Lose weight in a week with Elena Malysheva. Lose the excess with Elena Malysheva: a sample menu for the week. List of approved products

Elena Malysheva is known not only as a popular television program host, but also as the compiler of one of the most effective dietary nutrition schemes. Weight loss according to Malysheva allows you to get rid of at least ten extra pounds without any harm to the body. The Diet of Elena Malysheva itself is very versatile.

How it works

This weight loss option can be successfully replaced. The essence of the method is the use of extremely useful products that are at hand and affordable for anyone who wants to lose weight.

No need to exhaust the body with emergency fasting, remove many familiar dishes from the menu. It is enough to turn proper nutrition into a lifestyle. A well-designed diet will improve health and maintain an optimal weight throughout life.

According to the doctor, such nutrition can relieve many chronic diseases: reduce the manifestations of diabetes, cure cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis.

The essence of the method

To feel the first stable results, you need to eat according to Malysheva for at least 3-4 months. During this period, a new eating habit will have time to form and grow stronger. And as a pleasant bonus, a person will receive weight loss. And the lost pounds will not come back. After all, they were not lost as a result of starvation, but as a result of adjusting the diet.

Before starting to lose weight, it is recommended to independently calculate the daily calorie intake and outline the menu for the week. If successful, the list of dishes can be expanded and the diet should be planned for a month. There is nothing difficult in this. You just need to alternate healthy and fairly easy-to-cook dishes that have already been used during the first week.

Irreplaceable assistants in this matter: kitchen and ordinary scales for weight control, as well as a table reflecting the calorie content of popular products.

Basic moments:

  1. The diet includes foods that contain a small amount of calories. Daily calorie intake is determined taking into account the current weight, height and age. According to Malysheva, for women this figure is in the region of 1,200 kilocalories.
  2. It is necessary to monitor the fullness of the stomach. This organ of the digestive system quickly stretches when overeating, which subsequently requires the use of large portions of food for satiety. It is necessary to reduce the volume of servings to 200-250 grams so that the stomach decreases.
  3. Feeling hungry should be avoided. This condition indicates stress to the body. The body switches to emergency fat burning. And after the diet is over, overeating and the return of already lost weight occurs. With repeated fasting, the body simply does not want to part with its reserves and saves energy by any available means. For example, through the slowdown of all metabolic processes. It is recommended to eat more often (every 2-3 hours), but in small portions, so that there is always a feeling of fullness.

Menu formation

The daily menu includes:

  • lean meats, such as turkey or chicken breasts;
  • fish, preferably cod;
  • a large number of fruits and fresh vegetables;
  • necessarily boiled eggs;
  • cereals cooked in water with a minimum addition of salt;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • any seafood is a source of rare trace elements.

Under the ban and restrictions are:

  • salt, the less it is, the better for the body;
  • chocolate, homemade cakes, muffins, sweets;
  • smoked products and sausages;
  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • canned food and pates;
  • fatty foods and products (lamb, pork, whole milk, salmon);
  • semolina and buckwheat, white rice (the doctor considers them too high-calorie, so they are limited if possible);
  • white bread and pasta;
  • potatoes, carrots and beets - they need to be limited.

Ready kits

Ready-made food kits designed for four weeks have gained particular popularity. There are several options designed for men and women:

  • with rice to maintain weight (16,700 rubles);
  • with rice for weight loss (14,500 rubles for women, 16,700 rubles for men);
  • with buckwheat to maintain weight (16,700 rubles and 17,300 rubles);
  • with buckwheat for weight loss (14,500 rubles and 16,700 rubles);
  • for fitness (17 300 rubles)

They can be ordered on the official website of the doctor.

Catering for a month

Diversifying the diet is quite simple, because there are a huge number of healthy dishes. Which are easy and quick to prepare.

For breakfast you can cook:

  • broccoli and an omelet from two eggs;
  • 150 g of buckwheat porridge with the addition of 30-50 g of raisins;
  • squash puree (up to 200 g) and oatmeal;
  • boiled chicken fillet (80-100 g) and green peas;
  • omelet from two eggs with the addition of bell pepper, green apple;
  • oatmeal with the addition of berries or dried fruits;
  • coleslaw with apple and brown rice.

Suitable for second breakfast:

  • boiled egg;
  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese and half a pomegranate fruit;
  • cottage cheese salad with pepper, tomato and herbs;
  • Greek salad and two loaves;
  • one grapefruit;
  • low-fat cheese, whole grain bread and bell pepper;
  • cottage cheese casserole with the addition of dried apricots or prunes.

Lunch can be formed:

  • from chicken broth soup, cauliflower, cucumber and tomato;
  • from dark rice with the addition of dried fruits (it is better to cook in a slow cooker);
  • from cauliflower, broccoli and stewed turkey;
  • from stewed cabbage with bell pepper and steamed fish (100-150 g);
  • from chicken zrazy (2-3 pieces) and squash caviar;
  • vegetable salad (tomatoes, peppers, parsley) and chicken stew;
  • from boiled beef and cabbage salad.

The weight loss diet of Elena Malysheva, which has gained recognition among many Russians and residents of other countries of the post-Soviet space, owes its popularity directly to its creator, who is also a doctor of science, teacher, therapist, nutritionist and well-known TV presenter. It was thanks to the programs of Channel 1 “Health” and “Live Healthy”, which Malysheva hosted for many years, that the dietary system she created gained fame and with it a considerable number of admirers.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle in her TV shows and, in particular, Elena Vasilyevna gained vast experience in competent weight loss, which allowed her to find a personal approach to solving the problem of excess weight. In 2012, a commercial project of a television nutritionist under the same name "Elena Malysheva's Diet" was released, which is actively developing to this day and helping thousands of patients, under the supervision of dietitians, get rid of excessive body weight.

The best demonstration of the advantages of her weight correction system is its author herself, at the age of 57, she has a fairly toned, well-groomed and young figure. Elena Malysheva created her own healthy body, so to speak, with her own hands. To a large extent, a balanced diet helped her in this, the postulates of which the eminent doctor adheres to for most of his life.

Malysheva freely shares personal secrets of success in this field, as well as recommendations on how to lose weight at home and maintain optimal shape for a long time from TV screens and through various videos on the Internet. For many people, watching weekly television programs with her participation as a host has become a kind of ritual that helps them maintain their health at the proper level.

Depending on the desired result of losing weight, health status, personal characteristics and capabilities of a particular person, Elena Vasilievna developed various nutritional regimens for men and women, which are summarized by similar rules and traditions. What is the essence of Malysheva's dietary system, what principles does it promote and how the weight loss process itself takes place, we will analyze in detail in the article below.

Commercial diet of Elena Malysheva

Diet for weight loss from Elena Malysheva as a whole is a commercial enterprise, which, nevertheless, positions itself as a safe, simple and effective way to deal with excess body weight. In the absence of financial problems, all a person who wants to lose weight according to this system will need to do is just choose the right diet for himself and purchase a ready-made set of products for a month, compiled in advance by professional chefs. The duration of the diet, that is, the number of required monthly meals, directly depends on the amount of overweight and is calculated individually with the help of a dietitian-consultant.

One paid basic weight loss course from Malysheva is designed for 28 days, during which the client receives packages with a ready-made diet for 2 weeks twice on order. Large boxes contain portion containers with a diet menu for every day, which consists of 4 meals. For the convenience of the end consumer, all food containers differ in color, namely: breakfasts are green, lunches are yellow, desserts are blue, and dinners are red. In addition to this meal, Elena Malysheva's daily meal plan allows for one or two arbitrary snacks that correspond to the chosen nutritional regimen. In addition to this, the 4-week meal kit includes 4 pink containers with a pre-selected fasting day menu (buckwheat or rice), which should be done once a week.

In addition to a long diet, there are also weekly weight loss kits that are designed for people who want to say goodbye to a couple of unnecessary kilograms. Such a diet menu for a week is sold in some retail chains and by and large differs from the basic diet only in a smaller content of foods.

All prepared food is supplied frozen or dry and only needs to be reheated in the microwave or diluted with milk or boiling water. Before packaging, most of the products in the set are shocked at low temperatures, so that their useful properties and appearance are maximally preserved. According to the author himself, her dietary food sets are nothing more than a well-composed healthy diet with correctly calculated calorie content and a verified ratio of all macro- and micronutrients.

