Shed roof ventilation. How to extend the life of the roof: do-it-yourself ventilation installation. How to ventilate a shed roof

When building a private low-rise building, it is necessary to carefully consider all engineering systems, including natural or forced ventilation in the house. Without it, finished housing will not meet sanitary and hygienic standards suitable for human habitation.

As a rule, in a one- or two-story house, ventilation ducts from living quarters, kitchens and bathrooms are led to the roof.

The vertical outlet of the ventilation, ending in the form of a pipe, rising above the roof, provides maximum air draft. This way of organizing ventilation outlets makes the air in the room clean, since all odors - from the bathroom, kitchen and living quarters - are removed together with the air through the shaft to the outside.

Natural draft is formed due to the action of physical laws - due to the difference in air pressure outside and inside the premises.

According to the norms of SNiP, the output of ventilation pipes through the roof is necessary:

  • for the supply of fresh air, saturated with oxygen, to the house;
  • installation of the fan part of the sewer shaft (fan pipe connects the sewer riser with ventilation to remove unpleasant odors);
  • air exchange in the attic or attic part of the house.

Ventilation planning

Ideally, the planning of ventilation passages should take place at the design stage of a residential building, or during construction, before the building contour is closed (arrangement of windows, doors and roofs).

But in practice, one often has to deal with the reconstruction of engineering systems in an already finished house and build on the existing design features and layout of residential and technical premises.

If there are flaws in the system design, this is fraught with the accumulation of unpleasant odors in the room, an increased concentration of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, and the occurrence of reverse thrust during changes in weather conditions.

Vent pipe passage assembly: design features

Roof ventilation through-hole is a metal, plastic or combined pipe. It is placed in a through hole in the roof and fixed in a metal cup. The hole after installation of the node is sealed and insulated from the outside and inside. An air duct of the ventilation system is connected to the unit from below, and a protective drip or deflector is installed on top.

A proper ventilation system should work on its own, allowing air to move naturally from the bottom up. In this way, it turns out to normalize the circulation of air masses, which is responsible for the ventilation of the house and the under-roof space.

About the types of ventilation, devices for its provision and how you can make ventilation on the roof yourself - this article.

Types of ventilation

According to building codes, each residential building must be provided with at least three ventilation ducts:

  • fanovym - for removal of air from the sewerage.
  • kitchen, basement, channel in order to remove air from the bathroom or living rooms - these elements provide ventilation at home and normalize the microclimate in the premises, remove exhaust air with a high content of humidity, burning or kitchen odors, and so on.
  • channel for roof ventilation, which is needed to ventilate the roofing pie and the attic.

Important! The methods and places for installing ventilation ducts can be different, but most often it is customary to bring them to the roof.

It has been established that natural draft will be sufficient to ventilate the house with a pipe height of more than two meters. That is why, most often, pipes are installed on the roofs of houses. In addition to the usual round pipes, square boxes or shafts, flat aerators or compact deflectors can be used - all these elements are needed to increase the air flow.

The correct arrangement of the ventilation system is easily checked by its performance. High-quality ventilation of the roof in winter should prevent the freezing of the roofing cake, the formation of ice and frost on the inside of the roof, and the penetration of cold air into the house. At the same time, in the summer, a cool microclimate should be maintained in the under-attic space, every minute the warmed-up air should be replaced by a fresh portion of air masses from the street.

The ventilation of the house and its rooms is checked by normal temperature and humidity - in summer the house should be cooler than outside, and in winter it should be kept warm.

Important! If mold appears on the walls or ceiling, condensation accumulates, this indicates a violation of the normal air circulation, including the malfunction of the ventilation system.

Elements to improve ventilation

Natural draft, based on the difference in height and pressure of the air column, is often not enough to ensure normal air circulation in the under-roof space or in the house.

Lack of circulation leads to such consequences as:

  • accumulation of condensate and the appearance of mold;
  • rusting of metal parts and roof structures;
  • crumbling of concrete structural elements
  • rotting and drying out of wood;
  • wetting of thermal insulation, its damage and inefficiency.

All this will soon lead to a violation of the integrity of the waterproofing and the appearance of leaks in the roof. This means that the roof will have to be repaired or replaced, so it is much more efficient to immediately install a good ventilation system.

To enhance traction, special elements are used:

  1. Aerators look like flat plates. This device constantly maintains low pressure, the air in the aerator is rarefied. Thanks to this, a pressure difference is easily created - the exhaust air is removed from the under-roof space quickly and easily. Elements may vary in size, as well, for different types of roofs they will need a different number. The rule for installing aerators on the roof is that the step between the devices should not exceed 12 meters. Installation is carried out at the highest points of the roof, it is better to choose the joints of the insulation for this.
  2. Ridge aerators necessary for pitched roofs. These elements are mounted along the ridge line, providing increased natural ventilation of the under-roof space. Ridge aerators are combined with any roofing materials, they are especially important for roofs covered with flexible tiles. But the slope of the slopes should be certain - from 15 to 45 degrees. On such roofs, it is initially supposed to equip ridge air vents, and aerators are inserted into these grooves. At the stage of roof repair, you can cut out the area under the aerator with a jigsaw or other element. Be sure to monitor the tightness of the ridge aerator, because it is installed in the center of the roof - improper installation will lead to leaks.
  3. Deflectors work on the principle of convection - moist air and steam are removed from the roofing cake with the help of these devices, ensuring its drying and ventilation. According to building codes, at least one deflector must be installed for every 100 squares of roofing.

To bring ventilation ducts to the roof, it is necessary to make a preliminary calculation.

Attention! Often, all ventilation ducts leading from different parts of the house are combined into one shaft. As practice shows, this method will be effective only with a very competent calculation and installation of all elements of the system. Doing everything with your own hands, it is better to bring three separate ventilation ducts to the roof.

An error in calculations or installation will lead to the fact that kitchen odors, sewer “aromas” will spread throughout the house, the microclimate and the circulation of flows in the under-roof space will be disturbed.

When is Roof Ventilation Needed?

It is difficult to argue with the fact that any residential building needs ventilation - it is always performed in the form of dormer windows, air ducts, channels in the walls or with the help of special electrical devices that enhance traction.

But not all owners treat the ventilation of the under-roof space with the required seriousness. However, there are types of roofs that must be equipped with a separate ventilation system:

  • roofs covered with shingles, need good ventilation due to their design features. The fact is that bituminous tiles are mounted with glue; for the normal strength of the roof, the sheathing step should be minimal. The most effective solution is a solid crate made of moisture-resistant plywood, knocked down boards or OSB boards. Such a design does not have natural gaps, and the material of the tile itself does not allow air to pass through - this will lead to stagnation of air masses, a violation of the microclimate under the roof and even in the house. To avoid this, gaps are made on the gables, along the cornice line and in the roof ridge. Supplement ventilation with special elements (aerators, deflectors).
  • also need enhanced ventilation, because people are expected to live here who need a sufficient amount of oxygen and fresh air. But the main function of the system in such structures is to save heat during the cold period and maintain a cool temperature in winter. It uses natural air circulation - a warm stream is displaced by a cold one that comes from below. This method allows you to strengthen the thermal insulation, which on mansard roofs lies directly under the ceiling. You definitely need a vapor barrier membrane that will remove wet steam from the residential attic to the street, while at the same time protecting the inner surface of the roof and insulation from the accumulation of condensate.
  • roofs treated with metal profiles, must have a number of air ducts equal to 1% of the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe slope. At the same time, the number and size of vents for supply air must correspond to the dormer windows for outflow. The distance from the insulation to the roofing sheets should not be less than 5 cm, therefore, a timber of the appropriate thickness is chosen for the crate.

How to install ventilation on the roof

The ventilation duct is usually laid in the walls, so the ventilation pipes are mounted on that part of the roof that rests on the load-bearing walls of the house. You need to understand that high pipes and boxes installed in the highest part of the roof, in fact, are a sail. Strong wind puts a lot of pressure on these systems, which can lead to the destruction of ventilation. Installation of pipes above load-bearing walls strengthens the entire structure.

