Types of decorative plaster, photo. Decorative plaster: types, application, painting Modern plasters for interior work

To date, there are many different finishing materials. The most popular of them is decorative plaster.

Its leadership in the market is explained by the fact that it has many advantages. It is durable, easy to care for, moisture resistant, while its cost is low.

Consider how to make decorative plaster yourself.

Types of plaster

This material for decorating rooms and facades can have different properties. Depending on the:

  • Chemical composition and components.
  • Texture and style.
  • Number and size of granules.

Chemical composition and components

Mineral, excellent value for money. Made from cement and lime. In stores, it is sold in the form of a dry mix. Therefore, before starting work, it must be diluted in water.

It is used not only for interior work, but also for decorating facades. Since it contains water-repellent substances.

In addition, it has a number of advantages:

  • vapor permeability;
  • fire resistance;
  • resistant to mechanical damage.

Acrylic plaster is sold ready-made, in the form of a water-dispersion material for decoration.

In its production, a polymer solution is used that connects the filler. This type of plaster is tinted, so you can choose any shade.

Silicone is used to decorate external walls. Because it has various positive characteristics:

  • High service life.
  • Elastic structure.
  • Self-cleaning material.
  • High vapor permeability.
  • Weather resistant.

Silicate or mineral plaster is very expensive, however, reliable and practical. Since the main component is potassium glass. This will protect the walls from the appearance of fungus.

This plaster is commonly used in the decoration of building facades. But you can find it in the decoration of interior walls.

If it is not possible to buy a ready-made mixture, then at home you can make decorative plaster from putty. With it, you can create textured images.

Texture and style

Venetian creates walls from marble. In the photo of decorative plaster, you can see how the room is being transformed. It is produced from an aqueous solution, lime and marble sand. This type of material is applied only to flat walls.

Structural is a heterogeneous mass with granules. It is made from latex and water. Its granules can have any color. The color scheme is tinted at the factory. However, choosing a color is not difficult, as manufacturers offer a large palette of different shades.

Textured is the most popular among consumers. Because with its help in the interior of the room you can create a relief or image on the wall.


Flock turns the wall into a mosaic. As a rule, it is sold in two containers. The first contains glue, the second contains mosaic elements. They are already pre-painted by the manufacturer. The wall is applied in stages, first glue, then mosaic pieces.

Glazing is used in cases where it is necessary to create a certain effect on the surface of the wall. For example, the effect of silk, velor, sandstone. Application of decorative plaster is possible on the facade of the building.

Instructions for applying decorative plaster with your own hands

Preliminary work must be done. You need to remove the old finishing material.

The surface is cleaned, in the presence of cracks and holes puttied. After the wall must be treated with a primer.

After all preparatory work is completed, plaster is applied using a construction tool. The material is laid in horizontal or vertical movements. The thickness of the application is measured by granules. After application, it dries for about a day.

This completes the application of decorative plaster. If desired, it can be painted in a different color or decorated with different design elements.


Decorative wall plaster is a great way to quickly and inexpensively change the interior of a room.

DIY decorative plaster photo


Textured surface plastering is an excellent solution when you want to move away from classic finishing techniques. It presents a lot of design possibilities, stands out noticeably against the background of wallpaper, cladding and painting. However, not every type of material is worth buying.



Textured plaster for walls is a finishing material that is used to finish the surfaces of walls and ceilings. The composition includes a binder and additional components. Due to this, the material is able to convey the desired texture, saving the coating from boring evenness. In fact, such a material is nothing more than a kind of plaster compositions.

However, unlike them, its structure is predominantly fine-grained. The texture is softer and more delicate. For this reason, the material is sometimes used instead of putty. A distinctive feature of textured plaster is a decorative function. It is not a leveler of surfaces - with its help they decorate the walls, giving them the desired relief and pattern.

The mixture is plastic, it is pleasant to work with, it also has a high viscosity, does not respond to temperature changes and an increased level of humidity. Most of these compositions are characterized by the absence of shrinkage after application. Among the lines offered on the building materials market, you can find varieties for decorating facades.

Textured plaster is easy to apply. To make a quality finish, it is not at all necessary to invite a specialist - you can save the budget by doing the work yourself. At the same time, the coating is characterized by good strength - when performing high-quality preparation of the base, it will not be necessary to adjust the finish for quite a long time.

Advantages and disadvantages

Below are the pros and cons of textured plaster.

Among the positive qualities of the material, the following positions stand out:

  • This finishing material makes the processed surfaces aesthetically attractive. This design is fresh, not beaten and will allow you to decorate the interior in the best style directions.
  • The plaster differs in the form of release. You can choose the most convenient option, taking into account your own preferences and existing skills in carrying out finishing work.
  • If desired, you can give the surface a different texture. Often, ordinary strokes of the hand and a roller are enough to complete a beautiful drawing.
  • Facing surfaces with textured plaster allows you to simplify the work. There is a saving in time for finishing walls and ceilings. At the same time, the work will take no more than 1 day without taking into account the preliminary preparation of the grounds.

  • Textured plaster is durable. Due to the components, it will decorate the finished planes for many years.
  • The components of the composition are often resistant to ultraviolet radiation. The walls will not become faded over time, the coatings will not lose their original attractiveness.
  • Textured plaster enhances the thermal insulation properties of the bases. Even with a small relief layer, it will insulate the treated surfaces.
  • In most cases, such compositions are environmentally friendly. During operation, they do not emit toxic substances. This factor allows the use of mixtures for wall decoration of residential premises.
  • Mixtures are compatible with different dyes. You can change the color of the plaster as you wish.
  • Additional components can be added if desired. For example, for the effect of Venetian plaster, it is possible to include mother-of-pearl in the mixture.

Among the disadvantages of textured plaster there are the following points:

  • The textured finish is resistant to small mechanical loads, however, with significant impacts, it can break off. Scratches are not excluded if you do it on purpose (for example, pet claws).
  • Caring for such a surface can not be called easy. During operation, dust is deposited on the relief surface. It is more difficult to remove than from wallpaper, paint, laminate or drywall.
  • Good plaster is not cheap. This is especially noticeable when performing a large amount of finishing work. More expensive than others is the finished variety.

