How to build a wooden garage with your own hands. Do-it-yourself frame garage Garage frame drawing

A frame garage is one of the easiest options for building a utility room for storing a car. It is not only technically simple, but also cheaper than brick or concrete walls. Price and technical availability are the main advantages frame buildings. How on your own? What features are important to consider for reliable and proper construction?

Frame types

Frame garages can be made of various materials– wood, OSB, slate asbestos-cement sheets, plastic siding, metal panels. Depending on the material of frame elements and walls, garages are divided into the following types:

  • wooden buildings- in them, wooden beams or logs are more often used as supports, and edged and unedged boards, lining, panels from wood materials. As a rule, wooden boxes are erected when working with "what is", when the building is built from improvised means available - wooden panels, boards. Wooden walls require high-quality protection against moisture and getting wet. They need to be painted or varnished annually. And also periodically change rotten damaged boards, replace them with new wooden panels.
  • metal- the most private types of frame structures for storing cars. They use metal corners, channels, beams as supports. As wall cladding - metal sheets. It can be profiled metal sheets or even rolled products. In order to build a frame garage with your own hands from metal, you must have available welding machine and be able to work with arc welding.

On a note

Mixed options are possible. wooden beams can be a support for plastic panel walls. It can be sheathed with asbestos-cement sheets (flat slate).

Read more about building a frame garage from different materials- on video.

Construction of a frame garage

A drawing of the frame and future construction is necessary for novice builders. It is also needed to calculate the consumption of building materials - support beams, wall cladding, roof panels. You can use ready-made drawings of garages, standard solutions, which are given in various recommendations for the construction of frame garages with your own hands, in step-by-step instructions. Or contact the experts and order the calculation and drawing of your garage with individual sizes required by the design.

Expanded drawing.

In there should be a sketch of the future frame.

Sketch drawing of the frame.

There should also be a drawing indicating the dimensions of all frame elements, the distance between them and the methods of attachment to each other. The drawing also indicates the type and dimensions of the wall sheathing panels, and how it is attached to the frame racks. The material, the size of the roofing sheets, as well as the step-distance of the roofing lags, is negotiated. A correctly drawn up drawing with all dimensions can be used as instructions for building a garage.


The construction of a frame garage begins with design. And the work on its construction begins with laying the foundation. The walls of the future garage building can be light and cold, but the base must be deep (if there is a viewing hole) and strong.

Most often, a foundation slab is used as the basis for a frame garage. It has sufficient strength indicators, and fits into short time. However, it differs in weight and requires the work of loading and unloading equipment. Using crane the slab is laid in place of the future utility building within an hour.

Foundation plate.

Before laying the slab, preparatory work is carried out - they level the soil, if necessary, make a small depression, or vice versa, raise the future by making an embankment. When laying a concrete slab in a pit, its bottom is first covered with a layer of sand - to drain groundwater, as a drainage layer. If the slab is laid on top of the ground without deepening, or on an elevated place, then it is enough to level and compact the ground.

A finished foundation slab is used if there is no need to build an inspection hole under the garage. If there is a need for traditional garage pit, then they first build it, and only after that they proceed to the foundation, walls and roof.

A pit for a garage is arranged in the form of a soil recess of the required length, width and depth. Its walls are laid out with bricks, or cast with concrete, the bottom is also laid out with a small concrete slab. After arranging the pit, they begin to fill the main foundation slab.

Monolithic foundation co viewing hole.

To prepare the soil for pouring, the bottom of the future slab is covered with sand. After that, the sand is spilled with water and rammed. On top - lay out the frame of the future foundation - from metal reinforcement, mesh, wire, formwork is built around the perimeter of the foundation. After that, concrete is poured.

A month is given to solidify the foundation slab. You can step on the base plate in a day. The concrete will be strong enough to support the weight of a person and carry out further construction work. But you can put the car only after the set of final strength - after 28 calendar days.

On a note

If the work is carried out in the heat, then the surface of the concrete is covered with a wet canvas in order to prevent its excessive drying and cracking of the slab due to the rapid evaporation of moisture from its surface. Periodically, as it dries, the canvas is moistened with water to maintain moisture in the surface layer of concrete.

The surface of the garage slab must be moisture resistant. When setting up the machine, water will drain from its wheels and bottom. Penetrating into the pores of concrete, when freezing, drops of moisture will expand the pores and initiate cracking of the surface. Therefore, before pouring concrete, moisture-resistant components such as Penetron, Aquastop are added to the mixture. When installing the finished foundation slab, its surface is impregnated with a waterproof mixture.

Frame assembly

Under the garage begins with the arrangement of vertical supports. In this case, the supports can be concreted into the foundation slab during the pouring process, or can be attached to concrete base on anchor connections, together with the bottom trim. The most high-quality and reliable option is concreting racks with penetration into the foundation slab and soil. It is used for construction in open areas with a large wind load. It requires the construction of a pit for each support and its separate cementing.

Racks in the ground with concreting.

A simpler and more affordable option is to use the lower lags and fasteners. In this way vertical support does not go deep into the ground, but is attached with a metal corner to concrete floor or a wooden beam that acts as the bottom trim. Such a beam is pre-attached to the foundation slab, and then the frame supports are installed on it.

Upper horizontal logs are placed on top of the vertical bearing supports. On them - construct ceilings under the roof. The roof itself is constructed from roofing sheets, which are laid on top of the floor lag (elements roof frame). The bottom row of the roof is laid with a slight overhang.

Its edge should extend beyond the perimeter of the building by 50-60 cm. Such a roof overhang prevents excessive wetting of the walls and thus ensures their dryness, durability and the absence of moisture and mold in the garage. Minimum size cornice, up to half a meter, guarantees the protection of the walls from draining waste rainwater.

On a note

The assembly of the frame using threaded elements makes it possible to dismantle the garage and reinstall it in another place. The frame garage, if necessary, can be disassembled if the fastenings are made with bolts and screws. Assembly on bolts and screws provides the possibility of dismantling the walls, roof and frame of the garage building.

Read more about connecting the supports of the frame garage - in the video.

Roof types

The roof of the garage can be made in the form of one or gable design. To do the work with your own hands with minimal building experience, it is easier to build a shed roof. In this case, rainwater will be drained to one side of the garage building. In order to evenly distribute the drain on both sides of the garage, the roof structure is made gable.

Single roof.

For construction pitched roof the walls of the garage are made different in height. One wall is raised higher than the other by 300, 400 or more mm. The difference in the height of the walls determines the angle of the roof, which, in turn, depends on the amount of snowfall in the winter season.

On a note

The slope of the roof is determined by the amount of precipitation in winter time. The more snow, the greater the angle of the roof slope. For regions with a temperate climate and an average amount of snowfall, the angle of inclination of the roof is chosen 20-25 °. For warm winters with little snow, 10-15° is sufficient.

