Installation technology of roofing sandwich panels: main points. Features of installation and operation of a roof made of sandwich panels Shed roof made of sandwich panels

Sandwich panels are widely used in residential and commercial construction. Convenient and quick installation of the material allows you to speed up construction.

Before carrying out work on installing sandwich panels, the necessary documentation must be prepared, which includes:

  1. Two schemes. One according to the layout, and the second - according to the specification of sandwich panels, namely wall or roofing. The following must be indicated:
    • thickness,
    • length,
    • profile,
    • manufacturer,
    • amount of material needed
  2. Methods of attaching material to load-bearing structures:
    • location,
    • amount of material for connecting elements;
  3. A drawing for each fastening unit, as well as special recommendations for installation;
  4. A drawing showing architectural and shaped elements, as well as finishing;
  5. Statement. It specifies the amount of sealant, as well as waterproofing;
  6. Complete work manual including installation diagram;
  7. Technical Safety Guide.

The technology by which roofing sandwich panels are installed is slightly different from the installation technology of other materials. If the sequence is strictly followed, installation work will be carried out correctly and will not bring negative consequences. The advantages of Katepal soft roofing are described.

Installation of roofing sandwich panels should be carried out in the following sequence:

  • Laying the first panel, which is attached to the rafters or to the purlin next to the ridge. The ridge, in turn, is made of metal or concrete. Then, the panel will be attached to all other purlins;
  • The remaining panels are secured only after the first one has been strengthened and checked. It is important to consider that they should not be attached to the skate, but to the shoulder straps;
  • A panel that has a lock (the lock is a recess) must have a sealant applied to ensure good sealing of the joints;

    It is important to remember that before starting work on laying the panels, you need to remove the protective film on the underside of each panel.

  • When joining panels, 2 grips are used, which will avoid possible distortion of the material and deformation of the lock;
  • When installing the outer panels, they are fastened to the purlins using self-tapping screws, which must be screwed into the part of the protruding panel (meaning stiffeners). You only need 3 screws. The remaining panels can be secured using only 2 self-tapping screws;

    The type, as well as the number of screws required for fastening one sandwich panel, must be specified in the design documentation and fully correspond to the type of panels, taking into account the wind load.

  • The connection elements must be fastened strictly at an angle of 90 degrees and screwed in taking into account a distance of at least 50 cm from the edge. It is important to avoid distortion.

Sandwich panels installation diagram:

The panels can be installed vertically and horizontally. It is important to start horizontal installation from the bottom, and vertical installation from the corner.
The work is carried out in stages:

  • First you need to lift the 1st panel. It is better to use a lifting device;
  • After which it is important to check the verticality and alignment of the wall plane;
  • If necessary, you need to align the position of the 1st panel. The quality of further work depends on how correctly this panel is laid.
  • Fastening the 1st panel. To do this, use self-tapping screws;
  • Then the panel is unstrapped, but it is important not to damage the panels during the work;
  • Next, the remaining panels are mounted in the same way.

It is important to constantly measure geometric dimensions and verticality. Horizontal installation is carried out with the groove down, which will allow water to flow freely in the future.

The choice of tools for installing sandwich panels is very important, as follows:

  • When installing on the half-timbered structure, you must use self-tapping screws;
  • They are screwed in with a screwdriver;
  • Additional materials need to be attached to the sheathing using an electric drill and ordinary self-tapping screws;
  • To properly lift and install the material into the joint, it is necessary to use specialized suction cups that will prevent damage to the skin;
  • Cut with a circular or reciprocating saw for metal;
  • To soften the contact of the panels with the half-timbered timber, it is worth taking a sealing tape.

During the work, you should not use impact tools. In addition, it is strictly prohibited to use abrasive material and solvent, as well as gas torches (for cutting). Read about the features of different collections of this brand.

When performing installation work on sandwich panels with insulation, it is necessary to comply with the following safety conditions:

  • Protect the respiratory tract with a respirator;
  • Protect your eyes with safety glasses;
  • Protect your hands with mittens.

Installation of slopes from sandwich panels

Sandwich panels consist of 2 plastic sheets, between which there is foam insulation. The thickness of each sheet is from 8 to 10 mm.

Installation of slopes includes several steps:

  1. Prepare the opening, cut off excess foam and remove debris. Cover with vapor barrier tape (around the perimeter) and treat the slope with a special anti-fungal compound;
  2. Install the sheathing of 20x40 mm slats and secure with dowels. The step should be 40 cm4. At the top convergence of the slats, leave a gap of approximately 10 mm (for subsequent installation of the top panel);
  3. Prepare the top sandwich panel - its blank, in which you need to add 10 mm to the width of the opening (for the window frame);
  4. Install the top panel. Insert the protruding part into the slot so that it is completely adjacent to the window frame. Next, you need to fill the opening with insulation. The outer edge is attached with self-tapping screws directly to the sheathing.
  5. Make blanks for all the side panels and install them in exactly the same way as the top, then secure them with self-tapping screws;
  6. From the outside, the slope is covered with a platband. At the point of convergence, the linings are cut at 45 degrees;
  7. The joints of the slopes and the window sill must be degreased with a cleaner and filled with liquid plastic. Remove everything unnecessary.

Clamps for mounting sandwich panels

A clamp (terminal) will allow you to organize welding-free work. This tool can withstand heavy loads.

Installation of wall panels is a rather labor-intensive process that requires increased care.

The construction site can be equipped with one of several options for installations for moving material:

  • Mechanical grip;
  • Textile sling;
  • Vacuum grip.

