What is gesn in construction. See what "ESN" is in other dictionaries. Application and development of elemental estimated norms and prices

Types of collections of unit rates. Their meaning and scope. Costs included in TEP(FER)

The unit rate determines the amount of estimated direct costs per unit of work.

EP collections are an integral part of the pricing and cost estimate regulation system in construction, operating on the territory of the Russian Federation.
EP compilations are developed at the base price level as of January 1, 2000.

Federal collections of unit prices (FER), developed for the base region of the country (Moscow region), are approved and introduced by the Gosstroy of Russia.

Territorial collections of unit prices (TER), developed for the territorial entities of the Russian Federation, are approved and put into effect by the administrations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, undergo an examination and are registered with the Gosstroy of Russia, after which they are included in the List of current regulatory documents in construction. TEP collections are used to compile cost estimates for construction carried out in the respective administrative-territorial regions of the country. In their composition, they contain EP for the types of work performed in the region.

Industry Unit Price Compendiums (OERs), developed for specialized types of construction (energy, transport, water management, capital mining, gas pipelines, communications, certain types of industrial facilities, etc.) according to a program agreed with the Gosstroy of Russia, are approved by the Ministry of the Russian Federation, other federal executive bodies and industry structures, after which they are included in the List of current regulatory documents in construction.

Each EP collection contains a technical part, which is divided into sections: general instructions, rules for calculating the amount of work, coefficients for EP, tables with unit prices.

Unit prices are summarized in tables and contain the following indicators for the measure of structures or works adopted in them:

· labor costs for workers (except for labor costs included in the cost of operating construction machines) as of 01.01.00;

the cost of operating construction machines, including the wages of workers servicing the machines;

The cost of materials, products and structures (except for materials, structures and products, the characteristics of which, when drawing up estimates, are taken according to design data);

consumption rates of materials (in physical terms), the cost of which is not taken into account in the unit price;

Names and, as a rule, consumption rates of materials, products and structures, the characteristics of which are taken in the preparation of estimates according to design data.

Estimated standards. Elemental and enlarged estimated standards

Estimated standards are a generalized name for a complex of estimated norms, rates and prices, combined into separate collections. Together with the rules and regulations containing the necessary requirements, they serve as the basis for determining the estimated cost of construction.

To elemental Estimated standards include state elemental estimated norms (GESN-2001) and individual elemental estimated norms, as well as norms by type of work.

to enlarged estimated standards include:

estimated standards, expressed as a percentage , including: overhead rates; estimated profit standards; estimated rates of additional costs in the production of construction and installation works in winter; estimated cost rates for the construction of temporary buildings and structures; indices of changes in the cost of construction and installation and design and survey works, set to the base price level; cost standards for the maintenance of the customer service (technical supervision)

consolidated estimated standards and indicators , including: aggregated indicators of the basic cost of construction (UPBS), aggregated indicators of the basic cost by type of work (UPBS BP), collections of cost indicators for types of work (collections of IWR), aggregated resource standards (URN) and aggregated resource indicators (URR) for certain types of construction, aggregated indicators of the estimated cost (UPSS); price lists for a consumer unit of construction products (PPE); price lists for the construction of buildings and structures; estimated cost rates for equipment and inventory of public and administrative buildings (NIAZ), estimated cost rates for tools and inventory of industrial buildings (NIPZ); indicators for objects analogues;

Types of estimated standards and prices

Estimated standards are divided into the following types:

state (federal) estimated standards and prices - GSN, GESN, FER

The state estimated standards include the estimated standards that are part of the current building codes and regulations of the Russian Federation and put into effect by the State construction authorities (Construction Department of the Ministry of Industry and Energy (8 groups of subgroups 81, 82 and 83 "Documents on the economy"). They are used for all branches of the national economy and are mandatory for use in the construction of facilities using federal budget funds.

State elemental estimated norms for construction work

State elemental estimated norms (GESN)- these are collections of state elemental estimated standards for construction and special construction work. The estimated standard of individual elements of direct costs per unit volume of construction work and structural elements, the consumption of building materials, the labor costs of construction workers and the operating time of construction machines.

The standards reflect the most progressive, economical design solutions and industrial methods of work. Estimated norms serve as the basis for determining the estimated cost of a particular type of work, structures and buildings.

