The development of speech by letter of a preschooler. Educational and methodological material on the development of speech on the topic: Issues of speech development of preschool children. Exercise for the development of speech of preschoolers: Journalist

Bluebells are summer flowers, they bloom from early July to mid-August.

How to make paper bells with your own hands. Paper application for children .

Bells from the bags.

DIY paper bells

Materials and tools

colored paper

■ Scissors

■ Glue stick

Making bells

1. For the background, take a sheet of beige A4 paper.

2. Cut out 18 squares of 3.5x3.5 cm from blue paper.

3. Glue 15 squares in the form of cones (Fig. 1).

4. Lubricate the sides of the 3 cones with glue and join them together (fig. 2).

5. Cut 1 square into 4 pieces and glue 2 squares on the wrong side of the workpiece. The result was a bell head (Fig. 3).

6. Cut out a 2x2 cm square from green paper, cut it diagonally to make a triangle. Cut out the long side of the triangle as shown (Figure 4). It turned out to be a sepal.

7. Attach the sepal to the base of the flower head (Figure 5).

8. Make 4 more bell heads yourself.

9. Cut out 2 strips of green paper 1x30 cm, glue them into 1 strip and glue it to the background sheet in the form of a snake. It turned out a curved stem.

10. Between the bends of the stem, place the heads of the bells and glue them to the background.

11. Cut out 6-7 narrow leaves with a rounded top 5-6 cm long. Bend them slightly along in half. Randomly glue on the stem. The work is ready.

It is better to prepare for the New Year in advance. Make your own hand bells Christmas tree - a good idea. Even in the writings of ancient authors, the ability of bells to drive away evil forces was reflected. There are many options for making wind chimes from scrap materials. We have selected the most original ones.

We will need:

  • Bandage or gauze.
  • Eggshell.
  • PVA glue.
  • Tassel.
  • Paints (including gold).
  • Putty, beads, semolina (optional).

Manufacturing Method No. 1

We take the shell and bandage. We glue the bandage "overlap" with PVA glue.

We strengthen our bell, it should dry well.

Primed with white paint so that the shell does not shine through. When the bandage is dry, cut out the petals with scissors.

Make a hole at the top with a sharp object. The hole is for the string. Glue the husk on top and paint.

Bells are painted with Easter dyes + watercolors. The leaves of the bells can be safely bent.

Manufacturing Method No. 2

We take the shell, bandage and PVA glue. We glue the shell inside. This is also a way to strengthen the shell. Leave to dry on the battery. Then we cover the outside with white paint.

Cut off all unnecessary with scissors. Cuts easily.

After we apply putty and you can paint it with a pattern. Let's dry. We paint and go through the bulges with gold paint. We make a hole for the lace on top.

You can decorate it with beads on top, you can make a “spraying” of semolina. We coat the top with a brush with glue and sprinkle with semolina. Turn on the fantasy and make a toy.

For 1 bell you will need:

  1. Styrofoam or cardboard (cone, mini size).
  2. Yarn or twine.
  3. Felt.
  4. Palettes.
  5. Decorations.


  1. Glue is universal.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Needle.
  4. Tweezers.

We will need:

  1. Plastic cups.
  2. A branch of an artificial Christmas tree.
  3. Spray paint.
  4. Glue.
  5. Beads.
  6. Ribbons.
  7. A piece of lace.

We take two plastic cups (you can use yogurt). We paint cups and a spruce branch with spray paint. Color can be any: golden, silver, bright red.

While the cups are drying, prepare the decoration. You can cut flowers from lace, guipure. Sew beads in the middle.

We coat the flowers with glue and attach to the bell.

We wrap the edges with yarn.

We take a beautiful ribbon, collect it in the middle on a thread with a needle and make a magnificent bow.

Fasten the bow with a needle and thread. We hang it on a Christmas tree or glue the bells together at an angle, glue it to a spruce branch and hang it on the wall with adhesive tape.

You can make a New Year's bell out of paper with your own hands using the technologies of origami, quilling, decorative corrugation, weaving, or from traditional paper reamers.

From a paper cone

With a lack of time, the easiest way is to roll the bell out of paper in the form of a cone, glue the tongue inside and decorate the craft on the outside with a New Year's pattern / pattern. The most popular two options for cone bells "in haste":


When drawing a scan from which a New Year's paper bell will be glued with your own hands, you need to consider:

  • a circle segment is required to collapse a cone
  • the height of the product will be slightly less than the radius of the circle being drawn
  • base diameter depends on the width of the segment (usually 2/3 of the arc length)

Outside, an ornament or pattern of snowflakes or simple geometric lines. For suspension, a thread is passed through the funnel, a tongue from paper strip glued into the body.


