How to cook pies in a Russian oven. For baking: electric ovens. Modifications of mini-ovens by power

The Russian stove is multifunctional: it heats the house, prepares breakfast, lunch and dinner in it, bakes pancakes, pancakes, bread and pies, prepares food (swill) for livestock, and heats water. Grain, herbs, mushrooms and other gifts of the forest and garden are dried on it. In severe frosts, newborn pets are warmed near the stove. On the stove are treated for colds. There is no warmer bed than on the stove or on the shelves near the Russian stove.

Food was cooked in the oven, and it turned out amazingly tasty and nutritious. The secret lies in the fact that the heat of the oven is distributed evenly, and the temperature does not change for a long time. Dishes with food do not have direct contact with fire, allowing the contents to warm up from all sides evenly, without burning. In addition, mushrooms, berries, and fish were dried in the oven. Constantly freezing old people slept on the stove itself, and children slept on the golbts and beds attached to the side. From those times there was a proverb incomprehensible to modern man: "Did you fall from the stove or something?". So they say about a person who began to talk nonsense or behave inappropriately. Indeed, falling from the stove was very, very painful, and even falling in a dream: you will inevitably become inadequate. Therefore, along the edge of the stove, good owners necessarily made barriers and fences from slats or boards so that people would not fall from the stove.

Furnishings in the kitchen in a Russian house. There is a coal iron on the hearth, tongs and a frying pan near the mouth. On the bench there is a wooden shovel, a trough, a kitchen board for cutting vegetables and meat, for cooking pies, a samovar, two clay pots, a coal samovar on a metal tray, a pumpkin. Under the bench are two clay pots and a large clay jug. On the wall, on a long stick, is a cut, which was used to chop cabbage, meat, fish, a shelf with dishes. Bunches of medicinal herbs and a small bundle of dry mushrooms or roots are hung on the wall to dry. Photo from the site:

Firewood was piled into the Russian stove in the evening. At the same time, a cage of logs was made not far from the mouth as follows: two logs were placed along the stove at a distance of 30-35 cm from each other. Two more logs were placed on them perpendicularly (across the furnace), and a pile of 5-6 logs oriented along the furnace was superimposed on these two logs. In the morning, burning dry splinters were placed in a cage under the logs at an angle of 45 degrees to the hearth. When the firewood flared up, the cage with burning firewood was moved with a large grip or poker deep into the furnace to the back wall, making room for pots and cast iron. Photo from the site:…

The Russian stove in the peasant's hut was heated every day in winter and summer. The dimensions of the Russian stove were very impressive. Two-bucket cast iron freely passed through a wide mouth. An earthen trough with malt for beer passed calmly along the height. But the most important thing is that a hefty adult could crawl into the oven through the mouth in order to take a steam bath with a birch garlic twig in the evening.

The Russian stove was truly the heart of the daily life of the family. In the evening, the hostess put firewood in a certain way into the oven closer to the mouth. They dried up overnight. Early in the morning, when it was not yet dawn, the hostess was the first to get out of bed and make a fire in the stove, put cast-iron pots and pots in the stove, in which potatoes, cabbage soup, porridge were necessarily boiled, she baked pancakes or pancakes in an earthenware bowl or in a frying pan. Three hours later, the wood burned almost completely, it was possible to rake out coals and ashes, sweep under and put bread, pies in the oven, and also put pots of food. The mouth was closed with a damper.

The fork is needed to remove hot dishes (pots and cast iron) and to put them in the oven. Frying pans were placed in the oven with a frying pan (chapel). A wooden shovel (or gardener) was mainly used for planting bread dough molds and baking trays with raw pies in the oven. Forms and baking sheets were removed from the oven with a stick (poker). Also used for cooking were pots of various sizes, lids, ducklings, goslings, bowls. To care for the stove, maintain the fire, shovel out coals and ash, pokers, scoops, and a pomelo (broom on a stick) were needed. They swept the ashes out of the oven with a broom. Until now, the saying can be heard: "You have a tongue that pomelo" - meaning not only a talkative person, but also not very clean in expressions. Pomelo, in a word.