With a wall height difference of 300-400 mm and a garage width of 3 m, the roof gets a slope of 10-15 °. Which is enough to roll snow in regions with moderate rainfall. For the construction of a garage in areas with heavy snowfall, the angle of inclination of the roof is made large, up to 30 °.

Shed roof made by frame technology.

After the construction of the frame, they begin to hang roofing elements. Step-by-step instructions for a frame garage regulate the rules for installing roof panels. Work begins with laying the bottom row of roof sheets. On top - lay the sheets of the next row. The top row, located along the raised wall, is laid last. Thus, the roof sheets overlap each other and prevent moisture from entering the garage space during rain or snowfall.

For construction, they are assembled from triangular frame elements. Their size is determined by the width of the garage and the angle of the roof. Triangular elements are assembled on the ground and then raised to the roof. Here they are installed on the upper trim of the walls. On top of the finished roof frame - lay slate or metal profile.


The interior decoration of the utility room is often absent altogether. Especially if the garage is built without insulation. Less often, when arranging warm garage, it becomes necessary to close the insulating material from inner space. In this case, it becomes necessary and mandatory.

To material inner lining walls do not set requirements for moisture resistance. Therefore, panels from waste wood production (OSB, chipboard) or plywood sheets are often used. If necessary, they carry out shelves and cabinets built into the wall, attaching them to the supports of the garage frame.


The need for insulation arises when it is necessary to carry out any work in the garage in winter. Or when it is planned to equip a warm garage with the ability to dry the bottom of the car after driving in the cold and wet season.

Do-it-yourself warming.

Garage insulation differs from similar work in residential buildings by the choice of a heat insulator. If it is important to ensure a healthy microclimate in residential premises, to arrange natural air circulation, then in garage insulation is easier. You can get by with a forced periodically operating hood. And also use less useful and cheaper heaters - polystyrene foam and glass wool.

When insulated with glass wool, it is placed between vertical posts. Thanks to its compressibility, it is easily held in place. The thickness of the cotton wool insulation is determined by the level of winter temperatures. For residential buildings at an average temperature of -10 ° C, the thickness of wool insulation is chosen up to 100 mm. For garages and more utility rooms choose thickness up to 50 mm.

On a note

When insulating with glass wool, it is important to consider that over time the material may sag. In places where glass wool sags, "cold bridges" will form, through which heat will "leak".

Foam insulation does not have the disadvantages of using glass wool. Styrofoam does not settle over time and does not lose its shape. At the same time, it is quite inexpensive, which makes it a popular frame material. garage insulation.

If living quarters are not recommended to be insulated with polystyrene foam due to possible harmful fumes, then this type of insulation is optimal for the garage space. It is inexpensive, easy to install and works as a heat insulator for a long time, keeping heat inside the building.

When installing foam, gaps form between the racks of the frame. This is due to the rigidity of the foam boards. The resulting mounting slots are blown with foam.

Types of garage doors

Frame garages in the photo differ in the design of the entrance gate. Traditionally, garage doors are double-leaf. However, other designs are also possible. What can be Garage Doors?


Swing - the traditional form of the gate in the form of doors that swing open, open to the outside of the room. The simplest and most affordable do-it-yourself construction. Opens manually.

Sliding - an improved form of entry into the garage, which can be supplemented automatic device. In this embodiment, the garage door slides off the rails to the side when a signal is given from a remote device.

Roll-up structures are also possible, but their cost is much higher, so they are less often used in frame structures.

A car for many people is more than just a means of transportation. This is one of the best friends in life, who constantly needs careful care and the most gentle care. The first thing you need to pay attention to after buying a car is its storage, that is, the construction of a motorhome. In the not distant past, it was not an easy task to build a shelter for a car with your own hands. Nowadays, thanks to new frame technologies, you can independently build a garage, which can be built in a short time.

Frame technology for building a garage

Sometimes our capabilities do not coincide with our desires, and we have to abandon the intended type of garage in favor of simple designs. However, it is worth remembering that awnings, awnings, flimsy outbuildings that threaten to bury movable property under them are not the best solution to the problem. But to build a shelter for a garage using frame technology, you don’t need a lot of mind.

The construction of a frame garage does not require special skills from the developer, it takes a minimum of material, and such a structure will serve no worse monolithic building and no less. Moreover, you can build a frame garage without involving heavy construction technology.

In order for the frame garage to be durable, pay attention to the following:

  1. Build a solid garage so that it does not depend on the external environment.
  2. The design should be simple so that the owner can independently repair.
  3. The cost of building a garage does not have to be large.
  4. Worry about the low heat output of the garage.

Benefits of a frame garage

Frame technologies in construction have been used for a long time, their practicality and effectiveness have been proven by a huge number of houses that have been built around the world. Many in our time are building not only frame houses but also frame garages. The design is most often made of wood, so it does not require complex foundations. However, at the same time, it can compete with metal and foam block buildings.

There are many advantages to a frame garage. Any car owner can build a garage with their own hands. One of the advantages of such a shelter is the maximum speed and ease of holding construction process. Various parts of the structure are assembled using bolts and self-tapping screws, so work can be done in any season.

Enough forces of two assemblers who will complete the construction of a frame garage in a few weeks. You do not need to rent construction equipment and, accordingly, you do not need to spend time on drawing up such contracts. There will be no construction debris on the construction site, so you can not worry about the clutter of the territory.

Construction of a frame garage

Before starting work, you need to draw up a frame garage project, that is, determine the order of collection and calculate the amount of material, as well as inquire about the price of building a garage. By the way, by choosing this construction technology, it will be possible to save. The next thing you need is to find a platform measuring 10 by 10 meters. The building plan can be purchased from professional workers or found on the Internet. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Project documentation

An important document according to which all work related to the construction of a frame garage is carried out is a working draft. It includes the following drawings:

  • draft architectural plan and 3D model;
  • plan of the foundation slab of the frame garage;
  • situational plan with reference to existing buildings on the site and the creation of elevations;
  • basement plan of a frame garage;
  • layout of frame elements;
  • rafter layout;
  • drawings of rafters, trusses and other roof elements;
  • roofing design;
  • drainage system plan;
  • explanatory note of the project indicating specifications, construction technology, description of structures and building materials.

Choosing a place for a garage

Before construction begins, select a place for the construction of a garage so that there are no problems with leaving the car from the garage. If you have a private house and there is a platform 10 by 10 meters near it, then you are in luck. Clean the selected area from debris and foreign objects, level, tamp and remove vegetation from it.

Depending on the dimensions of the car, a garage of a certain size is built accordingly. At the same time, you need to know that the technology for building a garage should be such that it turns out to be spacious, you should not build a shelter for a specific car, because cars can change, and a garage is built on long years. It is better to immediately make a huge building with a large opening.

Frame garage foundation

Frame garages are not too demanding on the quality of the foundation, like monolithic structures. The most important condition is to provide a level ground. Well-compacted gravel, an asphalt path, as well as a concrete coating are suitable as a base.

The foundation provides the strength of the garage. The choice of the type of foundation depends on the shelter scheme for the car, on the soil and on the cash costs. In the photo of the construction of the garage, you can see the foundation, which is made as a solid concrete slab, which is also a floor that can be finished with your favorite material.

solid concrete plates- this is one of the varieties of "floating" bases that perceive loads over the entire area, because of this there will be no deformation of the structure. A not very deep trench is dug around the entire perimeter, then formwork is placed. You need to know that the formwork is placed on three sides.

Should be taken quality concrete, which should be poured into the formwork. For better strength, you can install monolithic stiffeners with two reinforced meshes. The resulting foundation is left for 3 weeks.

Plinth for frame garage

Typically, the foundation slab concrete acquires strength characteristics after three weeks. We pass to the basement - along the entire perimeter of the building on cement mortar we will lay concrete blocks 20 by 20 by 40 centimeters. This is a basement, then a wall is placed on it, after which you need to deal with the waterproofing process. To do this, stick hydrostekloizol on the base.

Garage wall frame

Next, we are engaged in the device of frame walls. The "skeleton" of the future garage can be made of different materials. But most often choose metal or wood. wooden base is the cheapest, but far from the best solution. Its main disadvantage is flammability.

Metal is a more durable and refractory material. Bearing structures made of a metal profile are more durable, their connections are not just bolted together, but welded, which is more reliable. A frame garage of this kind will withstand any onslaught of bad weather, and your car will be well protected.

But back to building a frame for shelter. To do this, we install a starting beam on an insulated base, which acts as the basis for the walls that will be installed in the future. With the help of self-expanding anchors with a step of 1-1.5 meters, the beam is attached to concrete. Highly important point fastening the timber to the foundation and the basement of the garage is a careful control, since it will be difficult to correct the shortcomings if they arise.

Further, in accordance with the working draft, after installing the beam, we mount the remaining elements of the frame walls, install racks, diagonal ties, lintels and the upper strapping beam. Frame elements are fastened together with self-tapping screws 70-90 mm.
The area where the entrance will be must have reinforced elements to withstand the weight of the gate structure. A reinforced beam must be installed on each of the garage door openings. Before installation, wooden structures are treated with bioprotective compounds and flame retardants.

Garage wall cladding

After mounting the walls from the outside, they are sheathed with OSB-3 boards. Next, insulation is laid between the frame elements. You can lay mineral wool insulation or polystyrene foam boards. For outer cladding, class “C” lining is most often used; a windproof layer is installed on it, which consists of dense glassine and vertical beams 25x30.

Generally, when installing, the recommended step is vertical bars- 30 cm. wooden details it is customary to treat with an antiseptic in the process. After that, we perform the trim inner wall. Internal insulation garage consists of mineral wool or cheap lining. Outside, the cladding is made of siding. Double-glazed windows are installed in the provided openings.

Roof on frame technology

Now we move on to such a rather important stage as the arrangement of the roof. You need boards 100x25, which you will sheathe with corrugated roofing material. The roof structure includes technological stages, as the arrangement of the truss system, the creation of a vapor barrier layer, the installation of a heat insulator ( mineral wool boards), equipment of a waterproofing layer and covering with roofing material.

Roof requirements are standard. It must be reliable and easy to maintain. Domestic realities with snowy winters require sufficient strength of the roof, which will withstand the weight of the snow cover and the person that dumps this snow. The roofing material for the garage roof is slate, corrugated board, ondulin, metal tiles, soft or flexible tiles, the remains of the roofing materials of a residential building. The main condition for the long service life of the roof is the conscientious installation.

Now often for the arrangement of the roof, metal tiles or corrugated board are most often used. It is not necessary to customize these sheets; large dimensions significantly speed up the work. Fix materials using simple electrical tools.

One of the main elements of the roof is the spillway, which is made of plastic sewer pipe, cut into two. To prevent rust, it is necessary to provide him with polymer protection. Since winters are quite snowy in our latitude, install roof snow guards around the perimeter on the roof, which prevent spontaneous ice and snow from falling off the roof, which can damage the car.

frame garage door

For frame garages there are gates with different design- sectional, sliding, retractable, but usually when building a shelter for a car, swing gates are installed on their own. They are reliable, lightweight and easy to manufacture. The size of the gate will depend on the dimensions of the car, standard size 2.5 meters.

For the manufacture of internal and external gate frames, a metal corner (65 mm) is needed, which must be fastened together with metal strips. If you plan to use the top of the frame as a jumper, then you need to completely sew it up with metal.

The sash frame is made from a metal profile. When the frame is assembled, it must be sheathed with sheet steel 3 mm thick. Usually, metal pins inserted into the tubes are used, which in the future will serve as bolts, as well as a bolt, you can create a mechanism on the principle of a milk can. In order to provide protection against corrosion, it is necessary to process the metal with a file and sandpaper, cover with drying oil, and then paint.

Frame garage communications

In the garage, operational amenities and microclimate are provided by power supply, ventilation and heating systems. Spend all these communications in the garage. Install natural ventilation, which will free the room from exhaust gases and ensure the availability fresh air in the garage, for this, leave holes in two opposite walls, covering them with a grate.

Often included in the project electric heating in the garage with electric convectors. These devices are relatively inexpensive, installation is very simple. However, a large consumption of electricity, and its cost is quite significant. Therefore, choose a cheaper option in operation - bring heating from your house, which is located next to the garage.

In special channels, mount the wiring inside the walls. Install the RCD, the required number of sockets and lighting. It is advisable to provide natural lighting in the garage - for this, install four windows that have dimensions of 1100x500. For mounting the facade of a frame garage, corrugated sheets are most often used. Siding may need additional crate. From the inside, lay a layer of insulation and sew up with eurolining.

You have almost solved the problem of how to build a frame garage, now think about the interior arrangement and read our next article. The ceiling can be sheathed with clapboard, one layer of paper and insulation is laid on top of it. A board 25 mm thick is laid on the attic floor and a ladder is installed.

So the construction work on the construction of a wooden frame garage has ended. To consolidate theoretical knowledge, it is worth watching a video about building a garage. Now you are a happy owner of a house that will protect your car in any weather and create comfortable conditions for repairs and technical inspection.