Having decided on the installation site, you can proceed with the installation of the ventilation system:

  1. Purchase the necessary ventilation elements that correspond to the roofing material, the size of the slopes, and the shade.
  2. A hole is made in the roofing material. A template is applied to the roof, which usually comes with ventilation elements, outlined with a marker and cut out.
  3. The same cutout must be transferred to all layers of the roofing cake.
  4. In accordance with the same template, holes for self-tapping screws are made.
  5. The roof surface is cleaned and degreased.
  6. The gasket included in the kit is treated with sealant on the inside. Connect the contours of the seal to the cutout in the roof and press the gasket.
  7. The ventilation element is placed on the seal and fixed with self-tapping screws.
  8. A pipe is inserted into the passage element and its verticality is checked.

Important! The reliability of the installation of the ventilation element should be evidenced by the excess sealant squeezed out from under the gasket.


You can bring ventilation to the roof with your own hands. At the same time, it is imperative to comply with all building codes and rules for installing the system.

When erecting private buildings with a small number of storeys, it is important to draw up in advance a draft of all engineering systems and assemblies that ensure the functionality and durability of the facility. It is imperative to consider where the ventilation outlet to the roof will be located, because without this component the building will not comply with the regulated sanitary and hygienic requirements.

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    general information

    If you plan to build a private house or a turnkey cottage from scratch, you need to determine the optimal place where you can install a ventilation outlet. This type of natural ventilation does not require the purchase of expensive devices and systems, while indoors there will always be a comfortable microclimate enriched with fresh air.

    In addition, it is possible to equip the structure with a small fan operating on the principle of forced exhaust. But if you correctly install the fungus on the roof structure, then you simply do not have to buy additional devices.

    The effectiveness of natural ventilation directly depends on the location of the pipe. Accordingly, the higher the node is installed, the stronger the thrust in it.

    Very often, designers do not draw up a high-quality project for the installation of risers and select the height above the roof structure. As a result, various problems may arise in the future. Among them:

    If the ventilation pipe is not installed correctly on the roof structure, the rafters and the crate may be deformed. Moreover, gaps will appear at the installation sites of the shaft cover, which will increase the risk of rainwater entering the room. Therefore, in order to avoid such consequences and keep the roof in good condition, it is necessary to responsibly approach the issues of arranging the ventilation outlet to the roof.

    Installation of a ventilation duct in a private house, calculation of the cross section, diameter and height of ventilation ducts above the roof

    Drafting a project

    It is necessary to start work on the installation of a fungus for ventilation on the roof with a preliminary drafting of the project. It is important to carefully consider the fundamental of the entire building, and only after that begin the installation of nodes.

    If there is a need to replace the roof as part of the reconstruction, and through the roof structure it is necessary to remove the hoods from all parts of the house, then many may have a question : is it possible to combine all channels into one and not separate them into four separate passages?

    But experienced experts say that this approach will not do anything good, therefore it is much more reasonable to equip a separate ventilation passage for each of the air outlets. In this case, the problem with an unpleasant smell in living rooms will simply disappear when weather conditions change.

    Purpose and main types

    Equipping the exit, you should be aware of the main subtleties of the work ahead, understand the types of structures and their purpose. Roof ducts can be used in different types of ventilation systems:

    1. 1. In the interior rooms of the cottage.
    2. 2. In the drain pipe of the sewer riser.
    3. 3. In the attic.

    Moreover, sometimes these passages are necessary for laying smoke shafts and television antennas. At the end of the air outlet system there is a special ventilation outlet, which is equipped taking into account all the requirements for the system.

    The task of such a design is to ensure efficient exhaust air from the room and prevent any leaks. At those points where it is necessary to make a ventilation passage through the roof, special passage elements are located that correspond to the specific roof material.

    Currently, it is possible to buy ready-made sets of ventilation outlets for their further installation on roof structures made of hard and soft materials. Such products allow you to quickly and efficiently build a ventilation riser to protect the roof from possible leaks, as well as maintain its aesthetic appeal. Moreover, such devices are a natural protection of ventilation ducts from the penetration of various dirt and precipitation.