Wonderful fritters and pancakes were baked in the Russian oven. The heat on the dough is affected not only from the bottom and sides of the pan, but also from above, since the air in the oven is very hot. Such as in the Russian oven, pancakes and pancakes cannot be baked either in the oven, let alone on the stove. The frying pan was controlled with the help of a frying pan - a metal tack mounted on a long stick. Such a frying pan, as well as tongs of different girth, were in every house.
This stove has a built-in firebox with a stove in the hearth, which is called a firebox (Russian stove with a firebox). The firebox has its own chimney, in which there are 3-5 wells for smoke circulation, after which the smoke from the firebox enters the pipe common with the Russian stove. Before leaving the chimney, the smoke must give all the heat to the bricks of the chimney - the so-called heating shield. When the firebox of a Russian stove ends, 2-3 not quite burned-out firebrands often remain in it. These firebrands are transferred to the firebox, put a little firewood and get an additional source of heat. The podpechka stove is also the hearth of the Russian stove. When the fire is heated, the pipe of the Russian stove is closed, and the heat does not come out of it. But the heating pipe at this time, of course, is open. In summer, the Russian stove is not heated - it is hot without it. To cook food, use a subfloor. Or they even arrange a makeshift stove in the yard in the summer kitchen.

Boiled fish cooked in a cast-iron in a Russian stove is much tastier than cooked on the stove. I think it's a pike. During my childhood, every standing peasant in our village knew how to fish. And a strange thing, the fish in the river was not translated. Now no one fishes, but there are no fish in the river. On average, each family in our village ate 2-3 kg of fresh river fish per week.

Russian stove in the Arkhangelsk region. To the left of the stove is a tub for water. To wash clothes, water was heated in it, throwing red-hot canaries into the tub. Then ash obtained from the combustion of alder or aspen in the furnace was added to the heated water, and so lye was obtained. Laundry, sheets, curtains were washed with lye in the absence of soap.

Fish soup cooked in a Russian oven had a special taste. Never cook this on the stove

Pies in the oven. In each Russian stove, the temperature regime was special. To make the pies successful, each housewife adapted to her oven: what kind of wood and how much to heat, when to rake the coals into the pit, when to put the pies in the oven, how tightly or not very close the mouth with a damper, how long to keep the pies in the oven.
Such (and even thinner) pancakes can only be baked in a Russian stove. Previously, housewives preferred to bake pancakes from oatmeal.
Porridges and casseroles cooked in a Russian oven are very tasty. One fried crust is worth what

Baked milk with real foam can only be cooked in a Russian stove in a clay pot. On a stove in a city apartment, when boiled, milk often runs away, pours onto the stove, burns on it and stinks throughout the apartment. In a Russian stove, even if the milk runs out of the pot, it's not scary. It will burn - and the smell will go along with the smoke into the chimney.

To put in the furnace and pull out heavy cast iron and pots, they used such a simple device. Cast iron was slightly lifted with a lever, and then rolled on this wooden roller. Everything ingenious is simple!

Russian stove with a firebox. To the left of the door, there is another door. This is an oven door. In the summer, when the Russian stove was not heated, but only the fire was heated, it was possible to bake bread and pies in the oven. Valenki is a Russian invention. I'm different - warmer than felt boots - I don't know shoes. No high boots compare with felt boots

I hope that with this story about what kind of food was cooked in the Russian oven, I caused nostalgia for that life among the elderly and envy among the young. We, the elderly, at least keep it in our memory, and the young, if they have seen this, it is only in the museum. Having a Russian stove, our not so distant ancestors, having no electricity and gas, had both heat in the house and delicious, varied and hot food until late in the evening, which did not even need to be warmed up. There was constant hot water in the house. And what fun it was for the grandchildren when the grandmother pulled red-hot stones out of the oven with special tongs and threw them into a tub or a tub with 3-4 buckets of water! The stones hissed terribly, and the kitchen filled with clouds of steam. I remember how I sat on the stove in the morning, my grandmother baked thin oatmeal pancakes, poured batter with a ladle into a hot, oiled frying pan. The dough sizzled and bubbled. A minute later, the pancake was ready, and I received it piping hot in a plate right on the stove.

