Job description of an engineer of the budget department. Job description of an engineer for design and estimate work

Estimator determines the cost of building an object and is able to save millions, and sometimes billions of rubles during construction. Already during the design of the facility, the customer must clearly know the cost of building the facility, and the estimator, in turn, must correctly calculate it. We present you a sample job description of the estimator.

Estimator job description

Surname I.O.________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The estimator belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. The estimator is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the head of the organization on the proposal of the head of the estimate and contract department (head of the design and estimate bureau, other official).
1.3. The estimator reports directly to the head of the estimate and contract department (head of the design and estimate bureau, other official).
1.4. During the absence of the estimator, his rights and obligations are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner.
1.5. A person who has a higher technical (engineering and economic) education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary specialized education and work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years is appointed to the position of estimator; for the position of engineer budget work(estimator) of the II qualification category is appointed a person who has a higher technical (engineering and economic) education and work experience as an estimate engineer (estimator) for at least 3 years; a person with a higher technical (engineering and economic) education and work experience as an estimate engineer (estimator) of the II qualification category for at least 3 years is appointed to the position of an estimate engineer (estimator) of the I qualification category.
1.6. The estimator must know:
- regulations, other methodological and guidance materials for the preparation of design estimates and cost estimates;
- production technology and organization of repair, assembly and construction works;
- current standard estimates, GOSTs, prices and correction factors for repair, installation and construction work, the procedure for their financing and settlements with contractors;
- the procedure for compiling title lists, sheets of defects, sheets of repair, etc. technical documentation;
- fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;
- Terms of use computer technology, means of communication and communications;
- basics of labor legislation;
- internal labor regulations;
- rules and regulations of labor protection and fire safety.
1.7. The estimator is guided in his activities by:
- normative legal acts, other guidance and methodological materials for the preparation of design estimates and financial documentation in construction;
- Charter of the organization;
- orders, orders of the head of the organization (direct supervisor);
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of the estimator

The estimator performs the following official duties:

2.1. Prepares budget and financial documentation for the repair of equipment, buildings and structures, the reconstruction of existing facilities and for work to improve production efficiency.
2.2. Reviews and analyzes approved title lists for overhaul, defect lists, repair lists and working drawings of objects to be repaired and reconstructed.
2.3. Prepares, based on the analysis of the cost of repairs, the initial data for determining estimated cost all types of repair (construction, installation, plumbing, etc.) works.
2.4. Makes appropriate clarifications and adjustments to the estimated financial calculations in case of changes in prices or scope of work.
2.5. Checks the correctness of the preparation of cost estimates by design organizations and prepares conclusions on them.
2.6. Participates in determining the cost of repair, installation and construction work not provided for by approved estimates, as well as in the replacement of materials and equipment.
2.7. Participates in the preparation of title lists for repair and reconstruction facilities.
2.8. Coordinates estimates with contractors and monitors their compliance with the standards included in the cost estimates, draws up acts of work performed.
2.9. Participates in the development of measures to reduce the cost of repair and construction work.
2.10. Keeps records budget documentation, systematizes the estimated financial calculations for periodically recurring work in order to create standard estimates.
2.11. Prepares the necessary certificates on the estimated cost of work.
2.12. Complies with the requirements of the rules and regulations of labor protection and fire safety.

3. The rights of the estimator

The estimator has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management regarding its activities.
3.2. Make suggestions for improving the work related to the duties provided for in this job description.
3.3. Within its competence, report to the immediate supervisor about all shortcomings in the activities of the organization (structural unit, individual workers) identified in the course of the performance of their duties, and make proposals for their elimination.
3.4. Request personally or on behalf of the management of the organization from the departments of the organization and other specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.
3.5. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of their duties.

4. Responsibility of the estimator

The estimator is responsible for:

4.1. Improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the performance of their duties.
4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the head of the organization and the immediate supervisor.
4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the organization and its employees.
4.5. Causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.6. Offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Not a single serious undertaking that requires an investment of money begins without a preliminary financial justification. To make a profit, you need to big share probabilities of knowing the magnitude of all necessary costs and expected income. The calculation of expenses for each of the articles of the project is the responsibility of the estimator, in addition, a number of functions are assigned to this specialist, without which it is impossible to implement the undertaking.

Characteristic features of the budget

Estimated calculation is used in all areas of activity, it is especially important in construction, where the preliminary costs are very high. There are two types of accountants:

  • economist - estimator;
  • engineer estimator.