The GESN collections reflect the industry average level of construction production for the accepted equipment and technology for performing work and can be used by customer organizations and contractors, regardless of their departmental affiliation and form of ownership. HPES do not apply to individual designs and types of work, the capital stock, accuracy class and quality of which are subject to increased requirements, as well as to types of work in mountainous areas performed at an altitude of more than 3500 m above sea level. For such types of work, individual elemental estimated norms are developed, or correction factors that take into account the relevant features of the work.

GESN as a type of estimated standards

Estimated norms are grouped by type of work, degree of aggregation, by purpose and type of construction. By type of construction, they are divided into general construction and special; by the degree of aggregation - for certain types of work and special structural elements, enlarged system standards for the structural parts of the building and individual structures; by appointment - for certain types of work, for temporary buildings and structures, for the performance of work in the winter, for the maintenance of the directorate of enterprises under construction, etc.; by type of construction - for housing and civil, industrial, hydrotechnical, energy, rural, etc.

Use of GESN

The use of certain estimated standards depends primarily on the requirements for the standards used by the customer of construction, repair and construction, installation work. In a particular case, the parties (customer and contractor) can agree on contractual rates and then calculate the cost of work based on this. Most often, it is desirable for the customer to use either federal or territorial regulations (if any were issued in this region). Sectoral regulations are applied less often (for example, in the oil and energy industry) and even less frequently are standards developed by a particular organization used.

GESN developers

Building standards of federal significance are developed and established only by the Federal State Institution Federal Center for Pricing in Construction and the Industry of Building Materials (FTsTSS), regional building standards are developed by regional pricing centers in construction (RTsTSS).

Structure of GESN

Collections of state elemental estimated standards (GESN) contain a technical part, introductory instructions for sections, tables of estimated norms and applications. The technical parts provide instructions on the procedure for applying collections of estimated norms, coefficients to estimated norms that take into account the conditions for the production of work, as well as the rules for calculating the amount of work.

Types of collections of GESN

  • General instructions
  • Excavation
  • Mining work
  • wells
  • Pile work. Soil fixing. Fall wells
  • Monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures
  • Prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures
  • Brick and block structures
  • Building metal structures
  • wooden structures
  • roofs
  • Protection of building structures and equipment against corrosion
  • Structures in rural construction
  • Finishing work
  • Internal pipelines
  • Water supply and sewerage - internal devices
  • Heating - internal devices
  • Gas supply - internal devices
  • Temporary collapsible buildings and structures
  • Plumbing - external networks
  • Sewerage - external networks
  • Heat supply and gas pipelines
  • Main and field pipelines
  • Thermal insulation works
  • Car roads
  • Railways
  • Tunnels and subways
  • Bridges and pipes
  • Airfields
  • Tram rails
  • power lines
  • Communication, broadcasting and television facilities
  • Mining works
  • Earthworks of hydraulic structures
  • Concrete and reinforced concrete structures of hydraulic structures
  • Stone structures of hydraulic structures
  • Metal structures of hydraulic structures
  • Wooden structures of hydraulic structures
  • Waterproofing work in hydraulic structures
  • Bank protection works
  • Shipping ways of slipways and slipways
  • Underwater construction (diving) works
  • Industrial furnaces and pipes
  • Works on the reconstruction of buildings and structures
  • Landscaping. Protective forest plantations.
  • Wells for oil and gas
  • Wells for oil and gas in offshore conditions


  • Fisun V. A. Economics of construction. Textbook - Moscow: RGOTUPS, 2002.- 232 with ISBN 5-7473-0103-9 LBC: 65 UDC: 69.003
  • Shundulidi A.I., Nagibina N.V. Economics of the industry (construction). Textbook - Kemerovo: KuzGTU, 2006.- 119 with ISBN 5-89070-473-7 UDC: 69.003
  • Tolmachev E. A., Monakhov B. E. Economics of construction. Textbook - Moscow: Jurisprudence, 2003.- 224 with ISBN 5-9516-0023-5 LBC: 65.31 UDC: 338.4; 69

see also

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See what the "State elemental estimated norms for construction work" are in other dictionaries:

    "Construction" redirects here; see also other meanings. Skyscraper Burj Khalifa during construction (2007) Construction construction of a building ... Wikipedia