The Russian stove was located almost in the center of the hut and heated it evenly. In houses with five walls (with a cut into two huts), a slot was made in the wall separating the halves of the house, and the stove was placed so that one side would heat one hut, and the second - the second. An obligatory lounger was arranged on the stove. The dimensions of the Russian stove were such that two adults were completely located on the sunbed. The saying was: "Come look for me, I'll sleep on the stove." A golbets was traditionally built next to the stove - a plank bed next to the stove, but a little lower than the stove bed. If it became too hot to lie on the stove, it was possible to climb onto the golbets. Inside the golbets, as in a closet, they kept household utensils. In addition, through the golbets was the entrance to the underground. A man, without bending, could go through the golbets underground, where potatoes, vegetables, pickles and jams were stored

According to the tacit distribution of responsibilities, the cooking process is considered the responsibility of the hostess. And in this regard, a woman cannot be reproached, since every day, in any conditions, she tries to please her household with something special.

In Russian folklore, we see the chanting of bread as a symbol of prosperity, the fertility of the earth, the care of mother nature. Today, bread is obtained in a mechanized, even automated way, so rarely does anyone think about the hard work of a grain grower when buying a loaf or a long loaf in a store. But through the genetic memory, we were given a love for the aroma and taste of fresh pastries, so the most favorite way to pamper the family is baking bread, pies, pies.

Bread baking process

Masterpiece abilities must be applied even at the test preparation stage. Here old recipes and all sorts of tricks come into play. But the key role is played by a good oven, which ensures uniform baking of products throughout the volume. It should immediately be noted that the gas oven is far from leadership in this regard, since the peculiar action of an open flame leads to the indispensable burning of products. If you do not consider industrial production, then an electric oven for the kitchen will be the most suitable device that allows you to cook almost any dish and bake bread.


The classification will help to recreate a picture of the distribution of features and functions among the wide variety of all oven models presented, as well as make a choice when buying for certain purposes. However, there is no single classification, and no one sets the goal of its creation. But according to some specific features, there is an elementary division of models into subspecies. It should be noted in advance that we will be interested in electric ovens for the home, in which you can bake bread.

Depending on the scale of cooking and on the configuration, all kitchen ovens are divided into stationary electric stoves with ovens, ovens and mini ovens. There are also separate hobs, but in this matter they are not relevant.

  • The mini oven is a versatile device that you can take with you to the country during the season. Among other functions, it has the ability to bake flour products. For these purposes, heating elements are built into the oven. The presence of heating from above and below is just an indicator that pies can be cooked in such an oven. However, their number is limited by the dimensions of the oven.

Small versatile device

  • The oven is not intended for transport. It can be made as a single structure with a plate or separately installed as a mortise device. Inside, the heating elements are more powerful than in compact models, since more energy is required to warm up a large space. A huge pie, pizza, a dozen pies can be placed on a baking sheet of the oven. We can say that the dimensions are a hallmark of the division of ovens into types.

Classic oven option

How else can you divide electric furnaces into types:

  • Classification by volume. Even electric ovens belonging to the same type differ from each other in the volume of the oven. It can range from 9 to 45 liters in compact ovens. This parameter is selected based on the size of the family. Ovens up to 15 liters will meet the needs of two adults. The composition of the family, increased to 3-4 persons, will require the purchase of an electric baking oven with a volume of at least 20 liters. It is not difficult to guess who the larger models are designed for.
  • Power classification. You should immediately cut off such false truth, which establishes the proportionality of quality and power. Of great importance in some cases can play a cruel joke when cooking. For baking bread, a sharp rise in temperature is important, but subsequently it should gradually decrease. An oven that bakes bread warms up quickly, but then difficulties arise at the stage when the product must languish, since it is difficult to adjust the temperature. When choosing a power value for a future furnace, consider its dimensions. For the smallest values, a power consumption of 800 watts is suitable. The stationary electric oven for the kitchen is equipped with heating elements with a total power of 1.5 to 2.5 kW.
  • The number of heating elements. The operating mode of the oven depends on the number of included heating elements. They are connected individually or in combination with each other. Any electric oven for baking at home must have at least two heating elements located in the upper and lower parts of the chamber. Only their joint work will lead to a qualitative result. This secret was known even during the use of the Russian stove. Its vault is made in such a way that heat is evenly concentrated in the area where the bread is “planted”.