In many ways, their functions are similar. Often the difference lies in education. For the position of an estimate engineer, candidates are accepted who have graduated from a university in such specialties as "Urban and economic construction" or "Civil and industrial construction".

Accordingly, an economic education is necessary for an economist-estimator. However, for some and for others, it is absolutely necessary to undergo retraining (courses) on the issue of estimated rationing and pricing.

In preparation financial settlements for the construction of a residential building or an industrial facility, the installation of complex equipment, it is necessary to have special engineering knowledge, be able to read technical documentation, disassemble diagrams and drawings.

Here's an economist if you don't have a big practical experience work in construction may not be able to cope, you need a certified experienced engineer. If we are talking about budgeting for a project that is not related to the technical field (for example, the service sector or manufacturing), then a specialist with economic education.

An example of a job description for a specialist in the budget department

The job responsibilities of the estimator are formed based on the specifics of the organization's activities or the specific initiative that is planned to be implemented. All requirements for a specialist are recorded in the job description, which the candidate for appointment is obliged to familiarize himself with. Consider an example of such an instruction.


estimator ___________________ (name of department)

1. General part

1.1. The estimator is a specialist of the ______________ unit, is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the order of the head of the organization on the basis of the presentation of the head of the department.

1.2. The specialist reports to the head of the department, and in his temporary absence, to the person officially acting as the head of the department.

1.3. A person with a higher technical or economic education, with at least 3 years of experience in the specialty, is accepted for the position.

1.4. The specialist must know:

  • current regulations, teaching materials regulating the preparation of cost estimates and design estimates;
  • current prices, GOSTs, standard estimates, adjustment factors for construction, installation and repair work, the procedure for financing construction and installation works and settlements with suppliers and contractors;
  • basics technological processes performed during construction and installation works;
  • the procedure for compiling repair and defective statements, title pages, as well as other technical documents;
  • fundamentals of economics, management, organization of production;
  • labor legislation;
  • norms relating to fire safety, as well as labor protection;
  • approved internal regulations.

1.5. The specialist in his work is guided by:

  • legislative and regulations on drawing up project and financial documentation;
  • orders of the management of the organization and the immediate supervisor;
  • the charter of the organization;
  • job description.

2. Responsibilities

The estimator performs the following duties:

2.1. Prepares financial and estimate documentation for the reconstruction of functioning facilities, repair of structures, buildings and equipment.

2.2. Conducts analysis of defective and repair lists, title lists for capital repairs, working drawings of objects to be reconstructed or repaired.

2.3. Taking into account the results of the analysis total cost repair data for cost calculation certain types works (installation, facing, plumbing).

2.4. Corrects and refines financial calculations when the planned scope of work or prices for materials change.

2.5. Checks the correctness of the preparation of estimates by contractors and prepares conclusions on these and other incoming financial documents.

2.6. Participates, along with other specialists, in assessing the cost of construction, installation and repair work, as well as in the event of replacement of equipment or materials.

2.7. Participates in the formation of title lists for objects subject to reconstruction or repair.

2.8. Provides work with contractors: monitors their compliance with established standards in the preparation of estimates, coordinates them, draws up acts confirming the amount of work performed.

2.9. Keeps records of budget and financial documents, analyzes and systematizes them in order to develop standard samples for regularly recurring work.

2.10. Develops measures aimed at reducing the cost of construction and repair work.

2.11. Upon request, prepares certificates regarding the cost of work.

2.12. Complies with fire safety and labor protection rules at his workplace.

3. Rights

The accounting specialist has the following rights:

3.1. To get acquainted with the decisions of the leaders of the organization regarding his work, at the stage of projects.

3.2. Suggest ways to optimize the performance of the duties stipulated by the instructions.

3.3. Inform immediate and superior managers about the shortcomings in the organization's activities identified within the competence, suggest ways to eliminate them.

3.4. On behalf of the authorities or personally request the documents (information) necessary for the performance of their direct duties from other employees or departments.

3.5. Demand all assistance in the performance of their functions from the management.

4. Responsibility

The responsibility of the specialist comes in the event of:

4.1. Submission of unreliable information to the management about the performance of their job duties stipulated by the instructions.

4.2. Refusal to comply with lawful orders and demands from immediate and superior superiors.

4.3. Failure to take timely measures aimed at preventing violations of safety regulations, fire regulations that may threaten the health of employees or the company's activities.

4.4. Failure to perform their duties or their performance in an improper way - within the limits of the labor legislation of the country.

