Four-day work week: immediate prospect or joke? Part-time work week and payroll 4 day work

Due to the decrease in production volumes, the organization, by order of the director, switches to a 4-day working week. How should payroll be calculated for employees who are paid a monthly salary? What documents should be issued in connection with the transition? Thank you.

Payroll will blow away to pay in proportion to the established time or depending on the production.

The part-time work regime may be provided for in the employment contract or established by order of the head.

The rationale for this position is given below in the materials of the Glavbukh System

Normal working hours

The normal working week should not exceed 40 hours (). During the week, working time must be distributed so that its total duration does not exceed this limit. The most common option is an eight-hour working day with a five-day working week (weekends - Saturday, Sunday).

The current working hours in the organization should be enshrined in the Labor Regulations and labor (collective) agreements ().

Part-time mode

Partial schedule initiated by the organization

The organization can introduce part-time work on its own initiative (taking into account the opinion of the trade union - if it exists in the organization). This is allowed during the period of organizational and technical measures that entail significant changes in working conditions. If such changes may lead to mass layoffs, the administration has the right to establish a part-time regime for up to six months. Such a restriction is provided for by part 5 of article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Employee notification

When introducing a part-time regime, the organization must notify employees in writing of upcoming changes two months before they are carried out (with mandatory familiarization under the signature) (). The consent or disagreement of an employee to work part-time can, for example, be written in the notification itself.*

Dismissing an employee

If an employee refuses to work part-time, he can only be fired in the manner prescribed by clause 2 of part 1 of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (reduction in headcount or staff) (part 6 of article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, he needs to pay severance pay and the average monthly earnings for the period of employment ().

Attention: if the employees prove that the part-time work regime was introduced in the absence of significant changes in the organizational and technological working conditions in the organization, such actions of the administration may be declared illegal through the court. In this case, the organization may be required to restore the previous working conditions for the employee. Such a conclusion follows from the provisions of paragraph 21 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2004 No. 2.


The part-time work regime may be provided for in the employment contract or established by order of the head. In the latter case, if for an employee this regime differs from the general one in force in the organization, this fact must be reflected in the employment contract (). To do this, conclude an additional agreement with the employee to the employment contract on changing the working hours (). In addition, it may be necessary to make changes to the internal documents of the organization (for example, to the annex to the collective agreement), if they contain a list of employees for whom part-time work is in effect.


An employee who is set to work part-time works less than the rest. His work is paid in proportion to the set time (for example, half the daily rate), or depending on the output. At the same time, the duration of the annual paid leave is not reduced, the procedure for calculating the length of service does not change, and other rights of the employee are not limited.

There is no unified notification form, so make it in any form.

Situation: is it necessary to notify the employment service about the establishment of part-time work for only one employee

The answer to this question depends on on whose initiative the employee is given part-time work.

If a special regime is established by agreement between the employee and the employer on the basis of part 1 of article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, then it is not required to send a corresponding notification to the employment service.

If an organization introduces a part-time regime on its own initiative in the manner prescribed by part 5 of article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, then it is obliged to notify the employment service (). This obligation remains even if a special regime is introduced in relation to one employee.

Similar explanations are contained in the letter of Rostrud dated May 17, 2011 No. 1329-6-1.

Early cancellation of the regime

The abolition of the part-time regime earlier than the period for which it was established must be carried out taking into account the opinion of the trade union - if it exists in the organization (part 7 of article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Situation: Is it possible to re-set the part-time mode for an employee (employees)

The legislation does not provide a clear answer to this question.

The part-time regime can be introduced in the organization:

  • by agreement between the employee and the administration (for example, in the event of a difficult financial situation of the organization or the marital status of the employee);
  • without fail (for example, at the request of a pregnant employee);
  • at the initiative of the organization (taking into account the opinion of the trade union, if it exists in the organization) in the event of a significant change in the organizational and technological working conditions that can lead to mass layoffs.

This follows from the provisions of the articles and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In the first case, part-time work can be established both for a fixed period and indefinitely. The legislation does not contain restrictions on the resumption of part-time work by agreement of the parties to the employment contract.

In the second case, part-time work, as a rule, is established until the elimination (disappearance) of the reasons that caused its introduction. At the same time, the part-time work regime must be reintroduced to the employee on his initiative in the event of a recurrence of such circumstances.

This procedure follows from the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In the latter case, part-time work can only be established for up to six months with the obligatory notification of the employment service (within three working days) (part 5 of article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation,). The organization conducts such actions on its own initiative in order to save jobs. Therefore, the legislation does not contain restrictions on the re-introduction of such measures. If circumstances have led to a change in working conditions again, the organization has the right to resume these measures in a general manner (after the expiration of the previous period of the part-time regime and subject to the deadline for notifying employees of a new change in working conditions). For example, the organization introduced a part-time regime from February 1, 2009 for four months. This regime can be re-introduced no earlier than August 2, 2009.