The frame garage is great solution for those car owners who want to protect the "iron horse" from the negative effects of precipitation, animals and car thieves. All these factors are too dangerous for a car if parked next to an open-air house.

And how to build such a structure with your own hands, without spending a lot of money, having received maximum quality, described in this article.

Practice recent years demonstrates the wide interest of people in the construction of frame structures for various purposes. Especially often they build frame garages on their own, which allows you to provide your car with a reliable shelter from negative factors in the external environment in a short time.

But why, after all, the construction of frame garages attracts the domestic consumer?

Projects of such buildings are easy to draw up, and you can build a garage with your own hands without any difficulties.

Consider further the main advantages of framed panel garages:

  • practicality, durability due to the presence of a reliable base and high-quality fastenings of frame elements;
  • simple installation, the ability to carry out work on their own without spending money to pay for the work of the construction team;
  • efficiency of installation work;
  • availability in material terms;
  • light weight of building materials, which allows you to perform installation operations without the use of specialized construction equipment;
  • high thermal insulation qualities, provided that the thermal and waterproofing of the walls is correctly performed.

The main stages of work on the construction of a frame garage

The procedure for doing the construction of a frame garage with your own hands is very similar to step by step instructions building a small house.

The main stages of construction are as follows:

  • preparation of the construction site includes the selection of a site for construction, its purification from debris;
  • organization of the pit, creation of the foundation;
  • marking, installation of the frame of the building, tying the frame;
  • erection of a roof on pre-prepared frame racks;
  • floor arrangement;
  • insulation work inside the building;
  • wall cladding with finishing materials;
  • installation of garage doors on a sheathed garage frame.

Let's consider each of the mentioned processes in more detail so that the reader can cope with their implementation on their own without much difficulty.

Site preparation

Preparatory work before the construction of a frame garage is extremely important, because the final result of the work largely depends on the quality of their implementation. We begin work with the selection of a site for construction, its purification, the creation of a drawing of the future structure with a selective description of all its details and features of the site itself.

The better the site is cleared of existing outbuildings, dilapidated buildings, debris, dry branches, grass, etc., the more durable and durable the foundation for the future motorhome can be created. And without good foundation a frame for a garage is unlikely to turn out to be really reliable.

Important! After cleaning works it is important to properly level the site, apply markings around the entire perimeter. Leave 0.5 m on each side of the future building cleared, this area will be required to create revenge.

On the marked area, you need to remove the top fertile layer soil 15-20 cm thick. The involvement of special equipment will significantly speed up the process of doing the work, but to save money this operation can be done with a bayonet and shovel.

The first will allow you to easily outline the boundary, the depth of the soil layer, trim it, the second - to remove excess soil. Of the tools in the process of preparing the site, you may also need a rule, a plumb line, a broom, a scoop, a wheelbarrow, a skating rink.

Foundation for frame structure

It is extremely important during the construction of frame garages to pay sufficient attention to the organization of the base for the building. After all, this is a guarantee of high practicality, durability, resistance to external influences of the future motorhome.

After marking, you will need to decide on the actual type of foundation for the frame motorhome. Experts say that in this case, absolutely any base will do, since the structure itself will not have an excessively large weight.

If the soil on the site is dense, it will easily withstand the weight of the structure itself, as well as the car in it. For such a case, you can organize a pile, columnar, slab, strip foundation. If the soil is sandy, it can shrink over time, it is better to prefer a tape or slab option.

In any case, the corner points under the walls of the future base, regardless of its type, are outlined in the same way.

The work on marking the boundaries of the base must be done as follows:

  1. We outline one of the corner points, taking into account the peculiarities of the location of other objects on the site.
  2. At the intended point, we install marking cast-offs.
    Devices of this kind are ordinary stakes interconnected by a crossbar board.
  3. We tie the ropes to the cast-off.
    When erecting a strip base, you will need two pieces of rope on each side, the distance between them will be equal to the width of the planned tape.
  4. We stretch the rope on both sides future basis along the entire length of the wall surface, we fix it on cast-offs on the opposite side.
  5. Similarly, we determine the approximate location of the last corner, connect it with a rope to two adjacent corners.
  6. It is important to ensure that the corners are straight.
    The crossbar of the cast-off allows you to move the fixation point of the rope on it within a small range. To make sure the angles of the structure are correct, you can measure the length of both diagonals and compare with each other. The diagonals of a square are the same length.

On a note! To achieve exact perpendicularity of the sides, it is worth applying the rule of the “Egyptian triangle”: the sides must be multiples of 3, 4 and 5 in length. They always create a right angle. You can lay out a similar triangle using long even rails, reinforcing bars, and a strong rope.

If you plan to equip a columnar foundation, you will need to additionally mark out the internal platform. This will allow you to accurately determine the location of the supports. Claim that for a motorhome it is perfect option not worth it.

After all, only a powerful boardwalk can withstand the weight of the car, and its creation requires additional costs. You will also need to arrange a check-in to the premises - an entrance ramp.

It is better to prefer the option of a strip base if you plan to equip a viewing hole in a motorhome for carrying out repair work. Of course, it is worth considering what to make strip base will be somewhat more difficult, and it will take more time. But the end result of the work will be convenient, durable, practical.

The slab foundation is often called the most difficult to implement, since its creation requires the creation of a system of compacted layers of different materials before pouring the slab.

But if you make it shallow, you can get an ideal option for a frame motorhome. Equip the slab base as follows:

  • on the site along the perimeter of the future building, they dig a trench 40-50 cm deep;
  • further, formwork is installed on three sides;
  • reinforcement of the base is carried out using a special mesh or metal rods;
  • the reinforcement is poured with a concrete solution based on sand or based on sand and crushed stone;
  • concrete is left for 5 days until completely dry.

garage frame

We continue to talk in detail about how to properly build a frame garage without a large investment with your own hands. After laying the foundation, you will need to make a skeleton of the building, for which you can use a wooden beam, metal profile etc.

The allowable frame load will largely depend on the chosen option. The construction technology of wooden and metal structures will be different, which is important to understand before starting work.

The construction of a frame motorhome is carried out strictly taking into account the detailed information indicated in the drawings. The scheme of work also should not be put aside.

Construction Operations Plan:

  • frame construction of the garage begins with the installation of the lower frame trim;
  • then carry out the assembly, raising the walls;
  • fix the top harness;
  • perform wall cladding from the inside and / or outside, which will give the frame structure strength;
  • install the frame structure of the roof.

On a note! The construction will be of high quality if the installation of the frame structure is carried out according to a pre-drawn drawing, where all dimensions are indicated. Fold the parts of the same size side by side and sign, which will significantly speed up the assembly process.

Frame garage floors

It will take a little time to create a garage using frame technology if you read this article to the end and follow the recommendations in it. The binding of the walls of the garage begins only after the waterproofing "cut-off" is completed.