4.5. Commitment of actions or inaction that caused material damage to the company - according to the norms of civil or labor legislation.

4.6. Committing crimes or offenses in the course of work - according to the norms of civil, criminal or administrative legislation.

Head (name of the subdivision) ____________ (signature) ______ (full name)

I am familiar with the instruction _____________ (signature) __________ (full name)

_______________ (the date).

This manual is written for the position of a specialist. However, it can be used as a basis and for the instruction of an executive, for example, the head of an estimate bureau or department.

To the responsibilities given in our sample, it is enough to add the functions of negotiating with partners, managing subordinates, determining for them areas of activity, areas of responsibility and operational control on their work.


1.1. Estimator of the I category of the design and estimate department belongs to the category of specialists whose hiring and dismissal is carried out by order CEO Society on the proposal of the head of the PSO.

1.2. A person with a higher technical education and at least 3 years of work experience as an engineer-estimator of category II.

1.3. The estimator of the 1st category is subordinate to the head of the PSO and through him decides technical questions with the management of departments and the Company.

1.4. In his work, the estimator is guided by:

Regulations on PSO;

this instruction;

building codes and rules;

Rules for the organization of repairs power equipment distribution networks, substations, buildings and structures;

Rules for the device email. installations;

Rules technical operation distribution networks and substations;

Rules for the protection of electrical networks;

Model Instructions for the operation of power transmission lines, substations and transformer substations;

Instructions for fire safety at energy enterprises;

Rules for organizing work with personnel;

Directive materials on the work performed;

Regulations for the work of the Company's personnel;

Orders, orders, regulations and instructions in force in the Company;

Current legislation, to the extent necessary for the implementation of their functional duties;

the Articles of Association of the Society;

Internal labor regulations;

Work plans.

1.5. Engineer - estimator of category I must know:

Directive and administrative documents, methodological and regulatory materials on the issues of the work performed;

Basics of labor legislation;

Rules and norms of labor protection, TB and PB.

1.6. For the period of absence of an employee, substitution and performance of duties is assigned to the employee by order of the Company, taking into account qualifications, at the suggestion of the head of the department.


The main tasks of an engineer - estimator of category I:

2.1. Development of estimate documentation for contracts for electrical installation, general construction and repair work.

2.2 Development of estimate documentation for the reconstruction of the Company's facilities.

2.3. Drawing up monthly plans and reports for profit generation under contracts for electrical installation and general construction work.

2.4. Preparation of draft contracts in the scope of the service.

2.5 Implementation advanced technologies, methods and techniques of organizing and stimulating labor, rationalization and invention.


3.1. Preparation of estimate documentation for execution of contracts for electrical installation, general construction and repair and maintenance work.

3.2. Drawing up and control over the signing of acts of work performed (Form-2) and certificates of the cost of work performed (KS-3) under contracts for electrical installation and general construction work.

3.3. Drafting and monitoring the implementation of contracts for electrical installation, general construction and repair and maintenance work.

3.4. Drafting reporting documentation for electrical installations, general construction works and maintenance and repair of the Company's fixed assets.

3.5. Drawing up and reviewing the norms for the consumption of materials for electrical installation, general construction and repair and maintenance work.

3.6. Drawing up reports on the forms of statistical reporting in the context of the scope of the service.

3.7. Preparation of budget documentation for the acceptance of electrical network equipment on the balance sheet of the company.

3.8. Conducting an analysis of the main indicators of the company's work in the scope of the department's activities.

3.9.Consults on issues within its competence.

3.10. Ensures compliance of the developed estimate documentation with regulatory documents.

3.11. Maintaining a design and estimate archive.

3.12. Engineer - estimator of category I PSO is obliged to:

conscientiously fulfill their labor obligations assigned to him employment contract;

Comply with the rules of internal labor regulations;

Fulfill established norms labor;

Comply with the requirements for labor protection, TB, PB and ensuring labor safety;

Take care of the property of the Company and other employees;

Immediately inform the immediate supervisor about the occurrence of a situation that poses a threat to the life and health of people, the safety of the Company's property.

4.1. The estimator of category I is granted the right to:

Through the head of the PSO, require the heads of departments, services to timely fulfill the approved task plans and orders of the Company's management, provide reporting and technical documentation;

Require the management of the Company and organizations to provide the necessary technical documentation;

Give suggestions to the head of the PSO on the structure and organization of the service;

Through the head of the PSO, make proposals to the management of the Company on the imposition of penalties on personnel for violations of production and labor discipline.