  • Work with textured plaster does not tolerate delays. If you stretch the workflow, visual docking of the finished sections is not ruled out.
  • When working with textured plaster, the material consumption is increased by 1 sq. m of cultivated area in comparison with other types of finishes.
  • Correcting the surface if necessary is problematic. It cannot be done imperceptibly due to the difficulty of selecting the desired shade or pattern.
  • If the technology for applying textured plaster is violated, cracks, swelling and peeling of the material may occur. The solution should be selected carefully, based on the type of substrate.


Textured plaster can be classified according to several criteria.

By appearance

Decorative finishing material is sold in the form of a powder mixture and a composition ready for application. In the first case, it is a powder of a predominantly white or light gray hue, which must be diluted with water at room temperature before application. The volume of the material can be different: bags with a volume of 25-30 kg are usually produced.

The finished material is remarkable in that it can already be painted in the desired color and does not need any adjustment before performing the plastering process. The balanced formula allows for flawless application of the product on the base

Such material is good for processing small areas, but the lack of a color palette is increasingly forcing us to turn to dry mixes.

Below are its differences in composition.



The basis of the decorative material is a cement mixture. In addition, auxiliary additives are included in the composition, due to which the mass has plasticity and is convenient when creating a relief. Mineral plaster is good for finishing the bases of the same name.


At the heart of this variety is a special liquid glass. The mixture has a high vapor permeability. It is universal: suitable for use on any type of surface. The main characteristic of the composition is resistance to adverse external factors, which affects the cost of plaster. Sold as a ready mix.


Refers to one of the reliable plaster mixtures, the main component of which is synthetic resin. Due to the high quality and performance characteristics, it can be used for interior surface finishing, as well as facades. Possesses high plasticity, is suitable for the mineral bases.


Acrylic resin is the basis of acrylic varieties. This texture is quite viscous, in most cases this plaster is ready for use. Compatible with mineral and typical surfaces, including concrete substrates. Slightly inferior in quality to the silicone counterpart, but for interior decoration it is an ideal material.

According to the possible effect

Decorative plaster has different effects. Manufacturers indicate its patterns directly on the packaging. For example, on sale you can find a roller version. The composition is produced on an acrylic and gypsum basis in the form of a ready-to-use mass. The characteristic texture of such a finishing material is manifested in the process of its mashing.

At the same time, the fact that manufacturers have provided different shades of plaster coatings is pleasing. For example, on sale you can find colored plaster of copper, pinkish, mustard tones and the color of wenge oak. Structural plaster is a "breathable" material, it is characterized by high technical characteristics.

By structure

In terms of structure, other varieties include such species as “lamb”, “Turkish skin”, craquelure, as well as pearl fine-grained mass. This also includes the Venetian mixture. Such compositions facilitate the work of a beginner and a professional master. Working with them is pleasant, simple and fast.


The market for textured plaster is full of offers for buyers of different circles. Italian manufacturers have achieved great success in this field. Among the wide range of offers, there are several companies that have received high praise from specialists in the field of construction and repair:

  • Tamstucco- a pasty variety based on a vinyl polymer.
  • VGT- special plaster with synthesized artificial components and crushed materials. Resistant to snow and rain.
  • Intonacino Minerale- mineral material based on lime and quartz sand.
  • Stuccofacile is a shrink- and crack-resistant plaster designed specifically for the creation of bas-reliefs.

How to make the material yourself?

Today it will not be difficult to make decorative plaster yourself. For example, ordinary putty with the use of some additional ingredients is suitable for this.

With PVA glue

First of all, you need to take an ordinary white putty, mix it with water in a special container in proportions of 6: 2. After that, you need to add 0.2 liters of PVA glue and stir until completely homogeneous.

If there is no such glue at hand, you can replace it with a grout mixture designed for drywall in a 1: 1 ratio.


The main components remain a white powder composition and a primer, the proportion should be approximately 6: 2. The mass is kneaded to the texture of thick sour cream, after which a grout or pigment is added if colored plaster is needed. The solution is re-stirred and applied to the walls.

with plaster

For such plaster, a gypsum variety and water are used. The proportions of the composition remain the same: 6 to 2. However, for viscosity, it will be necessary to improve the mixture with PVA glue (0.2 l). After the first kneading, leave for a few minutes, then mix again and begin to carry out finishing work.

with crumb

Marble effect can be obtained by mixing ordinary putty with marble chips in the following ratio: 1 part crumb to 4 parts putty. The mass is kneaded in a special container, adding water at room temperature to the consistency of thick sour cream. If you need a colored finish, then you will have to paint it after the surface has dried.


Here you have to buy a special putty. To recreate the desired effect, it is necessary to include marble, quartz, malachite chips, lime and pigment in the composition. It is unacceptable to dilute the powder mixture with hot water. The consistency should not be too thick - this will not give the desired effect.


The recipe consists of a starting and finishing powder-based putty, acrylic paint and regular silver powder. The ratio of components is 1: 1. Silver is used after the textured surface has dried.

Tools for the job

The set of tools needed for finishing is small. Depending on the type and pattern of decoration, you may need:

  • special textured rollers;
  • classic rollers with a long pile;
  • plastic wrap or vegetable net;
  • leatherette, textiles with a textured surface;
  • trowel, trowel, spatula;
  • massage brush;
  • ordinary and ring-shaped sponge for dishes;
  • nails;
  • newspaper.

In addition, you can use more non-standard tricks:

  • moldings;
  • stencils;
  • anti-stencils;
  • ordinary leaves;
  • washcloth;
  • fingers.

The flight of fancy in this case is unlimited. However, before settling on a particular option, you should try to make a pattern on a small section of the wall or a piece of fiberboard - this will allow you to personally assess the design possibilities and the appropriateness of the chosen texture. To apply the plaster mix, use a trowel or trowel.