Nina Kovyazina,

deputy director of the department

education and human resources of the Ministry of Health of Russia


Irina Svistunova, expert of the Glavbukh System.

Answer approved by Natalia Kolosova,

Head of VIP Support.

The State Duma Committee is discussing the question of whether it can be introduced four day work week- myth or reality. The proposal to reduce the number of working days was made by the International Labor Organization. According to the authors of this initiative, a 4-day work week for many residents of the country will increase the total number of jobs, while having a positive effect on the health of workers, as well as on the environment.

In the fight against unemployment, the transition to a thirty-six-hour work week can help. At the same time, this initiative must be brought up for discussion with the government, employers, and trade unions.

Earlier, the Kommersant newspaper noted that the State Duma Labor Committee plans to consider issues related to the introduction of 4 day part-time work week, for this, it is planned to hold a round table on this issue, where it will be possible to analyze in detail whether this having a myth or reality. The International Labor Organization has also proposed to reduce the number of working days. The authors of this initiative believe that the implementation of this measure will significantly increase the total number of jobs for employees, which will have a positive effect on the health of employees.

As Isaev, the head of the labor committee, noted, the government is ready to discuss this transition, as a number of other countries have done before, switching to a 36-hour week. These changes will mean that the total number of jobs will increase, so the Government can fight unemployment, and also, thanks to these changes, it is fashionable to increase labor productivity opportunities, but only when 4 day work week would imply keeping wages at the same level as observed in the 40-hour week.

Isaev also pointed out that the increase in free time and the reduction of the worker represents a global trend. The deputy noted that the idea of ​​introducing an eight-hour working day in the nineteenth century seemed quite crazy, but today it is the norm. Likewise, sooner or later we will have to come to a reduction in working days. For the committee, as a legislator, the number of hours is very important, not the number of days.

The Committee does not yet understand how ready Russia is for such changes, and whether it will be a myth or a reality. Therefore, it is planned to hold a round table, where representatives of trade unions, employers, the relative positive and negative sides of the implementation of this idea, and all the risks that are possible when implementing this idea will be carefully listened to.

At the same time, Isaev stressed that the idea put forward by the International Labor Organization would be discussed, and the Committee would try to organize a broad discussion of this issue, but the main decision would be made based not on the noted recommendations from the ILO, but rather on public opinion.

According to the parliamentarian, it became obvious that such a decision could not be taken from tomorrow. And if it is nevertheless adopted, then it will be mandatory with a delay, since it is necessary that the whole society prepares for it.

Isaev also noted that he supports the position put forward by Karl Marx, which says that the main wealth in any society is free time. Therefore, if the Government takes a conscious step in this direction, giving the people of the country additional hours of free time, this will be the right step, but another thing is that everyone should be ready for such changes. At the same time, neither people nor the economy, in any way, should suffer from this decision.

The near future will show whether 4 day work week- myth or reality.

MOSCOW, October 7 - RIA Novosti. The transition to a 36-hour work week will help in the fight against unemployment, but this initiative needs to be discussed with trade unions, employers and the government, said Andrey Isaev, head of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs.

Sazonov considers the idea of ​​a 4-day work week unviable in RussiaDmitry Sazonov, chairman of the commission of the Russian Public Chamber to support small and medium-sized businesses, recalled that in large companies, at the level of ordinary workers, a "shift system" is mainly used, that is, people work hours a week, not days.

Earlier, the Kommersant newspaper reported that the State Duma Labor Committee would soon consider the issue of switching to a 4-day work week and decide on holding a round table on this topic. The proposal to shorten the working week was made by the International Labor Organization. According to the authors of the initiative, this will increase the number of jobs, and will have a positive effect on the health of workers and the environment.

"We are ready to discuss the transition, as many countries have done, to a 36-hour working week. This will mean, firstly, an increase in the number of jobs, that is, the fight against unemployment, this will mean an increase in the possibility of labor productivity, but only in if, with a 36-hour working week, the salary will be kept, as with a 40-hour working week," Isaev told RIA Novosti.

He pointed out that the reduction of work and the increase in free time is a global trend. “The idea of ​​an eight-hour working day in the 19th century looked crazy, but today it is an obvious norm. Sooner or later we will come to a reduction in the working week too. But we, as a committee, as legislators, want to note that it is not the number of working days that matters to us, but the number of hours," the deputy noted.

“Whether Russia is ready for this or not, we cannot say for ourselves yet. That is why we will convene a round table and listen carefully to trade unions and employers about all the pros and cons of this idea, about all the risks associated with this idea,” Isaev added. .

At the same time, he stressed that the idea of ​​the International Labor Organization (ILO) would certainly be discussed. "The Committee will certainly organize the widest discussion. But we will make a decision based not on the recommendations of the ILO, but on the public opinion of the Russian Federation," Isaev added.

"I think that from tomorrow we will not make such a decision. If it is made, then it will still be made with a delay, a prolonged decision ... because the society must prepare for this," the parliamentarian said.