Frame assembly diagram.

To do this, the base is covered with a layer of roofing material or other waterproofing material, which will protect the wooden or metal elements of the frame from direct exposure to moisture, and hence rotting, corrosion, and mold.

Then, you will need to fix a wooden beam on top of the base for a wooden structure with parameters 12x12, 12x15 or 15x15 cm. When installing a metal frame, you will need a steel channel, a profile with a square section of 10x10 cm. wooden elements strapping by different connections (more often than others - in half a tree).

And to fix them on top of the foundation, you will need anchor screws or studs, pre-embedded in the surface of the base. Metal parts are connected at the corners by a welded machine. If the base is built columnar, and on top of it you want to make a wooden floor, then inside the frame of the strapping, boards-lags are equipped on the edge.

The frame of the walls can be assembled in two ways.

Next, they proceed to the installation of the garage roof trim on their own. For this you need to build truss system from boards 100x25 and 100x50. It is better to assemble the structure on the ground, and then mount it on the motorhome, fastening it to the base of the walls.

garage floor

Rack assembly drawing.

Any do-it-yourself frame garage construction projects should describe the flooring method chosen. We will tell you how to create a wooden floor from a non-groove board. Installation begins after continuous wall cladding so that possible precipitation does not spoil the material.

Experts advise leaving a small gap (3-5 mm) between the flooring boards, which will allow the floor not to deform when the air temperature changes. Fix each board on the logs with nails.

If the slab base was previously created, the floor is almost ready. But the concrete surface should be immediately treated with a special deep penetration primer. It will provide the upper layers of concrete with reliable bonding, additional hydrophobic characteristics.

The floor can be painted, lined with ceramic tiles. If the foundation is tape, then you will need to first create concrete screed, only then mount the floor boards, finishing sheathing.

Frame garage insulation

We continue to talk about the construction of frame garages on our own. The structure certainly needs to be additionally insulated in order to create optimal temperature conditions for a person inside it. You can install thermal insulation in the frame from the outside or from the inside, it all depends on which side the primary wall cladding was made from.

Insulation (mineral wool, polystyrene, polyurethane foam) is placed between two layers of cladding. More often than others, foam is used, since it has a low price and excellent performance parameters. It is not difficult to sheathe walls with foam plastic, which requires only a sharp construction or clerical knife.

The thickness of the slab must be selected clearly according to the size of the frame racks in order to achieve maximum efficiency of thermal insulation measures. The entire space between the sheathing sheets must be filled with thermal insulation without gaps.

Mineral wool, which is no less relevant for insulation work in a garage building, is used as external and internal wall cladding.

Important! It is necessary to work with mineral wool only in protective gloves, glasses, headgear! The fibers of the material can damage the skin, mucous membranes.

Garage exterior cladding

Cutting in frame elements.

Before sheathing the walls of the garage structure, it is necessary to organize a crate of 30x30 or 40x40 mm bars. Next, the cladding is attached to the crate.

External wall cladding is made with different materials:

  1. Siding:
    metal, vinyl. Able to imitate the external aesthetics of other materials, characterized by a wide colors, simple installation
  2. Sheet corrugated board.
    It is not difficult to mount such material on the walls, it is affordable, durable;
  3. Clapboard.
    A cheap material that has average operating parameters, but is quite suitable for a motorhome. It is not difficult to install lining on the walls.

Garage Doors

Installing the gate - almost the last step construction works, but the comfort of using a motorhome depends on the quality of its implementation.

Which type of gate to prefer is determined by the car owner himself. But making a choice is worth taking into account own experience in such matters. If it is, you can take complex options for sectional, roller shutter, lift-and-turn or swing options.

If experience is minimal, prefer swing double-leaf models. They can be purchased at ready-made or make your own.

To create a frame frame, use profile pipe, bar. The frame is sheathed metal sheets or corrugated board. Preliminarily, clearly take measurements from the doorway so that the gate approaches it.

In addition to sheathing the frame of the future gate, you need to have four hinges for two wings, as well as two more for a small door in one of the wings of the structure. To protect the internal contents of the building from strangers will help secure lock, which goes completely beyond front door, only a tiny turnkey hole remains.

Examples of building a frame garage step by step

We will describe how to build an insulated garage and a variant without insulation.

Insulated garage with gable roof

Frame beam assembly.

Do you want to build a second frame garage for 2 cars with your own hands? There is nothing easier if you read this article to the end. gable roof characterized by uniform heating, high thermal insulation parameters, well-ventilated, so the popularity of such structures is high.

BUT additional insulation garage construction will create an optimal microclimate for a person inside it.

Let us briefly describe the current work in the construction and insulation of a garage made of OSB with a gable roof. The drawings have been created, we proceed to the phased execution of work.

The first stage is preparatory:

  • cleaning the site from debris, topsoil;
  • marking, right angles of the perimeter, blind area are determined.

The second stage is the installation of the base:

  • planning the marking of the location of the base pillars along the perimeter of the building inside the fenced area of ​​soil;
  • installation of two supports with equal pitch on each long side, one on the short back and one in the center;
  • installation of an additional pillar in place of the vertical posts of the future gate opening;
  • installation of rails on top of the box so that in the center of the building to leave a square hole for a cement-asbestos pipe;
  • backfilling of crushed stone into the finished pit, its tamping, installation of a wooden formwork box over a layer of crushed stone;
  • filling the formwork with a solution of concrete, sand and cement (proportions 3: 1), leveling the surface with a rule, trowel, spatula;
  • installation of a pipe with a diameter of 150 mm in the central part of the box;
  • filling the space around the pipe with gravel after the concrete has set, ramming the gravel;
  • filling the pipe with concrete mortar, installation of long metal embedded elements with two pre-arranged holes in height;
  • waiting for the concrete to harden.

The third stage is the assembly of the frame:

  • foundation waterproofing;
  • assembling a frame from metal structures - a metal frame, from wooden bars, from combinations of metal and wood - wood-metal.

Type of connection of frame elements.

The fourth stage - roofing work:

  • arrangement of the roof frame;
  • bottom mounting, top harness from a bar;
  • arrangement of the water drainage system;
  • roof sheathing with roofing (it’s great to choose materials that are characterized by modularity: modular panels, siding, etc.);
  • installation of gutters, under roof overhangs, in holders;
  • insulation work will allow you to build a warm garage.

Fifth stage - finishing:

  • interior wall cladding in a built garage: we use decorative plates, wooden boards, rolled metal sheets;
  • external wall decoration using siding, do-it-yourself decorative panels.

Wooden frame garage without insulation with a shed roof

Garage 6 by 6 frame plan with pitched roof from wood can be left without insulation, which will save significant material resources.

A wooden frame garage is optimal to have for temporary placement of a car.

Assembling the roof of the frame garage.

It is built similarly to the previous design, but with some features:

  1. Preparatory work: marking the site, clearing it of soil, choosing the location of the posts.
  2. Organization of the foundation pit, installation of supports for the base, laying timber on the base pillars for the lower strapping of the structure, mounting the board on the foundation pillars on the edge, front corner vertical posts from the timber, two more marking bars.
  3. Formation of the frame base. The rear wall consists of four racks spaced with equal spacing, but of different heights to form a pitched roof slope, fixing vertical bars on the strapping using powerful metal corners.
  4. The upper trim has features: you need to tie the front and rear racks separately with a horizontal beam to form the basis for installation rafter legs. Next, the location of the rafters is marked, their installation, floors are made of boards, vertical racks are mounted on the middle of the sides of the building and connected by a crossbar to which the rafters are attached. Further contact side racks in the middle part with boards, batten boards are installed across the rafters. And only then the roof is sheathed.
  5. After sheathing the roof, they move on to finishing the walls of the garage, for which you should use a wooden beam or wooden clapboard.


Do-it-yourself build a frame plan garage from osb plates easy, which requires a minimum of time, standard construction tools, a small amount of cash. Additionally, it is worth spending money on performing thermal insulation with a heater, warming the frame will make the building more comfortable even in winter.

The garage protects the car from inclement weather, burglars, "well-wishing neighbors" and street animals, mostly cats who like to leave dirty footprints on a freshly washed hood. With the increase in the number of cars, open guarded parking lots have given way to metal boxes. Owners of private houses prefer stone counterparts. But both the first and the second are inferior to wooden garages.

The tree has a number of positive qualities:

  • environmental friendliness,
  • ease of installation,
  • durability,
  • the ability to create any geometric shapes,
  • light weight compared to stone
  • build speed,
  • ease of dismantling,
  • minimal maintenance costs.

During operation, the owners of wooden garages will also encounter other pleasant features of the material, which manifest themselves depending on the climatic characteristics of the region:

  • high steam capacity,
  • resistance to negative weather conditions,
  • high waterproofing performance,
  • rodent resistance,
  • high-quality sound insulation.

However, wood is not perfect. Although the material is quite practical, it needs some processing by special protective equipment. Made to protect against:

  • fire,
  • bacteria,
  • fungus,
  • mold,
  • tree insects,
  • destructive action of ultraviolet radiation,
  • temperature fluctuations,
  • negative impact of moisture.

At right approach to the choice and preparation of materials, wooden structures will last much longer than any other analogues. For example, in England and Germany there are residential buildings that are more than seven hundred years old. They still live in them, and appearance greatly surpasses modern buildings in its beauty.

Wooden garage projects

The first step to building a wooden garage is its visualization. There are several types of this design:

  • frame,
  • national team,
  • log house

The log house is the most expensive, but the most interesting option. The following facts distinguish it favorably:

  • aesthetic appearance, which harmoniously combines not only with a wooden house, but also with any other buildings,
  • solidity of the structure, tight fit of wooden beams provides increased strength indicators,
  • resistance to mechanical damage, in order to cut through, drill or saw through a wall so that a thief gets through the hole, it will take at least 40-50 minutes,
  • high installation speed, from three to seven days, depending on the size.

The cost of such a design, taking into account materials, is from 8000 rubles. up to 40000 r. for 1 m 2.

Wooden garages made of timber, although good, will require significant investment. Therefore, prefabricated technology is more often used. At the beginning, a parallelepiped is made around the perimeter of the future garage, then the cheapest boards are sewn to it on both sides. Outside, they are decorated with siding, interior work- at the discretion of the owner.

Cost from 4000 r. up to 10000 r. for 1 m 2.

A more advanced version of this technology is a wooden frame garage. It differs in that the parallelepiped is immediately built taking into account all the design features, including doors, garage doors, windows, etc. The design is carried out in such a way that the plane of the frame resembles a chessboard. The cellular principle of the internal overlap increases the heat savings and significantly increases the strength of the structure.

Cost from 6000 r. up to 25000 r. for 1 m 2.

Overview of materials

Before you build wooden garage, it is necessary to understand in detail the types of wood that are best suited for climatic conditions and selected project.

1. Wooden beam. It happens both whole and glued.

  • solid bars are made from a tree trunk. This determines the high cost of the material from 6000 rubles. up to 10000 r. per cube Another factor affecting the cost is the type of processing: profiled and non-profiled. Non-profiled products will require further processing at home. They have an untreated surface, as a result, consumption increases paintwork materials at least three times. In addition, in the process of fitting and trimming, non-profiled beams quite often give cracks, which then need to be puttied. The profiled version is devoid of these shortcomings;
  • glued beams are divided into profiled and sheet. The production process of glued beams is even more expensive. Therefore, a cube of ordinary glued beams will cost 17,000 rubles, and sheet - 36,000 rubles. Both options are glued together wooden canvas. For a standard beam, the span is from 2 to 5 cm, for a sheet - 0.5-0.7 cm. With all the advantages of a solid log, glued beam is not subject to deformation, does not change the geometry and does not need additional supports. However, the feasibility of using it for building a garage primarily depends on the budget.

2. Wooden plank. The most common and inexpensive option is pine. However, this material is extremely capricious, highly susceptible to mechanical impact, easily absorbs moisture and changes geometry throughout the calendar year, which negatively affects the fasteners. Fir and spruce have the same disadvantages. Among the types of wood suitable for construction, experts include:

  • oak is perhaps the most durable and reliable material. Among the shortcomings - it is extremely poorly processed due to the high strength of the wood. Therefore, it is better to order sawing from a supplier. Price from 8000 r. per cube;
  • beech, comfortable and practical. Has a pleasant natural color and quite easy to handle. Cost from 3000 r. per cube;
  • alder, the main advantage is high moisture resistance and the ability to imitate valuable breeds tree. Cost from 2500 r. per cube;
  • larch is suitable for those who live in regions with abundant precipitation. The tree is not subject to rotting even in conditions of ultra-high constant humidity. Cost from 10000 r. per cube

For most regions, alder is ideal, but in the northern and far eastern regions it is better to use oak, which is more resistant to low temperatures and less whimsical in care.

How to make a wooden garage from a bar

Now let's take a closer look at the steps that need to be taken to build a garage from solid or glued beams. Work plan:

  • foundation arrangement,
  • floor installation,
  • wall building,
  • Finishing work.

A monolithic foundation for wooden structures is needed only where the depth ground water is less than 10 m. In all other cases, a tape with a depth of 50 cm and a width of 20 cm is sufficient. A gravel layer of 5-7 cm is used for drainage. The height of the foundation above the ground should be at least 20 cm.

