Tips for choosing a closed gazebo for your summer cottage. How to build an enclosed gazebo with barbecue and glazing: drawing, photo and stages of work Indoor barbecue

Currently, a closed gazebo is considered something familiar in everyday life. The presence of a barbecue only enhances it positive qualities. There are a huge number of variations of this simple structure; the choice remains with the owner of the site where it is planned to build it.

Selecting a construction site

When housing is a place permanent residence, it is more profitable to build a closed gazebo with a barbecue inside. Their varieties are very common, so it is easy to choose the most suitable option that will fit harmoniously into the landscape design. In version with closed openings it is possible to connect heating devices when the air temperature drops, which increases the frequency of use of the gazebo in the cold season. The location of the gazebo on the site should be thought out to the smallest detail. A view from the windows onto the road or vacant lots is not the best option.

The design of the building must comply with common principles not only in architecture, but also in color scheme.

It is necessary to investigate the land ownership or its plan. The proximity to living quarters and communications provides a huge advantage. The distance from the planned barbecue area to the house cannot be less than 8 meters in accordance with fire safety rules. It is worth considering the location in relation to neighboring areas in advance so as not to cause discomfort to their residents. A large gazebo should be built on a sunny spot on the property; small buildings look better in the shade of trees. The approaches to the future building need to be cleared of obstacles and paths laid.

Project development

In order to ensure that the financial investment for the construction of a gazebo is not large, you should clearly think through the entire project down to the smallest detail.

At the design stage, it is necessary to resolve issues such as:

  • choose the building material from which it will be made warm gazebo. The walls for the “winter” option should be made of brick or wooden beams, which will provide comfort in cold weather, since these materials have low thermal conductivity. If finances allow, construction can be made from new generation materials. They are more durable, but at the same time more expensive;
  • choice the most suitable option roofs;
  • decide on the pouring method and type of foundation. For closed options gazebos are used tape or monolithic foundation from slabs;
  • The design idea of ​​a gazebo can be implemented in any form. The main thing is that it fits into the landscape of the surrounding area;

  • you should choose the type of barbecue, which will reduce the cost of building a base for it;
  • it is necessary to think through the communications that will be connected to the building under construction;
  • provide ventilation hatches and high-quality chimneys, since safety comes first;
  • the shape, size of windows, methods of glazing should also be determined at the project stage;
  • variations of indoor and outdoor lighting.


Walls built of brick last for many decades. They are quite practical and of high quality. According to the general architectural style, the color scheme of brick products is selected in accordance with the color scheme. It can be either natural red or white. But it is worth considering that white brick less resistant to storing thermal energy, because it cools much faster than red.

When building a closed gazebo made of brick, you should opt for a strip-type foundation, since the frame will have quite heavy weight.

Brick construction has the following positive aspects:

  • the service life is unlimited, it is durable;
  • you can choose any form of gazebo;
  • it is possible to combine different materials;
  • wall cladding inside and outside can be varied;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • the ability to install and secure a barbecue of any type.

To the negative sides brick gazebo closed type belong to the following:

  • preparation of a solid, strong foundation is required;
  • the price value depends on the price of the brick and its quantity.

Wooden gazebo

Such a structure will delight environmental safety. Natural colors and aroma of wood help improve the health of the body. Buildings made of wood harmoniously combine into a single whole with country-style design. But any wooden room with a barbecue inside must necessarily meet conditions of increased fire safety.

The advantages of a wooden gazebo are the following:

  • uncomplicated appearance that harmoniously fits into the surrounding nature;
  • reduced construction time;
  • the foundation may not be solid, but lightweight;

  • environmentally friendly materials;
  • healing components individual species wood;
  • excellent frost resistance;
  • low thermal conductivity.

With many advantages, there are also disadvantages such as:

  • prone to rotting in high humidity. To avoid it, you need to treat the surfaces special solution ground cover;
  • under the influence of negative meteorological conditions, there may be a violation of the shape of the structure;
  • increased tendency to cause a fire. IN in this case a good ventilation system and treatment of room surfaces with fire-fighting solutions is required.

Marking and laying the foundation

Before laying the foundation, it is necessary to prepare the site. If there is turf, it is removed along with the fertile layer of soil. Sprouting greens and plant roots will cause rotting with accompanying unpleasant odors. If the soil is sandy, the site for the building is covered with crushed stone, gravel, and unnecessary garbage. Compact and cover tightly with a layer of sand. On clay soil, it is mixed with soil and compacted tightly. Ensure free flow of water from the walls and base.

When the project has been drawn up, the building drawings have been completed and the site has been prepared, you can begin to mark out and lay the foundation. The stability of the future structure, the clarity and safety of its forms depend on the correct and precise location of the base of the gazebo. The size of the foundation is affected by the massiveness of the gazebo. If the building is light, you can make the base in the form of pillars. This option is economical. For large, weighty buildings, a slab foundation is most often installed; in the future, it can play the role of a floor covering. The ribbon type of base is suitable for any gazebo. An insulated frame model most often stands on a reliable foundation.

Creating a floor

The basis of the future floor can be made from beams. The connection of such materials occurs with self-tapping screws and boards. Each wooden part must be impregnated with protective agents against insects and rot. The coverage can be varied. Depending on the possibilities, you can choose ceramic floor tiles, concrete base, self-leveling floor or parquet option.

Convenience should be combined with practicality and ease of cleaning.

Construction of walls and roof

Along the contour of the gazebo are placed corner beams, on which the entire mass of the built roof will be supported. The walls are made completely closed or with openings, which will subsequently be glazed. After installing the racks, the top trim of the beams is performed. For a reliable connection, corners are used, and they are also used to connect the racks to the base. The next step in construction is the implementation of the middle level piping, if it is included in the project. After the walls are erected, construction of the roof begins. When building it yourself, a ridge or single-slope roof is popular. Cover its surface various materials: ondulin, tiles, polycarbonate and others.