5.1. The cost estimate engineer of the I category of PSO is responsible for the fulfillment of the tasks, functions and all the requirements provided for by this instruction, incl. per:

Correctness and reliability of maintaining technical documentation;

Compliance with the terms of approval of documentation;

Compliance with the requirements of PTB, PTE, SNiP, official and production instructions, regulations for the work of the Company's personnel.

Damage caused to the enterprise by unskilled actions;

Compliance with current legislation.

The position of an estimator-engineer in the preparation and implementation of an investment project related to construction is very important. The success of the entire enterprise largely depends on the correctness of his calculations. Working in the interests of the customer, he is able to save millions of rubles, so the employer approaches the choice of a specialist in this area with maximum responsibility. At the same time, it comes to the fore job description estimator engineer.

Basic rules for compiling a document

When compiling a job description, it is necessary to proceed from the principle that this document regulates the legal status of a specialist in an organization. It is here that all duties, rights, functions, and responsibilities of an employee are recorded. When compiling a job description for an estimator, it can be used Qualification guide positions, approved by the Ministry of Labor of Russia, as well as the regulation on the structural unit of the organization, enterprise.

The instruction is drawn up, as a rule, by the head of the department in which the new specialist will work, together with the personnel department.

If this is, for example, the leading engineer of the estimate and contract department, then the document is signed by the head of this department, and, if necessary, other specialists (lawyer, personnel officer). The head of the organization must approve the instruction. The hired employee is obliged to read the instructions and sign the document with his own hand.

The document is drawn up in an arbitrary form, but in practice a unified scheme has been developed, which includes such main sections that can be called differently, but their essence is identical:

  • General provisions (general part).
  • Employee functions (tasks and goals).
  • The duties of an employee.
  • Worker's rights.
  • A responsibility.
  • Job ties (relationships).

Sometimes, if necessary, the document may contain additional sections, such as "Performance Evaluation" or "Signature Rights".

It is in the interests of the employer and the employee that all types of work, duties and rights are written out as specifically as possible. This, on the one hand, will allow the employer to clearly monitor the effectiveness of the employee's performance of his official duties, and on the other hand, will allow the estimator to focus on the main activity, avoiding unexpected additional tasks.

Estimated engineer job description (example)

1. General Provisions

1.1. This instruction details the job responsibilities of the estimator, his rights and responsibilities.

1.2. The position belongs to the number of specialists of the estimate and contract department of the enterprise.

1.3. A specialist is appointed to a position and dismissed from it on the basis of the order of the General Director on the proposal of the head of the relevant department.

1.4. During the absence of a specialist, his duties may be performed by another person appointed by the management, who is fully responsible for the results of the work.

1.5. The estimating engineer is subordinate to the head of the department. In the event of a production need, the chief engineer and deputy director of the general for production can give him instructions that do not contradict the instructions of the direct supervisor.

1.6. Requirements for an employee for the position of estimator:

  • Education: higher (technical or economic direction).
  • Work experience: at least 3 years in the specialty.

1.7. In the course of his work, the specialist is guided by:

  • the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • the charter of the enterprise;
  • orders and instructions of the management;
  • job description;
  • technical and regulatory documentation.

1.8. The specialist must know:

  • legislative, regulatory and methodological materials on the construction, design and operation of facilities;
  • rules for the preparation, approval and approval of design and estimate documentation;
  • content, composition and development of estimates;
  • basics technological solutions in construction;
  • accounting and planning documentation;
  • financing mechanisms for construction works;
  • building rules and regulations;
  • the procedure for preparing and holding competitions and tenders;
  • the procedure for acceptance of completed construction facilities and their individual parts, methods of control over the quality of work performed;
  • basic provisions on the organization of production, as well as labor legislation;
  • Fundamentals of legislation on labor protection, as well as fire safety.

2. Tasks and goals

2.1. Development, coordination and approval of estimate documentation in terms of regulation and pricing in construction.

2.2. Control over compliance with the estimated and project documentation ongoing construction, repair and installation work.

2.3. Checking the estimate documentation submitted by the customer for the object.

2.4. Participation in the preparation of tender documentation, execution of contracts with suppliers and contractors.

3. Job responsibilities

The estimator performs the following job duties:

3.1. Prepares estimate and financial documentation for the repair of structures, buildings, equipment, their reconstruction and improvement economic efficiency production.

3.2. Analyzes defective and repair lists, title lists for overhaul, working drawings of objects to be reconstructed or repaired.

3.3. Based on the analysis, prepares data for calculating the estimated cost various kinds works (installation, construction, facing, excavation, etc.).