According to Isaev, he supports the position of Karl Marx, who said that the main wealth of any society is free time. "Therefore, if we take a step in this direction, give our citizens another four hours of free time, then this will be the right step, it's another matter that we must be ready for this. And no one - neither the economy nor the people - should suffer from this solutions," Isaev concluded.

Recent media reports on the reduction of the work week - a proposal received from the International Labor Organization - excited the authorities and the public: literally immediately after this news, comments began to appear both supporters and opponents of this initiative. The latter even called this proposal "banter" or "October 1st joke." Working 4-days: what is more - pluses or minuses? And does she have a prospect in Russia? Let's see.

5 reasons for...

The idea aroused interest even among the State Duma, which promised to hold a "round table" on this issue. However, very soon after it became known about the sensational proposal and the serious discussions that had unfolded about it, reports began to appear in the media that the ILO had not acted with it at all. And hasty conclusions were made only because the official website of this organization published an article by one of its employees, John Messenger, entitled "5 reasons to work 4 days a week." What are they?

First, shortening the working week will help solve the problem of people's employment, as additional jobs will appear. Secondly, their health will improve. Thirdly, labor productivity will increase. Fourthly, the ecological situation will improve (there will be less harmful emissions). And fifthly, a person will simply be happier, because he will be able to devote more time to his family and personal life.

So, to summarize, by reducing the work week, the business will only benefit: by avoiding excessive workloads, healthy, happy, employed employees will work hard with a minimum of sick leave, which, in turn, will significantly reduce the company's costs. The reasons, of course, are weighty, and it is difficult to argue with them, but not everything is so simple.

… and 5 reasons “against”

Opponents of this idea give their arguments:

  • 1. A four-day week, according to the recommendations of the same ILO, is justified provided that the retirement age is increased to 70-75 years. Russia cannot boast of a high life expectancy, so such a transition is unlikely to be possible.
  • 2. Some officials express concerns that not everyone will be able to “worthily” take an extra day off, which is fraught with an increase in alcohol consumption. And this, in turn, will affect the health of workers.
  • 3. Another concern is that the officially shortened week is fraught with the danger of voluntary-compulsory overtime up to the same 40 hours a week and even more. It is clear that with such a schedule, people cannot avoid overwork.
  • 4. There is also an opinion that the situation with workings in Russia still leaves much to be desired, while the standards are extremely low. Therefore, reducing the number of working hours will only worsen the economic situation.
  • 5. The proposed 10-hour working day can actually be extremely tiring and stressful. Efficient work and high productivity for all these hours is out of the question.

So, as we can see, the idea of ​​introducing a 4-day working week is not bad in itself, but Russian realities are making their own adjustments. Let's say right away that most representatives of the authorities and the public agree that for the time being such an option is practically unrealizable in Russia. In practice, the transition to a 4-day week in our country is, rather, a forced one.

We also note that, according to surveys of leading recruiters, the majority of working people are against a reduced work week (though, subject to a proportional reduction in wages). Many even after a few days of rest begin to miss their work.

I did an unexpected experiment. 240 employees of the company worked four days a week, and rested the rest of the time.

The experiment was successful

Participants in the experiment in a financial corporation worked for two months 4 days a week, 3 days - they had days off. But the decrease in the number of workdays had no effect on wages. According to the company, people were extremely satisfied with the course of the study.

Perpetual Guardian CEO Andrew Barnes said he wanted to see how much more seriously and productively his subordinates would work if they were given an extra day off so that they could properly relax and devote time to their family and personal life.

The results were more than revealing. All 240 participants in the experiment are confident that with such a work schedule, they can solve all their everyday and other problems, devote time to relatives and friends, and also have a good rest.

This is what made it possible during the working days to fully concentrate on the performance of their duties in the company.

4 day work week makes people happier

Jarrod Haar, a professor of human resource management at the Auckland University of Technology, noted that this experiment showed that a 4-day work week led to an increase in the level of satisfaction of people both in professional activities and on the personal front.

In addition, the participants in the experiment were allowed to develop and put into practice their ideas to improve the quality of work. As a result, in 4 working days, employees managed to do more than before in 5.

The CEO of Perpetual Guardian was pleased with the results of the experiment and admits the possibility of moving the entire corporation to a 4-day work week.

The Minister of Labor of New Zealand, who closely followed the progress of the study, did not stand aside either. Ian Lees-Galloway said that this experiment could be very useful in the future. The Minister made an appeal to the owners of other companies, so that they also think about the implementation of this idea.

Let's hope that the idea of ​​introducing a 4-day work week will appeal to business owners not only in New Zealand, but also in all other countries. In the meantime, we have a 5-day week, not everyone has time to have a good rest over two days off, we are all waiting for a vacation. And so that this long-awaited period is not overshadowed by all sorts of troubles, doctors warn that some p. What should not be eaten during the holidays?