How to attach a veranda to a bathhouse: design, materials, construction stages from foundation to glazing. Bathhouse with a veranda under one roof: examples of projects Log bathhouse with a veranda and a canopy terrace

A country plot with a house is considered finally equipped when it is completed architectural project baths with a terrace, a relaxation room and a barbecue area. The bathhouse was an element of Slavic life. It served to cleanse the body, hence old name"soap".

U Slavic peoples there was a bath cult. They loved to steam.

The process of going to the bathhouse itself is a kind of ritual, including: knitting brooms, preparing herbal decoctions, natural mixtures for cleansing the body with birch tar, honey. Many religious rituals are associated with the bathhouse.

The design of a bathhouse with an attached spacious terrace and gazebo is the most common type of structure. Despite the fact that the role of the soap bar was replaced by a bath or shower stall, they could not displace the bathhouse. For a modern person, this is a place for wellness treatments, leisure, an opportunity to relax, and have a great time in the company of friends.

The desire to implement a bathhouse project on the site is subconsciously built into our hereditary code. The owner may not brag about the house, but he will emphasize “what a bathhouse I have.”

A suitable project is selected from catalogs on the Internet. It is possible to combine a bathhouse with a summer kitchen and billiard room.

Review of typical projects

The project with an open veranda on a pile foundation without a plinth or blind area looks great

Projects with a bathhouse, terrace, barbecue veranda in the country, personal plot- popular, in demand. This set includes all the necessary elements for relaxation.

Bathhouse project 6 x 4 m with veranda

The bath complex consists of three main elements: steam room, wash room, dressing room. Additionally there is a locker room, a relaxation room, and a terrace. Install between the steam room and the washing room wooden door. Sliding ones are popular now glass doors. They have handles that don't get hot.

What to consider in a bathhouse and barbecue project

There are SNIPs that determine the location of a building according to sanitary and fire safety standards.

According to SNIPs:

Before choosing a bathhouse project with a veranda or terrace, you need to consider the following factors:

  1. Before deciding on the design of a bathhouse with a terrace, barbecue, you need to think about how many guests will relax in the health complex. This determines the dimensions of the building and the size of the terrace for relaxation.
  2. The structure must be proportionate to the site, proportions must be maintained. Unless the bathhouse with a terrace is located on a separate territory.
  3. Will a bathhouse with a terrace be used during the cold season? When used in the off-season, in winter, it is additionally necessary to equip the structure with a cut-off vestibule. Cold air from the street will not get inside the premises.
  4. Choose a layout based on the equipment for the bath: steam room size; A mini-pool, plunge pool or shower will be installed to take a dip after the steam room. Layout options suggest the presence of a washroom, a bathroom, a rest room, a locker room, an entrance hall (a cut-off vestibule), and a bathroom. The toilet is usually done in the washroom. In order to place everything, you first need to make a drawing to scale.
  5. Material capabilities determine development costs, selection of materials, overall dimensions of the building.

It is recommended to place the bathhouse on the leeward side. Smoke from the sauna stove and barbecue will not blow into the territory of the building or terrace. It is comfortable to relax when smoke does not enter the seating area. When planning a bathhouse, it is necessary to make calculations for the chimneys.It is correct when the bathing part of the building with the steam room faces south. The advantage of this installation is the rapid heating of the building during the cold season.

The building is located on an elevated place to improve water flow. If this is not possible, raise the foundation.

If not centralized sewerage, a drainage hole is made 5–6 meters from the bathhouse. They lay it out with bricks and fill it with concrete around the perimeter.

Project of a two-story bathhouse with a terrace 5 x 7 m

For an open terrace it is better to choose flooring paving slabs, terrace boards. The materials are resistant to moisture and temperature changes.

For year-round use, a closed veranda with glazing is made.

Typical projects

Small building 6 x 4 made of profiled timber, boards with a canopy

The design of a small bathhouse with a small terrace, without a barbecue, can fit on 20 square meters. As a rule, this is a small rectangular building with bath rooms (steam room, washing room with shower, small dressing room) and a rest room.

In such a bathhouse there is enough stove-stove to heat the entire house and a small rest room. Rectangular shape practical, ensures uniform heating of the room from the inside.

Bathhouses with a terrace from 35–40 m2 - a complex that includes elements of a bathhouse and a relaxation area with a fairly spacious open area. The terrace to the facade of the building can be attached to one of the walls later, if funds are limited, on a separate foundation.

In confined spaces summer cottage, combined with the desire to build a full-fledged recreation complex, they are implementing projects for bathhouses with an attic.

Advantages of the projects:

  • The usable area increases significantly, with compact construction
  • the roof immediately covers the terrace and the building
  • the pipe from the steam room stove serves as an additional source of heat for the attic floor
  • on the second floor under the terrace you can equip a balcony for relaxation; it will complement the architectural ensemble

Among best projects two-story baths with attic, spacious terrace, barbecue. Act as a summer kitchen. In fact, it is a small cottage, a residential building. Interesting projects with sliding glass wall between the recreation room and the attached gazebo.

Another project of a bathhouse with a terrace and big room rest 7.5 x 5.5 m

The staircase is often installed on the ground floor in the recreation room. On the second floor there are bedrooms and a billiard room. If there is a pool nearby, artificial pond, it is appropriate to install sun loungers on the terrace.

Terrace, relaxation room in the bathhouse

In most bathhouse projects, the terrace is traditionally located on the front side of the building, but not always. The most compact, ergonomic, in terms of space organization, are corner one-story baths.

The covered terrace in the bathhouse is a comfortable place to relax after the steam room. Cover with a common roof with the bathhouse or separate roof, with adjoining. Light, transparent polycarbonate is also used as a roof.

It is convenient to relax if you install a barbecue or grill on the terrace. Install a small kitchenette with a dining table to create an outdoor dining area. It is advisable to have a sink equipped with a water supply. You need to have a place to store firewood. Decorate the bathhouse terrace with flower arrangements in hanging pots.

The terrace in the bathhouse can be open or closed. To prolong the pleasure of using the terrace after a bath in the off-season, removable double-glazed windows are installed.

The relaxation room in the bathhouse will be equipped at your discretion. During the cold season, it can replace the terrace. Usually there are bath equipment, a trestle bed for relaxation, a small soft corner, and a fireplace that fits into the interior. From the relaxation room there are doors to the locker room and work areas of the bathhouse.

Even if you plan to implement a small bathhouse project, within 20 square meters, it is necessary to make a foundation. The main function is the uniform distribution of the load-bearing load, giving stability to the building. The manufacture and type of foundation depends on the type of soil and materials of the bathhouse walls.

You can use the services of professional builders and designers who will make all the calculations. You can calculate the technical characteristics of the bathhouse foundation using an online calculator.