The clamp for mounting sandwich panels is widely used in almost all areas of construction, as it fully meets safety requirements. In addition, installation and movement becomes much easier.

Estimate for installation of sandwich panels

The estimate includes:

  1. The exact amount of materials, tools and protective equipment;
  2. Expenses of funds for installation work, delivery of materials, tools, as well as wages for installers;
  3. Working clothes (cost), food for workers and delivery of these elements to the site under construction;
  4. Costs for storing materials (warehousing).

It must be remembered that the discount depends on the volume of work. in other words, the larger the object, the less money is included in the estimate as the contractor’s profit (meaning the cost of each square meter).

Cost of installing sandwich panels

The cost of installation work averages 450 rubles per square meter. However, prices may vary in regions. The price will also depend on the complexity of the object. Read about and ways to save.

For the installation of sandwich panels, the price for the work depends on several main points:

  • Type of sandwich panels (roofing or wall);
  • Location of the object;
  • Complexity of installation work;
  • Equipment rental cost.

Basically, the price for installation work is negotiable. The cost can be calculated more accurately by consulting with a specialist. It is better to involve an installer who knows the nuances of the work in the calculation.

It is important to know that work on loading and unloading material will not be included in the price and will be paid separately.

The construction of foundations and basement parts of buildings will be calculated in accordance with the project.


The video below shows how sandwich panels are fastened and possible installation difficulties.

The use of sandwich panels, which are quite easy to install, is becoming increasingly relevant when carrying out construction work, but it is necessary to pay attention to the correct installation and quality of the material, since the reliability of the structure as a whole depends on this. It is better to use the help of professionals who will help prepare all the necessary documentation, correctly draw up an estimate and carry out high-quality installation of sandwich panels throughout the facility. Check out the technology for installing membrane roofing.

The rapid development of construction technologies is a stable trend of our time. New materials are appearing, labor-intensive production processes are being replaced by more economical and advanced ones, and construction times are being shortened. Progressive technologies are based on universality, a rational minimum and a systematic approach, combined with the most popular products. In this article we will talk about the use of sandwich panels as a roofing material, which significantly expands the possibilities of engineering and architectural solutions in the construction of private houses.

Features and characteristics of sandwich panel roofing

One of the most important structural elements of a building is the roof, the cost of which can be up to 20% of the entire construction budget. Of course, you can reduce costs by using cheaper coatings. However, the roof of the house must be strong and reliable in order to withstand climatic and mechanical loads, as well as protect the structure from negative atmospheric phenomena. Therefore, when choosing roofing materials, you need to be guided not only by their price, but also by technical parameters, feasibility of use and the possibility of decorating a particular roof configuration.

Roofing sandwich panels are cheaper than other covering materials, although their performance characteristics are much superior to traditional coatings

Today, roofing sandwich panels are the optimal solution for arranging roofs with an inclination angle of 5º or more. Among the variety of materials offered by roofing product manufacturers, they are affordable and have all the necessary performance characteristics:

  • light weight. The roof will not put much pressure on the supporting structures of the house, which means you can save money when laying the foundation, especially when wall and roof sandwich panels are used in complex construction;

    The integrated use of wall and roof sandwich panels not only improves the structure and gives it a stylish modern look, but also allows you to save on the construction of load-bearing structures of the building

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • simplicity and speed of installation;
  • long service life - up to 20 years;
  • environmental safety and increased fire protection;

    When choosing sandwich panels, you need to pay attention to their markings: products with index K0 are the most fireproof, K3 are the most fire hazardous, and products of types K1 and K2 have average fire resistance ratings

  • resistance to environmental influences;
  • high sound and heat insulation performance;
  • a wide range of colors and the ability to produce any sizes taking into account the wishes of the customer.

Roofing sandwich panels are structurally different from their wall counterparts, which you need to pay special attention to when choosing material for roof construction.

The main distinguishing features of roofing sandwich panels are:

  1. Connection lock. The most practical is the Z-Lock connection, which makes it possible to lay panels horizontally and vertically. The use of roofing elements with such a lock guarantees absolute tightness of the joints, which allows you to save a lot on hydro- and vapor barrier materials, the installation of which in this case becomes optional.

    Connecting sandwich panels along the bottom into a Z-Lock lock guarantees absolute tightness and does not require laying hydro- or vapor barriers

  2. Stiffening ribs. In roofing sandwich panels, the stiffening ribs are made much higher, which ensures sufficient water drainage and gives the roof additional strength.

    Roof sandwich panels have much higher stiffening ribs than wall panels, so they have higher strength properties

Video: fire resistance of sandwich panels with mineral wool

In addition to the above, when purchasing roofing material in the form of profiled panels, you should decide on:

  1. Type of insulation. If there are no fire safety restrictions, then it is more advisable to purchase sandwich panels with an insulating layer of expanded polystyrene, which are cheaper, although in terms of service life, resistance to mechanical and chemical influences, as well as the degree of noise insulation, they are not inferior to products with mineral wool filler. If there are strict requirements for fire protection, you need to choose products with insulation made of extruded polystyrene foam or mineral wool, which are more resistant to fire and have good heat and noise insulation properties, but have a high coefficient of water absorption, which is why they require additional protection from the penetration of moisture from the outside and the accumulation of condensation .