3.4. Corrects financial calculations when the scope of work or prices for materials change.

3.5. Participates in the process of replacing equipment and materials, as well as in assessing the cost of work not provided for by the estimate.

3.6. Checks the estimates drawn up by design organizations in terms of costs and prepares appropriate conclusions.

3.7. Coordinates estimates with organizations involved under construction contracts, monitors their compliance with building standards, prepares acts on the work performed.

3.8. Takes part in activities aimed at reducing the cost of work on the object.

3.9. Participates in the preparation of title lists for objects to be reconstructed or repaired.

3.10. Complies with the requirements of norms and rules regarding fire safety and labor protection.

3.11. Maintains an archive of design estimates.

3.12. Prepares and issues, upon request, certificates regarding the cost of work.

3.13. Provides advice to employees of the enterprise and other organizations on issues within its competence.

4. Rights

The estimator has the following rights:

4.1. To get acquainted with the projects of decisions of the heads of the enterprise related directly to his work.

4.2. Make proposals for improving the work of the organization in the relevant direction.

4.3. Within its competence, inform the immediate supervisor about the identified shortcomings in the work, offer options for their elimination.

4.4. Request by own initiative or at the direction of management from other specialists or structural divisions documents or information necessary for the performance of their duties.

4.5. Demand assistance from management regarding the quality performance of their direct duties.

5. Responsibility

The specialist is responsible for such violations:

5.1. Failure to perform or improper performance of the duties stipulated by the instructions in accordance with the norms of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. Failure to comply with the instructions of the direct supervisor, as well as the management of the enterprise.

5.3. Providing false information regarding the performance of their duties.

5.4. Failure to take measures to eliminate detected violations of the rules relating to safety and other rules, the violation of which may threaten the life and health of employees, as well as the activities of the organization.

5.5. Causing material damage to the organization (within the framework of civil and labor legislation).

5.6. Offenses committed in the course of work (within the framework of criminal, civil and administrative legislation).

6. Interaction

In the process of work, the estimator interacts with the following structures:

6.1. Subcontractors in terms of comments on design and estimate documentation and acceptance of work performed.

6.2. Design organizations in terms of adjusting estimates and design decisions.

6.3. Customers in terms of agreeing and signing estimates.

I read the job description, received a copy in my hands

Estimator engineer of Parus LLC (cost estimate and contract department) _______ Grigoriev I.I.


The position of an estimator-engineer in the preparation and implementation of an investment project related to construction is very important. The success of the entire enterprise largely depends on the correctness of his calculations. Working in the interests of the customer, he is able to save millions of rubles, so the employer approaches the choice of a specialist in this area with maximum responsibility. At the same time, the job description of the estimator engineer comes to the fore.

Basic rules for compiling a document

When compiling a job description, it is necessary to proceed from the principle that this document regulates the legal status of a specialist in an organization. It is here that all duties, rights, functions, and responsibilities of an employee are recorded. When compiling the job description for the estimator, the Qualification Directory of Positions approved by the Ministry of Labor of Russia, as well as the regulation on the structural unit of the organization, enterprise can be used.

The instruction is drawn up, as a rule, by the head of the department in which the new specialist will work, together with the personnel department.

If this is, for example, the leading engineer of the estimate and contract department, then the document is signed by the head of this department, and, if necessary, other specialists (lawyer, personnel officer). The head of the organization must approve the instruction. The hired employee is obliged to read the instructions and sign the document with his own hand.

The document is drawn up in an arbitrary form, but in practice a unified scheme has been developed, which includes such main sections that can be called differently, but their essence is identical:

  • General provisions (general part).
  • Employee functions (tasks and goals).
  • The duties of an employee.
  • Worker's rights.
  • A responsibility.
  • Job ties (relationships).

Sometimes, if necessary, the document may contain additional sections, such as "Performance Evaluation" or "Signature Rights".

It is in the interests of the employer and the employee that all types of work, duties and rights are written out as specifically as possible. This, on the one hand, will allow the employer to clearly monitor the effectiveness of the employee's performance of his official duties, and on the other hand, will allow the estimator to focus on the main activity, avoiding unexpected additional tasks.

Estimated engineer job description (example)

1. General Provisions

1.1. This instruction details the job responsibilities of the estimator, his rights and responsibilities.

1.2. The position belongs to the number of specialists of the estimate and contract department of the enterprise.

1.3. A specialist is appointed to a position and dismissed from it on the basis of the order of the General Director on the proposal of the head of the relevant department.

