An example of a report on the implementation of estimates. Estimate for construction work. The cost of preparing a commercial estimate

There are "alternative budget documents"order at will. Sample document forms are mainly used for internal use in order to view in detail and calculate the costs included in estimate documentation. They eliminate the need to use a calculator and have any in-depth knowledge of the estimate.

Examples of estimates and calculations for construction, repair and installation:

Examples, samples of documents are presented tentatively, therefore, they are a guideline for understanding the work performed. All requirements for estimate documentation and acts are indicated in the letter and then agreed with us.

Standard forms of documents (sample) for construction:

Help on form KS3

Defective bill (bill of quantities)

Consolidated estimate calculation (SSR)

Object estimate (OS)

Resource schedule (calculation of material requirements)

Local estimate calculation (LS)

Calculation for work in Excel

(Examples are considered on the basis of TER-territorial unit prices, analogously and FER-federal unit prices,
according to the Reference Estimate and Regulatory Base ( new edition))

Let's analyze the first example of budgeting, the simplest:

For example, let's imagine that the Customer asks to repair the floor in the apartment.

We take a tape measure, a sheet of paper, a pen or pencil and leave to inspect the repair site, i.e. we go to the object.
Arriving at the site, we find out that the floor needs to be repaired in only one room.
Here, on the spot at the representative of the Customer, we clarify what exactly the Customer wants. The customer wants to change in one room old linoleum on the new semi-commercial "Tarkett Idyll OXFORD 2" with the width of the canvas for the whole room without joints and without glue.
Ask the Customer for all the details, on glue, without glue there will be linoleum, with or without a subbase, this will help you when choosing prices in the future.
We figured out the problem, now we need to decide on the volumes. It is good if the Customer gives you a copy of the room plan, which shows the dimensions of the room being renovated. And if not, then we will give you a tape measure and measure the width and length of the room with a tape measure ourselves.
Let's say that when measuring the width of the room, we got 3.5 m, and the length of the room is 5.0 m.
Having mentally photographed the floor and measured it, we return to our place of work and proceed to the second stage.

We consider the area of ​​​​the room 3.5 x 5.0 \u003d 17.5 m2.
Now we write in the defective statement what we need to do:

1. Remove the old linoleum. We write to the defective statement - Removal of linoleum 17.5 m2.
2. Lay new linoleum. We write to the defective statement - Laying semi-commercial "Tarkett Idyll OXFORD 2" linoleum without joints with a width of the canvas for the whole room without glue 17.5 m2.

notice one important detail, all the details are written in the defective statement.

Specifically, in our case, we wrote not just "Laying linoleum", but "Laying semi-commercial linoleum "Tarkett Idyll OXFORD 2" without joints with the width of the canvas for the whole room without glue" as requested by the Customer.
Why such details, you will understand later, when looking for prices.
Well, in our case, the defective statement is ready, see below:


________________ /______________________ /

"______" ____________________ 20___

Object: Apartment


to replace the linoleum in the room

No. pp Name of works and costs unit of measurement Quantity
1 2 3 4
1. Removing linoleum m2 17,5
2. Laying semi-commercial linoleum "Tarkett Idyll OXFORD 2"
without joints with the width of the canvas for the whole room without glue
m2 17,5

Compiled by: _________________________________________________________
(position, signature, full name)

Checked by: _________________________________________________________
(position, signature, full name)

After the defective statement is ready, it is given to the Customer for approval.
And after the Customer approves the defective statement, we begin to draw up an estimate.