Types of foundation, based on soil characteristics:

  1. Tape type. Recommended for swollen soils, with the installation of a “cushion” of sand and gravel, reinforcement
  2. On a sand-gravel bed, erected on a columnar foundation, on clay, sandy soils
  3. The piles are suitable for lightweight bathhouses, frame-type buildings on stable soils (sandy, rocky)

When constructing bathhouses with a terrace made of bricks and timber, a strip foundation is installed. Log cabins mounted on a columnar base. A “pillow” is made from layers of crushed stone and sand under the foundation, and they are compacted.

Marking strip foundation done using a level or hydraulic level. Formwork is installed from boards, but it is better to use high-density polystyrene foam. It also serves as insulation. Under the bathhouse mansard type you need to lay it down and tie the reinforcement. Metal frame is poured cement mortars with crushed stone.

Slab foundations are rarely installed due to the specific nature of buildings. The slabs are produced serially in standard sizes.

The loads on the foundation of the bathhouse and the terrace are different, the latter is a lightweight structure. It is not recommended to pour a common foundation. It would be better to do it between them expansion joint. Then, with a slight subsidence different parts building, the likelihood of cracks and ruptures is reduced. The extension (terrace) is installed on pillars, floor joists are laid, and insulation is insulated. Lay tiles on top and lay a terrace board.

Wall materials

Project of a bathhouse with a terrace, a rest room - a relaxation corner. Hence the desire to use environmentally pure materials, wood, stone. In Rus' they built soap houses with steam rooms made of wood - this is a typical Russian bathhouse. Traditions have been preserved in our time. The use of impregnations, protective equipment improves technical characteristics natural materials, extends service life.

Wall material options:

  • log house for a bath: log, chopped by hand; calibrated; rounded;
  • timber: double; glued;
  • brickwork;
  • foam concrete and gas silicate blocks;
  • frame construction, bathhouse made of clay.

Wood has a number of advantages, but also some disadvantages. It is necessary to periodically treat with protective agents.

A somewhat exotic option for building a bathhouse - a building made of clay, that is, from chopped firewood, sawn logs. They are laid out on a clay, cement base. Some projects made from chopped, sawn firewood look very interesting.

Bathhouses with a terrace, barbecue made of logs, timber

The construction of a bathhouse from logs chopped by hand is quite complicated. A suitable log must be cleared of bark and dried (for up to a year). Impregnate with agents that prevent moisture penetration and wood rotting. Then sort the logs and cut out grooves in them for laying.

Due to discrepancies in overall dimensions during installation, gaps may form that need to be caulked around the perimeter. The way to save your energy is to work with prepared material.

Calibrated rounded log - material that has gone through all stages of preparation for construction, sizing, drying, and processing. The finished material is immediately used to build a bathhouse with a terrace according to the project. But the cost of the material is higher.

Advantages of sauna log cabins:

  • environmental cleanliness;
  • aesthetic appeal;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • no toxic emissions;
  • vapor permeability;
  • soundproofing;
  • quick installation;
  • therapeutic effect, phytoncides are released during the heating process;
  • does not require interior decoration.

A bathhouse with a terrace made of timber has all the advantages of log houses made of calibrated material. Prepared construction beams are slats and boards adjusted to size, which are joined into a single mass using glue under pressure.

They have an almost perfect fit, so the possibility of cold air entering through the cracks is minimized, unlike chopped logs.

Among the disadvantages of wooden baths:

  • low fire resistance
  • even after impregnation, wood can be attacked by wood-boring insects
  • When shrinking, cracks sometimes form in the corners

It is necessary to regularly protect the outer part of the log house from moisture. In summer, dry and impregnate with compounds that prevent moisture absorption.


Brick is reliable durable material, but hygroscopic, absorbs moisture. In conditions of improperly installed ventilation and waterproofing, there is a high risk of fungus formation. It takes much more time to warm up a bathhouse made of brickwork than a wooden one, due to its high thermal conductivity.

Does not retain heat for long; additional heating is required. The thickness of the masonry is 25–38 cm, one and a half to two bricks. The inside of the steam room is lined with clapboard. It is attached to the slatted frame with self-tapping screws. The best option for finishing the washroom is tiles.

A brick bath will not be cheap. The material is heavy, increasing the load on the foundation. When drawing up a project, it is necessary to take into account the heat loss of the brickwork and provide for external insulation of the layers.

Foam concrete, gas silicate blocks

Porous blocks, foam concrete, gas silicate - « golden mean", in terms of price and quality indicators.


  • quick installation
  • low conductivity due to the presence of internal air pores

When choosing a bathhouse project with a terrace, veranda, or rest room, it is better to choose foam blocks. Compared to gas silicate blocks, they have much lower hygroscopicity. Porous blocks have a small specific gravity compared to brick, even hollow brick.

Accordingly, there is less load on the foundation. Outside and inside, it is necessary to line the walls with plaster.

For a brick or block building, a reinforcement system is made from metal rods for the foundation.

Frame baths with terrace and barbecue

Inexpensive frame type buildings on pilefoundation

The most cost-effective material for baths with a terrace. Installed on a pile foundation, the structure is lightweight. Requires careful waterproofing.

If the integrity of the waterproofing layer is damaged, the insulation mats become saturated with moisture, which sharply reduces their thermal conductivity (basalt, mineral insulation). OSB facing boards swell and deform. Like wooden houses, the materials have low fire safety.

On similar columns they install small baths with a terrace.

Heat and vapor insulation

The specificity of baths is that there is high temperature and humidity in the working area, steam room, and washing room. Previously, log walls were caulked with natural moss; it took several hours to warm up the room.

Currently, they are trying to reduce heat loss as much as possible, creating a thermos effect so that the bathhouse quickly warms up and retains heat. In addition, vapor and waterproofing is needed so that condensation does not penetrate deep into the materials of walls, floors, and ceilings and quickly evaporates from there.

Floor insulation

Expanded clay is used as insulation under a concrete screed in a steam room or washing room. It is recommended to lay geotextiles on top. The advantage of expanded clay for insulating bathhouses with a terrace is that it easily allows moisture to pass through.

In winter, expanded clay and concrete cool down; the heat from the stove only manages to warm the upper layers of the floor. The optimal solution is to install a “warm floor” system, which allows you to quickly heat up the steam room of the bath and retain the heat inside.

Concrete floors that are covered with permeable boards are recommended to be additionally covered with liquid rubber (at least two layers). A dense waterproofing film is formed.

The sliding effect of water increases. If you do not waterproof the floor in the working areas of the bathhouse, soapy water with sweat and fat inclusions clings to the roughness of the concrete coating. It is difficult to clean.

Wall insulation

The heated steam from the heater rises to the ceiling, so the temperature is highest there. Traditionally, the walls of the bathhouse's steam room are lined with clapboard made of hardwood. Coniferous tree varieties are not suitable, as resins are released when heated. Decorative lining is attached to slats.

During the heating process, moisture and condensate penetrate into the gaps between the planks and accumulate in the cavity between the lining and the wall or ceiling. In order to prevent moisture from penetrating inside the bathhouse wall, a moisture-resistant barrier is installed in the path of condensation. To prevent heat loss, insulation is installed.

The construction market offers a range of insulation materials for moisture-resistant barriers and membranes. For projects of bathhouses with a terrace, foil materials are mainly used combined type. They combine the properties of insulation and vapor barrier.

The foil surface perfectly reflects thermal energy. The main rule when laying insulation and vapor barriers is to eliminate the joining seams; they will be connected with foil tape.

In the rest room or locker room, where the humidity and temperature are lower, it is possible to use other types of insulation and vapor-proof membranes.

It is not recommended to use moisture-resistant membranes based on bitumen in the steam room or washing room; mineral or glass wool are used as insulation. They contain substances harmful to the body that can be released at high temperatures. The listed insulation materials are hygroscopic; when wet, their thermal conductivity increases.

Ventilation device in bathhouses with a terrace

Properly installed ventilation in the steam room, washing room - guarantee of durability finishing materials. If the room is quickly ventilated, a completely normal circulation of air masses is ensured, and moisture does not accumulate in the space between the walls. The tree does not deteriorate. The possibility of the formation of fungus and mold is reduced to a minimum.

Experts recommend taking baths in a steam room small window, located on the wall opposite the door (40 x 40 cm), at the height of the door lintel. The second ventilation hole is punched at the bottom under the shelf (shelf in the steam room).

When the steam room is not in use, open the doors and windows, which provides quick ventilation. Except natural ventilation mounted forced, with built-in check valve so that cold air does not penetrate into the room.


The cost of construction is affected by the design of the roof. The best option in terms of cost - single-slope, double-slope. Hip roofing is suitable for attic structures. The terrace is covered with the same roof as the bathhouse, with a single rafter system.

The step between the rafters is made according to the project calculations. For the adjacent, protruding terrace, which is built later, separate rafters and sheathing for the roofing are installed. The area for the extension is planned and fenced off in advance.

The following roofing materials are used: roofing felt, soft tiles, ondulin, corrugated sheets. It all depends on the design features of the project.

Stoves for saunas with dry and wet steam

A bathhouse with a terrace, a barbecue - a wonderful health complex on its own site. Favorite place rest, where you can steam, then breathe fresh air, arrange gatherings with friends, especially after a week of work, working in the garden.

Before starting to develop a project for a bathhouse with a terrace, a location for construction is determined in accordance with the size of the site. Perhaps, during the construction of the house, an area “for a bathhouse” was already allocated. Based on the size of the allocated area, an architectural project is chosen.

If you want a more spacious and functional room with a guest room, take a closer look at the design projects of a bathhouse with a terrace and an attic floor. Think over the details of the location of the rooms and arrangement. Draw a schematic plan of the future building. Standard projects with a bathhouse, terrace, and barbecue are taken as a basis.

Construction companies offer individual designs for bathhouses with terraces of varying sizes. They will help you build and arrange a bathhouse with a terrace.

Evaluate the possibilities. Construction can be carried out in stages. For example, lay the foundation in the fall to allow it to settle. Lay the main communications. In spring and summer, build walls and a roof. And next year move on to finishing. The terrace will be added later. It’s good when you can also install a swimming pool or an artificial pond next to the bathhouse. It’s good when the house is located on the shore of a natural reservoir.

It is advisable for a bathhouse made of timber or logs to stand for a season so that the foundation and walls shrink.

Construction of a bathhouse with a terrace on a personal plot - the final chord of landscaping. A visit to a bathhouse with a good steam room and a spacious terrace for relaxation will restore your health. This is a place where you can have a good time with family and friends.

Thanks to modern building materials, developers are able to build various options one-story baths with a veranda.

The buildings differ in:

  • type of foundation. For such baths, you can use screw pile, columnar, columnar with grillages and shallow strip types of foundations;

    Types of building foundations
    Common types of foundations
    Types of columnar foundation

  • construction material. Baths can be built from natural sawn, profiled, glued and rounded timber, cement foam blocks and bricks. The use of sandwich panels and frame construction is allowed;

    Log bathhouse
    Bathhouse made of profiled timber

    Brick bathhouse
    Bathhouse made of blocks

    Bathhouse made of sandwich panels

  • type of roof and roofing coverings. The roof can be gable, flat or pitched. Covers all types of roofing materials - from ordinary asbestos-cement slate and metal roofing to materials based on modified bitumen;

    Types of roofs by shape

  • By architectural features buildings. Detached, attached, with verandas, with attics, with swimming pools, etc.

    Bathhouse extension made of timber
    Bathhouse with gazebo

    Bathhouse with summer kitchen

We no longer remember the differences in stove designs, the presence of autonomous heating, and drainage systems. In one article, it is not even theoretically possible to consider all the features of the construction of each bathhouse option; we will consider only one option: a bathhouse made of foam blocks.

When drawing up a project, it is not necessary to contact specialized companies, this is very expensive. It is enough to get acquainted with numerous offers on the Internet and, based on the information received, choose the best option for yourself or create your own individual project. By what criteria do you choose (or draw up) a bathhouse project?

Number of family members. For a family of three to four people, it is quite enough to have a bathhouse measuring ≈10÷16 m2. Such dimensions allow you to place inside a quite comfortable washing room (≈4 m2), steam room (≈4 m2) and a relaxation room (≈3 m2).

Bathhouse project
Layout option

If your family is larger or you plan to wash in a bathhouse with friends, a bathhouse option with dimensions of ≈20÷30 m2 is suitable. These dimensions make it possible to significantly increase the relaxation room (up to ≈10 m2), the size of the steam room and washing room to 6 m2, and make a separate vestibule at the entrance doors.

It is advisable to make a veranda (terrace) at the same time. What is the difference between a veranda and a terrace? The veranda is glazed and can be insulated. We would not recommend making a veranda; its role is perfectly fulfilled by the rest room. And the terrace will allow you to enjoy fresh air after water treatments. But we only advise, the final decision is yours.

Glazed veranda

Elite bathhouse. Here the imagination is limited only by the capacity of the wallet. You can make swimming pools, a separate Russian steam room and a Finnish sauna, rooms for relaxation and gyms. Such projects cannot be done on your own; you should contact specialized design companies.

Elite bathhouse. Steam room with lighting
Swimming pool in the bathhouse

Luxurious room relaxation in the bathhouse

We will focus only on one fairly simple option baths with a veranda made of foam blocks.

Construction technology for a bathhouse with a veranda made of foam blocks

Of all possible options building structures we choose the simplest one.

  1. Tape shallow foundation and drainage system.
  2. Gable sloping roof for a bathhouse and a veranda, covered with metal profiles.
  3. Interior decoration and floors are made of natural lining and planed boards.
  4. Homemade metal stove.
  5. Exterior finishing – painting with durable paints.

Stages of work

First you need to make a calculation of the required materials. What will you need?

When making concrete, you will need a certain grade of cement, sand and gravel. To familiarize yourself with the recommended proportions, study the proposed table No. 1.

To calculate the amount of concrete ingredients, use table No. 2

When making concrete with your own hands, no one weighs ingredients to the nearest kilogram; industrial enterprises use these standards to write off materials.

For our version of the bathhouse, concrete grade 200 is sufficient; it can withstand a load of ≈200 kg/cm2.

Calculate the volume of your foundation and the volume of the foundation for the furnace (if it has one), this will give you the opportunity to determine the amount of all components of concrete. The resulting value needs to be increased by about ten percent, which will cover possible errors and waste.

For the box you need to purchase foam blocks. To lay one cubic meter of blocks, approximately 0.2 m3 of cement-sand mortar is required, keep this in mind. To calculate the number of blocks you need to divide one cubic meter for the volume of one block. For example, with a block size of 200×300×600 mm, its volume is 0.036 m3, therefore, for a cubic meter of masonry you will need 27.8 pieces. (1:0.036).

Using the same method, count the number of floorboards, boards for cladding the ceiling and walls, plastic linings and roofing coverings. Determine the number and length of floor and ceiling beams measuring 100x100 mm, rafter boards 50x100 mm, laths 20x50 mm. The calculations of the amount of roofing materials, insulation and waterproofing materials are no different.

Of course, you need to purchase nails and screws, baseboards, trim, doors and windows. All calculations have been made, materials have been purchased - construction work can begin.

Prices for concrete M400


We have already decided that we are choosing a shallow-depth tape option.

No.Description of workIllustration
Step 1.Site preparation. It is necessary to level the site as much as possible along the perimeter of the foundation and remove the top fertile layer. Don’t be lazy to level the ground, otherwise you will have to increase the cost of materials and time to build the foundation.
Step 2.Marking. A very important stage; mistakes made are very difficult to correct, and in many cases impossible. Prepare wooden pegs, tape measure and rope. Drive pegs to fit the dimensions of the outer sides of the foundation and check the corners. They should all be exactly 90°. Pre-mark according to the template. You need to check using diagonals - the length of the two diagonals must be the same. The width of the foundation in our case is 25 centimeters.
Step 3.Digging a trench. A depth of 60 centimeters is sufficient; to prevent swelling of the earth at the bottom, you need to do sand cushion 15÷20 cm thick. This is much easier than digging a foundation to the freezing depth; in cold climates it can reach more than two meters. The sand will compensate for the swelling of the frozen ground, and the foundation will be stable. If you are breading an oven with a foundation, prepare a hole for it.
Step 4.Pouring concrete into the ground. If the soil on your site is dense and the trenches do not collapse, great, concrete can be poured without formwork. If there is sand, you will have to make formwork not only above the ground, but also in the trench. This must be immediately foreseen and the width of the foundation adjusted. The formwork is made from sections, used boards, sheet plywood or moisture-resistant OSB boards. It is very important - fasten the formwork in such a way that it can be easily dismantled later.

It’s ideal to pour the concrete all at once; if that doesn’t work, do the pouring in stages. The main thing is that the concrete is laid in a layer of equal thickness along the entire perimeter, otherwise the strength of the foundation will deteriorate sharply. Don’t forget about tamping; it can be done with special vibrators or homemade “pushes”.

Concrete should be reinforced with construction reinforcement periodic profileØ 5÷8 mm.

Reinforcement - diagram

Very important: the distance of the reinforcement box between the formwork must be at least 5 centimeters; lift it from the bottom using stones. The reinforcement is tied with wire.

Reinforcement – ​​photo


Very important. Don't forget to make vents for floor ventilation; without functional natural ventilation, the boards will rot very quickly. To do this, insert pieces of pipes into the formwork or make wooden boxes. The distance between the vents in opposite walls is approximately 1.5÷2 meters. At the same time, leave a hole in one of the corners to drain water.

Production and installation of formwork

The height of the formwork should be slightly greater than the height of the foundation, install the formwork level, securely fasten all the panels to the ground. Remember that it is very difficult to correct a “bulging” foundation.

The work is carried out in the same way as pouring concrete into the ground. With one difference - carefully check the horizontality; construction standards allow a horizontal deviation of no more than one centimeter per five linear meters. In most cases, the surface of the tape will have to be trimmed again. Allow the concrete to cure for at least two weeks, then remove the formwork.

The foundation is ready, you can start laying blocks.

Prices for fittings


Block laying

Step 1. Marking. Before marking, place two layers of waterproofing on the foundation. In this case, it does not so much protect the blocks from destruction (they are not afraid high humidity) like everyone else wooden elements, adjacent to them. Do precise markings doorways and junctions interior walls with external ones. Next, a very important point is the placement of corner lighthouse blocks.

We lay a block in all corners of the building without mortar, level them with maximum accuracy, check the distance between them along the perimeter and always check the corners with a rope. We have already described how to check angles above. The maximum discrepancy between the lengths of the diagonals and the perimeter of the building should not exceed two centimeters; this indicator can be eliminated during laying of the walls. Now you can put the lighthouse blocks on the solution.

Laying the first row of blocks - the result

Step 2. Carefully drive nails into the lighthouse blocks and stretch the rope between them. This will be a template line for height and linearity for the next row of blocks. The rows of blocks should hang slightly over the base, so it will be easier to do later finishing work on the base. Apply a solution 1.5÷2 cm thick to the foundation, then adjust the length of the applied section taking into account the speed of your masonry.

Keep in mind that foam concrete blocks absorb water very quickly, all work should be done quickly. The first row is laid with special care. Firstly, this series is considered basic. Secondly, you do not yet have enough experience to use the “masterful precision eye” instead of the level. The length of the wall is rarely a multiple of the length of the blocks; they will have to be trimmed; use an ordinary hacksaw for this; foam blocks can be cut perfectly with such a simple tool.

Step 3. Do not forget, when laying the first row of façade walls, to begin laying the first row of internal walls with a tie.

Step 4. Carefully place 3-4 rows of blocks in the corners of the bathhouse and at the junction of the walls, and check their position several times. Next, you will fix a rope at the joints of each row and continue laying along it. In the future, all operations must be repeated: again lay several rows in the corners, pull the rope and build walls.

Step 5. Window openings. When the height of the walls is equal to the height of the windows or doors, make markings along their width and continue laying, taking into account the height of the windows. As a jumper you can use a metal corner 50÷50 mm or more or metal fittings with a diameter of 10 mm or more, or make concrete lintel. The ends of the lintels should extend approximately 25÷30 cm onto the walls on each side of the window or doorway.