1.4. During the absence of a specialist, his duties may be performed by another person appointed by the management, who is fully responsible for the results of the work.

1.5. The estimating engineer is subordinate to the head of the department. In the event of a production need, the chief engineer and deputy director of the general for production can give him instructions that do not contradict the instructions of the direct supervisor.

1.6. Requirements for an employee for the position of estimator:

  • Education: higher (technical or economic direction).
  • Work experience: at least 3 years in the specialty.

1.7. In the course of his work, the specialist is guided by:

  • the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • the charter of the enterprise;
  • orders and instructions of the management;
  • job description;
  • technical and regulatory documentation.

1.8. The specialist must know:

  • legislative, regulatory and methodological materials on the construction, design and operation of facilities;
  • rules for the preparation, approval and approval of design and estimate documentation;
  • content, composition and development of estimates;
  • fundamentals of technological solutions in construction;
  • accounting and planning documentation;
  • financing mechanisms for construction works;
  • building rules and regulations;
  • the procedure for preparing and holding competitions and tenders;
  • the procedure for acceptance of completed construction facilities and their individual parts, methods of control over the quality of work performed;
  • basic provisions on the organization of production, as well as labor legislation;
  • Fundamentals of legislation on labor protection, as well as fire safety.

2. Tasks and goals

2.1. Development, coordination and approval of estimate documentation in terms of regulation and pricing in construction.

2.2. Control over the compliance of the estimate and design documentation of ongoing construction, repair and installation work.

2.3. Checking the estimate documentation submitted by the customer for the object.

2.4. Participation in the preparation of tender documentation, execution of contracts with suppliers and contractors.

3. Job responsibilities

The estimator performs the following job duties:

3.1. Prepares estimate and financial documentation for the repair of structures, buildings, equipment, their reconstruction and increase the economic efficiency of production.

3.2. Analyzes defective and repair lists, title lists for overhaul, working drawings of objects to be reconstructed or repaired.

3.3. Based on the analysis, prepares data for calculating the estimated cost of various types of work (assembly, construction, facing, earthwork, etc.).

3.4. Corrects financial calculations when the scope of work or prices for materials change.

3.5. Participates in the process of replacing equipment and materials, as well as in assessing the cost of work not provided for by the estimate.

3.6. Checks the estimates drawn up by design organizations in terms of costs and prepares appropriate conclusions.

3.7. Coordinates estimates with organizations involved under construction contracts, monitors their compliance with building standards, prepares acts on the work performed.

3.8. Takes part in activities aimed at reducing the cost of work on the object.

3.9. Participates in the preparation of title lists for objects to be reconstructed or repaired.

3.10. Complies with the requirements of norms and rules regarding fire safety and labor protection.

3.11. Maintains an archive of design estimates.

3.12. Prepares and issues, upon request, certificates regarding the cost of work.

3.13. Provides advice to employees of the enterprise and other organizations on issues within its competence.

4. Rights

The estimator has the following rights:

4.1. To get acquainted with the projects of decisions of the heads of the enterprise related directly to his work.

4.2. Make proposals for improving the work of the organization in the relevant direction.

4.3. Within its competence, inform the immediate supervisor about the identified shortcomings in the work, offer options for their elimination.

4.4. Request, on their own initiative or on instructions from other specialists or structural divisions, documents or information necessary for the performance of their duties.

4.5. Demand assistance from management regarding the quality performance of their direct duties.

5. Responsibility

The specialist is responsible for such violations:

5.1. Failure to perform or improper performance of the duties stipulated by the instructions in accordance with the norms of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. Failure to comply with the instructions of the direct supervisor, as well as the management of the enterprise.

5.3. Providing false information regarding the performance of their duties.

5.4. Failure to take measures to eliminate detected violations of the rules relating to safety and other rules, the violation of which may threaten the life and health of employees, as well as the activities of the organization.

5.5. Causing material damage to the organization (within the framework of civil and labor legislation).

5.6. Offenses committed in the course of work (within the framework of criminal, civil and administrative legislation).

6. Interaction

In the process of work, the estimator interacts with the following structures:

6.1. Subcontractors in terms of comments on design and estimate documentation and acceptance of work performed.

6.2. Design organizations in terms of adjusting estimates and design decisions.

6.3. Customers in terms of agreeing and signing estimates.

I read the job description, received a copy in my hands

Estimator engineer of Parus LLC (cost estimate and contract department) _______ Grigoriev I.I.
