How to choose an air purifier for the kitchen. What to choose: a full range hood or an air purifier in the kitchen? Extract air purifier for the kitchen

Any cooking in the kitchen is accompanied by an abundant release of a variety of odors, some of which are pleasant, but some are not so good. It is good when a powerful hood is installed in the kitchen, which is able to remove all odors from the room in a timely manner. But what if you follow the latest fashion trends and you have a studio apartment where moisture, odors, grease and other contaminants spread at such a speed that no hood can cope? There is a way out, and this is the installation of an air cleaner in the kitchen.

The principle of operation of the device

A kitchen air purifier is a device that works on the principle of recirculation. The fan of the device sucks in polluted air masses and drives them through the filtration system, after which it is fed back into the room. There are models on sale that are placed above the stove and, after cleaning, they remove air into the ventilation system, like a regular kitchen umbrella. The filter elements of a quality air purifier make it possible to cope with such contaminants as:

  • Gas combustion products.
  • Soot.
  • mechanical inclusions.

Important! In addition, the cleaner does an excellent job of removing various odors, pet hair and dust.

Instrument classification

Choosing an air cleaner for the kitchen above the stove should be guided by several parameters.

According to the principle of operation, this technique is divided into:

  • Purifiers with an exhaust type of operation - devices collect air impurities and send them outside the room through the ventilation shaft.
  • Recirculation devices - treatment of polluted air is provided inside the devices. In this case, impurities remain on the filters, and the purified air is returned to the room.
  • Mixed action air purifiers - equipped with two filtration mechanisms.

According to the type of installation, devices are divided into:

  • Dome - which are fixed above the stove and act by diverting air masses into the exhaust ducts.
  • Suspended - also mounted above the hob, work on the principle of recirculation.
  • Embedded - they are distinguished by a mixed work process, designed for mounting in kitchen elements.
  • Mobile - operate only in the air processing mode.

Important! If we talk about the shape of the apparatus, then they are also different: in the form of truncated pyramids, inclined, in the form of cones, T-shaped, cube hood, cylinder or devices with a bent corner.

Comparative characteristics

Like any other home appliance, air purifiers have advantages and disadvantages to consider when installing an air purifier in the kitchen:

  1. The easiest installation for recirculation models. Their installation does not require complex air extraction systems and exhaust shafts. This hood can simply be fixed above the hob, turned on and used.
  2. In terms of performance, the exhaust design is considered the best. The air from the room is removed outside the room irrevocably.
  3. From the point of view of saving heat, then the recirculation technique receives the palm, since the warm air does not leave the room.
  4. An exhaust system that does not require frequent filter changes will save money.
  5. The noise level is much lower for exhaust devices. Purifiers do not need to strain, driving air through dense carbon filters.

Important! In the process of comparison, it must be clarified that recirculation devices do not retain moisture. Its circulation around the room will be at the same level as before the installation of the hood.

Technical specifications

Each air purifier for the kitchen has its own technical parameters. To choose the right air cleaner for the kitchen above the stove, you need to find out:

  • Worksheet size.
  • Device performance.
  • Noise height.

Working canvas size

The size of the working surface of a stationary air purifier must be greater than or equal to the size of the plate. There are three standard hoods: 60, 90 and 120 cm.

Important! Sometimes the owners install cooking appliances in the center of the kitchen or make a skeleton from several surfaces. In any case, it is necessary that the air purifier can control the entire plate web.


Productivity is considered the amount of air masses that the device passes through itself in 1 hour.

Important! The calculated productivity of the air purifier must be higher than that specified in the data sheet.

In order to find out the calculated indicators, the volume of the room should be multiplied by 12 (this is an indicator of the air exchange rate for the room) and by 1.3 (this is the level of pumping air masses through the ventilation ducts of a multi-storey building).

Important! In houses with one floor, the last indicator can be neglected.


Kitchen air cleaners cannot be called low-noise devices. Their maximum noise height is 65 dB, but as a rule, kitchen air purifiers are noisy at 55 dB. For comparison, the noise figure of the refrigerator is 45 dB, and the washing machine produces 68 dB.

