How to make an estimate for the execution of work sample. Examples and samples of estimates. Types of construction estimates

There are "alternative budget documents"Order as you wish. Sample document forms are mainly used for internal use in order to view and calculate in detail the costs included in the estimate documentation. They eliminate the need to use a calculator and have any in-depth knowledge of the estimate.

Examples of estimates and calculations for construction, repair and installation:

Examples, samples of documents are presented tentatively, therefore, they are a guideline for understanding the work performed. All requirements for budget documentation and acts are indicated in the letter and then agreed with us.

Standard forms of documents (sample) for construction:

Help on form KS3

Defective bill (bill of quantities)

Consolidated estimate calculation (SSR)

Object estimate (OS)

Resource schedule (calculation of material requirements)

Local estimate calculation (LS)

Calculation for work in Excel

No construction is complete without careful planning. After clearance project documentation preparing estimates for construction works. Based on this paper, the customer and the contractor can plan costs and set the optimal cost of payment. At the end of the article, you can download examples of estimates for free.

The estimate for the execution of works is prepared on the basis of the building project. Such a document is prepared for both large buildings and small structures on suburban area.

The estimate includes the following information:

  • a list of materials to be purchased;
  • prices for these materials;
  • labor costs;
  • the amount of time it takes to complete the work;
  • the need to perform work requiring special skills - are highlighted in separate paragraphs.

To prepare an estimate for the repair construction works, you can seek help from budget organizations that specialize in the preparation of such documents. Designers can make it directly. Along with the cost of materials, they will immediately enter information on the amount of payment for the work.

Before starting construction, the customer has the right to familiarize himself with the estimate documentation. In such a situation, he will be able to assess his financial capabilities. If necessary, the estimate for construction work will be adjusted. In particular, to reduce the final cost, you can use cheaper materials or reduce the size of the object.

The theory of budgeting

In order not only to start construction, but also to successfully complete it, all expenses must be included in the estimate. In this case, there will be no unexpected costs in excess of the allocated limit.

The theoretical cost estimate includes:

  1. Direct costs.
  2. Overheads.
  3. Planned savings.

Direct costs are the largest share estimated cost. It is here that the cost of materials, equipment and wages of workers are included.

Important! Material costs in most cases account for 40 to 60 percent of all direct costs.

To calculate the cost of materials, you will need to take into account the price per unit and total consumption. To get information on the first point, just go to the nearest store with building materials.

With the second indicator, the situation is more complicated. On the one hand, to find out the details, you can download thematic literature. However, if you have to perform several dozen types of work, it is very easy to make a mistake in the calculations. If you want to make adjustments, the calculation becomes even more difficult. Therefore, it is recommended to draw up an estimate using special programs (for example, DefSmeta Free, Microestimate, My estimate and others). It is worth downloading ready-made samples of estimate documentation.

Direct Cost Calculation - Payroll

As was shown in the list above, along with the cost of materials, certain prices are also set for the labor of workers. Payment is calculated based on two indicators. Labor costs are multiplied by the hourly rate.

Let's understand what these concepts mean.

  1. Labor costs are established norm the amount of time it takes for a person to complete a particular task. This indicator is measured in hours.
  2. The hourly rate reflects how much a worker should receive for one hour of work. To calculate this indicator, a simple formula is used. The average salary of a worker is 30,000 rubles. This amount is divided by the number of working days in a month (and there are 22 of them) and by the number of hours of work per day (in most cases, a working day lasts 8 hours). Thus, you can calculate the hourly rate: 30,000/22/8 = 170 rubles.

How to make an estimate based on such calculations? For example, you need to calculate how much it will cost to lay tiles in a room of 18 square meters. The hourly rate is 170 rubles. Labor costs for this type of work are equal to two and a half hours. Thus, you can calculate 170 * 2.5 * 18 \u003d 7,650 rubles. So it turns out total cost laying tiles in this room.

Also, when calculating direct costs in the construction estimate, it will be necessary to take into account the costs of operating mechanisms and equipment.

Important! To avoid disagreements at the time of payment for services, it is worth prescribing a set of works in detail in the estimate.

If you download examples of estimates and use special programs, it will be easier to deal with the list related work. A well-written document in Excel will facilitate the work of the contractor, as he will not have to perform unplanned work and make adjustments to the estimate.

What other items of expenditure are included in the estimate

Overhead costs that should be reflected in the estimate include funds allocated for the maintenance of the facility under construction and the organization of work. They make up about a fifth of direct costs.

Important! If all construction is entrusted to one contractor, then the estimate is compiled one. However, if for different types different contractors were hired, examples of estimates are compiled for each of them separately.

Overhead costs may include, among other things, the cost of shipping materials, moving fees, cleaning and disposal. construction debris. These costs are not always included in construction estimates ah, but they should be given enough attention.

Another budget item is planned savings, also called estimated profit. It reaches 10-15 percent of the sum of direct costs and overheads. These funds are taken to pay tax contributions, the development of the enterprise and similar needs.

Basically, the estimated profit is transferred to organizations. If a team of workers is involved in the construction, as a rule, their work is paid directly. When an organization acts as a contractor, you need to be prepared to incur additional expenses.

Is it possible to handle the design yourself

As already mentioned, for drawing up an estimate, you should contact a specialized company or the designers themselves.

If not such a large-scale construction is planned, the customer can try to prepare the form on his own. When drawing up estimates, it is important to focus on the theory of pricing. Also worth using specialized programs.

It is equally important to take as a basis ready-made examples estimates Further forms 2017 can be downloaded as Word and Excel documents.

How to make a budget for a contract

The estimate is a plan of future expenses related to the fulfillment of the obligations of the parties under the AP. A unified sample of such a document has not been approved, therefore, the estimate can be drawn up in any form, but at the same time it must include all the attributes that are usually used in practice for such documents. When making an estimate, it is recommended to rely on the provisions of the Methodology for determining the cost ..., approved. Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 05.03.2004 No. 51.

The estimate usually includes the following information:

  • Details and name of the contract to which the estimate relates.
  • Title of the document.
  • The name of the work, their unit of measurement and the required volume.
  • The price per unit of work and the final price for the required amount of work of this type (indicating the amount of VAT). The price of work in the DP can be expressed in a fixed or approximate form (see the article “What is a fixed contract price according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation?”).
  • The total cost of the estimate.
  • The date the document was created.
  • Details and signatures.

The estimate can be drawn up with varying degrees of detail (for example, with the allocation of individual stages of work or without it, etc.) at the discretion of the parties.

Such a document can be drawn up on the basis of the sample estimate for the contract below: Estimate for the contract - sample.

The estimate can be drawn up by either party, however, it acquires legal force only after both parties agree on it. Only then does the estimate become an integral part of the DP.

Contract without cost

The practice of applying an estimate to determine the price of a DP is very common, however, the availability of an estimate for the contract is an optional requirement. If the contract does not specify the price or the method of its determination, for its calculation it is necessary to be guided by paragraph 3 of Art. 424 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

IMPORTANT! The price in the estimate can be expressed not only in cash, but also in kind. In this case, for example, the customer must pay for the result of the work if he has not fulfilled the obligation under the DP to transfer goods to the contractor as payment for the work performed (clause 11 information letter Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated January 24, 2000 No. 51).

For certain types of DP, special requirements for the application of estimates may be established.

So, for a construction contract, the availability of an estimate is mandatory (clause 1, article 743 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Essential conditions of such an agreement are the conditions on the subject, price, as well as the timing of contract work. For example, the court recognized the construction contract as not concluded on the grounds that these conditions were not agreed upon, since there were no local estimates agreed by the parties, declared as annexes to the contract, and, as a result, it was not possible to determine the volume and cost of work under the contract (decision of the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region dated March 16, 2015 in case No. А56-76644/2014).

Let's summarize. The estimate for the DP is drawn up in any form, indicating the necessary attributes. By general rule the estimate for the DP is not mandatory, however, the construction contract should include such a document in its composition.

The estimate is one of the most important documents from which the repair, construction or reconstruction of any object begins. Drawing up an estimate for the repair of an apartment is a mandatory procedure, which is primarily necessary for the Customer. This fundamental document must be prepared as an annex to the contract.


The calculation of the estimate for the repair of apartments is carried out by a specialist - an estimator. To begin with, our specialist goes to the repair site, inspects the premises, makes measurements of the premises, gets acquainted with the condition of the floors, ceilings, walls, windows and doors, finds out the individual wishes of the Customer and receives the terms of reference.

Based on all the information received and the measurements made of the premises, project documentation, an estimate is made for overhaul apartments. You can do without an estimate, perhaps, only if you carry out a small redecorating or partial renovation of the interior. But still, an estimate is always needed, a description of the types of work tied to the estimate gives an undeniable number of advantages when working on construction site during the renovation. Thanks to the prepared preliminary estimate, the Customer receives detailed information about the list of types of work and materials necessary for the repair, and also sees the exact calculation of the cost of these finishing works and materials.

Typical commercial estimate does not look like an Excel spreadsheet, which must indicate the types of work, units of measurement and cost. Our company uses the services of experienced estimators, we also constantly monitor the prices of building materials, which allows us to significantly save money.

You, as a customer, have the ability to control the progress of work and cost items. When choosing a contractor for work, it is the analysis of the estimate that gives a complete picture of the cost of work, allows you to evaluate the professionalism of the contractor.

We can immediately tell you that the prices for complex repairs are much lower than for certain types works. Each order is individual! The cost of services depends on the types of work and their volume. Moreover, the larger the volume, the lower the price for repairs - Finishing work.

Sample estimate for finishing work


Name of works



Price, rub

Amount, rub

Demolition works, garbage disposal


Cleaning walls to concrete (from wallpaper, putty)

Ceiling cleaning to concrete (high-quality paint, putty

Cleaning the floor to concrete (from the old coating)

Other dismantling

Dismantling the plinth

Taking out the trash

Removal of construction debris

Electrical work

Wiring of electrical, telephone and television networks in walls and ceilings

Installation of sockets, switches, spotlights, automata

Wall plastering and floor leveling (screed)

Primer for concrete walls and ceilings

Leveling ceilings (improved plaster)

Wall leveling (improved plaster)

Painting works

Wall putty

Ceiling putty

wall pasting vinyl wallpaper

Ceiling painting water-based paint in 3 layers

Cleaning and painting pipes with heat-resistant paint


Ceiling cornice laying, puttying and painting (styrofoam or polyurethane, width up to 3 cm)

Tiled work

masonry ceramic tiles on the floor


Multiple cleaning throughout the repair and after the repair

Total finishing work:





Sample estimate for draft material




Estimated price, rub

Estimated amount, rub

Materials for the main estimate

Mix plaster "Rotband"

Mix Betonokontakt, 5kg

Insulating tape

Mounting boxes

Junction boxes

Alabaster G-5 ( gray color) by 20kg

Copper wire in double insulation PUNP 3x1.5

Copper wire in double insulation PUNP 3x2.5

Putty "Vitonit-LR" (Fin.)

Finished finishing putty SHEETROCK 5.6kg (3.5l) ready putty

bucket 3.5l

Deep penetration primer, canister 10l

Latex-based water-based paint Fincolor Euro-7, white matte 9l

Glue for tiles Fliesenkleber KNAUF (Fliesen KNAUF), 25kg

Polyethylene roll 3 m wide

Dowels, screws, self-tapping screws, nails, bolts and other fasteners

Consumables and auxiliary materials, single tool

Total for construction and finishing materials

Fare, loading operations, overheads, contingencies, tool depreciation, budgeting, etc. from the cost of materials

Total with transport costs and other expenses

Dismantling, construction and finishing works, garbage removal

TOTAL Estimated Costs






For an approximate calculation of the cost of repairing premises, use our online calculator. On our online repair cost calculator, you can calculate the approximate cost of repair work with draft materials. You just need to choose the type of repair (redecoration, overhaul, renovation), select the name of the room in which you are going to make repairs, then enter the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in square meters by gender, and the rest online calculator he calculates everything himself and gives out in the column Total Estimated estimated cost of your refurbishment.

Room renovation cost calculator - online

If you do not want to manually calculate the floor area or you did not understand something when describing the calculations, then you can use our calculator and calculate floor or ceiling area automatically.

For the calculation it is necessary measure in meters length, width of the room and enter the data in order by filling out the form and you will automatically receive a calculation floor or ceiling area in square meters.

Floor and ceiling area calculator

H we will load you boring mathematical calculations. You just need to measure the main parameters, and the wallpaper calculator will roughly calculate right amount wallpaper for your room. Those who want more accurate calculations and measurements can read above article How to calculate how much wallpaper you need.

This page presents some examples of estimates for construction and repair work.
This is examples of construction estimates on already completed (sometimes, by someone) works or abstract estimates on a typical roof repairs, building renovations, office renovations etc.

All the estimates presented here have one thing in common: all of them are compiled in the program Estimate 2007.

The estimates given here will clearly show you what it looks like estimate created in the program Estimate 2007.
The presented files may contain the same and others that ours can create: KS-2, KS-3, Invoice, Contract Agreement, etc.

For convenience, the list of estimates is divided into groups and each estimate is equipped with brief description.
Click on the title to download the estimate.

Select a group: All groups Landscaping Roof repairs Premises repairs

In the estimate, the cost of work and materials for the repair of a roof section made of metal tiles was calculated public building(not private house). According to the estimate, the following works are carried out: complete replacement metal tile coverings on the roof area with preliminary repair framing and processing wooden elements fire retardant compound. The area of ​​the repaired roof area is 730 m2.

Estimate for major repairs soft roof technical floor. Roof area 1 300 m2. In the estimate, the calculation of the performance following works: dismantling of the old roofing carpet with garbage disposal, dismantling of non-operating ventilation pipes, installation of a new sand concrete screed, priming and installation of a new two-layer roofing carpet from "Uniflex" on fiberglass.

Very revealing office refurbishment quote- 500 lines, 11 sections: general construction and finishing works, ventilation and air conditioning, water supply and sewerage, structured cabling systems, access control system and other works.