Drawing up a budget.
To draw up an estimate, we need TERr - Territorial unit prices for repair and construction works; TER-territorial unit prices for construction work.
If you are already familiar with the estimate program, then all these TERr, TER are in it.
So, we have a replacement for linoleum, i.e. repair, so we are looking for prices first in the repair sections - TERr - Territorial unit prices for repair and construction work. And if there are no prices suitable for us in the repair sections, then we are looking for them in the construction parts.
But when repairing, prices are always initially searched for in the repair sections.
We have a floor repair, so we are looking for TERr - floors, it will be TERr section 57. Floors.
Continue to TERr section 57. Floors. we are looking for linoleum removal. This will be the rate TERR 57-2-1.
For the first item in the defective statement, we found a price. We put it in our budget.
Now we are looking for a price for the second item on the defective list.
Since in TERr section 57. Floors. no price for laying linoleum, we refer to the construction parts TEP - Territorial Unit Prices for Construction Works.
We are looking for in TER - floors. This will be TER part 11. Floors. The rate that suits us is TER 11-01-036-03. But this does not mean that we have already found a price for the second item of the defective statement. Important feature is to still have time to see this price, whether it includes the cost of materials for the performance of our work. We see that the price of TER 11-01-036-03 does not include the cost of linoleum, so we are looking for it additionally.
The cost of materials is searched for in the TSTS collection. TSTS - a territorial collection of estimated prices for materials, products and structures used in construction. It consists of five parts.
1. TSTS 2001 Part I. Materials for general construction works
2. TSTS 2001 Part II. Building construction and products
3. TSTS 2001 Part III. Materials and products for sanitary works
4. TSTS 2001 Part IV. Concrete, reinforced concrete and ceramic products. Nonmetallic materials. Ready-mix concretes and mortars
5. TSTS 2001 Part V. Materials, products and structures for installation and special construction work
Since the replacement of linoleum with us refers to civil works, then we are looking for a price quote for the cost of linoleum according to TSTS 2001 Part I. Materials for general construction work. This will be the price of TSTS 101-4216.
In addition, we take the coefficient for the consumption of the material, we take linoleum according to TSSTs 101-4216 17.5 m2 x1.02 = 17.85 m2
Now we can say that for the second item of the defective statement, we have found all the appropriate rates. We also include them in the estimate.
The estimate is almost ready, it remains to add all the necessary coefficients from the corresponding MDS - Methodical documents in construction, such as, for example, according to clause 4.7. MDS 81-35.2004, if there are complicating factors and conditions for the production of these works, and reducing factors for overhead costs and estimated profit during repairs, this is also from MDS ( read more often and study MDS before making estimates) and you can release it.
The estimate will look like this, see

Just do not forget that the estimated prices in the collections and programs are based on the prices of 2000. Therefore, you must also multiply the final estimated cost in this estimate by the corresponding conversion index to current prices.
The index of conversion to current prices is different for each region.

After all that has been done, the finished estimate can be submitted for approval to the Contractor, and then for approval by the Customer.


Local estimates for certain types of construction and installation works, as well as for the cost of equipment, are compiled based on the following data:

  • parameters of buildings, structures, their parts and structural elements adopted in design decisions;
  • volumes of work taken from the lists of construction and installation works and determined by design materials;
  • nomenclature and quantities of equipment, furniture and inventory taken from custom specifications, statements and other design materials;
  • current estimated standards and indicators for types of work, structural elements, as well as market prices and tariffs for industrial and technical products and services.

Local estimated calculation (estimate) is compiled:

  • For buildings and structures: for construction work, special construction work, internal sanitary and technical work, internal electric lighting, electric power plants, installation and purchase of technological and other types of equipment, instrumentation (CIP) and automation, low-current devices (communications, alarm, etc.), purchase of fixtures, furniture, inventory, etc.;
  • For general site works: for vertical planning, arrangement engineering networks, tracks and roads, landscaping, small architectural forms and etc.

When designing complex buildings and structures carried out by several design organizations, as well as when forming estimated cost for start-up complexes, it is allowed to draw up two or more local estimates (estimates) for the same type of work.

In local budget calculations (estimates), data is grouped into sections for individual structural elements buildings (structures), types of work and devices in accordance with technological sequence works and taking into account specific features certain types construction. According to buildings and structures, division into underground part(works of "zero cycle") and aerial part.