Step 6. The last two rows need to be reinforced with construction reinforcement Ø 10 mm; lay the rods in two to three rows on equal distance. Not reaching one row before the end of the masonry, lay ceiling beams 50÷100 mm. Due to the fact that attic space will not be used for ceiling You can use 50×100 mm boards; the ends of the boards that rest on the wall must be insulated with roofing felt. The distance between the beams is 1÷1.5 meters. Place the last top row of blocks. At this point, the box is almost ready; the gables will be walled up after the roof is erected. Windows will need to be made in the gables.

Now you can start building the roof. Ours will have a gable roof with an overhang for the veranda.

Video - Laying floor joists

Video - Rough ceiling

Video - Construction of a bathhouse from foam blocks


Bathhouse has small sizes, we choose one of the simplest options for the rafter system - hanging.

Hanging rafters - calculations

Do not forget that the roof will have an overhang; before installing it, you need to fix the vertical supports for the veranda. Measure their exact length and secure it to the foundation using metal corners, check the height again and adjust if necessary. Check horizontality with a rope or hydraulic level.

An example of constructing a veranda - a pillar made of timber

In order for the work to be carried out quickly and safely, it is necessary to lay a temporary (rough) coating on the existing ceiling beams. Use any boards for this; anyway, they will need to be removed later to insulate the bathhouse ceiling. But don’t be too “hacky”; you will need to walk on this temporary ceiling during the construction of the roof.

Prices for timber

Mauerlat installation

The rafters will rest on it; for the mauerlat, use a 100x100 mm beam. The timber is laid under the rope along the entire length of the bathhouse and veranda; use roofing felt for waterproofing. Be careful when it comes to waterproofing; the fact is that all cement-based materials tend to absorb atmospheric moisture. And increased humidity has negative impact on wooden structures.

Step 1. Check the position of the top chord of the masonry and, if necessary, straighten it with mortar.

Step 2. Measure the length of opposite walls and the distance to the extreme vertical support column, according to these data, prepare the timber.

Step 3. Place two layers of roofing material on the wall and a timber on it, do all the work according to taut rope, the Mauerlat should be in the middle of the blocks.

Very important! The distance between opposite Mauerlats must be absolutely the same.

Step 4. Securely attach the Mauerlat to the wall. To do this, you can use scraps of reinforcement 30÷40 centimeters long. Before laying the Mauerlats, it is advisable to drill holes in them for metal dowels, the distance between the holes is approximately one meter. Drill the walls along the existing holes and drive in metal dowels. The Mauerlat must be secured firmly; perform all construction operations correctly.

Mauerlats also need to be made for the vertical supports of the veranda. We strongly recommend that one beam overlap the supports and be tied to the bathhouse frame - this will increase the stability of the structure.

Step 5. Calculate the dimensions of the rafters, make one blank from the boards. It is not advisable to use headstocks for vertical stops; it is enough to just tie the rafter legs together with an upper tie.

For fastening, use nails or screws of the appropriate length, metal corners and plates. This will greatly speed up and simplify the process of constructing the rafter system. For our rafters, a 50×100 mm board is suitable, the distance between the rafters is 1.2÷1.4 meters, the number of rafters should be more than needed to cover the box - this roof will simultaneously cover the veranda. The angle of inclination of the slopes is within 20÷30°. Do not forget that the rafters should protrude thirty centimeters beyond the walls to drain rain and melt water.

How to make a template? Take boards of suitable length, 20÷25 mm thick, and lift them onto the roof of the bathhouse. Use one nail to overlap at the top, the boards should rotate. First set the angle of inclination “by eye”, drive in a second nail at the top, this will fix the angle of inclination of the rafter legs. Place the template on the mauerlats, mark the joining point, cut the persistent “heels” in these places, and check the position of the rafter legs again. Walk with the template along the entire length of the bathhouse and check the rafters. If everything is fine, you can lower the template to the ground. Using this template, make all the rafters and lift the finished structures onto the roof. Next, the rafter legs can be mounted on the Mauerlats.

Step 6. Install rafters along the edges of the roof, including their extension over the veranda.

Check the position, everything is fine - temporarily fix them from below with any boards or slats of the appropriate length. Pull the rope along the ridge and you can install all the other rafter legs.

Step 7 Nail the sheathing. In our version for roofing a metal profile (profiled sheet) has been selected. The distance between the lathing is approximately 40 centimeters, this is enough for reliable fixation sheets. For lathing, you can use slats or inexpensive boards. The latter are preferable - there is less chance of the self-tapping screw not hitting the rail.

Step 8. If you want it, install a hydrobarrier; if you don’t want it, don’t install it. A properly covered roof will not have leaks. In addition, our attic space is not used, so there is no need to insulate the roof.

Step 9 Carefully mark the position of the first row of profiled sheets; the length of the overlap should be at least 10 centimeters. It is advisable to lay the first row without fixing it and check everything.

Step 10 Fasten the sheets one by one using special screws with a rubber gasket, the length of the screws is at least 25 mm. You need to install a special metal curved bar on the skate. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself. Attach snow guards.

Step 11. Hammer the parts of the rafters protruding above the wall with wind boards.

Step 12 Install a drainage system. The brackets need to be fixed to the wind boards; make a slight angle of inclination towards the water receiver. Vertical pipes install it after covering the external walls.

In the photo - fastening the gutter

Now you can wall up the gables with blocks, provide windows in them. That's all for the roof. You can begin installing floors and ceilings.

Prices for gutters


Video - Laying the pediment

Installing the floor in the steam room

We will lay the floors directly on the floor beams, the distance between the beams is one meter; for the covering, use an ordinary edged planed board approximately 25 mm thick. Before installing the floor, decide on the location of the water drainage, prepare the receiver and make an outlet outside the perimeter of the bathhouse.

For better water drainage, we will make a slight slope of the floor, 2÷3° is quite enough. to one of the walls, you can buy a factory-made grille or make your own from a piece of sheet aluminum.

Step 1. Make markings and install floor beams from 100x100 mm timber. The ends must be wrapped with roofing felt. Fix the beams in the wall blocks, to do this, drill holes 10 cm deep. Insert the beams into them, seal the cracks with mortar. Don't forget to make a slight incline. In other rooms of the bathhouse, beams are installed in a similar way, only without a slope. To install the floors, you will need to make a stop for pulling them together or buy a ready-made one in the store. This stop is attached to the beam, and a wooden wedge is driven between it and the floorboards for tightening.

Step 2. Nail down the boards one at a time; small gaps can be left in the steam room; in other rooms the floor should be dense.

Step 3. Nail the baseboards, in the corners the baseboards are connected at an angle of 45°, make the cuts as neat as possible.

While there is no need to sand the floorboards, this work will be done at the end of the work after upholstering the walls and installing windows and doors. In other rooms, the floor is installed according to the described algorithm without a slope.

Ceiling installation

For the ceiling you need to take edged boards 20 mm thick, the top of the ceiling can be covered with used material. We recommend using polystyrene foam for insulation. The point is that mineral wool It is very afraid of high humidity; in such conditions its heat-saving characteristics deteriorate significantly. And using various steam and hydrobarriers is expensive. And they do not provide a 100% guarantee of protection.

