Prefabricated mini baths for a summer residence. Projects of small one-story baths. Do-it-yourself bathhouse in the country: step-by-step instructions

A small bathhouse for a summer residence is by no means a luxury. With minimal construction skills, it can be erected independently in a relatively short terms. In addition, the market today offers wide range ready-made structures at very affordable prices.

In general, there is plenty to choose from, but so that you can more confidently navigate all the diversity, below we will describe the main types of baths.

Historical classification

Even quite compact sauna for a dacha may have the most different designs, which, accordingly, provides a difference in sensations when visiting the steam room. And here main role plays a role in the type of steam supply, as well as its temperature and humidity.

From this point of view, it is most convenient to consider the historically established types of steam rooms:

  • Russian bathhouse is the most popular look on the territory of our country. It is a room with a stove-heater, which, in fact, is responsible for pumping up the heat. A special feature of the Russian steam room is its high humidity, which can be adjusted independently by periodically adding cold water to the hot stones.

  • The Finnish bathhouse (aka sauna) is only slightly inferior in popularity to the Russian one. The designs of these varieties are identical, but unlike a wet Russian steam room, the air in the sauna is maintained in a fairly dry state. Thanks to this, the human body more effectively resists high temperatures, so experienced amateurs can easily tolerate heat well beyond 100 0 C.

Pay attention!
We should use the usual broom in the sauna only at low temperatures, otherwise there is a risk of severe burns.

  • The Turkish hammam is distinguished by the fact that it maintains relatively low temperature. They try to keep the steam in the room quite humid and not heat it above 50 -60 0 C. Thanks to this, you can spend not just a few minutes in the hammam, as in a regular steam room, but up to several hours without any damage to your health.

  • A Japanese bath (furo) is essentially a large wooden tub into which you pour hot water. The tub is usually placed in a room with hot (+30 0 C or more) and humid air. There are also varieties of furo designed for several people - the so-called sento. They are different large sizes, and it is advisable to dive into them only after taking a shower.

Analyzing this list, you can see that small bathhouses for a dacha can only be built in Russian or Finnish technology. To build a hammam, a Japanese bath, as well as other exotic options, such as a Roman or Mexican steam room, it is advisable to build a separate, fairly large room. Naturally, the price of the project will also be appropriate.

Structures used in private households

By type of structure

So, if we have decided that a small bathhouse at the dacha will be built according to the Russian or Finnish type, it is worth understanding the design features.

In private households, the following options can be implemented:

  • Mini sauna in the country, which is part of the house itself. If the size of a residential building allows, then it is quite possible to allocate a steam room with a shower separate room. This way we will ensure significant savings on the construction of a separate building, in addition, we will not need to worry about thermal insulation: additional insulation You will only need it for the steam room itself.

Pay attention!
On the other hand, it is important to place it in such a way that the heat from it does not become a source of discomfort.

  • Extension to the house. A compromise option that allows you to comfortably use the steam room even if this structure was not originally included in the project. Typically, mini saunas for summer cottages are attached to the back wall of the house, which allows you to hide them from prying eyes and protect from wind and drafts.

  • Full-size permanent structure. This option will do for those who want maximum comfort. Of course, building a sauna with your own hands may require serious investment, and you will have to work hard, but as a result we will have a full-fledged sauna in which you can steam without regard to temperature and humidity. And if you also add a terrace to it, then the resting place will be simply ideal!

  • Compact version in the form of a mobile trailer. It is quite convenient to transport, installed either on the ground or on a low-power foundation, but has a relatively small area. In principle, you can steam in such a trailer, and even comfortably, but they are only produced in this format inexpensive baths for the dacha.

Pay attention!
The exception is the technology used to produce country houses from a block of containers.
Baths made using this method turn out to be quite large and relatively spacious, and they are cheaper than a permanent building.

  • A separate group consists of temporary structures, which are canopies made of tent fabric. They are installed on any flat area and dismantled after use.

By material

A homemade bathhouse in a country house can easily be erected without the involvement of third-party craftsmen. If this is your option, then you should choose in advance what material you will use to build the steam room.