Local estimate calculation (estimate) may have sections:

  • for construction work - excavation; foundations and walls of the underground part; walls; frame; ceilings, partitions; floors and bases; coverings and roofs; filling openings; stairs and platforms; Finishing work; various works(porches, blind areas, etc.), etc.;
  • for special construction works - foundations for equipment; special grounds; channels and pits; lining, lining and insulation; chemical protective coatings etc.;
  • for internal sanitary and technical works - water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, etc.;
  • equipment installation - purchase and installation technological equipment; technological pipelines; metal constructions(associated with the installation of equipment), etc.

The cost of work in local estimates (estimates) as part of the estimate documentation can be given in two price levels:

  • in the basic level, determined on the basis of the current estimated norms and prices of 2001;
  • in the current (projected) level, determined on the basis of prices prevailing by the time the estimates were drawn up or forecasted by the period of construction.

4.6. When compiling local estimates, prices from the corresponding collections are used, while in each position of the local estimate calculation the code of the norm is indicated, consisting of the collection number (two characters), the section number (two characters), the serial number of the table in this section (three characters) and the serial number of the norm in this table (one - two characters). The parameters of individual characteristics (length, height, area, mass, etc.) given with the word "to" should be understood inclusive, and with the word "from" - excluding the specified value, i.e. over.

When drawing up local estimates (estimates), the conditions for the production of work and complicating factors are taken into account.

When referring in local budget calculations (estimates) to the technical part or introductory instructions for price collections or other regulations in the column "cipher, numbers of standards and resource codes" after the number of the collection and the price, it is indicated in the initial letters TC or VU and the number of the corresponding item, for example: PM-5 or VU-4, and when taking into account in the positions of local estimates (estimates) coefficients (given in Appendix N 1), taking into account the conditions for the production of work, column 2 of the estimate indicates the value of this coefficient, as well as the abbreviated name and paragraph of the regulatory document.

When compiling local estimates (budgets) for work on reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment operating enterprises, buildings and structures, complicating factors and conditions for the production of such works are taken into account with the help of the appropriate coefficients given in the relevant collections of estimated norms and prices ("General Provisions").

Works performed during the repair and reconstruction of buildings and structures, similar to technological processes in new construction, should be normalized according to the relevant collections of GESN-2001 for construction and special construction works (except for the norms of the collection of GESN N 46 "Work in the reconstruction of buildings and structures") using coefficients of 1.15 to labor costs and 1.25 to norms operating time construction machines. The indicated coefficients may be used in conjunction with the coefficients given in Appendix N 1 to this Methodology.

When carrying out earthworks on the territory allotted for construction in places that are duly attributed to areas of former military operations, it is recommended to apply a coefficient of 1.4 .

For works, the production technology of which provides for welding of metal structures, rolled metal, steel pipes, sheet metal, embedded parts, and other metal products, elemental estimated norms and unit prices are developed from the condition of using carbon steel.

When using stainless steel, it is recommended to apply a coefficient of 1.15 to the labor costs provided for in unit prices.

The cost determined by local estimates (estimates) may include direct costs, overheads and estimated profit.

Direct costs take into account the cost of resources required to complete the work:

  • material (materials, products, structures, equipment, furniture, inventory);
  • technical (operation of construction machines and mechanisms);
  • labor (funds for the remuneration of workers, as well as machinists, taken into account in the cost of operating construction machines and mechanisms).

As part of direct costs, separate lines may include the difference in the cost of electricity received from mobile power plants, compared with the cost of electricity supplied by the Russian energy system, and other costs.

Overhead costs take into account the costs of construction and installation organizations associated with the creation general conditions production, its maintenance, organization and management.

The estimated profit includes the amount of funds necessary to cover the individual (general) costs of construction and installation organizations for the development of production, social sphere and financial incentives.

The accrual of overhead costs and estimated profit in the preparation of local estimated calculations (estimates) without dividing into sections is carried out at the end of the estimate calculation (estimate), following the result of direct costs, and when forming by sections - at the end of each section and in general according to the estimate calculation (estimate ).