Ingredients for the diet

Detailed information on the composition of all dietary dishes can be freely found in the corresponding section of the official website. www.dietamalyshevoy.ru , which suggests that Elena Vasilievna and her team of nutritionists do not make a secret of this. Having familiarized yourself with all the materials in detail, it is quite possible to follow Elena Malysheva's diet for free, but for this you will have to make some efforts regarding the selection of products, their layout, calorie counting and some other nuances. For those who are not ready for such sacrifices and prefer to simply pay for a ready-made menu, the composition of the products will look like this:


The first of the day and the most important morning meal diets include egg omelettes (frozen), as well as oatmeal and various combinations of fruits with nuts or cereals (in the form of bars or dry mixes). Ready-made breakfasts are allowed to be supplemented with berries and, if desired, milk, kefir or classic yogurt with 0% -3% fat content.

Lunches and dinners

Midday and evening meals are all kinds of frozen ready-made first and second courses from various combinations of meat and fish with cereals, pasta and other side dishes. All lunches and dinners are prepared taking into account their subsequent heating in the microwave and do not require any other actions on the part of a losing weight person. In addition to them, it is allowed to consume a small portion of a freshly prepared salad of greens and vegetables, seasoned with a minimum of high-quality vegetable oil and / or lemon juice.


Desserts in this diet are a variety of muesli, fruit platters, soufflés, and mixtures of fruits and grains, mostly in the form of bars. All these sweets are ready to eat and do not need any processing. In addition to them, as a snack, it is permissible to eat once or twice a day one small fruit (apple, orange), a proportionate number of berries, drink a glass of low-fat milk or a sour-milk drink.


Unloading days are represented by pre-boiled rice or buckwheat porridge, which must be poured with boiling water before use. Malysheva herself advises giving preference to the first product, as she believes that rice is more conducive to the process of losing weight.

All options for the finished Malysheva diet menu and all food products in them are low in animal fats and salt, which, on the one hand, reduces the calorie content of food and prevents the development of certain diseases (for example,), and on the other hand, helps the body get rid of fluid that is useless to it. Shock pre-freezing of most products allows the chefs of this dietary project to do without the use of preservatives, stabilizers, colors and flavors when preparing food.

Food containers from Malysheva

The food containers supplied to the customer are small, airtight and easy to carry, which makes it easy to take them to work or on a business trip. Another convenience of such nutrition is the possibility of self-selection and alternation of meals of the same type (for example, lunches), without adhering to a certain sequence of eating food from one or another portion container.

Three secrets of weight loss from Malysheva

According to the author of the diet, a successful process of losing weight, as well as a further period of maintaining body weight, can only be mastered by those people who are fully aware of the three secrets that allow them to maintain a slim figure. To achieve a sustainable result and maintain your own health at a high level, this triad of rules must be unquestioningly observed in absolutely all diets from Elena Vasilievna.

The first secret - "To lose weight - you have to eat"

This rule is the main condition for healthy weight loss. The minimum number of daily meals promoted by Malysheva is equal to four meals with identical intervals. It is acceptable and even ideal to eat 5-6 times a day, but in no case 2-3 times a day. Adhering to such a nutritional regimen, it is almost impossible to lose weight, and besides, it is fraught with constant “eating”, as well as the occurrence of various digestive problems (, etc.). The process of digestion of food in the body of a losing weight person should go virtually continuously.

Firstly, frequent meals force the digestive tract to constantly be in working condition and spend a lot of energy at the same time, which in itself burns a lot of calories. Secondly, eating with a 3-4 hour time interval minimizes the possibility of feeling hungry and allows you to feel full all the time. Thirdly, the taste buds of the human oral cavity are almost constantly in the grip of various pleasant sensations that do not allow “appetite to break out”.

The second secret is "Food in one glass"

In this case, we are talking about a single consumed amount of food. According to Malysheva's recommendations, each dietary meal should fit in a regular glass in full and vary for women within 200-250 grams, and for men within 250-300 grams. The rationale for the size of such portions is related to the physiology of the human stomach, the folded structure of which tends to stretch under the influence of the food consumed.

The most important task of a losing weight person, whose stomach, as a rule, is already stretched, is to bring all the gastric folds to their original shape, that is, to reduce its internal volume. The reverse transformation of the size of the stomach will allow you to fully saturate with small portions of food, thereby reducing the number of calories entering the body. This process itself is quite painstaking and lengthy, but it is vital for effective weight loss and further maintenance of a normal figure.

The third secret - "Water is more important than food"

Malysheva is sure that without drinking enough water, not taking into account other fluids you drink, the process of adequate weight loss is impossible. The daily norm established by her for ordinary (without gas, sugar, salts, etc.) water is at least 2 liters or, in terms of another container, 10 glasses of 200 milliliters each. It is best to drink it between meals every hour. With 4 meals a day, the water intake pattern should look something like this:

  • 7:00 - a glass of water;
  • 8:00 - breakfast;
  • 9:00 a.m.; 10:00; 11:00 - a glass of water;
  • 12:00 - lunch;
  • 13:00; 14:00; 15:00 - a glass of water;
  • 16:00 - dessert;
  • 17:00; 18:00; 19:00 - a glass of water;
  • 20:00 - dinner;
  • 21:00 - a glass of water.

The beneficial qualities of water are truly difficult to overestimate. In the process of losing weight, just the water environment ensures the proper flow of all biochemical transformations associated with the body's work aimed at weight loss. It is water that is able to fill the stomach, and subsequently form the correct lumps of food residue and guarantee normal peristalsis. In addition, quite often the human body takes the feeling of thirst for a feeling of hunger, which leads to an unnecessary meal. Drinking plenty of water a day can eliminate this problem, so try drinking water first before you eat.

The principles of weight loss from Malysheva

In addition to the already announced rules and nuances of this dietary system, it would be useful to learn other general principles of proper nutrition according to Malysheva for weight loss.

  • Remember that the natural and safe process of losing weight takes time and simply cannot be fast. The breakdown of adipose tissue previously accumulated over the years will, at best, last for months, not weeks or days. In turn, successful weight loss is not the end of the struggle with, but represents its initial stage. The main work on your own figure takes place in the weight retention phase, when adherence to the principles of proper and healthy nutrition is no less important than during weight loss. Keeping a figure in shape is sometimes more difficult than losing weight.
  • The dietary regimen must necessarily be selected taking into account all the individual characteristics of your body. In principle, there is no universal recipe for losing weight for absolutely all people. When choosing a method of weight correction and a nutritious diet, one should first of all start from the etiology of the appearance of excess body weight and act on its elimination. The most common reasons for gaining excessive weight are: passive lifestyle, malnutrition, various diseases and banal overeating. Before the diet, it is strongly recommended to undergo a complete examination in a respectable medical institution, and only after that start losing weight.
  • In turn, a sound assessment of one's own optimal body weight is very important, the parameters of which some people unintentionally or deliberately underestimate to the limits required, in their personal opinion. In an effort to appear slimmer and get rid of the kilograms necessary for the body to live, you can cause irreparable harm to health. You should correct your weight correctly and in no case overdo it in this regard. You can remove 2-3 ballast kilograms, which are within the personal norm, without resorting to a diet, but simply by increasing physical activity or making changes to your eating schedule.
  • It is necessary to keep a daily count of the calorie content of all food eaten, and also carefully monitor its quality. On the other hand, you can entrust this to professional nutritionists, for which, in fact, the dietary system of Elena Malysheva was created. The products used on the diet must be low-calorie, natural and do not contain dyes, preservatives and other fillers. All prepared food should include a minimum of animal fats and salt. Natural and artificial sugar, as well as other fast carbohydrates and high-starchy products, it is better to completely exclude from your diet. When losing weight on your own, it is recommended to download a free calorie table and an online calculator for ready meals, and then follow a diet according to the menu option chosen on the official website of Elena Malysheva.
  • Much attention should be paid to the process of eating. All food should be carefully and slowly chewed, after filling the stomach with 200-250 ml of clean water. Such actions will greatly facilitate the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract and avoid overeating. With the leisurely grinding of food with teeth, saliva rich in enzymes is abundantly secreted in the oral cavity, which contributes to the fastest breakdown of food and, as a result, satisfies hunger. Otherwise, the feeling of satiety most often appears only after the stomach is full, which is completely unacceptable in the period of weight loss. Dr. Malysheva herself recommends chewing one bite-off piece at least 18 times.
  • In addition to the obligatory consumption of 2 liters of ordinary water per day, Elena Vasilievna advises everyone who is losing weight to drink high-quality green tea. This drink without sugar and other additives is able to improve internal metabolic processes, have a beneficial effect on the serum glucose content and qualitatively from negative deposits. All these properties of green tea are simply indispensable both in weight loss and in relation to the overall health of the body.
  • Along with willpower, positive thinking should be developed in oneself, since the psychological factor of the right attitude to the victorious final plays a far from last, and sometimes decisive role. Convinced of the success of his weight loss, a person systematically goes to his goal and does not exchange for trifles. His confidence in advance programs the body for the correct redistribution of incoming food and the burning of old fat deposits.
  • Physical activity must be present in the daily routine of a losing weight person on an ongoing basis. Such activity, on the one hand, should be commensurate with weight parameters, and on the other hand, correspond to the goal of losing weight. Choose for yourself any suitable physical exercises, ranging from simple walking to full-fledged exercises in the gym.