It is better not to take into account the wooden version - in the process of work, the composition may stick to it, which can complicate the finishing work.

The process of finishing surfaces with a liquid fine-textured volumetric mixture should be considered in detail - this will allow you to understand the essence of the work and eliminate possible defects characteristic of plaster when departing from the stages of technology.

Surface preparation

To make the finish coat beautiful and uniform, you can not do without preliminary preparation of the base. This item is mandatory and includes several steps:

  • Removal of old coating. It is necessary to remove the old paint, remove the wallpaper by soaking it with water from a spray bottle. Peeling layers of lime and everything that does not adhere to the surface are also removed.
  • After the coating has been removed, a visual inspection is carried out. It will show what type and volume of starting material will have to be used to prepare the base.

  • First, bumps are removed, then bumps, pits, chips and potholes are leveled. If there is not much work, you can use ready-made starting material or putty.
  • After leveling, it is necessary to grind the surface - this will smooth out minor irregularities if they turned out during surface preparation.
  • After grinding, dust will settle on the walls and ceiling (during its processing), which should be removed with a semi-dry sponge with a soft work surface or a clean, semi-dry rag.

Then a deep penetration primer should be prepared. The composition must be selected for the desired type of walls. It should be with greater penetrating power, which will bind dust residues, even out microcracks and the structure of the base as a whole. For applying a decorative plaster mixture, the preferred option is with quartz sand in the composition, which will create good adhesion, due to which the plaster mixture will stay on the walls and ceiling for quite a long time.

It is worth treating the surface for textured plaster with a primer, dipping the roller into a container with a solution and rolling it over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls. In the corners you need to use a flat brush.

After the first layer has dried, another one must be applied - this will strengthen the crystal lattice formed on the surface.

Do not try to shorten the time and apply 2 coats of primer at once - this can destroy the film. To prepare the base, use a white primer, which will allow you to see where the primer is applied. The white color of the primer will not distort the color of the finishing texture mixture.

Relief creation methods

Below are some simple ways to create a relief pattern. Initially, the mass is applied to a dried layer of soil with a layer of small thickness (0.3-0.6 cm).


This method is one of the simplest and fastest types of work. It consists in the fact that after applying a layer of decorative plaster, you need to roll the surface from top to bottom once. It is in this case that film, clothesline, vegetable mesh, leatherette are used, winding one selected type of material that forms a relief. If you need a rough surface for a fur coat, then use a roller with a long pile.


In this case, it is preferable to use a plaster ladle and a rule for application - this approach will reduce the time for finishing and perform the drawing immediately on the entire wall area.

It is with a spatula that waves, zigzags, finishing with imitation of brick, marble, stone are performed. Depending on the type of pattern, movements can be straight, arcuate or chaotic.

Washcloth, newspaper or nail

In these cases, everything is individual. Each type of “inventory” provides for its own pressure and complete finishing of the entire cultivated area.

A nail is usually "painted" by making furrows in the plaster. This is a good way to simulate, for example, brick or stonework. The newspaper is crumpled, forming folds. A small lump is applied to the base with the plaster mixture applied. This is the same technology for making a washcloth pattern.

"Bark beetle"

An interesting and simple technique for drawing. Outwardly, the textured “bark beetle” coating looks like wood bark, sharpened by beetles. So that the process of creating the desired texture does not take much time, they buy a special ironing board made of plastic or wood with a special type of working canvas. The trowel is applied to the plaster layer 5-7 minutes after its application, slightly shifted up and down.

Sometimes masters prefer the transverse direction of the pattern.

Venetian. Reception of two-color application

First, a base tone is added to the composition, the mixture is applied to the base, distributing a thin layer over it. As soon as the layer dries, it is trimmed and cleaned. After that, a layer of primer is applied.

Then a new batch is bred, divided into 2 parts, stained with one color of different saturation. Apply to the wall in small portions, alternating dark and light tone. After drying, the coating is varnished.

Versailles reception

After applying the plaster mass, it is trimmed and the drawing is performed with a trowel with chaotic movements or waves. When the pattern dries, it is trimmed, then dusted and painted with water-based paint. After that, they take a piece of silver and slightly highlight the protruding elements of the relief. It remains to cover the plane with a layer of varnish diluted with water.


Design solutions that can be implemented through decorative textured plaster are multifaceted. Its undoubted advantage is the possibility of using it in any room of an apartment or a private house, as well as a summer residence.

The best way to decorate a finished surface is to use stencils over the main pattern. This technique allows you to give the walls or ceiling a special effect. The coating becomes the "highlight" of any interior.

Molding is one of those types. The principle of operation is to lightly press the applied layer of plaster. You can buy ready-made samples with slots in the form of a specific pattern.

If you want individuality, then you can make them yourself from cardboard or use improvised means. However, only a designer can professionally use, for example, plant leaves or flower petals. It is better and easier for an inexperienced master to use ready-made templates.

With the help of a protruding relief, you can decorate any part of the wall or ceiling with an original pattern or, for example, a floral motif. If necessary, it is possible to colorize - this approach will create a 3D effect. The technology consists in applying a template in the right place and filling the slots with plaster mass.

With this technique, you can perform different patterns: from petals and bamboo stems to complex compositions. If artistic skills allow, then with strokes it is really possible to create whole pictures. Sometimes a creative approach involves decorating surfaces, in addition to plastering with shells and small pebbles. From a distance, such patterns often look like a sea coast, while others, after the hands of professionals, resemble the tropics.

You will learn more about the technology of applying factual plaster by watching the following video.

So that the finish does not cause difficulties, you need to start with the purchase of a good decorative mixture. To do this, take note of a few simple recommendations:

  • If you plan to finish large areas, then it is better to buy powder material - it is economical, eliminates overspending and easy to store.
  • It is worth carefully looking at the purpose of the mixture, which is indicated on the manufacturer's label. If you ignore this aspect, then the buyer runs the risk of buying the wrong material, which will affect the result.
  • In order to correctly buy the desired composition, it is necessary to take into account the features of its application and the conditions of the planned operation.
  • The material is not taken end-to-end, since in the process of performing surface finishing, marriage is not ruled out, and a lack of material can ruin all the work.