Barbecue device

Before finishing the surfaces in the room, you need to install stationary grill. Options can be different - made of brick, stone or metal. A stone or brick grill requires a strong foundation. For a wooden gazebo, a mobile barbecue is more suitable. Installation brick device better provide to an experienced master. The base for the grill should not be less than 30 cm.

Then a double layer of brickwork is laid and a recess for solid fuels is designed. After this, a niche is created for the food preparation area. Most often it is about seven rows of bricks laid out in continuous masonry. After this, a chimney and pipe are installed. A special canopy must be installed on top of the pipe to protect against precipitation. A necessary condition A gazebo with a barbecue is considered to have windows. They will help ventilate the room from gases and smoke that appear after burning coal or wood.

Portable type The grill is very convenient because it can be used both during the season and during trips to nature. Such products are made of thin sheets of iron and are light in weight. For quick assembly there are fastenings on the sides. Negative quality portable barbecue is short term services. After a year of constant use, the iron base becomes bent and burns out. When exposed to moisture, the grill becomes rusty, which also shortens its service life and degrades the quality of work. Keep hardware it is necessary in a dry room, and they should also be processed and cleaned from carbon deposits in a timely manner.

Having conceived the construction of such a structure, you should immediately take care of the plan, which must be drawn up in full accordance with the dimensions of the future structure and its geometry. This will help you accurately create an estimate for all the necessary materials.

As an example, we offer step-by-step instructions for building a gazebo with a barbecue in various ways. This will help in organizing your own construction and ask right direction throughout the event.

DIY wooden gazebo with barbecue

And first we will look at an example where the gazebo is made of lumber and the grill is made of brick. Immediately important advice: look for 6-meter timber and board. There will be much less waste this way.

The first point in building a wooden gazebo with a barbecue with your own hands is choosing a building site and its configuration. We take into account several important points:

  • Entrance the entrance to the house and the entrance to the gazebo should face each other (this is more convenient for setting the table).
  • We respect the rules fire safety. There will be a barbecue with an open fire in the gazebo; you should not build it very close to the house.

Having decided on a place, we outline with the help of construction sand circuit foundations of the building. Our drawings of a gazebo with a barbecue suggest that the gazebo will be octagonal, and the base for it will be in the shape of a circle. You can “draw” a circle using a pipe fixed in the ground and a rope tied to it.

In our case fertile layer soil was only about 20 cm thick. Behind it came an excellent clay soil. The building is relatively small, so concrete pillars were chosen as the base. It is better to select the soil under them and replace it with sand and gravel mixture. This way you can equalize the height.

Material for bottom trim serves as a beam with a cross section of 100x100 mm. To avoid mistakes with cutting angles, use a cardboard template. For device cross beams It is better to use a 50x100 board. To make the harness more reliable, it can be fastened with metal corners from the inside and outside. Galvanized 105x105x90x2 mm at 135 and 90 degrees are perfect. Don’t forget about the waterproofing layer of roofing material between the base posts and the trim.

Do-it-yourself gazebos with barbecue step by step photos

Floor in the gazebo it is made from edged boards 50x100. Immediately cut to size required quantity material. It is better to plan the front side of the board with a plane, and treat the inside with an antiseptic (preferably in several layers). We secure the floor with a screw and be sure to check the bottom trim again using a level.

Upper harness It’s more convenient to build at the bottom. This will make it more convenient to adjust the locks and rafter lengths. We use the same material for the rafters and top trim edged board 50x100.

In our case, a wooden gazebo with a barbecue with your own hands has octagonal roof. Therefore, the rafter lock will also be octagonal. We make it from 100x100 timber. Pay attention to the placement of supports under the timber. To install them, the octagon had to be enlarged using boards 1.5 cm thick.

Do-it-yourself gazebos with barbecue. Photo

Let's move on to production rafters. We make a triangular cut at the lower attachment point. We will use it as a lower lock.

Like the upper ligament, we also assemble the rafter structure at the bottom. It will be easier to correct minor bugs.

Our drawings of a gazebo with barbecue include the installation of ten support pillars . We make them from 100x100 timber. To make it more convenient to install them, we saw off the ends exactly at an angle of 90 degrees. We attach the pillars to the base of the gazebo using corners 105x105x90x2 mm made of galvanized steel. We check the structure using a level. In our case, installation of slopes was not necessary.

DIY gazebo with barbecue. Photo instructions

Now we carry out the installation rafter system and top trim. For fastening we need:

Roof made of inch boards 100 and 150 mm wide. Let's lay it close; We start from the bottom and go in a circle to the top point of the structure. For ease of marking, we use a cardboard template. It makes it easier to mark the cutting line. We fasten each board with two screws on each side. This way the roof does not deform over time.

Let's not forget about brick grill with your own hands, which will be located in the gazebo. We dig a hole under the foundation of the barbecue, 40 cm deep.

Formwork can be made from boards from transport pallets.

Covering the formwork roofing felt. The most convenient way to do this is with a construction stapler.

We place reinforcement in the hole under the foundation (10 mm rods class A3) and reinforcing mesh(d=4, 100x100 mm). We fill the foundation with a mixture of cement and construction sand in a ratio of 1 to 3. Cement grade M 250 is ideal. In our case, 5 bags were needed.

After this, you can sew up the gazebo around the perimeter log simulator 45x146 mm. This will not only make the building more attractive, but will also add rigidity to the frame.

Window sills made from boards 50x100 mm. To secure them, we use corners 50x50x40x2 mm. This part of the design is optional, but it will make the gazebo more comfortable for guests.

Reasons benches made from 50x50 timber. We fasten them at an angle to the walls using corners 50x50x40x2 mm. This is the most durable and ergonomic design option.

The material for the manufacture of the upper part of the benches is a tongue and groove board 28x121 mm. To increase strength, all benches are connected at the ends with 80x40x2 mm plates.

To visually divide the gazebo into two functional zones, we decorate the grill side wooden lattice. 15x20 mm timber is well suited for its manufacture.

