Difficulties in unified processing of employee transfers. Sample order for transfer to another position Standard form t 5

The company operates under the influence of a large number of different factors, so it periodically has to coordinate its work. Each party to the labor relationship may propose to change the employee’s job responsibilities. In accordance with the law, this will constitute a transfer to another job. It can be at the initiative of the employer or employee, permanent or temporary, requiring the mandatory consent of the employee or without it.

There are also transfers of personnel to another organization, as well as to another location. In all cases, the enterprise must draw up employee transfer order.

This document is drawn up on the basis of a report or memo, additional agreement, . An organization has the right to use a unified labor accounting document form T-5 or an order drawn up in any form for .

In the latter case, it must contain all the mandatory details provided for by law. The order is issued by the personnel department in one copy and recorded in the order book. After this, it is signed by the manager, and the employee is familiarized with the signature.

Upon application, the employee may be given a copy of this document. If a permanent transfer is carried out, then within 7 days an entry must be made in the employee’s work book based on this order. Unified form T-5 An order to transfer an employee to another job is contained in many specialized programs; you can download the form at the end of the article.

Sample of filling out an order to transfer an employee to another job

The HR inspector, in strict accordance with the constituent documents, fills in the name of the company (full or abbreviated) and enters the company code in the statistics. The document receives the next number from the order registration book and the date is filled in.

The period of transfer is indicated in the corresponding columns. If changes in job functions occur on an ongoing basis, then there is no need to fill in the end date. The following lines contain the employee’s personal data (full name), as well as the type of transfer.

In sections "Former place of work" And "New place of work" Data on old and new structural units and positions is recorded. The order must include the reason for the change in job duties, which is indicated in the corresponding line.

A change in job responsibilities affects the amount of remuneration, therefore the order must reflect the new salary and, if any, allowances.

In the Count "Base" the name of the document on the basis of which the translation is carried out, as well as its details (date and number), is indicated.

The order fills in the position of the manager, puts his signature and its transcript. After reading it, the employee endorses it and indicates the date of review.

Features of filling out some orders for transfer to another job

In the practice of an enterprise, there are cases when a temporary transfer is carried out, but the exact date of its completion is difficult or impossible to determine. For example, performing the labor functions of a temporarily absent employee who is undergoing treatment.

In this case, in column "by" the date is filled in after the end of the translation, and in column “Type of transfer” the event that caused the change in labor functions is indicated.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for such situations when an employee who, for health reasons, is transferred to a job with a reduced salary, retains his old salary for a certain time. In this case, the HR department must reflect two salaries in the order. This can be done by adding a corresponding line in the document.

The transfer may affect several employees. In this case, the enterprise has the right to draw up one general order for all employees, either using the unified form T-5a, or in any form.

The employee can be transferred to work in another company. In this case, organizations exchange written requests and cover letters that are attached to the employee’s applications. The peculiarity of this change in labor functions is that an order is drawn up to terminate the employment contract with the indication “transfer to another employer” as the basis.

During the period of work at the enterprise, its employees can be transferred from one position to another. This can happen for completely different reasons: promotion and demotion, the vacancy of a vacancy, the employee acquiring a new specialty, for medical reasons, etc. Regardless of what circumstances served as the reason for such a rearrangement, this action must be formalized properly. One of the main documents that accompany the transfer of an employee from one position to another within the organization is the order of the manager to transfer to another job in the T-5 form:


An important clarification: if any changes occur in the name of an employee’s position in the process of carrying out his activities, but the essence of the job functions performed remains the same, there is no need to draw up a transfer order.

What is the basis for the order?

Orders issued by company management must always have a basis. In this case it may be statement written on behalf of the employee himself (with justification for this desire) or memo from the head of the structural unit, which must indicate compelling arguments for carrying out this procedure. If the transfer occurs at the initiative of the employer, then the employee must first be poisoned notification about upcoming changes in his career.

Who is drafting the document?

Typically, writing such orders falls within the competence of a specialist in the personnel department, a lawyer, the head of a structural unit, or, in extreme cases, the secretary of the enterprise. But, regardless of who is filling out the document, it must be approved by the director, as well as by the transferred employee himself.

