Who makes up who checks the estimate. Conducting budget checks. Estimated check. What mistakes does the contractor make in the estimates

An object: Building

Purpose of the examination:
verification of the estimated calculation for compliance of the applied rates with the rates of the relevant estimated regulatory framework;
checking the conversion factors of the estimated cost of construction and installation works.

Technical means used in the examination:
software package "Construction Expert 2000"

During the examination, the following regulatory documents were used:

1. Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation MDS 81-35.2004.
Approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia No. 15/1 of 05.03.2004

2. Estimate and normative base MTSN 81-98 for determining the cost of construction and repair and construction work.
Developed by MCCS "Mosstroytseny", approved by the Decree of the Government of Moscow.

3. Coefficients for converting the cost of construction, determined in the norms and prices of MTSN 81-98, into the current price level as of May 2007. Issue No. 73, Collection No. 05/2007-98.

As a result of checking the estimates, it was found:

1. Verification of the compliance of prices in the estimate provided by the Customer with the prices of the estimated regulatory framework MTSN 81-98.

1.1. The prices applied in the estimate do not partially correspond to the estimated regulatory framework MTSN 81-98. In positions 68 and 69, prices from the estimate and regulatory base of FER-2001 are applied.
1.2. The overhead rates used in the calculation of the estimate do not comply with MDS 81-35.2004. In the prices for construction works, the standards for new construction are applied instead of the standards for repair and reconstruction.
1.3 The estimated profit standards used in the calculation of the estimate do not comply with MDS 81-25.2001. In the prices for construction works, the standards for new construction are applied instead of the standards for repair and reconstruction.

2. Verification of the conformity of the applied conversion factors to the current price level with the "Construction cost conversion factors determined in the norms and prices of MTSN 81-98 to the current price level as of May 2007"

2.1. The coefficients used in the estimate for conversion to the current price level correspond to the Conversion coefficients for the cost of construction, determined in the norms and prices of MTSN 81-98, to the current price level as of May 2007.

3. Verification of the correctness of the applied rates, cost and consumption of materials.

3.1. The prices for the materials attached to the prices do not correspond to the "Collection of estimated prices for materials MTSN 81.1-98".
3.2. Some of the prices have been applied incorrectly:
- when installing monolithic concrete walls, the price for the installation of strip foundations was applied;
- when installing partitions with insulation, separate prices are applied for the installation of partitions without insulation and the installation of insulation of building structures;
- for pasting walls with wallpaper for painting, the price for pasting walls with washable wallpaper was applied and artificial leather on a fabric basis was taken as materials;
- in the prices for concrete and plastering works, the cost of ready-made mortars and concretes is taken, while the preparation of mortars and concrete in construction conditions with the cost of components is additionally taken.

In view of the above, the estimate has been recalculated. The estimated cost of works on the reconstruction of the building was ** *** ***,** rubles (see Appendix 1).

The estimate submitted for examination has a number of inconsistencies with the estimate and regulatory framework MTSN 81-98, which led to an excess of the estimated cost of work on the reconstruction of buildings by * *** ***,** rubles, which is 10,82% from the declared value.


  1. Estimate on 19 sheets.

Estimates for various types of work are drawn up according to the established initial data - a defective statement, a statement of the scope of work, inspection certificates, court orders, etc. The initial data is provided by both the Customer himself and the design institute.

Who should check the drawn up estimate:

  • The scope of work can be checked by the curator, site manager, foreman, PTO engineer;
  • If the Customer has an estimate department, he can check the estimate from the contractor himself;
  • If the object is of the federal level (order from municipalities), then it will be checked in the state examination;
  • Checks of the KRU (control and audit department) are possible.
  • Conducting an independent assessment of the reliability of the application of prices and coefficients in specialized companies. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract.

For example. There may be such a situation. Carrying out repairs in educational institutions. There is no estimator. In this case, it is better, at the stage of signing the Contract, to contact the contractor with a check of his estimate and issue an opinion to the state expert examination.