    Sandwich panels filled with polystyrene foam are cheaper, but are easily flammable, therefore, if fire safety requirements are strict, it is recommended to purchase products with mineral wool insulation

  2. Dimensions of panels. Standard product sizes are 1 m wide and up to 16 m long with a thickness of 0.04 to 0.16 m. Usually, a meter width is adhered to even when ordering individually, since it is the most rational when laying. But the length and thickness of the panels are selected based on the parameters and geometry of the roof, storage and delivery conditions, as well as the financial capabilities of the developer.
  3. Tint of polymer coating. It all depends on the personal preferences of the owners. The color of the panels is selected according to the RAL scale, taking into account the coefficient of light reflection, the architectural appearance of the building, its style and decorative cladding of the facade.

    The color of roofing sandwich panels is selected according to the RAL scale, taking into account the coefficient of light reflection and light absorption, so that the coating exactly matches the decorative design of the entire area

  4. The type of lock and the presence of an anti-capillary effect, which allows you to do without sealing elements when arranging the roof in almost all climatic zones.

Leading manufacturers of roofing sandwich panels

The best manufacturer of roofing sandwich panels is considered to be the company Kraft SPAN (St. Petersburg), which produces, in addition to standard roofing and facade products, also energy-saving and acoustic panels. The products of other large enterprises are also in great demand:

  • TSP-Panel LLC;
  • Lissant plant;
  • JSC "Teplant";
  • Vesta Park Group of Companies;
  • companies “Stroypanel”, “Metal Profile”, “Tehnostil” and others.

Sandwich panels from all these manufacturers are certified in the GOST R system and comply with TU 5284–001–87396920–2014 and 5284–002–87396920–2014, and fasteners meet the requirements of GOST 1147–80. Certification of products confirms their high quality, fire safety and hygiene.

Video: strength testing of products from well-known manufacturers

Of course, installing a roof made of sandwich slabs is associated with certain risks, and at all stages of construction. But we'll talk about this a little later. In the meantime, let's look at what this roofing sandwich consists of and how to use it correctly to get a really beautiful, good-quality roof, and not a bunch of problems.

Roofing from sandwich panels

An important point when arranging a roof is laying the roofing pie. The use of profiled panels greatly simplifies this process, since the panels themselves are completed structural products, ready for installation. They consist of:

Standard sandwich panels do not have hydro- and vapor barrier layers. Their functions are transferred to the castle connection. Of course, this significantly reduces the cost of construction, but is not always effective, especially in climate zones with high humidity, severe frosts and heavy snowfalls. In such regions, it is more advisable to use sandwich systems of element-by-element assembly based on a cassette profile laid along or across the rafters, with a depth corresponding to the thickness of the insulation, but not less than 100 mm.

In particularly cold areas, when using cassette sandwich panels, it is recommended to provide additional insulation by rolling out the insulation across the base material and laying waterproofing on top of it.

To lay additional thermal insulation, Z-purlins 2 mm thick are used. Increasing the insulation layer will naturally lead to an increase in the cost of the roof structure, but will pay off over many years of trouble-free operation of the roof.

It is advisable to install additional insulation when installing roofing sandwich panels in regions with harsh winters and heavy snowfalls

Video: pros and cons of roofing panels - which ones to choose

Sandwich roofing elements

A sandwich slab roof traditionally consists of two parts:

  1. The supporting block is a rafter system that can be made of metal or wood. This is a frame that takes loads directly from the roof and transfers them to the walls and foundation. The rafter system determines the shape of the roof and its strength characteristics, so it is needless to say that when calculating it, it is necessary to avoid flaws and shortcomings that will lead to a sharp reduction in the service life of the entire roofing structure.

    The rafter system for laying sandwich panels can be wooden or metal, but with the correct spacing of rafters and sheathing or purlins

  2. The enclosing block, which includes the roofing pie with all its layers, as well as additional and formative parts - cornice, end and ridge strips, ventilation and drainage systems, fasteners, seals, etc.

    Additional elements are part of the roof enclosing system, which give it a complete aesthetic appearance and protect the most vulnerable areas of the roof from destruction

Constructing a roof from sandwich panels is a difficult task, despite their versatility. This requires accurate calculations at all stages, from the selection of materials to direct installation. When purchasing sandwich panels from well-known brands, you can order a complete set of roofing elements in order to insure against inconsistencies or inconsistencies during installation, as well as significantly facilitate and speed up roofing work.

Video: self-tapping screws for sandwich panels

Installation of roofing from sandwich panels

A roofing system made from sandwich panels can be erected in record time with minimal labor costs. To carry out installation work, the following tools are required:

Do not use impact tools, abrasives, solvents or gas torches for cutting.

Video: how to cut sandwich panels

In addition, a lift will be needed at the construction site, preferably with a vacuum grip. Sometimes, in order to save money, it is suggested to use manual or homemade grips. Such a proposal is acceptable when the roof of a small and low building, for example, a garage, but not a residential building, and even with a complex roof shape, is being installed. Firstly, lifting heavy structures to a decent height is unsafe. Is it worth the risk? And secondly, factory lifting mechanisms with a vacuum grip have a wide rotation angle, which makes it possible to lay the panels in any direction and thereby not only speed up installation work, but also avoid deformation of the sandwich boards.

Work order:

  1. Preparatory stage. It begins with clearing the construction site of debris and installing clean pallets for storing sandwich panels. Then the numbers of colors and shades of the delivered products are checked. They must match on all packs. Next comes the study of the documentation (instructions) from the supplier, which gives two layouts - product specifications and the location of panels with diagrams for each fastening unit. Only after fully understanding the instructions can you begin installing sandwich panels.

    Sandwich panels at the construction site must be stored on special pallets covered with durable polyethylene film to avoid getting wet and damaging the products.