Important! In order to choose an air cleaner for the kitchen above the stove, it is necessary to determine the intensity of pollution and the required functionality. The main requirement in this device is high-quality air purification and its disposal of harmful substances. The device does not need additional installation of ionizers and oxygen enrichers, which only complicate its maintenance.

Which is better - an air cleaner or an extractor hood?

Answering not the question: what is better - an extractor hood or an air cleaner in the kitchen, you need to decide on the main differences between the devices:

  • A household hood for the kitchen is a universal stationary appliance.
  • Air purifiers are portable and can be used to purify the air throughout the home.

Important! The main difference between the hood and the air purifier is the independence of the latter. The air purifier does not require the formation of any outlet paths and connection to the general ventilation of the house. For the correct functioning of the device, only a power outlet is needed.


Installing an air cleaner in the kitchen will only be effective taking into account the size of the room, as well as its air circuit:

  • If the kitchen is large and the stove is used infrequently, then the use of the device is fully justified. In such cases, the level of pollution is not too high, and the air purifier is able to do the job well.
  • In small rooms, it is better to install built-in hoods for the kitchen, which differ in the circulation principle of operation.

Installing an air purifier in the kitchen is simple, however, there are some nuances:

  • The installation of the appliance must take place before the installation of kitchen units. This will make it possible to correctly designate the direction of its action in the area where the plate web is located and arrange other components on the wall.
  • The place of the future outlet must be calculated in advance. The wire from the air purifier must not be too tight, bent or be too close to the heating unit.

Important! The best option is when the outlet is placed on the same level with the technical tool inside the kitchen cabinet.

  • The height of the air purifier above the hob must comply with fire safety regulations. The most suitable distance is 75 cm. This arrangement will make it possible to capture the entire mass of fumes without overheating too much.

Important! Instead of a hood, a kitchen filter can be installed above the stove, if it is necessary to organize an outflow of air, regardless of the operation of the air cleaner.

Kitchen air purifier kit

A conventional kitchen hood is equipped with a multi-level cleaning system. Most of the devices are equipped with two filters:

  • Fat - this element is made in the form of a cassette, which consists of several aluminum or plastic rows. Needs regular washing under running water.
  • Air - is intended for a more thorough cleansing. It is a fibrous structure that holds small mechanical inclusions. Once every 1-3 months, it needs a complete replacement (as it gets dirty).

Important! Sometimes the selected air cleaner for the kitchen above the stove contains another one - a carbon filter, which is designed to effectively combat unpleasant odors.

Most of the mobile air purifiers are characterized by a large bundle. In addition to the main options:

  • They can be equipped with electrostatic filters that create an electric field to attract harmful particles to the electrodes.
  • Sometimes the device may include a photocatalytic filter that is able to separate organic substances into harmless elements.

High-quality and regular care of the air purifier will make it possible to significantly extend the life of the device.

Important! Clean the device only after it is de-energized! You can remove grease from the hood using purchased detergents, which must first be sprayed onto the surface, allowed to stand for a while, and then removed with a damp cloth.

In addition, folk remedies will help clean the kitchen hood:

  • Vinegar or lemon will help clean the dirt. To obtain a good result, it is necessary to treat the surfaces with them, leave for a while, rinse with clean water.
  • Also, a universal means of dealing with fat is concentrated laundry soap, which should be cut on a grater and poured with water. The resulting solution is treated with an extract, and then washed off with clean water.

To clean the hood filter, you can use modern detergents, however, if you don’t have them, then you can resort to a simple method that will remove grease from any metal object. For this:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil and dissolve 0.5 cups of salt in it.
  2. Place the filters in a boiling liquid, let the dirt and grease dissolve, remove the pan from the stove.
  3. When choosing an air purifier for the kitchen above the stove, you must, first of all, be guided by common sense. If you are not financially constrained, then it is better to get a mixed-type appliance that will work both as a hood and as an effective air purifier.

The kitchen is a room in a house with an aggressive environment where it is necessary to ensure good air purification, because it contains unpleasant odors and harmful gas decomposition products released during cooking. An air cleaner for the kitchen does an excellent job with this task. What kind of device it is, how it is selected and mounted, you can find out further.