As a visual aid about Elena Malysheva's diet, you can use the video below, in which the author of her diet herself shares the secrets of her own weight loss system.

Varieties of the diet menu

The official website of Elena Malysheva's diet, as part of the Lose Weight with the Health Program project, offers a choice of several ready-made diet menu options for every day, formed separately for healthy and suffering women and men, as well as a women's fitness diet. In general, all these diets can be divided according to this principle:

For weight loss

  • 3 options (No. 1; No. 2; No. 3) menu for healthy women (800 kcal / day);
  • 3 options (#1; #2; #3) menu for women with hypertension (800 kcal/day);
  • 2 options (No. 1; No. 2) menu for healthy men (1000 kcal / day);
  • 2 options (#1; #2) menu for men with hypertension (1000 kcal/day);
  • 1 fitness diet menu option for healthy women (12,000 kcal/day).

To maintain weight

  • 2 options (No. 1; No. 2) menu for healthy women (1000 kcal / day);
  • 2 options (No. 1; No. 2) menu for women with hypertension (1000 kcal/day);
  • 1 menu option for healthy men (1200 kcal / day);
  • 1 menu option for men with hypertension (1200 kcal/day).

All these varieties of the diet from Malysheva by and large differ from each other only in the composition of ready-made low-calorie dishes and their energy value. All this is done so that each person can choose a menu more suitable for their tastes and lose weight, while enjoying the food they eat.

Approved Products

Any ready-made diet menu for Elena Malysheva is very diverse and includes products from virtually all gastronomic categories. The main emphasis in this weight loss system, by and large, is not on restricting the diet, but on preparing healthy and low-calorie meals. When ordering a daily menu already formed and packaged in containers, it makes no sense to monitor the composition of the products. You just need to take another package of food, prepare it for consumption in the necessary way (heat or steam) and eat it with pleasure.

In addition to fully prepared diet meals, Elena Vasilievna recommends eating one apple, an orange, two tangerines or 100 grams of berries as a separate snack. All breakfasts can be supplemented with berries, milk, kefir or classic yogurt with 0% -3% fat content. At lunch and dinner, it is permissible to treat yourself to fresh salads of greens and vegetables (dill, Chinese cabbage, tomatoes, arugula, chard, celery, lettuce, cucumbers, parsley, leaf lettuce), which should be seasoned with only lemon juice and / or 1 tbsp. l. quality vegetable oil.

For those who decide to follow Malysheva's diet on their own without ordering and delivering food kits, below will be an indicative list of products used by the project's chefs when preparing a diet menu from a well-known television nutritionist.

Table of allowed products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

eggplant1,2 0,1 4,5 24
zucchini0,6 0,3 4,6 24
cabbage1,8 0,1 4,7 27
potato2,0 0,4 18,1 80
cilantro2,1 0,5 1,9 23
green onion1,3 0,0 4,6 19
leek2,0 0,0 8,2 33
onion1,4 0,0 10,4 41
carrot1,3 0,1 6,9 32
cucumbers0,8 0,1 2,8 15
squash0,6 0,1 4,3 19
pepper salad1,3 0,0 5,3 27
parsley3,7 0,4 7,6 47
radish1,2 0,1 3,4 19
salad1,2 0,3 1,3 12
beet1,5 0,1 8,8 40
celery0,9 0,1 2,1 12
asparagus1,9 0,1 3,1 20
tomatoes0,6 0,2 4,2 20
pumpkin1,3 0,3 7,7 28
dill2,5 0,5 6,3 38
zucchini1,5 0,2 3,0 16
garlic6,5 0,5 29,9 143
spinach2,9 0,3 2,0 22


apricots0,9 0,1 10,8 41
avocado2,0 20,0 7,4 208
pineapples0,4 0,2 10,6 49
oranges0,9 0,2 8,1 36
grapefruit0,7 0,2 6,5 29
pears0,4 0,3 10,9 42
kiwi1,0 0,6 10,3 48
lemons0,9 0,1 3,0 16
tangerines0,8 0,2 7,5 33
apples0,4 0,4 9,8 47


cowberry0,7 0,5 9,6 43
blackberry2,0 0,0 6,4 31
Strawberry0,8 0,4 7,5 41
raspberry0,8 0,5 8,3 46
blueberry1,1 0,4 7,6 44


fresh champignons4,3 1,0 1,0 27
fresh oyster mushrooms2,5 0,5 6,2 34
shiitake fresh2,2 0,5 6,8 34

Nuts and dried fruits

walnuts15,2 65,2 7,0 654
raisin2,9 0,6 66,0 264
cashew nuts25,7 54,1 13,2 643
dried apricots5,2 0,3 51,0 215
almond18,6 57,7 16,2 645
dates2,5 0,5 69,2 274
hazelnut16,1 66,9 9,9 704
prunes2,3 0,7 57,5 231

Cereals and cereals

buckwheat4,5 2,3 25,0 132
oatmeal3,2 4,1 14,2 102
barley porridge3,1 0,4 22,2 109
millet porridge4,7 1,1 26,1 135
white rice6,7 0,7 78,9 344
brown rice7,4 1,8 72,9 337
barley porridge11,5 2,0 65,8 310

Flour and pasta

wheat flour9,2 1,2 74,9 342
pasta10,4 1,1 69,7 337
noodles12,0 3,7 60,1 322
fettuccine14,1 4,4 67,6 384
paste10,0 1,1 71,5 344


milk3,2 3,6 4,8 64
kefir3,4 2,0 4,7 51
fermented baked milk2,8 4,0 4,2 67
acidophilus2,8 3,2 3,8 57
yogurt4,3 2,0 6,2 60

Cheese and cottage cheese

cheese24,1 29,5 0,3 363
cottage cheese17,2 5,0 1,8 121
tofu curd8,1 4,2 0,6 73

Meat products

beef18,9 19,4 0,0 187
veal19,7 1,2 0,0 90
rabbit21,0 8,0 0,0 156


chicken16,0 14,0 0,0 190
chickens18,7 7,8 0,4 156
turkey19,2 0,7 0,0 84


chicken eggs12,7 10,9 0,7 157
quail eggs11,9 13,1 0,6 168

Fish and seafood

chum salmon22,0 5,6 0,0 138
pollock15,9 0,9 0,0 72
navaga16,1 1,0 0,0 73
cod17,7 0,7 - 78
trout19,2 2,1 - 97
hake16,6 2,2 0,0 86

Wholly or partially restricted products

As mentioned above, if you purchase a ready-made nutritious diet from Malysheva, there is no need to check the delivered food for the presence of undesirable products. If you want to repeat the menu from the official website of the diet and recreate its dietary recipes at home, you must avoid using the products shown in the table below when preparing meals.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal


potato chips5,5 30,0 53,0 520
fruit chips3,2 0,0 78,1 350
caramel popcorn5,3 8,7 76,1 401
cheese popcorn5,8 30,8 50,1 506