Experts give the most different recommendations, which we tried to summarize in a single table:

Material Advantages Flaws
  • Original appearance.
  • Enough easy assembly(if you have skills).
  • Good thermal insulation properties.
  • With proper treatment – ​​long service life.
  • Difficulty in sealing joints (caulking).
  • The need for standing to compensate for shrinkage.
  • Tendency to swell when moistened.
  • Low fire resistance.
Beam (flat and profiled)
  • The walls do not require additional finishing.
  • Easy installation.
  • Good resistance to heat transfer.
  • Low shrinkage of laminated veneer lumber that has undergone pre-drying.
  • The need for treatment with moisture-protective preparations.
  • Cheap samples exhibit significant shrinkage.
  • Requires fire protection.
  • Beautiful masonry while following simple rules.
  • High strength and resistance to external influences.
  • Fire resistance.
  • High cost of material (especially facing and fireproof varieties).
  • Significant mass of the structure.
  • The need for additional thermal insulation.
Cellular concrete
  • Ease of processing.
  • Good thermal insulation properties.
  • Possibility of laying not on mortar, but on glue, which allows you to form thin, unsaleable seams.
  • High water absorption.
  • Tendency to crack when deformed.

It should be noted that this instruction contains information only about the main points. Thus, despite the low fire resistance, prefabricated bathhouses for summer cottages are often made from logs or timber impregnated with special protective compounds.

The same applies to foam concrete: yes, it cracks when it settles, so they try to compensate for this minus by building the most stable base possible.

By heat source

Another important factor Something worth considering is how our sauna will be heated.

A sauna stove can be very different, but the main thing is that it can heat the steam room and maintain a high temperature (up to 100 0 C) for a long time.

The following varieties are available on the market:

  • Wood burning is the traditional option. The stove can be made of brick, or it can be a cast iron or steel container with a chimney and a heater located inside the steam room itself. Usually the firebox is located in the dressing room, which allows you to save space in the steam room and add firewood in advance.
  • Gas ones are more modern and most economical. The main difficulty is the installation of the equipment, since only a certified specialist can connect it.
  • Electric ones are the most compact and easiest to use. They are located in the steam room itself and do not require the installation of a chimney. Majority electric ovens equipped with convenient control panels that allow you to adjust the temperature.

Pay attention! The right decision when installing such a stove, you will need to buy or rent a diesel generator for your summer cottage: the device consumes large number electricity, so it is advisable to purchase a separate unit to power it.

What if you buy ready-made?

If you don’t want to bother with construction, then your choice is a ready-made bathhouse for your dacha.

Let's try to figure out what it is and what its features are:

  • As a rule, such products are mounted either on the basis of small trailers (sometimes even on a chassis, which makes transportation possible), or on wooden frames, covered with boards.

Pay attention!
IN lately cylindrical models became popular.
They look original, but there are questions about ease of use.
It’s better to independently examine the specimen you like and draw a conclusion.

  • Outdoor and interior lining made from clapboard. Since such structures are positioned as budget ones, the lining is mainly pine, albeit well-treated and impregnated with moisture-proof compounds.
  • More expensive models assembled entirely from timber, most often profiled.
  • Inside mobile saunas for a dacha they are equipped with a small compartment for clothes (aka a dressing room), a washing room and a steam room itself. An electric heater is responsible for heating, but you can also find models equipped with a wood-burning stove.
  • A water tank is mounted on the roof, and a drainage tray is installed under the washing compartment. At the bottom of one of the side walls there is a pipe through which water is drained.

In principle, the purchase of such a product will be completely justified if you do not have construction skills: the construction of even the simplest bathhouse by a hired team will cost much more.


Expensive, budget and very cheap summerhouses can have very different designs. And although they provide us with different levels of comfort, the wide range allows us to make a choice in favor of the most suitable option. And in order not to make a mistake, we recommend that you remember the information presented above, and also watch the video in this article.

Often land plots only involve the construction of vital buildings. Small area plot, the use of every piece of land for planting or thoughtful simply does not leave room for additional buildings. In this case, there is only one solution left for lovers of bath procedures: building a mini-bath. What is a mini-sauna for a summer residence, how to build it and what is needed to build it - let's figure it out.

Read in the article

Mini-sauna for a summer residence. Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of a mini-bath is the area occupied during its construction. The second, no less important parameter is the cost of building a mini-bath in the country.

Typically, mini-ovens for small volumes are metal structures designed to generate steam. As an example, consider the Varvara “Mini” sauna stove.