The principle of operation and the difference from the classic hood

Conventionally, kitchen cleaners can be divided into 2 types - hoods and air cleaners. The meaning of their work is the same - purification of polluted air masses, but the principle of operation is different.

The air cleaner assumes the following scheme of operation:

  • Clogged air is sucked in by the device by means of a fan.
  • In the exhaust pipe, the air is purified by passing through the filter elements.
  • The purified air mass returns to the kitchen.

Due to the fact that air is recirculated in the air cleaner, it is called a recirculating hood.

Classic flow hoods work in this order:

  1. Polluted air is drawn into the purifier.
  2. Immediately removed to the ventilation shaft.
  3. Discharged into the environment without returning to the premises.

In fact, we can say that conventional hoods completely remove polluted air masses through a ventilation system or a special hole. Air purifiers return air after being filtered. You can clearly see how the cycle of operation of both types of devices differs in the following diagram:

It is worth noting that there are mixed hoods with two modes, which are set depending on the degree of air pollution. In the exhaust mode, the polluted air is completely removed from the kitchen through the duct, and in the recirculation mode, it is taken in, passes through the cleaning filters and returns to the room.

Filters for kitchen air cleaners

As noted above, air is sucked into the air cleaner and forced through the filters. They can be of the following types:

  • Carbonic. The most common filter. It cleans the air well from various odors, but does not cope with carbon monoxide. Requires replacement on average 1 time in 3 months.
  • photocatalytic. This filter does not require cartridge replacement. It decomposes organic matter into simple components that do not harm the human body.
  • Mechanical. It is a metal mesh with the smallest cells, on which large particles, pet hair, grease, etc. settle. They are installed on almost every modern cleaner. These filters should be washed regularly with warm water.
  • Air. Used to trap smaller solid particles. The filter has a fibrous structure in which smaller particles easily settle. Depending on the intensity of use of the device, on average, it changes 1 time in 3 months.
  • Electrostatic. Attracts dust, mechanical particles, soot, soot and poisonous vapors by creating an electric field. It does not require replacement, but needs regular wet cleaning.

To effectively purify the air in the kitchen, it is better to purchase a model in which at least two filters are installed.

Varieties of models

There are several types of air cleaners depending on the mounting method:

  • flat or suspended. These are the most common and inexpensive options that have a small height of 7-15 cm, depending on the shape of the device. They are easily attached to furniture and have a small capacity - up to 300 cubic meters. m / h, so they are suitable for kitchens of a small area (8-9 sq. M). Such hoods often have a recirculation mode. They are preferable to devices with a flow mode, since such air ducts remain in sight, which spoils the interior of the kitchen.
  • Embedded. This is an ideal, but expensive option, as it is bought immediately in a set with furniture. The advantages of the model are that it is almost completely hidden in the headset cabinet, so it is almost invisible (only the retractable front panel is visible). Of course, the built-in cleaner looks harmonious with kitchen furniture, as they are one with it in color, texture, size. These models are more powerful than the flat type and are larger in size.

  • Domed or chimney. To get an air purifier, you need to purchase a chimney hood with mixed mode. In appearance, they resemble a chimney, since the wide base gradually narrows towards the top. They fit into almost any interior, but take up quite a lot of space. When choosing these cleaners, in addition to size and performance, their appearance should also be taken into account, since they are completely open. They are usually equipped with two decorative boxes, under which air ducts are hidden. They are made of stainless steel or painted metal, often combined with glass and wood. These are quite powerful cleaners - their performance can reach up to 1000 cubic meters. m/hour.

Which is better: an air cleaner or a conventional hood?

It depends on the area of ​​​​the kitchen and the air circulation in it:

  • if the kitchen is large in size and it takes very little time to cook food, then a recirculating air purifier above the stove will be enough;
  • if the kitchen is small and with a small window where ventilation is difficult, you should think about installing a hood.

Separately, it is worth taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of each option, which will help the following table:



With recirculation (air cleaner)

This is a mobile device that can be installed anywhere. During the cold season, it will not remove heat from the room, and also does not affect the moisture circulation in the room. Cleans the air not only from small solid particles, but also retains a variety of odors and fats. Among the shortcomings, expensive maintenance (filter replacement) should be noted, but installing a device with washable filters will help reduce the expense item.