When using the resource or resource-index method, it is recommended to use sample No. 4 (Appendix No. 2), in which the allocation, summation of resource indicators with the determination of the cost in the corresponding price level, or sample No. 5 (Appendix No. 2), on the basis of which resource indicators are allocated and summed up on the local resource sheet, and then the cost of work (the amount of costs) is determined according to sample No. 4.

In cases where, in accordance with design decisions dismantling of structures or demolition of buildings and structures according to structures, materials and products suitable for reuse, following the results of local estimates (estimates) for dismantling, demolition (transfer) of buildings and structures, returnable amounts (amounts that reduce the amount of capital investments allocated by the customer) are given for reference. These amounts are not excluded from the result of the local budget calculation (estimate) and from the scope of work performed. They are shown in a separate line called "Including refundable amounts" and are determined on the basis of the nomenclature and quantity of structures, materials and products received for subsequent use, also given after the calculation (estimate). The cost of such structures, materials and products as part of the refundable amounts is determined at the price of the possible sale, minus from these amounts the costs of bringing them into a usable condition and delivery to storage sites.

The cost of materials obtained in the course of associated mining (stone, crushed stone, sand, timber, etc.), if it is possible to sell them, is recommended to be taken into account at the prevailing prices in the region.

If it is impossible to use or sell materials from dismantling or associated mining, their cost in refundable amounts is not taken into account.

It is recommended to distinguish structures, materials and products taken into account in refundable amounts from the so-called wrapped materials (formwork, fastening, etc.) used in accordance with the technology construction industry several times when performing certain types of work.

When performing certain types of work in accordance with the construction technology, certain materials (formwork, fastening, etc.) are used several times, i.e. turn around. Their repeated turnover is taken into account in estimated norms and prices compiled on their basis for the relevant structures and types of work. In cases where it is impossible to achieve the normative number of turnover of industrial formwork, fasteners, etc. at the facility, which must be justified by the PIC, the norm is adjusted.

The cost of equipment, furniture and inventory is included in local cost estimates (budgets).

When using equipment that is listed in fixed assets, suitable for further operation and planned for dismantling and transfer to a building under construction (reconstruction), local estimates (estimates) provide only funds for the dismantling and re-installation of this equipment, and after the result of the estimate, reference is shown its book value, taken into account in the total cost limit to determine the technical and economic indicators of the project.

The preparation and subsequent filling of the estimate is absolutely deservedly considered milestone any building or renovation work. In most cases, the design of a building or structure is completed with the execution of estimate documentation. In the case of performing small amounts of work, for example, repair or finishing, when the project is not being developed, an estimate is also necessary. This is explained by the fact that it serves as initial information for the development of many related documents necessary and important for the effective organization of work, in particular, the work schedule and the schedule for the supply of necessary materials and mechanisms.

Budgeting will become a much easier process if you entrust this business to professionals.

Form and sample estimate for work

In essence, the document in question consists of two parts:

  • calculation of direct costs, which are determined on the basis of 2001 rates and are converted into current prices by multiplying by the corresponding appreciation index, set quarterly. Direct costs consist of the following elements:
    • Cost of materials;
    • the main salary of workers;
    • the costs of EMM (operation of machines and mechanisms necessary for the performance of work), including the salary of machinists;
    • calculation of overhead costs and estimated profit, made taking into account the standards in force at the time the estimate was made.

disadvantage this method is that the 2001 prices applied when using it quite often do not take into account the realities of today, since at the time of compilation many technologies and materials simply did not exist. However, in the construction of budget facilities and most private large-scale construction projects, there is no alternative to the base-index method today.

How to make a budget for work

As an example of a simplified form of an estimate for the repair of a room, the following table can be given.

Name of works

Price per unit

Cost of work

Dismantling of partitions

Dismantling the balcony door

Construction of partitions from foam blocks

Plastering of partitions and walls

Puttying, priming and painting of plastered surfaces

Balcony door installation

Plastering doors and windows

Puttying, priming and painting window and door slopes

TOTAL according to the estimate

139 080=

The importance of good budgeting and budgeting

As already noted, filling out an estimate allows you not only to get an approximate amount that will cost construction or a certain amount of work. This value is necessary to determine the contract price of an object or stage of work, both for the customer or investor, and for the contractor, that is, the direct manufacturer.