DIY wooden gazebo with barbecue. Photo

At this point, work on the gazebo comes to an end and you can move on to construction brick grill with your own hands.

How simpler design, the easier it is to install it without errors. Therefore it is better to use simple drawings barbecue made of brick without frills. For construction you will need:

For proper and accurate masonry, a number of conditions must be met. Firstly, the solution should not be too thick. Once installed, the brick should be easily adjustable by hand. Secondly, the ideal seam has a thickness of 3 mm. This must be achieved so that the structure is as durable as possible. Be sure to maintain the same thickness of the seam throughout the entire structure. Thirdly, you can't rush. The laying is carried out strictly according to the level. With this, the step-by-step instructions for building a brick grill in a wooden gazebo can be completed. The entire sequence of masonry is clearly visible in the photographs.

Brick grill in the gazebo. Photo

All that remains is to cover the roof bitumen shingles (red Shinglas tiles were used in the example) using nails and a construction stapler, and also treat the gazebo with antiseptic and varnish. Apply the antiseptic in two layers. Glossy yacht varnish works well as a varnish.

Brick gazebo with grill and barbecue

For those who are more of a mason than a carpenter at heart, we offer step-by-step instructions for building a gazebo with a brick barbecue. Let's skip the steps of finding a location and marking the structure. All this was described above. Let's get straight to the point.

Construction of a brick gazebo with barbecue. Step by step instructions

The brick structure will weigh quite a lot, so this time foundation must be made solid and reinforced. After it is ready, we lay the walls.

The rafter system can be made in the same way as for a wooden gazebo.

It is better to lay out the first row dry.

We are constructing firewood. It will also be the basis for the barbecue and smokehouse.

We continue to lay out the brick barbecue with our own hands. Next up is the firebox and tabletop. If desired, you can arrange a niche for dishes.

DIY gazebo with barbecue. Step by step photos

For the cauldron we need to install stove. Below is an option with removable rings.

The barbecue base is ready. It's time to lay out the tabletop fireclay bricks.

We definitely use it in masonry refractory mixture.

The next stage of building a gazebo with a brick barbecue with your own hands is the organization chimney and forming a channel for the smokehouse.

In our gazebo there will be Russian stove. We form a pod for her.

Each row must be reinforced wire.

We put up the walls at the same time. We check the accuracy of the work using a level.

We finish the stove vault.

In our case, the back wall of the oven had to be pulled out.

The work will take quite a lot of time, but the progress will warm the soul.

We continue to build a brick barbecue with our own hands. Installing doors smokehouses We are finishing the arches over the barbecue, hob and a stove.

You can always entrust the stitching to an assistant.

Can be installed above the stove stainless steel mesh. In the future, it will be good to dry berries and mushrooms or dishes on it.

We have already described how to sew up a roof.

Do-it-yourself gazebo with barbecue and barbecue. Photo

On this step by step instructions The construction of a brick barbecue is coming to an end. The gazebo-barbecue complex is ready for delivery.

We supply water to the sink from behind the gazebo. It can be covered for the winter.

pipe we make it three-channel. This way the traction will be more stable.

Do not forget to cover the entire masonry with a special impregnation with water-repellent effect.

It will take about a week to dry the structure. At this point, the construction of a gazebo with a brick barbecue with your own hands is completed.

Homemade brick grill. Step by step instructions

DIY barbecue. Drawings

We begin the construction of a brick structure by installing a strong foundation. We select the size in accordance with the size of the future barbecue.

We dig a pit at the chosen location. We arrange formwork along its edges (it can be made, for example, from boards from pallets). We pour concrete and reinforce the base. It will take 1-2 weeks for complete hardening.

Base ready and you can start building the barbecue.

Drawing up drawings and plans is useful. They will help you create an accurate estimate. Here sample list required materials:

  • Fire-resistant brick;
  • Wire for masonry reinforcement;
  • Sand and cement;
  • Corners made of galvanized metal;
  • Mesh or reinforcing bars;
  • Lime.

DIY brick grill. Photo

To carry out preliminary calculations, arrange the bricks as they should lie in the structure. Now it is clear where the masonry seams will be and how many halves and quarters of brick will be needed.

The material absorbs moisture very well. Therefore, it is better to put it under a brick waterproofing material. A couple of layers of roofing felt will do just fine.

It's time to start building the barbecue.

Cooking solution. To do this, mix cement, sand and slaked lime in a ratio of 1:3:0.25. We will lay the prepared brick on top of the resulting mixture.

Masonry will require accuracy, attention and patience. We monitor the seams and level the bricks.

The technology of work requires laying rows in checkerboard pattern. We focus on the first row, start laying from the corner, gradually filling the side space.

The grill will be exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, it is better to lay the second row using a clay-fireclay mixture.

To make a base for the brazier, you need to install rods fittings between opposite walls. The base of the firebox is installed on them. For example, it could be a metal pallet.

The combustion process requires constant influx oxygen. To do this, it is necessary to leave several gaps in the firebox masonry without mortar.

All that remains is to install the grate on the rods or protrusions (depending on the masonry of the barbecue) and select the tabletop.

Brick barbecue in the country

Brick BBQideal option for a summer cottage. It is simple, convenient and reliable design, which looks quite presentable.

We offer detailed guide, which will help even a person inexperienced in construction to build such a structure in the shortest possible time.

The first stage of work is drawing up detailed plan . We will provide only an approximate diagram of the structure. You must take into account the features of your own oven, its appearance, decorative elements and more.

Arranging a brick grill. Photo

Don't forget about the niche for firewood and coal. We calculate the place for the grill at a height of 65-70 cm from the ground. The stove should be placed 10 cm lower.

Laying bricks for a barbecue. Photo

After working with a pencil and ruler, you can move on to the practical part. As in previous instructions, we start with foundation.

The same foundation is suitable for a barbecue as for a barbecue. This is a monolithic reinforced base. We dig a pit about half a meter deep for it. Cover the bottom with a layer of a mixture of gravel and crushed stone, water it and tamp it down.