Nail boards from below to the ceiling beams, watch the dimensions and avoid distortions. If necessary, leave a hole in the attic. Lay foam sheets, at least five centimeters thick, tightly onto nailed boards and cover with boards on top. If you already know the specific location of the stove and the chimney outlet, leave the holes. It is better, of course, to cover the ceiling with natural lining, but this is quite expensive. If you have the financial means, use lining.

Windows and doors

You will not be able to make these designs yourself, optimal solution– order plastic options according to size and install them yourself. In terms of price, durability and quality, plastic windows and doors satisfy most developers, and we chose this option. We'll tell you how to install plastic window, the doors are inserted in the same way.

Step, No.Description of actions
Step 1.Clean the perimeter of the window opening from dust.
Step 2.If the window is large and heavy, then it is better to remove the double-glazed windows; if the weight of the structure does not scare you, then you don’t have to disassemble the windows.
Step 3.Insert the box into the window opening and secure it to the wall with special dowels. For buildings made of foam blocks, the number of fixation points should be increased; the blocks do not have high performance physical strength. If it is enough to install two dowels on each side of the box in wood or brick, then foam blocks require at least four. Before fixing, you need to align the box strictly level. Use various supports and wedges during this process. Immediately replace the window sills inside and outside.
Step 4.Fill the cracks with foam. Very important: foam should be applied only to well-wetted surfaces of the blocks. On dry surfaces the adhesion coefficient is greatly reduced. Unfortunately, most companies involved in window installation skip this operation - for them the main thing is time, not quality.
Step 5.The next day you need to cut off the excess foam. If you notice any gaps, fill them with mortar and level the surfaces.

That's all, all further work will be done during the cladding of the external and internal walls.

Cladding of external walls

Please note comparative characteristics materials for thermal conductivity, we believe that additional insulation is not required for a bathhouse. If you think otherwise, no problem, insulate the bathhouse. Advice - insulate external walls, it is much simpler and cheaper, and the effect is the same. Count it up total area surfaces excluding door and window openings. Buy materials: special glue for foam plastic, dowels and large caps, plastic reinforcing mesh, paint or decorative plaster. For insulation, use foam plastic with a thickness of five centimeters. How to do this?

Step 1. Thoroughly clean the foam block walls from sand and dust.

Step 2. Installation of beacons. Beacons are used during many construction works, do not be “ashamed” to use them. With their help, work is not only speeded up, but its quality is also significantly improved. As beacons, you need to install foam boards at the ends of the bath; glue is used for installation. Stretch a rope between them and check the distance from it to the wall. This distance should include sheets and glue; if there are discrepancies, straighten the wall in problem areas or change the position of the beacons. A specific decision must be made independently, taking into account the size and location of the irregularities.

Step 3. Glue rows of foam plastic along the rope, constantly checking with a level their spatial position in all directions and sides. If you have experience working with tiles, you don’t have to use ropes; control the position of the sheets with a long, even strip. In window and door openings, the foam plastic is cut off, and the cut points are covered with additional elements: special platbands and slats.

Step 4. Practice shows that expensive glue can be saved without compromising quality. Apply it in the corners and center only for preliminary installation of the foam board; final fixation is performed with special dowels after the glue has hardened, usually the next day. It is the dowels that will hold the insulation.

Step 5. If the surfaces are very uneven, gradually level the rows; the gaps between the slabs can be foamed.

Step 6. Secure the boards with dowels. One dowel should hold one corner of the foam board, another dowel should be installed in the center of the board. A total of five dowels are needed per slab. Some builders try to save money and use one dowel to hold all the corners of four adjacent adjacent foam sheets. This saving method is risky, decide for yourself whether to use it or do everything according to the rules.

Step 7 Reinforcement plastic mesh. Please note that the thickness of the glue must be at least 5 millimeters, otherwise you will not be able to completely hide the mesh. The mesh should be hidden by painting with fade-resistant paints (facade). If decorative plaster is planned in the future, there is no need to embed the mesh.

Interior wall cladding

Before covering, you need to do the electrical wiring, electrical cables must be protected with metal sleeves. Section conductors selected taking into account the maximum load and power reserve. Always make a reserve of at least 3–4 kW, this will allow you to safely use additional electrical household appliances or heaters.

For the steam room, be sure to use natural lining, all other rooms can be finished with any building materials. Let's consider the most difficult option wall decoration - natural lining.

Step 1. Mark the wall, determine the places where you will fix the vertical slats. The dimensions of the slats are 20–50 mm, the distance between them is approximately 50 centimeters.

Important: special dowels are available for foam blocks, do not use ordinary ones!

Step 2. The slats should be installed level; if there are large irregularities on the wall, they need to be removed. Small irregularities can be eliminated with various supports for the slats.

Step 3. Fasten the two outer slats, stretch the thread between them and install all the rest along it.

Step 4. Check the distance from the floor to the ceiling in the corners. If there is a difference, then saw off the first lining under the right angle to level the horizontal position. It is better to do this at the bottom of the wall, where it is less noticeable.

Step 5. Use small nails to secure the paneling; hammer the nails into the groove at an angle. Make sure all nails fit into the batten. The length of the nails is approximately 2 cm.

Step 6. Beat around the perimeter of the entire room, attach a special wooden corner. Secure skirting boards and baguettes (on the floor and ceiling).

Some rooms can be finished with sheet plywood, OSB boards or plasterboard. Before starting upholstery work, you need to perform the same complex preparatory work and fastening the supporting frame, as for lining.

Install rainwater drainage pipes. This completes the largest and most labor-intensive construction work. You can start installing the stove, shelves for the steam room, various shelves and benches for bath equipment. And then paint or plaster decorative plaster façade walls.

Video - Project of a one-story VIP bathhouse with a large terrace and barbecue area

Baths have existed in Rus' since ancient times. And if in the old days the main task of the bathhouse was hygiene procedures and maintaining cleanliness, then in the modern world it is rather a place comfortable rest with family and friends, as well as the opportunity to demonstrate their financial viability, because not every Russian can afford their own bathhouse.

Nowadays, bathhouses are built from exceptionally high quality materials so that they are comfortable, practical and serve faithfully for many years.

A modern bathhouse is not just a steam room. This is a whole multifunctional complex that includes everything that could be located in a comfortable house: the steam room itself, a recreation room, a gym or billiard room, a small swimming pool and open veranda.


A spacious terrace is perhaps the biggest dream of any metropolitan resident who values ​​relaxation on outdoors in the company of close friends. However, if your cottage is not equipped with a veranda, as is often the case in old private houses and modern standard cottages, then you can compensate for this shortcoming and build a bathhouse in the yard, equipping it with a functional recreation area.