Who signs the estimate "Agreed", "I approve", compiled, checked:

When developing project documentation, as a rule, an estimate is always compiled to assess the cost of work, materials, equipment. Most often, it is signed only by the one who compiled it: the estimator.

The head of the budget department or the control and audit department of the enterprise checks the estimate.

The director of the contractor organization agrees on the estimate more often: full name, signature, seal, date.

The estimate is approved by the Customer represented by the Director: full name, signature, stamp, date.

The number of signatures on the local estimate may be more. Depending on the structure of the enterprise.

For example, a large plant: first, it can be signed by a foreman or site manager responsible for the amount of work that is planned to be performed, then by the shop manager confirming the planned repairs this year, then the department of the chief power engineer or the department of the chief mechanic signs the allocation of planned funds, then the planning department and etc.

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Not all work can be carried out by a person who has never been involved in piping, laying and preparing material, and even more so a full-fledged construction project. In such cases, they turn to repair and construction companies or to private entrepreneurs in the construction field, and the risk of being deceived remains in both cases.

Before signing a cooperation agreement, specify the preliminary cost of the work or the average cost of the team's services. After signing, work on the preparation of the estimate will begin. You can check it yourself, but it will be difficult to understand all the nuances. In such cases, building control in the construction of private or public facilities solves this problem. You simply turn to specialists who will carry out a complete control of the design and working documentation.

Budget Structure

Unscrupulous teams often provide an estimate after the work has been completed and not a single requirement can affect this, therefore it is necessary to demand an estimate when concluding an agreement and be sure to take into account the presence of this clause in the text of the agreement.

The estimate often consists of a contract price, a local estimate, and a bill of resources. The contractual cost will be general calculations according to the local estimate, direct and production costs, resource sheets. Additional costs depend on many factors, which are quite difficult to calculate on your own without special education. Checking the validity of the estimated cost should be entrusted to specialists if you think that the cost is too high or there are unspecified items.

In the local estimate, you can find the entire list of planned works, the cost of these works and materials. The resource list must contain a complete list of materials with shipping costs and inventory already calculated. The stock is necessary in any material, since the standard dimensions and volumes of building materials will in any case change during work. But this indicator can also be taken into account in advance - for this there are special average indicators of material consumption within the normal range.

For the implementation of any project, some costs are required, no matter what nature - whether it be material, financial or labor resources. The summary plan of financial costs is called the cost estimate. The most widely known construction estimates and budget for the maintenance of budgetary institutions). Analyzing the construction estimate, you can understand the cost of certain types of work in detail, the budget - the total cost, for example, the maintenance of children in kindergarten. The guarantee of the correctness of the data is the verification of the reliability of estimates, carried out by specialized organizations or authorized bodies.

Checking construction estimates

Verification of construction estimates, or, as it is also called, the examination of estimates, is carried out without fail. Only specialized organizations that have the appropriate license are authorized to carry it out. Checking estimates is designed to identify possible facts of fraud committed by the design organization at the design stage. This is one of the most significant moments in the relationship between the contractor and the customer. Any investor is interested in the fact that the work is done and the material costs are carried out in accordance with the prices actually prevailing on the market.

Checking estimates in construction is carried out on:

  1. Possible overpricing of building materials.
  2. The presence of errors made in the calculation of the amount of work.
  3. The correctness and validity of the application of various correction factors.

The main violations detected when checking construction estimates

The general practice of checking the reliability of estimates in the construction industry shows that most of the violations committed are of the following nature:

  • incorrect assessment of the estimated scope of work in comparison with the provided construction drawings of the project;
  • allowable computational errors in mathematical calculations;
  • incorrect application of prices and correction factors and appreciation indices due to the ignorance of the estimator of the very technology of the construction process.

A timely audit of estimates allows you to identify and eliminate these violations before the start of the production cycle.

Checking procedure

The very process of checking estimates in construction usually looks like this: a customer, interested in the rational and efficient use of financial resources at his disposal, is looking for an independent (this is a very important factor!) Organization that has the appropriate license. He concludes an agreement with her for carrying out work on the examination and submits a package of documents received from the designers in full with the obligatory attachment of all available drawings and technical drawings.

An expert organization, using special software, divides draft estimates into costs for materials, operation of machines, wages, estimated profit and overhead costs. Then the cost estimate engineer analyzes the local construction estimates available to him and evaluates the possibility of possible savings.

In the process of examination, not only redundant work can be identified, but also moments of lack of necessary work can be established or proposals can be made to replace one type of work with another, more efficient one. So the examination of the reliability of estimates does not always give a tangible reduction in estimated costs, but always leads to the possibility of the most rational use of funds.

A sample estimate in construction can be found on various specialized sites.

Checking budget estimates

Verification of estimates of budgetary institutions, as a rule, is carried out by various bodies exercising either departmental or financial control. Budget estimates are made in the conditions of the current legislation exclusively by state institutions. Budgetary and autonomous institutions that are not recipients of budgetary funds (all financial flows come from the founder as a so-called fee (subsidy) for the state or municipal task being performed) do not draw up budget estimates. Their main financial document is a plan of financial and economic activity.

Accordingly, the subjects of financial control in terms of preparing budget estimates are, first of all, the founder (departmental control) and various control and supervisory authorities (treasury, financial authorities, chambers of control and accounts, control and audit bodies, and so on).

Main areas of verification

Checking budget estimates is carried out on:

  • reliability of calculation of indicators of the wage fund;
  • reliability of the calculation and application of the current prices for services related to the maintenance of property under the operational management of the audited institution;
  • reliability and validity of state (municipal) procurement planning;
  • compliance of spending planning with the goals and conditions for their provision.

A sample estimate for state institutions can be viewed on the official website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.


As can be seen from the above, checking estimates (the so-called preliminary control) is a very important aspect in the implementation of various investment projects, as well as in the daily activities of institutions. It allows you to identify internal reserves, eliminate the likelihood of violations and avoid additional costs in the form of penalties from various kinds of control and supervisory authorities.

In the process of checking the estimate drawn up by the contractor, three main stages can be distinguished:

  • a thorough check of the scope of the proposed work indicated in the estimate;
  • verification of the specified material costs and their cost;
  • checking the cost of the proposed work.

Scope of work

The first stage, concerning the scope of work, is not particularly difficult and assumes the presence of basic knowledge of geometry and mathematics. Checking estimates concerns the calculation of surface areas that require finishing, the volume of reinforced concrete structures, the length of communication pipelines, and so on. It is very easy to check on site or when there is a project. Difficulties may arise when a complex of works is performed, where each stage is taken into account separately. For example, before painting the walls, they must be properly prepared, that is, primed, puttyed, leveled and sanded, and only then proceed to painting. In such cases, the inspector must know exactly all the technology for the correct execution of a particular work, and so that the contractor cannot deceive the customer, it is necessary to personally control the process at each stage. This will make it possible to make sure that all work is carried out in full, even those whose result is not visible in the end. In the context of large-scale construction work, it is more profitable for the customer to seek help from technical supervision specialists.

Consumption and cost of materials

The second stage of verification is also quite simple and is associated with mathematical calculations and knowledge in the field of prices for the main types of building materials. It takes into account the fact that when purchasing large quantities of materials, the client can count on a decent discount. It is not uncommon for a contractor to take advantage of this and keep the savings for himself as additional income. You can find out the conditions of the store where you plan to purchase materials by phone. The cost of delivery may also be already included in the cost of materials, especially in the case of purchasing the entire batch of necessary materials in one place. Otherwise, the cost of delivery to the object can be from 7-13% of the order value. At this stage of the verification, the actual consumption of materials is calculated, which depends on the characteristics of the object. The approximate consumption of each type of building material can be indicated on the packaging, and information on this issue can be found on the Internet. A certain expense for waste and residues is also taken into account, the coefficient of which is from 5-20%. In the case of working with small solid materials, such as ceramic tiles, the percentage of waste will be up to 5%.

Cost of work

Prices for the work of masters depend on the region, the specifics of the task, the complexity of the operation, the qualifications of the specialist and many other factors. Therefore, the check is carried out taking into account those criteria that in your situation have a greater impact on the cost of the work of specialists.