  2. Panel cutting. The key requirement here is to maintain the verticality of the cut. Cut lines are drawn at the top and bottom and checked for coincidence. First, cut on one side and then on the other. For small volumes, use grinding scissors, but in no case a plasma cutter or grinder.

    To cut panels, you must use cold cutting using a circular saw or jigsaw, and for small volumes you can get by with metal scissors, but subject to separate cutting of each metal surface

  3. Lifting sandwich slabs onto the roof. It is produced using a lifting device with vacuum suction cups. It is first necessary to remove the protective film in the places where the grips are installed. Sometimes, instead of vacuum grips, clamps with felt or rubber gaskets are used.

    Instead of vacuum clamps, you can use clamps with soft pads to lift roofing panels onto the roof

  4. Laying the first panel. It is placed on supporting structures, clearly maintaining the slope of the roof. This is very important for the quality of installation work in general. First, a sealant is laid along the load-bearing supports. If necessary, align the position of the first panel and secure it with self-tapping screws according to the instructions. Only after this the slings are removed. In this case, bending and falling of the panels, as well as laying them on the locking plane, are unacceptable.

    Roofing panels are laid according to the slope of the roof, and before laying it is recommended to lay self-adhesive sealing tape over the load-bearing supports

  5. Installation of remaining panels. They are laid with overlap in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. To seal the transverse joints, apply butyl rubber sealant to the upper skin of the lower panel, having previously secured it to the frame. The top panel is cut from the end side to the amount of overlap, removing excess insulation and the lower steel sheathing, and then it is connected to the bottom panel and fixed with self-tapping screws.

    For better sealing of the transverse seam, butyl rubber sealant is applied to the upper skin of the bottom panel along the width of the overlap or sealing tape is laid

  6. Longitudinal connection of panels. After laying the first and second rows, they begin to join and seal the junctions of adjacent roofing elements, again, strictly following the instructions.

    To ensure reliable longitudinal connection of the panels, silicone sealant is placed in the groove of the locks from the inside

  7. Installation of additional and forming roofing elements. After all work is completed, the protective film is completely removed.

Table: dimensions of transverse overlaps depending on the slope of the slopes

Video: installation of roofing sandwich profiles

Installation features

  1. The fasteners are screwed in strictly at an angle of 90º and placed from the edge of the slabs at a distance of at least 50 mm.
  2. Before installation, remove the protective film only from the bottom of the panels. During installation, the top protective film is removed only at the fastening points, keeping the rest until the work is completed.
  3. The ridges of the locks should fit snugly into the recesses of subsequent panels. To better seal the joints, silicone (without acidic reaction) or butyl rubber sealant is applied to the groove of the lock.

    The connection of sandwich plates is made with an overlap of the corrugation, using the advantages of the Z-Lock lock, which, if installed correctly, ensures structural strength and reliable protection against leaks

  4. To avoid deformation of the locks and skewing of the panels, two grips are used for lifting.
  5. When cutting or drilling, you need to constantly clean the connecting locks and the panel itself from dust and metal shavings.
  6. Sandwich panels are laid in certain weather conditions - at temperatures from -15 to +30 ºC. Do not install during rain, snow, thick fog or gusty winds.
  7. All roofing work is carried out in soft shoes so as not to damage the polymer coating of the panels.

    Installation of roofing sandwich panels should be carried out in soft shoes, on roofs with an inclination angle of at least 5 degrees, using special self-tapping screws placed strictly vertically and non-acid sealant

Mistakes when installing a roof made of sandwich panels

It must be said right away that sandwich products do not forgive mistakes. With proper installation, following the instructions, using high-quality materials and components, it is quite possible to build a roof from sandwich panels yourself. But the risks at each stage of work are quite high. Let's take a closer look at which of them you will encounter:

  1. At the design stage. The most common mistake at this stage is that products are often chosen on the principle of “liked and inexpensive”, without paying attention to the strength characteristics of the panels and without linking them with the climatic loads of a particular area. In addition, errors may be made when calculating the pitch of the sheathing, purlins and crossbars, distributing spatial rigidity, ensuring the proper level of ventilation, etc., which can lead to peeling of the upper and lower cladding of the panels, depressurization of the roof, wetting of the insulation, leaks and destruction .

    Errors at the design stage inevitably lead to destruction of the coating, requiring replacement of sandwich profiles

  2. At the stage of choosing materials. These mistakes will ruin even an excellent design and proper installation. An incorrect choice of the length of the products or the color of the external cladding with a low reflectance coefficient in the hot season will lead to uneven changes in the width and length of the products, which will result in cracks appearing and lead to the rapid destruction of the roofing covering as a whole.
  3. At the stage of delivery and storage. As already written above, before installation you need to prepare a site for storing the material and pallets for storing it. But often they do not do this, but unload the panels directly onto the ground in the hope that the plastic film with which the products are covered will serve as reliable protection. But alas, it can tear, it can be damaged by stray animals or rodents, then packs of material will end up on bare ground, under the wind, snow and scorching sun and will become completely unsuitable for further use.
  4. During installation. The main mistakes, of course, lie in violation of standards - GOST 23407–78, SNiP 12–01–2004, GOST R 12.1.019–2009, SNiP 21–01–97, SNiP 12–03–2001, in deviation from the minimum permissible parameters during the assembly of load-bearing structures, non-compliance with labor conditions and organization, as well as the incompetence of installers. For example, the absence or incorrect installation of expansion joints will lead to deterioration of the joint connection and a violation of its tightness, which can lead to leaks in many places on the roof. If the seam connection of the sandwich profiles is broken or the fastening and selection of screws is incorrect, structural damage will not only inevitably lead to leaks, but will also significantly reduce the wind resistance of the roofing deck, which can easily be torn off the roof by gusty winds.