With outlet (conventional hood)

This is a less expensive type in terms of maintenance, since it does not require replacement and reinstallation of filters. Guarantees high performance due to the complete removal of polluted air into the ventilation. It makes almost no noise during operation. The main disadvantage is the installation difficulties, as it is necessary to make ventilation ducts to connect the hood to the shaft.

It should be borne in mind that the smoother the air duct, the more efficient its operation will be, since the power of the cleaner drops by 10% with each turn of the corrugated hose.

How to choose an air purifier?

To buy a suitable model, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the kitchen. Only in this case, the work of the purifier will be effective, and the air during the cooking process will remain fresh and clean. In general, the instruction for choosing an air cleaner is as follows:

  1. Choose the size of the work surface. The length of the air cleaner should be slightly longer than or the same as the width of the slab. In this case, all the “aromas” will immediately fall into the hood and will not have time to spread around the apartment. There are four standard air cleaner sizes on the market - 50, 60, 90 and 120 cm. The most popular are 50 and 60 cm purifiers, which are selected for small spaces. If the kitchen is large and the stoves are large, you will have to choose devices with a length of 90 or 120 cm.
  2. Calculate device performance. Calculations must be made independently based on the size of your room. The calculation formula is as follows - multiply the volume of the kitchen by 12 and 1.3. Let's consider each parameter separately:
  • calculate the volume of the room by multiplying the height of the wall and the area;
  • 12 - the frequency of air exchange, which shows how many times per hour the air in the room is completely renewed;
  • 1.3 is a coefficient that takes into account the pumping of air through ventilation in a multi-storey building.

Consider an example. The kitchen has an area of ​​​​9 square meters, and the height of the walls is 2.5 m. Then the productivity will be: 9x2.5x12x1.3 \u003d 351 cubic meters. m/hour. So, you need to choose an air cleaner, the characteristics of which indicate approximately the same performance.

  1. Deal with the material. It largely determines the cost of the cleaner. Decorated aluminum is optimal. It is resistant to corrosion, but dirt quickly settles on it, although it will not be difficult to wash it. Do you want to give the hood a more “expensive” look? Then consider models made of tempered glass or stainless steel.
  2. Take into account noise level . It is worth choosing a model with a comfortable and acceptable noise level. As a rule, in modern cleaners, this figure is in the range of 55 decibels. If it is larger, then the sound of the operating device can cause significant discomfort.

Having dealt with these parameters, you can choose the best air cleaner of any type - suspended, built-in or domed. As for the appropriate type, it is worth proceeding from your own preferences and financial capabilities.

Basic installation rules

Before installing any type of cleaning device, two recommendations must be considered:

  • Take care of the outlet. Ideally, it should be located at the level of the hood, and the cable should be hidden in the wall, since neither the socket nor the wire should be exposed to steam and heat. It is recommended not to use an extension cord that will be extremely tight or slack as this is not safe.
  • Determine the installation location above the stove at a height of 75 cm. In this way, the air cleaner will capture all the vapors and will not be affected by heat and steam.

The installation of a recirculation and flow device is different from each other. To understand the differences in detail, it is worth considering the principle of installation of each device:

  • Air cleaner with recirculation mode. This model is easy to install on your own, as all the necessary accessories for installation are included in the kit along with a cleaner, installation instructions and a marking sheet for mounting. All markings are checked using the building level. After the device is fixed, it is plugged into the outlet. It's ready to go.
  • Extractor hood with "outlet" mode. The installation of these models is more time consuming, since it is necessary to dock the corrugated hose with ventilation. They adhere to this order: they make markings on the wall and screw in the screws on which they hang the hood. Next, proceed to the installation of the duct, for which they use an adapter. A corrugated hose is attached to it, and then tightened with a clamp. The second end of the corrugated hose is connected with a clamp to the ventilation hole, on which a grate with an adapter is preliminarily installed.

Air purifiers are devices that help to cope with the smell of fat and burning, soot, gas combustion products, dust, wool, unpleasant odors and toxic substances. When buying them, you need to proceed from the size of your own kitchen and stove, as well as financial capabilities. Whichever air purifier is chosen, do not forget that it needs regular maintenance and timely filter changes.