An improved version of the previous version is a voluminous Christmas bell with an original tongue. The main differences are:

  • the tongue is two threads with 2 - 3 beads at the end of each of them
  • to emphasize this detail, a rounded cutout is created in the cone of the bell, as in the bottom photo
  • on top, the craft is decorated with an oak leaf or an ordinary bow

The whole composition is hung on a branch of a Christmas tree or attached to the walls, windows of the room. To increase the artistic value, crafts can be made from corrugated paper with your own hands in a couple of minutes.


Corrugation in this case is created by curly gluing several blanks, and not by simply bending the sheet with an “accordion”, which dramatically increases the decorative value of the craft. The design technology is as follows:

  • blanks are cut out of colored paper

  • each of them is folded in half along the vertical axis of symmetry

  • then glued at the point marked with a marker from the inside (on the left in the photo)

  • all parts are glued together at three points marked with a marker on the outside (on the right in the photo)

  • the stack unfolds, at the same three points the first part is glued to the last

  • A tail is attached to the top for hanging.

  • from three blanks of a different color, an elegant bow is glued, attached to the tail

If you arbitrarily increase the number of contact points outside / inside, you can dramatically improve the aesthetics of the perception of the bell.

quilling method

When using this technique christmas toys are guaranteed to be original, but they spend much more time on manufacturing. There are several ways to arrange rolled paper strips:


In the upper part of the craft, two round serpentines are used, the rest of the body is constructed from elongated drop-shaped rolls, as in the lower figure.


For this craft, you will need a long roll of very tightly rolled tape. The formation of a bell from it occurs in stages:

  • a pendant thread or a decorative cord is passed through the central hole
  • the thumb is pressed into the bobbin in a smooth motion
  • an umbrella is formed, then a dome with a thickening at the bottom
  • the inner surface is treated with glue to fix the resulting shape and the suspension thread
  • after drying, decoupage is applied to the outer part
  • a bead of the “tongue” of the bell is attached to the bottom of the ribbon / thread


When mixing the two previous technologies, a unique craft is obtained. Drops and standard round bobbins of serpentine are glued to each other on a blank of the desired shape. After the glue dries, the design is removed from the template and hung on a ribbon.

Origami technology

Using the glueless method, bells made of corrugated paper can be folded using the origami method.

To do this, you need to use the scheme:

These crafts look best in a pair, connected with a textile tape.

From sweep

It is enough just to build New Year's bells from ready-made sweeps that can be copied from the bottom photos.

This version of crafts has a simple configuration, it is conveniently fixed on the surface and paws of Christmas trees.

It is made from this type of reamer.

The other option is a little more difficult as it has more petals.

In this case, a different configuration sweep is applied.

woven from paper tubes

If desired, and if there is enough time, a Christmas bell can be woven from paper tubes. For the manufacture of with my own hands there are simple patterns.

Since origami is the most complex technology, below is an introductory video on making this type of New Year crafts step by step:

Thus, from the above methods for making a Christmas bell, you can choose the most suitable one, taking into account qualifications. home master availability of free time. In addition, you can try out all the options and decorate the room for the New Year with a dozen crafts that differ from each other.

We present to your attention a master class on creating a ritual doll Bell. This doll came to us from Valdai, according to legend, it carries the powers of a talisman against diseases and other evil spirits. Cheerful and perky, the doll Bell is considered a doll good news and good mood.

Our ancestors have long attributed healing and protective properties to the ringing of the bell. AT hard times, whether it be the invasion of the plague or enemy force, always rang the bells so that troubles were bypassed. And on holidays, bells were added to the harness, and then their chime was heard throughout Valdai.

The doll was considered a good gift for weddings and christenings. After all, giving such a doll close person you wish him family well-being, happiness and health. We will show you how to make a bell.

Making a bell charm

To make a bell with our own hands, we need the following materials and tools:

  • three scraps of fabric for skirts;
  • a piece of fabric for a shirt;
  • a piece of fabric for a scarf;
  • wide braid on the warrior;
  • ribbon on the belt;
  • synthetic down ball;
  • threads for dressing;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • compass.