Sandwich panels are a modern material that, like other progressive developments, gives a great chance for long-term use of the roof. But every little detail is important here - from correct calculations at the design stage to the qualifications of performers. It is enough to take everything into account, and a roof made of sandwich slabs will thank its owners with reliability, durability, beauty and longevity.

Rules for the operation of roofing made of sandwich plates

Subject to the installation conditions, a roof made of sandwich panels does not require special care. It's enough just:

Service life of sandwich panels

The viability of a roof made of profiled slabs is simultaneously influenced by several factors:

  • product production technology;
  • the quality of the raw materials used in production - filler, cladding, glue;
  • proper packaging, transportation, warehousing and storage.

The panel lining takes on all the negative manifestations of the environment - climatic loads, temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation and high humidity. Therefore, the protection of insulation, the aesthetic appeal of the roof and the service life of the covering flooring depend on its quality.

Unfortunately, many manufacturers, in pursuit of profit, lower the cost of production by using metal of reduced thickness, which, naturally, negatively affects the quality of the product. This coating is short-lived and vulnerable to deformation, and dents and scratches very quickly lead to premature corrosion of the metal. Therefore, when choosing panels, it is very important to pay attention to the thickness of the steel used - it must be at least 0.5 mm - and the presence of a protective polyester layer.

High-quality, ready-to-install sandwich panels can only be obtained in the factory. Handmade production, which is often advertised online, is money thrown away. The price is lower, but the quality is poor, since there is no automated line, there is no possibility of using the latest developments, and there is no quality control at all stages of production - from the purchase of raw materials to storage and shipment of products.

High-quality roofing sandwich panels are manufactured only in factory conditions with proper quality control at each stage of production

The following will help increase the service life of sandwich structures:

  • purchasing products from a proven and reliable supplier;
  • compliance with the conditions of delivery and storage of panels;
  • compliance with all standards and recommendations of the manufacturer.

Sandwich roof repair

If damage to the polymer layer of the slabs is discovered during operation, it should be restored as soon as possible by painting. To do this, you need to choose the appropriate paint, based not only on the color and shade of the panels, but also on the type of protective layer.

Depending on the depth of the damage, paint is applied in one or two layers. To finish a small area, use a thin soft brush, and when painting the entire panel, use pneumatic spraying. Before painting, you need to remove rust if it has formed, carefully sand the damaged area by hand, apply a primer if there is a deep scratch, treat the surface with a rust converter and degrease with white spirit.

There is no need to unnecessarily paint a larger surface than the damaged area, so as not to damage the aesthetic appeal of the roof.

The presence of stiffening ribs located in the protective metal layer makes roofing sandwich panels a fairly strong material, which allows them to withstand snow loads of up to 150 kg per m2 and ensure efficient drainage of water from the roof of the house. Thanks to its reliable thermal insulation, this material can be used in any climatic zone of Russia. It is for these reasons that sandwich panel roofing is in high demand among developers. In order for the coating to last long and reliably, it is necessary to strictly follow the installation technology and SNiP standards.

Roof slope

According to SNiP standards, the minimum slope of roofing sandwich panels is 5°, but provided that the covering is made of solid panels without joints along the length and there are no windows or other structures in the roof that violate the integrity of the finishing layer. In other cases, the minimum slope angle must be at least 7°.

When choosing the type of roof structure and its slope angle, you should pay attention to the climate in the construction area. If precipitation occurs frequently, it is recommended to slope the roof under the sandwich panel with a slope of at least 40° - in this case, rainwater will not linger at the joints. In regions with a dry, hot climate, the best option is a roof with a slope of 7-25°.

You must immediately take into account that a steeper roof requires more roofing material.

If the slope is insufficient, moisture will stagnate on the roof, which will negatively affect the waterproofing of panel joints. During the period of thaws and frosts, accumulated water, turning into ice, can damage the outer protective layer of the panel and begin to destroy the metal of the shell.

The minimum slope of a sandwich panel roof does not require the use of additional fasteners when installing the material on load-bearing structures made of wood, reinforced concrete or metal. If sandwich panels are laid on a structure with a slope of more than 7°, additional connecting fasteners must be installed.

Tools and materials for installation

Installation of a roof made of sandwich panels requires trimming the material, securing it, and sealing the joints. Material cutting can be done:

  • electric scissors;
  • fine-toothed saw for cold cutting;
  • stationary machine with circular saw.

A grinder with an abrasive wheel or tools for hot cutting should absolutely not be used.. Heating the cut site will cause deformation of the panel, damage to its decorative and protective layer, which will ultimately lead to corrosion of the material.

To move sandwich panels from place to place without the risk of damaging their surface, it is recommended to use a mechanical or vacuum gripper. Where the grip is installed on the panel, the protective film should be removed from it.

Fastening of roofing sandwich panels is carried out using long screws made of stainless or carbon steel, equipped with washers and sealing elements. Seals made of synthetic rubber (ethylene propylene diene monomer, EPDM) are necessary to seal the attachment point. The length of the screws depends on the thickness of the panel and the material of the structure to which it is attached. To tighten the screws, use an electric drill with speed control or a screwdriver.

Do not over-tighten fasteners - this will reduce their service life. In addition, an overtightened self-tapping screw can damage the panel.