  • Mixing the plaster with a construction mixer reduces the time of using the mixture: the better and more magnificent the mass is whipped, the faster it dries.
  • The container should be thoroughly washed before mixing a new portion - the hardened remains of the plaster mixture will cause heterogeneity of the fresh mass.
  • The pattern is not applied twice. You should not count on constant adjustment - it spoils the integrity of the drawing being performed.

  • To make a Venetian pattern, you can buy a special spatula with the desired relief - this approach will allow you to make a drawing at a professional level.
  • Do not allow different thicknesses of the applied layer. The relief coating must be uniform, otherwise the visual effect will vary.
  • Decorative plaster and liquid wallpaper are not the same thing. Do not confuse them, because it is the plaster mixture that will give relief and allow you to draw on the surface.

You should know that each style has its own shades and patterns. The texture decor of each direction is individual. For example, for a loft style, a brickwork pattern is preferred. An office or bedroom in the spirit of vintage trends can be decorated with Versailles or Venetian plaster.

In the living room of ecological style, textural plaster with a three-dimensional pattern made using stencils will harmoniously fit in.

Popular patterns: examples in the interior

No less stylish design solution, conveyed through the relief and the play of shades. The coating looks expensive, fills the design with an atmosphere of home comfort.

An example of decorating a textured surface with a three-dimensional panel in the form of a huge butterfly. The atmosphere of lightness is conveyed, the accent is harmonious against the general background of the room.

One of the best solutions for decorating, for example, a bedroom or a nursery. The creation of a relief with subsequent coloring radically changes the idea of ​​​​the possibilities of plaster mixtures.

A classic example of decorating an accent wall in a bedroom. Everything is simple, modern and stylish.

An example of the complete design of the living room. A great alternative to wallpaper and painting. Feels fresh and light.

With this pattern, you can decorate the walls of the corridor or hallway. The use of two shades - gray and beige - makes the pattern interesting.

An example of accentuating the dining area of ​​the kitchen. The aged type of surface and the application of large letters allows you to convey the atmosphere of the desired era.

With the help of decorative plaster, it is easy and simple to create expressive and unique patterns on the surface of the walls. Admiring the showiness of the facade, we can conclude that only specialists can perform such a task. However, it is not. The main role in the creation of original reliefs is played not by the skill of a specialist, but by the material used by him: decorative plaster.

Types of decorative plaster

Its composition includes special substances: fillers. They help create a beautiful drawing. No special and expensive tools are required for this. But it is necessary to choose the right plaster mixture and know the technology of its application.

The composition of decorative plaster mixtures differs from the composition of ordinary ones not only in the presence of a filler. If the material is intended for facade (exterior) work, it also includes additional components that provide increased resistance of the facing surface to moisture, temperature extremes, and ultraviolet radiation.

Drawing effects that can be obtained using special techniques for applying decorative plaster:

  • aging;

  • cracking;

  • adding volume;

  • rough surface texture;

  • "silk";

  • planes with different relief depths.

There are three types of decorative plasters:

  • mineral;
  • textured;
  • structural.

All of them have their own characteristics both in terms of composition and application rules.

Mineral decorative plasters

The basis of mineral plasters is natural. As a filler, crumbs and dust of various valuable types of stone are used: granite, marble, onyx, malachite. Included quartz sand of different grain sizes. Cement and gypsum act as a binder. Cement-based plasters are classified as facade. Mixtures with a gypsum binder are used exclusively for interior work.

Mineral decorative plaster "Bark beetle" 2 mm. Premium quality. For outdoor work

All types of mineral plasters must be prepared for use by adding a dry mixture to water in the proportion indicated by the manufacturer.

The finished mixture can be applied to the wall in several layers. The final stage of work is waxing or staining. Wax serves as a protective and decorative coating.

Since all types of mineral plasters are diluted with water, they do not have a long "lifetime" of the batch. Therefore, it is recommended to cook so much of the mixture so that it can be worked out before it starts to harden. One of the advantages of mineral dry plaster compositions is that they have a much lower price than ready-to-use acrylic ones.

Textured plasters

Textured plasters are dough-like mixtures that can be tinted to any color during kneading, or coated with paint after the top coat has been applied and hardened. This type of plaster is characterized by unsurpassed plasticity, which allows you to create real masterpieces on the walls.

This effect is ensured by the mixtures of natural fibers included in the composition, which can be cotton, linen, wood. Some manufacturers use ground brick as a filler. With the help of mixtures of this type, you can create relief paintings, bas-reliefs and panels.

The popular "Venetian" plaster is not a separate type of decorative plaster, but belongs to the category of textured mixtures. It is called "Venetian" because of the special composition, which allows the use of a special application technique, which provides a spectacular wall pattern.

Structural plasters

Plasters of this type are heterogeneous granular masses. Potassium silicate (silicate plasters), synthetic latex (latex plasters), cement-lime composition act as a binder. There are two types of structural plasters:

  • water based;
  • solvent based.

Hence the classification of these mixtures: water-soluble and organic. The main representatives of this type of finishing mixtures are Bark beetle and Fur coat.

They are most often used in the decoration of facades. The reason is simple: these mixtures are easy to apply, form an attractive surface pattern, and have excellent wear resistance. In addition, they have another advantage: an affordable price.

To dilute organic mixtures, white spirit is mainly used. It should be noted that it does not dissolve anything in the plaster mass. He just dilutes it to the desired consistency. Therefore, experts call any liquid introduced into the finishing composition not a “solvent”, but a “diluent”.

Acrylic plaster "Ceresite"

Stone plaster "Ceresite"

Among structural mixtures, acrylic plaster is the most popular. Its distinctive feature is that it is ready for use immediately after purchase. These mixtures do not need to be diluted with water or solvent. This fact is their undoubted advantage. In addition, acrylic plasters are much more elastic and durable.