In contact with

The kitchen is one of those places in the house where it is really necessary to purify the air, because it contains not only various odors, but also often products of gas decay. There are a huge number of exhaust devicescapable of coping with this problem. This article will talk about recirculation version of the hood, which is also called an air cleaner for the kitchen.

A kitchen air purifier is used instead of a hood and works as follows:

  • with the help of a fan, polluted room air is sucked in by the device;
  • there it passes through a series of filter elements;
  • after the purified air mass is fed into the room.

Filters trap the following air pollutants:

  • soot;
  • various mechanical particles (for example, dust, animal hair, fabric fibers, etc.);
  • products formed after combustion of gas;
  • odors (particles of substances that caused their appearance).

The fundamental difference between an air purifier and a flow hood lies in the principle of operation of the devices and the degree of their mobility. The first passes the air mass of the room through the filter system, cleaning it. The hood removes air with impurities from the room through the ducts to the outside. In addition, the air cleaner can be reinstalled in any room, and the hood is a stationary device that is placed directly above the stove to achieve greater efficiency of its work, with a whole system of ways to exhaust air.

Here's how the air cleaner differs from the hood:

  • productivity;
  • operating noise level;
  • the presence of additional functions;
  • the cost of the device itself and its maintenance;
  • installation complexity.

These differences are not fundamental and depend on the specific models used. But it is on these criteria that they are guided when choosing devices.

Hoods capable of operating in 2 modes: recirculation and flow are becoming more common. But the price of such devices is higher than single-mode counterparts.

The nuances of installing air cleaners

As mentioned above, the installation of devices for recirculation and flow principles of operation is different. For the hood, you should choose a place so that you can easily connect an air duct and then connect it to a common ventilation shaft. Ideally, it is recommended to purchase an air purifier in combination with kitchen furniture so that its model fits into the design of the room.

The installation process is simple, but a number of such nuances should be taken into account:

  • needs to be calculated in advance. outlet location from which the installed device will receive power so that its wire is not stretched and does not come into contact with the heated parts of the stove;
  • install an air cleaner before arranging kitchen furniture, in order to be able to preliminarily determine the direction and scope of its action, it is convenient to arrange all the constituent elements of the headset around the room.

Flow cleaner installation diagram

The optimal distance of the cleaner from the stove is 0.75 m, which meets the requirements of fire safety. This arrangement allows the device to draw in all the vapors coming from the stove.

Types of filters in kitchen air purifiers

Kitchen air purifiers are often equipped with the following filters:

  • fatty;

  • air.

The first filter is a cassette consisting of several layers of plastic or aluminum. It can be washed with water. The air filter is designed for more complete cleaning and has a fibrous structure. It allows you to trap small particles.

In addition to the 2 considered, a number of models contain a third, carbon filter. It is designed to eliminate odors. The air and charcoal filters need to be replaced at least once every 3 months. This is determined by the intensity of the work of the equipment, entails additional, sometimes significant, costs.

Carbon filter for exhaust

Mobile cleaners can be equipped electrostatic filter. Its essence lies in the fact that an electric field is formed around the electrodes, because of which they begin to attract particles in the air. Some models contain photocatalytic filter, which decomposes organic matter into simple, harmless compounds. The electrostatic and photocatalytic types are relatively expensive, but do not need to be replaced.

A kitchen air purifier must be equipped with at least two filters to work effectively.

Which is better to choose: a recirculating air purifier or a conventional hood

Which is better: an extractor hood or an air cleaner in the kitchen? This question cannot be answered unequivocally, because the choice must be made based on practical expediency. Recommendations in this regard are as follows:

  • when cooking is rarely done in the kitchen, and its area exceeds 15 sq. m, then the recirculation cleaner will do just fine;
  • if the stove is often used or the kitchen is small, it is recommended to give preference to the hood.

When choosing, keep in mind that the air cleaner:

  • can be installed in any room, it is mobile;
  • does not remove heat from the house outside during the cold season;
  • ready to work immediately after installation and connection to the network;
  • maintenance is more expensive than the hood;
  • does not interfere with the circulation of moisture.

Maintenance costs can be reduced by purchasing a model with washable filters.