    GESN: GESN is building. State elemental estimated norms for construction work GESNm builds. State elemental estimated norms for the installation of equipment HPESn builds. State elemental estimated norms for commissioning ... ... Wikipedia

    GESN-LO- State elemental estimated norms for construction work, tied to the conditions of the Leningrad Region GESN LO 2001 also: State elemental estimated norms for construction work in the Leningrad Region, Leningrad Region. Source …

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    function- 2.1 function (function): The implementation in the program of an algorithm by which the user or program can partially or completely perform the task being solved. Notes 1 It is not necessary for the user to call a function (for example, automatic ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

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  • State budget standards. State elemental estimated norms for construction and special construction works. GESN 81-02-OP-2001. General provisions. Calculation of the scope of work, State estimated standards State elemental estimated norms for construction and special construction work (hereinafter referred to as GESN) are designed to determine the need for ... Category: Entrepreneurial Practice Publisher: Corina Offset, Manufacturer: Korina-offset,
  • State elemental estimated norms for construction and special construction works GESN-2017 Collection 44 Underwater construction diving work, State estimated standards. State elemental estimated norms for construction and special construction works (hereinafter referred to as GESN) are designed to determine the need for ... Category:

    state elemental estimated norms (GESN-2001)

    GESN for construction work

    GESN m for installation work

    HESN n for commissioning

    GESN r for repair and construction work

Elemental estimated norms are the norms of resource consumption in physical terms developed for certain types of work or structures

    Unit prices compiled on the basis of GESN have the same numbers and names.

    Federal Unit Rates (FER-2001)

    Territorial unit prices (TER-2001)

    Industry unit prices (OEP-2001)

The total result of multiplying the resource rate by the corresponding resource prices gives a unit price, i.e. the cost of the direct cost of the work meter.

    Compilation of average estimated prices

Enlarged estimated standards

    Estimated standards, expressed as a percentage

    1. Overhead rate

      1. By main types of construction

        By main types of work

Given in MDS 81-33.2004

      Estimated profit standards

      1. Industry

        By type of work

Given in MDS 81-25. 2001

      Estimated cost rates for the construction of temporary buildings and structures

      1. GSN 81-05-01-2001

        GSN r 81-05-01-2001

      Estimated rates of additional costs for the production of work in winter

      1. GSN 81-05-02-2001

        GSN r 81-05-02-2001

      Reserve funds for unforeseen work and expenses

      1. MDS 81-35.2004

      Indices and changes in the cost of works set to the base price level (printed monthly)

    Enlarged estimated standards and estimated cost indicators

    1. Consolidated indicators for all types of work (UPVR)

      Aggregated indicators of the basic cost for all types of work (UPBSVR)

      Price lists for the construction of buildings and structures (PRZS)

      Enlarged estimated standards for buildings, structures and types of work (USN)

Application and development of elemental estimated norms and prices

2.5. State elemental estimated norms ( GESN) are designed to determine the composition and the need for material, technical and labor resources necessary to perform construction, installation, repair and construction and commissioning. GESN are used to determine the estimated cost of work performed resource method, development of unit prices for various purposes (federal, territorial, industry, company) and enlarged estimated standards.

GESN collections are used to determine direct costs as part of the estimated cost of construction using the resource method, to develop unit prices, individual and aggregated estimated norms (prices) used in construction.

Resource indicators obtained on the basis of GESN are used in the development of construction management projects (POS) and work execution projects (PPR), to determine the duration of work, draw up technological documentation and various analytical purposes.

Resource indicators obtained on the basis of GESN, can serve as the basis for production norms for the consumption of materials and their write-off.

2.9. tables GESN contain the following standards:

labor costs of workers (builders, installers), in man-hours;

average level of work (link of workers);

labor costs of machinists, in man-hours;

composition and duration of operation of construction machines, mechanisms, fixtures, mechanized tools in machine-hours;

a list of materials, products, structures used in the production process, and their consumption in physical (natural) units of measurement.

2.10. In collections GESNp, taking into account the specific features of commissioning works (CW), the following are given:

information on the composition of the link (team) of commissioning performers (number, specialties of engineers and workers);

labor costs in general per link, in man-hours;

The tables of estimated norms of GESNp do not indicate the following resource indicators:

consumption of material (including energy) resources, raw materials and semi-finished products used in the commissioning;

labor costs of operating personnel involved in the commissioning and comprehensive testing of equipment;

application of mechanisms, incl. instrumentation.

