Pipeline for technological and network purposes. Thermal insulation of heating and hot water pipes Pipe in thermal insulation for outdoor work

The functional diversity of pipelines, as well as the climatic conditions of our country, have determined the variety of ways in which thermal insulation for pipes is carried out.

Pipelines are classified according to several criteria. Depending on the type of product that is transported through them, they are divided into the following types:

  • For steam;
  • For water;
  • For gas;
  • For oil;
  • For air;
  • For oil, etc.

Depending on the distance over which transportation is carried out, pipelines are:

  • Trunk, which include pipelines that carry out transportation over long distances. Thermal insulation of pipelines of the main type is within the competence of specialized enterprises;
  • Local, which include pipelines, for example, urban utility networks, including water supply, sewerage and heating systems. Thermal insulation of heating mains of water supply networks, sewerage and heating routes is a task most often faced by a city dweller.

Technological pipelines are allocated to a separate group, which serve industrial needs, being directly at the production site.

In addition, there is a division of pipelines into types according to the characteristics of the transported medium and operating pressure.

Purpose of thermal insulation

Depending on the purpose of the pipeline, thermal insulation for pipes can solve different problems. Let's list them:

  1. Ensuring specified temperature characteristics on the surface of the insulating layer. Such a task is posed when the temperature of the medium inside the pipe does not matter, but it is necessary, for example, to avoid burns in contact with the surface of the pipes.
  2. Providing freeze protection for liquids passing through thermally insulated pipes. In our climate, this is one of the most urgent tasks, especially for utility networks, that is, water supply, sewer systems and heating routes.
  3. Prevention of formation and accumulation of condensate on the surface of pipes. This problem arises when the temperature of the liquid in the pipeline is less than the temperature of the outside air, as is the case, for example, in water and sewer pipes with cold water indoors.
  4. Prevention of heat losses in pipes of heating networks and insulation of heating mains. The heating mains for heating and hot water supply of urban and industrial networks laid in the ground or on the surface of the earth inevitably lose part of the heat due to the lower ambient temperature. The task of insulating water pipes and heating mains of urban networks is to minimize these losses.

Types of thermal insulation materials

The choice of material and method of thermal insulation is made based on its purpose.

There are two main types of isolation:

  1. The insulating material is applied or sprayed in the form of mastic or paint.
  2. The finished insulating material is attached around the pipe.

Today, insulating materials are produced in the following forms:

  • Cylinders;
  • Half cylinders;
  • segments;
  • Rolls;
  • Mats.

Important! When choosing a heater, it is necessary to take into account what types of pipeline it is intended for. Failure to comply with this rule can lead not only to a violation of thermal protection, but also to damage to the pipeline itself.

Consider the most common types of insulation, as well as how to install them.

Mineral wool

Of all types of insulation, mineral wool is the least expensive. Installation of insulation from this material is simple, but laborious.

To do this, a roll of cotton wool is cut across into pieces 200 mm thick and then wrapped around the pipes. And first, a layer of mineral wool is wound, and on top of it a layer of fiberglass.

Fiberglass must be laid tightly, but so that it does not squeeze the insulation. The thickness of the wool layer covering the heat-insulated pipes should be about 100 mm. This indicator depends on the ambient temperature.

When winding mineral wool, make sure that it lays down evenly and does not wrinkle.

Mineral wool is used as thermal insulation for large diameter pipelines, most often for heating routes for urban networks and for sewer systems.

For water supply pipes, heating pipes, as well as sewer pipes of small diameter, this type of insulation is usually not practiced.


This type of insulation is used for sewer, water and heating pipes with a diameter of more than 50 mm. The shell consists of a heater and a protective shell.

The insulation is made of mineral wool or polyurethane foam, and the protective shell is a thin sheet of metal, bent in the form of a half of a nutshell.

During installation, the halves of the shell are superimposed on the pipe, forming a protective cocoon around it, and fastened together with clamps or mounting wire.

To isolate corner elements, the shell can be made bent at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees.

At an average cost, the shell surpasses other types of thermal insulation.