But in addition to this direct functional purpose, a competent and modeled design of the estimate will allow you to plan the work in such a way that they are done as quickly as possible and at a lower price. In addition, the estimate also helps determine the need for necessary materials, which in combination with calendar plan work will allow to develop a schedule for their delivery.

The main tasks of the estimate

The development and filling of the estimate allows you to solve three most important tasks at once, which are always faced by any contractor and customer:

  • determination of the cost of construction or any work. AT modern conditions estimated price is the most important parameter, vital for all participants construction process. It is interesting for the customer not to overpay, and for the contractor - to receive a worthy reward for the work. A well-designed estimate allows you to take into account the wishes of both parties and get an amount that suits everyone;
  • scheduling development. The timing of the construction of a building or the performance of any work is often no less important for the customer than their cost. The timely delivery of the object and, of course, the receipt of remuneration, possibly with a premium, depend on this. The estimate for work, made according to the model, provides the builders with all the necessary information for the development of the calendar plan;
  • development of a schedule for the supply of materials. With the correct filling of the estimate, the need for materials and mechanisms becomes clear, which, in combination with the calendar plan, makes it possible to draw up one more important for uninterrupted operation builders document - materials delivery schedule. Efficient construction organizations do not purchase materials for the entire facility at once - this simply freezes money that is much more efficient to spend on something more important in this moment, and also requires significant costs for warehousing, etc. Also, any downtime of equipment and workers is extremely unprofitable, which is fraught with no less serious additional costs.

As a result, we can say the following: the preparation of an estimate allows not only to understand the cost of construction or a separate stage of work, but also to effectively plan their implementation.

Basic-index method for compiling and filling out estimates

There are several various methods formation of the estimated cost. When erecting large objects, when filling in the estimate takes place as part of the development of the project, the base-index method is almost always used. In this case, the estimated standards of 2001 and the conversion indices to current prices are used for the calculation.

Simplified form of estimate

Quite often, especially when construction or repair is carried out by the household method or at small facilities, a simpler estimate form is used, which consists only of calculating direct costs. It contains a listing of the scope of work and prices for them, which can be broken down into the same components as in the option described above: the RFP of workers, the cost of materials and, if necessary, the cost of machines and mechanisms. In this case, the estimate form, after its execution and filling, looks like the one shown in the following photo:

When compiling and filling out such a simplified version of the estimate, the contractor's profit is established on the basis of his negotiations with the customer or the construction investor.

The form of an object estimate for the performance of work

Quite often, especially during the construction of large objects, several so-called local estimates are compiled at once, that is, separate calculations for each type of work performed. In this case, to get total cost construction, they are combined into a general object estimate, a sample form of which is shown in the following photo.

Object estimate

Drawing up and filling out an object estimate allows you to bring together all the information about the object under construction, even when the individual stages of its construction are performed by different contractors. Often, local estimates are also calculated by them. Therefore, the generalization of all disparate data is extremely important for any customer or investor.

Programs for drawing up and filling out estimates

Currently, there are many programs that are used in the preparation of estimates. They can be roughly divided into two groups:

Free. Placed on the network on thematic resources. They are freely available.

Professional. Used by professionals. To use it, you need to purchase a distribution kit of a service product.

In the first case, there is no particular need to describe programs, since they appear almost constantly, while having similar parameters:

  • the ability to perform the most simple calculations;
  • lack of updating of regulatory frameworks (if they exist at all);
  • minimal functionality.

Professional estimate programs are used much more actively, since without them it is almost impossible to draw up high-quality documentation for any large object. The most popular products at the moment are the following:

GRAND Estimate

According to experts, the most widely used budgeting program. Its advantages are the ability to automate the entire complex estimates, the speed of making changes to regulatory framework and effective technical support of the product.