They have higher adhesion (adhesion to the base) than mineral and solvent-based structural. Acrylic can be applied to almost any surface: wood, brick, concrete, aluminum.

In sealed packaging, acrylic plasters retain their properties from 6 months to 1.5 years. Some manufacturers produce mixtures with a shelf life of up to 2 years. Another advantage of acrylic compositions is that the walls treated with them can be painted.

"Small bark beetle", decorative acrylic plaster for indoor and outdoor use

The only drawback of these mixtures is lower vapor permeability than mineral ones. However, it is sufficient to use this material for the installation of a "wet" facade, which is also a heat insulator.


Prices for various types of decorative plaster

Decorative plaster

Techniques for applying decorative plasters

Mineral plasters must be prepared for use by diluting with water. On average, up to 30% liquid is required. All manufacturers indicate the required proportions on the product packaging. Mineral mixtures are applied in two layers.

The use of any plaster compositions requires careful surface preparation. The walls must be inspected for deep cracks, to make sure that the bearing surface is strong enough and does not require major repairs.

The next stage of work is priming. To accomplish this task, deep penetration primers are used, designed for external finishing work.

Plastering of the facade starts from the corner of the building. The work is carried out in stages, gradually applying the mixture to areas of a small area. The first layer is the base. It is applied with a spatula in such a way as to avoid overlaps and to obtain as even a surface as possible. For leveling, you can use a spatula with a wide blade or a rule.

The main work on decorating the facade takes place at the next stage of work: when applying the second layer.

Tools for creating a decorative surface

For applying decorative plasters, special textured rollers are used. They differ from ordinary ones only in that they are equipped with rollers with a relief surface.

Depending on the material of which the roller consists, there are several types of rollers:

  • wooden;
  • rubber;
  • plastic;
  • leather;
  • pile.

Standard sizes:

  • with roller width up to 30 cm (short rollers);
  • with roller width up to 50 cm (medium length);
  • with roller width from 50 cm (long rollers).

It is conditionally possible to divide all types of rollers into textured and structural. The latter have a more embossed surface than the former. Textured are designed to create an imitation of marble, natural stone, textiles. Plasters "Bark beetle" and "Fur coat" are applied with textured rollers.

Structural rollers are designed to obtain a pronounced relief pattern, consisting of a repeating rather complex pattern. Outwardly, it creates the effect of voluminous wallpaper. The decoration technique using these tools is more complex than when using textured rollers.

Structural work requires the utmost care and attention. The rollers of these tools are usually made of wood or plastic. The use of such rollers requires compliance with several rules.

  1. Surface decoration is performed on the base, already frozen and leveled layer. For application, a liquid batch is used. If you work with a dense composition, the recesses of the relief texture of the nozzle will quickly fill with a mixture, so you will not be able to get a pronounced pattern.
  2. The pattern is applied in stripes, rolling the roller in the direction from bottom to top or from top to bottom.
  3. Each next strip should fit snugly against the previous one, but not overlap it.
  4. When decorating walls, they try to avoid pressing on the roller. In this case, the relief of the pattern will be of the same depth.
  5. During work, the surface of the wall is moistened using a sprayer or a paint brush.
  6. The roller is periodically dipped into a container of water, washing off the adhering plaster mixture from it.

Prices for textured rollers

Textured rollers

How to get an invoice "Marsiniada"

Structural plasters are used to obtain the "Marsiniada" texture. With this technique, a stylish and effective pattern is created, which is suitable for wall decoration indoors and outdoors.

According to the instructions, the structural mixture "Desan Versazhel" is required for plastering. However, the surface pattern is obtained using a special technique, and not due to any particular composition. Therefore, any suitable structural plaster can be used to create the Marsiniada texture.

Execution technique

Step 1. Open a container with wet plaster and mix the composition thoroughly with a spatula.

Step 2 Using a trowel or stainless steel spatula, apply the mixture to the wall, trying to obtain a uniform layer up to 5 mm thick.

Step 3 Immediately after applying the plaster, it is covered with a dense plastic film. Smooth out all the waves with your hand so that the film sticks to the plaster mixture.

Step 4 Perform a series of movements with the palm of your hand, trying to move part of the film without leaving a fingerprint. Thus, a thin layer of plaster is displaced over the entire surface of the wall. Make sure that no air bubbles remain under the film.

Step 5 Wait for the relative hardening of the plaster mixture (at least 12 hours).

Step 6 Carefully remove the plastic film.

Step 7 After the walls have completely dried (after 24 hours), the surface is treated with fine-grain sandpaper.

Step 8 Using a dry paint brush or rags, dust is removed from the wall.

Step 9 Apply a layer of finishing primer with a brush or roller.

For more reliable protection of the plastered surface, a layer of varnish or paint can be applied to the wall. To perform this task, use any most convenient tool: spray gun, roller, paint brush.

An important point: the varnish or paint is rubbed on the plaster with a soft foam sponge until it dries. This allows you to fill in all the recesses of the relief pattern and gives the surface a finished look. While working with a sponge, it is periodically thoroughly washed with water and squeezed out. You can apply several layers of varnish or paint. In this way, the desired façade color shade is obtained.

How to get the invoice "Corals"

To obtain the "Corals" pattern, structural plasters are used with a filler of fine or medium grain size.

Step 1. Open the container with the composition and mix it thoroughly.

Step 2 A uniform layer of plaster mixture is applied to the wall. Use a trowel, trowel or stainless steel spatula.

Step 3 Smooth the applied layer with a spatula with a wide metal blade.

Step 4 Take a spatula with a rectangular blade and gently press it against the surface of the wall. This is an important stage of work, so you need to be extremely careful.

To obtain a drawing, follow the following technique:

  • apply a spatula to the wall with the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sole;
  • the spatula is taken away with a jerky movement;
  • apply a spatula to the wall, changing its direction: perpendicular or obliquely relative to the previous print;
  • tear off the adhered sole of the spatula from the plastered wall.