These costs are determined based on project data.

2.11. Based GESN estimates are developed for construction work and structures, installation of equipment, as well as for repair, construction and commissioning, which are combined into collections of unit prices (EP).

2.12. EP collections are developed at the base price level (as of January 1, 2000) and are an integral part of the pricing and cost estimate regulation system in construction that is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Unit prices from EP collections are designed to determine direct costs in the estimate documentation and develop consolidated estimated standards for structures and types of work.

2.13. EP collections for construction (repair) work, equipment installation and commissioning are divided into federal ( FER), territorial (hereinafter - TER) and sectoral (hereinafter - OER).

FER collections contain a complete set of prices for the types of work performed on the territory of the Russian Federation, and are developed at the main price level for the 1st base region (Moscow Region).

Collections of FER, together with state elemental estimated norms, form a single state estimated and regulatory framework for the development of a system of enlarged estimated standards.

The territorial collections of the ER include unit prices tied to local construction conditions, which are used during construction within the territory of the administrative entity of the Russian Federation (region).

Industry EP collections are developed for specialized types of construction (energy, transport, water management, mining, gas pipelines, communications, certain types of industrial facilities, etc.).

2.14. The basis for developing unit prices at the basic price level (hereinafter referred to as "unit prices" or "prices") are:

elemental estimated norms for structures and types of work;

estimated norms and prices for the operation of construction machines;

estimated prices for building materials, products and structures.

2.15. In cases where there are no necessary estimate standards in the current estimate and regulatory framework or the technology of work and the need for resources differ significantly from those provided for in the collections of the current elemental estimate standards GESN, it is possible to develop individual norms and prices.

2.16. Unit prices are summarized in tables and contain the following indicators for the measure of structures or works adopted in them:

labor costs for workers (except for labor costs included in the cost of operating construction machines) as of 01.01.2000;

the cost of operating construction machines, including the wages of workers servicing the machines as of 01/01/2000;

the cost of materials, products and structures (except for materials, structures and products, the cost of which is not taken into account in the unit price) as of 01/01/2000;

consumption rates of materials (in physical terms), the cost of which is not taken into account in the unit price;

names and consumption rates of materials, products and structures, the characteristics of which are taken in the preparation of estimates according to design data.

2.17. Unit pricing tables have a code, name, scope of work, meter and quantitative indicators of resource consumption rates.

2.18. Materials, products and designs are presented in the tables of estimated norms according to the generalized nomenclature, as a rule, without indicating brands and additional characteristics. When drawing up estimates, specific material resources are taken into account based on project data. For individual materials, products and structures, the consumption of which depends on design solutions (cable, wires, pipes, metal structures, etc.), only the names are indicated in the tables of estimated norms, and in the columns the consumption is indicated by the symbol "P". When drawing up cost estimates, the consumption of these material resources is determined according to design data, taking into account intractable losses and waste.

2.5. State elemental estimated norms (GESN) are designed to determine the composition and need for material, technical and labor resources necessary to perform construction, installation, repair and construction and commissioning. GESN are used to determine the estimated cost of work performed by the resource method, the development of unit prices for various purposes (federal, territorial, industry, company) and consolidated estimated standards.

GESN collections are used to determine direct costs as part of the estimated cost of construction using the resource method, to develop unit prices, individual and aggregated estimated norms (prices) used in construction.

The resource indicators obtained on the basis of GESN are used in the development of construction management projects (COS) and work execution projects (PPR), to determine the duration of work, compiling technological documentation and various analytical purposes.

The resource indicators obtained on the basis of the GESN can serve as the basis for the production rates for the consumption of materials and their write-off.

2.6. State elemental estimated norms GESN-2001 are part of the intersectoral system of documents in construction.

The composition of the state elemental estimated norms includes:

collections of state elemental estimated norms for construction and special construction works (GESN);

collections of state elemental estimated norms for repair and construction work (GESNr);

collections of State elemental estimated norms for equipment installation (GESNm);

collections of State elemental estimated norms for commissioning (GESNp).

For special technological equipment, ministries, departments and other industry structures develop departmental elemental norms for commissioning (VESNp).