It is important to correctly determine the required number of fasteners, taking into account:

  • wind load on the object (depending on the height and location);
  • object type (closed/open);
  • in which roof zone the panel to be attached is located (the outer panels are most exposed to wind load);
  • load-bearing capacity of one fastener.

To make accurate calculations, it is advisable to contact a specialist.

The joints between the panels must be properly sealed. Gaps should not be allowed to appear in longitudinal joints.

You can learn how to do the work correctly from the video instructions:

Regardless of the angle of inclination of the roof, longitudinal joints are sealed using a special tape (for example, Abris Lb 10x2) or silicone sealant. Sealing tape is also necessary when arranging junctions with vertical structures.

Features of roofing material

Sandwich panels are an easy-to-install material suitable for roofing. Manufacturers offer a wide range of slabs that differ in purpose, size, strength, and filler. Can be used as a heat insulator:

  • polyurethane foam;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • polyisocyanurate;
  • mineral wool.

The panels are relatively light in weight and at the same time serve as a finishing coating and insulation. Sandwich panels with basalt wool have the highest thermal insulation properties.

A decorative and protective polymer coating is applied to the thin sheet metal from which the panel body is made. This allows the panels to be painted in different colors and protects the metal from corrosion.

In order not to damage the protective layer, the installation instructions for roofing sandwich panels require you to follow certain rules:

  • do not use hot or abrasive cutting;
  • the protective film from the bottom of the slab should be removed immediately before installing the element, and from the top - upon completion of installation of the entire covering;
  • immediately carefully remove metal shavings formed during the cutting process and ensure that they do not scratch the polymer layer;
  • During roofing work, walk on the roof only in shoes with soft soles.

When stored outdoors, sandwich panels should be protected from precipitation, dirt and wind. The material is laid on a flat, solid base to avoid its deformation.

Conditions for installation work

Installation of roofing sandwich panels is carried out under certain conditions:

  • wind speed should not exceed 9 m/sec, since the panels are relatively light in weight with a large surface area;
  • work is not carried out during rain, snow or thick fog;
  • if artificial lighting is not provided, installation stops at dusk;
  • sealing of longitudinal joints between sandwich panels is carried out at air temperatures above +4 °C.

Before starting roofing work, you should:

  • verify the design, its compliance with the project and the quality of installation, eliminate the identified differences and shortcomings;
  • check the compliance of purlins, crossbars and other structural elements with the project;
  • check the purlins on which the panels will be attached for flatness;
  • prepare tools.

Installation technology

Sandwich panels are laid across purlins located parallel to the cornice. The smaller the installation step of the purlins, the higher the load-bearing capacity of the installed roof covering. This is especially true for roofs with a slight slope in regions with high snow loads. But in any case, the distance between runs should not exceed 2 meters.

If the slope of a sandwich panel roof exceeds 15°, additional stops are installed on the overhangs to prevent the panels from sliding down.

It is most convenient to install roofing from slabs whose length does not exceed 10 meters. Firstly, they are easier to lift onto the roof, and secondly, in this case there is a lower likelihood of thermal deformations occurring during the operation of the roof.

Sandwich panels are mounted on top of a thermal insulation and waterproofing layer. The easiest way to use mineral wool as a heat insulator. Before installing the panels, check the horizontal installation of the purlins and the condition of the supports made of wood, metal or reinforced concrete. It is necessary to remove rust, mold, and other deposits. Cracks in wood are sealed, cavities in concrete are filled with mortar. The joints of the elements from which the frame is made must be sealed. Wooden structures are treated with a fire-retardant compound, and metal structures are treated with an anti-corrosion compound.

The spacing of the load-bearing frame elements must correspond to the dimensions of the panels.

The width of the frame span must be selected in such a way that the panels can be fastened five centimeters from the edge, and there is also support for fastening the joining panels.

It is required to work in a respirator if the insulation in the panel is mineral wool. When lifting slabs onto the roof, you should not place them on a lock, so as not to deform it.

The technology for installing roofing sandwich panels requires starting to lay the material from the bottom corner of the roof (any). Next, the slabs are mounted in a vertical direction. It should be taken into account in which case it is easier to carry out the work and the material is consumed more economically.

The installation of roofing sandwich panels has certain differences from the traditional installation procedure. It is so simple that it does not require any special experience to perform. Even beginners can handle it quite easily and quickly, but the technology for installing roofing sandwich panels must be carried out precisely, in all its subtleties.

Installation of roofing sandwich panels - instructions

These roof structures are very durable. The load-bearing capacity of roofing sandwich panels is quite high: they can easily withstand snow loads of up to 150 kg/m2 and wind loads of up to 48 kgf/m2. These characteristics provide the stiffening ribs of the protective metal layer with higher performance than those of wall ribs. Among other things, they act as a kind of drains that help remove melt water and precipitation from the roof. Excellent thermal insulation allows the use of roofing “sandwiches” in the construction of buildings in all climatic zones.

Installation work cannot be started without first reading the relevant documentation, which should contain the most complete information about the type, size of the slabs, type of profile, etc. The junction points, number, type and location of connecting elements, nodes should also be noted there fastening sandwich panels, the required amount of hydro- and thermal insulation materials.

What should the roof slope be like?

Slope - no less than 1: 10 (7⁰).


In practice, the minimum slope of roofing sandwich panels can in some cases be equal to five degrees.

  • In the case of the minimum permissible slope of the slope, these structures should not have transverse joints. It is mandatory to seal the internal lock with any non-hardening sealant, for example, silicone. Reducing the pitch of the purlins can increase the load-bearing capacity of the roof.
  • If the slope is more than 15⁰, then in the area of ​​the overhang at the junction of the ends, additional stops are installed to prevent them from sliding down.