Step 5. After 15-20 minutes, the pattern is slightly smoothed with the same tool, leveling its relief.

Step 6 After 24 hours, the wall is treated with fine-grain sandpaper.

Step 7 Apply a protective composition: finishing primer, varnish or paint.

Thus, a beautiful relief pattern "Corals" is obtained. The density of prints can be any. But the most effective pattern without overlapping prints.

Video - How to apply decorative plaster with your own hands

Video - Decorative plaster, granite chips based on natural stone

As you know, plaster is one of the important elements in the repair. It serves to create a perfectly flat surface. Apply before finishing. But recently, more and more often, traditional plaster is being replaced with decorative one. Let's take a look at what this cover is. Also in the article will be given the main types of decorative plaster.

General information

In addition to their visual appeal, all types of decorative plaster have many advantages. This is what distinguishes the material from others. All types of textured and decorative plasters include a liquid base (plain water acts as it), a filler (lime, granite or marble chips, sand, etc.), as well as a polymer binder. Materials can be used when finishing a variety of surfaces. Like ordinary, types of decorative plaster have the ability to mask defects. Materials can be used to finish brick, concrete, wood, plasterboard and other surfaces. At the same time, curvilinear forms can also be processed with decorative plaster. One of the undoubted advantages of the material is its plasticity. Thanks to this surface quality, different shapes can be given. Some types of decorative plaster (photos of works can be seen below) can be used to "sculpt" all kinds of patterns and figures directly on the wall. Depending on what result is expected to be obtained, various materials (shells, pebbles, mica and others) can be added to the mixture to form "volumetric" surfaces. It should be noted that it was this "versatility" that made decorative plaster one of the most popular coatings. The material can be used for both indoor and outdoor work. Yes, there are special


There are different types of decorative plaster according to various parameters. In particular, the material is classified according to the type of filler, binder, method of formation. These are not all the parameters by which the types of decorative plasters are distinguished. The methods of applying the material are also different for each type. One of the main criteria by which the classification is carried out is the type of filler. Next, consider the types of decorative plaster for walls separately.

popular material

Today, as practice shows, textured plaster is most widely used. One of the advantages of this coating is its relatively low cost. Small pebbles, mica, mineral chips, wood fibers are used as fillers in the compositions. Thanks to these components, the surface is voluminous, a 3D effect is created. Undoubtedly, such a coating looks much better than just a wall pasted over with wallpaper or a painted ceiling. Textured rollers and special stamps are often used to enhance the effect.

Homogeneous coating

Such a surface can be created using structural types of decorative plaster. "Bark beetle" is another name for this material. It is due to the fact that filler particles (fine-grained additives) give the surface the appearance of an old tree. Structural types of decorative wall plasters allow you to create not only a uniform coating, but also a mosaic effect. The fraction of fillers is significantly larger than that of the standard material.

Effective coverage

Venetian decorative plaster is considered today one of the richest types. In the manufacture of the material used marble chips. As a rule, such a coating can be found in interior decoration in antique and classical styles. Due to the homogeneity of the composition, the material is an excellent basis for creating magnificent masterpieces. But it should be noted that the application of such a coating requires special skill and knowledge.

Material for external finishing

On the market today there are various types of decorative plaster facades. The material in its composition can have a variety of fillers. The main differences that these types of decorative plaster possess (a photo of some coatings can be seen in the article) are high performance properties, resistance to temperature extremes, water and sound impermeability. Thanks to its excellent thermal insulation properties, external attractiveness, as well as the ability to protect and strengthen the facade, such plaster is rightfully gaining recognition from professionals in the field of construction and decoration.

Environmentally friendly coating

Spray method

This is the easiest way to create relief on a surface. After the first layer has dried, the second layer is applied. In order to obtain a relief surface, you can use a variety of devices, for example, a broom. It must be taken in one hand, in the other - a stick. The broom is dipped into the solution. Then they are tapped on a stick so that the spray hits the wall. Flakes will form on the surface, the size of which will depend on the density of the mixture and the broom itself. The surface can be pre-painted. For example, it can be green, and the spray can be white. Approximately the same is carried out "Italian" decoration. But here, after the covering layer is applied, without waiting for it to dry, the second one is immediately applied. If the previous one was, for example, blue, then the next one could be white. The second layer should cover most of the first. Until the coating has hardened, it is smoothed.

Creating a relief with a trowel

To form the original surface, you can use not only the usual tools. After applying the covering layer, a little solution should be put on the trowel. Next, with light movements, the plaster is applied to the base. In this case, a kind of pattern is formed.

"Multilayer" coating

The textured method of applying plaster allows you to create a coating in antique style. In this case, the material is laid in several layers. After leveling and drying, the coating is painted.


This method is used to create a relief surface on fresh plaster. The coating in this case is treated with a metal brush. Then the surface must be dried during the day. After that, using a rag, spatula or sponge, remove plaster elements that do not adhere well to the base.

Roller stamping

This is another fairly popular way of applying decorative plaster. Using a special roller with a pattern, relief images are obtained on the surface. If there is no such tool, you can use the usual one. On a simple roller, a pattern is cut out or simply wrapped with a rope. In the latter case, after such stamping, a surface with a pattern resembling grass stems will be obtained.


This coating technique is more complex than those described above. However, you can also do it yourself. To create a decorative coating, layers of plaster of different colors are applied. Gamma is chosen according to one's own preferences. It should be remembered that the surface must be in harmony with the surrounding interior. To create a drawing, certain sections are cut out in the top layer using a stencil. Pieces of plaster are removed with the help of cutters or scrapers. If you remove a lot of material from the top layer, then the remaining coating on the background of the underlying one looks like an appliqué. If you remove a small amount, then the picture will turn out to be tinted. This coating can be applied to the entire wall. Also, using this technique, you can create original panels.


