Built-in aquariums Aquarium in the wall: technical issues of its installation. Location of the built-in aquarium

When building partitions in a new house, one idea came to my mind to expand the space - this is mounting an aquarium into the wall.

Partition kitchen area from the corridor, I intended at the beginning to make a solid structure about 12 centimeters thick, with a doorway. But I wanted to get easy and original partition. Firstly, I increased the opening to the kitchen to almost 2 meters and then decided to make a through niche for the aquarium. I made the installation of the wall from combined materials. I needed not only metal wall profiles, but a board and chipboard. First you need to decide on the size of the niche. Modern aquariums are standard size and made to order. The standard ones are quite low and wide. By order, any size and capacity will be made, and the price will be quite adequate. I proceeded from such aspects: appearance, ease of cleaning and reliability of the design. Appearance The aquarium is improved due to the large length and height, but the convenience of cleaning and filtering will lose. Therefore, the height should be made as high as 0.65-0.7 meters, the length is about 1-1.5 meters, and the width is 0.25-0.4. I chose the following dimensions of length / height / width - 1.05 m / 0.68 / 0.25 meters. My advice is to increase the length and width and get a capacity of about 300 liters, the aquarium will look more impressive, and its inhabitants will be more comfortable living in it.

After we have decided on the dimensions of the reservoir, we mount the wall completely. From the bottom and top, I used the usual guides for the profile in the form of the letter "P", 30 millimeters wide. After I fixed them from each other along the depth of the future niche in order to get a wall thickness of 25 centimeters, and taking into account the installation of drywall, this is still minus 2-2.5 centimeters. The wall must be transversely fastened in some places to avoid deflection from a large weight, because it is about 350 kilograms.
Next to the niche, I used not an ordinary metal profile, but edged board, after which he wrapped the resulting chipboard opening. I draw your attention to the fact that the place where the aquarium is installed must be securely equipped, for reinforcement I used solid crate board walls under the bottom of the aquarium. The lower piece of chipboard should be checked with a level, and it is better to leave gaps of about a centimeter on the side. For reliability and to avoid kinks from the deflection of the base, when installing the aquarium, I placed a foam plastic under its bottom from ceiling panels about a centimeter thick. Water was carefully poured with a hose, constantly monitoring the displacement of the aquarium body.
I was faced with the task of providing cleaning and supplying electricity to the aquarium. Since I wanted to integrate the reservoir into the wall from the side of the corridor and the kitchen, I decided to leave access from the side of the corridor for cleaning, connecting electrical appliances and feeding the fish.

In the future, I did not make any hatches, but elementarily hung a picture in place of the opening.

The drywall was pasted over with wallpaper, so I closed the existing gap between the body and the wall using the usual plastic corner. On the corner I pasted decorative crumbs from the Serpentine stone and shells.

As an alternative design move, there is a more expensive one, this is the use of decorative stone, which can be used to decorate the perimeter of the aquarium. I still have the usual door trim, with which I framed the aquarium from the side of the corridor.

Installation of lighting and filtering depends only on the imagination, since electrical wiring placed in a closed niche.

The result of the installation is a beautiful view, the effect of the presence of inhabitants, lightness and transparency, additional lighting of the corridor and kitchen at night.

If you believe the words of the sages, then you can look at fire and water forever. Our topic is about more water and its inhabitants. I think many will agree that nothing soothes and pacifies like an aquarium with fish. And they can be very diverse, from small, designed for 2-3 liters to the largest, with a volume of several tons. We will take a closer look at aquariums built into the wall, what they can be, their correct location, and views.

Few people can leave an aquarium in the interior indifferent, on the contrary, it will add additional charm to your home, a living corner where you can just relax from the bustling everyday life. If there is nowhere to put the aquarium, then the best way out of this situation is to mount it in the wall. Almost always, such structures are framed with a baguette and therefore they are called - aquarium paintings. Caring for an aquarium is quite simple, with modern equipment, it will not cause you any extra trouble.

They place such an aquarium as, in principle, a picture at the eye level of a standing person. Keep in mind that if you want to place on the wall small aquarium, 10-15 centimeters wide, then they will have to admire with close range otherwise, it will look just like a painting. And if you have children, then you will need to raise them all the time or put them on a chair so that they can see the fish.