Sauna stove Varvara Kamenka mini

This is a wood stove with overall dimensions 48x66 cm and height 88 cm. Steel structure The top of the firebox itself is covered with a casing, inside of which there are convection channels. The air, heating up in the firebox area, escapes into the heater through the holes in the casing, thereby quickly heating the stones. As a result, the oven heats up very quickly, warming up small room in a very short time.

In addition to this, there are more simple designs stoves in which the heater is heated directly by exposure to heat from fuel combustion. When using it in a steam room, you need to provide a place for storing fuel, or a canopy not far from the bathhouse.

For small steam rooms, in some cases it is advisable to use electric sauna stoves and electric heaters.

Note! Installing a heat exchanger on the chimney will allow you to quickly warm up the air in the steam room. But this option is possible with the appropriate dimensions of the bath.

Mini-pools for baths

Additional installation in the bathhouse will expand the functionality of the bathhouse and add comfort. It is worth noting that it is better to initially provide for the installation of a swimming pool in the bathhouse design, since mini-pools for a bathhouse require water supply systems, water drainage, and heating.

For this reason, building a swimming pool into ready-made sauna the matter is quite troublesome and costly. There are several types of pools designed for installation in a bathhouse:

  • Stationary. In this case, the pool is initially included in the bathhouse design, a pit is dug under it, the walls of the pool are concreted and covered decorative coating. This type of pool is mainly used for full-size bath buildings.
  • Font. Metal or plastic construction, intended for installation in a pre-prepared bed. To put it into operation, you only need to connect the font to the water supply system.
  • Portable pools. Metal structures With plastic trim. Just like a font, they are installed in a prepared bed, after which they are connected to the water supply system.

Swimming pools can be equipped with water heating systems and hydromassage equipment, but in this case, connecting them requires the help of qualified specialists.

Mini sauna for a summer residence

It is distinguished from a bath by the type of steam and the temperature. In order to make a sauna out of a steam room, it is enough to install an electric steam generator, an electric heater or a wood-burning sauna inside the steam room. When using a steam room as a sauna, it is recommended interior decoration from one type of wood: pine, linden or alder. A mini-sauna in a country house should be as closed as possible, almost airtight. Special attention You need to pay attention to its thermal insulation. This is necessary for preservation inside the sauna high temperature for a long time, with minimum costs energy carrier.

portable sauna

How to build a small sauna for your dacha with your own hands

Before construction, you should familiarize yourself with the projects of already built baths and choose the most best option. Do-it-yourself mini-bath projects for a summer residence (both frame and timber) are quite widespread, and finding them is not difficult. Before you build a small bathhouse with your own hands, you need to decide on the type of bathhouse, the material for its construction and its location.

After all organizational issues have been resolved, you should proceed directly to the construction process. First of all, build the foundation and then begin building the walls and interior decoration.

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This technology is used to speed up the construction of not too heavy buildings and other architectural structures. In the article you will find step-by-step instructions for constructing the structure and useful tips specialists.

The main requirement during construction is accuracy. Everything needs to be done calmly and without haste. This will allow you to build a bathhouse in a short time without any incidents in the work.

Useful advice! When purchasing materials for construction, focus on the medium and high price range. Soft materials for the roof, purchase insulation and vapor barrier according to a pre-calculated estimate, + 10% on the supply of material.

An important point when building a bathhouse is not to forget about. For a small steam room, a channel in the wall is sufficient; for larger rooms, a fan will be required. This is necessary so that our small bathhouse at the dacha is a place comfortable rest, and not a carrier of miasma.


A standard bath building has dimensions of 6 by 6 meters. Naturally, not everyone personal plot has sufficient dimensions to accommodate such a bath.

Therefore, the only way out of the situation is to reduce the size. And if you take into account all the features of bathhouse construction, the result can meet all your expectations.

In this article we will look at the main aspects of planning and construction of mini-baths.

About mini-baths

A mini sauna for a summer residence can be built for several reasons:

  1. If there is not enough free space.
  2. In order to save money, because the price of such buildings will be significantly lower than standard ones.
  3. Based on practicality. Miniature buildings place less load on the foundation and are easier to maintain. And for a small family or single people there is no need to erect a large building.

A mini bathhouse in a country house should have the functionality of a full-fledged bathhouse building.

Therefore, when starting planning, you should consider several nuances:

  1. If you plan to use the sauna in winter period time, then a locker room should be provided here.

  1. If you plan to use the building seasonally, and there is very little space on the site, then you can build a one-room steam room, which will only include a steam room. This great option if there is a natural body of water nearby where you can rinse in cool water after steam procedures.
  2. If there is no body of water nearby, then it is advisable to provide at least two rooms in the bathhouse: a steam room and a washing room, where the font is installed.

Building layout

Any project must begin with a construction plan.

Let's consider what nuances planning a mini-bath should take into account:

  1. First of all, you need to know about the design features of traditional Russian baths.

They include the following premises:

  • , which serves as a locker room and a place to store firewood.
  • A relaxation room with a table and chairs for tea parties.

Advice! The furniture in the rest room should be wooden and devoid of any upholstery. Otherwise, under the influence high humidity upholstered furniture will quickly lose its attractive appearance.

  • Steam room, which is the main bath room, including an oven and a bench for taking procedures.
  • A washing room where a contrast shower is carried out.
  1. More often, bathhouse projects involve combining an entrance hall and a rest room.

For example, the layout of a building 2.5 by 6 meters provides for the following rooms:

  • The rest room is 2.5 by 2.5 meters, which is enough to accommodate a small table for four.
  • Their rest rooms run along the left wall of the building narrow corridor, 0.5 meters wide. From it you can enter the steam room and washing room.
  • The steam room occupies 2 by 2 meters, which is quite enough for one person to take the procedures.
  • The washing room, accordingly, has an area of ​​1.5 by 2 meters. Installed here wooden barrel with water for cooling procedures.
  1. If you abandon the hallway in a bathhouse with this layout, you will get a structure with an area of ​​3.5 by 2.5 meters, which is very compact and at the same time has the full functionality of a bathhouse building.

Advice! Baths without rest rooms are an excellent option for adding to a house. Then tea parties and gatherings can be held in the living room.


For any building, even a miniature one, a reliable foundation is needed.

It can be of two types:

  1. Columnar.
  2. Tape.

Since our building is miniature, we can safely build it on a columnar foundation.

Advice! Columnar foundations cannot be erected on unstable soils. Therefore, before starting work, order a soil analysis from a specialized office.

Installation instructions columnar base with your own hands:

  1. We mark the area so that the supports are under external walls and oven construction.
  2. We drill wells about one and a half meters deep.
  3. We fill each of the wells with a mixture of sand and gravel (1:1), in a layer of 15 cm.
  4. We install asbestos-cement pipes.

  1. We insert 2-4 reinforcing bars into each pipe to increase strength.
  2. We fill the pipes and the wells themselves with concrete (cement, gravel, sand - 1: 3: 5).
  3. A week after pouring, we install it on the pipes wooden formwork to form a grillage.
  4. We knit a frame from reinforcing bars and lay it in the formwork.
  5. Fill the grillage with concrete mortar.

Construction of a bathhouse

The most environmentally friendly, cheap and traditional material for the construction of baths is wood. Finished projects mini-baths are most often made of wood.

Such buildings are erected from logs or timber. The timber is easier to work with, which is why we will use it for our project.

So, we build timber walls:

  1. A month after pouring the grillage, we lay two layers of roofing material on top of it.
  2. We lay the first beam, checking its verticality and level.
  3. Roll out onto the surface of the timber (jute, flax, moss).
  4. We lay the second beam.
  5. Further construction follows the same pattern.


We examined the features of planning and construction of miniature bath buildings. As you can see, the process of creating such buildings is not complicated, the main thing is to correctly calculate the layout (). More information regarding this topic can be found in the video in this article.

The steam room should be small, the popularity of small projects one-story baths often higher than for full-size buildings 5x7 m or even 8x12 m. According to many experts in the bathing business, comfort and free space in a small-sized sauna or bathhouse turns out to be less, but the steam turns out to be many times hotter and more saturated.

Which bathhouse project to choose

If you do not go into the intricacies of the bathhouse process, but focus only on objective indicators, then the construction of a small one-story bathhouse looks more attractive from all points of view:

  • Low costs for drawing up a project and erecting a one-story building;
  • Minimum consumption of firewood or electricity;
  • Long service life one-story bathhouse.

