Advantages and disadvantages of bathroom furniture avn. Features of the choice of furniture for the bathroom. Modern bathroom furniture trends

Choosing bathroom furniture is quite simple, fortunately, the modern market is able to offer a wide variety of models. But, as you know, there are so-called pitfalls everywhere, and in the case of furniture for specific premises, it is especially important to learn how to get around them.

How not to become hostages of your own wrong decision regarding the quality of purchased items for the bathroom, this article will tell.

When choosing the right furniture for the bathroom, you need to consider:

  1. The size of the room and the possible distances between all the objects in the room. It is its dimensions, in general, that influence the choice of furniture materials, since owners of fairly spacious bathrooms can afford to install an expensive wooden cabinet with a solid wood top. They have showers and bathtubs far from similar furniture in the wash area, and there is a window, or a good ventilation system that does not allow moisture to linger on surfaces. A completely different matter is compact bathrooms measuring 4-6 square meters, where constant moisture and frequent contact with water imply the purchase of simple but high-quality furniture with excellent water-repellent surfaces.
  2. Number of family members, their age and physical abilities. It will be difficult for a small child, or, conversely, an elderly person to get anything they need from a closet hung too high.
  3. Furniture shape, especially if it is located in a small bathroom, it must correspond to the area allocated for it. So, you can choose a small rectangular cabinet under the sink, it is ideal for small spaces where simplicity and functionality are above all.

Types of bathroom furniture

Hanging cabinets and cabinets

Convenient and compact, often of simple shapes, wall-hung cabinets are good for placement in small bathrooms, but they also have a place in spacious rooms. The unobtrusiveness and lightness of their lines will appeal to those who are adherents of laconic interiors. In addition, with the help of hanging cabinets, you can hide hard-hitting communications (pipes along the walls, a boiler).


Floor cabinets

We are talking about cabinets under the sink, which are installed directly on the floor, without the use of supports. Such furniture, with its body, well hides the siphon, hoses and pipes located low above the floor, and at the same time, in drawers or on shelves, it places everything necessary for hygiene procedures.

Unfortunately, under the floor cabinets, water, falling under them, lingers for a long time and, having soaked into the bottom, inevitably deforms the material of the furniture, which will become unusable after 1-2 years.


Furniture with legs

Here you can mention everything that was said in the previous paragraph, with the amendment that floor furniture with legs is more practical and durable, because, when raised, it gives free access to remove excess moisture and accumulated dirt.

If the bathroom in your house is small, choose a cabinet with legs as a base under the sink, and in a larger room, you can install separate cabinets (high or low, narrow and wide), with drawers or open shelves for storing towels, bottles and jars of cosmetics.



Narrow and tall (ideally, almost to the ceiling), the pencil case is indispensable if you need to conveniently place everything in a small area for taking a shower, bath or just daily washing. With its modest, at first glance, dimensions (maybe no more than 30 x 40 cm deep), the pencil case is often equipped with many shelves, drawers and baskets, so you will not have problems with how and where to place a large number of bathroom accessories.

Material quality

solid wood

Wood as a material for furniture in the bathroom is a kind of classic, but few decide to use it in such a room, and here's why.

Most species actively absorb moisture and lose their original appearance, although this does not apply to oak and ash wood, exotic wenge, zebrano, teak.

Some well-known firms, in the production of bathroom furniture, use beech, cherry and other hardwoods, prudently carefully drying and covering the array with several stages of protective layers of primers, drying oils, paints, varnishes, waxes and oils.

When buying solid wood furniture, ask for a quality certificate, which must include: the country of origin, the country of supply of raw materials, a list of protective materials and other useful information.

Be that as it may, most often (and manufacturers know about it), solid wood is used only for the facade of furniture and for decoration, a little less often for countertops. The rest of the parts are made of MDF. But, no matter how high-quality wooden furniture is, it should be installed, nevertheless, in spacious (at least 15 sq.m.) bathrooms, where air constantly circulates and moderate humidity (no more than 65 -70%).


MDF fibreboards

This material is very popular in our time, and many eminent foreign manufacturers of expensive furniture use it abundantly. Facades, body, decorative elements, countertops can be made of MDF. In order to protect it from moisture and somewhat ennoble the material, it is covered with VDSP, impregnated with special compounds, and a moisture-resistant substrate material is chosen.