The flow hood is characterized by greater productivity and lower noise level during operation, but requires summing up ventilation ducts. If this is problematic, or the work is associated with significant costs, then it would be preferable to install a recirculating device.

Combined hood Kaiser AT 6405 N

The choice of cleaner must be made, guided by its practicality for specific operating conditions. Among the three types of devices, if possible, it is better to purchase equipment combined type of action. It will remove pollutants from the air, function as an exhaust hood.

The kitchen air cleaner removes the exhaust air to the street or purifies it in recirculation mode. The hood and air duct can be installed with your own hands.

Everyone knows that unpleasant odors appear in the kitchen during cooking. In addition, if you have to cook on a gas stove, exhaust carbon monoxide is collected in the room. As a rule, this leads to the fact that housewives have to fry and bake with the window open, which is far from always convenient, especially in cold winter. Kitchen air purifiers, whose popularity is only increasing every year, will help to correct the situation. Most often, a kitchen air cleaner is understood as a conventional hood that removes exhaust air to the outside or purifies it in recirculation mode. You can install it yourself, the main thing is to choose the right model.

Hood types

There are three main types of hoods: flat, built-in and chimney. Each of these types has characteristic features and is suitable for different rooms.

  • Flat - the most budgetary and common option. As it already becomes clear from the name, they are distinguished by a small height, which, depending on the shape of the device, can reach 7-15 cm. They come with a set of fasteners, installation instructions and an adapter to which the corrugated duct is attached. The power of such air cleaners for the kitchen is usually small, as a rule it does not exceed 200-300 m³ / h. This is enough for an area of ​​8-10 squares. A feature of such models is an open air duct in the air exhaust mode.
  • Embedded. Such models are almost completely built into the headset cabinet, only the retractable front panel is visible. They are larger and usually more powerful. mostly hidden inside the closet.
  • Dome. These include a fairly large group of air cleaners. Unlike those built into them, not only power indicators and dimensions are important, but also appearance. The dome hood is completely open and occupies a fairly significant part of the wall. As a rule, it is completed with 1-2 decorative boxes that can hide air ducts. Air purifiers of this type are characterized by a wide base, gradually tapering towards the top, in the form of a dome (hence the name). They can be made of stainless steel or painted metal, combined with glass or wooden inserts. The power of such devices can reach 1000 m³ / h.

How to determine the required capacity of the air cleaner?

It is determined by the formula: “Volume of the room * 10 = Productivity”, where 10 is the air exchange rate, i.e. a figure indicating how many times per hour the air in the room is completely updated. Let's say the kitchen area is 9 m². Standard ceilings - 2.5 m. Then the minimum required air cleaner power: 9 * 2.5 * 10 = 225 m³ / h.

If a corrugated hose is attached to the hood, through which air will be removed, then at each turn of the hose the power will drop by about 10% - this should also be taken into account.

Of course, there are more complex calculations that take into account the need to pump air through the ducts or the volume of furniture in the room, but a simple layman does not need to delve into them. The above formula is enough to estimate the required performance before buying.


There are four standards for the length of the hoods: 50, 60, 90 and 120 cm. In Russia, air cleaners of 50 and 60 cm are popular. 90 and 120 are extremely rare. The model is selected in such a way that its length corresponds to the width of the slab. If the stove is 50, then the kitchen air cleaner should be 50. Air cleaners of 90 and 120 cm are most often selected for large ones, brought out as a separate island, or for production. Such units are quite bulky and it is difficult to install them with your own hands without outside help.

Principle of operation

Some kitchen air purifiers can only work in exhaust mode, some only in circulation mode, but most models combine both principles.

If the air cleaner is operated in extraction mode, then all the exhaust air is completely removed from the room through the air ducts. If the model is configured for recirculation, then the air is taken in, passes through the filter system, and then returns to the room again.

As usual, each of these cleaning methods has its pros and cons. The advantage of the outlet is that the air is completely removed - it is much more efficient than cleaning through filters. On the other hand, this principle of operation requires more serious installation, not to mention the fact that corrugated hoses do not look very aesthetically pleasing and take up a lot of space.