2.7. The GESN collections reflect the industry average level of construction production for the accepted equipment and technology for performing work and can be used by customer organizations and contractors, regardless of their departmental affiliation and form of ownership. HPES do not apply to individual designs and types of work, the capital stock, accuracy class and quality of which are subject to increased requirements, as well as to types of work in mountainous areas performed at an altitude of more than 3500 m above sea level. For such types of work, individual elemental estimated norms or correction factors are developed, taking into account the relevant features of the work.

2.8. The GESN collections contain a technical part, introductory instructions for sections, tables of estimated norms and applications. The technical parts provide instructions on the procedure for applying collections of estimated norms, coefficients to estimated norms that take into account the conditions for the production of work, as well as the rules for calculating the amount of work.

2.9. The GESN tables contain the following standard indicators:

labor costs of workers (builders, installers), in man-hours;

average level of work (link of workers);

labor costs of machinists, in man-hours;

composition and duration of operation of construction machines, mechanisms, fixtures, mechanized tools in machine-hours;

a list of materials, products, structures used in the production process, and their consumption in physical (natural) units of measurement.

2.10. In the collections of GESNp, taking into account the specific features of commissioning (CW), the following are given:

information on the composition of the link (team) of commissioning performers (number, specialties of engineers and workers);

labor costs per unit as a whole, in man-hours

The tables of estimated norms of GESNp do not indicate the following resource indicators:

consumption of material (including energy) resources, raw materials and semi-finished products used in the commissioning;

labor costs of operating personnel involved in the commissioning and comprehensive testing of equipment;

application of mechanisms, incl. instrumentation.

These costs are determined based on project data.

2.11. On the basis of the GESN, estimated prices for construction work and structures, equipment installation, as well as for repair, construction and commissioning work are developed, which are combined into collections of unit prices (ER).

2.12. EP collections are developed at the base price level (as of January 1, 2000) and are an integral part of the pricing and cost estimate regulation system in construction that is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Unit prices from EP collections are designed to determine direct costs in the estimate documentation and develop consolidated estimated standards for structures and types of work.

2.13. EP collections for construction (repair) work, equipment installation and commissioning, according to the level of application, are divided into federal (FER), territorial (hereinafter - TER) and sectoral (hereinafter - OER).

FER collections contain a complete set of prices for the types of work performed on the territory of the Russian Federation, and are developed at the main price level for the 1st base region (Moscow Region).

Collections of FER, together with state elemental estimated norms, form a single state estimated and regulatory framework for the development of a system of enlarged estimated standards.

The territorial collections of the ER include unit prices tied to local construction conditions, which are used during construction within the territory of the administrative entity of the Russian Federation (region).

Industry EP collections are developed for specialized types of construction (energy, transport, water management, mining, gas pipelines, communications, certain types of industrial facilities, etc.).

2.14. The basis for developing unit prices at the basic price level (hereinafter referred to as "unit prices" or "prices") are:

elemental estimated norms for structures and types of work;

estimated norms and prices for the operation of construction machines;

estimated prices for building materials, products and structures.

Legal entities and individuals are responsible for the violation of mandatory requirements and the correct application of the provisions of regulatory documents in accordance with the law.

The estimated and regulatory base for pricing in construction includes elemental estimated norms and unit prices (in estimated prices as of 01/01/2000) for construction and special construction works.

Elemental estimated norms for construction works and structures (hereinafter referred to as: "elemental estimated norms" or "ESN") are primary estimates, on the basis of which unit prices are developed in the basic level of prices for building structures and works, designed to determine the estimated direct costs.

unit price called the estimated cost of direct costs, i.e. without overhead costs and profit per unit type of work.

Distinguish elemental(per unit of measure of work) and enlarged(for a set of works and relative indicators in percent) standards. Accordingly, single and enlarged prices are compiled.

The current elemental estimated norms and prices include:

State elemental estimated norms (GESN-2001);

· industrial and branch estimated norms (POSN);

Territorial elemental estimated norms (TESN);

· branded estimated norms (FSN);

· unit prices (direct costs per unit of measure of work) in the collections of federal unit prices (FER-2001), territorial unit prices (TER-2001);

· estimated prices in the collections of prices for materials, products, structures; prices for transportation of goods for construction; average estimated prices for the main construction resources (collections SSTs, Stroyka, StroyMarket, Stroitel, etc.)

