Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner in winter: rules for operating climate equipment. Why you can not turn on the air conditioner in winter Air conditioning for heat in winter

Any air conditioner is designed to cool the air in the room. But in the cold season, for many users, this device works for heating. However, before you start operating the equipment in this way, you need to understand how to properly start the heating with an air conditioner. This information will help prevent errors in the operation of expensive equipment.

The principle of operation of a split system for heating is a decrease (!) in the temperature of the air taken from the street. Air will be taken, for example, with a temperature value of -16, and given back in an even colder state, reaching up to -25. The difference is used for heat transfer: The resulting warm air enters the room.

However, will the device have enough power for the full implementation of such a task? It is important to know: if the temperature on the street turns out to be significantly below zero, then the compressor simply does not have enough strength to heat the air - wear and tear will begin. And if the equipment works at its maximum, it is already fraught with the risk of breakage.

So the first condition is outside temperature. Using an air conditioner as a heater is appropriate for regions with a mild climate. And for most of our country, such equipment should be used only in the off-season, in autumn or spring.

Running an air conditioner for heating in winter can be dangerous and frozen drain hose. In this case, condensate will begin to drain into the building. Today, manufacturers are trying to solve the problem by installing a 20-watt heater in the technique. The blocking system also works well: the equipment turns off when the temperature drops sharply.

The effectiveness of such a process

How economically feasible is it to turn on the air conditioner for heating? It turns out to be quite economical, because the work is based on a heat pump. This is also indicated by the figures: from each kilowatt of electricity, 2.5-4.2 kW of heat will go out. This is with regard to the temperature regime ranging from 0-5˚С. The efficiency of the system is calculated up to -15˚С (and for some models such an opportunity is provided even up to -30 degrees).

If we compare the use of an air conditioner with an oil heater, then the latter seems not at all economical: it goes into 1 kW of electricity, while giving out only 0.95 kW of heat.

So how efficient is air conditioning heating? It affects electricity cost. Where it is cheaper to heat with gas, it is not economically feasible to put the air conditioner on heating in winter. But in regions (countries) with expensive electricity, it would be rational to leave the climate equipment in heating mode (but again, with a reservation for weather conditions).

Advantages and disadvantages of a split system for heating

To heat or not with the help of an air conditioner - each user decides for himself in private. But if the decision turned out to be positive, then you can be sure that the air will not dry out, as when using heaters. There are other advantages:

  • environmental friendliness of application(no CO2 emission);
  • heat will be produced three times more than electricity consumed.

But besides improving the microclimate, there are also "pitfalls". You should definitely be aware of them with constant use.

  1. Device wear happens 3-5 times faster. This will happen due to thickened oil, which will lose its properties.
  2. There is a trend to replace the refrigerant - R410, which is safer for the ozone layer, will be in use. This requires the installation of more advanced compressors.
  3. The performance of the device will be two times less than the nominal.
  4. Air conditioning for heating in winter often fails.

The best option

A good solution would be to buy devices with inverter. This technique is able to heat the room even at -25˚С outside the window. It is also captivating that it will actually be possible to additionally attach a hydromodule unit to the design of an inverter device for heating. This element can be located both outside and inside the building.

  1. If a hydroblock external, then the equipment will work according to the type of heat pump familiar to us. In this case, it makes sense to use the air conditioner only as an additional source of heat (or if a non-permanent residence is expected in the house). If visiting the house is irregular, then in the winter period it is necessary to completely preserve (turn off and insulate) the entire system of the device.
  2. If a hydraulic block is inside, the equipment can be connected to traditional radiators or a “warm floor”. A similar principle of operation of the air conditioner for heating will require initial costs at the installation stage, but the reward will be full-fledged heating. Another plus of such models is good maintainability.

How to choose the right model

How the heated air conditioner works will depend on the correct selection of the model. Here it is important to pay attention on the characteristics of COP(ratio of heating power to consumed) and EER(cooling/consumption ratio):

  • COP in home models should be 2.8-4;
  • for EER, this figure can be 2.5-3.5 units.

The energy efficiency class of the device also matters: in the case of the most priority and economical A, the optimal indicators should be from 3.2 to 3.6 for COP and 2.2-2.4 EER.

Regardless of the recommendations, it will be necessary to mount this type of equipment individually, taking into account the characteristics of the room. At the same time, it will be important to calculate the possible heat losses that come from windows and doors. It is in these places that it would be reasonable to create a thermal curtain. A little about control: the equipment will be switched either from the remote control or manually. Heating can be set automatically.

It is important to know such nuances: the first few minutes the device should work as an air conditioner, not a heater. This is necessary in order for the outdoor unit to warm up and thaw out the ice that may have formed in the drainage. The next time this moment will regulate the ventilation speed. Also, many models have a special DeIce function, which will allow you not to confuse the mode of correct inclusion.

And here are some more tips to help improve the performance of the technique.

  1. Heated drainage will allow water not to freeze and remove condensate.
  2. With the compressor stopped, the heater can be switched on to warm up the oil and prevent it from thickening. In this case, the refrigerant will not be able to flow into the crankcase.
  3. If the outdoor unit has fan controller, then it will catch up with the current temperature and prevent freezing of the indoor unit.

So, the heat from the air conditioner turns out to be much more cost-effective than from other devices (with a cost of 1 kW, the consumer receives 4 kW). All energy goes precisely to the movement of warm air masses. Many modern devices guarantee good work even at thirty-degree frosts. However, any split system remains only an addition to the main heating and is not yet ready to take on the full load of providing a comfortable warm atmosphere in the home.

The principle of operation of the air conditioner is to transfer heat energy from one space to another. The operation of the heat pump is limited in scope. If the passport states that the air conditioner works for cooling and heating, then its actions are limited to an outside temperature of -5 0 C. However, there are devices that operate at -15 and -25 0. So is it possible to turn on air conditioners for heating, which ones can work in winter?

The operating instructions say that with a reverse circuit, the air conditioner can operate up to -5 0, and in heating mode only up to 0 0 C. Experts believe that the best way to keep the device working for many years is to preserve it when negative outside temperatures occur in winter.

Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner in winter only for cooling? The evaporation of the refrigerant in the outdoor unit already lowers the temperature by 5-14 degrees. Even at positive outside degrees, the temperature in the evaporator is negative. The body is overgrown with an ice coat, heat exchange with the external environment is disrupted, the evaporation temperature inside decreases, and not all of the refrigerant becomes a gas. The gas-liquid medium, getting into the compressor, creates conditions for water hammer. A liquid plug will rupture the tubes or damage the compressor.

Using the air conditioner in winter and without an accident will create several problems:

  • cold performance will be significantly reduced;
  • if the heat exchanger is iced up, water gets on the fan blades and is delivered with the air flow to the room;
  • the discharge temperature rises, causing failure of the four-way valve
  • the drain pipe will become clogged with ice.

Air conditioning in winter can be turned on to how many degrees?

There are many reasons why an air conditioner for cooling should work at sub-zero temperatures. Therefore, there are ways to avoid an accident and make the device work in winter. Experts advise using several techniques that reduce the load on the compressor and prevent freezing.

It is necessary to reduce the fan speed by installing a condensing pressure regulator. This will decrease performance. By reducing the heat removal from the air flow, we reduce the freezing of the evaporator. The task of the electronic module:

  • adjust the fan speed;
  • maintaining normal freon pressure;
  • prevent freezing of the indoor unit.

It is necessary to heat the compressor crater so that the liquid accumulated during idle periods does not boil during start-up and does not create a water hammer. A slight rise in temperature will make the oil in the friction units less viscous, making it easier to start. We note right away that inverter compressors that operate continuously are devoid of this problem. Therefore, the manufacturer allows their operation for cooling up to -15 0 .

Condensate drain pipes can freeze at a slight minus. In this case, the liquid will begin to come out into the room. You can prevent the problem by installing a low-power heater inside the drainage system.

All these additions are a winter kit and are sold for the operation of the air conditioner in the winter in cooling mode. In modern models, seasonal equipment is often already provided. Up to what temperature can the device be turned on? The best climate systems equipped with an inverter compressor can operate up to -30 0 C.

The principle of operation of the air conditioner in winter for heating

The air conditioner is a heat pump. Therefore, with a decrease in outside air, its performance decreases, despite the restructuring of the regime. The lower limit of the air conditioner for heat is 5 0 C. In winter, the icing of the heat exchanger causes jamming of the fan blades, breakdown of the electric motor.

However, air conditioners are constantly being improved. Thus, Mitsubishi has created a special series of Zubadan units, which can be turned on for heating in winter even at -25 0 . The units use special compressors with two fittings, two-stage pressure increase. Air conditioners are used for heating and hot water supply in winter in Japan and northern European countries.

But all this applies to split systems with an outdoor unit. And what prevents you from turning on the single-unit air conditioner located in the room for heating? At the same time, the heater is activated in the installation, and the heat pump stops. The work of a single-block room air conditioner for heating in winter is incorporated in the design.

What air conditioners can be turned on in winter

If the air conditioner has a heating function, it has a two-circuit freon circulation scheme, a four-way valve must be used. Such devices are more expensive than those that have one cooling mode. The operating instructions for the air conditioner contain the limiting temperatures of the outdoor air in winter for the operating unit. The difference lies in the use of inverter or conventional compressors, the type of refrigerant and the consistency of the lubricant.

If you need to switch on for cooling, you can use air conditioners with a special kit. So in winter they can withstand up to -25 0 C, working for cooling. But this applies to inverter devices.

There are special requirements for the operation of air conditioners in a car. It is believed that prolonged inactivity of this node contributes to its premature failure. Turning on the air conditioner in winter, at least once a week, is a necessary procedure. This ensures lubrication of the internal parts. When idle, a thin film flows down, leaving the rubbing surfaces defenseless at startup.

Inside the cabin, the air condenses, creating frost on the windows and trim. When you turn on the air conditioner in a closed space, it dries the air, removes frost from the windows. You can turn it on for heating in the car in winter. This happens at the same time, as soon as you press the button for heating the side mirrors. The air temperature at the outlet of the air conditioner + (10-12) 0 is sufficient to make the cold interior warm and dry in winter.

In winter, the car air conditioner is more difficult to start. For a year, 10% of freon disappears from the system. In summer, the lack of coolant is not noticed, in winter there is not enough pressure to start. How to use it in winter? You need to heat the interior or turn on the air conditioner in a warm garage.

Is it possible to use an ordinary air conditioner for heating in winter

For winter heating, you can use a floor single-block air conditioner. Despite the fact that when the heating mode is turned on, the built-in heating element works, hot air evenly heats the entire area. Is it efficient in heating? A conventional oil cooler is more voracious, creates a small comfort center, the temperature is not regulated.

Is air conditioning necessary in winter? There are jobs, especially in electronic circuit work, where excess moisture can condense on the insulation, causing a short circuit. Excessive humidity is harmful, as well as dryness in the apartment. This is no less true in winter than in summer.

Is it possible to turn on a two-block air conditioner in an apartment or office in winter? In cooling mode at an outside temperature of -5 0, you can turn on an unprepared device operating in summer mode. At lower temperatures down to -15 0, the inverter air conditioner can withstand, if it is written in the instructions. In winter, you can only turn on the air conditioner in the winter kit.

Gradually, split systems become more complicated, air conditioners are improved, and the time is not far off when boring bulky radiators in winter will replace a wall or ceiling air conditioner for heating an apartment.


We offer to see what the transition scheme from cooling to heating in an air conditioner represents.

Air conditioning in winter

Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner in winter, and if not, why not? This question is asked from time to time by most users of this modern climate device.

Why You Shouldn't Use Your Air Conditioner in Winter

The question is not entirely correct. In fact, there are progressive models of air conditioners that are designed to work in winter conditions with frosts down to -10 ... -15 ° C. These are the so-called inverter air conditioners. And the Japanese Mitsubishi Electric Zubadan MUZ-FDVABH unit works even at -25 °C. Of course, such devices are not cheap, and today we will talk about ordinary household air conditioners for mass use.

But they really cannot work at temperatures below -5 ° C. There are only two reasons for this:

  • During operation of the air conditioner, condensate is formed, which, under normal conditions, is discharged outside the room through a drain pipe. It is clear that in the cold, the condensate will freeze and form an ice plug in the discharge system. This plug will block the condensate outlet to the outside, after which it has two outlets:
    • Condensate seeps through cracks and leaks into the room through the inner casing, creating increased humidity. And this, in turn, can cause the appearance of molds that pose a threat to the health of residents.
    • The resulting excessive condensate pressure disables the air conditioner.
  • The refrigerant contains a lubricant that lubricates the rubbing parts of the evaporator during its operation. In the cold, this grease thickens, which makes it difficult for the unit to work, shortens its service life and ultimately leads to the failure of the air conditioner.

Refrigerant (refrigerant) is the working substance of a refrigeration machine, which, when boiling (evaporating, melting, or even sublimating), takes heat from the cooled object and then, after compression, transfers it to the cooling medium due to condensation or another phase transition.

Most models of household air conditioners can work either only for cooling or for space heating. If the consumer has the second type of device, he needs to know that the air conditioner can be used for heating at outdoor air temperatures not lower than 0 ° C, and for cooling - up to -5 ° C.

For heating an apartment in winter, it is better to use heaters designed for this purpose.

Video: is it possible to heat the room with air conditioning

Do not use a regular air conditioner at sub-zero temperatures outside the window. Even if it does not fail immediately, its service life will still be reduced. It is much more convenient and economical to use heating devices designed for this purpose, the range of which is currently simply huge.

New generation devices can be used for both cooling and heating. Based on this, many believe that split systems can serve year-round. Not everyone knows that such a statement is false. Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to turn on the air conditioner in winter.

In winter, the air conditioner cannot work

Device types

You can turn on the air conditioner in winter or not, it directly depends on its type. There are two subspecies.

  1. Mobile. They have the appearance of a monoblock and are completely in the apartment. Such devices can be used without reference to weather conditions. This is explained by the fact that their performance does not depend on the temperature outside the house.
  2. Split systems. In most cases, there are such installations, the operation of which is directly dependent on the temperature regime outside the window. During operation, heat exchange with the environment occurs, for this their outdoor unit is placed on the street.

Arguing on the topic of whether it is possible to turn on the air conditioner at sub-zero temperatures, you need to clarify a few points.

Technical side

First you need to understand whether such a system can work at low temperatures. An important component of any air conditioner is the compressor, which is located in the outdoor unit. The compressor needs a special lubricant, the viscosity of which is directly dependent on the outside temperature. During operation at temperatures below -5 degrees Celsius, the lubricant thickens, which leads to rapid wear and overheating of parts deprived of lubrication.

Appropriateness of use

During the operation of the air conditioner in winter for the purpose of heating, the radiator performs the functions of an evaporator. The refrigerant, getting into it, should heat up, but due to negative temperatures, it freezes. Productivity decreases, and with the onset of severe cold weather is canceled.

Using such devices in the cold seasons, it is worth understanding at what temperature the air conditioner can be turned on.

Referring to the manufacturers' statements, it can be noted that the lowest allowable indicator is -5 ° C, at this temperature you can turn on the unit without hesitation.

Consequences of incorrect operation

It is important to understand why you can not turn on the air conditioner in winter. The drop in efficiency of this device will not be the only problem. For the compressor to work properly, the refrigerant must evaporate and then enter the suction pipes in a gaseous state.

  1. If you use the air conditioner in heating mode in extreme cold, the refrigerant enters the evaporator, but due to the low temperature, it will not be able to heat up and become a gas. In liquid form, it enters the compressor, where a water hammer occurs, as a result of which the supercharger ceases to function, and then the apparatus itself.
  2. Be aware of the danger of excessive thickening of the lubricant.
  3. And also about the fact that the outdoor unit may become covered with an ice crust during use.

It is worth noting that using the air conditioner in cooling mode can lead to various kinds of problems:

  • the risk of compressor failure increases when it is turned on again;
  • decrease in productivity;
  • freezing of the outdoor unit and drain pipe.

Having considered the possible negative consequences of such use, one can categorically answer whether it is possible to turn on the air conditioner in winter. It would be much more expedient to purchase a heater, the price of which is much lower than the funds needed to repair the compressor.

Freezing of the air conditioner is one of the consequences of improper operation.

Air conditioners suitable for heating

Is it possible to use the air conditioner in the winter in the apartment, without causing harm to it? You can, but you should strictly follow the rules prescribed by the manufacturer.

  1. First you need to purchase a split system that will allow you to both cool and heat the room.
  2. You need to pay attention to the indicator that informs at what sub-zero temperature you can turn on the air conditioner. For most models, the negative temperature limit is only -5 degrees Celsius. But there are models on the market equipped with an inverter that allows you to operate the air conditioner as a heater down to -15 degrees Celsius.

If the permissible temperature does not suit you, the air conditioner can be equipped with a kit designed for use in the winter season. This set consists of:

  • drainage tube heating systems, which prevents it from freezing;
  • compressor heating - this procedure will prevent the lubricant from thickening and damaging internal parts;
  • board that will allow you to adjust the fan speed, this will reduce the risk of overcooling the refrigerant.

Preparing for winter

Even if the air conditioner is not in operation in the winter, you need to take care of its safety and carry out a series of manipulations that you can do yourself or seek help from specialists.

  1. First you need to run the device in ventilation mode to remove excess moisture.
  2. Then clean the filters. To do this, you need to open the top cover, under it you will see a filter that you need to pull out, holding it by the bottom. After that, rinse the dirty filter under running water and dry it dry. Then wipe the blinds with a damp cellulose washcloth and install the filters in their original place.
  3. After cleaning, it is necessary to transfer the refrigerant to the outdoor unit, a specialist will help you with this.
  4. And also many companies recommend installing a special protective visor that will prevent mechanical damage during heavy snowfalls and thaws.

The protective visor will protect the device from snow


It is possible to use air conditioning for heating in winter, but only with strict observance of the temperature limits. When it is used in extremely low temperatures, numerous breakdowns occur, the repair of which will be expensive.

Optionally, it is possible to install a set of winter equipment, but even in this case, there are maximum permissible temperature values.

If you plan to use the system for heating, it is better to choose an option that will be designed for this purpose. Then you will not worry about the question of how many degrees you can turn on the device.