Mass baking of buns

  • Temperature regulation. The simplest models of ovens did not even contain a temperature controller. Theoretically, it was possible to bake pies in such an oven, but how inconvenient it was to put it into practice. I had to change the baking sheets in places, rotate them, turn off the power. Such models did not last long, since the circuit of an elementary regulator is quite simple. You can set the temperature required in the recipe and the thermostat will take care of keeping it constant.
  • presence of convection. Electric ovens, inside which forced convection is provided, are more adapted for baking flour products. It is the movement of air that ensures the distribution of heat throughout the volume, and this, in turn, is the main requirement for baking.
  • Other functions. The following classification points are not so interesting to us, because they do not affect the baking process itself, but only provide convenient handling of the device. The timer automatically switches off the oven after a certain time. Some recipes are based on strict adherence to the time of the temperature, so this function is relevant when baking biscuits, meringues and other culinary delights. The camera illumination provides visual control over the process. It implies the presence of a glass window or a glass door. Furnaces are also distributed according to the method of control. Instances with mechanical parameter adjustment knobs are considered more reliable. Electronic control complements the device with many small options.

There is nothing easier (as it turned out) than cooking in a Russian stove. I was convinced of this on the weekend that I spent in the Belarusian village of Boyary, which is 100 kilometers from Minsk ...

2. Next, you will need a beautiful woman from Kiev who will monitor all processes. I had a wife :)

Imagine, my great-grandmother also used these grips, who cooked food for my little grandfather, his brothers, sisters and even my dad in the same way.

3. We drive the cauldron deeper into the oven and turn it from time to time

4. After 30 minutes, we again take our wife and with her help we pull out the cauldron from the oven (here you should pay attention to the manicure :)

5. No spices except salt and pepper, but despite this, it turned out to be a ruddy chicken that gave its juice to the potatoes. The hut immediately begins to smell incredibly delicious, and hands reach out to pour 50 grams

6. When the coals go out, you can put some piece of iron in the oven and fry a couple of chicken skewers very quickly. It does not burn, but is baked, while still getting a slight smell of smoke. You will definitely not find this in any restaurants.

There was also a desire to cook baked "potatoes with roasted potatoes", but we ate so much that we became too lazy. The recipe is also very simple - boil the potatoes in the oven, then drain the water and bake the whole tubers until golden brown. You can also add a little butter there and at the end flavor all this disgrace with dill. And all this should be consumed with a green onion, lard with streaks of meat and be sure to drink a couple of glasses of cold vodka.

We will do all this next time. I promise to show the process.

The mini-oven has always been popular with our hostesses. After all, the kitchens are tiny, and you really want to install the necessary equipment in them to facilitate work. Compact household appliances are in demand. And in a small kitchen you want not only to eat deliciously, but also to cook on modern equipment. But the problem is that it is not always possible to conveniently install smart kitchen machines in a tiny kitchen. But here some manufacturers of kitchen equipment come to the rescue. They offer a way out - to replace a huge oven with a compact mini-oven.

Mini-ovens are becoming frequent guests in kitchenettes. The attention of buyers - this kitchen equipment attracts because of its small size and ease of maintenance. Well, an important aspect in choosing this equipment is a small power consumption, compared to microwave ovens. A mini oven can easily replace an oven, toaster, grill and microwave. At the same time, the functions and capabilities of such popular equipment in the kitchen as a microwave oven are limited.

For people, especially those who take care of their figure and health, this stove is especially valuable.

In it, you can defrost food, heat up ready-made food, bake pies or casseroles, bake meat, vegetables or fish. And always dishes will turn out not only healthy, but also tasty and beautiful. How does this mini-oven cope with its task? How to choose the right unit for your kitchen?

