Redevelopment of an old village house projects. Before and After: How an old house in the countryside became a stylish dacha. The initial stages of the reconstruction of a wooden house

Ecology of consumption. Homestead: V summer time many people think about buying country house, where you can come on weekends to take a break from the bustle of the city, enjoy the singing of birds and the rustle of leaves.

In the summer, many people think about buying a country house, where they can come on weekends to take a break from the bustle of the city, enjoy the singing of birds and the rustle of leaves. What to choose - a house in a holiday village or in a village?

Having decided to buy their own mini-resort, asphalt children with no experience country life, as a rule, are inclined to buy a house in a dacha cooperative, unaware that the acceptable cost hides the almost complete lack of infrastructure - shops, post office, pharmacies and relatively small area site.

Much more optimal solution for those who dream of real estate away from the big settlements may become the purchase of an old village house. This is exactly what the heroes of our today's story did - a young married couple who bought an abandoned building in a village in eastern Poland, and, together with the designers from the Ynox studio, turned it into a stylish, modern home.

Looking at this building before renovation, it is hard to imagine that very soon it will turn into an oasis of rest and tranquility. It is obvious that the house is in a deplorable state. It seems that he can not withstand even a strong wind.

This photo is the best proof of what talented architects and interior designers are capable of. The renovation of the exterior, which took only a few months, saw the building's frame strengthened, the façade painted on all sides in a dark chestnut color that perfectly matches the graphite tiles that adorned the renovated roof, and dilapidated windows were replaced with new ones.

At wooden houses a huge number of benefits. First of all, wood is a highly environmentally friendly material that allows oxygen to pass through, therefore, in wooden buildings breathe easily and sleep soundly. Due to the low thermal conductivity, you can save on heating, while even in the harshest winters you are not in danger of freezing in wooden house. However, such houses have their drawbacks, the main of which is the weak resistance of wood to the effects of the sun, rain and snow, as a result of which wooden houses fail much faster than buildings made of brick or concrete.

After overhaul a wonderful terrace appeared at the entrance to the house, allowing you to enjoy the beauty surrounding nature, relax with a cup of coffee, and in the summer have breakfast in the fresh air.

The best days of this house are long gone. Flooring and the surface of the walls urgently required an early replacement. Old, worn-out furniture had a depressing effect on the new owners and was immediately sent to the landfill.

Here is what the kitchen looks like after the renovation. modern furniture, colorful textiles, a bouquet of flowers and paintings on the walls have completely changed appearance premises by creating good mood, conducive to spending as much time as possible with the family in this cozy kitchen.

The fashion for a rustic interior appeared a few years ago and has become firmly established in the design world. At the request of the owners, the rooms of the house were decorated in this style. A little rough, but very cozy furniture, hammocks made of colored fabric, the floor, walls and ceiling are lined with boards. Such an interior is perfect for those who live today, but do not deny themselves the pleasure from time to time to plunge into a slight nostalgia for a carefree childhood spent in the village.

Almost all buyers of houses in the village are faced with the need to completely update the bathroom. This house is no exception. It took a lot of time and effort to turn this room into a modern bathroom. The result of the designers' work exceeded all expectations.

The new owners of the house prefer warm and cozy wood to all other materials. In this bathroom, as in all other areas of the house, the floor and walls are made of light wood. In contrast, there is a modern washing machine and a large shower with a tray. published

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We suggest that you familiarize yourself with one of the options for resolving the issue related to the need to expand your living space and, accordingly, improve the living conditions of your family members.

If you live in a private home and have a space such as a basement or garage, perk up and look around. Only in this way you will see that you are surrounded by thousands of options. successful solution this question.

Refurbishment of the garage and other similar structural elements your house under living rooms- and there is a way that will allow you to get rid of the problem of lack of necessary living spaces.

The entrance to the premises of the former garage, and in particular the plot of land in front of this element, is disguised with a semicircular flower bed, as well as brick pipe, which is a constructive continuation of such an element as working fireplace.

It was this product that was installed in place doorway, and performs both practical functions regarding heating, and aesthetic, playing the role of an interior item.