It is advisable to use slabs less than 10 meters long, then, on the one hand, the risk of damage to them during lifting is practically eliminated, and on the other hand, the likelihood of deformation occurring during significant temperature changes is reduced. The pitch of the purlins is not recommended to be greater than two meters.


The sheathing is lifted using forklifts using either a mechanical gripper or vacuum suction cups. The second option is suitable for almost any installation method.

In the place where the suction cups are attached to the traverse, the protective film from the surface must be removed.

Assembly cutting

All plates, as a rule, are covered with a special protective film. Before installation work, the inner lining is removed (it is blue there).

The film is removed from the outer coverings upon completion of installation.

  • The cutting itself is carried out directly on special racks with a soft coating (felt, foam).
  • Given the sensitivity of the coating to elevated temperatures, saws with a fine-toothed blade are used when cutting.
  • As for tin work, hand scissors are more suitable for them.
  • After each cutting or drilling operation, the surface of the casing and locks are carefully cleaned of the resulting metal shavings.

Fastening roofing sandwich panels

They are attached to a supporting structure made of concrete, metal, wood, and so on. Sandwich panels are installed on steel structures using special galvanized carbon steel roofing screws. Their usual sizes:

  • in length – 12.5 mm,
  • thread diameters – 6.3 mm under a hexagonal head,
  • to the bottom of the drill tip –5.5 mm.

This almost naturally eliminates the need for pre-drilling holes in the slab. They are additionally equipped with special (19 mm long) washers with an EPDM gasket. The screws are screwed in with a screwdriver, and the design ensures not only reliable fastening, but also perfect sealing.

All fastening elements must be perpendicular, at an angle of 90 °, do not crush the washer and at the same time press it very tightly against the metal plate.

The required number of screws is calculated based on data such as

  • object type;
  • slab arrangement

Sandwich panel installation technology: description of installation

  • Installation of roofing slabs is carried out in rows from the overhang towards the ridge.
  • The first slab should form an overhang.
  • The second is cut off, covered with sealant at the overlap and attached to both the support and the first slab.
  • Having finished laying the first and second rows, they begin to make a longitudinal interpanel connection. The next, third, row also starts from the bottom and so on.
  • When installing additional elements, all contact points are treated with silicone sealant.

Making a transverse joint

The transverse joint of roofing slabs is made with the following overlap:

  • 5–10⁰ (9–18%) – 300 mm;
  • 10–20⁰ (18–36%) – 200 mm.
  • At the bottom of the top panel, the steel sheathing is cut off to approximately the amount of overlap.
  • The insulation layer is also removed.
  • An appropriate sealant (butyl rubber or silicone) is applied to the upper profile located at the bottom of the panel.
  • Then the panel is attached to the frame and at the end the panels are fastened together with self-tapping screws.

Longitudinal joints

Today we will talk about a building material that was recently considered purely for walls. Currently, manufacturers offer a variety of it that covers the roofs of buildings and structures. This is a sandwich panel roof. In the article we will examine issues related to the structure and composition of the material, its classification, as well as the technology of installation on the roof truss system, taking into account some of the nuances of construction operations. Once you understand the information received, you will, as they say, be on the same wavelength as the craftsmen who were entrusted with covering the roof with sandwich panels.

Sandwich panel roof

What are sandwich panels

This is a three-layer material formed by metal sheets, between which insulation is laid. Either polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam or basalt wool are used as thermal insulation here. The first two options are preferable due to their higher technical and operational characteristics.

A galvanized steel sheet coated on top with either paint or a polymer layer is used as metal cladding. This primarily increases the protective qualities of the steel sheet, prolonging its difficult operation on the roof. Secondly, there is a huge variety of color designs, which allows architects and designers to solve some design problems.

Moreover, all layers are glued together with a special compound - two-component polyurethane glue, which gives the three-layer structure special strength. It must be added that steel sheets are not necessarily a flat surface. Today, manufacturers mainly offer roofing sandwich panels for roofs with a profiled shape in the form of corrugated sheets. That is, with a trapezoidal or wavy shape.

Three-layer sandwich panel structure

Advantages of sandwich panels

The first advantage in the list of positive characteristics of this building material is a complete roof set in terms of insulation and waterproofing. That is, by installing the panels on the roof, you solve the whole problem at once. Insulation is understandable, but waterproofing problems are solved by the bottom sheet of galvanized sheet.

And others advantages:

    long-term exploitation with proper installation;

    small specific weight, and this reduces the load on the rafter system;

    calmly withstands quite serious loads;

    minimum deformation;

    high sound and heat insulation characteristics;

    high fire resistance;

    elevated aesthetic quality;

    rapidity roof assemblies;

    the material is practically not susceptible climatic features of the region.

Let’s add to this list that the minimum slope of a sandwich panel roof is 5 0 . But with one condition, that the panels will be selected taking into account the length of the house run. With a slope of more than 10 0, it is allowed to mount panels of various lengths, strictly joining them using a special technology.

And one more positive side. Sandwich panels are a universal material, so today they are used to cover roofs, regardless of the purpose of the building itself. Even for residential buildings.

High aesthetics of sandwich panel roofs

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of designing and carrying out roofing work, finishing and insulating houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Characteristics and dimensions

Let's start with the fact that this roofing material is produced by many manufacturers according to technical specifications. Although there is GOST number 32603-2012. True, the standard is intended for panels with mineral wool insulation.