Basic rules for placing an order

Today, the law says that an order to transfer an employee from one position to another can be issued in a free form. However, many enterprises and organizations, in the old fashioned way, prefer to use the previously approved and widespread T-5 form. This is understandable: the form contains all the necessary data, including information about the employer and subordinate, information about the former and new place of work, reasons for the transfer, etc.

The order can be filled out either by hand or on a computer, but it is printed out in a single copy and, after writing, is given first to the manager for signature, and then for review to the employee for whom it was drawn up. His autograph on the document will indicate that he agrees with the transfer to a certain position with the designation of a specific tariff rate and other conditions.

After registration, the order must be registered in the internal document register, and then transferred for storage to the personnel department.

An example of filling out an order to transfer an employee to another job using the T-5 form

The standard sample in the T-5 form is quite simple and should not cause any difficulties during registration.

The first part of the T-5 form

The first part of the document indicates the full name of the organization, the OKPO code (in accordance with the registration papers), as well as its internal document flow number and the date of its preparation.
Below is the period during which the employee will work in another position.

  • If the transfer is temporary, then the start date and end date of the work (if the latter is known) should be indicated.
  • If the transfer is made on an ongoing basis, then you only need to set the date from which the employee will be obliged to begin his new duties.

In addition, with a permanent transfer, information about it must be entered into the employee’s personal file, as well as an additional agreement to the employment contract must be drawn up with him (on changes in working conditions and other parameters).

The second part of the T-5 form

In the second part of the document, information about the employee’s previous place of work is first entered, namely the structural unit where he worked and his position (in accordance with the staffing table). In the next line you need to indicate the reason for the transfer.

The second table contains information about the new location:

  • department name,
  • job title,
  • as well as the size of the tariff rate and all possible allowances due to the employee.

Next, you need to provide a link to the documents that served as the basis for issuing the order: usually this is either a statement from the employee or a memo from his immediate superior. If the transfer is caused by some other factors (for example, an employee’s illness), then data from the supporting document (for example, a medical report) must be entered here.

Finally, the order should be given to the employee for review. Without his signature, the document will have no legal significance.

When you can’t and when you can refuse a transfer

There are situations in which the employer does not have the right to refuse to transfer an employee to another position: this is the employee’s pregnancy and the presence of young children, the presence of medical indications, etc. But, for example, a transfer due to staff reduction or to another location at the initiative of the organization is possible only with the personal written consent of the employee.

The employee himself can, at any time and for any reason, refuse a transfer initiated by the employer, and also demand that he be provided with another, more suitable position, with working conditions that suit him.

  • Automatic filling of standard document forms
  • Printing documents with signature and seal image
  • Letterheads with your logo and details
  • Uploading documents in Excel, PDF, CSV formats
  • Sending documents by email directly from the system

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There are situations when an employee needs to be transferred to another job - due to operational necessity, for health reasons, or at his own request. In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the transfer of an employee to another job is carried out only with the written consent of the employee. Exceptions may be cases provided for in Parts 2 and 3 of Art. 72.2 of the Labor Code. An employer does not have the right to offer an employee a transfer to a position that is not suitable for him due to health reasons. There are two types of transfer of an employee to another job: permanent or temporary. The transfer can be initiated by either the employer or the employee.

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How to fill out a transfer order correctly

Filling out the T-5 form begins with the details that will provide the document with the necessary legal force. These include:

Name of the document;
- date of preparation of the document, its serial number;
- name of the organization in which the document was drawn up;
- position and surname of the employee responsible for drawing up the document, signature (signature is placed at the bottom of the document).

The name of the organization is indicated in full, that is, exactly as it is indicated in the constituent documents. The following methods can be used to date an order:
- using words and numbers (for example, May 22, 2012);
- Arabic numerals in the order “day, month, year” (for example, 05/22/2012);
- Arabic numerals in the order “year, month, day” (for example, 2012.05.22).
When filling out the T-5 form, OKPO (All-Russian Classifiers of Enterprises and Organizations) and OKUD (All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation) are used.

The text of the order must begin with the words “transfer to another job.” Next, write the date from which the employee will be transferred. If the transfer is temporary, then the exact timing of the transfer is indicated. This situation may arise, for example, when replacing an employee during a period of parental leave to care for a child under three years of age. Depending on the amount of information, you can expand the rows and columns in tabular forms. According to Part 5 of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated March 24, 1999 N 20, it is allowed to make changes in the area of ​​expanding lines and columns of the unified document form.