We install the reinforcement and form the frame. All that remains to be done is the formwork. Now you can proceed to pouring the base with concrete.

The foundation will take up to two weeks to dry completely. A little patience and you can move on to building a brick barbecue.

Fireclay brick is an ideal option for masonry ovens. It won't hurt your pocket too much, but it's strong enough to withstand high temperatures. We prepare cement, construction sand, and red clay in advance. They are necessary to create a solution. Fill the clay with water ahead of time and leave it there for several days.

Having prepared the solution, you can proceed to masonry. We work slowly, according to plan, laying out row by row. We constantly check the masonry using a level.

First we lay out pedestal barbecue ovens. It should not be too high (up to 70 cm).

We lay out the second row, shifting the beginning of the tier by half a brick.

When you reach the stove, keep in mind that its depth must be at least three bricks, and its length must be at least six. We use fireclay bricks. We install reinforcement bars on the ceilings.

The next stage is construction chimney. If the diagram is drawn up correctly, then there will be no problems. When laying rows, do not forget to make a “chimney tooth” on back wall stoves. It will significantly improve the draft in the pipe.

All that remains is to add decorative elements and clean the masonry from splashes of mortar and other construction waste. You can decorate your barbecue using paint applied to the brick. This will visually highlight the seams of the structure. In general, the design is already completed and can be used for its intended purpose.

Do-it-yourself barbecue from a barrel

If there is not enough space on the site to set up a gazebo with a barbecue, you can always make a barbecue out of a barrel with your own hands. For this we need:

  • Metal barrel (preferably food grade);
  • Paints and varnishes (primer, paint);
  • Brackets and loops for fastenings;
  • Chimney pipe.

We will install the barbecue on a special structure. To make it we will need small diameter pipes (up to 50 mm) and boards. During the work you will need the following tools:

  • Drill with a set of drills;
  • Angle grinding machine;
  • Measuring tape;
  • Set of wrenches;
  • Fastening elements (clamps, bolts).

The preparation process is complete and production can begin. We cut it in the side of our barrels rectangular hole as shown in the photo.

Now we need 6 pipes small diameter. If they are concreted, then we cut them using a grinder. From 4 pipes we will make the legs of the structure on which the arbecue will stand.

Barbecue from a barrel. Photo

We use the remaining two pipes to connect each pair of legs. We use bolts to secure the structure.

They will also record the position of our barrel. The length of the pipes is adjustable depending on the size of the barrel. The result should be a structure of two parts, each of which will consist of a pair of legs and a connecting pipe.

To connect two parts, you need to take 5 boards 150-200 mm wide. We use four of them to fix the legs (two boards on each side). We fix one board at a height of 5-10 cm from the ground. The second should be slightly above the middle of the legs.

Using a drill, drill holes in the boards with a diameter equal to the diameter tube legs. We install the structure upside down and install the boards on the legs. In our case, bolted clamps were used to fix the boards at the required level. We turn the structure over and the boards fall into place, preventing the legs of the structure from moving apart.

We use the last board for connection upper tier boards This finishing touch in the creation grounds for barbecue. Now you can install a barbecue from a barrel in its place with your own hands.

The next stage of work is the arrangement of the barrel. For cooking we need lattice. To secure it inside the structure, we install a pair of brackets on each side using bolts.

Let's remember that piece of the barrel that we cut out at the very beginning. We will use it to make a lid for the barbecue. We install the hinges and attach it back to the barrel. The grille brackets will prevent the lid from falling inward when closing.

You can use anything as a handle for the lid of the structure, for example, the handle of a shovel.

After installing the lid, wash the barrel thoroughly.

At the end of the barrel we drill holes for ventilation and make a shutter for them.

After this you can attach chimney and paint the barbecue.

This concludes the step-by-step instructions for building a metal barbecue.

Projects of gazebos with barbecue

There can be many variations of wooden gazebos with barbecues. This option has an octagonal base and open walls On the one side. There is enough light in the gazebo, and benches and a table can be installed as needed.

It is not at all necessary to make the entire gazebo out of brick. A special feature of this gazebo are the forged elements from which the walls are made. The design looks light and is naturally illuminated from all sides.

Even if there is not much space on the site, you can always build a canopy and decorate the walls using ordinary boards. This version of a gazebo with a brick barbecue will fit in a very small area.

If time and resources allow, then on your site you can build a real work of construction art. A wooden gazebo with a brick barbecue, stove and tabletop decorated with tiles looks rich. Although its installation will not take much time.

A large family will need a lot of space. It’s better to do without building bulky walls, and build a canopy and a brick barbecue with a tabletop underneath on a reinforced, durable foundation. The dining room furniture set can be easily stored in the house or utility room for the winter.

Project of a gazebo with barbecue. Photo

There is probably no such person who would not like to eat barbecue in nature, relax, relax, be with family or chat with friends. Your own summer cottage is exactly the place where you want to relax. Properly organizing a recreation area is the first priority of any owner. A gazebo or summer kitchen with a barbecue stove (barbecue) will be a great option Have a nice time with your family. This article presents drawings and descriptions of two such projects that you can easily build with your own hands.

The erected building should not only fit well into the design of the garden, but also be functionally convenient for use. You can create a garden gazebo with a barbecue from many materials: wood, brick or metal. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.


Wooden gazebos are a versatile addition to any garden area. The following advantages can be noted:

Wooden gazebo with barbecue
  • does not require special financial costs and special tools;
  • quite reliable and durable;
  • easy and quick to build;
  • no need for a massive foundation.


The capital construction of such a gazebo, as in the photo, will cost you much more than a wooden one. Since the building is heavy, it needs an appropriate foundation. The advantages include:

  • fire resistance;
  • strength and durability, does not require annual repairs;
  • protects well from rain, wind and snow. During major construction, those who like to meet New Year they won't freeze in nature.

Brick gazebo


Forged gazebos, as a rule, are purchased already in finished form or made to order. Its cost depends on the size and complexity of the model. Advantages:

  • durability, subject to the use of paints and primers;
  • fire resistance;
  • creates a special romantic atmosphere in your garden.

Gazebo with forged inserts

How to choose the right grill

Barbecues can be portable or built-in. The choice should be made already at the stage of drawing up the drawing. Portable grill The good thing is that its location can easily change at any time. However, built-in barbecues perform more functions and are equipped additional elements, for example, a niche for firewood, a shelf for storing dishes, a tabletop. The massive design of the built-in barbecue requires a solid foundation. It is usually located on the north side.

Closed wooden gazebo with barbecue

Did you know that in our time there are technologies, the use of which will allow you not to use solid fuel (coals or firewood) for cooking food and barbecue. Some braziers in barbecues are equipped with volcanic stones, which are heated by gas or electricity. The heat transfer from them is two times greater than from firewood and coals. In addition, there is no soot or smoke. After three years the stones should be replaced.

In order for the gazebo to be as functional as possible, you should choose its location in advance and correctly. The choice should be made taking into account the convenient supply of communications: electricity, water, gas. It is also preferable to make a resting place away from outbuildings, toilets, compost pits or a fence with animals.

To build a gazebo you need an open area

A gazebo built near the house is convenient. It can be used not only for cooking barbecues and gatherings with friends. It will be nice to sit in silence in the gazebo, watching nature.

DIY gazebo with barbecue

Before any construction, be it a gazebo or a house, you should create a drawing. It is necessary in order to accurately determine the amount of building and finishing material, identify all the constituent elements of the building and select optimal shape roofs.

Marking and building the foundation

So, after the drawings are ready, proceed to marking the site and laying the foundation. The marking stage is very important, because the entire future construction will depend on its correctness and accuracy.

Drawing of a gazebo with barbecue

Laying the foundation is the next step. Its size will depend on the massiveness of the gazebo. When constructing light buildings, a columnar foundation is most often used. It is financially more economical. For heavy brick buildings Often a tiled foundation is used, which will subsequently serve as a floor. There is also strip foundation. It is optimal for both types of buildings.

In our example in the photo, a columnar foundation will be used. To install it, dig holes of the appropriate size, line the walls with roofing felt, insert several reinforcement rods into the center and fill with cement mortar. As a result, you should have columns that protrude slightly beyond the soil level.

Arrangement columnar foundation

Construction of the subfloor

The next stage is building the floor. Its base can be made of wooden beams. It will be fastened with screws and boards. During construction open gazebo the floor should be made with a slight slope so that rainwater does not collect.

Important! When building a gazebo, do not forget to impregnate the building materials with protective agents. They will protect the structure from negative impact environment and insects.

Gazebo floor

Wall and roof construction

The basis of the entire gazebo is load-bearing corner beams. Their installation should be given special attention, because they will support the roof. The walls in the gazebo can be solid or lattice.

After the walls comes the construction of the roof. When building a gazebo with your own hands, a ridge or lean-to inclined structure is most often used. Ondulin or polycarbonate is used to cover the roof. A gazebo with a carved, woven roof looks beautiful flowering plants. But you won't be able to cook in it when it rains.

Construction of a gazebo frame

Installation of barbecue

If you plan to equip the gazebo with a built-in barbecue, then it should be installed before exterior finishing. It is worth remembering that brick or stone structures suggest good foundation. In light wooden gazebos it is better to use portable barbecues.

Making a durable brazier out of brick is not easy. It is necessary to know all the nuances and have some experience, so it is better to entrust this work to a specialist. For general information Below we invite you to familiarize yourself with classical scheme its buildings.

Capital barbecue for a country gazebo

You should decide what kind of barbecue the gazebo will be equipped with at the stage of creating the construction project, since when building the main foundation it is necessary to lay the foundation for the built-in barbecue. The thickness of the base should not be less than 30 cm. After this, make two rows of solid brickwork and a niche for solid fuel. The next stage is making an opening for cooking. Usually these are 7 rows of bricks lined with a solid wall. Then the grill should be equipped with a chimney and pipe. They are laid out in a circle. A special roof is installed over the pipe to prevent precipitation from getting inside the barbecue.

Construction of a summer kitchen with a stove

Any construction begins with a well-drawn drawing that takes into account all the subtleties of constructing the frame and the nuances of placing important, one might say “strategic” parts (such as a stove, for example). Correct drawing will show you the future building from different angles.

Drawing: summer kitchen for a summer house

Unlike a gazebo, building a summer kitchen, such as the one in the photo, is a more labor-intensive and complex process. It can also be made either open or closed.

Arranging the base and laying the foundation

Before laying the foundation, the surface of the selected location should be leveled and the foundation of the future building should be marked. If your choice leans towards an open summer kitchen, then for foundation will do not too deep, about 10-15 cm, platform. To equip it, the specified layer of earth around the perimeter is removed, sand is poured into the resulting hole, everything is carefully compacted and leveled. Then the base is covered with paving slabs or bricks.

Durable, quite heavy brick construction requires the construction of a complex foundation: slab, strip or columnar. It is buried 50-80 cm.

Furnace foundation
  1. The process of laying a solid foundation occurs in several stages:
  2. Removing the top layer of soil to a depth of at least 50 cm along the entire perimeter of the building.
  3. Laying a sand layer of 15-20 cm.
  4. Construction of the foundation.
  5. Floor equipment. A layer of crushed stone is laid on top of the laid and compacted sand. A concrete screed is made on top.

Important! Make the floor in the summer kitchen at least 5 cm higher than the soil level. This will prevent precipitation from entering during rain or snow.

Wall forcing

To build a stone kitchen, one or half brick bricklaying experience is required. It’s easier and faster to make walls from timber. In this case, it is built wooden frame, the joints are fastened with screws. Corner beams are attached to the foundation using metal corners. The outer side of the finished frame is sheathed with boards, sheets of plasterboard, clapboard or tiles.

Design layout of a summer kitchen with a stove

Erection of the roof and installation of windows

If the summer kitchen area is planned to be used in winter, then the roof structure should be of a gable type and covered with a layer of thermal insulation. The final stage will be covering the roof with slate, tiles or ondulin. The summer kitchen, which looks like an open area, should also be equipped with a canopy.

Summer kitchen roof design option

A closed type premises requires the presence window openings. They look interesting large windows from polo to ceiling. They let much more light into the room. When installing windows, make sure that the frame fits tightly into the opening. During installation, you can use special silicone gaskets.

Stove installation

Financially economical wood stoves. They are most often used in summer kitchens. The stove is made of special fireclay or refractory bricks. It is resistant to high temperatures, heats up quickly and retains heat. Of course, with a solid fuel stove, the risk of a fire increases significantly, so immediately consider a ventilation system in the kitchen.

Interior decoration

The floor surface in the summer kitchen can be laid with tiles, boards or linoleum. Most often, wooden floors are made, which gives the kitchen a special rural charm. To prevent it from deteriorating, it is coated with varnish or enamel. Ceramic tiles are very resistant to external influences, which are also popular and often used for summer kitchens.

Choose furniture for the summer kitchen that matches the style of the building

To finish ceilings, use 20 mm thick boards or sheets of water-repellent plasterboard. Before installation, boards are usually coated with drying oil, and drywall after installation is usually coated with paint.

To use a summer kitchen in winter, the walls are insulated with glass wool. For their finishing they use wooden or plastic lining or drywall.

Proper care of the gazebo

The gazebo with barbecue you have built will please you longer if it is cared for correctly and regularly:

  • Clear the floor and walls of the open gazebo from snow, ice and fallen leaves;
  • treat all wooden and metal elements of the gazebo annually with special protective agents;
  • Regularly clean any cracks in the wood with putty;
  • Cover open areas in the gazebo with film for the winter.

One of the attributes without which a dacha would not be complete is a gazebo. Spend time on fresh air hanging out with friends or family is good for both physical and emotional health. Open structures have weather restrictions on their use, so you may want to consider building an enclosed gazebo. An excellent addition to the gazebo design will be a barbecue and grill. Projects of such buildings will be discussed in the article.

Design Features

The construction of an ordinary open gazebo usually does not cause any particular difficulties, since the design principle is quite simple and there is no need to take into account controversial or complex issues. The situation with a closed gazebo is somewhat different, especially if it is planned to place a barbecue and barbecue inside. This is due to the presence of open fire, which means there should be no flammable materials near this kind of product. It is also important to provide brick or metal barrier shields that will compensate for the thermal effect.

An open gazebo built from wood is lightweight, which reduces the cost of building a foundation. With regard to a closed structure, you will have to think through everything carefully. This concerns the weight of not only the structure itself, but also the barbecue, which will be assembled from bricks. It will also be necessary to create effective system remove smoke to carbon monoxide did not accumulate inside the gazebo. When designing and building a closed gazebo, it is important to correctly approach the planning and development of the territory. This is due to the fact that on one site there will be a food preparation area, as well as a dining room, which at the same time serves as a relaxation area for guests and family. This approach requires an area of ​​appropriate size. In its absence, it is better to think about the possibility of building another version of the gazebo.

The dimensions of the structure largely depend on how many people will be inside at the same time. For comfortable accommodation, it is necessary to provide an area that will exceed square meter per person. It is allowed to build a grill and barbecue outside the premises, which will not only save space inside, but will also solve the issue of removing smoke and combustion products. But this option is not always convenient, since there will be limitations in preparation depending on the weather. The optimal option is where the area allocated for the cooking area is equal to the space allocated for the dining area.

It is easier to zone a gazebo that is made in the shape of a rectangle or polygon. The first option is universal and suitable for most types of plots. The second type of gazebo will require a large area, since the gazebo cannot be stretched to fit. Quality construction cannot be done without creating the corresponding drawings.

Project options

Wood, blocks or metal can be chosen as the main building material for the construction of a closed gazebo. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it makes sense to consider them separately.

Made of wood

Wood can be used for closed structures with grills and barbecues, but there are certain restrictions. This building material is used due to the following set of positive qualities:

  • accessibility;
  • ease of processing;
  • high construction speed;
  • environmental cleanliness.

If you have basic skills in working with wood, then building a gazebo from this material will not be difficult. The wood itself is quite affordable and can be prepared individual elements according to personal drawings, which will speed up the assembly process. Processing wood on site is easier than any other material, so during the construction process some components can be modified or completely changed. The material is natural, so there is no question of the harm it can cause to the human body. In addition, tactile wood is one of the most pleasant substrates. This is also important for the emotional component.

The foundation also has its drawbacks, which are important to consider before choosing. One of them is the need for treatment with various compounds that are designed to extend the life of the wood. One of them is an antiseptic; it is applied in order to disinfect the wood from fungal spores, and also make it unattractive to various types of pests. Another type of composition that will be required during the preparation process is fire retardants. Their task is to increase the temperature threshold, which leads to fire.

Shown above is a version of a gazebo that can be built from timber. Its shape is rectangular. All dimensions are indicated in the drawing provided. This design will add color to the exterior of a country house or country house. Assembly can be made from rounded or laminated veneer lumber. If the latter is used, then most often no additional processing is required, since it is performed during the manufacturing process. To order, you can make elements with ready-made cuts, which will allow you to assemble the structure as a ready-made construction set. A video about an interesting project for a closed gazebo made of timber is below.

The option shown in the drawing above can be assembled frame method. Its advantage is its octagonal shape, which will allow you to place a barbecue and grill in the middle, and arrange the dining area around these appliances. In this case, the open fire will be located far from the walls, which increases the safety of the building. Another advantage of this solution is that in cold weather everyone will be comfortable, since the heat will be distributed evenly. Window openings for this design can be reduced to reduce heat loss, and the walls are well insulated basalt wool, which is mounted between the finishing material.