Operating procedure

  1. The bell doll traditionally has three skirts, symbolizing the three components of a person: body, mind and soul. It was believed that only then a person is happy when his mind is in harmony with the body and soul. We take a flap for the petticoat and draw a circle with a diameter of 30 cm. It is most convenient to do this with a compass.
  2. Each subsequent skirt will be 5 cm smaller than the previous one. Cut out the circles. We should get three circles: 30.25 and 20 cm in diameter. Next, we take the sintepuh and roll it into a small ball, to which we tie a bell.
  3. We put it on the largest circle, on the wrong side. Turn over and see that the ball is exactly in the center of the workpiece. Then we tie it with a red thread.
  4. There is a red thread in the master classes for creating dolls of amulets for a reason. It's all about protective property red from the evil eye and other troubles. And it is the red woolen thread that has long been the very first amulet for a baby.
  5. Our doll is already beginning to take shape. In the same way, we put two more skirts on her, tying each with a red thread. From above, we will put a shirt on our amulet doll.
  6. For a shirt, we need a square piece of fabric measuring 20 by 20 cm. We put the opposite corners of the square one on top of the other and put it on top of the doll. We bandage the ball of the head in the place where the previous dressings have already been made.
  7. From the ends of the shirt protruding on the sides, we need to make hands. First, we fold the edges of the fabric inward, then fold it in half and bandage it, stepping back 1 cm from the edge. In the same way, we make the sleeve on the other side.
  8. It remains to make a warrior and a scarf. The warrior at the doll-amulet should traditionally be embroidered. Can be taken dense fabric and embroider or use a ready-made embroidered braid.
  9. We put a warrior on the doll's head. For a scarf, we cut out a triangle from thin cotton with sides of 30 cm. We bend the edge of the scarf inward and put it on top of the warrior.
  10. We tie the scarf on the chest of the doll crosswise and tie it at the back. It remains to put on a belt and decorate with ribbons. The bell amulet doll is ready to protect you and your family.

We present you a master class with a template in which we will tell you how to make a bell out of corrugated paper with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction with photo and detailed description will dispel any doubts in you that these flowers are beyond your power!

Tools and materials Time: 3-4 hours Difficulty: 5/10

  • crepe paper in blue or any other color of your choice with ombre coloring (or make such paper yourself (see instructions below));
  • spray paint of a shade more saturated than paper (if you paint the crepe yourself);
  • green corrugated paper;
  • glue gun and glue sticks;
  • cute flower pot;
  • floral sponge;
  • stones (for laying in a pot);
  • floral wire;
  • ordinary thin wire;
  • round pencil;
  • scissors;
  • ruler.

Bells are beautiful and delicate flowers, signaling that hot days will come very soon. Decorate a themed party or home interior, making a stunning volumetric bell from crepe paper with an ombre gradient coloring!


Step by step instructions with photo

Let's get to work on our beautiful crepe paper bell.

Step 1: paint the paper

  • To create an ombre effect, take blue (or any other color you like) crepe paper and paint with a more saturated color.
  • Cut out a paper rectangle measuring 18 x 23 cm. Fold it like an accordion 5 times. Lightly spray the edges of both sides of the folded paper with blue spray paint. Let the paper dry overnight. Ready!

Step 2: cut out the petals

  • Take the rectangle prepared the day before crepe paper with gradient color. Let it also remain accordion folded 5 times.
  • Cut the top of the folded paper in a semicircle.
  • Expand the piece. Slightly stretch the semicircular ends to the sides.

Step 3: glue the blank

  • Glue the workpiece into a cylinder. Wait for it to dry.
  • Gather the paper on one side into a neat bundle and thickly apply glue to this bundle. While the glue has not dried, insert the end of a thin wire into the middle of the bundle. Hold until the workpiece is dry.
  • Insert your hand into a dried flower and straighten its inner surface in the form of a pretty bell.

Step 4: make a stem

  • From green crepe paper, cut a long strip 2 cm wide and stretch it slightly.
  • Wrap this strip around the base of the flower and continue along the wire. Fix the paper with glue.
  • Make 4 more flowers in the same way. With the help of green crepe, fix them on small stems.

Step 5: Attach the Flower to the Base

  • Take a flower pot and place a floral sponge on the bottom of it. Insert a thick wire into the sponge and wrap it along its entire length with a strip of green crepe paper.
  • Bend the thick wire into an arc.
  • Attach a bell to the top of the wire. Secure it with a strip of green crepe. Attach another flower a little lower, and also fix it with corrugated paper. Attach all 5 flowers evenly to the stem, and secure them with strips of green crepe.

Step 6: Make the Leaves

  • To make the leaves, cut two rectangles that are the full width of the crepe paper roll. Shape the rectangles into leaves.
  • Use a glue gun to glue pieces of wire vertically and horizontally to the axes of the leaves. Bend the sheets slightly with the wire down.
  • Insert the leaves into the flower pot. Also, if desired, add stones, crystals and other elements to the pot.