Classes of mini-furnaces by heating elements:

  • Quartz;
  • Ordinary heaters;
  • Combined.

Electric stoves with quartz heating elements heat up the space very quickly. The mini-oven heats up in 1 minute, bringing the oven to a temperature of +220 °C. In this case, the heating elements are located in several pieces from below and from above. They can work both individually and all together, depending on the specified mode. Experts recommend taking into account some of the nuances in order to create a work of art at home in the form of pies or pies that will delight your family. A good cake can only be obtained in an oven that has a large volume. Baking will have a beautiful appearance and lush dough, but at the same time, ovens with a large volume will take longer to heat up.

The oven should heat up for 10 minutes so that you can put the future delicious cake there, and after cooking, leave the baking for 30 or 40 minutes, while turning off the electric oven. But, if the family is small, and the need for baking is small, then it is better to opt for a small oven. It's rational and efficient.

Operating modes of mini-ovens

What is the difference between a mini-oven and a microwave - the very principle of operation. Microwaves work with microwaves, and mini-ovens work with infrared rays. The principle of operation of mini-ovens looks more natural and more natural than microwave waves. What does a mini oven look like? The appearance and dimensions of the mini-oven are similar to those of a microwave oven.

A mini-oven must be chosen based on the number of people who will use it.

Mini ovens are available in oven sizes from 8 liters to 40 liters. There are small-sized mini-ovens, their oven volume is approximately 12 liters. These ovens are good for making hot sandwiches, pizza and toast. Experts recommend choosing the volume of the oven, which is designed for 1 person, up to about 10 liters, and for three - up to 20 liters.

Operating modes of various modifications of mini-ovens:

  • Electric oven;
  • Grill;
  • Delicate mode;
  • Convection;
  • Toast;
  • Roasting;
  • Heating;
  • Baking;
  • Defrosting.

The electric oven can be heated with two levels of heating elements - lower and upper. This mode is especially recommended for grilled meat and fish, as well as stewed vegetables and fruits. The grill makes it possible to cook toasted toast, mouth-watering pizza and fluffy biscuits. In this case, only the upper level of the heating elements works. The delicate mode will be especially interesting for lovers of spicy chicken legs and spicy wings. To get this yummy, only the lower level of the oven heating elements is needed.

The toast mode is especially in demand for lovers of morning coffee and crispy toasts. Baking speaks for itself - a mode to cook pastries. For example, to prepare an air biscuit, you need to put the form with the dough in the oven for 30 or 40 minutes at a temperature of +180 ° C. In addition to the above modes of operation, known to many housewives who use electric mini-ovens, there are others in some models of mini-ovens, for example, “Roasting”, “Heating”.

The principle of operation of convection is quite simple. This is a built-in fan that evenly distributes hot air throughout the oven. Dishes are cooked faster by 20%, and, accordingly, energy savings are significant. Manufacturers recommend using convection in cheap mini-ovens with only 1 heating element. If the oven is equipped with 2 elements, then in such conditions the use of convection becomes meaningless. Auto-off is a very useful feature that prevents food from overcooking, especially when the temperature has reached its maximum.

How to choose a mini-oven by power

Many housewives, choosing a desktop mini-oven for their kitchen, forget that the cost of electrical energy cannot be discounted. Looking through the characteristics of mini-ovens, you can notice one feature - the larger the size of electrical units, the greater their power and, accordingly, energy consumption. To date, manufacturers offer customers mini-ovens with a power of 650 W to 2200 W.

Modifications of mini-ovens by power:

  • Up to 10 liters have power from 700 W to 600 W;
  • Up to 15 l - 700-1600 W;
  • Up to 20 liters have power from 1700 W to 1900 W.

It should be noted that mini-furnaces with quartz heating elements heat up faster, but the cost of this equipment is quite high, and the device is energy-intensive. Electric mini ovens also differ in the control method. The mechanical type of control is carried out using round mechanical handles. Such ovens are very popular among housewives who appreciate the simplicity of operation, and most importantly, such models are cheap.