Preparing for the placement of this kind of aquarium is desirable in the process of repairing the premises. If you had a niche in the wall, then this would not be a bad option to place the aquarium structure there. If there is no niche, then you can make an opening in the wall, and then your aquarium will be in two rooms at once, which in turn will increase its functionality. But you should pay attention to the fact that if your aquarium is under prolonged exposure to sunlight, then the walls and all the decorations in it will quickly grow, and this will lead to the fact that it will have to be cleaned much more often. Yes, and all the bright and colorful fish with direct sunlight from the side of the room will seem monotonous and gray.

In through aquariums it is undesirable to keep fish digging in the ground, otherwise the water will be cloudy almost constantly, but an aquarium with a closed back wall will work very well in this case. If a through aquarium is placed in the partition wall between the bedroom and the room, away from the windows, then it will not only be an original living picture, but also a kind of lamp that will add even more romance to your bedroom. And it doesn't have to be square shape, it can be round or oval. If you have two or three storey building, and you want something unusual and original, then the aquarium can be built into the wall separating the floors, on the one hand - the floor, on the other - the ceiling.

Sufficiently responsible work on mounting the aquarium, it is best to entrust professionals, in order to avoid funny situations. After all, we are talking about a very large load on the base, and in case of a defect, all the water from the aquarium, and sometimes it is 400-1000 liters, will end up on the floor, which can lead to quite serious losses. So, the bottom of the aquarium should only stand perfectly flat surface, for insulation, a polyisol gasket is used, the thickness of which should be 4-5 millimeters; installing an aquarium without a gasket is prohibited, since any, even the smallest grain of sand, can lead to a crack.

Do not forget that you need to leave a place for cleaning the aquarium, most often an opening is left on top. For an aquarium with a height of 60 centimeters, a minimum opening of 40 centimeters is considered, therefore the total opening in the wall must be at least one meter, keep this in mind when determining at what height the aquarium will be located. Even at the design stage, it is necessary to lay electrical, water and drainage communications, take into account the space for the filter, sterilizer and other necessary aquarium accessories.

The design inside the aquarium can be as varied as you like. It can be the “Sunken Atlantis” and the “Sea Aquarium”, where you can see not only sea fish, but also living corals, modern equipment for this kind of aquariums allows you to have a piece of the sea coral reef at home. "Sunken metropolis", "Aquarium with a waterfall", "Aquarium in the rock", it all depends on your imagination and desire.

Everyone has probably heard about the existence of "aquarium therapy" - this is one of the types of relaxation, and therapy, because the fish have not only a calming effect, but a healing one. Yes, it is fish that can treat mental disorders, therefore, in some countries, such therapy is among the methods of treatment and their prevention. Watching the inhabitants of the aquarium, who calmly live their lives, not only calms, but also allows, in turn, to restore the shattered nervous system. No wonder many people install aquariums in their office. It was also found that the contemplation of aquarium fish normalizes and stabilizes blood pressure, relieves stress. And all this is completely safe, you only need to regular care behind the aquarium and its inhabitants.

Undoubtedly, an aquarium in the interior cannot leave anyone indifferent. Moreover, the aquarium makes the interior memorable and gives it an incomparable charm. Today, the presence of an aquarium in the living room of a cottage, apartment, office or restaurant has become an indispensable part of the interior design. You can list the aesthetic and therapeutic qualities of aquariums for a long time, but quite a lot has already been said about this. We decided to dedicate this article to describing how to install large aquariums and install them in the interior.

Aquarium care, with modern equipment, is not a problem today. And the larger this aquarium, the easier and less often it will be necessary to maintain it. Modern technologies production of aquariums allow the manufacture of frameless containers of huge sizes, and if for most aquarium lovers until recently upper limit the height of the aquarium was only 60 cm, today it has grown by more than a meter.
However, not everything is so simple, because along with the height of the aquarium, the load on the base also increased. Even an empty aquarium over a meter high will have big weight, since thick glass is used for its manufacture, up to 20 mm or more. The load increases even more when filling the aquarium with soil and water. The total load on the base, thus, can increase to 160 kg / sq. dm.