Models operating in recirculation mode take up much less space, since they do not require any additional connections. They are very easy to mount - just drive in two self-tapping screws, hang the hood on it and plug the cord into the outlet. But the effectiveness of such cleaners is much lower, in addition, the owners will have to periodically spend money on replacing filters.

Filters for such hoods are of 2 types: universal and branded. Universal is a fibrous sheet impregnated with carbon, which absorbs unpleasant odors. Such a filter is placed on a grease filter and pressed with fasteners. The branded one is usually screwed directly onto the motor. Its carbon layer is much thicker, so it will clean the air better, but the cost of such a filter is higher. Depending on the model, the filters need to be changed every 3-6 months.

How to switch the hood from exhaust mode to recirculation mode?

Almost all air purifiers on the market can operate in two modes. In extraction mode, the air exits through the outlet at the top or rear of the hood and then through the ducts into the ventilation. To switch the device to recirculation mode, it is necessary to close the outlet with the plug that comes with the kit, and move the lever to change the direction of air movement. A kitchen air cleaner configured in this way can be attached directly to the bottom of a wall cabinet. However, it should be mentioned that flat models are usually switched in this way. Built-in, which in any case come with ducts and air ducts, does not make sense to reconfigure.


You can easily install the hood with your own hands. The device usually comes with installation instructions and a sheet with markings for fasteners. The easiest way is to attach a model operating in recirculation mode, with an air cleaner in exhaust mode, you will have to tinker a little longer.

Installation takes place in several stages:

  • mark the wall and install dowels or screws;
  • hang the hood;
  • then the air ducts are fixed: an adapter is installed, one end of the corrugated hose is attached to it, tightened with a clamp;
  • a grate with an adapter is attached to the ventilation hole, the second end of the corrugated hose is put on this adapter and also tightened with a clamp of the appropriate diameter. The hood is ready for use.

This is far from the only option for installing the hood. Much depends on the specific model, on the location: near the wall or in the center.

Sooner or later, every housewife begins to worry about the problem of smell in the kitchen when preparing various dishes, especially fried ones. This smell fills the house, soaking everything - clothes, furniture. How to avoid this trouble? After all, sometimes you want to eat fried potatoes. Ventilation doesn't help. This is where an air purifier for the kitchen comes to the rescue, which is installed above the stove.

What are the types of air purifiers

There are only a few of them: circulating (the air is not pulled out from the kitchen, but cleaned with special filters and remains in the room), flowing (contaminated air is thrown out through the ventilation, such air cleaners are more difficult to install and install, but they are more efficient) and mixed type (the use of the type of purifier depends from air pollution).

Air cleaner control

Each air purifier model has its own control. The units are simpler to use electromechanical, and the more expensive models have push-button or touch controls. The electronics of expensive models makes it possible to program the operation of the air purifier for the entire time while food is being prepared.

What type of air cleaner to choose

Before you buy and install, you first need to decide which purifier is right for you. To resolve this issue, it is necessary to take into account all the factors and nuances of the kitchen. Of course, price also plays a role. You need to start with the size of the room and the air circulation in it.

If, for example, the kitchen is large, and cooking takes only nothing in time, then an air cleaner above the stove is a completely justified measure. And with a small room, you need to consider how air circulates how the kitchen is ventilated. Is there only a small window? Then, instead of a simple air cleaner above the stove, you need an exhaust hood. The main thing is to choose the right model.

  • remember, if the cleaner is designed to work in a room up to 5 square meters, then it will not pull a kitchen of 20 squares.
  • each filter is designed for a certain amount of polluted air. The more polluted the air, the more often you will need to change the filters.
  • An air purifier in the kitchen is required to purify the air from harmful fumes. The average throughput of such a unit should be from 150 to 700 cubic meters per hour of operation. Pay attention to the power switches. There should be two to five. No need to equip the air cleaner with various unnecessary "bells and whistles". This will only make it more difficult to care for him, and will affect the price of the purifier itself. At the same time, it should be noted that the cheapest air cleaners do not have filters at all. And you need to take good care of them.

Remember that the minimum noise during the operation of this technique does not indicate its slow operation, but the quality of the unit. The less noise, the more comfortable be in the kitchen. And all this is described in the production characteristics of the selected air cleaner model.