The only program that really competes with the GRAND Estimate described above. The main advantage of the product is its ease of use, which allows you to work with it without having professional knowledge estimator.

1C: Contractor (or 1C: Construction Organization Management)

These programs are not purely budgetary. However, they are quite popular due to the fact that 1C is used to maintain accounting at the vast majority of Russian enterprises, including construction ones. Considered software products help to draw up the necessary estimate documentation, as a bonus, they were integrated into single system management of the company.

turbo meter

An easy-to-learn and use program, which at the same time has quite serious functionality. It is not used as often as compared to GRAND Estimate and

WinSmeta, Rick and Bagheera

Software products whose peak popularity is in the past. However, a certain number of professional surveyors still continue to use them, which is explained by a number of undoubted advantages: wide functionality, editing, adjustment, etc.

The main mistakes in budgeting

There are several main types of errors that occur in the preparation and execution of estimates in practice. The most typical are the following:

Mistake 1. Insufficient detailing or excessive enlargement of the estimate. Any well-compiled estimate must necessarily contain a complete list and volume of work performed and, accordingly, prices for them. In practice, often the customer and the contractor, having found out that the price level suits both parties, agree on the cost of a stage of work, for example, the repair of one room. As a result, in fact, a situation is obtained when the actual volume of any work performed does not coincide with the initially estimated one. At the exit - conflict situation, since it is not clear how to evaluate the rise in price or reduction in the cost of work;

Error 2. Inaccurate accounting of volumes. The basis for the construction estimate must necessarily be a competently and accurately drawn up statement of volumes, in the case of repairs - a defective statement. In both situations, the result of the budget execution also depends on the correctness of their preparation. An error at the beginning can lead to a rather serious distortion of the final cost of the calculation, since in most cases there is a multiplication by various indices and prices, so the error increases all the time;

Mistake 3. Incorrect application of prices contained in HPES and TERs. One of the main problems of the basis-index method, the most common in real life, which was mentioned above - the discrepancy between the existing types of work and those encountered in practice. Therefore, quite often it is necessary to use the available prices "as applicable". This is a special term coined by estimators for such a situation. The more "applicable" prices are used when filling out the estimate, the more likely it is that the final figure will be incorrect. Naturally, this should take into account the fact that customers are trying to use low "applicable" prices, and contractors, on the contrary, are the most profitable.

In any case, the preparation and execution of estimates should be considered important and essential in modern conditions. preparatory stage any construction. It is better to entrust its implementation to professional and trained estimators, which will allow not only to form the optimal cost of work for the customer and contractor, but also to organize their effective implementation in as soon as possible and at the lowest possible cost.

Estimating during construction work is mandatory, since almost every project has a budget that needs to be agreed. In the article, we will talk about the basic principles for developing construction estimates and how the Business.Ru service will help in drawing up estimates.

What you will learn about:

Basic principles of budgeting

Any estimate is made to have a plan for the implementation of a specific project, but also solves other problems. For example, budgeting for construction and other repair work is necessary to:

  • segregate the money needed for various materials, procedures and works;
  • understand and tell the customer how much construction will cost;
  • to rule cash flows evenly and correctly, in accordance with the time and requirements;
  • check the financial feasibility of a particular design.

Estimated calculation during construction shows the cost of materials and work that are necessary for each of the processes separately.

Traditionally, the estimate is an annex to the contract for the provision of construction services.

The functionality of budgeting is one of the novelties of the Business.Ru service. This is useful for entrepreneurs and users of the system who are professionally engaged in construction or finishing work. Also, the ability to draw up construction estimates will simplify communication with contractors for store owners who delve into the process of repairing their facilities.

The principles of budgeting are spelled out in a special guide "Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation" MDS 81-35-2004.

According to him, there are several types of estimates. Basically, the document determines the estimates when working with government orders and official bodies.

Types of construction estimates

MDS 81-35-2004 distinguishes the following types of construction estimates:

  • local estimates ( source documents for the construction of large facilities and structures: buildings, roads, etc. at the basic price level and with the forecast);
  • object estimates (documents with figures from local estimates compiled with current year prices);
  • consolidated estimates (created on the basis of previous documents, as well as on the basis of the estimated costs for the functioning of the administrative apparatus). They determine the final limit of funds that will be required for the construction of facilities.

Important! Methodological recommendations are necessary for professional surveyors for large government orders or construction firms. When compiling such estimates, they usually use reference books with prices for the year 2000, and then change them using a coefficient.

If we are talking about small companies when working with private companies or individuals, then a simpler version of the estimate is drawn up. The type of such a document differs in the areas of construction: a general estimate for construction work, as well as an estimate for finishing, electrical installation, design, plumbing, roofing, installation and other types of work.

An estimate for construction work is necessary if a global project is ahead: from the construction of a new building to the addition of a new building.

A sample estimate for construction work is different from other estimates large quantity positions. For example, it may contain not only a list of installation, but also dismantling works.

A sample estimate for construction work looks like this:

A sample estimate for construction work can be compiled independently in an Excel spreadsheet, or you can use special services for making estimates. For example, this functionality is available in the Business.Ru cloud accounting system.

Based on the results of work in the service, the finished estimate is also uploaded to Excel, where it can be further corrected.

Electro installation work- this is the whole complex of repair work related to electrical wiring. These include complete and partial rewiring, rewiring in a new building, and even the installation of an electrical panel, sockets, and lights.

The peculiarity of such a document is that the basis of the estimate is a list of works with a cost. Make an estimate for electric installation work You can use the Business.Ru service.

An example of an estimate for electrical work:

After the contract between the contractor and the customer, an electrical store is selected where the purchase will be made (or the purchase of equipment is carried out by the client himself through the online store).

Design work is the first stage in the construction of a building. When designing a structure, the estimate takes into account the remuneration of specialists. Usually, estimates for design work are compiled according to special reference books, where wages and coefficients are calculated. Such a document has a small number of columns.

An example of an estimate for design work:

Sour cream repair work may be the most varied. It includes sections related to decoration or minor repairs.

An example of an estimate for repair work to level the walls in a room where radiators have already been installed:

Plumbing work is a group of work related to the installation and replacement of plumbing and sewer pipes, as well as with the installation and dismantling of washbasins, toilet bowls, taps, radiators, etc.

Small private companies and individual entrepreneurs make estimates for plumbing work excluding guidelines on wages.

A sample estimate for plumbing work is presented below:

As in the case of the general estimate for construction work, the estimate for roofing usually contains not only installation, but also dismantling work.

The picture shows a sample estimate for roofing work in an administrative building:

Welding separate estimate usually compiled only by professional surveyors in large construction companies taking into account methodological recommendations.

However, if minor welding work is performed, then the estimate for welding work can be performed in simpler programs for preparing documents. For example, in the cloud service "Business.Ru".

A sample fragment of an estimate for welding work:

If work is carried out with excavation of the soil or, conversely, its backfilling (in pits), such work is called earthwork.

The estimate for earthworks usually includes the cost of the work itself (remuneration of workers and foremen), as well as expendable materials: shovels, bags, etc.

This is how a fragment of a sample estimate for earthworks, made according to methodological recommendations, looks like:

Dismantling work is a set of works related to the destruction of a building or part of it (for example, walls, windows, doors, etc.).

Typically, in such a document, in addition to the cost of dismantling, the fee for lowering garbage from the floor, collecting and removing garbage to a landfill is indicated.

Sample estimate for demolition works:

Installation work - a set of works related to the installation of something. The estimate for installation work includes the calculation of the price of equipment, as well as the cost of its installation.

In the Business.Ru program, you can create a similar estimate that will help you sell a set of goods for the installation of technically complex products. For example, when implementing systems smart House» or an electronic barrier.