If you entrust the installation of the aquarium to unskilled workers, then the risk of a disastrous outcome is almost 100%, since during installation large aquarium there are many nuances, which even experienced builder, not being a specialist in this field, cannot know. However, it is worth noting that such workers willingly undertake installation work, assuring that there is nothing complicated in this.
In fact, this is not entirely true, because in the case of an aquarium, we are talking about 500, 800, and sometimes more than 1000 liters of water, which can end up on the floor, leading to serious losses. At the same time, if the installation technology is followed correctly, the aquarium will stand for 10 years or more without giving a single leak.
There are several ways to install aquariums, among them - integration into interior wall(the aquarium can be seen through), integration into the wall with the closing of the rear edge, installation of the aquarium on a pedestal or on a powerful plate fixed in the wall like a balcony.

The same applies to the case when it is supposed to keep in a through aquarium fish that like to dig in the ground, for example, koi carps and goldfish, which are often transferred from a summer pond to home aquarium for the winter. An aquarium with a closed back wall will look much better in the interior and the slight cloudiness resulting from the vital activity of carps, goldfish and other “diggers” will be almost imperceptible.
Of all the features of installing an aquarium, the most important is the preparation and arrangement of a place that will serve as a base. If you intend to build an aquarium into the body of the wall, then you need to pay attention to what this very wall is made of. Of course, it is better if the built-in aquarium is planned at the construction design stage and the aquadesign specialists have made their own adjustments there. However, you can build an aquarium in an already decorated interior.

To do this, as already mentioned, you need to make sure that the wall, part of which will serve as the basis for the aquarium, is made of reliable material. For drywall walls for aquariums, welded frames are made of profiled steel, observing the rigidity and safety margin of their design.
Both in the case of building aquariums into existing walls, and when building new walls, it is necessary to give the base where the aquarium will be installed a perfectly flat horizontal surface. The bottom of an aquarium (especially a large one) experiences huge loads and, if the base is uneven, it will repeat its shape. If the curvature is critical, then the bottom will certainly burst. And if the unevenness of the base is insignificant, then this will also affect the life of the aquarium, and all this time the risk of cracking the bottom will remain quite high.

The final leveling of the base area of ​​the aquarium must be done with compositions that do not shrink. Best used for rough leveling cement-sand mortar, and for finishing - cement-based putty. To isolate the bottom of the aquarium from the base, use a polyisol gasket, 4-5 mm thick. It perfectly distributes the load and levels the smallest irregularities. Installing the aquarium directly on the base (without a gasket) is strictly prohibited, because. the smallest grain of sand can cause cracking of the bottom.
Another important point is the allocation of space for aquarium equipment and the organization of access to the aquarium for maintenance. As a general rule, the taller the aquarium, the more space you need to leave on top of it. The minimum free opening from above for a 60 cm aquarium is 40 cm. Thus, the height of the opening in this case will be equal to 1 m.

A good solution for non-through aquariums would be to make it through, but with a decorated back wall. This will make it possible to perform all technical manipulations from the back, while leaving the facade of the aquarium intact. At the design stage, it is necessary to lay water, drainage and electrical communications, as well as provide space for a canister filter, UV sterilizer and other aquarium equipment.
In the last decade, marine aquariums have become increasingly popular among ichthyofauna lovers. They can be freely installed into the interior in a through way, because. in them, as a rule, it is always crystal pure water. If until recently, having a piece of a coral reef with bright marine fish at home was from the category of dreams, today this is a completely feasible task. Modern equipment for marine aquariums allows you to create for the life of their inhabitants optimal conditions and even grow live corals. Freshwater and, especially, marine aquariums built into the interior will certainly become the center of attention for all guests and visitors, and creative solutions designers will further emphasize the special living aesthetics and energy of these beautiful underwater worlds.

So, in order to properly build an aquarium into a wall, you need to consider:

How more aquarium, the easier and less care behind him
The surface of the wall on which the bottom of the aquarium is installed must be perfectly flat and level with the horizon.

Clearance above the aquarium is 40-50% of the height of the aquarium, but not less than 40cm

Pass-Through Aquariums Require More Thorough Filtration

Aquariums with a volume of more than 500 liters, it is desirable to equip with water supply and sewerage

Aqua design in interior design is one of the fashion trends. But ordinary equipment, the traditional selection of fish does not impress anyone. Designers strive to combine the composition of the aquarium with the general style of the room where it is planned to be located, and sometimes, on the contrary, they try to create an emphasis on such a non-standard item.

In design

An aquarium in the interior is not only an element of decor. It is a living decoration that creates special atmosphere helps relaxation. The most popular theme for decoration will be sea or river. As a rule, "river" ones are filled with green algae, and "sea" ones are more bright colors, create the illusion of a seabed with reefs and corals.

The underwater kingdom of a single apartment imitates the urban atmosphere of a modern city or natural mountain landscapes, scenery in the spirit of Japanese minimalism. Under the water there is a whole ancient city with ancient ruins, sculptural groups, sunken ships.

Before purchasing an aquarium, you need to consider its harmonious arrangement in the room, the internal content of the structure. Size, shape, place where it is planned to put it matter. For the choice of fish and floristry, it may be necessary to consult an aquarist, the issue should be studied in depth. Don't skimp on equipment. When choosing the type of aquarium, they are guided by the number, type of inhabitants, and the role of this item in the intended interior.

Corner structures

The aquarium, located in the corner, looks good, is compact, has an excellent view. The triangular shape solves the problem rationally small space. L-shaped structures are used for zoning, a trapezoidal container in a small room on a nightstand or table will fill the corner. Concave or convex glass will visually make the house with aquatic life more voluminous. Skillfully selected decorations with a small occupied area will create the illusion of spaciousness.

Little corner aquarium placed on a table or stand. It is more suitable for medium-sized schooling fish. If the aquarium can hold up to 500 liters, then larger individuals can live there without any problems, it is installed on a powerful base. The cabinet should be integral with the rest of the furniture. 500-700 liter aquariums require a lot of space and must be clearly visible.

Proper decorating techniques, well-chosen fish and plants will make the corner aquarium a decoration of the room.

Embedded structures

One of fashion trends- built-in aquariums, which used to decorate the spaces of exclusively business centers, restaurants, offices. Now, with their help, they enliven the space of a living space, give it a unique variety.

One of the main rules is to plan the placement of the tank at the stage of construction or redevelopment. Since the bottom experiences heavy weight loads, the base must be perfectly level. It is also necessary to take into account the material that was used in the construction. If it is a brick, no reinforcement is required, but drywall construction equipped with welded steel frames.

There are several installation options, including the integration of the aquarium into the interior wall. With this arrangement, it is visible through and through. Enhanced filtration will be required, ultraviolet sterilization is desirable, tk. the slightest turbidity of the water can neutralize the effect. From this point of view, it is much more profitable to install an aquarium with a closed rear edge. Another design is installed on a pedestal or as a balcony, on a slab protruding from the wall.

It is important to ensure the availability of the aquarium for care, to provide space for the location of communications and equipment. Service will be convenient if back wall will be closed or decorated.

Embedded models attract Special attention, carry living energy, contribute to the maximum relaxation of the owners and guests of the house.

Custom Shapes

The category of non-standard includes any containers with individual characteristics for keeping fish and other marine animals. These are aquariums located inside niches or openings, aquariums-pictures or cylinders, high, low, small and giant, round, triangular, multi-section.

The volume of such a product reaches 1000 liters, so they are made from silicate glass, which hides joints and seams, from acrylic glass, which is easy to give any shape when heated. The number, size of stiffeners, ties each time is determined individually. For accurate calculation the required glass thickness is used by a special calculator, the choice is also influenced by the configuration and size of the object.

Aquariums are classified as non-standard:

  • with unusual lighting, decorative elements;
  • models of unusual shape;
  • author's products that can support the life of the inhabitants autonomously.

With all the creativity, such an aquarium must meet the basic requirements: the comfort of living creatures, ease of maintenance.

In room design

Forms and options for the location of aquariums are very diverse. They are placed on stands, built in, hung up, which saves space, creates a unique flavor. They are of irregular shape, there may be several of them, they can be combined, placed in the living room or dining room, bathroom, serve as a partition between two rooms.

Aquarium does not welcome extravagant design solutions, not conducive comfortable life fish and burdensome to maintain. Therefore, when choosing an aquarium, the optimal one will be one that combines compliance with a certain set of principles:

  • Security requires reliable support.
  • Classic rectangular shapes are preferred, do not distort spaces, and large ones are easier to care for than small ones.
  • It is important to have lighting and flow, which is provided by special lamps, pumps. Ozonizers, UV emitters, etc. will help create a favorable environment. Water must have temperature, density, salinity, hydrogen and oxygen characteristics that meet the standards.
  • To arrange and create a favorable environment for the inhabitants, you will have to think about purchasing live stones, coral sand, shells, and all kinds of artificial decorations.

An aquarium will fit into the housing space if its shape, location, and well-groomed inhabitants meet the requirements.

Living room

In the living room, this object will be the center of everyone's attention. Here it will become an independent element of the interior or serve as a zone separator. This room is ideal for setting up an aquarium, where it will become the dominant detail. You only need to take into account the size of the room.

From the standpoint of Feng Shui, the hall is the most appropriate place for an aquarium, here it will attract success and prosperity, especially if it is located on the east or southeast side.

Do not place the object near the window, Sun rays badly affect the condition of water and fish. Undesirable places with drafts, placement of the front side to the window.

The interior of the living room with a wall or hanging aquarium will become universal option, especially if the room is not large in size.


In a room that is usually not full of decor, the aquarium will become a bright detail, and in heating period balance moisture.

From a Feng Shui point of view, an aquarium in the bedroom is unacceptable. brings cooling into the relationship of the spouses, and the continuous movement of the fish increases nervousness. Excessive employment, untimely cleaning of the tank will affect the freshness of the atmosphere and health.

If the need to admire the aquarium before going to bed does not let go, then there is a reasonable compromise: a dry aquarium. It's filled with shells starfish, corals. The flickering of fish in this case will no longer bother. Another Japanese trend, wabi-kusa, will give the bedroom an exotic look. The vessel is filled with water not to the brim, the fish do not swim there, and the plants are both under the water and on top.


How the aquarium will look here depends on the size of the room, in which zone it will stand. A container made of acrylic rather than glass is desirable; this is a safer option, although it requires careful maintenance.

Common models for a nursery are floor-standing, which are placed directly on the floor or on a stand, at a height corresponding to eye level, or desktop, mini-sized. Such a gift with a single living inhabitant will enliven the interior, give it a twist. It will be interesting for the child to observe living creatures at close range, feed fish, and take care of turtles with their own hands.

Looks original hanging option. It will not clutter up a small room. The model should not be very wide, not heavy.

Aquariums built into a niche or located in a wall look good, with a themed decorative background created in the background.

If the room is spacious and requires zoning, an aquarium partition will do, which will separate the bed from the work and play area.

Before installing the original interior solution, you need to make sure that the child is not allergic to fish food, that the container in which they will live is safe. When planning the arrangement of a room, you can arrange family council where the child will also take part. For clarity, the planned interior changes can be presented to him in the photo.


Modern kitchens, equipped with technologies and functions, often become a room where households spend a lot of time. Aquariums also become part of the interior of this room, to which they add mobility and light. Therefore, there are furniture brands whose catalogs represent built-in aquariums.

Feng Shui has its own point of view and insists that the elements of water and the element of fire (to which the kitchen belongs) are incompatible. But if you really want...

Placing an aquarium in the kitchen is convenient, because. it is easy to organize a water supply and outflow system here, there will be much less problems with cleaning the tank. One has only to think in advance of the communications system, the safety of the current supply, and furniture ventilation. For water entering the tank, it is better to install multi-level purification, because. the air in the kitchen becomes more polluted.

The type of aquarium depends on the size of the kitchen. A large room will contain a reservoir, which will not be a part of the space, but the space itself. With it, you can separate the functional and dining area. If it is placed inside the facades of furniture or walls, then the dimensions should be more modest.

Effectively beat the location of light sources that will be controlled by a timer or remotely. With their help, it will be possible to create an original atmosphere of the kitchen space.

Aquarium partition

To seamlessly integrate the aquarium into the interior, it is better not to use ready-made forms, but to make desired model to order.

An aquarium partition in the design of a home or office is just perfect. It creates the illusion of privacy, at the same time expands the space, makes it bright, light freely penetrates to any corner of the room.

Thanks to the transparent partition, the opposite part of the room will be visible. A piece of real nature is brought into the interior where such an aquarium stands. With it, separate the kitchen from the hallway or living room, enliven the faded color scheme, even replace them with a work of art.

Aquariums built into the wall

This type of aquarium is the most popular, organic for any room, not excluding the dining room and kitchen.

If the tank is equipped with a backlight, then the glow will be a nice addition, and will also play the role of a night light. A large aquarium resembling a TV screen will make the interior more alive.

A built-in aquarium requires planning at the stage of creating a design project in order to determine in advance from which side the service will be carried out, which inhabitants will populate it. If the tank is located between rooms where transparency is not required, it is populated with dense algae.

If the glass is damaged, it will be more difficult to replace it than in a free-standing design.

unusual aquariums

Since aquariums are popular interior items, they help the owners to show originality, to stand out. And although outwardly unusual vessels are not always useful for fish, designers and decorators create unhackneyed creative forms.

A glass table with an aquarium as its base. He can be rectangular shape or in the form of a hemisphere. It will make a dinner party or dinner party exclusive, inspire to communicate on an interesting topic.

Aquarium in the form of a wall will separate working area kitchen from the dining room, corridor with front door from the open space of the studio apartment.

The sink may not be ceramic, but made of durable glass. In a vessel under the colon top cover real algae and fish will live.

A single system is represented by several separate containers connected by a kind of "transitions" at different levels. Fish travel, people contemplate, relax, think about the eternal.

Around the perimeter of the bathroom is a wall in the form of an aquarium. The walls of the room with aquatic greenery and inhabitants will create the illusion of immersion.

To combine two arguing dominants around the fireplace is not an easy task. Not every designer will support such an idea, but there is a demand for it. Especially for those who are lacking square meters seeks to use the space to the maximum, to fit two dreams into the interior at once.

It is clear that the aquarium will be rather big. The project must take into account its mass, provide for the nuances of electrical wiring, and isolate the two environments as much as possible.

At large volume aquarium from a short operation of the fireplace, the water will not warm up, the living creatures will stay in the comfort zone. For absolute safety, it is advisable to install not wood-burning fireplaces, but those powered by the mains. Imitation of a flame will create the effect of highlighting the aquarium.

The electric hearth makes it possible to regulate or completely turn off the heating with a visual effect of burning. Near such a "relaxation complex" it will be comfortable to relax at any time of the year and watch the scurrying guppies, cichlids, shrimps.

Inside furniture or interior items

The desire to fill the home with exotic leads to unexpected decisions. You can purchase a special cabinet to accommodate a large aquarium, but it looks cumbersome and requires scarce space. Great option there will be aquariums built into walls and furniture.

An island table in the kitchen, which is also an aquarium, is unlikely to require additional decoration. An apron in the kitchen becomes an aquarium. From there, the fish will watch the manipulations of the hostess on the desktop.

A coffee table-aquarium in the living room will not take up much space, it will help you relax after a hard day. Equally original will be the armrests of the sofa, where tanks with algae and scurrying fish are built.

Aquarium arches look beautiful, which are located not only on the border of two rooms, but also at the head of the bed.

In the living room, aquariums are mounted in the wall, on both sides of the TV. From time to time distracted from the dynamic action on the screen, you can relax by looking at undersea world. They arrange an aquarium from the TV itself, taking out the filling from the old box and inserting instead of it a flask corresponding to the size with marine life. A kind of "video" for the rest of home and guests.

For lovers of wildlife and minimalist forms, we can offer to combine an aquarium with flower pot. In such a house they will live indoor flower and a fish. The base can easily be converted into an aquarium table lamp, even the toilet bowl.

Any of the options will create an atmosphere of peace, help recovery nervous system.