Bakery products

baguette7,5 2,9 51,4 262
long loaf7,5 2,9 50,9 264
bagels16,0 1,0 70,0 336
buns7,2 6,2 51,0 317
pita8,1 0,7 57,1 274
donuts5,8 3,9 41,9 215
donut5,6 13,0 38,8 296
bagel7,9 10,8 57,2 357
bread7,5 2,1 46,4 227


jam0,3 0,2 63,0 263
ganache4,9 34,5 52,5 542
jam0,3 0,1 56,0 238
marshmallow0,8 0,0 78,5 304
candies4,3 19,8 67,5 453
cookie7,5 11,8 74,9 417
cake3,8 22,6 47,0 397
jam0,4 0,2 58,6 233
gingerbread5,8 6,5 71,6 364
dough7,9 1,4 50,6 234
fruits in chocolate0,8 15,6 11,0 179
halva11,6 29,7 54,0 523

Ice cream

ice cream3,7 6,9 22,1 189


cake4,4 23,4 45,2 407


chocolate5,4 35,3 56,5 544

Raw materials and seasonings

ketchup1,8 1,0 22,2 93
mayonnaise2,4 67,0 3,9 627
syrup0,0 0,3 78,3 296
sugar0,0 0,0 99,7 398
salt0,0 0,0 0,0 -


condensed milk7,2 8,5 56,0 320
cream 35% (fatty)2,5 35,0 3,0 337
sour cream 40% (fatty)2,4 40,0 2,6 381
fruit yoghurt 3.2%5,0 3,2 8,5 85

Meat products

pork16,0 21,6 0,0 259
salo2,4 89,0 0,0 797
mutton15,6 16,3 0,0 209
ham22,6 20,9 0,0 279
cutlets16,6 20,0 11,8 282


boiled sausage13,7 22,8 0,0 260
w/smoked sausage28,2 27,5 0,0 360
smoked sausage16,2 44,6 0,0 466
sausage with/dried24,1 38,3 1,0 455
sausage with/smoked9,9 63,2 0,3 608
sausages10,1 31,6 1,9 332
sausages12,3 25,3 0,0 277
skewers10,0 33,0 0,0 337


duck16,5 61,2 0,0 346
goose16,1 33,3 0,0 364

Fish and seafood

dried fish17,5 4,6 0,0 139
smoked fish26,8 9,9 0,0 196
salted fish19,2 2,0 0,0 190

Oils and fats

butter0,5 82,5 0,8 748
creamy margarine0,5 82,0 0,0 745
animal fat0,0 99,7 0,0 897
culinary fat0,0 99,7 0,0 897

Alcoholic drinks

brandy0,0 0,0 0,5 225
whiskey0,0 0,0 0,4 235
vodka0,0 0,0 0,1 235
cognac0,0 0,0 0,1 239
liquor0,3 1,1 17,2 242
beer0,3 0,0 4,6 42
port wine0,4 0,0 12,0 163
rum0,0 0,0 0,0 220
champagne0,2 0,0 5,0 88

Soft drinks

soda water0,0 0,0 0,0 -
cola0,0 0,0 10,4 42
lemonade0,0 0,0 6,4 26
mirinda0,0 0,0 7,5 31
pepsi0,0 0,0 8,7 38
sprite0,1 0,0 7,0 29
fanta0,0 0,0 11,7 48
* data are per 100 g of product

Elena Malysheva's diet menu (Meal plan)

All diet regimens from Elena Malysheva are designed for people who, for whatever reason, do not want or cannot independently engage in their own weight loss and prefer to part with a certain amount of money, instead of wasting their precious time. Diets of such food are designed both for weight loss and for maintaining the achieved weight and are quite low in calories. For women, the range of daily energy value of any diet option varies between 800-1000 kcal (weight loss / maintenance), and for men within 1000-1200 kcal (weight loss / maintenance). The daily calorie content of the women's fitness diet menu is 1200 kcal.

At its core, any kind of Malysheva's diet is a ready-made set of food, designed for at least a month, or rather, for 28 days. By ordering at home a similar dietary course of nutrition previously selected on the site, the client receives almost everything that he needs for successful weight loss. The food is already cooked and packaged, the calories in it are counted, and even all the packages with different meals are marked with different colors. All that remains to be done is to eat and lose weight.

For more scrupulous people, on the official website of Malysheva, the nutrition plan for all diet options is detailed for two weeks, including 12 ordinary days and 2 fasting days. In addition, all dietary dishes in it are presented with already calculated calorie content, which greatly facilitates control over it.

Sample diet menu Malysheva

For the purpose of an illustrative example, below will be the menu for the week of Elena Malysheva's diet, corresponding to the 1st option (No. 1) of the nutrition plan for healthy women.


Daily energy value - 808.55 kcal.


Daily energy value - 790.2 kcal.


Daily energy value - 806.26 kcal.


Daily energy value - 797.15 kcal.


Daily energy value - 795.85 kcal.


Daily energy value - 799.11 kcal.


Way out of the Malysheva diet

According to Elena Vasilyevna herself, all the dietary regimens recommended by her are good precisely because they allow a person to completely arbitrarily join the diet and, after it ends, leave it without any special problems. All menu options from Malysheva are formed in such a way that the human body fully receives all the nutritional elements necessary for its life. This diet is one of the few weight correction systems that, if desired, can be followed throughout life without harming your health.

However, if you want to stop following the diet, you should still follow some simple rules, namely:

  • introduce previously limited or completely prohibited foods into your diet smoothly, without simultaneously loading the digestive tract with food that is already unusual for it;
  • increase the energy value of daily food intake gradually, trying to add no more than 100 calories per week to your own menu;
  • continue to practice a plentiful drinking regime and adhere to all the above rules for eating;
  • do not give up playing sports, and possibly increase physical activity while leaving the diet;
  • every day, monitor your weight indicators and, if they increase, stop expanding your diet until you find out the reasons for this situation (contact a nutritionist);
  • if possible, extend the exit process for a period twice the duration of the diet itself.

Contraindications to the Malysheva diet

The Malysheva diet site does not provide information about absolute contraindications to following the weight loss system they popularized, but strongly recommends that its clients undergo the most complete medical examination and consultation with a nutritionist before starting the diet path.

Elena Vasilyevna herself has repeatedly said in her television programs that it is undesirable to follow any weight-correcting technique for children under 16 years of age, as well as for women. Similarly, such recommendations about a cautious approach to all diets are also appropriate for people with serious health problems, since in this case only the attending physician has the right to prescribe a diet.

Pros and cons of Malysheva's diet

pros Minuses
  • All variants of this diet are balanced in terms of the main macro- and micronutrients and are thought out taking into account the minimization of the load on the internal organs, primarily the kidneys, heart, liver and digestive tract.
  • When forming the diet menu, only fresh and high-quality products are used.
  • Daily diets are quite varied and do not get bored quickly.
  • During the diet, the process of cooking a losing weight person is limited only to slicing salads and brewing hot drinks. All other dishes are delivered to your home ready-made and need only to be heated in the microwave or diluted with liquids.
  • The process of losing weight does not require weighing the consumed products, calculating their nutritional value and other similar manipulations.
  • In the period of active weight loss in the human body, many internal processes associated with metabolism are normalized.
  • Due to the frequent consumption of food, a losing weight person is actually not prone to hunger attacks.
  • With the calorie content of the nutritious diet characteristic of these diets, body weight decreases smoothly, which minimizes the very possibility of and other side effects.
  • All varieties of a ready-made diet menu are quite expensive and therefore not available to everyone.
  • For particularly obese people, switching to a diet of 800-1000 calories per day can be accompanied by a number of difficulties, including feeling hungry and feeling unwell.
  • A minimum of 4 meals a day is not suitable for all working people.

Since the famous TV presenter Elena Malysheva quite often appears on her TV shows with many recommendations regarding various ways to lose weight, many dietary regimens have been created based on her words, in one way or another corresponding to the basic principles of her own weight loss program.

At this time, more than three dozen different diets appear on the Internet under her authorship, but not all of them are really related to Elena Vasilievna. Among the nutritional regimens closest to the healthy weight loss promoted by Malysheva, 10 diets can be distinguished, which most likely belong to her, or at least generally correspond to the dietary concept of a nutritionist. All of them differ from each other in terms of compliance, effectiveness and products necessary for weight loss, however, they are united by general rules and purpose.

salt-free diet

In principle, any diet of Malysheva is salt-free, since the nutritionist herself fully encourages the complete rejection of salt, or at least its maximum reduction in any diet. This attitude towards this product is explained very simply. Firstly, salt thoroughly retains unnecessary fluid in the body, which in itself increases the existing body weight. Secondly, unsalted foods tend to be eaten in smaller amounts, thereby reducing daily calorie intake. Thirdly, unsalted food improves internal metabolism, which directly contributes to weight loss.