In modern models, electronic control by a mini-oven is built-in, but the cost of such equipment increases.

Mini ovens also have a different door opening system. The hinged doors of the mini-oven are similar to the variation familiar to us in an ordinary oven, but only in a smaller form. But, there are several nuances here - if it is planned that the electric mini-oven will be installed at eye level, then it is better not to buy such equipment with a hinged door, it will be very inconvenient during operation. Therefore, in this case it is better to consider another modification of the mini-oven with a side door.

Rating of manufacturers of mini-ovens

The rating of mini-ovens can be started with an overview of the most famous manufacturers. In any supermarket of household appliances, a wide selection of equipment from many companies is presented. Which oven to take, how does one manufacturer differ from another? There are many questions. Experts advise choosing products of well-known brands, the review of these companies is huge. And many of the parameters by which you can choose a mini-oven that will suit the hostess are discussed in previous chapters.

Manufacturers are always ready to provide customers with the best models of mini-ovens, consulting if necessary.

From what has not yet been considered, it is necessary to note such an element as a baking sheet. The quality and convenience of the cooking process of various dishes depends on it. In some cases, when the container and products are very heavy, due to a poor-quality or thin baking sheet, troubles can occur with not the best outcome.

Types of trays for mini ovens:

  • Support in the form of a lattice;
  • Flat variant;
  • Tapered for chicken;
  • Telescopic pan.

The telescopic tray for mini ovens is a very handy system. The baking sheet moves out along with the door along the guides. This mini oven tray system is the safest.

Mini oven for baking goodies

Experienced housewives claim that the real Italian pizza is cooked in mini-ovens. In an ordinary gas oven, this quality of baking cannot be achieved.

Cupcakes and muffins are also great in mini-ovens, but for baking them, you need to have special silicone molds. What else can be cooked in a mini-oven - crumbly rice, buckwheat porridge and bread.

Overview of mini-ovens (video)

Cooking is a fascinating and creative process, especially nowadays, when household appliances manufacturers of well-known companies every day present more and more new kitchen products to the customers to facilitate the process of cooking. And most importantly, in order not to get lost among this sea of ​​home appliances, you need to know exactly the selection parameters and consult with the seller.

In this article, everyone who wishes can find out what a brick oven for bread is, get acquainted with all the stages of its construction. You can learn how to build it, how to seal the seams between the bricks on the stove, and how to ennoble the front surface. Also here you will find a lot of interesting information regarding its origin and design.

Wood burning brick oven

Bread is a food product that has an incredibly long history, and each part of the world has its own recipe for baking it. Despite the peculiarities of dough preparation, baking, as well as the wide variety of modern ovens, it is the brick oven that remains the oldest device on which people in all parts of the world and at all times could create fragrant pastries.

  • With the advent of stoves with ovens, many have stopped cooking in brick ovens. They took up too much space, and in a modern apartment its use is completely prohibited for safety reasons.
  • Despite the great commitment of people to modern electrical appliances, many still prefer to install a good old brick structure in their yard, gazebo, or country house.
  • This is explained quite simply, because baking created by mechanisms will never be able to surpass bread cooked in a wood-burning oven in terms of its taste characteristics.

Historical references

A brick oven, when it comes to conversation, everyone associates with ancient times. Such associations arise for a reason, since it was precisely such designs that served as an important kitchen appliance even among our distant ancestors.

  • From the moment when people learned to grind cereals, and later use them as flour, it became necessary to use fire in the preparation of flour products.
  • Scientists still do not know exactly when and how a person prepared bread. But it is obvious that subsequently such products were created on hot stones, and were cakes.
  • According to the results of the study of the found remains of ancient cakes, it can be said with confidence that a person learned to bake more than 8 thousand years ago.

The ancient Egyptians learned how to make bread through fermentation. After that, this tradition was passed on to other peoples, and the cakes familiar to everyone took on a new form.

Thanks to such advanced civilizations as Egypt, Greece, the Roman Empire, stoves also began to change dramatically, and acquired a completely new look.