By building codes for a wooden garage, a pole is enough, in extreme cases, pile foundation, but the absence of a perimeter barrier in 99% of cases will lead to the appearance of mice or rats under the garage. The strip foundation will protect against such a nuisance.

The floor is laid directly on the foundation. Usually a bar is used for these purposes, but it is suitable as an economy edged board, with a thickness of at least 2 cm. It is installed on the logs, with a section of 15x15 cm. The logs are placed perpendicular to the board. The distance between them should not exceed 0.5 m. Wooden beams are also recommended to be reinforced with supports. For these purposes, trimming beams are used, which are installed in a checkerboard pattern on brick pedestals. The perimeter of a square is one meter per meter. All fastenings are made with wood screws. The tree is not attached to concrete and bricks, since under the weight of the walls a sufficient load is created for reliable fixation.

Once the base is ready, we proceed to the installation of the walls. Both solid and glued boards are cut by the supplier according to the specified dimensions at the request of the customer. At the same time, it is necessary to draw detailed plan garage with dimensions. Otherwise, the grooves on the logs will not match and you will have to spend a lot of time on fitting.

Since there are a lot of ways to attach logs to each other, the photo will demonstrate the process more clearly:

It is worth noting that drafts may appear in the corners. This is due to poorly made grooves. It is quite difficult to visually notice the defect, therefore, it is recommended to use a thermal imager, which clearly demonstrates the temperature difference and the future cold bridge in the winter.

Finishing work involves impregnating the wood with the necessary impregnations and giving it the final finish. appearance. It makes sense to carry out the first part of the work even before the installation begins. Since all impregnations must be evenly distributed on all sides of the timber. As mandatory use:

Additionally apply:

  • stains, change the color of wood,
  • sun protection, protect against fading,
  • structure-forming impregnations, adapt the structure of the fiber to expensive breeds.

The second part of the work involves opening the garage with varnish. It is not necessary to do this, but the usual nitrocellulose matte finish will eliminate the need for cosmetic work for the next 4-5 years.

How to make a frame wooden garage

Since the prefabricated garage technology is a more modernized version of the frame garage, we will consider both options together. Work plan:

  • foundation arrangement,
  • frame assembly,
  • insulation,
  • sheathing.

In this case, the foundation must be made monolithic. The frame is lighter than a beam, and this circumstance explains the fact that it will be quite difficult to fix a wooden floor covering. Naturally, it is often attached to the floor with dowels, but this method violates the integrity of the board, and significantly reduces its service life. In addition, the monolith will simultaneously serve as a floor. If it is necessary to equip a pit, then this nuance should be considered before pouring the foundation and pre-install the formwork.

The frame is assembled as follows:

  • beams with a section of 5x5 cm are installed horizontally to the ground, at a distance of 1 m from each other,
  • corner beams are placed first, the rest of the geometry is determined from them,
  • beams are screwed to the floor with special metal corners,
  • one on both sides is enough, but for reliability it is recommended on each side,
  • further perpendicular to the support beams, guides are attached, at a distance of 1 m from each other,
  • the guides must be fastened between the carriers, so that nothing protrudes beyond the carrier beam.

Openings for doors and windows, if the frame was not ordered from the manufacturer, are cut out after the frame is assembled. The boards are cut to the size of the opening plus 5 cm - the thickness of the beam for the window plus 10 cm, since the crate will be needed on four sides.

For insulation use either foam or mineral wool. Before installing them inside stretch the vapor barrier. Next, the insulation is covered with a vapor barrier with outer side and finishing layer waterproofing. Sheathing the finished frame is a matter of fantasy. This is siding, metal profile, wood, plywood or any other material up to gypsum.

Finishing methods depend on the material:

  • for siding and metal profiles - not required,
  • for wood and plywood - varnish, stain or a combination thereof,
  • for decorative stone- varnish,
  • for natural stone - not required,
  • for gypsum - a special protective hardener.

Arrangement of the roof of the garage made of wood

Whatever the type of garage, the roof is always equipped the same way:

  • rafter box is assembled,
  • attaching board,
  • insulation, vapor barrier and waterproofing are installed,
  • the outer cover is attached.

If you plan to use soft tiles, then before the last paragraph, the roof slopes are sewn up with OSB with a slab to which bitumen is already glued.

Here it is worth adding not so much about the technology of assembling the roof, but about how to use it. Since the garage is traditionally considered a place for men, it is advisable to equip the roof with either an attic or an attic. At a minimum, this will add storage space for various necessary things, from tools to favorite books and radio-controlled models. As a maximum, in the attic it is quite simple to equip cozy office with an electric fireplace and a luxurious armchair.

The use of frame technology will significantly reduce the cost of building a garage. After all, the small mass of the building reduces the requirements for the foundation, and the use of boards and oriented strand boards (OSB) as the main building material reduces delivery costs. After all, you can bring boards and OSB in a small car with a low carrying capacity, and to deliver bricks, sand and cement in the right quantities, you will need a serious truck and a crane with a lifting capacity of at least 2 tons. In this article, we will tell you about how to build a frame garage with your own hands from choosing a site and creating a project to roofing and connecting communications.

Choosing a place for a garage

An ideal place for a garage would be a platform on a hillock near the house. The hillock will protect the garage, the viewing hole and the car from rising during heavy rain water. If there is no such site near the house, then you will have to choose a place, focusing on proximity to the road and elevation relative to ground level. Never build a garage in hollows and depressions, otherwise even a little rain will cause the water level in it to rise. It is desirable that a 220 or 380 volt line pass next to the garage, this will facilitate construction and equip the garage with electric heating.

Create a project

The creation of a garage construction project has the following goals:

  • determination of the sequence of construction stages;
  • determining the course of action during each stage;
  • determining the amount of materials needed to build a garage.

If you are drafting a project yourself, then you will have to carefully consider the entire process of building a garage, from the supply and storage of material to the length and order of installation of frame boards. It helps a lot in this drawing, with strict adherence to scale. With it, you can determine the dimensions of the garage, the best ways to stiffen the structure, the length of the load-bearing boards and the number of fasteners. There are many different programs (for example, AutoCAD) that facilitate the design of any structure, but they all require a certain amount of experience. Therefore, it is easier to get by with a paper drawing and an explanatory note to it. Or use the services of professional design engineers or builders. In this case, the project will take into account various little things that an unprepared person does not even know about. For example, the choice of wood by moisture, the choice of boards by width, the features of construction from raw boards, the assembly order of the wall frame, and so on.

Material selection

Most often, garages are built from unplaned boards with a moisture content of 12–14%, but lumber of natural moisture is also often used. The latter will cost a little less, but a garage made of such boards cannot be sheathed for finishing in the first year, which leads to an overrun of the material. Therefore, experienced builders use only well-dried boards.