By the way, a sample estimate for the installation work of the barrier, which the store could print out for the client, is presented below:

Commissioning - a set of works after the installation of equipment: verification and adjustment of all processes. Usually, estimates during commissioning are made in large construction companies, while taking into account the codes and positions of the standards specified in special reference books.

Sample estimate for commissioning:

Finishing work is the final stage of repair. For example, wallpapering, laying laminate, installing doors, etc.

A sample estimate for the finishing work of one of the office rooms is presented below. It includes finishing the ceiling, walls and floor.

Estimate for work and materials

An estimate for work and materials is a simplified type of estimate that is used when minor repairs. For example, if your store just needs to paint the walls, the sample labor and materials quote will only include the cost of paint and refinishing.

Estimate for survey work

Survey work is a list of works necessary to explore the construction site. The survey estimate includes both economic and technical work.

Economic calculations include studies that justify the benefits of building a building in this particular place. Technical is a complex of cases in the field of geology, geodesy, which are also carried out before construction.

The sample estimates for survey work mainly include the cost of wages, as well as the cost of transporting specialists to the site of the proposed construction (gasoline, car rental, etc.).

The concept of estimated cost in construction

The definition of the estimated cost is used not only by estimators, but also by all foremen who make estimates without taking into account standards. In the very general idea the estimated cost is the amount of money intended for construction. It represents the final amount on which the contractor and the customer rely to determine the amount of financing.

When deriving the estimated cost, prices for construction products, equipment costs (rent, purchase), removal and delivery, expenses for wages workers and their manager.

The estimated cost is determined by direct and overhead costs, as well as the estimated profit of the organization.

Direct costs include the cost of materials, the operation of machines and mechanisms, as well as the remuneration of employees.

overhead in construction estimate- indirect cash costs that are associated with the organization of work. These include, for example, remuneration of the administrative apparatus, payment for the use of programs for compiling estimates and other documentation, the use mobile communications, lease of premises of the administrative apparatus, etc.

Estimated profit - money to cover the costs of contractors and incentivize the work of employees (for example, allowances for processing).

Top 5 mistakes in budgeting

When drawing up construction estimates, errors periodically occur. Here are the top 5 most common mistakes.

  1. No budget at all. The customer meets with the foreman and finds out the prices for the work in words. The contractor was recommended by a friend, so the future client does not doubt his honesty and simply inquires about the prices in order to estimate the costs.

As a result, the amount of expenses for construction or repair exceeds all allowable limits. After all, if there is no specific agreement on materials, the contractor will buy the amount of building materials exceeding the required volume.

  1. No scope of work. The construction estimate may simply indicate the amount of costs for a particular action (for example, repairs utility room), but the composition of the work is not listed.

As a result, it turns out that the contractor, when drawing up the estimate, indicated only the main work on this object, and forgot the additional, smaller ones (on purpose or by accident - it does not matter in this case). The client has to pay.

For example, in a store, the ceiling is leveled. The contractor decided to use the grid and minimum layer plasters. But during the removal of the old coating, very large joints between the plates are found, which requires 5 times more plaster consumption. The customer's repair costs are on the rise.

  1. Additional work in the estimate. This error may be random or special. Sometimes non-professional builders are not aware of a simpler technology and assume a more complex set of works. Additional work in the estimate may also appear intentionally in order to increase the cost of wages.
  2. Exceeding the amount of materials in the estimate. Overestimating the amount of materials by more than 15% of what is required is not the contractor's insurance, but a mistake. Indeed, in order to draw up a good construction estimate, for example, for the repair of a store, it is necessary to measure all walls, windows, doorways, clarify the unevenness of surfaces, etc. However, rarely does a contractor approach calculations so thoroughly.
  3. Indication of not all works in the estimate. An unscrupulous contractor can devote the bulk of the estimate preparatory work. The customer, having not fully considered the estimate, but only after seeing the final amount, sees that the price suits him, signs the contract.

As a result, the contractor does the rough work and disappears. The customer, having carefully looked at the estimate, sees that he really paid only the preparatory part. As a result, such a “mistake” in the construction estimate leads to an overpayment.