Thanks to this, you can solve several problems at once:

  • the presence of a bathhouse “without leaving home”;
  • the presence of a terrace, which can be used as an ordinary gazebo, where you can arrange intimate gatherings in pleasant company;
  • a practical solution to the problem of organizing friendly or family leisure;
  • if necessary, solving the ill-fated “housing issue”.

Terraces can be equipped with barbecues, grills and barbecues, without which no picnic is complete. There are other pleasant bonuses of such structures - you can fry kebabs and prepare other snacks right on the veranda.

In addition, the joint construction of a bathhouse and a terrace allows you to maintain a single architectural style and comply with the concept of landscape design throughout the entire site. There is no need to connect separately located objects with paths, and this significantly increases the overall usable area a plot of land that can be used for a flower bed, rockery or lawn.

And, of course, combining a bathhouse with a place of relaxation allows you to save on construction work, since in this case the wall of the bathhouse simultaneously serves as the wall of the veranda, and this significantly reduces the consumption of necessary materials.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that connecting a terrace with a bathhouse is much more difficult than constructing them at the same time.

If the common foundation was not laid at the stage of foundation construction, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​a bathhouse + terrace “2 in 1”, especially if the soil is heaving. In this case, both parts will shrink differently, which leads to cracking of the walls.

If you are determined to combine two functional buildings, then it is worth considering the basic aspects of this technological process.

It is optimal to build a veranda only after the building has completed shrinkage, after that they arrange columnar foundation and build a building perimeter on it.

To reduce the likelihood of distortions, the terrace can simply not be connected to the main wall bath complex, and mask all the gaps that appear using polyurethane foam or using sliding fasteners.

It is better to arrange the roof separately for both structural elements, and so that water does not flood between the roof of the bathhouse and the covering of the veranda, they will equip an ebb L-shaped. It is placed 2-3 cm above the terrace and mounted to a log frame.

Selection of materials

Most builders assure that the bathhouse should be wooden, and the most the best material is coniferous wood. This is a very common misconception. The point is that the tree coniferous species It is characterized by increased resin content, and this resin begins to emit a pungent odor at elevated temperatures. That is why it is recommended to take coniferous varieties only for the construction of frame boxes, but for finishing interior decoration you should give preference to linden, alder or oak wood.

Keep in mind that pine, juniper and cedar vapors have a beneficial effect on the body only in small quantities. When inhaling large doses, you can cause significant harm to the respiratory tract - their passages become blocked, and inhalation/exhalation becomes difficult.

It is equally important to decide standard form wood material. Many people use logs when constructing baths, since such buildings can work effectively in any season in a wide variety of climatic conditions. Other consumers prefer timber. Such material is more expensive than logs. However, its operational parameters are also higher: the timber is laid faster, but cracks much less often.

In any case, both types of wood blanks are suitable for building a bathhouse with a terrace, and the final choice is only a matter of personal preference of the owner of the site.

Gas silicate blocks and foam concrete are well suited for the construction of bathhouses. It's relative inexpensive materials, which effectively solve all problems associated with the thermal insulation of a room.

The only thing that needs to be paid special attention to is the equipment for highly effective waterproofing of the walls and their high-quality putty. The air in the steam room is humid, so walls must be reliably protected from the adverse effects of moisture. These days brick baths are practically not built, although this material is considered the most optimal for finishing facade cladding country house building, also look very stylish decorative fencing brick verandas.

For those who are looking for original solutions for their site, we can recommend round sauna with a terrace built using environmentally friendly clay technology. All it takes is a couple of dump trucks of wood, a cart of hay and a large machine of clay.

Design and layout

At its core, creating a bathhouse project with a terrace - in general, simple task, however, in practice it requires compliance and application large number the most different rules and principles.

The area of ​​the steam room must be at least 10 square meters. m, and the ceiling height is not lower than 2 m– with this arrangement of the bathhouse, three people can be in the room at the same time without loss of comfort.

For any bathhouse, it is important to have the possibility of natural water drainage, so the subfloor, as a rule, is made at a certain angle.

When installing a bath complex, it is prohibited to install cables, lamps and shades; If they come into contact with steam, they may cause an accident. When constructing such premises, it is worth giving preference to specialized materials, although they are by no means cheap.

Depending on the location of the bathhouse and terrace, there are several types of layouts: open, closed and corner.


A mansion with a large open veranda and equipped steam rooms is not only stylish, but also quite comfortable. On the veranda at any time you can equip a small functional gazebo, set up a grill or barbecue for barbecuing and preparing other dishes for which access to air is important.

The terrace often protrudes and playground for small children, a place to meet guests and dance. It is on the veranda that it is so comfortable to read, draw or just relax even in the most inclement weather, since it is, as a rule, reliably protected from the wind and sun.

For greater comfort, you can hang curtains; they will protect from the piercing wind and annoying mosquitoes and other stinging insects.


Today, more and more owners of private houses and cottages give preference to the maximum effective use their land plots. Land, especially those located within the city, in the vast majority of cases are small in size, and the owners want to build a bathhouse with a gazebo and other recreational facilities in their yard. This is especially important during the landscape planning stage.

If there is no house on the new site, but its construction is planned for several years, then first you should build a bathhouse. At first, it can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also play the role of a summer kitchen, warehouse and storage place gardening tools. Subsequently, you can build a garage above the bathhouse and on the sides of it, as well as build living rooms and equip a connected veranda. This type of structure is called closed.

This also includes projects of free-standing bath designs, to which a covered veranda is attached.

It increases the total area of ​​the recreation space and solves a number of problems:

  • allows you to use useful space as an additional place for gatherings with family and friends;
  • use of the terrace for comfortable relaxation outside the bathhouse complex;
  • arrangement of a winter garden on the terrace;
  • use for the purpose of an additional area of ​​the utility room for storing household equipment.

As a rule, panoramic glazing is used in closed terraces, and the glass is made transparent or mosaic.


Corner types of baths with a terrace are quite popular and widespread. This arrangement is considered modern trend in garden construction. The design has a unique configuration, takes up little space on the site, fits harmoniously into any landscape design and is combined with other buildings in the yard. Well, besides, such a bathhouse with a veranda is quite spacious inside due to its shape.

Corner modifications are preferred in situations where it is necessary for the bathhouse to be as close as possible to the cottage, almost right next to it - this may be due to the characteristics of the site or the personal wishes of the owner of the house. In this case, the terrace, which is adjacent to the main building, can have any shape - square or rectangular.

Corner bath differs in ergonomics. The use of this type of layout creates conditions for a more logical and beautiful use area of ​​the plot, and also allows you to tidy up the areas adjacent to the house.

A distinctive feature of corner structures is their unique shape. In the traditional version, the basic functional area The premises (the steam room and shower) are located perpendicular to the leisure area.

In corner-type buildings, the stove is located in the middle between the steam room and the recreation room, thanks to this the entire space is heated, which is extremely important in the cold winter season.