    The height and shape of the passages through the roof is determined by the individual characteristics of the roof structure. In addition to pipes with a circular cross section, rectangular structures are used.

    To ensure that the ventilation pipe does not lead to a violation of the tightness of the roof, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence of actions and take into account the established requirements.

    Node device

    If we consider the simplest ventilation outlets to the roof, then they are a small metal pipe, which is located in a pre-made hole and is fixed by means of fasteners. The roof penetration itself can be equipped with a locking valve and a ring that collects condensate.

    At the bottom of the pipe, with the help of a flange, an outlet channel is attached, and on top there is a deflector or a conventional protective umbrella. You can also consider the option with a heater, in the role of which mineral wool is used.

    The modern market offers more advanced types of roof ventilation systems that correspond to a new level of quality. At the same time, in terms of design features and principle of operation, they practically do not differ from traditional solutions, but they have a lot of advantages.

    Ventilation. Roof outlets and aerators.

    Covers from the manufacturer "Vlipe Vent" are in special demand. The list of advantages of such products includes the following items:

    In some circumstances, where a feed-through is not included and is purchased as an optional unit, the type and profile of the roofing must be carefully assessed to determine the optimum unit. A high-quality pass-through element will be the best solution for ensuring the versatility of the structure on any type of roof. Such products guarantee maximum stability and tightness of the ventilation outlet.


    The task of aerators

    It is no secret that in the cold season there is a possibility of condensation inside the roof structure. To prevent the penetration of dampness into the room, to avoid the formation of fungal manifestations and mold, it is necessary to properly equip the internal ventilation under the roof.

    The roof ventilation device looks very simple: the air masses must move naturally from the bottom up. To supply new portions of fresh air, special openings in the cornice are used, while the exit of flows from the room is carried out by means of aerators with a lid. They are located in the roof directly at the ridge.

    To prevent the penetration of precipitation under the roof cake, it is necessary to find a suitable type of pipe cover. The best option is a ventilation fungus on the roof, which performs not only a practical function, but also a decorative one. The market offers a lot of varieties of such structures, so choosing a beautiful and effective fungus for ventilation on the roof will not be difficult.

    Guest house, ventilation

    Optimal location

    Professional builders recommend placing the pipe directly above the riser. In this case, the productivity of the system will be maximum, which is due to the absence of channel bending. If it is not possible to make such an installation, for the correct connection of the nodes, it will be necessary to use special corrugated adapters.

    On a pitched roof made of metal, it is better to put a penetration near the ridge itself. So the long part of the pipe will be under the roof, insulated from external influences. The remaining short element will be able to withstand any wind blows and other processes.

    At the installation stage, it is also important to consider the height of the shaft above the roof. Too low an indicator will negatively affect traction, and too high will be exposed to gusts of wind and quickly deform. In addition, it will have to be additionally fixed with braces and other fasteners.

    According to current construction standards, the optimal height of the shaft above the sloping roof should be no more than 50 centimeters. If the roof is flat, the height indicator is 30 centimeters. When using the roof for arranging open areas for recreation, the ventilation outlet must rise at least 2 meters.

    House ventilation, Roof ventilation. Ventilation solutions VILPE ​​. how to make ventilation in the house

    By following the above guidelines, you can perform high-quality, reliable and durable installation of the ventilation outlet. In this design, it will serve the owner of the premises for a long period of time.

    Based on the foregoing, there are practically no difficulties in installing a ventilation duct on the roof. If you draw up the right project in advance, make calculations and study the installation instructions, the future ventilation system will work in the best possible way. At the same time, the operational life of the roof, which has gone through a lot of changes due to the appearance of a new node, will not be reduced in any way. But for this you need to responsibly treat the upcoming work and follow the basic installation rules.

As practice shows, how comfortable it is to live in a house depends more on the competent arrangement of the roof than on the choice of coating material. Creating high-quality roof ventilation is the key to its long operation.

When the construction is carried out at a high professional level in compliance with all necessary standards, then the coating material will become a reliable barrier to precipitation and strong winds. The roof structure made of both cheap slate and expensive metal tiles contributes to the preservation of heat in the house and prevents the penetration of excess moisture from the outside.