There are a lot of types of decorative plaster, as well as methods for applying it. The material describes the most popular of them. In general, work on finishing the premises, both outside and inside, can be completely carried out independently. However, some materials require certain knowledge and special devices. Mixtures containing large granules are recommended for use when finishing surfaces from the outside. Fine-grained plasters are used when working with walls indoors. In the latter case, the surfaces are not so rough.

Decorative plaster firmly occupies a leading position in the market of finishing materials, due to its strength, reliability, unpretentiousness during operation and aesthetics of the coating.

Further, we will acquaint readers in detail with the various types of this material, give advice on where, when and what mixture is best to use, how to choose the right texture in interior design, offer several interesting ways to apply the composition, and analyze reviews on decorative plaster.

Types of decorative plasters

Decorative plaster consists of a binder, fillers (grains of stone, sand, etc.), additives that improve properties: adhesive, antiseptic, bactericidal, hydrophobic. According to the binder, decorative plaster can be classified into:

  • Mineral - the base is cement or cement-lime, suitable for outdoor and indoor use, has high vapor-permeable properties, lime compositions are more plastic relative to cement ones.
  • Polymer - based on acrylic resin, is not afraid of humidity, temperature deltas, does not fade under the influence of UV rays, is applicable for facades and rooms, thanks to additives it is possible to create complex textures of leather, velvet, etc. Acrylic decorative plaster is not recommended for use for external work coupled with loose insulation.
  • Silicate - based on liquid glass, has low elasticity, which allows you to apply the solution on the surface of cellular concrete. Moisture resistant, well tolerated by mechanical stress, does not contribute to the formation of fungi and mold, does not accumulate dirt, does not swell. It is recommended to apply on walls finished with rough plaster with the addition of lime.
  • Silicone - consists of silicone resins and fine filler: marble dust or fine sandstone. Suitable for facade and interior work. Durable, has an antistatic effect, does not accumulate dust.

Table of characteristics of decorative plaster

Good to know: For small rooms, for example, in the hallway, it is better to stay on a calm, fine-grained texture, without volumetric relief.

Decorative plaster, photo in the hallway, a combination of different textures helps to correct the geometry of the room

By decorativeness, artistic plasters can be divided into several large groups:

  • Venetian - the most refined of all representatives, with its help you can make marble coatings, polished stone, silk, velvet, leather, crinkled fabric. The finely dispersed composition is plastic, thanks to various techniques, a smooth surface and a three-dimensional pattern are obtained. Venetian decorative marble, silk, etc. plaster is covered with protective wax or a special varnish, which gives it the shine of a well-polished surface.

Decorative plasters for interior decoration, photo of the Venetian coating in the Moroccan style

  • Textured decorative plaster is made on the basis of synthetic resins, combined with fillers: flax, cotton, glitter, metal inclusions, crumbs of natural and artificial materials, which create an interesting pattern. You can form bas-reliefs, drawings, apply textures with different tools - under natural stone, wood. This is the largest group, differing both in composition and decorative possibilities.

Textured plaster, made using a stencil, with an original dry brush coating

  • Pebble decorative plaster - a binder filled with stone chips. Usually sold ready-made, the mixture is heterogeneous, blotches can have several shades. It has a decorative mosaic effect, pebbled to the touch. It is used for finishing plinths and facades of buildings, indoors it is recommended to use it accentuated, in small areas, since the material is cold. The ideal solution for bathrooms and corridors, as well as for office spaces.

Pebble decorative plaster for exterior work is used much more often than for interior work, where I use it fragmentarily to highlight interior elements

  • Decorative structural plaster - the mass is plastic, heterogeneous, it can be any base: mineral cement-lime, synthetic latex, filler - grains of stone, shells and sand of different fractions. It is modeled thanks to inclusions, it is enough to apply an even layer, and after drying, walk over it with a trowel.

Photo of decorative plaster for interior work, travertine texture - imitates concrete blocks

  • Flock coating is a new word in finishing, it is applied in three stages: the base is glue, then flock particles are glued, which are protected from above with varnish. Multi-colored chips can lay out any drawings or ornaments.

We offer a master class on how to properly apply decorative plaster, the video will help you master some of the relief finishing techniques.

Good to know: In bathrooms and swimming pools, it is recommended to use moisture-resistant decorative plaster, which should be additionally covered with protection. For balconies, loggias, bathrooms and corridors, outdoor mixtures that are resistant to difficult operating conditions are relevant.

Photo of decorative plaster in the hallway, a practical solution, coupled with wallpaper, the lower part of the finish is easy to care for, remove dirt

How to make decorative plaster - lessons on applying popular textures

The most popular and easiest way to apply decorative plaster is the bark beetle structure, which is formed due to the granules in the mixture. Compositions with grains up to 1 mm are used inside the house, from 1 to 3 mm is preferable on the street or in large areas.

Relief of a bark beetle, applied with a solution with inclusions of a large fraction

A solution is applied to a puttied, sanded and primed wall, its thickness should be equal to the size of the inclusions. Align, after 20-30 minutes, process with a smooth trowel. The tool is driven depending on the selected texture: rain - diagonally, oak bark - up / down, travertine - in circular motions.

Decorative plaster, photo of the bark beetle structure applied by different methods

Another simple option for applying decorative plaster is a fur coat. For facades, a cement-sand mortar is used; inside the house, any mineral plaster. Outdoor work is best done by spraying: mechanically, with a pulverizer, or manually - through a mesh, spraying with a brush with long bristles. In the fur coat room, it is recommended to use fine-grained decorative plasters. The layer is evenly applied to the wall and after drying, it is carried out with a roller with a fine fur coat, the villi pull the solution behind them, forming a characteristic pattern.

Finishing a fur coat or lamb - simple, inexpensive, practical

The rock pattern is borrowed from the technology of applying Venetian plaster. Here, the solution is applied with a trowel, with sharp chaotic strokes, first pressing the tool strongly and weakening the pressure towards the end. Venetian plaster is applied in 3 or more layers, each is ground and rubbed with a trowel. The texture of the rock is usually applied with white decorative plaster in 2 layers, the first is the base, and the second is the strokes of the texture. Sharp edges are worked out with a damp brush. Decorated with paints. 2 shades look beautiful, the base one, and the additional one - by washing or applying a patina, this is how the depth of the decor is achieved.