Corner structures are optimal for small areas. They are located on one of the corners local area, take up little space and fit into any landscape composition.

Buildings in the shape of a triangle always look quite stylish and attract attention with their architectural design. It is the corner baths with verandas that are considered the most acceptable in terms of ergonomics, practicality and functionality.

Examples of finished buildings

The choice of a specific project for the construction of a bathhouse with a terrace most often depends on the parameters of the local area.

  • For example, classic version– project of a standard bathhouse measuring 6x9 m optimal for houses with a fairly large yard. Such a guest recreation area can comfortably accommodate not only a family, but also a large group of friends. In this case, it is assumed that a joint foundation will be built for both zones. You should not stop at one-story buildings. Often the structures are made two-story and on the lower floor there is a steam room with a veranda, and on the second floor there is a room or a billiard room or a toilet.
  • If the bathhouse is attached close to a residential building, then in this situation there will be a project with dimensions of 5x6 or 6x6 m looks harmonious. The proportions will allow it to fit into the design concept of any type of site. At the same time, the owners not only significantly expand the area of ​​the house, but also get a cozy place where they can meet friends and family in any weather. By the way, this will create additional heating of the walls of the main building, and this is also of no small importance.

  • Bathhouse 4 x 4.5 m with terrace– one of the standard projects offered construction companies. A bathhouse of this layout contains three functional rooms: a relaxation area, a steam room with a plunge pool. An open veranda is attached to the bathhouse on a separate foundation. Such a project assumes that the entrance to the recreation area is made from the street, and this can be extremely uncomfortable, especially in autumn and winter. To eliminate this shortcoming, you can make the veranda covered or partition off part of the room and convert it into a vestibule.
  • Project of a 6x4 bathhouse with a terrace involves the arrangement of a small-sized vestibule, since such a bathhouse can be used in the cold season without any modifications. The steam room and shower are not combined, but their sizes are almost identical. This is not always justified from an ergonomic point of view. In the shower room, as a rule, people wash one at a time. Therefore, it would be more correct to make it a little more compact, but for the steam room it is worth setting aside more space, since for the most part there are 2-3 people steaming there.

  • Drawing of a 6 x 5 bath (with a protruding terrace)– one more standard version baths with a fenced vestibule. With this layout option, it occupies a small part of the veranda, so in order not to hide it functional area, part of the veranda is simply designed as an extension, that is, it is “pushed” beyond the existing foundation of the building. Sometimes it is enlarged even more, shaped like the letter “G”. This allows you to create and arrange a spacious area for good rest large or small company at any time of the year. At the same time small area gazebos can be safely used for grilling, barbecuing or installing a barbecue.

What we're really proud of is the build quality. Our teams of carpenters good experience assembling baths, we come to the construction site with complete set tools.

  • Adjustable posts. On verandas and terraces we use special adjustable posts, which gives an undeniable advantage when shrinking the building. Any wooden sauna is subject to shrinkage (the timber can both absorb water and dry), which can cause distortions. Thanks to the adjustment system, the posts can be adjusted to the required level. We install them by default, no additional fees required!
  • Beautiful balusters. As a rule, open terraces in bathhouses and houses are decorated with carved balusters. We do not nail glazing beads left over from construction instead of balusters - we use only materials intended for this purpose, manufactured in the workshop. At the same time, we do not use clumsy work technologies - both the balusters and the balusters will be nailed neatly, without cracks or ugly protruding nails.
  • Open and closed terraces. If the project provides closed veranda, and you want an open one (or vice versa) - no problem. These changes can easily be made to the project at the discussion stage. You can also change the size of the extension, install benches and a table, and install lighting.

In terms of quality, practicality, and aesthetic characteristics, a bathhouse made from wood beams is practically no different from one built from rounded logs, but the construction process is much simpler and does not require special skill.

A wooden bathhouse is considered truly Russian, since once upon a time in Rus' every building was erected without the use of nails, but as efficiently as possible.

So, let's talk about building a bathhouse from natural timber.

What are the criteria for selecting timber for a steam room?

One of the significant stages in the construction of a bathhouse is, of course, the choice of massif. After all, the characteristics of the bath directly depend on this.

First of all, pay special attention to the absence of any cracks in the logs, which, when expanded in the future, will become the cause of defects and rotting of the massif during shrinkage.

In addition, the wood should not have blue highlights, indicating internal rotting, which is associated with the presence of fungi.

It is not recommended to build a building from such material. In addition, the timber is defective if there is a wormhole on it.

At the same time, a good timber is absolutely smooth. If there are defects, as well as various distortions, then this is not in the best possible way will affect the arrangement of the crowns, so the construction of the steam room can take a long period of time.

There are several types of timber: solid and profiled. The second option is equipped with tenons and grooves that can be ground. Such parts are easier to connect to each other.

The most important advantage is that such walls are not susceptible to the adverse effects of moisture. As for the downsides, the material has a low degree of fire resistance, which means it must be subjected to additional processing with propylene.

Solid timber is also used in construction. However, it does not look attractive in appearance, so it is covered with siding.

Types of modern baths

Today there is a variety of species modern baths, namely:

With attic

This is one of the common options for a steam room with an attic roof and a veranda. At the top of the structure there is a bedroom where you can relax comfortably after taking a bath.

And the veranda is a great place where you can drink a cup of aromatic tea.

With terrace

Are you planning to build a barbecue in your country house? Then build a steam room with a terrace where you can install a stove directly. After time, you can create a pond in front of the steam room.

With veranda

A bathhouse with a spacious veranda is considered one of the simplest structures.

In this case, it is preferable to glaze the veranda and use it as a summer recreation area or kitchen space.

With porch

Are you a fan of the true Russian bathhouse? Then build it with a spacious porch, which is not just beautiful, but also as practical as possible.

A small table, a traditional samovar and the splendor of the surrounding nature.

With a veranda and a spacious roof

Such a steam room has great advantages - a covered veranda, as well as a wide attic area. This option will create a small foundation.


A long-lasting bathhouse, created from timber, can be erected on a strip or columnar foundation.

To arrange a strip-type foundation, formwork is built and poured concrete mixture. Inside the foundation there will be a strip of sand or crushed stone.

A couple of weeks after the concrete has completely hardened, you can begin laying the frame.

To create a columnar foundation, it is necessary to place brick pillars, under each of which a concrete cushion is placed to prevent subsidence.

However, no matter what type of foundation you choose, it is important to strengthen it with reinforcement for durability.

You also cannot do without practical waterproofing created between the original crown and the base. For these purposes, bitumen is applied to the foundation surface in molten form, which is laid with an even layer of roofing material. As soon as it hardens, the procedure must be repeated.

If you have decided to build a reliable and beautiful bathhouse, then be sure to get a project and, based on our recommendations, make your dreams come true.

Photo of a bathhouse made of timber