MDF furniture for small rooms should be handled with special care, because its service life directly depends on this. So, several layers of a polyurethane primer are first applied to the plates, after that - glossy enamels (to protect against moisture, scratches and dents). Ultimately, drying is carried out using ultraviolet rays, which makes the surfaces perfectly smooth.

Although MDF boards are not quite cheap, designers are happy to use them to implement their projects for the manufacture of curly furniture.


Furniture lined with veneer

External decorative coating that decorates and protects the facades of furniture made of MDF, solid wood, VDSP. Of course, it is also impregnated with moisture-proof solutions, special glues and varnishes are chosen, which cover the veneer on top.

In general, veneer is used for the sake of a more spectacular appearance of furniture, since imitation of various types of wood (wenge, walnut, cherry, oak) and other materials (leather, stone) evoke very pleasant associations.


This material has obvious advantages: it is aesthetic, easy to clean, not afraid of moisture at all, and the most famous and respected furniture factories like to work with it.

The versatility of plastic has long been confirmed in the course of everyday use in residential areas. Plastic countertops, facades and cases of bathroom cabinets and cabinets can even be translucent, resembling real glass. Bribes, also, a wide range of colors and the possibility of applying any pattern to the material.

glass elements

For use in the bathroom, glass is the best choice of all other materials. It is practical, of course, moisture resistant, incredibly attractive from the point of view of the aesthetics of the room, and you can install furniture with glass elements in a bathroom of any size, it will always be appropriate.

Solid countertop sinks have proven themselves perfectly, you will not have problems with daily cleaning. But keep in mind that water flows easily from a slippery smooth surface in all directions, so restrictive bumpers should be provided along the walls adjacent to the furniture.

In addition to countertops, glass in the bathroom is used for shelves, doors and even furniture sets, choosing the degree of haze and color shade. In addition to the above, it is impossible not to note the high adaptive capabilities of glass, because it is able to fit into any style of interior.


Natural stone or composite, as an alternative

Many people dream of using granite, marble, basalt as materials for use in the bathroom, which is not surprising, because natural stone is a guarantee of quality, durability and status, if you like.

Often, these types of stone are used for the manufacture of countertops with sawn holes for the sink. By the way, both top-mounted and under-mounted sinks are popular, but the second option is undoubtedly more practical.

Progress today is moving quite quickly, and there are no longer problems with the choice of products for the care of natural stone. All kinds of polishes, shampoos, dirt -, water - and grease-repellent compositions are aimed at gentle cleaning of such surfaces, and do not have any detrimental effect, leaving natural stone in its original form.

Prices for countertops made of natural stone are determined by manufacturers, depending on the thickness, type and quality of the stone, its decorative effect.

Artificial stone, or composite, in the market of modern materials for the manufacture of furniture, including bathrooms, is becoming more and more popular. It is in no way inferior to natural breeds, and is able to imitate them all. Countertops and sinks made of composite materials are moisture resistant, not afraid of mechanical damage (chips, scratches), and gelcoat coating also makes them antibacterial.

Constantly improving, artificial stone for use in bathrooms is increasingly justifying itself, as it is light, aesthetic, non-flammable and can be adapted to different styles of bathroom interiors.


How to choose bathroom furniture so that it not only looks good, but also lasts for many years? What do you need to pay attention to? Let's figure it out together.

First of all, we highlight the main criteria that you should definitely pay attention to:

  • Appearance;
  • Material;
  • Mechanisms and fastenings;
  • Furniture covering;
  • Firm.

Now let's look at each criterion separately.


The first thing we pay attention to when choosing any thing is its appearance.

Bathroom furniture is no exception. After all, initially we need to understand whether it fits our interior, whether it meets our expectations, etc. However, the criterion "appearance" is a purely subjective thing and everyone decides for himself how the ideal bathroom furniture should look like. Therefore, we will not stop and consider this issue for a long time.

We just want to note that this criterion cannot be neglected, because even if you choose furniture that is ideal in quality, but does not satisfy your aesthetic needs, irritation will awaken in you over time, which should not be allowed, since the bathroom should relax and soothe you.