Decorative plaster, photo in the corridor, large relief is balanced by a pastel shade

On textured decorative plaster, patterns can be applied using a variety of rollers, a brush with hard bristles, stencils and stamps. We will talk about the techniques in more detail in the next chapter, using photo examples.

The role of decorative plaster in the interior

Decorative plaster in the interior is a real hit of modern repairs. A variety of compositions and decoration methods allow you to choose the right texture and color for almost any stylistic decision, from historical classics to industrial styles and high-tech design built on high technologies. Decorative plaster goes well with wood, natural and artificial stone, brick, modern plastic and 3D panels, wallpaper. A competent combination of several materials allows you to create an exclusive, noble interior that will remain relevant for many years.

Decorative plaster for interior work, photo of fashionable craquelure texture - torn surface


In the modern loft interior, popular among young people and progressive personalities, decorative concrete-like plaster is in demand; it fits perfectly into the overall ensemble of the industrial style, adding zest to it. To ennoble the coating, it is varnished on top.

Decorative plaster, concrete look coating photo, loft-style interior

Cement-sand decorative mixtures can be safely used in bathrooms and pools, it is important to make the right finish for them - water-repellent impregnation.

Decorative plaster, photo in the interior of the bathroom, concrete-like coating, additionally decorated as agglomerate


Venetian plaster comes from Italy, which can be safely called the progenitor of classical styles. Over the years, it has not lost its popularity. For historical classical design, the Venetian technique is appropriate, imitating stone, more often marble, glowing from the inside, emphasizing the nobility and high cost of decoration.

Decorative plaster in the interior, Venetian texture imitating natural malachite

For frilly French styles (rococo and baroque), silk effect decorative plaster is suitable, the glossy surface reflects expensive furniture, makes the room visually larger, emphasizing the luxury and pomposity of the decor.

Finishing a classic bedroom with Venetian plaster

If moldings are used to separate the walls - an imitation of frames, then plasters with a drapery effect look very nice inside. For an accent wall, artistic painting made using the Venetian technique is often exploited.

Decorative plaster with painting

For calmer interiors in a classic style - decorative plaster with the effect of aged walls, it is also very relevant for some Mediterranean destinations.

Wall decoration with Venetian plaster

ethnic styles

To create ethnic styles, decorative plaster for natural materials is most often used. So, to create a Mediterranean direction, decorative plaster with an aging effect is suitable. Usually, this is a mineral coating, covered with paint using a special technique: the first covering layer is applied - the base, a thinner layer on top, which is washed off with a damp rag.

Living room in antique style with stucco wall decoration

The rustic style is characterized by a decorative wood finish. The application technology is quite simple, but requires skills. First, a base layer is applied with large strokes, leveled with a spatula, and on top with a brush it is covered with a thin layer of darker liquid plaster. After drying, the texture of the tree is drawn with a special stamp.

Plaster with wood texture in wall decoration

For the African direction, the use of decorative plaster imitating the skin of reptiles is relevant. The surface is finished with a base layer of a textured mixture, about 3 mm thick, then a relief is made with a patterned rubber roller. At the finish, it is decorated with paints, mother-of-pearl additives, golden patina, metallic effect are often used.

Decorative plaster under the skin, decorated with paints and patina

Modern directions

For modern styles, decorative plaster is an inexhaustible possibility and boundless horizons of fantasy. These are flock, and fibrous textures for modern, and sparkles for romantic design. There are usually two decoration options:

  • Using modern mixtures with already added inclusions, it remains only to apply the solution in any way you like.
  • Application of ordinary white decorative plaster, followed by decoration with paints to the desired effect.

Good to know: Volumetric textures: waves, a large rock, masonry with large stones, bark beetle and coarse-grained traventine are recommended for outdoor decoration, in large rooms, or for finishing minor areas in the order of accents.

Decorative plaster, photo of the Venetian coating in the bedroom

Facade decoration "mosaic" with a mixture of different colors

For exterior decoration, especially for plinths, sometimes fragmentarily indoors, decorative stone-like plaster, brick or rubble laying is very relevant. To make such a drawing, it is enough to apply a layer according to the rock technique, with strokes. You can make a “masonry” pattern using a polyurethane stamp, which is pressed into the surface of a slightly dried mortar. Or draw grooves manually with a cutter or thin spatula. To make the texture look natural, with a brush dipped in water, the sharp edges are slightly smoothed.

Decorative brick-like plaster, this finish is easy to do with your own hands

Interesting textures are obtained if the dried layer of decorative plaster is treated with a marine sponge, slightly pressing and slightly turning it in a circular motion. A brush with hard bristles allows you to paint:

  • grooves (vertical and horizontal);
  • waves, if driven in a zigzag manner;
  • fabric - drawing lines with a bristle vertically, then horizontally, and to give naturalness, light strokes in both directions alternately.

The craquelure effect is achieved thanks to a special technology. First, a smooth base layer is applied, which will be visible through the torn edges. It is covered with a special varnish, which will ensure the formation of cracks. A finishing thin layer of the desired color is applied to the varnish. The fresh coating is intensively blown by fans, due to this treatment, cracks are obtained.

Craquelure, with varying degrees of blowing, you can achieve a small or large pattern

Rollers, various stencils, stamps - all these are unlimited possibilities in the field of decorative plaster modeling. Do not be afraid to show your creativity, perhaps you can invent your own, exclusive texture. Watch the video on how to properly use decorative plaster rollers.

Reading forums where craftsmen and simple DIYers speak out, one of the most sought-after and versatile finishes is decorative plaster. Reviews about the material are the most commendable: practical, reliable, beautiful, relevant, will not lose its aesthetics for a long time.