As load-bearing elements, a bar with a section of 100x100 mm or a board with a section of 50x250 mm is used. As an internal frame of the walls, a board with a section of 25x100 mm is used. For insulation, foam plastic or mineral wool up to 5 cm thick is used, and in cold regions up to 10 cm. metal decking. For interior cladding, fiberboard, plywood 5-10 mm thick or the same OSB thickness are used. This combination of materials allows you to create a durable and inexpensive garage.

Foundation construction

Having drawn up a project or drawing and tied it to the terrain, bring in all the necessary materials to create the foundation. When creating a foundation, keep in mind that viewing hole significantly increases the functionality of the garage, allowing not only to store, but also to service and repair the car. If you don’t need a viewing hole, then you can choose and build a foundation using the information from the articles Which foundation is best for a house made of timber - calculation features and Attaching a timber to different types of foundation.

If you decide to build a pit, then the technology for creating the foundation will have to be changed by digging a foundation pit under it. Determine the depth of the pit based on your height and needs. You can make a lying pit, equipping it with a cart, you can make a sitting or standing pit. The only difference is in height and in the fact that in a standing pit you can perform any kind of work, in a sitting pit you cannot normally remove the engine and gearbox, and a lying pit is suitable only for minor car maintenance. Here are the approximate depths of the pit and the pit for it:

  • recumbent 50/80 cm;
  • seated 130/170 cm;
  • standing 170/210 cm.

For concreting the pit, use the same technology as for pouring concrete grillage. In the pit, you can provide niches for the tool. The width of the finished pit should be 5-10 cm less than the distance between inside wheels of one axle. On the surface of the pit, fix corners or steel pipes that will not allow the car to fall into it.

If you are going to bet iron gate, then provide fasteners for them. Depending on the gate model, it can be either 2 vertical poles with fasteners (canopies), or 4-6 poles. If you are going to install rolling shutters, then you can use wooden walls and ceiling.

Delivery and storage of material

Having prepared the foundation and letting it stand, bring in the boards. frame structure allows the use of boards of natural moisture, but you must understand that by saving on them, you will seriously lose on construction time. After all, it will not be possible to sheathe the garage for finishing due to the very large shrinkage of the board of natural humidity. Therefore, it is desirable to purchase a dried board with a moisture content of 12-14%. To store such a board, you will need a canopy that is protected from the rain. It can be made from wooden bars or aluminum tubes and polyethylene. Be sure to provide ventilation boards under a canopy.

First you need to collect on the ground side walls. To do this, in accordance with the project, cut the vertical, horizontal and diagonal elements, and then proceed with the assembly. You can perform this operation yourself. To attach boards to each other, use metal corners and powerful screws. These accessories are sold in most hardware stores. Be sure to check the corners of the edge boards, because the shape of the garage depends on them. Optimal distance between vertical boards is 70–100 cm, and between horizontal boards 120–150 cm. Pay special attention to the mounting holes, because even a small mistake will lead to the fact that you will not be able to install the wall in place the first time.

The installation of the wall must be carried out by two or three people, and if the length of the wall is more than 6 meters, or the height is more than 3 meters, then you will either have to call more people or use a crane.

If you can't gather more than two people or use a crane, then first assemble a box for each wall, consisting of two vertical and two horizontal boards. You can install such a box by two people. Install both side boxes, then connect them with vertical boards to form the back box. Then assemble the front box. Now you can install portable small-sized scaffolding and fill all the boxes with vertical and horizontal boards. Remember, vertical boards can only be cut if you plan to install a window. In all other cases, they must be integer. But cut the horizontal boards based on the distance between the vertical boards. Connect the entire structure using corners and self-tapping screws. Do not forget to install diagonal boards in every fifth cell.

Roof installation

If possible, invite an experienced carpenter or roofer to create a roof, because within one article you can only give general principles this work. First install the boards (logs) of the ceiling at a distance of 80–140 cm from each other. If you plan to use the attic as a pantry, then the distance must be reduced, otherwise increase. To install a log in them and the upper horizontal boards of the frame, cut holes whose width is equal to the thickness of the board, and the depth is equal to half the width of the board. Thanks to this, the logs will become flush with the upper edge of the frame. The lags should protrude sideways by 50-60 centimeters. After installing the roof rafters, you will use a circular saw or chain saw to cut them to the required length.

If you work together and there is no way to call for help, then instead of the lag you will have to install complex structure(triangle), which includes logs, rafters and vertical supports. In this case, you can do without cuts in the boards and put these triangles directly on the frame, which will greatly facilitate installation. After that, install a vertical board that connects the upper parts of the triangles, as well as a bottom board that connects the lower parts to each other. Be sure to install at least 2 (preferably 4) diagonal braces to protect the roof from strong winds.

Sheathing and insulation

For sheathing, use corrugated board. Start sheathing from the bottom, laying the sheets with an overlap, so that during rain the water will drain without getting inside. When sheathing a garage with a wagon board or its analogues, lay the board horizontally, so it will look more beautiful. If you decide to sheathe the OSB garage, then the sheets will need to be adjusted so tightly and clearly that the gap between them in any place does not exceed 0.5 mm, and after the sheathing is completed, the joints must be covered with a mixture of PVA and fine wood dust.

Lastly, sheathe the roof, do not forget to install gutters. It is desirable that the roof metal profile protrudes 30-40 cm beyond the walls, this will increase the protection of the walls from water. Finished with outer skin, proceed with the insulation, for this, place pieces of foam plastic or mineral wool cut to size into the cells of the walls, then sew them up with plywood or OSB. Fiberboard can also be used, but its strength is insufficient, so the material will quickly become scratched. To insulate the attic, it is enough to lay the insulating material in the cells formed by the lags, this is several times easier than insulating the roof along the rafters.

Gate installation

If you install metal gates, then the hinges on them must fully correspond to the hinges on supporting elements. For the installation of roller shutters, you need to invite a specialist. That's why optimal choice for a frame garage - gates from a wagon board. Even the most modern steel gates will not help against car theft, so their function is rather decorative. Most beautiful garage it turns out if you sheathe it with a wagon board and make a gate out of it, reinforcing each leaf from the inside with two horizontal and one diagonal board. Decorative hinges (canopies), which are sold in hardware stores, will add a special touch to the garage.

Power supply and heating

If it is possible to connect the garage to the power supply line, then be sure to get the technical conditions and install the meter in accordance with them. This will save you from problems with the electricity supplier. For heating insulated garages, wall-mounted infrared electric heaters are the most effective. Be sure to install a separate circuit breaker and temperature controller for heaters.