Types of filters in circulating air cleaners

As a rule, all filters are replaceable and easy to change. Here their most common types:

  • coal (purifies the air of various odors, but will not save you from carbon monoxide);
  • mechanical (detains all sorts of large particles and pet hair). This is a grid with small cells;
  • photocatalytic (decomposes the smallest particles into components harmless to humans);
  • electrostatic (attracts most dust particles from the air).

Ideally, to completely clean the air in the kitchen, you need to use at least two types of filters.

Compare kitchen air purifiers


  1. Easy to install, no outlets required. Therefore, the heat in the winter will not "run away" from the room.
  2. Starts to work right after installation over a plate and inclusion in the socket.
  3. Well cleans the air from odors, burning and fats.


  1. Works almost silently as air is removed through ventilation directly without delays.
  2. Economical in maintenance (no replacement and installation of new filters).
  3. It works on the principle of complete destruction of moisture and bad air.

Unit installation

To choose the right air purifier and avoid unnecessary costs, we determine the parameters of the air purifier. For this, first measuring the work surface plates. The working area of ​​the cleaner should be several centimeters larger. This is necessary so that all the fumes fall directly into the air cleaner, and not past. Today, hoods are made in three standard sizes of 60, 90 and 120 centimeters. But if the stove is installed in the center of the kitchen, then the unit must be ordered separately.

It is advisable to install all household appliances before the furniture is assembled. Therefore, the air cleaner also needs to be hung before furniture is installed, which will make it possible to combine all the details of the interior on the wall. And also to connect and remove air shafts without any problems. One of the problems when connecting the device is power supply, that is, connecting the outlet. Try to avoid connecting with an extension cord. It is not safe. The wire may sag or, conversely, be too tight. Or be exposed to constant fire, heat. The socket with the wire should be hidden in the wall. And the outlet itself is best placed at the level with the hood and hidden in a locker.

The most optimal height for placing the air cleaner is 75 centimeters from the stove. The unit will not be exposed to steam and heat. And at the same time, it will be able to capture all the fumes from the stove.

The installation of a circulating and flow-through air purifier is different from each other. For a flow cleaner, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of laying ventilation shafts. And for circulation, in principle, it doesn’t matter which wall to hang on. He only needs an outlet to connect. But the main thing is that any air cleaner fit into the interior of the kitchen. Therefore, the best option would be to buy this type of household appliances along with kitchen furniture. Specialists of the furniture salon will select the right model in the right design and arrange it with furniture. This is ideal. But in practice, furniture and household appliances are bought in different places and assembled in the customer's kitchen.

Let's focus separately on types of placement of air cleaners:

  • embedded. With this type of placement, the cleaner is attached inside the kitchen furniture and is one with it in color, size, texture. They are practically invisible.
  • suspended. The unit is attached to the furniture with a simple installation. As a rule, such purifiers are small in size and have several types of air filtration.
  • fireplace. They are very similar to a chimney from a fireplace. Fits seamlessly into any kitchen decor. But such devices can only be of a ventilation (flow) type or mixed.

Nowadays, more and more often the kitchen is combined with the living room. It's called a studio. This approach to housing planning allows you to visually enlarge the space. But at the same time, the spread of the smell during cooking is allowed throughout the dwelling. In such cases, only an air purifier, selected based on the technical characteristics of the room, will help.

Without a doubt, the air cleaner above the stove makes staying and cooking in the kitchen more comfortable. Current models of air purifiers are many times better than earlier units. They filter the air more thoroughly, the noise during operation is minimal. And thanks to the appearance of the device, a modern air purifier allows you to add interior space without compromising the design of the kitchen. This is facilitated by the materials from which the body of the unit is made. To do this, use plastic, stainless steel, aluminum, tempered glass, enameled steel.

The material of the cleaner, respectively, affects its price. Most the best option is decorated aluminum. It is corrosion resistant but gets dirty very easily. Although easy to clean. And stainless steel and tempered glass give the appearance of an expensive device. But the most expensive models are custom-made in a single copy.

Now about the price. For each type of air cleaner, it is different and depends on the functionality of the device, appearance, technical characteristics. The average price of a flow-type cleaner (hood) is from 3000 rubles. And the average price for a circulation cleaner starts at 2,500 rubles.