In turn, the presence of a large amount of moisture in the premises of the house indicates serious problems with the roof and the incorrect creation of a ventilation gap in the roof or that it was completely forgotten.

The reasons for the malfunction of the roofing pie may be the following circumstances:

  • non-professionals were engaged in roof covering;
  • when laying vapor or waterproofing films, mistakes were made;
  • the ventilation system was mounted without taking into account the type of coating.

There is only one way to eliminate shortcomings: disassembling the roofing pie and then recreating it.

Features of the roof ventilation structure

The roof ventilation system has three components, each of which has its own functional purpose:

  1. Ventilation between the roof finish material and the waterproofing layer. Its task is to remove the condensate that forms on the back of the roofing.
  2. Ventilation between waterproofing and insulation. It is created to remove moisture that has entered the thermal insulation from the air space. If it is not done, then the insulation will absorb water as a result of leaks and will not be able to perform the function of a heat insulator.
  3. Ventilation of the space under the roof. Thanks to its arrangement, vapors from the vital activity of people are removed, and they do not settle in the form of condensate from inside the roof.

Physical laws and arrangement of ventilation

After installing the roofing cake, vapors and moisture begin to seep into it from both sides. The ventilation system should be designed in such a way as to prevent this phenomenon or so that if water enters it, it can erode. By the way, the steam does not move perpendicularly, but slightly to the side. As for the water, it does not go straight down, but slightly deviates.

Often these features are not taken into account when they ventilate the insulated roof and make a number of mistakes when forming the “pie”:

  1. When installing a vapor barrier to ensure tightness, the joints of the film sheets are not glued with a special tape, but they are overlapped. Steam detects gaps in the layer and penetrates into the insulation.
  2. They refuse to create ventilation in the under-roof space, mistakenly believing that the hermetically glued film will not let the steam through and it will come out on its own. But with a strong accumulation of vapors, under pressure they are able to pierce even a well-arranged vapor barrier layer. With a roof area equal to 100 "squares", after 100 days a 10-liter bucket of water can collect in the heater (if about 1 gram of steam per 1 "square" penetrates into the heat insulator during the day). 3 buckets will accumulate in a year.
  3. When arranging high-quality vapor barrier of the roof, you should not create a similar layer in the walls, they should be left “breathing”. The fact is that steam, on the way of which an obstacle is encountered when exiting to the roof, will begin to seep into the walls and, when frost sets in, will begin to freeze, which leads to delamination of materials. Further, moving through the air channels in the walls, the moisture will reach the roofing cake. As a result, the wall vapor barrier layer turns out to be useless, since the steam will still get into the insulation.

Mistakes made when installing insulating films on an insulated roof

Even if there are air gaps in the roofing cake, ventilation is not able to ensure the removal of all moisture if mistakes were made during the installation of the waterproofing or vapor barrier film. These materials have an external similarity, but they have a different functional purpose. If you confuse insulation products, then the following may occur.

Suppose, instead of a waterproofing film, a vapor barrier layer was used. Such material does not allow steam to penetrate from both sides. If you lay it on top of a heat insulator, the moisture that has got from the air into the insulation will remain in it, because it will not find a way out. As a result, it will become more and more wet and eventually lose its functional characteristics. Property owners will have problems with large heat losses.

Suppose, instead of a vapor barrier material for the ventilation of pitched roofs
a diffusion membrane was placed. In waterproofing films, one side is water resistant, and the other side is breathable. They are placed under the roofing to the insulation with a breathing side. At the same time, ventilation should be left between the layers.

In this case, the moisture partially leaves through the air gap, and the remaining moisture through the funnel-shaped hole in the film will fall under the roof, from where it will evaporate. When water penetrates through the roofing as a result of leakage, it will settle and will not be able to pass further and will not be removed in the same way as moisture from the insulation.

If the waterproofing film is laid on the contrary - with the breathing side away from the heat insulator, the moisture that has got in from the outside will penetrate through the funnels into the insulation layer and from there it will not have an exit. As a result, the arrangement of the roofing pie will lose its meaning.