Polyurethane sealant

This type of insulation, or, in other words, liquid insulation, is a composite material. It consists of a two-component polyurethane sealant and a protective sheath, which is made of thin sheet stainless steel or galvanized.

It is also used for insulation of large diameter highways.

The installation process consists of the following steps:

  1. A protective sheath is fixed on the pipe, which is centered relative to the axis of the line using wooden wedges.
  2. The main component of the sealant is poured into the protective shell. In order for heat-insulated pipes to serve well and for a long time, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions indicated in the instructions.
  3. An auxiliary component is poured into the protective shell.

During the reaction between the components, a mounting foam is formed that fills the space between the shell and the surface of the pipe.

Important! When working with polyurethane sealant, safety precautions must be strictly observed. It must not be allowed to come into contact with the skin.

Tubular insulation

Tubular insulation - merylon, made of foamed polyethylene. It is used for insulation of water pipes with a diameter of not more than 100 mm.

To mount the Merilon, remove the tape fixed along the tube. After that, the tube opens and it can be easily put on the water pipe. Then the merylon is fixed with electrical tape or tape.

They insulate the pipes of domestic networks, water supply, sewer or intended for heating, located in the building or buried to a depth of no more than a meter.

Important! Merilon is not intended for outdoor use.

The main home communications consist of pipes, the material of which has a high coefficient of thermal conductivity. In other words, they easily give off heat and take on the ambient temperature. To slow down this process, pipe insulation is used, thanks to which it is possible to increase the efficiency of systems and extend their service life. And at the same time save energy, money and time for unplanned repairs.

Source kanaliza.ru

Why is thermal insulation of pipelines necessary?

Steel and plastic pipes used for the installation of water supply, sewerage and heating systems do not always need to be insulated. But in many cases, it is necessary if the owners of the house are not ready to be left without water or heat in the middle of winter and spend money on repairing communications.

  • Thermal insulation for water supply pipes is required if they are laid below the freezing level of the soil, on the surface of the earth, or pass through unheated premises. Without it, the water in them will freeze in winter, which will most likely lead to damage to the pipes and assemblies themselves. This is fraught not only with the inconvenience associated with the lack of water, but also with the need for repairs, which is preceded by a search for damaged areas. In the case of steel pipes, insulation has another goal: to eliminate condensation in hot weather.
Source avatars.mds.yandex.net
  • Insulation of heating pipelines is also necessary when they pass through a cold zone: in walls, underground or along the street (for example, from a free-standing boiler room to a house). In such cases, there is a high loss of heat, and the coolant arrives at the consumer very cold, which negatively affects the efficiency of the heating system and increases the cost of maintaining a comfortable temperature.

Source napetrovskoi.ru
  • Less often, insulation is required for gravity sewer systems, since they have an open spout and work to remove warm drains. The need for insulation arises if the pipes are laid shallow, with too little slope, have a large length or bends. And also if the house is not equipped with hot water. Traffic jams and congestion can appear in them, creating ideal conditions for freezing.

Note! Thermal insulation materials, in addition to their main function, can perform one more function - the function of sound insulation. Therefore, sometimes they are used for this purpose.

Types of pipe insulation

Thermal insulation of pipelines is carried out by different materials. Their choice depends on many factors, including the purpose and location of highways, their diameter, cost, operating conditions. For example, for underground installation, a heater is chosen that is not afraid of moisture, and for the insulation of heating pipes - one that is not to the taste of rodents seeking to settle closer to warmth in the cold season.

Source znatoktepla.ru

But regardless of all these factors, any pipe insulation must meet the following requirements:

  • have low thermal conductivity to keep the heat inside and keep out the cold;
  • do not absorb moisture, which degrades the thermal insulation properties of the material;
  • resist fire or have the ability to self-extinguish;
  • be sustainable to mechanical influences;
  • easy to mount both under construction and already existing communications.

Not all thermal insulation materials can boast of all the listed advantages. Therefore, thermal insulation for pipes can be produced with a protective sheath, reinforcement, fire-resistant or moisture-proof impregnation.