Limiting salt in your diet has a positive effect not only on the human figure, but also on his health, preventing the occurrence of many diseases from the heart, kidneys, blood vessels and other organs and systems of the body. At the first stage of the weight loss system without salt, each losing weight person is first of all advised to completely forget about this product. According to some evidence, the result of such a simple action often exceeds expectations. Many people already at this phase feel a significant weight loss, even without global restrictions on their usual diet.

In the future, follow simple enough. In addition to giving up salt itself, a losing weight person will have to refrain from all products containing it initially (sausages, canned food, cheeses, sauces, etc.), and ideally switch to a healthy diet. Adjustment of the amount of food eaten per day and its calorie content occurs on an individual basis and, as a rule, is insignificant.

So that when maintaining a salt-free diet, the food consumed does not seem completely insipid, it is allowed to use lemon juice, natural soy sauce and organic seasonings when preparing dietary dishes. Among the disadvantages of such weight loss, its duration (at least several months) and low efficiency (2-3 kg per month) are noted.

Rice mono diet

This weight loss scheme is not a complete diet, but just a 1-2 day food cleansing unloading, which many nutritionists, including Elena Malysheva, recommend to arrange every week even for people who do not aim to lose weight. A short rice has a beneficial effect not only on the digestive tract, but also on the entire human body as a whole. As a result of its implementation, the processes of digestion and activation occur, which are accompanied by a loss of 1-1.5 kilograms per day and a visible improvement in overall well-being.

One of the products from Malysheva it will only require the purchase of a maximum of 1 kilogram of rice (preferably brown or steamed), as well as the availability of clean still water and high-quality green tea. The entire amount of rice previously soaked in water at night will need to be boiled until tender, without adding any fillers (salt, seasonings, oil, etc.) to it. After that, the resulting rice porridge should be divided into 6 equivalent parts and eaten throughout the daylight hours, practicing meals every 2 hours. In this time period, it is necessary to drink water and green tea, having consumed a total of at least 2 liters of these drinks per day.

Express Diet

A similar diet is also called New Year's Eve 3-day weight loss, which allows you to lighten your own body by 4-5 kilograms in just a few days before the winter holidays. The whole point of this quick method of weight loss is to consume the same food set every day and drink plenty of filtered water.

Complete three-day diet will look something like this:

  • breakfast - a sandwich from a small slice of grain bread and 10-15 grams of low-fat cheese;
  • lunch - 150-200 grams of chicken fillet with a vegetable side dish;
  • afternoon snack - one large or two medium unsweetened fruits;
  • dinner - low-starchy vegetable lasagna with a small amount of low-fat cheese;
  • second dinner: a modest portion of green vegetable slices.

weekly diet

Such a diet, as a rule, is designed for 5 days or a maximum of a week and is built on the principle described above of daily use of the same foods on a specific schedule. In addition, during active weight loss, it is recommended to practice moderate-intensity physical activity and drink plenty of fluids. Such a five-day diet is quite capable of reducing the existing weight by 2-3 kilograms, and a weekly weight loss according to this system will help to remove 4-5 extra pounds.

The dietary menu of one day of this technique is formed as follows:

  • breakfast - 2 small slices of bran bread, low-fat cottage cheese in the amount of 100 grams, a little vegetable salad, high-quality green tea;
  • lunch - soup from low-starchy vegetables, up to 150 grams of lean meat with a side dish of steamed buckwheat or rice, natural juice;
  • afternoon snack - a couple of unsweetened fruits;
  • dinner - a small slice of bran bread, up to 200 grams of low-fat fish, a mug of kefir.

Ten Day Diet

This Malysheva diet for 10 days at the same time and, which makes it effective both in terms of weight loss and in terms of harmful deposits. Such weight loss can only be recommended to absolutely healthy people, since his diet is really poor and monotonous.

The idea behind this diet plan is to rotate two popular dietary ingredients daily, namely a protein meal and a well-known fermented milk drink, as well as limiting the use of salt almost completely. This combination of foods causes the human body to lose weight quickly. The average result of losing weight on a 10-day diet is 5-6 kilograms.

To adhere to this method of losing weight should be as follows:

  • 1, 5 and 10 days - a maximum of 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir;
  • 2 and 6 days - 250 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and 1 liter of similar kefir;
  • 3, 7 and 9 days - a maximum of 900 grams of lean fish in baked or boiled form;
  • 4 and 8 days - 500 grams of chicken / turkey fillet in boiled or steam form.

Thirteen Day Diet

Malysheva personally recommended this dietary diet for a period of 10 to 13 days in the TV program “Live Healthy”. At its core, this one is based on the consistent observance of a protein and carbohydrate diet every other day. Such a nutritional regime allows you to quickly reduce your own weight by several kilograms, but requires caution, since it can potentially negatively affect the digestive tract. During this weight loss, there is no need to adhere to a precisely scheduled menu. It is enough just to follow the general recommendations.

A protein day should definitely start with warm water on an empty stomach, and then eat chicken eggs or low-fat cottage cheese for breakfast. During the remaining days, you should eat about 800 grams of any lean meat and drink plenty of water.

On a carbohydrate day, it is best to eat any vegetables (except potatoes) in all forms (except fried) in a volume of about 1.5 kilograms. On such days, it is recommended to give preference to the so-called “brush” salad, which can accelerate weight loss by freeing the intestines from toxins and other unwanted deposits. The recipe for this salad is very simple and consists of thinly slicing and mixing equal parts of ordinary cabbage, carrots and beets. All these vegetables are used only in their raw form, and are seasoned only with lemon juice and 15 grams of high-quality vegetable oil.

3 week diet

Such a diet is intended for people with an average excess of their normal weight and is essentially a diet for the lazy. It is absolutely not necessary to cook any dietary food during its duration. You just need to avoid overeating and exclude all unhealthy foods from the menu. Weight loss itself occurs through the practice of fasting days, which should be organized twice a week. For a month of such a regime, you can miss 3-5 kilograms and a couple of centimeters at the waist.

The unloading ration is identical for all days and is represented by the following products:

  • breakfast and lunch - cereal flakes with the addition of skim milk;
  • afternoon snack - pear or apple;
  • dinner - a couple of lean meatballs and some A-grade pasta.

From drinks, preference should be given to pure water and high-quality green tea.

monthly diet

The maximum duration of such a nutritional regimen should be limited to 5 weeks, each of which has its own diet. For a month of such nutrition, weight can decrease by about 7-10 kilograms, and in some cases much more.

The set of products in the first week is limited only to raw vegetables and low-fat milk products, consumed in unlimited quantities and in any form. In addition to them, it is permissible to eat one chicken egg for breakfast or lunch once a day.

The diet of food consumed in the second week is replenished with green apples, which are allowed to eat no more than 3 pieces in 24 hours.

In the menu of the third and subsequent weeks, 300 grams of any lean meat or fish are added daily.

Three month diet

A huge plus of this diet from Elena Malysheva is the minimization of stressful situations for the body associated with significant restrictions in the diet of a losing weight person. Excess body weight goes away smoothly and therefore returns very rarely afterwards. The essence of such weight loss is to cut the calorie content of your own daily menu to optimal parameters, for which you will need to use special formulas and online calculators. All other rules, products and other recommendations correspond to a paid diet and must be followed unquestioningly.

An approximate nutrition plan in relation to products is built as follows:

  • breakfast - any unsweetened cereal porridge without additives, low-fat milk drink;
  • lunch: boiled / baked lean meats (or other protein foods) with a side dish of low-starchy vegetables;
  • afternoon snack - unsweetened fruits;
  • dinner - vegetables, eggs, low-fat kefir / fermented baked milk.

If desired, a fermented milk drink can be drunk later and even before bedtime.

Long term diet

The key feature of this dietary regimen is its long-term adherence, which in most cases gives, although unhurried, but a stable result that can last a very long time. Another positive aspect of such a diet is the absence of fundamental restrictions on the food consumed.

The basic principle is to eat a maximum of 1200 calories per day, which, in principle, is more than enough for the average person who does not do hard work. Otherwise, the energy value of the daily menu should be proportionally increased.