When a waterproofing material is used instead of a vapor barrier and placed with funnels inside the room, then the steam will quickly enter the insulation. If on the contrary, then the moisture from the heat insulator will return to the under-roof space.

Arrangement of ventilation for corrugated roofs

Often, out of ignorance, not as many layers are created in the “pie” as are required for a particular roofing. So the ventilation of the under-roof space of the corrugated board needs a gap between the waterproofing layer and the coating material, since it is impossible for condensate to accumulate on it from the back.

To do this, instead of a continuous crate, slats (bars) are stuffed, leaving gaps for the movement of air masses. When water enters under the roof, this layer of ventilation helps to ensure that moisture escapes through the ridge. In this case, anti-condensate films are used as a waterproofing material - they do not release steam from the heat insulator under the roof, so that the roofing gets rid of additional condensate.

But here a problem arises with the removal of moisture from the insulation, if it does not have the possibility of going under the roof, therefore they create another layer of roof ventilation from corrugated board - an air cushion is left between the heat insulator and the anti-condensate film. It is not allowed to use diffusion and superdiffusion membranes for the purpose of waterproofing, since they are designed to pass vapors under the roof, which is fraught with corrosion.

Soft roof ventilation

The ventilation of a hip roof from a soft roof is created taking into account the fact that such structures are not afraid of condensate, which means that a serious air gap is not required between the coating and waterproofing. When laying this roofing material, a continuous crate is mounted using boards, plywood sheets, etc.

Wood materials pass air well, so natural ventilation will be provided in any case. For soft roofs, anti-condensate films are not used - diffusion membranes are used. Often installed, which will be an added advantage.

Arrangement of ridge ventilation

There are several ways to install ridge roof ventilation:

  1. A ridge aerator is mounted along the upper edge of the roof. It is a plastic part with a solid top surface and side perforations. For laying along the entire length of the ridge, these products are interconnected.
  2. They equip the ridge with gaps, which are a direct continuation of the roof structure.

Regardless of the version, ventilation must provide:

  1. Passage of air vapors.
  2. Protection of the under-roof space from melting snow and precipitation. Moisture must not seep through the structure of the ridge.
  3. Evaporation of excess moisture from the room.

Moisture can enter the house from the outside in the form of precipitation and from the inside as condensate. Its presence in the premises leads to the spread of harmful microorganisms and mold, which will be difficult to cope with. To prevent this and increase the life of a home with a warm attic, a roof ventilation system will help.

Appointment of forced ventilation of the roof of the house

When arranging a home ownership roofing pie with a residential attic, experts observe the principle of complete tightness, placing the materials in layers, overlapping each other. Thanks to the device of such a system, reliable protection against moisture is created and heat remains indoors.

At the same time, the "pie" is an obstacle to exhaust through the roof. Therefore, they make a forced ventilation system in a residential building, which is mounted in accordance with the requirements prescribed in SNiP.

This design solves a number of problems:

  1. It releases warm air saturated with water vapor into the atmosphere, which is collected in rooms located on the lower floors. If there is no effective exhaust, steam begins to settle on the elements of the rafter system in the form of condensate.
  2. It does not allow excessive dampness and an unpleasant smell to appear inside the attic room. The roof ventilation system creates an influx of air from the surrounding atmosphere, which contributes to the creation of a favorable microclimate in the house.
  3. In hot weather, it lowers the heating temperature of the roof surface. Properly equipped ventilation can minimize it.
  4. Provides protection of the roof surface from ice build-up. Due to the difference between the temperature outside and inside a warm house, the snow mass begins to thaw. As a result, ice is constantly formed, which is not easy to deal with.
  5. The original qualities of the heat-insulating material are preserved. An increase in the humidity level of the insulation by 5-10% due to the formation of condensate leads to an increase in its thermal conductivity by 35-50%. Even in the case of complete drying, this indicator does not return to its original value.
  6. In accordance with the provisions of SNiP, an attic can be called habitable if it has a forced ventilation system. In this case, the total area of ​​the ventilation outlets must be at least 1/300 of the roof surface.