It was far from profitable and convenient for everyone to have a large stone structure in their house, therefore, bakeries began to meet more and more often, in which residents of large and small cities turned to buy fresh pastries.

And yet, everyone who wanted to cook delicious bread according to his own recipe strove to build brick stoves in his house. At the moment, such a structure cannot be called a necessity, but many people strive to build such an oven in their yard or in a country house in order to enjoy hot goodies always - regardless of weather conditions.

Features and Benefits

A do-it-yourself brick stove is very tempting. Many men think about this in order to please their ladies, and add one more reason to go out of town.

The modern technology market offers a huge range of ready-made bread ovens, but they are electric, and therefore directly dependent on the availability of power. Outside the city, the best device for baking will be a self-made pompeika or tonir.

The main advantages of such a device include the following characteristics:

  • Fast warm-up saves a lot of time. Baking is quick and hassle-free.
  • A properly designed fixture guarantees uniform baking of products of any shape.
  • In addition to lean bread, you can cook pies with filling. Both vegetable and meat fillings are perfectly baked.
  • Just one kindling is enough for long-term use of the stove.
  • The furnace works in any conditions and at any temperatures.
  • Ease of design and calculations.
  • Inexpensive building materials. The price of a finished brick structure is much less than the price of electric ovens.
  • Long service life.

Baking bread in a brick oven

From various countries of the world, many designs of ovens for bread have come to us. The most common among them are tonir and pompeika.

From Central Asia, tonir came to us - a ceramic oven shaped like a truncated cone. Dishes are baked in it thanks to the heat that the walls of the structure give off.

Pompeian is a dome-shaped hearth oven that came to us from Italy. It is used not only for baking bread, but also pizza, as well as other dishes.

These are the oldest designs of ovens that were used for the preparation of flour products. They were taken as the basis of many modern ovens, combining with each other and adding a barbecue, as well as a grill.

Furnace features

The design of the furnace is standard, therefore it practically does not change depending on the choice of one or another type of device.

The composition of the classic oven includes the following elements:

  • Firebox or crucible;
  • Six;
  • Mouth;
  • Shield;
  • Chimney;
  • Under.

These are the main components of the furnace design. The photos presented here will help you choose the most appropriate design and shape.

Advice! Having chosen the most attractive design of the furnace, it is worth considering the location of its location well. This is necessary so that the structure fits into the landscape and is not cluttered with nearby plants.

How to build an oven

Brick stoves are created simply and quickly enough. They do not need regular maintenance.

  • All that is needed is to choose the right materials, make calculations, and carry out the construction in accordance with the instructions.
  • Do not forget about the norms and standards. So, SNiP II-22-81 * "Stone and reinforced masonry structures" helps a novice engineer to calculate a stone structure for compression and resistance.
  • Before proceeding with construction, it is necessary to carry out small geodetic work. Marking the territory will only facilitate further work.

Advice! The furnace should be located on the elevation of the site, so the problem of drainage can be solved.

The main calculations relate directly to the dimensions of the individual parts of the furnace. Each of them must be stable, and the capacity must satisfy the requirements for the productivity of the structure. All calculations must be recorded, after which a furnace design is drawn up.

Necessary tools and materials

Since the future structure must be in contact with the fire, it is worth taking care of the correct selection of materials. GOST 8691-73 “General purpose refractory products. Shape and dimensions.

  • For the construction of furnaces, fireclay bricks will be the best choice, since it is refractory and has high strength.
  • When choosing a brick for a stove, one should be guided by GOST 390-96 “Fire-resistant fireclay and semi-acid products for general purposes and mass production”.
  • Thanks to the norms and standards, you can create a durable stove with your own hands quickly and at low cost.

All the tools that will be needed during construction are presented in the table:

Photo and name of the instrument purpose

Needed to cut the bricks of the dome. You also need to select special nozzles for working with bricks.

Together with the mixer nozzle, it helps to mix the building mixture.

Suitable for forming formwork and separating bricks.

For sawing formwork material

For gentle cracking of bricks

To protect the eyes and body while working with the tool

Tools will make the job easier, but in addition to them, you still need to purchase high-quality building materials.