In fact, this diet in all aspects repeats the diet presented on the website of Elena Malysheva, however, you will have to calculate the calorie content of your own diet and prepare diet meals in this situation on your own.

The basic rules for a long-term diet are as follows:

  • eat often (after 3-4 hours) and in small portions;
  • strictly limit in the diet all potentially harmful foods (sugar, fatty, salty, flour, alcohol, etc.);
  • practice drinking plenty of water;
  • eat porridge for breakfast, protein foods for lunch, vegetables for dinner, and unsweetened fruits for snacks.

If you choose this diet, you must give preference to foods rich in coarse fibers. Most of them are found in plant foods and, in particular, in all kinds of vegetables. The unique property of such fibers lies in their long-term digestion and easy excretion from the body. In addition, they act like a sponge, absorbing and taking with them from the intestines 10-15% of unnecessary, and sometimes toxic substances. All this taken together leads to a long-term feeling of satiety and normalization of intestinal peristalsis, and as a result - to a systematic and safe weight loss.

Elena Malysheva's diet, reviews and results

Of course, all the reviews on the official website about Malysheva's weight loss system are extremely positive and are designed to attract as many interested people and potential buyers to her diet as possible. People who have lost weight with the help of ready-made low-calorie food sets fully thank Elena Vasilievna for such diets and enthusiastically share on the forum their transformed photos and considerable achievements, varying within tens of kilograms in 2-6 months.

Otherwise, on the Internet, you can find completely different in meaning reviews about the diet of Elena Malysheva. Some are fully satisfied with such ready-made meals, note its considerable effectiveness, and are also happy with the freed up time that they used to spend on cooking. Others see in this diet only a way to enrich its creators and initially criticize this weight loss system without even trying it on themselves.

Apparently, all these reviews with equal success have the right to exist, but you will have to decide which of these opinions to give preference to on a purely individual basis.

  • «… My epic with various ways of transforming my own body continued for years with varying success in terms of weight loss and its return to its previous positions. And then, quite by accident, on the Odnoklassniki network on the weight loss forum, I came across a video about Elena Malysheva's diet, after watching which I decided to buy a diet course for a month and test its effectiveness on myself (fortunately at that time money was not a problem). Initially, my mood was rather skeptical, but at the same time, serious interest woke up. After receiving a set of products, I decided that I would not eat anything beyond what was invested in multi-colored containers. With this intent, I started a diet with an initial weight of 89 kg. At first, the prepared food seemed really varied. It was exciting to take the next container at random and get a surprise in the form of this or that dish. Then the dishes began to be repeated, but they did not have time to pall completely. The big downside is storing most containers that need to stay frozen. By a happy coincidence, one refrigerator was inactive at home, adapted by me to store packages of lunches and dinners. All in all, the food was pretty tasty and the containers are really handy to carry to work. The most attractive thing for me was the absence of the need to visit grocery stores and cook anything at home. And since there is no other food in the refrigerator, then the desire to eat it disappears. I had the hardest time on fasting days, which I ordered buckwheat. At the end of the month, all the buckwheat in the world just wanted to be flushed down the toilet. So my results are as follows. In the first 7 days I lost 4 kg, which is not bad in principle, but not ideal. For the second week, the plumb line was only 2 kg, which was quite a shame. During the third and fourth weeks, a total of another 4 kg was lost. In total, in 28 days I lost 10 kg. I can’t say that I am fully satisfied with this result, but, on the other hand, it’s not bad in principle for a monthly course. I immediately ordered another version of the menu and already with fasting days on rice. I hope for a similar effect. If everything goes according to my plan, I will definitely order food from Malysheva and beyond.».
  • «… I will not explain why and how I came to this method of weight loss, but I will only share my impressions and the results of this experiment. Through the official website of the diet of Elena Malysheva, I ordered a monthly set of products No. 2, since I liked the composition of the dishes in it more, and with all my zeal I began to lose weight. During the first week I was constantly pursued by attacks of brutal hunger, which did not let go even at night. I just wanted to eat incredibly, because the portions of the brought food turned out to be very small and I could not get enough of them in principle. However, I continued to hold on to the last of my strength. The price of the diet was biting a little, and I wanted to get at least some result for this money. She even asked her husband to eat separately until I see his food bacchanalia. I had a particularly hard time with rice unloading, which was completely tasteless and disgusting. It was forbidden to salt food, and a salt-free diet in itself does not cause a gastronomic orgasm. In a word, the initial week has become the most difficult, but also the most effective. During it, I lost 3.1 kg in weight. The next week went a little better. Strong hunger receded, and the rice no longer looked so disgusting. For her, it took me another 2 kg. In the third week, I finally felt lightness in my body. Even visually, it became noticeable that the weight was still leaving. The numbers on the scales showed another minus 1.6 kg. The last seven-day stage went smoothly and brought a plummet of 2 kg. The result of the entire monthly weight loss resulted in 8.7 kg of lost weight. Overall, the results are good and I'm satisfied. In particular, I liked that you do not need to cook and even think about preparing diet food. If you get used to the lack of salt, then we can say that the dishes are generally tasty and varied.».
  • «… According to my information, all food packages for Malysheva's diet are produced by Vilon or SytoEdov, which is listed on the website as one of the project partners. Many have probably seen the products of this company more than once on the shelves of various stores. So, these are the most traditional semi-finished products for our reality, which can be purchased without any problems in almost any large supermarket and, what is most remarkable, to pay much less money for it than a monthly set of products costs on the website of Malysheva herself. I personally conducted a small study comparing the composition of diet dishes with the ingredients indicated on the packages of semi-finished products from SytoEdov. It is not surprising that they turned out to be virtually identical, the difference is only in the mass of products, which are half as much in dietary nutrition. The question arises, wouldn't it be easier to download the diet menu and buy products for it in the store? I have no complaints about the weight loss system itself, since I haven’t experienced it myself, but I won’t pay exorbitant prices for ordinary semi-finished products in any case, which I don’t advise you either».
  • «… For me personally, Malysheva's diet smacks of ordinary quackery, calculated on laziness and the unwillingness of some people to take care of their bodies on their own. Even Wikipedia cites criticism of this alleged “doctor”, and sometimes watching her programs is simply ridiculous. For absolutely all people, she offers one calorie menu, and the products in different sets do not differ too much. But we are all different, which means we need a separate approach. We all have different weight, age, height, ratio of fat and muscle tissue, as well as various diseases, unfortunately. All people are different and simply cannot lose weight according to the same principle. I believe that a real nutritionist will never allow such an approach to a diet, it is at least incorrect and unprofessional. I am 43 years old and I myself have been losing weight quite actively throughout my life. I tried many diets, and achieved results only by delving into the nuances of human metabolism and starting to count all the calories eaten daily, as well as carbohydrates, fats, proteins and other food components. Only in this way can you properly construct your body and nothing else. Miracles do not happen in our life».
  • «… Here we are all sitting on the Malysheva diet at home, and even my mother, who is already 68 years old. Over time, some of our friends also joined us. There are no chemicals in its products, and even more so carcinogens and other harmful substances. Almost all dishes are already prepared for you and quickly frozen, and all the ingredients are from Russia, so everything is natural. Calories have already been counted, the food is delicious and varied, what else do you need? Personally, we are very comfortable. As a bonus to regular food, there are tasty desserts that completely relieve cravings for other sweets. I don’t understand why there is so much negativity from people who have not even tried to eat these products. Just to criticize and sling mud or what? Naturally, we all lose weight in different ways. I lost a little less than 4 kilos in one month, my husband got rid of 10 kilograms, and my mother, who started the diet recently, lost 2.3 kg in two weeks. At the same time, she says that she feels much better in terms of her pressure. All of ours, who are now sitting on this diet, do not have negative reviews about it. Everyone is satisfied and quite happy. Do not listen to those who do not use this diet themselves. For me, she is exactly what you need.».

The price of the diet of Elena Malysheva

It is best to order a diet kit for Elena Malysheva, the price for which will vary depending on the chosen meal plan, on the official website, after checking with the consultant how much the delivery itself costs. To date, the prices for various dietary kits look like this:

For weight loss

  • Menu for women (healthy and with hypertension): options number 1 - 14300 rubles; options number 2 - 14600 rubles; options number 3 - 19,000 rubles.
  • Menu for men (healthy and with hypertension): options number 1 - 16500 rubles; options number 2 - 21500 rubles.
  • Fitness diet for healthy women - 17300 rubles.