Roof ventilation elements

Forced ventilation operates according to the principle of convection: since warm air is lighter, its flows move upwards, while freeing up space for cool air masses with a large weight. Often also installed, facilitating air circulation.

According to the provisions of SNiP, in order to provide an exhaust hood, the following elements of roof ventilation will be required:

  1. Cornice products. Through them, atmospheric air penetrates under the roof with an attic. For the manufacture of products, inexpensive lumber is used, which is attached with a small gap, or special designs - spotlights, which are metal or plastic panels with partially applied perforation. Through these openings, air can freely enter the room.
  2. Dormer windows. They serve to extract and provide air access. Such windows are equipped if the attic room in the house is not heated, and it is not used for living.
  3. Ridge aerators. This perforated ventilation element is mounted along the ridge of the mansard pitched roof. It serves to bring the heated air out of the room.
  4. Pitched deflectors. These devices are nothing more than pipes for ventilation. Install these air ducts on the roof, on the slopes. They consist of a tube with a cross section of 20-50 millimeters, which is laid through the layers of an insulating cake. From above, the deflectors are equipped with a protective mesh and a cap.
  5. Roofing material of modular type. Lay a coating of individual tiles, leaving gaps for the circulation of air masses. From the point of view of ventilation, this material is a better solution for roofs with a warm attic than sheet steel or soft shingles.

Roof ventilation elements for a heated attic and a cold attic differ significantly. For non-residential premises, two dormer windows and cornice products will suffice.

If a residential attic is designed, then installation of a more complex system will be required, consisting of:

  • pitched deflectors;
  • cornice products;
  • ridge aerator.

According to SNiP, the number of ventilation holes is determined taking into account the area of ​​​​the roofing surface at the rate of 1 - 2 pieces per 25 "squares".

Pitched deflectors and air ducts for the roof

These devices are placed on the slopes of roofs in order to remove heated air from the attic room, and moisture from the layers of the roofing pie.

Deflectors consist of the following elements:

  1. Frame. In appearance, it resembles a bottle, which has two parts. Its lower part is placed in an insulating cake at the stage of arrangement, and the upper part is installed at the end of work. The case diameter can be 30-50 mm.
  2. Protective filter. It is installed inside the deflector housing. A mesh or sponge filter is required to protect the ventilation structure from debris.
  3. Umbrella or mushroom. This part is placed on the head of the housing pipe so that moisture does not penetrate into it during rain or snow.
  4. Flange. To ensure the tightness of the junction of the deflector to the roof pie, an apron made of silicone or rubber is used.

Air ducts are mounted on the roof at a distance of 50 centimeters from the ridge - so it will be easier for warm air to go outside. Even on roofs whose area does not exceed 25 square meters, you will need to install 2 deflectors.

Rules for installing elements of the ventilation system

In order for the ventilation installed on the roof of the house to function efficiently, ensuring the circulation of air masses inside the attic, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. The height of the ventilation pipes above the roof of the building should be 50 centimeters.
  2. When the pipe is brought out at a distance of 50-150 centimeters from the ridge, it must rise above it by 50 centimeters or more.
  3. If such a pipe is installed at a distance from the ridge exceeding 3 meters, and is close to the cornice, then its height must correspond to the level of the ridge.
  4. A pipe brought to a flat roof should rise above its surface by at least 50 centimeters.
  5. The ventilation pipe located near the chimney is made of the same length.
  6. The configuration of the roof is the more complex, the more ribs, slopes and valleys it has, which means that it needs more exits to provide efficient exhaust.
  7. In regions with severe winters, ventilation ducts must be insulated to prevent the structure from freezing at sub-zero daily temperatures.
  8. When installing pitched aerators, special attention should be paid to the tightness of the joints, since moisture can penetrate through them, which over time can destroy the roof pie and its truss system.
  9. It is necessary to select the elements of the ventilation system so that they are made by one manufacturer, and then the products will complement each other optimally.

Natural roof ventilation

The creation of such ventilation does not require energy costs, so its arrangement is preferable. Recently, however, roofs of complex architecture have been increasingly erected. They lack the natural ventilation of the roof and then there is a need to create a forced system.