To build a structure and process a brick between the wall and the stove, the following materials are needed:

  1. Refractory fireclay bricks;
  2. Oven mixture "Martel";
  3. Mineral wool;
  4. Perlite;
  5. Reinforcing mesh;
  6. Small metal profiles;
  7. Chimney pipe;
  8. Formwork boards;
  9. Retaining boards and bars;
  10. Polyethylene film;
  11. Concrete blocks or ordinary brick;
  12. Cement;
  13. Sand.

The listed tools and materials are enough to create the bread oven of your dreams.


On the selected site, it is necessary to dig a hole with a depth of more than 30 cm, with dimensions of 1.5x1.5 m. The width of the hole should be more than the width of the pedestal by about 10 cm from each corner.

A pillow is created from sand, its thickness should reach 15 cm. Then the sand is also compacted due to crushed stone laid on top of it and compacted.

  • A polyethylene film is laid, which provides reliable waterproofing, and also simplifies the concreting process.
  • After that, the formwork boards are installed, and the reinforcing mesh is laid.
  • Special stands are placed under the grid. They can be bought at a specialized store, or you can use wooden bars. There should be about 4-5 cm between the bottom and the reinforcement.
  • When all the preparatory work is completed, the concrete mixture is poured. Using a level, the surface is leveled, which subsequently remains to harden for at least a week.

The main part of the oven

The design of the stove, as mentioned earlier, consists of many parts, therefore it is necessary to build it in several stages:


It is better to build in the shape of the letter "H". So it will be possible to evenly distribute the load, while leaving free space for storing inventory and firewood.

Materials can be different: cinder block or brick. If the choice fell on the first option, then it is worth laying the blocks according to the dry method. After laying in rows, reinforcement is inserted into the masonry holes and poured with concrete. Holes through one are filled with concrete mixture.


When the pedestal is ready, you can move on to the countertop. To begin with, formwork is arranged. Moisture resistant plywood is perfect for the bottom. The sides are formed from boards. The thickness of the tabletop can vary between 10-15 cm.

The formwork in the lower part is covered with polyethylene. The fittings are placed on supports, previously placed on plywood. Concrete is poured, after which the uniformity of filling is checked.

thermal insulation

After the final hardening of the mixture, you can proceed to the following work. In order to avoid overheating of the pedestal, thermal insulation is arranged between it and the hearth. Calcium silicate slabs are laid on the countertop.

At the same time, the future outlines of the stove are indicated on the tiles. After that, tiles and bricks are cut to the desired shape. Fireclay bricks are laid for the hearth. Already cut and correctly spaced elements are fixed on the mortar "Mertel".

Furnace masonry

It is carried out in several stages:

  • A circle is cut out of plywood, which will serve as a template for the first row of masonry (the circle should be cut into several parts in order to facilitate extraction).
  • The arch should have a thickness of 12 cm, therefore, with the help of a grinder, the brick must be sawn.
  • When the brick laying is done, it is worth proceeding to the entrance arch, which is also modeled using plywood semicircles.
  • Many are interested in how to process a brick for a stove so that it is attractive and decorative. To create an attractive appearance of the furnace, ceramic products can be treated with a specially designed grout and latex-based paint.
  • If it was decided to organize a domed vault, then it is necessary to carefully monitor its formation. If the option of the Russian stove was chosen, laying the brick will be much faster and easier.

Advice! Regardless of the type of masonry chosen, it is worth using templates of various shapes. So you can quickly and most importantly correctly lay out all the rows of bricks.

  • A pipe is mounted in a pre-prepared opening, which is fastened with a special solution. It is important to remember that the traction force in the system depends on the chimney pipe.
  • The grout of a brick stove is divided into two types: cement and epoxy. The choice is up to the owner of the oven. Thanks to this treatment, it is possible to protect the seams and the masonry itself from the harmful effects of the environment.

This is a brief description of the process of building a stove, for those who wish to get more information, a video is available in this article on the topic: “Do-it-yourself brick stove”, where everything is clearly demonstrated: