Arbor from a polymeric professional flooring for summer rest. Pergola made of polymeric corrugated board for summer holidays Square arbor 4x4 with a profiled sheet roof

The roof of the gazebo, if it is made of reliable material, will become a protection from raindrops and the scorching sun, thereby ensuring the comfort of rest in any weather. Probably, it would be superfluous to say that the roof should be of high quality, durable, durable and outwardly attractive, combined with and in harmony with - this is well understood by everyone. The only question that remains is how to cover the roof of the gazebo in order to ensure compliance with all these requirements. Consider all the possible options to find the perfect gazebo for arbors of different sizes, shapes and styles.

No. 1. What should be considered when designing a gazebo roof?

Choosing material for the roof of the gazebo, consider the following nuances:

No. 2. The shape of the roof of the gazebo

No. 5. Flexible tiles for the roof of the gazebo

No. 9. Natural tiles for gazebos

For those who have sufficient funds and want to get a functional and beautiful gazebo, perfect - almost perfect roofing material. It can be ceramic or cement-sand, and among main advantages note:

  • excellent appearance and environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to moisture, heat, temperature extremes, fire;
  • durability, up to 100 years;
  • high strength;
  • good heat and sound insulation properties. The air in the gazebo will not get very hot in the heat, and raindrops will not cause a booming noise;
  • the possibility of arranging roofs of complex shapes;
  • maintainability, because in which case one or more damaged elements can be easily replaced.

Unfortunately, here too not without cons:

No. 10. Original materials for the roof of the gazebo

The choice of traditional materials is great, but if among them you have not found one that could cover the roof of the gazebo, then perhaps look for a suitable solution from less common materials:

  • the cloth usually used for arranging temporary portable arbors, which are placed in the country only in the summer. For this, a usually dense acrylic fabric that has been treated with moisture-repellent substances is used. It does not get wet, does not shed and does not fade, it can be of any shades and will be an excellent decoration for the gazebo. Raincoat fabric is used less often, which also repels water perfectly, but has more modest aesthetic qualities;
  • straw, reeds and reeds will allow you to create a nice cozy gazebo in country style. The crate is mounted in increments of 35 cm. If the straw or reed is well tamped, then they will ignite with difficulty, but it does not interfere with treating the material with fire retardants just in case;
  • "living" roof is equipped when creating "live" arbors. It is difficult to form, it allows raindrops to pass through, but in such a gazebo it will be especially cozy and cool on a hot day. You can also use climbing plants that will braid the frame and create a dense green canopy.

When choosing the right roofing material for the gazebo, consider the style of the site and the material of the walls. For example, eco-style involves the use of only natural materials (straw, shingles, tiles), and high-tech allows you to safely use polycarbonate, a light thatch roof is suitable for vine walls, and a slate or tile roof for brick walls. The gazebo can be decorated with a weather vane, flowers and thin air curtains.

The purpose of the gazebo is to organize a place for a comfortable stay in all weather conditions. Protection from the sun, wind, rain and hail, thermal insulation - these are the conditions that every building must follow.

Pavilions in Moscow can be anything - open and closed, with a single-pitched, double-pitched or four-pitched roof, of any shape and size. When choosing a material for roofing, it is necessary to evaluate its practical properties and aesthetic appearance. The corrugated board combines both components, while it has a low price, which makes it a versatile material.

Characteristics of corrugated board

Decking is metal profiled sheets that are coated on top with protective materials to increase strength and wear resistance. A characteristic feature of corrugated board is that it has a specific profile of different configurations and heights. It appears after the cold rolling procedure, which gives the material increased strength.

The main advantages of the material:

    Light weight. The corrugated board is light, which makes the work pleasant and fast. This also affects the base of the gazebo - no need to fill the foundation or build a powerful frame.

    Strength. Sheets withstand any load - sunlight, hail, rain, snow. They are not damaged by mechanical shock, so during installation you can not be afraid to accidentally damage the surface.

    It is possible to equip almost any form of roofs, including sheds with almost no slope.

    Decorative. The material can be painted in any color, and even after ten years of operation, the color does not fade, the paint does not crack. It also does not require surface maintenance, periodic painting.

Decking is a versatile material. It is not demanding in operation, and can also be laid on any base of the gazebo. Low price and durability make it the leader among all building materials on the market. At the same time, the sheets look great in the design of the gazebo, give it a stylish, elegant look.

Arbor made of corrugated board - a structure with a metal or wooden frame, the walls or roof of which are sheathed with a profiled sheet. Like any other building material, profiled sheet has a number of qualities that are interesting for construction, which made it very popular among summer residents.

Decking (profiled sheet, corrugated sheet) is a facing material made of galvanized steel.

In this article, the advantages and disadvantages of this material will be noted, as well as the process of installing a gazebo using corrugated board.

Pergola sheathed with profiled sheets

Part of the publication will be allocated for photographs of such gazebos, which will help you decide on the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbuilding for your summer cottage.

The gazebo cannot consist entirely of profiled sheets. This material can only be used for sheathing an already finished structure - the frame of walls and roofs.

Thanks to the various colors, you can choose exactly the color that suits your gazebo. The sheets are covered with a polymeric material, which creates an additional layer for aesthetics and protection.

Metal frame sheathing

The most reliable fastening of corrugated board is a connection with metal. There is a maximum pressing of the sheet to the frame, which increases the reliability of the walls of the gazebo (if something or someone falls on them, they will survive).

Unlike capital buildings, where the corrugated sheet is installed on a metal profile, for a gazebo, a conventional through fastening directly onto the frame is sufficient.

Wooden frame sheathing

By analogy with metal, sheets of this building material can also be attached to wood.

Since wood is softer than metal, it is possible that the self-tapping screw will become loose after it is twisted (it will hit a knot, a hollow part or a pine vein). There are two solutions here:

  1. Screw in an additional self-tapping screw nearby;
  2. Insert a few matches or a folded tube of paper into the drilled hole, then tighten the self-tapping screw again.

Roofing for the roof

The most popular corrugated board is used as a roofing material. With such a low weight, high reliability and low price, it is not surprising that they began to lay it on the roof everywhere. Especially often summer residents began to do this - they already know a lot about cheap and high-quality solutions in terms of construction.

The easiest way is to install shed roofs, for example, for gazebos attached to the house. The sheets are overlapped to each other and fastened to the slats between the rafters - that's all the construction.

Important: the profiled sheet during the time has an unpleasant " drum effect". The rain hits the roof very hard, which creates some inconvenience for people sitting inside.

This point can only be corrected by the slope angle, the larger it is, the less noise will be.

Do-it-yourself installation of corrugated board for the gazebo

Unlike insulated houses and other capital structures, the gazebo does not require any additional installation work.

If your room is not planned to be heated, insulated or glazed, then the usual fastening of the profiled sheet to roofing screws with a rubber washer is sufficient.


Covering the roof with corrugated board is not a problem, you can do it on your own without any problems. For this we need:

  1. Raise sheets of corrugated board onto the finished rafter system;
  2. The first sheet is aligned along the roof eaves and end, after which it is fixed to the roofing screw;
  3. Further, all profiled sheets are overlapped on the previous ones and are also fastened to self-tapping screws;
  4. After sheltering the roof, it is necessary to drain if the lower slope is on the operated side of the gazebo.

The instructions are shown in the picture on the right, opposite the installation points. In addition, I will give a little advice - do not overtighten the screws with the washer. It should be pressed against the sheet a little, but not flattened, otherwise after a while it will leak and the wooden slats will begin to rot.

An example of a four-pitched roof made of corrugated board


Wall cladding occurs in a similar pattern with the roof. First of all, it is necessary to align the first sheet along the edge of the wall, and then fix it on the wall. The rest of the sheets are also overlapped, fixed and held quietly for decades.

It does not really matter whether the sheet is perpendicular or parallel to the arbor. Drainage of water will be carried out freely anyway, since the sheet is located vertically, so it makes sense to even position the sheet perpendicularly - installation will be easier.

Ideas for giving

At the end of the publication, I would like to give a few photos of gazebos that can serve as an idea for your own construction. Below will be presented various options, partially made by hand.

I did not come across in stores selling gazebos, the walls of which were sheathed with corrugated board, so I can’t show any examples in terms of price and cost. Nevertheless, the price of corrugated board is approximately the same everywhere - from 200 rubles per square meter, so you can easily calculate the price of cladding your building.

The main purpose of the gazebo is rest. Therefore, in the design issue, it is important to take into account all the nuances so that in the future there will be no discomfort. To create a gazebo, you can use any material: brick, wood, wrought iron or stone. Functional purpose is an important aspect of designing a recreation area (children's games, active and romantic holidays). If the gazebo is glazed, then you can meet guests in the spring.

A gazebo with a roof made of corrugated board most often has a four-slope design.

An open gazebo is a great option for the warm season. The most common type of open arbors is wooden, they can be made in the form of a hexagon or an octagon. The roof can be made of two or three tiers, convex and concave, in the shape of a bell. As you can use soft shingles or any modern artificial or natural material. The roof of the gazebo from corrugated board is an inexpensive coating and quick installation.

Decking as a material

Most importantly, the gazebo should meet the taste of the owner and be combined with the landscape design of the garden plot.

The professional flooring consists of the steel pro-thinned-out sheets which have a protective layer - polymeric or galvanized coverings. There is also a material that has a combined coating.

The shape of the roof of the gazebo can be domed, shed, flat, gable, tent, eastern and others.

The peculiarity of corrugated board, in comparison with other roofing sheet materials, is that the sheets have a formed profile of various configurations and heights. The formation of a profile on the sheets appears during the rolling process. Thanks to the profile, the material acquires strength and transverse rigidity. Roofing is the main area of ​​application of corrugated board. It is currently the most popular material used for do-it-yourself roofing.

The roof of the gazebo can have a different shape:

  1. Domed. Snow on such a structure does not linger.
  2. Shed. This design rests on the outer walls of the gazebo, located at different levels.
  3. The flat roof of the gazebo does not have such a beautiful appearance as it has a slight slope. However, it can be used for landscaping. It is very popular today.
  4. The gable consists of flat triangles that converge at the top point of the central part of the gazebo. The four-slope (hip) includes four slopes: two of which have the shape of a triangle, and the other two are made in the shape of a trapezoid.
  5. The hipped system is often used for arbors that have the shape of a polygon and square arbors. The bevels of hipped roofs are represented by isosceles triangles converging at the top point of the central part of the roof.
  6. East - is a hip design with raised corners.

Do-it-yourself rules for laying roofing

First, prepare the necessary tools. Depending on the conditions, they may be as follows:

  • screwdriver;
  • hand saw or chainsaw;
  • square;
  • level;
  • hammer and nails;
  • construction thread or a regular piece of any other lacing;
  • pencil or marker for marking.

In the process of self-laying, it is important to follow some recommendations and rules. The slope of the roof completely determines the correct laying of corrugated sheets:

  1. Less than 14 degrees - the size of the horizontal overlap of adjacent sheets must be at least 200 mm.
  2. From 15-30 degrees - the size of the horizontal overlap of adjacent sheets is 150-200 mm.
  3. More than 30 degrees - the size of the horizontal overlap is 100-150 mm.
  4. Less than 12 degrees - in this case, it is necessary to use silicone sealant to seal the vertical and horizontal overlaps.

Roof deck fasteners

To fix the profiled sheet to the wooden roof lathing, it is necessary to use special roofing screws.

The scheme of fastening the corrugated board to the roof.

They have a drill at the end, and a neoprene pad under the cap. Such self-tapping screws can be purchased in various colors, picking up the tone of the corrugated board. With the help of these do-it-yourself self-tapping screws on the roof, fastening is necessarily carried out at the bottom of the corrugated board wave. When installing a corrugated roof with your own hands, you need to remember about vapor barrier and waterproofing. Providing a gap under the roof for ventilation is a prerequisite for installation.

We choose a roof crate for arranging corrugated board. The size and type of the crate is completely dependent on the height of the corrugation of the profiled sheet and the slope of the roof. However, if the old roofing material is being replaced with corrugated board, then the crate does not need to be redone.

  • when using C20 corrugated board with a roof slope angle of less than 15 degrees, the crate is made continuous, the overlap is carried out in 2 waves;
  • if the profiled sheets are grade C35, and the angle of inclination is less than 15 degrees, the crate pitch should be 30 cm, and the overlap should be one corrugation;
  • if a profiled sheet of brand C44 and more is used, then the crate step will be more than 50 cm;
  • the step of the lathing at angles of inclination of the roof of more than 15 degrees should be from 35 to 50 cm, depending on the height of the corrugation of the corrugated board.

The advantages of corrugated board for a do-it-yourself roof device

  1. Decking is a lightweight material, it does not need to make a powerful roof truss system. It can be used in construction individually and for industrial buildings.
  2. Working with corrugated board is quite simple, you can cover any roof, suitable for any building and structure.
  3. The material can be used even when organizing a roof with a slight slope (for example, a garage). It is guaranteed to protect against leaks even in case of heavy precipitation.

With this material for the purpose of arranging the roof, you can work all year round, using the usual locksmith tools that any owner has. Sheets of material are perfectly bent and cut to a given size. There is practically no waste left, and do-it-yourself fastening of corrugated board is within the power of even an amateur builder.

A roof made of galvanized corrugated board is considered the most economical and durable option for do-it-yourself gazebo roofing.

It is this material that is most popular when it comes to changing the roof.

Decking is considered a strong and durable product.

And one more important advantage - the material can fully correspond to the general style direction of the building.

What to pay attention to when choosing a material

In the process of choosing a corrugated board, it is necessary to be guided by several fundamental factors:

  • The most suitable material for roofing is the corrugated board, which is marked C (wall) and H (bearing). The second option is most preferable, since it is characterized by the necessary rigidity.

    The best option for roofing is corrugated board with a wave height of at least 20 mm.

  • The product must be accompanied by a certificate.
  • Immediately you need to select high-quality material. It should not crack, have noticeable flaws or defects.

    If you try to bend the corrugated board and release it, then it should quickly take its original shape without deformation.

  • The cost will also depend on the thickness of the product. The price is also affected by the presence of a special coating and the purpose of the material itself.

    It is best to order the material directly from the manufacturer. In this case, the cost will be lower, and there will be fewer defects.

    Specialists can advise on what additional elements may be needed.

  • The thickness of the coating should not be too thin. The most high-quality materials are those in which polyester and plastisol act as coatings.

What is required for styling

In order to make a high-quality installation of the material, you will need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  1. Fasteners (nails and screws).
  2. Sealant.
  3. Drill.
  4. Cord.
  5. Reiko.
  6. A hammer.
  7. Roulette.
  8. Mastic.
  9. Antiseptic.
  10. plywood.
  11. Boards.
  12. Bar.
  13. Rafter planks.
  14. Waterproofing.
  15. Paint.
  16. Hacksaw.

You will also need the corrugated board itself.

To avoid problems with the lack of material, you need to carefully calculate everything.

During transport and loading, any bends should be avoided.

When unloading manually, it is necessary to put one worker for every two meters of the product.

If unloading will take place using special equipment, then preference should be given to soft slings.

Preparing the roof for laying material

Careful attention should be paid to the issues of waterproofing and ventilation.

A very important parameter is the vapor barrier.

When laying the waterproofing film, it must be taken into account that it must hang down by 20 mm in a perpendicular position.

This setting applies to the slope.

The film must be laid with an overlap equal to 100 mm.

Rafter strips are installed on the insulating material.

Steel girders can only be used if the profile height reaches 40 mm.

Along to the planks or girders, it is required to fasten the crate.

The step will fully depend on the choice of material.

At this stage, it is necessary to use a beam (50 x 50), a board with a section (32 x 10), as well as plywood (10 mm thick), which has moisture-resistant characteristics.

All wood parts must be treated with special antiseptics.

Installation of corrugated board on a pitched roof

When installing a roof, the following recommendations should be considered:

  1. The fastening of the material should be carried out through the use of self-tapping screws or nails with special polymer gaskets.
  2. Sheets should be cut using a high-speed electric saw equipped with carbide discs. Special scissors, a hacksaw and an electric cutter are also suitable.

    Abrasive tools must not be used.

  3. Installation of a roof on a shed roof is required to start from the bottom corner from any end. The protrusion of the bottom row should reach 35-40 mm.

    It is required to fasten the sheets to the crate at the bottom of every second wave.

  4. When arranging the sides, when sewing up the end boards, a wind corner should be used. This should be done only when the entire row of end sheets is fixed.
  5. Vertical overlap is required to be done with the product that is located above. The top sheet should overlap the bottom sheet by about 20 cm.

    The horizontal overlap should be equal to one wave. In work, it is worth using a special sealing gasket.

    It will not be required if the overlap is equal to two waves, and also if the slope angle is 16 degrees or more.

  6. First, the sheet must be fixed to 1 self-tapping screw. It will be necessary to finally fix it when all the sheets are laid and aligned.

    The longitudinal connection is different in that the screws are attached to the crest of the wave. In vertical joints, fastening is made at the bottom.

    4-5 self-tapping screws should go per 1 square meter.

  7. Ridge and end strips are attached only when the established roof area is equipped. Sealing is not necessary, as gaps should remain.

    They will serve as natural ventilation.

  8. Adjacencies must be made to the walls of neighboring buildings. After that, the space around the chimneys and other communication details should be equipped.

What you need to know when arranging a gazebo

When laying corrugated board on the roof of the gazebo, it is important to consider some basic rules.

The overlap must be determined depending on the angle of the slope.

If it is less than 14 degrees, then the overlap is 200 mm.

At 15-30 degrees - 150-200mm.

More than 30 degrees - 100-150 mm.

Silicone sealant will be required if the angle of inclination is less than 12 degrees.

First of all, you need to fix the profile sheet.

This is done from the bottom of the roof.

It is advisable to work out the overlap joints with bitumen.

Sheets should be laid parallel to the eaves.

The exit of the material beyond the edges of the building should be equal to 40 mm.

If the length of the product is less than the length of the roof slope, then it will be necessary to use additional serial laying along the edge of the roof.

Rules for laying material on the bath

  • We lay the corrugated board on the previously created crate. First of all, you need to fix the eaves bar.

    After that, a fishing line is pulled, which will indicate the lower edge of the roof. The roofing material will be aligned along it.

    It is necessary to fix the corrugated board every two waves. The vertical distance should be up to 50 cm.

    The overlap is approximately 20 cm. For greater reliability, the joints must be treated with a sealant.

  • It is necessary to install the strips - end and ridge.

What are the features of installation near valleys, ridges and pipes?

In the process of installing corrugated board, you will have to face the problem of designing places near valleys, pipes, and ridges.

When doing work, you need to consider some recommendations:

  1. Arrangement of a groove next to the dormer window. In other words, the construction of a short valley.

    In this situation, it is necessary to cut the sheet from the bottom of the groove, after which two equal parts should be obtained. First of all, the bottom sheet is mounted, then the bottom bar.

    At the last stage, the roofing sheet is installed.

  2. You should put an end bar two meters long. The overlap should be 50-100 mm.

    Arrangement of the roof should begin from the side of the overhang. It is necessary to go to the ridge of the roof.

    Near it, all excess will need to be cut off. The end plate in this situation will cover at least one wave of corrugated board.

    After that, the bar is mounted to the end board and to the profiled sheet in the ridge. The step should be equal to one meter.

  3. We mount the ridge bar. For this purpose, smooth elements for skates are used.

    Seals must be laid under the roofing material. The overlap should vary from 100 mm.

    The bar is attached using self-tapping screws. The step should reach 400 mm.

    Absolutely all fasteners must be under the skin. They can also go to shtroba.

    The ridge seal acts as protection. A longitudinal seal will be required in case of a lateral connection.

    If the slopes are steep enough, then you can not use it.

  4. Outlet pipes mean the upper and lower parts. Under the top one should understand the pipe itself.

    The bottom must be chosen, guided by the roof profile. It would be optimal to install immediately and snowplow.

    The pipe should be approximately 100 mm in diameter. You will need to insulate the ventilation pipes.

Coating needs to be taken care of.

Caring for corrugated board does not imply anything complicated.

However, you need to be extremely careful with it, since it is quite easy to damage the material.

The roof should be cleaned at least once every six months.

In the event that there are scratches on the material, then it will be necessary to paint the damaged area.

Laying roofing material is not very difficult.

The main thing is to approach this process with all your responsibility.

Roofing must be done carefully.

Otherwise, it will have to be changed very soon.

Good luck in arranging the roof with corrugated board!

Watch the video on how to cover the roof with corrugated board.