To maintain weight

  • Menu for women (healthy and with hypertension): options number 1 - 16500 rubles; options number 2 - 21500 rubles.
  • Menu for men (healthy and with hypertension) - 17300 rubles.

Where to buy Malysheva's diet

A monthly course for weight loss from Elena Malysheva is best bought to order on her official website www.dietamalyshevoy.ru , by registering in advance and filling out the required form with personal data and the terms of delivery and payment for the diet, including the introduction of a promotional code that allows you to get a discount.

For the convenience of the client, prepared meals are delivered twice a month, and each box contains meals for 14 days. In this case, the cost of the set is charged once for the entire monthly course of the diet. This double delivery is justified by the fact that the bulk of the food is frozen and requires a lot of space in the freezer for storage.

You can buy a weekly analogue of Malysheva’s monthly food diet kits without registering on the website at the A5 pharmacy and at the Perekrestok, Bakhetle, Azbuka Vkusa and some other food chains (the list of stores is constantly updated).

In search of an effective and, most importantly, safe weight loss technique, women not only browse thematic forums and websites. Many people like the popular Health program with the projects Lose Weight Together and Lose Excess on NTV. Each issue is hosted by Elena Malysheva, Doctor of Medical Sciences, author of a unique method of dealing with extra pounds. Her recommendations are very popular, as they do not harm the body and make it possible to quickly get excellent results. The effectiveness of the developed leading power system can be assessed by looking at its appearance. Despite the fact that Elena is genetically prone to fullness, she manages to maintain harmony and smartness.

It is no secret that the topic of combating excess weight is very close and interesting to a large number of people. Therefore, the host of the educational program "Health" Elena Malysheva decided to create several separate projects dedicated to this topic. One of them is called "Lose Weight Together." Each new release can be watched on NTV. It is attended by completely ordinary people (as they say, "from the street"), who wanted to say goodbye to overweight. And do it together with Elena Malysheva, without harming your own body.

Someone may not like the duration of the course - it is at least 2-3 months. But the peculiarity of the author's technique lies in the fact that the weight after its application remains stable for 3-4 years. Agree, for the sake of this you can endure.

Elena herself emphasizes that positive dynamics is possible only under the condition of persistent striving for the desired result and strict adherence to all her recommendations.


So, you definitely decided - I'm losing weight with Malysheva. Where to begin? First of all, you need to follow a number of rules. They are simple and easy to do. It is thanks to them that the body gradually gets rid of excesses. This happens in a gentle mode, without disrupting the functioning of internal organs.

Diet Features

Before starting a diet, calculate your daily calorie intake. For convenience, you can use one of the many calculators. Then sketch out your menu for the week. Better with recipes.

To simplify the task of creating a weekly diet, Elena Malysheva offers a list of products that can be included in it. It also clarifies which ones are undesirable and absolutely impossible to use.

In addition, you will need to get a kitchen scale and a food calorie label. You will need them literally at hand throughout the diet.

Product CategoriesRequiredunwantedExclude
Vegetables fruitsAny (except unwanted). Fresh. Can be used in salads. The ideal recipe for losing weight is "Brush" ("Panicle").Potato.Canned vegetables and fruits.
MeatLow-fat types and parts. For cooking, use chicken breasts and turkey fillets.Fatty species (lamb, pork). Patés, sausages and smoked meats.
Fish and seafoodLow-fat species (cod, hake, pollock). Any seafood.Fatty species (halibut, salmon, herring).
cerealsWhole grain and cereal cereals.White peeled rice.Semolina.
Dairy productsAny sour milk with the lowest percentage of fat content.Yoghurts and cottage cheese with an average and high percentage of fat content.
EggsChicken and quail.
Confectionery and flour productsAny pastry, sweets, bread, pasta, chocolate.
BeveragesWater.Alcohol and any drinks with gas (even mineral water).

An important point. If you really want to lose weight, you will have to eliminate salt from your diet completely. It retains fluid in the body, contributes to the appearance of edema and prevents you from losing extra pounds.

Project "Reset"

In 2009, as part of the Health with Elena Malysheva program, a new project appeared on NTV called Lose Too Much. Its developers made it possible for every person to lose weight in front of almost the entire country. The basis was the author's method of Elena Malysheva, which involves fractional nutrition with low-calorie natural products.

The well-known nutritionist Margarita Koroleva was one of the first to be invited as a consultant to "Drop the excess". During the entire existence of this project, under the strict guidance of Elena Malysheva, dozens of people managed to lose weight and improve their health. Right online, their appearance changed beyond recognition.

How to get involved

Anyone who is overweight can participate in the Malysheva project. All you need is:

  • go to the official website of the TV show "Health" and place an application there;
  • write a short story about yourself;
  • answer the question why you needed to lose weight.

But that's not all. After all, there are a lot of people who want it.

Internet users vote for each person who sends an application for participation. According to the results of this voting, 12 applicants are determined. They are invited to shoot the program "Health with Elena Malysheva" on NTV.

Those who did not enter this dozen of lucky ones should not be upset. They will be given an equally wonderful opportunity to participate in the project "Drop the excess" - only on the Internet. "Networkers" will need to regularly keep a personal weight loss diary and a personal blog, communicate with the same participants on the forum. And without the support of specialists, they will not remain. Internet participants will be provided with all the necessary recommendations to achieve the desired result.

How is the process

The project "Reset the excess" does not belong to the category of entertainment show programs. Therefore, its developers approach the issue of reducing the weight of each participant very seriously and scrupulously. Before starting the fight against excess kilograms, all applicants must be carefully examined. They are sent to:

  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • blood tests;
  • consultation with a cardiologist, endocrinologist and psychologist;

Finally, if everything is in order, computer diagnostics is performed - the ratio of muscle mass and fat is determined.

Those who, according to the results of the survey, were allowed to participate, are divided into groups. Now, for several months, they will have to fulfill all the recommendations of the project's specialist consultants.

The interim results obtained by them are covered by each issue of the program “Health with Elena Malysheva”. In addition, the air is a detailed discussion of the problems that have arisen in the process of weight loss. If necessary, participants are treated and their nutrition system is adjusted.

In different seasons of the project, different methods of reducing body weight are considered and practiced. Only one thing always remains unchanged - fixing all the results on camera. This is necessary so that viewers can see the advantages and disadvantages of each method using live examples.

“The whole country will see how I lose weight,” - if you are ready for this, you can safely fill out an application for participation in the project.

Beware of scammers

If you set the search query "lose weight with Elena Malysheva", we will get almost 1 million 800 thousand links. But with the introduction of the phrase “disadvantages of the nutrition program of Elena Malysheva”, we see that the number of links is greater - 2 million 280 thousand. Agree, it seems strange. Where could so many dissatisfied with the author's program come from?

Caring Internet users conducted their investigation and found that it was all about unscrupulous citizens. It turns out that there are a fairly large number of sites that offer to purchase (of course, for money) "the easiest way to lose weight", as well as "special diets developed by Elena Malysheva." To lull vigilance, rave reviews are posted there - for example, "I lost weight using this method beyond recognition - I lost a couple of tens of kilograms." In fact, this “business” has nothing to do with the well-known TV presenter, doctor and doctor of sciences Malysheva.

Elena herself found out about this fraud only after those who fell for the tricks of swindlers began to complain. The paid food system offered by deceivers is very far from dietary. But the worst thing is that it can harm health if a person suffers from certain diseases.

Of course, there can be no question of any individual approach. The scammers sent everyone the same set of "fake" recommendations.

Remember that the presenter Elena Malysheva gives all the advice for free. To get them, watch every latest issue of the Health program on the NTV channel and on the website.

Let's summarize

Elena Malysheva's special projects “Lose Excess” and “We Lose Weight Together” help many people to find a slim figure and maintain a stable weight for quite a long time.

It is extremely important that the presenter has a medical education, which means that she really understands the topic of proper nutrition and normalization of body weight.

Keep in mind that incorrect diets developed by people far from medicine and a healthy lifestyle can not only not help, but also harm health. Therefore, very carefully choose a nutrition system for weight loss. Pay attention to its author. Better yet, use trusted sources. Elena Malysheva's programs are one of them. Follow her recommendations and lose weight for health.

Dear friends!

In this section, you will learn about the main features of the Elena Malysheva Diet.