Let us consider in more detail all types of such heaters.

Fibrous insulation

Until recently, these are the most popular materials with excellent heat-saving properties. Depending on the raw materials for production, they are divided into several types:

  • glass wool- made from waste glass production, has excellent resistance to chemicals, does not burn, does not attract the attention of rodents;

Source pro-uteplenie.ru
  • cinder wool from the waste of the metallurgical industry, it is used only for the insulation of external pipes, as it emits substances harmful to health;
  • mineral (basalt) wool- a product of processing basalt rocks. Differs in mechanical firmness, fire resistance, excellent heat-insulating characteristics.

The main disadvantage of all fibrous insulation is that they absorb water well, losing their heat-insulating properties. Therefore, they are either impregnated with water-repellent agents, or isolated from moisture by an outer protective layer of materials such as roofing material, foil isolon, glassine. These actions complicate the installation and increase the time spent on it.

Penetrating between the fibers, water displaces air and deprives the material of its insulating properties. Source img.archiexpo.com

Fibrous thermal insulation for pipes is produced in rolls of different thicknesses or in the form of hollow cylinders with an inner diameter of different sizes, corresponding to the outer diameter of the pipes. The materials may have an outer waterproof sheath. For ease of installation, cylinders are usually cut lengthwise, and an adhesive layer is applied to the cut plane, covered with a protective film.

Video description

The following video shows how mineral wool cylinders are mounted on the pipeline:

Styrofoam and expanded polystyrene insulation

Insulating pipes with foam plastic is the easiest and most inexpensive way to insulate them. This material has all the necessary properties: it does not burn, resists loads well, does not emit toxic substances, almost does not absorb water, is very easy to install and can be used repeatedly. Its only drawback is its attractiveness to mice and other rodents. Which, however, does not matter when insulating underground pipelines, for which it is most often used.

Extruded polystyrene foam has even better technical characteristics - it is more dense and moisture resistant, it better resists the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays.

Both materials are produced in the form of so-called shells - sections, which are halves of a cylinder with a tongue-and-groove connection. They can be covered with a protective foil sheath. This design allows you to use the insulation repeatedly, removing it for revision or repair of communications.

Source standartt.ru

The high density and compressive strength that such thermal insulation of pipelines possesses make it possible to use it both for external pipes and for underground pipelines without the installation of rigid trays. Corresponding shaped shells are produced for various knots and turns.

For laying several pipes or pipes of large diameter, special multi-profile segments or foam or polystyrene foam plates can be used, from which strips are cut and a box is assembled. Its walls are fastened with mounting foam.

Source i.ytimg.com

For reference! Foam glass has similar properties and characteristics, which is characterized by absolute water resistance, incombustibility, inertness to chemicals, but also a high price. The form of release of pipe insulation from this material is shells, segments, shaped parts.

Polyurethane foam insulation

Polyurethane foam is one of the most modern heaters, which is a cellular polymer material, the closed cavities of which are filled with carbon dioxide. It makes a very effective thermal insulation for heating pipes and water supply.

On sale you can find pipes already insulated with polyurethane foam and covered with a protective sheath: polyethylene for laying underground and galvanized steel for surface mounting.

Source http://ks-teplo.ru/assets/images/%D0%9F%D0%9F%D0%A3.jpg

On their own, pipelines can be insulated with this material in two ways: by spraying polyurethane foam or by enclosing them in a heat-insulating shell.

  • PPU shells outwardly they do not differ from analogues made of foam plastic and other similar materials. They come in different diameters and thicknesses, with or without a protective sheath, with or without a groove for laying a heating electric cable. The shell can be removed and put on again. The shell halves are put on the pipe section and pulled together with clamps, wire or a special polypropylene tape with a tension buckle.