The consolidated estimated norms include:

· relative estimated standards, expressed as a percentage and coefficients:

1. overhead rates on the main types of construction and types of work;

2. estimated profit margins(general industry and by type of work);

3. estimated cost rates for the construction and dismantling of temporary buildings and structures(GSN 81-05-01-2001, GSNr 81-05-01-2001);

4. estimated rates of additional costs when performing work in winter(GSN 81-05-02-2001, GSNr 81-05-02-2001);

5. reserve of funds for unforeseen work and expenses(clause 4.96 of MDS 81-35.2004);

6. cost standards for the maintenance of the customer service (technical supervision);

7. indices (coefficients) of changes in the cost of construction and installation works and design and survey work, set to the base price level.

· consolidated estimated standards, prices and cost indicators (collections and specific indicators):

1. consolidated indicators for types of work (UPVR);

2. consolidated indicators of the basic cost by type of work (UPBS BP);

3. aggregated indicators of the basic cost of construction of buildings and structures (UPBS);

4. consolidated indicators of the estimated cost of construction (UPSS);

5. price list for the construction of buildings and structures (PRZS);

6. consolidated estimated standards (USN) for buildings, structures, structures and types of work;

7. aggregated resource standards (URN) and aggregated indicators of resources (URR);

8. consolidated prices (UR);

Price lists for a consumer unit of construction products (PPE);

Price lists for the construction of buildings and structures;

Estimated cost rates for equipment and inventory of public and administrative buildings (NIAZ);

Estimated cost rates for tools and inventory of industrial buildings (NIPZ);

Enlarged prices for structures and types of work in housing and civil construction (UR-2001 St. Petersburg);

Price list for external water supply and sewerage networks (PR-2001 St. Petersburg);

Consolidated indicators of the basic cost of construction for analogous objects (UPBS - 2001);

Indicators for objects analogues;

- specific indicators of the cost of construction in current prices, published in official publications, for example, in the journal "Pricing and Estimated Rationing in Construction" (TsiSN) RCCS St. Petersburg.

In order to achieve an increase in the accuracy of cost estimates when compiling cost estimates based on consolidated cost estimates, it is possible to apply amendments that take into account:

· changes in the technical level and social progress for the period from the time of completion of the construction of an analogue object to the time of design and construction of a new object;

· non-standard engineering-geological conditions affecting the design decisions on the bases and foundations of buildings and structures;

· regional fluctuations in prices for material and technical resources;

Differences in architectural and planning and design solutions;

other factors.

According to the level of application, the norms and prices are divided into:

- state (federal)- state elemental estimated norms for construction work (GESN) and federal unit prices (FER);

- territorial- regional, local (TESN - territorial elemental estimated norms for construction work and TER - territorial unit prices);

- industry (departmental)- industry elemental estimated standards (OESN) and industry unit prices for construction work (OER).

Priority in the practice of estimated pricing is given to territorial unit prices, taking into account the peculiarities of the construction industry and the level of prices for construction products in specific regions of the Russian Federation.

Estimated norms can be used to determine the need for labor costs of workers, construction machines, materials, products and structures in the development of POS and PPR.

Parameters of individual quantities (length, diameter, area, etc.) given in the tables of estimated norms with the characteristic "up to", should be considered including the specified limit.

The rules for determining the cost of certain types of work are given in the technical parts of the relevant collections of estimated norms, as well as in the General Provisions for the Application of Estimated Standards.

For work carried out during the reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures, as well as during the overhaul of buildings and structures, mainly estimated standards are applied, which take into account the complicating factors and conditions for the production of such works. In some cases (with a reservation in the General Provisions for the Application of Estimated Standards and in the technical parts of the relevant collections), these factors and conditions are taken into account with the help of appropriate amendments or coefficients.

Some of the individual factors and local conditions of construction that require territorial reference include:

Amendments to the wages of workers (district, preferential and other coefficients) established for individual districts;

Additional costs associated with complicating the conditions for performing work during the reconstruction or technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures;

Additional costs caused by the production of work at negative air temperatures.

State elemental estimated norms for construction work.

The basis of the estimated and normative base is the elemental estimated norms in natural meters, and the prices are derived from the norms.