As soon as you saw the ideal, in your opinion, bathroom furniture and fell in love, you should not immediately succumb to your emotions, but you need to check everything to the end. And the next thing you need to pay attention to is the material from which the furniture is made.


This material is very unstable to high humidity and sudden changes in temperature, so furniture made from this material is best purchased for spacious rooms with good ventilation. If you want to purchase bathroom furniture exclusively from wood, you need to specify what type of wood was used.

The highest quality furniture for the bathroom is made from precious wood or impregnated wood, but the price of such furniture is appropriate.

MDF and chipboard

MDF is a more durable material that has high strength, moisture resistance and is very resistant to mechanical stress. Chipboard is slightly inferior in strength and is most often used to create simpler boards.


This material has an affordable price and moisture resistance. However, furniture made from this material is not very durable and the surface of plastic furniture is very easy to damage.

Metal and glass

Complete bathroom furniture is not made from these materials, but only its individual elements are made. Metal and glass are of high quality, but most often furniture with elements from these materials is tied to a certain style, which not everyone will like. But if this is just what you need, then feel free to opt for this material.

The design of mechanisms and fasteners

Once you are convinced of the quality of the furniture, then you should pay attention to its mechanisms and fasteners, they must be tightly fixed to the furniture.

All doors should open easily and close tightly. Dangling of sliding shelves is unacceptable, over time this can lead to detachment of the fasteners.

Also pay attention to holes, notches and cuts. Some manufacturers make them after applying protective layers, which damages the moisture protection.


An important criterion is the coverage of furniture.

Covers are as follows:

  • Self-adhesive film- its main advantages: affordable price and a variety of colors. The disadvantage is the fragility. In high humidity conditions, this coating may darken or begin to bubble.
  • acrylic layer– more practical and reliable coating. The acrylic layer is quite resistant to temperature extremes and high humidity, plus it has an attractive appearance. Among the shortcomings, one can single out the fact that it is necessary to take care of furniture with acrylic coating only with special cleaning products.
  • Wood veneer varnished, is more durable than previous versions and has more reliable protective functions.
  • Enamel and lacquer surface durable, resistant to temperature extremes and high humidity. Enamelled or lacquered furniture is also very easy to care for.


And finally, let's move on to the last, but not least, criterion - furniture manufacturer. Carefully study the information about the manufacturer to understand whether you can trust a particular company or not. Contact only trusted storesto avoid unpleasant situations and do not be afraid to ask all the necessary questions. If the company has nothing to hide and they are confident in the quality of their furniture, managers will never refuse to tell you everything that interests you.

In the photo - layra bathroom furniture set from Alavann


We have sorted out all the most important criteria that you should pay attention to when choosing bathroom furniture. But we want to note that in each case there are nuances in which our specialists will be happy to help you figure it out.

Don't be afraid to ask questions and be picky, but in moderation. After all, in the end, we have one goal - to find the perfect bathroom furniture for you.

We wish you only high-quality and long-term purchases!

In a tiny bathroom, we admit, there may be no furniture at all. There is a place only for plumbing, and hooks, a shelf, a hanger, the sides of the bath itself and the sink are used for storage. Tips from the RMNT website will help you choose bathroom furniture for those who have space for such an installation.

1. What is the most commonly used bathroom furniture? From fiberboard, chipboard and MDF. The ends of furniture made of inexpensive chipboard should be protected with a special PVC profile. Furniture made of fiberboard and MDF is varnished and veneered for additional protection against moisture. More complex structures are made from MDF, for example, convex facades. MDF furniture is the most expensive, but also the most durable, moisture resistant option. Bathroom furniture is rarely made of natural wood; these are always expensive models, most often made to order from special types of wood that can withstand high humidity.

2. Bathroom furniture is completely moisture resistant, is it not afraid of water? Yes, such a mark must be on all pieces of furniture for bathrooms and bathrooms. However, watering it with water in the truest sense of the word should not be! Even a special coating will not withstand such harsh treatment.

3. Where to start choosing bathroom furniture? Of course, from "Moydodyr", a special cabinet-stand under the sink. Other furniture in the bathroom may not be! And if there is, then the rest of the items - a pencil case, a hanging cabinet with a mirror, an additional cabinet or cabinet are already chosen under "Moydodyr". For large bathrooms, complete sets of furniture are sold, pay attention to them.

4. Can any sink be installed on Moidodyr? In general, cabinet stands traditionally come with a sink, at the top there is already a cut hole just for specific sizes. Replacing the sink can lead to poor sealing and installation problems. The exception is the bowl-shells, which are installed on the countertop, do not crash into it. How to independently install a sink of a different type, the portal site described in detail.

5. What should you pay special attention to when choosing bathroom furniture? On the edges of furniture boards, which must be treated with a moisture-resistant coating. Check the operation of the fittings - doors and drawers should open easily, and close evenly and tightly. Do not forget to also look inside the cabinet or cabinet - manufacturers often leave special holes so that the shelves can be hung at different heights. They must be closed with special plugs so that moisture does not get inside! Check if they are available. If not, buy separately. You can also fill in the holes that turned out to be superfluous after installing the shelves with silicone sealant.

6. Which bathroom furniture is better - hanging, with legs or a plinth? The deaf socle "Moydodyr" and panels will not allow you to properly clean under the furniture. Hanging in terms of cleaning is much better, but such cabinets need special fasteners, you have to drill tiles. Furniture with legs high enough for a mop or a hand with a cloth to pass through can be the best option.

7. Are there any peculiarities in the care of furniture in the bathroom? No. You just need to wipe the cabinets with a damp cloth, soft sponge to remove stains, drops and dust. Of course, you can use furniture care products. The most important thing is that your bathroom has good ventilation, because without condensation and excessively high humidity, the furniture will last noticeably longer.

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Bathroom furniture

No comfortable bathroom can do without a mirror and special furniture for storing hygiene products, accessories and cosmetics. Even in the smallest room, a locker, shelves, a screen, a laundry basket are needed. In more spacious rooms, you can additionally place a cabinet under the sink, a pencil case and a podium. .

We will tell you what to look for when buying bathroom furniture.


High humidity and temperature fluctuations are unfavorable conditions for wood products that have not been treated with protective agents. In order for bathroom furniture to serve for a long time and retain an aesthetic appearance, it is made of moisture-resistant materials - wood treated with protective impregnation, laminated chipboard and MDF. Each of them has its own characteristics.

  1. Wood of valuable species: oak, larch, teak, merbau - is durable, withstands significant mechanical loads, is not afraid of shock. At the same time, such a material is considered difficult in thin and needs regular updating of the hydrophobic coating. In addition, such wood belongs to the premium class materials. Accordingly, its cost will be quite high.
  2. Good for MDF bathroom. It is varied in design. Patterned and radiused facades, surfaces with the effect of "high gloss" are made from it.
  3. Chipboard, compared to MDF, is a less moisture resistant material, but more affordable and resistant to mechanical damage.

Before you buy interior items, pay attention to the quality of the edge. This is the main indicator of moisture resistance. It should tightly close all ends to prevent swelling of the wood. Edges must be free of chips and other damage. Usually it is made of PVC film.

Even very high-quality and moisture-resistant materials will not withstand constant water ingress. For operation in such conditions, bathroom furniture is made of glass and plastic. These materials are waterproof.

Plastic It has a wide variety of shapes and colors, is easy to care for and is inexpensive. Its disadvantages are low strength and instability to scratches, because of which it can quickly lose its visual appeal and fail.

Glass looks very stylish and visually expands the space, which is very important for small typical bathrooms. True, it is not cheap and can be traumatic when broken.

Waterproof materials also include natural and artificial stone and metal, but they are not very common due to the high price and specific style. Most often, not the entire structure is made from them, but its details: handles, shelves, legs, decorative elements.

Types of bathroom furniture

There are several types that differ in the way they are attached.

Floor. It is convenient in that it can be quickly installed and easily moved if you want to change the interior. She happens:
  • on legs - this design is adjustable in height and fits well into modern design;
  • on wheels - it is mobile, but requires a flat surface;
  • on a plinth that is installed directly on the floor, but is only suitable for dry areas.

  • Suspended. It is compact and hygienic. It does not interfere during cleaning, masks communications well, but is more difficult to install. It requires special fasteners. This is the best option for a small room, since such furniture makes it possible to place everything you need, leaving the floor free.

    Combined. Mounted on the wall with simultaneous support on the legs on the front. This is the most secure mounting method. It is worth choosing if you do not plan to frequently update the interior.

    Dimensions of bathroom furniture and the nuances of its placement

    The area of ​​bathrooms in most apartments is small, spacious rooms are less common. Manufacturers take into account these features and offer customers a wide range of sizes within one collection, so that everyone can choose the best set of furniture for themselves.

    1. For small bathrooms, compact sets 40-50 cm wide are suitable.
    2. For standard rooms - medium by 60-70 cm.
    3. For spacious - roomy 80-120 cm.

    Usually the size step is 10 cm, but in stores there are often models of atypical dimensions, for example 45 or 56 cm. Such options allow you to use the free space most ergonomically.

    An effective way to optimize the available space is to install built-in furniture. It allows you to maximize the use of free space, hides communications and looks harmonious. The only downside is the high price.

    The most convenient and popular option is the modular system. This is a set, the items of which you can purchase individually. From the whole set, you buy only what suits you, and you get a functional bathroom in the same style.

    Basically, cabinets, cabinets and shelves have a rectangular and square shape, since such furniture has the greatest capacity. Corner models are in high demand: they are roomy and at the same time look compact. In spacious rooms, oval designs look good. They smooth corners and add soft, flowing lines to the interior.

    When choosing furniture for the bathroom, plan its placement in advance. It is desirable that there is a distance of at least 70 cm between the washbasin and the toilet. The doors of the washing machine or shower should open easily, and cabinets, cabinets and pencil cases should not interfere with people in the bathroom. It is important to take into account the increased humidity of the room and the risk of mold. Do not place objects close to the wall and to each other. The optimal distance is 1-3 cm.

    Decided to equip the bathroom and do not know which brand products to choose? Check out the rating of furniture manufacturers. Companies that produce quality products tend to be popular with consumers and receive high ratings from experts.

    Who is better than Russian furniture factories or domestic ones?

    Each of the leading brands is good in its own way. You will have to decide for yourself what is best for your bathroom. Manufacturers use materials not only their own, but also brought from abroad. Products differ in quality, range and price.

    Domestic furniture manufacturers are focused on providing owners of small apartments. This is an undeniable advantage: compact items are suitable for a bathroom with any area. Foreign manufacturers also produce small kits, but their choice is not great.

    If you have a huge mansion or a large apartment, imported headsets are the best choice. Their cost is several orders of magnitude higher than domestic ones. Pricing consists of high costs, excise duties, rising exchange rates and transportation costs.

    Russian furniture factories accept orders from consumers. You can give the craftsmen custom sizes. The service is in great demand, often owners of bathrooms with non-standard dimensions or shapes turn to furniture makers.

    Specialists fulfill orders on time, and as a result, the client receives beautiful and stylish furniture. All modules are water resistant and ready for tough use. The higher the quality, the more expensive the price. This is a pattern that you can't change.

    Who are the best of the best?

    The rating of Russian manufacturers includes a number of companies specializing in the production of high-quality products from environmentally friendly materials. Here you will find the best value for money.


    The collections of the Russian manufacturer Aquaton are highly moisture resistant. All products are coated with polyurethane enamel. Items are not afraid of temperature changes and condensation. Products are equipped with legs, they do not come into contact with the floor.

    The brand produces goods in a huge range, successfully competing with analogues of foreign production. At the same time, it maintains a low cost, which attracts Russian buyers.

    Today, the official owner of the company is Roca Group, a company from Italy. In Russia, the brand has been recognized as the number 1 brand more than once.

    The advantage of Aquaton compared to other manufacturers is that the brand has a full cycle plant. Professional designers of the company create projects, use modern equipment to produce parts of products that are assembled and delivered to retail outlets.

    Headsets are painted in various colors from white. They are produced with dimensions from 45 cm to more than 1 m. The series includes a cabinet with a sink, a cabinet-pencil case, a wall-mounted module with a mirror, and various types of chests of drawers.

    In addition to the traditional colors, they make models decorated with original prints and abstraction. The warranty period for the sets is at least 3 years. In the service center, a citizen who has purchased furniture from Aquaton can use the post-warranty service.

    The cost of the kits is available, the purchase will cost from 8000 rubles. Service centers can be found in many Russian cities. Services provide quality repair services.


    Since 2010, the Russian trademark "Triton" has been specializing in the manufacture of practical bathroom furniture. Factory products are known not only in Russia, they are well known in the CIS countries. The material for the manufacture is chipboard, it is laminated or painted with enamel.

    The width of ergonomic products varies between 45 - 120 cm.

    The color palette pleases: buyers here will find any popular shades. The line includes white models and mixed headsets, the materials of which contain multi-colored blotches: light green, blue, pink and others.

    Enamel coating, smooth to the touch, is moisture resistant. Therefore, the surface can be wiped with a damp cloth. Bathroom furniture from the manufacturer is decorated with chrome fittings. The kits have proven themselves in high humidity conditions.

    Triton offers customers over 50 models. Practical furniture requires light maintenance. Any of the kits will last longer than the stated warranty period - 3 years.

    Prices for headsets start from 10,000 rubles. It will not be difficult to find repair organizations both in Russia and in the CIS.

    Villeroy & Bosch

    The largest holding is located simultaneously in America and Europe. Bathroom furniture products are produced at factories located in Austria and Germany.

    The range consists of cabinets, underframes, hanging modules, wardrobes, columns, mirrors, lamps, all kinds of accessories. The high quality of goods is confirmed by marking with the help of a national mark.

    Design solutions are not familiar to consumers in the Russian market. Semicircular cabinets painted in wine-burgundy color or wall modules in dark and light shades look original and interesting. Any solution will please the owner with versatility and ease of use.

    "Villeroy and Boh" also attracts by the fact that the set you like can be found in 3 or 4 shades, suitable for various styles. The best options will be able to find fans of classics, retro or trendy trends: modern, loft and hi-tech.

    The size range is impressive - on the pages of the catalog there are small bedside tables with cabinets that are designed for small rooms, massive underframes, reaching a width of 2 m.

    Components are also produced at factories in Austria and Germany. Chrome-plated and brass-plated handles can be finished in bronze and rustic finishes. Ergonomic details last for a long time.

    The surface of cabinet furniture is covered with a special paint and varnish coating. Items are not afraid of moisture, dirt is easily removed from them. As for the warranty period, it is 10 years. However, the cost of the kits is not available to everyone - prices for goods start at 32,000 rubles. There is no developed dealer network.

    Roca Group

    The concern (Spain - Russia) has huge production capacities. Factories of 3 main brands are located in Europe. Furniture products are made by Roca and Laufen. There are three price segments - budget category, medium and premium class.

    Furniture includes modules: main and auxiliary. For the first category, these are cabinets with underframes, as well as cabinets in different variations.

    The second category combines columns with floor pedestals. If desired, you can make kits at your discretion. The manufacturer manufactures products that allow you to furnish both small rooms and spacious rooms.

    • Each of the kits is carefully thought out by the developers. All the details are needed, and there is nothing superfluous.
    • Moisture resistant coating ensures durability.
    • The accessories keep the attractive appearance throughout all operation.
    • Height-adjustable feet are ideal for uneven floors.
    • Hinged sets will help to maintain order in the bathroom.

    Premium class furniture is high quality samples. It looks rich and emphasizes the prestige of its owner.

    The prices of the sets are from 16,000 rubles, they can be purchased by people with an average income. The service life is at least 5 years under warranty.


    The products of the international holding (Poland-Romania-Russia) are associated with high-quality furniture. The assortment includes more than 40,000 items of goods. The brand produces furniture from chipboard, sanitary ware from faience and porcelain, installation systems, shower cabins.

    The design of each series is unique. She uses white and shades of natural wood as a base color.

    The set is completed with underframes or cabinets, cabinets for installation on the wall or floor with mirrors and lamps, with separate shelves on which you can put a glass with toothbrushes or put some little things.

    The price of the set is from 12000 rubles, and the warranty period is from 2 years.

    What to do to avoid mistakes?

    When choosing furniture, it is important to immediately determine the amount that can be spent on the purchase of modules. Take measurements of the area and roughly imagine where you will put the cases and cabinets.

    The next step is to decide on the material to be used. Moisture will not harm plastic, glass, moisture-resistant chipboard. If during the installation work it was necessary to adjust something, the places of cuts or cuts should be painted over with yacht varnish. Then access to moisture will be closed. Stay tuned for new collections coming on sale. Now it's easy to make the right choice.