Video description

The process of attaching PPU to a pipe is shown in detail in the video:

  • Fixed, but absolutely hermetic insulation of pipelines is carried out by spraying liquid polyurethane foam using special devices. The thickness of the layer can be made any, depending on the climatic conditions in the area of ​​operation. The foam material adheres strongly to the pipes, forming a monolithic layer along the entire length of the pipe, including bends and nodal joints. It perfectly withstands high and low temperatures and its sudden changes without losing its performance characteristics.

Foamed polyethylene

One of the most popular options used in country houses for thermal insulation of communications is a heater for pipes made of polyethylene foam. With excellent technical characteristics and ease of installation, it also attracts with its flexibility and a large range of standard sizes. Thanks to this, it is easy to install it with your own hands on pipes of any diameter and purpose.

The structure of the material is a set of small closed cells filled with air, which is the best heat insulator. Insulation for polyethylene foam pipes is produced in the form of rolls with a length of 10 to 30 meters and a thickness of 3 mm to 2 cm. demanded sections: from 18 to 160 mm.

Source znatoktepla.ru

Due to the flexibility and elasticity of the material, which remains even at extremely low temperatures, it can be mounted on pipelines of any configuration, regardless of weather conditions. Moreover, it is highly hydrophobic and practically does not absorb moisture, does not rot and does not collapse.

However, polyethylene foam is afraid of high temperatures. This is a combustible material that begins to deform already at 90 degrees. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it as a heater for heating pipes, and with increased fire safety requirements, its use is generally unacceptable.

Possessing almost the same performance characteristics as polyurethane foam and expanded polystyrene, polyethylene foam is much cheaper, which is due to its demand and popularity among buyers. Especially if you need to insulate a pipeline of large diameter and length.

Video description

Visually about foamed polyethylene, see the video:

foamed rubber

The difference between foamed rubber and polyethylene foam is its resistance to high temperatures: its operating range is between -190 and +180 degrees. What makes it possible to use it for insulation of pipelines for any purpose, including heating ones.

In addition to tubular sleeves of various diameters, this insulation is available in rolls and sheets. But it costs much more than polyethylene counterparts.

Source texizol.com.ua

Liquid thermal insulation

This is the most modern type of insulation in the form of heat-insulating paint. It is based on the usual acrylic dispersion, the desired properties of which are given by special fillers. Heat-insulating paint has a thick paste-like consistency; it is applied to the pipe surface like any other paint - with a brush or spray gun, the use of which is especially convenient for large areas of processing.

The main advantage of the material is the possibility of insulating pipes without losing usable area in small rooms, since the layer is quite thin. Such thermal insulation is especially good for steel pipes: creating a monolithic sealed layer, it prevents the development of metal corrosion.

Source formulam2.ru.images.1c-bitrix-cdn.ru

How to install a heater

The method of installation depends on the type and form of release of the insulation, the presence of a protective layer on it, the need for its installation. If we are talking about fibrous roll or sheet materials, then the installation sequence should be as follows:

  • pipes cleared of dirt and rust and dry;
  • pipe insulation superimposed on them with coils with an overlap on the previous layer of several centimeters;
  • every turn fixed with wire, twine or tape;
  • if material without a protective layer, then on top of it in the same way foil isol is wound, roofing felt or other water-resistant roll material, which is fixed with adhesive tape pasted along the joints.

Video description

Another way to install insulation, see the following video:

If the insulation is made in the form of cylinders, installation is greatly simplified: the elements are simply put on the pipe, and the edges of the cut are glued together, as are the vertical joints between the cylinders. If an adhesive layer is not applied to the edges, then foil tape is used for connection.

Advice! If thermal insulation of an underground pipeline is required, then it is desirable to additionally protect it from moisture by laying it in a large-section plastic pipe.

In the case of insulation made of foam or similar material in the form of a hard shell, installation is recommended to be carried out with a shift of the halves of the shells along the length by 10-20 cm. Such an overlap will provide a more reliable fastening of all elements. During installation, all joints are carefully glued with adhesive tape.

Length offset provides a more secure fit Source teplolivada.ru

All kinds of turns, corners, tees and other nodal connections are insulated with the help of shaped parts or home-made boxes made of sheet material. Or they are treated with thin-layer liquid thermal insulation.


Pipe insulation is the most important stage in the arrangement of any communications. Missing this moment or sparing the money for insulation, you can get serious trouble and considerable expenses associated with the repair of household systems that provide comfortable living in your home. Therefore, it is best to do this immediately, even at the construction stage, choosing a heater in accordance with your requirements and financial capabilities.

Thermal insulation of pipelines is one of the important measures to ensure the durability of steel (VGP; ES; BSH) and polymer pipes.

Section materials

→ Rockwool cylinders → Styrofoam shell
→ K-FLEX → PPU shell
→ K-FLEX PE → Basalt mats
→ FOAMPIPE cylinders → ProRox PS 960
→ FOAMPIPE bends → Jackets for pipes with insulation
→ FOAMPIPE tees → Aluminum tape
→ Foampipe Sewer sewer insulation → Band clamp
→Thermal insulation boxes Foampipe TK → Fiberglass

The thermal insulation of heating pipes is no less important than the thermal insulation of the basement, walls or roof of a building. The main reason for this is the uninterrupted supply of water during the cold season, so it is simply necessary to insulate the water supply.

How is the correct thermal insulation of heating pipes?

Depending on the material used, thermal insulation for pipes differs in structure and production technology.

Selection and installation of thermal insulation of pipes is a matter only for an experienced specialist. Otherwise, over time, you will need to redo the work done again.

To ensure a long period of operation of the pipeline, it is always necessary to take into account the climatic conditions in which the operation of heating or water supply networks will be carried out, and to trust the installation of the material only to professionals.

Thermal insulation of water supply pipes is the most important stage in the creation of water supply or sewerage systems. Proper thermal insulation of pipes guarantees the normal functioning of the pipeline even in the cold season. Haste and savings on insulation leads to the need for regular repairs.

For thermal insulation of pipelines, only high-quality materials should be chosen. It should also be taken into account that it is important not only to protect the pipe from the effects of cold, but also to provide protection against corrosion by creating an anti-corrosion layer.

It should be remembered that the thermal insulation of pipes must have a long service life so that there is no need for frequent replacement. Depending on the passage of the pipeline (external or underground), different types of pipe insulation are used.

For indoor applications, it is optimal to use ROCKWOOL thermal insulation cylinders. Products from a well-known manufacturer, have high quality and unique properties. High requirements for technical insulation products allow Rockwool cylinders to be No. 1 today. They are made from mineral wool on a synthetic binder 1 meter long. They can be of various diameters from 19 to 273 mm. The thickness of hollow products can be 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 mm. Cylinders can be produced with additional aluminum foil coating.

For outdoor use, Rockwool mineral wool cylinders can also be used, but with subsequent shelter in the form of protective shells. They protect products from atmospheric precipitation and damage to thermal insulation. It is also possible to use mineral wool mats Tech mat and Wired Mat.

Thermal insulation for pipes can also be made with PPU shells or polystyrene foam shells. For in-ground applications, this is the most common insulation option. In any case, all necessary measures to protect pipes are recommended to be carried out strictly according to the project, which specifies certain materials necessary for insulation.

Thermal insulation of heating pipes is a reliable protection for pipes. The efficiency of heating mains depends on the heat-insulating material, because without it, heat loss occurs, especially in winter. All this is reflected in the wallets of our citizens.

Acceptable prices for pipe insulation

Today, you can buy thermal insulation for pipes at various prices. When choosing one or another material, the buyer is often interested in what determines the price of insulation for the pipeline. The answer to the question is simple.

The cost of the material is affected by the following:

  • producer country - imports are always more expensive than domestic goods, although they are the same in quality;
  • the density of the material - the denser, the more expensive;
  • thermal insulation thickness;
  • the ratio "pipeline insulation - price" depends entirely on the structural material;
  • Bulk purchase is always cheaper than retail.

However, when buying thermal insulation for pipes, you should choose only the product that is best suited for these specific operating conditions. In this case, having paid once, the buyer will enjoy the uninterrupted operation of the pipeline for a long time.