Do not forget to indicate the basis for the transfer, which is usually an appendix to the employment contract.

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The unified form T-5 is an order to move an employee, which is drawn up in the event of an employee moving within an organization, or moving with the organization to another location. This standard form is not used for transfer to part-time work; in this case, the order is drawn up in free form. The article provides a sample of filling out an order to transfer an employee to another job; the form and completed sample can be downloaded below for free in Word.

Relocation is possible only with the employee’s consent to it, and this consent must be in written form. Based on the statement of consent, the personnel employee draws up a transfer order in the T-5 form, after which the document is submitted to the manager for approval. Next, the employee familiarizes himself with the order, confirming his awareness with a signature.

Since 2013, standard forms are not mandatory for use, this means that the employer retains the right to choose a convenient form for issuing an order - you can use the standard form, you can edit it by adding or deleting lines, you can develop your own order form.

The main thing is that the administrative document meets the requirements for primary documentation and contains all the required details.

If an organization needs to transfer a group of employees to another job, position, or division, then it is more convenient to fill out the standard T-5a form.

Sample of filling out T-5 when transferring to another job

The order form must be filled out with the following information:

  • name of the employer's company, OKPO;
  • number and date of issue of the order - the number is determined by the numbering of administrative documentation in accordance with the registration journal that all companies are required to maintain; the number can be supplemented with letter designations for convenience;
  • date of transfer to another job - the day when the employee begins new duties;
  • in the “to” line, you should indicate the date of completion of duties in the new position; the field is filled in if the transfer is made for a limited period;
  • Full name, personnel number of the employee to be transferred to another job within the organization, data to fill out can be found in;
  • type of transfer - permanent or temporary;
  • previous place of work - the position and department that the employee is leaving;
  • reason for movement within the organization;
  • new place of work - department, position, information about remuneration (rate, salary, allowances);
  • basis - a document justifying the transfer, as a rule, an additional agreement is drawn up to the employment contract, which specifies changes in the place of work, indicates the number and date of this basis document, and the basis may also be another document, for example, a medical report, if the reason for the move is other work - the employee’s health condition,

An order to transfer an employee to another position (job) is issued when such a need arises - at the initiative of the employee or in connection with production needs.

Sample order (instruction) to transfer an employee to another job. Form T-5 and T-5a



Order form for transfer to another job. Form T-5 and T-5a



The basis for the transfer is either a personal statement from the employee, or a memorandum from, say, the head of a structural unit to management, justifying the need to change the type of work activity of his employee.

The transfer order can be issued either on the company’s letterhead or in form T-5 (for transferring a group of people - in form T-5a).

If the transfer order is issued on the organization’s letterhead, it must contain:

  • name, number and date of compilation,
  • Full name and position of the employee being transferred,
  • the name of the structural unit and other position to which the employee is transferred,
  • date, term of transfer, terms of remuneration and working conditions at the new place,
  • basis for transfer - list of attached documents - employee consent, memo from the head of the department, etc.,
  • signature of the head of the organization,
  • signature of the employee being transferred confirming consent.

Rules for filling out an order (instruction) for dismissal in form T-5 and T-5a

The unified form T-5 contains:

  • name of the organization, its OKPO code;
  • order number and date of its preparation;
  • the period of transfer of the employee to another job; if a transfer to a permanent job is carried out, this paragraph of the order is skipped; if the work is temporary and its end date is unknown, in the “to” column either an event is indicated that will be considered the end of the transfer period, or, by agreement with the employee, the date will be set at the actual end of the temporary transfer;
  • Full name in the genitive case and personnel number of the employee;
  • type of translation;
  • details of previous place of work (department and position);
  • reason for transfer (medical indications, production necessity, etc.);
  • details of the new place of work (department, position, tariff rate, bonus);
  • basis for transfer
  • documents serving as the basis for the transfer: amendment to the employment contract (its details), memo, employee statement, acts, etc.
  • signature of the head of the organization;
  • the employee’s signature confirming that he agrees with the transfer and has read the order.