Looking at such a sample of the interior, it is hard to even imagine that this area was once used exclusively as a garage. Audio and video systems are successfully hidden in special niches, big windows fill the entire space with light and a sense of freedom, and the fireplace successfully hides the location of the doorway intended for the entry of the car.

Looking at all this splendor, we can safely say that such elegant living room could not exist without such human characteristics as creative courage and unlimitedness, as well as the absence of fear of making large-scale decisions.

One of possible ways internal filling of the premises resulting from the refurbishment of garages and basements is the use of various vintage and antique items purchased at sales and specialty low-cost markets.

This technique will not only save your cash, but also help to create a unique image, the visual quality of which will exceed all your expectations. A coffee table and chairs, as well as a chest of drawers and accessories are items that are perfectly combined within one thematic design solution.

The premises obtained as a result of the modernization of the garage can be used, among other things, as a place for cooking and eating.

spacious kitchen, equipped in one stylistic direction With overall design of the whole house and equipped with a spacious exit to the backyard, is good decision, allowing you to fully enjoy the dishes served on the table, as well as communication with people close to you.

The current time provides a lot of opportunities regarding the design of kitchens located in former garage. The classic style will be the most appropriate and attractive for most people who dream of a worthy implementation of such grandiose ideas.

Marble countertops, wooden massive table, as well as cabinets for storing kitchen items, characterized by the absence of any frills - elements that will allow you to create a universal image, the application process of which is characterized by the absence of any restrictions. Even modern technology in the form oven, washing machine and other names seems appropriate and harmoniously combined here.

Additional doors, which appeared after closing the garage entrance, create a special chic, the presence of which will be appreciated by all your loved ones. Color spectrum focuses on the use light colors, which give the necessary scale along with the corresponding visual perception.

cozy bedroom- Another design option for additional space formed after the modernization of your garage. A large bed with a special emphasis under the canopy rectangular shape, as well as decor and interior items that successfully support the chosen color scheme- factors that will make your stay here pleasant, and your sleep sweet and unforgettable.

Various engravings located on the wall and stained glass coffee tables- a technique that you can easily use in your own home. Plants in the interior add life and special mood to it.

The living room in the garage can be turned into a special corner where there are no such concepts as time and space. Retro style in the interior and is the time machine that every time will take you to the past.

Vintage pieces of furniture and decor such as chest of drawers, armchairs, chandelier and curtains are exactly the tools that will produce this effect while maintaining the uniqueness of the resulting design.

If you don't need additional space necessary for your loved ones to live, you should think about the possibility of equipping a special room where you will feel especially comfortable and secluded.

luxury bathroom a room, equipped according to your requirements, will be that island of calm and pleasant solitude, which is so necessary in the modern rhythm of life.

Antique chest of drawers designed to store clothes and perfumes, vintage bookcase and other furniture items, made in classical style will help to fill this room with special comfort and spirituality.

Such a bedroom will allow you to comfortably accommodate not only guests of your home, but also members of your family.

Arrange an additional bathroom that will perfectly suit your guests. Green color and corresponding room decoration various bamboo frames, as well as wicker baskets, will allow you to create bright mood and energize for the whole day.

Staircase, made in a classic manner and combining in its image such color shades, like black, a mix of silver and gold, together with paintings located on the wall, create a special look that cannot be passed by without attention.

Living room. Color design built on the contrast of black and white flowers- looks great. Additional elements decor and luxurious furniture, emphasize the individuality of the stylistic content of this room and its high design component.

Places: . . .

The construction of a private house "from scratch", in most cases, is characterized by very significant cash costs and lengthy periods of work. Sometimes home improvement can take several years, during which family budget will experience serious stress, since a considerable part of it will go to construction.

If you are not ready for this turn of affairs, it may be more convenient for you to purchase land plot, which already has a simple . In this case, you can limit yourself to carrying out a major overhaul, which involves the restoration of all worn-out structures and redevelopment inner space at home.

In addition to the above two main tasks, renovating an old house includes:

  • replacement of doors and windows;
  • repair or complete replacement roofing;
  • renovation of the facade of the building (if necessary - its strengthening and thermal insulation);
  • replacement of internal wiring;
  • arrangement and insulation of the attic;
  • performing cosmetic repairs.

Do not forget that the appearance of the renovated housing must be fully combined not only with the surrounding landscape, but also interior decoration premises. If you want to end up with a high-quality and reliable result, remember the main rule - all work should be carried out in strict accordance with a pre-developed plan that takes into account all possible changes. Otherwise, you will have to be content with something that simply does not meet your expectations.

Redevelopment of an old private house involves a change in location internal walls. Before demolition starts old wall, you should carefully study the features of the available designs, since each of them is responsible for different functions. For example, ordinary interior partitions can be demolished, but it is forbidden to demolish the main walls, as they affect the stability of the entire structure as a whole.

When setting up new interior partitions try to use only modern Construction Materials, which are designed just for such work. Great option will become frame structures that are filled mineral wool and covered with plasterboard.

One of the simplest and effective ways is insulation with mineral slabs and foam, followed by siding. The work process is not accompanied by special difficulties, while a rich assortment of siding panels allows you to translate into reality almost any design solutions. For example, vinyl siding, without increasing the load on the foundation, allows you to completely change the appearance of the facade of the building.

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Site master plan

The easiest way to change the facade of the house is to sheathe it with siding.

Remodeling of a wooden house

After preparation approximate plan carrying out all work, it is necessary to draw up technical task for workers who will be engaged in redevelopment. Builders will do everything necessary measurements and make a detailed picture of what you want to see in the end.

Then the specialists will draw up a project, which will include design decoration, reconstruction features, 3D sketch, all measurements taken, etc. In addition, a commercial offer must be prepared for you.

After carrying out these works, the process of directly redevelopment and restructuring of the old house begins.

Also one of the options for redevelopment wooden house is an addition to an existing building.

Features of redevelopment in a brick house

As a cover in brick house multi-hollow slabs protrude, which rest with their short ends on the longitudinal load-bearing walls (slabs supported simultaneously on the outer and inner load-bearing walls). Internal partitions, as a rule, are made of gypsum blocks or bricks. It is possible to demolish them during redevelopment, but here some details should be taken into account. For example, if you break a brick partition in order to move it into place, then sooner or later it may fall.

The reason is that floor slabs can only withstand a certain load, which can vary depending on one or another part of the building. Brick wall 2.65 m high weighs much more than a person, so the panel, which is located in the middle of the room, is not able to support the weight of a heavy partition. It will gradually begin to bend, after which it will simply collapse.

To find a way out of this situation, when moving the wall, it is recommended to use plasterboard structures treated with modern soundproofing materials.

Remember that choosing the right construction company is a very responsible task, especially in matters of redevelopment of already finished housing. It is one thing to build a house "from scratch", and quite another - restructuring, in which the house, located on the same foundation, should not create emergency situations.

As for the choice of suitable builders, there are two options: concluding an agreement with a construction and repair team, or working with the so-called "shabashniks". In both cases, you will have to face certain pros and cons. As you know, work with teams, the contract with which is concluded orally, is often accompanied by poor quality and negligent attitude to their duties on the part of the workers. At the same time, similar situations can be found among professional builders, whose services are much more expensive.

Redevelopment in a private house has its own characteristics compared to.

First of all, the difference lies in the fact that the changes do not affect the interests of neighbors. But, despite this, any changes must be agreed with the controlling organizations.

What is redevelopment in a private house, and what authorities should be contacted to legalize it? Let's take a look at our article.

Legislative aspect of the issue

The concept of redevelopment of a dwelling is disclosed in the Housing Code Russian Federation.

Under the law, this term means reconfiguration of the room to be added to the object.

The concept of redevelopment, the definition of its illegality are fixed in articles 25-29 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Regulation of the procedure for legalizing redevelopment regulates Government Decree No. 266. It contains an application form for the procedure.

Carrying out repair and construction work without the consent of authorized organizations is punishable on the basis of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

Each region may issue its own regulatory local acts that regulate this issue.

What kind of work is allowed

Redevelopment in a private house may include the following types works:

An important point in the redevelopment of a private house is that everything additional premises, which are formed after repair and construction work, must be heated. This provision is especially true if the house does not have central heating.

All redevelopment work must be carried out strictly in accordance with the prepared documentation. When drawing up, it is necessary to take into account the type of flooring of the house, affecting the load-bearing walls. Their incorrect rearrangement can cause the collapse of the entire structure.

Any planned reconfiguration of the room must be agreed with the competent authorities. In order to do this, you must submit an application. The application must be accompanied by technical certificate every room.

Features and obligatory registration

The process of coordinating redevelopment in a private house does not differ from the procedure for registering changes in premises in apartments in multi-storey buildings.

Difficulties may arise if the property is located in the historical part of the city and belongs to the objects of historical and cultural heritage.

It is necessary to start registration with an appeal to the housing department of the local Administration.

The applicant writes statement which details:

  • the exact address of the object;
  • list of planned works;
  • timing.

Implementation of works may allow only if, after the changes, the purpose of the house does not change. The quality of living in it should not deteriorate. In addition, a residential facility should not violate the safety of residents of neighboring houses and infringe on their interests.

If the tenant plans to make small changes, then it is enough to provide a sketch for approval. But, if a large-scale reconstruction of the premises is planned, it should be done on the basis of the project. Project documentation are firms that have the appropriate license to carry out such work.

Plan necessary if a major change in the configuration of the building is planned:

  1. When making changes to load-bearing walls, for example, preparing an additional opening.
  2. Installation of balconies, loggias, changing their configuration if available.
  3. All repair work, which are associated with the installation of an additional load on the floors.
  4. Changing the facade, repainting in a different color scheme. Everything that affects the violation of the architectural style.
  5. Installation of new stairs, installation of an additional bathroom.

For permission the owner of the house must apply personally or by a third party under a notarized power of attorney.

Step by step instructions

In order to apply to local administration, necessary prepare a package of documents. These include:

The list of documents is the same for both work in an apartment and in a private house.

To carry out the whole procedure, necessary:

  1. Collect all necessary documents.
  2. Order a house remodeling project.
  3. Contacting the department of urban planning or architecture to draw up an application.
  4. The resulting project is being approved by the fire inspectorate, sanitary inspection and the management company.

Matching time can last from one to two months. Most often, if all documents are provided in in full approval takes 30 days.


Making a redevelopment of a private house requires not only time, but also money. All certificates are issued after payment of the state fee. It is necessary to pay for the preparation of a redevelopment project to specialized companies.

Often, in order to save money, it is best to contact organizations that assist in the design of redevelopment. Each certificate that must be submitted has limited time presentation. Sometimes, while one is being prepared, another expires. In this case, the applicant has to order the document again. Average self assembly documents, including drafting, costs the applicant at 20,000 rubles.

The price may vary depending on the complexity of the planned work, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

What can you do without getting permission

Not all repair and construction work on the redevelopment of the premises requires approval.

There are a number of activities that can be done without permission:

If the planned changes do not carry the risk of the collapse of the building, they are not subject to a ban.

Responsibility for unauthorized work

Many owners, especially owners of private houses, believe that they can make changes without permission, and no one will know about it. In fact, this opinion is erroneous.

Without making changes to the technical passport, the owner will not be able to sell or exchange the house. Even if he does not plan to sell his property, problems will arise later when his. They will have problems with the registration of the inheritance on the house.

In addition, unauthorized work can endanger the residents themselves and their neighbors. If the integrity of partitions and ceilings is violated, the building may collapse.

At detection of illegal changes Supervisory authorities have the right to sue the owner of the premises in court. If the court refuses to legitimize the changes made, the citizen will have to pay a fine and return everything done to its original form.

Citizens may try to legitimize redevelopment already after it. To do this, you must immediately file a claim with the court. To confirm the work done, the applicant will need to provide an act from the construction commission. If the court makes a negative decision, the owner of the house will have to redo everything as it was before. If the redevelopment is recognized as legal, with a court decision, you can contact the BTI to make changes to the technical passport of the house.

Proper design of the procedure discussed in the article will help to avoid problems with the house in the future. Illegal changes in the configuration of the premises will lead not only to fines, but also to the inability to use the property to the fullest.

For information on how to legalize changes to the design of a private house and apartment, see the following video: