housing, the developer takes responsibility for conducting such types of communications as: gas, heating, electricity, water supply.
  • Batteries are installed in the apartment (if necessary, other types of heating devices). Cables are being laid to connect television and telephone communications. It should be remembered that the wiring around the apartment will need to be done independently.
  • There may be other advantages to the rough finish. When concluding a contract and before buying a home, be sure to clarify everything that interests you and coordinate all questions and nuances with the developer.

In the draft version of the repair in the new building, there is no universal list of construction work carried out.

Many developers include in the price the cost of all construction work that they can offer, voicing the price per square meter. This option is the most convenient for a potential buyer, because in this case he will be able to choose the type and amount of work that he needs. If the developer does not have such a price list, ask them to announce the prices themselves and talk about the work that they can do for an additional fee.

If you plan to order repair and finishing work from the developer, be sure to conclude a written contract. This is your guarantee for the quality of work, and will also help to minimize your risks in the event that you encounter unscrupulous workers.

Remember the important point! Carefully read the contract you sign. It should contain a complete list of work to be performed, indicating specific prices.

In fact, you will have access to an improved rough finish with an additional list of works. The list should be as structured and detailed as possible, this will make it easier for you to accept the finished work.

Main types of work

Basic finishing of an apartment in a new building: what is it? We will understand in detail further.

We have already mentioned above that each developer and construction company has its own understanding of the rough finish of housing. However, the main list of works is as follows:

  • According to the agreed, ready-made plan, partitions are being erected in the necessary places.
  • With the help of beacons, the floor screed is poured. At the same time, "wet" rooms are waterproofed. Be careful, check with the developer for the permissible height differences, as the screed can be of a reinforced and unreinforced type.
  • Electrical wiring is carried out, which includes:
    • Installation of socket boxes (without the switches and sockets themselves).
    • Installation of an electrical panel.
    • Plastering of wall surfaces with the help of special beacons.
    • Summing up low-voltage cables (for connecting to the Internet, cable TV and landline telephone), as well as power cables.
  • Finishing the ceiling with plaster. Recently, this option is becoming less and less common, as it has been replaced by more modern solutions in the form of suspended and stretch ceilings.
  • Wiring of sewerage and pipes for hot and cold water supply.

A separate point I would like to note the electrician.

Before proceeding with the distribution of electricity in the apartment, it is necessary to draw up a plan that will clearly indicate such important points as:

  • Accurately calculated wire cross-section.
  • Denominations of machines.
  • RCD separately for each branch.
  • Number of outlets.
  • The number of points for connecting lighting in each individual room.

Be sure to ask the developer who will do the work with the electrician, because this is one of the most important points for a comfortable stay in the future apartment.

In the event that the developer independently undertakes the development of a wiring diagram, be sure to familiarize yourself with it before carrying out work. It would be advisable to try to delve into the scheme yourself. If you are completely unfamiliar with electrical wiring, consult a qualified electrician. Even if the project is perfect, try to independently control the entire process, from the cable company to its characteristics and installation.

You are required to measure the diameter of copper wires and calculate its cross section, which will need to be compared with what is entered in the project. Very often, due to the carelessness of manufacturers, there are specific inconsistencies. Keeping track of this is your job.

Remember that negligent attitude to the electrician in the apartment can lead to very disastrous consequences. It will be very difficult to redo the finished work even if the wires are laid in corrugated pipes, because all the wires are covered with a dense layer of plaster.

Features of rough wall decoration

Walls are the most important part of any apartment. They are responsible for dividing the room into rooms and separate zones, and are also responsible for its aesthetic appearance and comfortable living.

In modern new buildings, wall structures can be made from various building materials, such as:

  • Concrete.
  • Blocks.
  • Drywall.
  • Panels.
  • Brick.

High-quality alignment of the surface of the walls is the main task in their roughing.

During the construction of high-rise buildings, workers do not set themselves the goal of making perfectly even walls. That is why a smooth surface of the walls can only be achieved through many hours of work by professionals.

Another reason for uneven walls is the savings on building materials and time spent on the construction of the structure.

A potential buyer is primarily interested in a good repair and decoration of the apartment. When purchasing housing with a rough finish, do not rush to quickly paste wallpaper, paint the walls and move in. If you need a quality repair, it is better to redo the finish yourself, replacing it with more expensive and high-quality materials. If you do not understand this issue, ask for help from a team of workers.

Black ceiling and floor cladding

The rough finish of the floor is a simple and budget screed. A concrete mixture is poured onto the floor and leveled with beacons. The concrete mixture is supplied by a special compressor, the floor is leveled under the influence of vibrations. This type of screed gives the floor quite acceptable service life. It is up to you to decide whether you will level the floor better, or lay the floor material on a rough finish. If you are leaning towards the first option, the easiest and most effective way to level the floor is to apply a self-levelling compound to it or use a special self-leveling floor system.

The most problematic and difficult element of any home is the ceiling. Even if the new building was erected strictly according to the project, it can still have a lot of shortcomings and significant deviations.

The rough finish of the ceiling surface is, first of all, covering up the cracks and cracks between the ceilings, then applying whitewash and plaster.

In order to save time and labor costs, many developers install suspended ceiling structures. Their installation does not require a perfectly aligned floor, as it does not have any effect on the operation and appearance of the product.

Additional work

If you see fit, you can ask the developer to expand the list of necessary work with additional ones. They may include:

  • Any kind of demolition work.
  • Installation of the mesh before applying a layer of plaster.
  • Arch installation.
  • Wall surface primer.
  • Installation of ventilation systems.
  • Improved sound and heat insulation in the rooms and on the balcony.
  • Transferring batteries or replacing old radiators with new ones.
  • Welding on risers with cold and hot water.

Each construction company has its own options for the list of additional works, which may differ slightly from each other.

Who is better to entrust the repair

If you do not plan to do a rough finish of the living space on your own, you have 2 options:

  • Buy an apartment with a finished rough finish.
  • Pay the cost of a dwelling without repairs and hire a team of workers to carry out rough work.

In most cases, it will be advisable to hire skilled workers. Nowadays, finding a good company is not easy, but it is possible.

Professionals are hard to find

Good repair shops hire specialists for specific types of work. For workers, this is the main source of income and their "bread", so they treat their work with maximum responsibility and diligence. The main task of the developer is the construction of the building, not the quality finish, remember this. This attitude to responsibility for finishing is associated with its relatively low profitability.

What to look for when accepting work

After completing the rough finish of the home, your task is to properly accept the work. Pay close attention to the check, having previously familiarized yourself with all the clauses of the contract for the performance of basic and additional work in the premises.

Pay attention to the following important points:

  • The quality of the leveled surfaces of the walls. For verification, purchase a high-quality building level or rule (the ideal length of the product will be 1.5-2 meters). Check the verticality and evenness of the walls with a level. Evaluate depressions and humps with the help of a rule or a ruler, firmly attaching it to the surface of the wall and drawing it in different directions.
  • Check the evenness of the floor (check the levelness).
  • Carefully inspect and check the inside and outside corners. They should correspond to a value of 90 degrees (a large triangle will do for verification).
  • Electrician. For verification, arm yourself with an indicator screwdriver. If there is voltage in it, the indicator will light up, if not, accordingly, it will not light up. You need to check:
    • The circuit breakers should open the phase, not zero. If you turn off the machine, there should be no phase in the sockets of its group. (to determine, touch the indicator probe to the wires in turn).
    • Screw the bulbs into the sockets, check the operation of all switches. In this case, the phase should also open (when turned off, there should be no phase on the wires going to the light source).
    • Turn on a table lamp in all sockets one by one, and check them for operability.
    • If you are well versed in electrics, you can create a short circuit yourself, thereby checking the operation of the machine.
    • If the plumbing was done, check all the taps, they should function properly.

Look carefully and check everything! If you are dissatisfied with the quality of the work performed or would like to make some additional changes to the list of works, discuss all issues with the developer, as you will need his signature. If you ended up in a decent construction company, your comments should be eliminated as soon as possible.

If you want to buy a new apartment, many people are faced with the concept of a rough finish. This term does not have a clear definition, therefore, for future owners, it remains a mystery to the last, in what form they are offered to purchase housing. But it is not always necessary to go and see the apartment with your own eyes to find out what it is like. We will tell you about what initial finishing work is carried out during a rough repair.

The rough finish of the apartment is the preparation of the home for the final decoration. As part of such repairs, various preparatory and repair work can be carried out in the rooms, and therefore apartments with a rough design can differ quite a lot from each other. But there is also a set of mandatory works that must be performed on the premises so that the new owner can start redecorating without any problems immediately after signing the sale and purchase agreement.

The rough finish includes various repairs, so there may be significant differences in apartments with such a finish.

In order for the apartment to be sold to the owner, it must be properly built, using a project from one of the design institutes. The conditions of the project must be fully met so that the actual layout of the residential facility is consistent with the design and design solutions. On the modern market, objects with a free layout are presented, that is, only buildings have been erected in the apartment, and the construction of interior partitions falls on the shoulders of the new owners, although it is not necessary to create them, you can always divide the apartment into functional areas using visual zoning tools. The absence cannot indicate a poor or insufficient rough finish.

The mandatory elements of a draft or preliminary design of an apartment include:

  1. 1. Floor screed. The screed is usually performed with a cement mortar with the addition of sand. If the project for building a house does not have special amendments, the floor screed in all rooms is done on the same level, although this is not always advisable and sometimes does not meet the requirements of users.
  2. 2. Plastering walls. Plaster is necessary for leveling vertical surfaces in the apartment. Only even walls can be tiled without additional investment with any finishing materials on the market, including wallpaper, paint, paneling, etc. If the project does not specify additional requirements for leveling partitions, plastering is carried out with cement or lime mortar.
  3. 3. Installation of windows and doors. Windows and doors in most apartments are installed the simplest, cheapest and poor quality. However, many construction companies are switching to the installation of steel doors and plastic windows, which greatly simplifies the subsequent cosmetic repairs in the apartment.
  4. 4. Installation of gas system, sewerage and water supply. According to the project, the water supply and drainage risers must be connected to the apartment, gas is supplied to the kitchen. However, piping inside the premises may not be done, and the gas stove in the kitchen is not always connected to the stove.
  5. 5. Installation of the heating network. The pipes of the general house heat supply system are brought to the walls, where radiators are attached to them. The location, technical characteristics and quantity of heating means are stipulated in the project.
  6. 6. Installation of the power supply system. The electrical network of the house is brought into the apartment, an electrical panel with a meter is installed. From the electrical panel, power supply wires are laid through all the premises of the apartment to the points of electrical consumption (sockets, switches, chandeliers). The wires are brought out of the wall and insulated, but not connected to energy consuming appliances.
  7. 7. Thermal insulation of walls. In some modern houses, during rough finishing, external installation of heat-insulating materials on the walls is carried out.
  8. 8. Waterproofing floors. In the "wet" areas of the apartment, waterproofing is required, which can be installed during a rough finish, but not always.

This is an approximate list of what a rough finish includes. Premises less prepared for further cladding are extremely rare on the market. More often you can find dwellings in which, according to the project, additional facing works have been carried out that are not listed.

It is believed that walls are the most important surfaces in a modern home, which form the visual appeal of the home as a whole, and also have an important functional purpose, because they divide the space into separate sections, rooms and zones. The walls in modern apartment buildings can be made of various building materials. Most often there are objects with brick, block, panel, concrete and plasterboard partitions.

In the process of rough finishing, the walls must be aligned

The main goal of the draft is to align them. During construction, the materials used are not sought to give perfect evenness, as a result of which partitions can have a huge number of flaws that make a final repair simply impossible. To level the walls, they are plastered on the lighthouses, using the manual labor of repair teams or modern equipment. The developer usually tries to complete the repair and pre-finishing in the shortest possible time and with minimal financial investment, because the rough surface finish often cannot provide decent evenness.

Unlike the developer, the owner is interested in the repair being carried out with the highest quality. Because of this, it is not recommended to immediately veneer walls with a rough finish with selected wallpaper or other materials. Professionals recommend re-leveling the surfaces on their own using high-quality consumables, or order the services of repair teams.

Rough finish of the floor and ceiling - is additional preparation required before repair?

Rough finishing of the floor - a screed device, is carried out immediately after the construction of the structural elements of an apartment building. For screeds, the cheapest and simplest technology for pouring concrete with further smoothing along the beacons is used. The solution is fed into the room with a special pump and leveled using vibration. In general, this method of mounting the screed allows you to achieve a decent result - the floor is quite even, but almost always has various flaws and flaws, expressed by small height differences and all kinds of irregularities.

Such a rough screed provides the floor with decent performance. The owner himself will decide whether to install the floor covering on the rough finish, or to carry out preliminary work to level the floor. If it is decided not to leave imperfections in the floor, it is quite easy to eliminate them with the help of special self-leveling compounds and products for self-leveling floors.

The ceiling is often considered the most problematic part of the entire rough finish of the apartment. Ceilings erected according to the project can have very significant flaws and horizontal deviations. And in modern homes, the evenness of the ceiling can surprise even experienced repairmen. The rough finish of the ceiling most often involves sealing the seams between the individual floor slabs, after which the surface can be plastered or whitewashed. In order not to spend a lot of time and effort on, many owners simply install modern suspended ceilings during repairs. This finishing technology involves the installation of finishing sheets on a previously assembled frame, that is, the evenness of the floor slabs will not affect the visual characteristics of the room at all. It is not necessary to level the ceilings when installing stretch ceilings, but in all other cases, preliminary surface preparation may be required.

In general, rough cladding, aimed at preparing the interior for further finishing, simplifies the repair procedure and saves the object from most of the defects and flaws that appeared during the construction stages. But this does not mean that repairs can begin immediately after buying a home. Very often, the surfaces have to be further leveled in order to make a really attractive interior due to the finishing.

When buying an apartment, many are faced with the concept of "an apartment with a rough finish", but not everyone clearly understands what is meant by this. However, not only the owners of new apartments are faced with this concept. When performing repairs in residential apartments, in the estimate you can find the so-called rough work and materials. How it looks and what the rough finish of the premises includes, we will look at examples.

The walls in such apartments are already plastered, but still far from ideal, so small irregularities will have to be repaired with plaster and finally leveled with putty. With ceilings, the situation is usually worse, the differences can exceed 5 cm.

Wiring in apartments with a rough finish is usually already done and wires have been brought out at the installation sites of electrical outlets. Separately, it is worth talking about the floor in the new building. First, it contains a huge amount of dust. Secondly, in most cases it requires additional alignment. Radiators in apartments with a rough finish are cheap, most likely you will want to replace them with more modern ones. This is how, in most cases, an apartment in a new building with rough work done looks like. The builders of the developer are not very interested in the quality of the work, therefore it is avoided.

Rough finishing of residential apartments

Draft work in residential apartments is carried out in order to eliminate the unevenness of the walls, ceiling and floor. Thus, the basis for finishing the apartment is prepared: painting the walls and ceiling, wallpapering, etc.

What works include rough finishing of the room:

  • wall and ceiling plastering;
  • floor screed;
  • laying underfloor heating;
  • installation of a heating system;
  • installation of water supply and sewerage systems;
  • electric installation work;
  • window installation.

Draft work begins immediately after the dismantling of all structures and old coatings.

What you need to know before finishing:

  1. Where will the furniture be placed?
  2. Locations of electrical appliances (sockets, switches, lamps, etc.);
  3. Type of plumbing equipment and place of its installation;
  4. Ceiling finishing option;
  5. Wall decoration option;
  6. Type of floor covering;

As you can see, the rough finish of the apartment depends on the finishing materials used.

wall decoration

In most cases, the walls are plastered. The highest quality results are obtained when plastering walls on lighthouses. Then all the smallest irregularities are eliminated with putty. In some types of premises, plasterboard sheets are installed on the walls instead of plaster - this process is faster, but reduces the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Ceiling finish

In most cases, the ceiling is plastered, followed by puttying the surface. However, you can get a smooth surface faster with the help of plasterboard suspended ceilings. And if you plan to install a stretch ceiling, then you can completely leave the surface in its original form.

Floor finish

With large differences in the floor covering, a floor screed is made. The screed is carried out using dry building mixtures. If the unevenness of the floor is small, then an even coating can be obtained using self-leveling compounds. When forming the floor surface, it is important to monitor the level. If there are tiles in one room and a parquet board in another, then it is obvious that the level of screed in these rooms should be different (due to the different thickness of the floor covering). The floor screed gains strength within a month and in no case should this process be accelerated.

Electrical and plumbing work should be carried out using modern materials: wires - copper, and pipes - plastic.

The main thing to remember is that the rough finishing of apartments is not in a hurry. The more thoroughly the rough work is done, the better the final finish will be.