The last point for many customers and developers standard projects one-story baths have always remained a mystery, although there is nothing unusual about it. A small one-story building in which the steam room or sauna occupies most of the usable space, warms up and dries many times faster, better and more efficiently than huge bathhouses with billiards and a swimming pool.

But comfort remains comfort; even for a summer cottage as a temporary shelter, there is no point in choosing a project with a minimum level of comfort. At a minimum, even in a small bathhouse there are two compartments:

  • Steam room, which is allocated at least 3 m 2;
  • Locker room or rest room 2-3 m2;
  • A small shower behind a partition, which in many small bathhouse designs replaces a suspended wooden bucket or tank of water.

For your information! In the project of a summer one-story bathhouse, instead of a locker room or rest room, a covered terrace or canopy can be used.

This does not mean that all winter bath projects are much more comfortable and convenient than summer ones. Often the sauna box itself is built a short distance from the house next to an artificial pond or swimming pool. According to the project, in the one-story winter bath there is nothing except a very hot Russian steam room, a brick heater that occupies half the building, and small dressing room where you can leave your shoes and outerwear draped over the shoulders.

According to the owners, all amenities are in the house. The steaming process is as close as possible to a Russian bath with short-term gatherings in a small, very hot steam room, dipping into an ice bath or dousing with water, followed by a long rest in comfortable conditions, in the house.

What material should I use for a bathhouse project?

The construction of even the smallest one-story bathhouse requires a very thoughtful and balanced calculation. If there is no ready-made sample, for example, from friends or neighbors, from which you can copy the solution, then it is best to order a layout or use one of the standard designs for small-sized one-story baths. Anything that is built at random, as a rule, heats poorly and does not last long.

Small baths in the vast majority of cases are built from wood; this can be a building project made of timber, logs or even frame option with double insulation and facade finishing siding.

Ardent fans Finnish saunas projects are often ordered from SIP panels or hollow red brick blocks. A small one-story building on stilts, depending on the design, can retain and maintain heat in a steam room for almost two days from the moment the electric heater is turned off or the stove is turned off.

Universal projects and solutions for one-story baths

Most budget option A one-story steam room can be called a bath structure assembled in the form of a barrel on a low-power columnar foundation. Despite its apparent simplicity, the room has a small locker room and a dressing room, separated by a partition with a steam room.

In a small bathhouse, up to four people can steam at the same time, but the project is not very convenient for so many people due to the fact that you can only walk through the room along the center line of the room. If a fire or any emergency occurs, it will not be easy to quickly leave a small room. Similar type Baths are convenient to use as a seasonal steam room in a suburban area.

Classic log bathhouse

A real Russian bathhouse should be built from logs. A properly built log house can stand without repair for at least 15 years. Moreover, the walls of a one-story building are often not even insulated according to the design, only the facade is periodically updated, and the joints on the windows and lower crowns buildings.

As an example of a project made from a 3x4 m bathhouse log, you can use the photo below.

This is exactly the case when the developer managed to invest in the project important construction solutions that are usually ignored by non-professionals:

  • The entrance to the bathhouse, locker room and steam room are on the same line. In each of the steam rooms and locker rooms, as well as in front door there are small windows. This means that in case of heavy smoke or gas poisoning, you can always leave the room without any problems;
  • The roof of a one-story building was built according to all the rules of science. For bathhouses - log houses 3x3 m or more, the roof overhangs are made very long. This allows you to effectively retain heat, get rid of condensation and protect the building from rain and wind;
  • At the entrance to the bathhouse there is a covered platform under a canopy. For a small bathhouse there is no point in building a full-fledged terrace, but a canopy over the entrance will help organize summer gatherings in the evening, after the steam room.

In general, the project turned out to be successful, durable and, like all good things, very expensive; on average, the construction of a small one-story log bathhouse will require at least 300 thousand rubles.

More affordable project log bathhouse a 3x3 m log house is shown in the diagram below.

As in the previous case, the box of a one-story building is assembled from 200 mm logs.

The room is divided in the classic way into three sections:

  • A dressing room combined with a rest room;
  • Small washing room;
  • Steam room with an area of ​​3.5 m2.

The disadvantage of this one-story bathhouse project is the poor roof design. If you build a steam room, as they say, in open field, then it is best to use a roof as in the photo.

Timber bath projects

The construction of even a small one-story steam room is always associated with the problem of allocating free space. local area. Therefore, we have to look for projects for the smallest bathhouse buildings. The timber has a remarkable property - it can be used to build an arbitrarily small bathhouse, down to the size of a doghouse. One of the options for a 2 by 2 m bath is shown below.

The steam room is assembled from logs, all other parts are from timber. The result is an inexpensive one-story sauna, warm and durable. Walls made of timber do not retain heat very well, so the room is traditionally lined with siding or upholstered with a block house.

A more civilized version of the previous project involves the arrangement of a canopy and a small summer terrace. Such designs are very popular for small country houses and dachas, in which most of the plot is occupied by beds, fruit trees and bushes.

Any sauna or steam room in the yard is always fraught with problems with melted snow, the appearance of puddles and, as a result, the need to deal with groundwater. This problem cannot be neglected, otherwise the base part timber log house rots out in 3-5 years.

At a minimum, you will need to make a full foundation blind area, lay drainage and cast concrete pedestrian path. If you have to install a small sauna in an unprepared area, then it is best to immediately place the steam room box on columnar foundation or piles.

Small bathhouse design projects

The most common planning is to divide the premises into three sections. The entrance to the building according to the project can be located from the front of the building or from the side.

In the first case, the convenient location of the entrance door allows you to achieve maximum comfort For summer holiday on the site next to the steam room building.

In this case, directly under the rest room and attached terrace maximum space is allocated, usually its area is at least 4-7 m2, the remainder interior spaces used for a steam room and a small sink.

The side entrance to the bathhouse is used mainly for bathhouse projects with a “carriage” room layout.

The design turns out to be quite simple to manufacture; you can use a shorter beam or log, which significantly reduces the cost of construction.

In practice, the tandem arrangement of rooms is considered a necessary measure. Such projects are used in cases where it was possible to inexpensively purchase material for construction, or the format of the site does not allow the construction of a more economical and warm bath with a square layout.

The smallest baths 2x3 and 3x4 m can be built according to projects in which the room is divided into only two rooms - a steam room with a sink and a dressing room.

Such simplification in the project is also considered a necessary measure; an increase in the number of rooms has virtually no effect on the level of comfort or atmosphere in the steam room, and additional partitions in a small bathhouse only lead to meaningless losses of usable space.

How to design a small bathhouse

The most practical and convenient specialists a project with a small covered terrace at the entrance to the premises is recognized.

A project with a terrace can be developed and combined with a bathhouse with a gazebo under one roof.

The largest number of applications are received by projects of one-story bathhouses with an extension for a barbecue or fireplace.

Essentially this is new format summer kitchen with a built-in small sauna for suburban area. The developers tried to create a one-story room from timber, in the best possible way satisfying the needs of vacationers outside the city.

Composing future project saunas, it is not necessary to try to copy traditional forms and designs, you can always find more original design. For example, a small one-story sauna room with a gazebo can be built in the European style.

The most unusual design of a small bathhouse involves extensive use of brick, metal, timber and glass. The building looks quite unusual and attractive, and will certainly raise a lot of questions from neighbors and friends.

Essentially this is new idea drawing up projects in which the bathhouse space looks less and less like an old wooden “birdhouse”.


Modern projects of one-story baths are becoming more and more unusual and interesting, both from the point of view of design and internal layout. The only thing that stops the mass buyer from implementing them is high price mood. A simple small chopped bathhouse made of timber or logs costs about 3 thousand dollars, while the price ultra-modern project can easily exceed 10 thousand dollars. Choice in in this case It’s obvious that it’s better to build a small, time-tested Russian steam room than a modern monster made of glass and metal.

See for yourself!

To get a good result, to correctly arrange all the nodes and communications in the room, you need to carefully approach the project. To do this, you need to determine a number of factors for yourself:

  • what size area are you willing to allocate for construction;
  • soil characteristics and options for organizing a drainage system;
  • need for communications;
  • number of rooms in the building;
  • how often will it be used;
  • what material will it be built from?
  • roofing materials;
  • .

If you are limited in space, then it is enough to make a mini DIY sauna. When do you plan to use it? all year round, it is worth thinking about having a dressing room in which you can change clothes. Sometimes a steam room is combined with a washing room. All this is due to the size of the room.

Alternatively, to make a bathhouse, you can use a trailer or booth truck. For ease of transportation, the structure is sometimes placed on a platform or trailer.

Making the foundation

Once you have decided on the plan and dimensions of the mini- baths for a summer residence it is necessary to start considering the foundation. For small room With frame walls there is no need for a powerful foundation, but its type will depend on the location of the bathhouse and the type of soil on the site.

First, you need to clear and clean the area where construction will take place. Getting rid of weeds to make it easier earthworks, after which we make markings. By calculation it is necessary to determine the diagonal and check it by measuring the distance between the corners: they must be equal, in which case we will get right angles.

We stretch the string between the pegs, then step back a distance the width of the foundation and secure four more pegs in the corners. For sandy soil, take 40 cm, for clayey soil – 25 cm. Next, a trench is dug, the depth of which is approximately 50 cm. If your design includes a partition, you also need to build a foundation under it. Sand is placed at the bottom of the trench in a layer of 10 cm. Sometimes gravel is used, which must be leveled and compacted well.

Taking a metal rod with a diameter of 10 mm, make a grid for reinforced concrete structure. Using boards or sheets of plywood, we construct formwork, the height of which is about 20 cm. It should be 10 centimeters narrower than the width of the trench; it must be laid using special brick linings. The next step will be making the solution. The finished solution is poured into the trench, and the top is leveled with a trowel, after which you need to wait certain time to harden the foundation. It is worth placing waterproofing material on top of the reinforced concrete structure.

Sometimes a columnar foundation is used: in this case, the filling occurs not in a continuous layer, but in segments. Supports are placed every meter. If you plan to use a heavy stove, you also need to pour a foundation under it.


For construction, it is necessary to prepare the lining for the walls. To do this, you need to cut the timber to size and process the edges for joining.

Waterproofing is laid on the finished foundation, on top of which beams are laid so that the edges fall into the grooves, and in each external corner The self-tapping screw is screwed in. After collecting the first row, the diagonal is checked and aligned. Then the structure is fixed with self-tapping screws, the beams are attached to the foundation with anchor bolts.

The next row is laid on the previous one and secured metal corners, set according to level. For window openings it is necessary to make a cut and strengthen the opening with additional horizontal lintels. The same is done with the doorway. Sometimes when frame construction The wall planes are assembled separately and then attached to the base.

Making the floor

Having compacted the earth well inside the building, it is covered with a hydraulic barrier, on top of which expanded clay is poured. Then the logs for future floors are laid. You can put mineral wool between the joists for insulation, and cover it with a film on top. sewn up with boards folded tightly. In the steam room it is necessary to make a slope along which water will flow in a certain place. If the region where construction takes place is no different cold winter, then the floors may not be insulated. Under the steam room, the floor is poured with concrete with a certain slope to drain the water, and covered with boards on top.

Insulation of the structure

Most often, the outer parts of the bathhouse walls are insulated thermal insulation materials, which are covered with clapboard or siding on top.

For interior work it is necessary to lay a vapor barrier. For insulation, polystyrene foam or mineral wool is used: to do this, they need to be laid very tightly, covered with a hydrobarrier on top and sew up with wooden clapboard. Don't forget to place shelves in the steam room on which you can sit. It is made from polished boards. It is fastened with self-tapping screws or galvanized nails. Dimensions are selected directly for the room.


Suitable for small buildings pitched roof: used for this beams, which are fastened with metal corners, a lathing is made on top and the flooring is laid. The ceiling is covered with ordinary flooring, then a hydrobarrier is laid and insulated mineral wool or polystyrene foam. Sometimes they are built ceiling beams, which are hemmed with clapboard.


It is necessary to design the location of communications initial stage development of a mini-bath. The wiring must be hidden under the casing, and it is laid in special metal sleeves. The cable should be taken with double braid. It is also necessary to make grounding. For lighting, choose . They can be mounted both on the ceiling and on the wall.

It is more logical to use a tank in which the water will be heated from the heat of the stove. An important point is the arrangement of ventilation, for this purpose they are made in the ceiling ventilation grilles with exits under the roof slope. Don't forget to build drain hole where the water will flow. She must be unusual sizes, a porous stone is poured inside, which serves as a certain filter.

, which come in different sizes and are capable of creating any required temperature indoors. In order to calculate which stove you need to buy, you need to determine the volume of the room and compare it with the power of the heating element per 1 cubic meter - 1 kW. The stove is installed on the prepared base. Don't forget to waterproof it.