Made of metal

Metal is more resistant to fire than wood, so it can serve as a good basis for a closed gazebo in which a barbecue will be installed. The main advantages of using metal in the construction of a gazebo are:

  • affordable price;
  • variety of material options;
  • the ability to give the required shape;
  • Possibility of painting in any shade;
  • long service life.

The metal profile that is used in the construction of gazebos is also affordable and is on sale wide choice shapes and sizes, which will simplify the process of creating a drawing, since there is standardization. The material is quite plastic, so there will be no problems if you want to create a gazebo structure that will consist entirely of arched modules. Metal requires certain maintenance, which consists in the need to change the paintwork, but this fact can be considered a plus, since it becomes possible to choose any available shade, which is not possible with a wooden gazebo. IN metal gazebos easier to implement panoramic windows, because the racks can be made of a minimal cross-section, but at the same time they will be quite rigid.

Advice! If the design of a closed gazebo should be as light as possible, then you can use aluminum profile. It is somewhat more difficult to process, but will achieve the desired result.

Above is one of the drawings of a closed gazebo, which can be assembled from metal. It can be made quadrangular or polygonal. In the second option, it becomes possible to mount the barbecue directly in the middle. The main nuance metal structure is its insulation. The metal posts in the gazebo will act as cold bridges, which creates certain difficulties, so they must be covered on both sides with a suitable type of insulation. The roof of a closed gazebo should also be well insulated. The option can be completely assembled from metal-plastic modules. In this case, the gazebo will turn out to be panoramic, and in warm time year it can be opened for free air circulation.

From blocks

Gazebos made from blocks are the most durable and resist wind loads well. The budget for such a gazebo will most likely exceed the two listed above. This is due to exactly how the building will be finished. One of the advantages is the longest service life of such a gazebo, since the blocks are not susceptible to corrosion or pests. The blocks do not ignite and retain their structure even in the event of a fire, which is especially important for a gazebo in which a grill or barbecue will be located. The block construction is less demanding on maintenance and does not require periodic replacement of the paintwork.

For a gazebo made of stone or blocks, it is easier to choose any desired design style, since it implies the possibility of using various finishing materials, which is difficult for a metal structure and almost impossible for a wooden gazebo. The block construction is a smaller copy of the house, which creates a special atmosphere of comfort. A disadvantage of the design can be considered the need to lay a stronger foundation that will support the weight of the blocks, as well as long time construction and finishing.

With regard to a closed gazebo made of blocks, it is easier to draw up a drawing yourself or order finished project. Most often, options are implemented in which the base is stone supports, between which panoramic glass is mounted, as shown in the photo above. A barbecue in such a gazebo can be mounted in any convenient location. In appearance it may correspond to the overall design. It is in this option that the easiest way is to combine the style of a barbecue and a gazebo. For a gazebo made of blocks, there is a wide choice of finishing materials for the walls outside. With a stronger foundation, the extra weight won't be a problem. A roof of this design can be designed in the same style as the house, so combining it with the exterior will not be difficult.


As you can see, a closed gazebo is an excellent addition for a country house or country house. The choice of material is not limited to any class. Everything will depend on the budget or personal desire. You can always line up combined option, in which both blocks and wood will be used as finishing or supporting elements. The choice of site for a gazebo will largely depend on what kind of foundation is planned. It is also important to take into account the prevailing direction of the winds in order to minimize the amount of combustion products that can enter the house with the air flow.

Every person comes to country house to relieve yourself of the burden of worries that have accumulated during the work process, and take a break from the quickly annoying bustle of the city.

At the dacha, pleasant celebrations and feasts are often held, the main dish of which is mainly barbecue.

Yes, you can go to the forest, to a river or lake, but what to do if you want to relax in the winter season? Right, build on your own suburban area closed gazebo with barbecue.

In this article we will tell you what your winter barbecue house can look like, the designs of which you will either draw up yourself or order from specialists.

A closed gazebo with barbecue is an excellent solution for any garden

Winter gazebo- a bright, memorable and colorful element personal plot. It can be built in a classic strict style, but it will be much more interesting to “turn on” your imagination to the maximum and create a truly unique building.

If your imagination is not enough, then on our website, including on this page, closed gazebos with barbecue grills are presented in a huge variety in the form of photos and even ready-made drawings.

Although you will spend a little time building a gazebo and cash, but such an element will become an integral part of the garden area and will be able to ennoble your dacha and make it more luxurious.

The main advantages and disadvantages of a closed winter gazebo with barbecue

Such a structure is a fairly serious and capital structure. Therefore, before you take on the project of a winter gazebo with barbecue and begin its construction, you need to understand in detail all the advantages and disadvantages of the new building.

The advantages of a winter gazebo with barbecue include:

  • safety. A building made of brick will be absolutely protected from fire;
  • reliability and durability. A long service life is ensured through the use of high-quality, but at the same time inexpensive materials;
  • low maintenance. Closed gazebo with barbecue does not require regular repair work to maintain her neat appearance;
  • variety of design. Due to the solidity and reliability of the foundation, any materials can be used to finish the building. A good solution would be to use natural stone for this. Glass is also useful, especially in cases where a gazebo with glazing is being built.

As for the disadvantages, among them it is necessary to highlight:

  • heavy weight. Because of this, the structure requires the construction of a full foundation;
  • high cost. Ordering some building materials can significantly impact your budget;
  • complexity. If you are new to the construction industry, then it will be quite difficult for you to cope with the construction of a gazebo;
  • lack of mobility. Due to the solidity of the structure, you will not be able to move it in case of unsuccessful placement or in the process of change landscape design plot.

How to build a winter gazebo with a barbecue oven yourself?

Photo 1. Empty space on garden plot; Finding and preparing a place suitable for installing a winter gazebo is the first stage of construction.

To get a high-quality and reliable structure, you must follow a clear sequence of actions:

  • deal with stages of construction;
  • choose a place where the building will be located;
  • create a project and drawing;
  • select materials and assemble a set of tools;
  • get acquainted with fire safety rules.