You can read in great detail about how our diet works in the special sections of our website: How Diet Works and Nutrition for Weight Loss.

In addition, you can see what our food looks like and see everything with your own eyes. Here my personal story about the Diet of Elena Malysheva.

Everything is very simple and convenient! And now you will definitely succeed.

Elena Malysheva

Description of the Malysheva diet

Diet of Elena Malysheva- This is a set of ready-made food for weight loss for 4 weeks, that is, for one month. Every day you have 4 meals - breakfast, lunch, dessert and dinner. Everything is cooked, calories are counted, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is correct. This is well-made healthy food. No need to cook, no need to go to the store, no need to count calories.

Just eat and lose weight!

To make it easier for you, all our food packages have their own color: breakfasts are green, lunches are yellow, desserts are blue, dinners are red. These packages are compact and convenient, so you can take them with you to work, on a business trip or eat at home . Note! Every day you take 4 packs of different colors to work: green, yellow, blue and red. And eat this food at regular intervals.

Well, for those who want to shape their diet in the most correct way, we have compiled meal plans for all of our weight loss prepared meal programs. You can use them. Every week you have 6 days of such nutrition and 1 day of unloading.

On fasting days, you eat only boiled rice or only buckwheat porridge all day. Note! Unloading days have pink packaging.

And now about what is included in our diet. You can read detailed information about each dish in the "about our products" section of this website. And I want to explain the principles of preparing this food to you.

Our breakfasts are oatmeal, fruit and cereal bars, fruit and nut mixes and egg dishes (omelettes).

Egg dishes are frozen. You must store them in the freezer. Before use, they must be heated in the microwave. Oatmeal should be poured with boiling water or milk (Fat content from 0% to 3%).

And the bars and mixes are ready to use.

All meals are fully cooked meals.
we deliver them frozen.

Frost is the best natural preservative. It retains all the useful qualities of the product. It does not allow microbes to develop. Frost allows you not to use any chemicals stabilizers, flavors, preservatives

The well-known Russian TV presenter Elena Malysheva offers an effective method of body shaping to everyone without exception. It with minimal stress on the body allows you to lose weight, which does not come back again. Its complex methodology contributes to the general improvement of the body, and the normalization of hormonal balance, and immunity.

Composition and basic rules

Malysheva's unique diet for weight loss at home predisposes to burning excess fat gradually. Sharp weight loss leads to a slowdown in metabolism and a lack of useful minerals and vitamins.

The body, if put on a strict diet, begins to experience stress and, in order to preserve itself, accumulates fat even more “for a rainy day”. The duration of the TV presenter's unique diet may vary depending on the degree of obesity.

The minimum period is a week, during which many ladies lose up to 5 extra pounds. A complete weight loss cycle lasts several months. Here it is worth talking about proper nutrition, and not a strict restriction of the menu.

The well-known telediva, host of the Health program recommends adhering to the following weight loss rules:

  1. Chew food well to normalize digestion and not additionally burden the gastrointestinal tract. Slowly chopping food in your mouth makes you feel full faster, and there is no need to eat the entire serving on the plate.
  2. Count calories. The energy potential of food is an important argument for losing weight. Products must be low-calorie, without dyes and GMOs. It is better to choose dishes with a minimum amount of animal and vegetable fats and table salt, sugar and starch. 1200-1500 kcal is enough per day.
  3. Abundant drinking regimen. Malysheva recommends drinking 8-10 glasses of plain purified water per day. The liquid, according to the TV presenter, plays a big role in maintaining health and active weight loss. Unsweetened green tea helps to improve metabolism, and a glass of plain water on an empty stomach starts the morning metabolism.
  4. No starvation. Sudden weight loss and lack of vitamins are harmful to the body. The nervous system, like the whole body, slows down its work, accumulating fat in reserve. It is best to arrange fasting days once a week, for example, kefir, rice, fruit, watermelon or apple. This stimulates the body to part with excess calories and kilograms.
  5. Eliminate carbohydrates to the maximum and introduce proteins and proteins. It is better to replace sugar, sweets, bakery products with low-fat dairy products and cereals. Muscle dystrophy helps to prevent the use of protein and protein foods. This is lean meat and boiled eggs, low-fat fish and cottage cheese.

An important role in losing weight is played by positive thinking, that is, a psychological factor. There is no need to buy expensive exotic products and cook intricate dishes. The secret of Elena Malysheva's diet is simplicity and accessibility.

Daily regime

The optimal daily routine is another feature of the TV presenter's high-performance diet. It helps to eat according to the schedule, not to experience acute attacks of hunger and not to burden the digestive organs.

After lifting, it is advisable to drink plain water on an empty stomach. Lunch at 12 noon, afternoon snack at 4 pm. Drink plain water between meals. Last dinner at 20:00.

Diet Malysheva menu for a week

The weekly diet of a famous telediva is best combined with moderate physical activity. The diet for every day is identical.


bran bread 2 slices, vegetable salad, fat-free cottage cheese, unsweetened green tea.

For lunch:

low-fat boiled meat, soup with assorted vegetables, garnish - boiled rice or buckwheat, a glass of freshly squeezed unsweetened juice.

For an afternoon snack:

several low-calorie unsweetened fruits.


a slice of black bread, boiled fish with vegetables, low-fat kefir.

Elena Malysheva recommends diversifying such a menu. For example, for breakfast, cook protein omelettes with broccoli or cauliflower, muesli or oatmeal with milk. For lunch - meat balls, zrazy, steamed meatballs, chicken fillet, turkey, chicken meat.

As an afternoon snack, fruit bars, soufflé, vegetable salads are suitable. Popular Malysheva dinners are cream sura with broccoli, mushrooms, pumpkin, stewed cabbage or lazy cabbage rolls.

Results from the Malysheva diet

Eating according to the Malysheva system, many manage to lose up to 1.5 kg per day, although the effect depends on the initial weight, as well as additional factors - sports and an active lifestyle. In 10 days, it is possible to lose up to 10 kg, many lose 15 kg per month.

Pros and cons of Malysheva's diet for weight loss at home

A balanced diet of a TV presenter is ideal for safe weight loss without much work and at home. Its advantages:

  • improving well-being;
  • activation of metabolism;
  • affordability and menu;
  • elimination of toxins and normalization of digestion.

This is a great alternative to separate meals and strict diets, from which it is very easy to break loose and gain even more excess weight.

Among the shortcomings of the TV presenter's diet, one can single out a clear nutrition schedule that not everyone can follow. Not all housewives can cook their own diet meals without salt. For the family, you still have to make the usual food.

Ready meal set

In order not to cook low-calorie food separately every day and save time, there are ready-made food sets on sale. They include portion containers with ready-made diet meals.

It is independently allowed to include several snacks of your own choice - vegetables or fruits, cottage cheese or kefir.

The food in the set is delivered frozen or dry. Something should be poured with boiling water or heated in the microwave. Products are completely natural and retain their beneficial properties, as they are prepared using a special technology. Such dishes are hearty and healthy, but not everyone likes food from bags.

Rules and recommendations of Malysheva's home diet

The TV presenter's home weight loss system provides for a complete rejection of the following foods:

  • smoked meats and sausages;
  • margarine and butter;
  • offal;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salo;
  • fatty pork varieties;
  • homemade dairy products;
  • jams and preserves;
  • seeds.

In the menu you need to add useful and nutritious components:

  • tomatoes;
  • zucchini;
  • all varieties of cabbage;
  • carrots and beets;
  • fresh green peas;
  • string beans;
  • eggplant.

You can moderately consume olive oil and boiled potatoes, chicken eggs, honey and nuts, lentils, beans and other legumes.

Diet analogues E. Malysheva

TV presenter diet kits are not new. Many companies offer similar assorted diet meals, but according to reviews, they are not tasty. These are the brands Body Light, Just for your, GREEN, D-LIGHT. These are standard semi-finished products, which are enough to fill with boiling water.

Is it possible to follow a diet while breastfeeding

During pregnancy, many mothers gain excess weight, which is difficult to get rid of during lactation.

Nutritionists do not recommend eating Malysheva's ready-made kits during breastfeeding, since the dishes do not contain many of the nutrients needed by the baby.

They can provoke insufficient milk production, so a more rational diet is suitable for new mothers. It should contain enough healthy fats and complex carbohydrates.