So this document says that roofing sandwich panels, designated in the markings by the letter “K”, should be produced with exact dimensions:

    thickness 50-300 mm;

    width– strictly 1000 mm;

    length from 2000 to 14000 mm.

Many manufacturers strictly adhere to these requirements. But they offer longer panels if you order them. At the same time, instead of mineral wool, higher-quality insulation materials are used in terms of both strength and reduced thermal conductivity. This is polystyrene or polyurethane.

As for metal sheets, as mentioned above, this is a flat surface, trapezoidal, wavy and knurled. The latter are grooves either in the upper or lower wave, which act as stiffeners. Rolled panels are considered more durable roofing elements. By the way, rolling is done both on the lower steel sheet and on the upper one.

Standard sizes of sandwich panels

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular house projects, for the finishing of which sandwich panels and a ventilated facade were used - from construction companies represented at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

And a few words about characteristics:

    thermal conductivity depends on the type of thermal insulation material used: mineral wool 0.034-0.044 W/m K (depending on density), polystyrene foam - 0.03-0.04 W/m K, polyurethane foam - 0.019-0.025 W/m K;

    density– 40-50 kg/m2;

    service life– 50 years old.

Installation technology

Let's start with the fact that a roof made of sandwich panels is, first of all, a quick and fairly simple installation. But, as with all construction operations, careful preparation is required.

Preparatory stage

It includes:

    accuracy check planes of the roof purlin, no differences;

    strict perpendicularity between support posts and crossbars;

    check inclination angle stingrays;

    if additional waterproofing, then they carry it out too.

Installation features

As already mentioned, installation is a simple process. But there are quite a lot of nuances on which the quality of the final result depends.

Let's start with the fact that a metal rafter system is laid under the sandwich roof panels. These are either standard steel profiles, or load-bearing elements made of galvanized sheets that imitate standard profiles. If the first option is used, then holes for fasteners will have to be made in the profiles in advance. If the second option is used, then thin galvanized elements can be easily drilled with metal roofing screws, which are used to fasten the roofing decking.

Sandwich panels are lifted onto the roof by a crane

And one more point related to the processing of the material. Often panels have to be cut to length or width. A grinder cannot be used. The rotation speed of the cutting disc of a power tool is enormous. A zone of elevated temperature is formed on the cut surface, which burns the zinc and polymer layer, exposing the metal. It is at the cut points that the panels begin to corrode, which reduces their service life.

So, installation operations algorithm:

    Necessary prevent contact sandwich panels with supporting structures. Therefore, the latter, or rather, their contact surfaces, are covered with sealing self-adhesive tape.

    Crane panels are raised on the roof, where they are laid, starting from any side of the roof structure.

    Adjacent panels are connected using a locking connection, which ensures complete tightness of the joint. Some manufacturers recommend additionally using silicone sealant for sealing, which is applied to the surface of the lock.

    All panels are attached to the supports with special self-tapping screws, which have two threads: the lower one for fastening to the support, the upper one for holding the upper steel sheet. The self-tapping screws are equipped with gaskets made of neoprene rubber, which does not change its qualities and properties under the influence of natural loads throughout its operation.

Self-tapping screws for fastening sandwich panels to supports and to each other

It is very important to tighten the screws correctly. Firstly, they are screwed into the upper wave of the sandwich panels. Secondly, you cannot overtighten them; this will compress the gasket, which means it will open the mounting hole slightly for moisture to penetrate. By the way, you also can’t underdo it for the same reason. Thirdly, the fasteners must be screwed in exactly perpendicular to the plane of the roofing.

Since the locking connection is practically an overlap, adjacent panels to be joined must be fastened together using the top galvanized steel sheets. For this, short metal screws are used.

Video description

Watch the video that shows how to properly cover a roof with sandwich panels:

Installation with transverse joints

If the length of the slope is large enough and this parameter cannot be covered with one panel, then laying the material with transverse joints is used. A very interesting technology is used here, which is based on the process of forming an overlap of two adjacent panels. This is done like this:

    the bottom steel sheet is cut off on the overlap length of the panel that will be laid as the top element;

    at the same distance the insulation is also cut off;

    all that remains is top sheet;

    trimmed this way the panel is laid on the adjacent one, covering part of the bottom panel with the remaining steel protrusion;

    two joined panels attached to supports, and the overlap is done using small self-tapping screws with the obligatory coating of the overlap plane with sealant.

Please note that if the slope angle is 5-10 0, then the overlap should be within 300 mm, if the angle is above 10 0, then the overlap length is 200 mm. Look at the photo below, which shows how sandwich panels are laid using this technology, and in what order they should be installed on the roof.

Connection of sandwich panels along the length of the slope

In principle, at this point we can consider that the sandwich roof is ready. All that remains is to install the additional elements. This is primarily a hobby. Thermal insulation material is laid between the upper edges of the laid panels, and the top is covered with a metal element painted in the color of the sandwich panels. If there is an abutment of the roof to a protruding wall, then this joint is covered with a so-called flashing. This is an angular type profile, one shelf of which is attached to a vertical surface, the other to the surface of the panel, thereby closing the joint.

Roof ridge made of sandwich panels

Video description

The following video is about the types and characteristics of sandwich panels:

Conclusion on the topic

Today, sandwich panels for roofing are one of the most popular materials of the new generation, especially in industrial construction. Simplicity of installation does not mean that this process can be carried out by illiterate and inexperienced craftsmen. It won't be too difficult to ruin the panels. Therefore, it is very important to strictly follow the instructions provided by the manufacturers.