Construction stages

Before starting construction, it is necessary to understand the order of the stages of construction. You will need to do:

  • creating a project;
  • marking the territory;
  • foundation construction;
  • construction of roof and walls;
  • construction of a barbecue oven.

Selecting a project and drawing

Design and creating a drawing- a fundamental part of the construction of a winter gazebo with barbecue. After all, this stage entirely determines how the building will look after completion and how reliable it will be.

As for the drawings, there are two main types of winter gazebos: combined and free-standing.

The last type is a separate building, which has everything you need for relaxation. Freestanding gazebos resemble small houses with many windows.

Combined gazebos with barbecue harmoniously combine summer and indoor structures. The building area is divided into a central insulated part and a canopy with benches located around the perimeter.

Take care of foundation construction. It must be at least in the area where the stove will be installed in the future. As for the dimensions of the building, they should be selected depending on the size of the kitchen and guest areas.

IMPORTANT pay attention to water supply and electricity. After all, the comfort of using the building depends on this. In addition, the gazebo can include not only a barbecue, but also full kitchen, which is equipped with a sink, a cutting table and a small hob.

For arrangement guest area One dining table and chairs will be enough. A good design solution would be to install a comfortable rocking chair or trestle bed where you can take a little nap.

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How to choose the type of brick for construction?

Most optimal material for an all-season gazebo it will be brick. But if you are going to build a gazebo from it, then you should be prepared that it will cost more than if you build from wood. What type of brick do you prefer? IN this aspect there are several useful tips.

  • Firstly, you can use practically any brick color, starting from the standard and most common - red and ending with a variety of silicate colors. The first option is the strongest and most durable.
  • Secondly, if you are not going to have weekly get-togethers with friends, then building material you can save and buy sand-lime brick .
  • Thirdly, for a brick gazebo, be sure to build strip foundation. Its shape can be any, but the standard ones are rhombus, hexagon or square.

What tools will you need?

In addition to choosing building materials, you need to take care of preparing the necessary tools.

You may need:

  • shovel;
  • jigsaw;
  • hammer and router;
  • grinder and chisel.

If you are going to carry out more complex manipulations, then also stock up on:

  • jointer;
  • welding machine;
  • grinder;
  • concrete mixer.

Photo 2. A welder uses a portable welding machine for cutting. metal sheet. You may also need such a tool to implement especially complex project gazebos.

Building the foundation

It is better to choose for a winter gazebo strip foundation. Its features include reliability, durability and ease of manufacture.

IMPORTANT: the foundation should not settle, because in this case the gazebo will warp or completely collapse.

To create formwork, you can use plywood or regular boards. As for the choice of cement, it completely depends on weather conditions. So, if you are engaged in construction in the summer, then a good solution would be the brand M200.

When building a foundation, it is important to adhere to certain rules:

  • do not allow clay to enter in the composition of sand;
  • make sure that the solution contains large number gravel(1.5 times more than usual);
  • water should be at least half from the entire mass of the mixture;
  • The solution must be prepared according to the following proportions: three parts sand, five crushed stone and one part cement;
  • remove the formwork only after 3 days have passed from the date of filling.

We carry out the laying step by step

Photo 3. Smooth brickwork ensures the strength of the walls of the future gazebo and its highly aesthetic appearance.

Before starting construction of walls, the foundation should be laid roofing felt layer, which will prevent moisture from flowing from the ground to the walls.

Brick laying starts from the doorway and continues along the entire perimeter of the building.

You need to build walls to the height you need.

Check their levelness regularly using a level.

Once the construction process of the walls is completed, you can mount wooden posts on them, with the help of which you will form hipped roof.

The next steps are the installation of a barbecue and the construction cutting table. For convenience, you can first lay out the bricks on the floor to outline the contours, and only then begin laying.

IMPORTANT: Upon completion of the construction of the stove and barbecue, it is necessary to fill out the seams.

Design work is completing the construction.

All you have to do is cover the roof of the gazebo, lay the floor, decorate the interior and process the structure moisture-repellent impregnation.

Where is the best place to place a barbecue in a gazebo? Optimal location of the gazebo on the site

Make sure that closed gazebo was located as far as possible from flammable trees and buildings, but at the same time close to a water source and a house.

Since the gazebo is a place for preparing and eating food, it must be placed away from garages, toilets, and also compost heaps.

When choosing a place for the stove, take into account the fact that in this case the gazebo will be divided into two zones: kitchen and living room. For a barbecue, it is necessary to equip an area where you can place a barbecue, fuel for it and all necessary equipment. All this should be included in the drawing of the gazebo.

Fire safety rules for operating a barbecue inside and outside the gazebo

So that the gazebo is a place of relaxation, and not constant problem and a danger to the health and life of vacationers, when using and constructing it, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • there must be a grill protected by roof;
  • to prevent the accumulation of smoke and soot inside the building, it is necessary to equip chimney;
  • masonry must be processed fireproof mixture or other compounds that will help the material withstand high temperatures.

Winter gazebos with barbecue: projects and photos of finished buildings

Photo 4. Closed gazebo with barbecue and glazing: a drawing that shows the dimensions of the future building and the location of some elements in it, such as a hood.

Photo 5. Project of a winter gazebo with a brick barbecue: computer model, allowing you to see how the future structure will look on a green lawn.

Photo 6. A small barbecue house stands on the edge country estate. Projects of such buildings are low-cost.

Photo 7. Elegant gazebo with barbecue and glazing on a country plot. As you can see from the photo, despite its small size, it is quite spacious and cozy.

Photo 8. Country winter gazebo, neatly integrated into the forest landscape. The project takes into account all the features of the environment, which creates harmony between nature and structure.

Useful video

If you have a project for a closed gazebo with a barbecue ready, but it’s winter outside, there’s no need to wait until spring to bring it to life. Construction work can be carried out in the winter season. Watch a short video about how this happens.

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