How to properly insulate a frame house, step by step instructions. Instructions for insulating the walls of a frame house Insulation of the facade of a frame house from the outside

Understanding how to insulate a frame house for winter living will allow you to use it all year round. The sound insulation in the house, comfort and durability depend on how well the technologies are followed.

Insulation options

Before carrying out work, it should be determined whether the thermal insulation will be inside or outside the building. To do this, you need to know the features of each option.

External insulation:

  1. Does not disturb the interior of the house.
  2. A wooden wall located inside the room can save heating, as it accumulates heat.
  3. Insulation protects the facade of the building from adverse environmental influences (moisture, high or low temperatures, etc.).
Insulation of the house from the outside

Internal insulation:

  1. Has good sound insulation.
  2. There are no hard requirements.
  3. Vapor barrier and waterproofing materials are not required.

Insulation of the house inside

However, this method has several disadvantages, for example:

  • dismantling of the interior decoration of the room where thermal insulation will be installed;
  • accumulation of moisture in the room, which reduces the life of the building;
  • Insulation indoors does not preserve the facade of the building from the negative impact of external factors.

Features of insulation

The preparatory stage of building insulation for winter and summer does not differ depending on the material chosen. The difference concerns only the process of its installation. Each of the materials used has its own characteristics.

Using Styrofoam and XPS

Styrofoam is considered the warmest material, but it is not the best option for warming wooden buildings.

The use of foam as a heater

Features of using these materials:

  1. Before laying the foam, with the help of mounting foam, it is necessary to remove all the cracks and irregularities, since this material does not fit tightly.
  2. Expanded polystyrene should not be located near sources of combustion, as the material is combustible.
  3. Styrofoam does not allow air to pass through, so you need to take care of the ventilation of the room, otherwise the walls in the room may become moldy.
  4. Expanded polystyrene must be used together with waterproofing and vapor barrier, as it does not allow moisture to pass through.

Using ecowool

This material has not been used for a very long time, however, it can be used in the process of warming frame and other types of buildings. The main features of this material are as follows:

  1. Laying of this material can be done both with the help of a special tool and without it. Using the tool significantly improves the thermal insulation characteristics of the room.
  2. Ecowool perfectly absorbs moisture, so the installation of waterproofing and vapor barrier should be treated with more responsibility.
  3. Ecowool shrinks, so it should be applied with a margin.
  4. When applying it, you should use personal protective equipment.

House insulation with ecowool

Important! Wall insulation with ecowool should be carried out by qualified specialists.

The use of expanded clay

Expanded clay is used much less often, as it has worse characteristics compared to similar materials. Its main features:

  1. Most often used for and floors, as well as interfloor ceilings.
  2. It is mainly combined with sawdust, ash and similar materials.
  3. Expanded clay is best used in small fractions, so there will be fewer empty spaces.

The use of expanded clay for the insulation of frame houses

How to choose a heater

Before you start construction work, you need to decide how best to insulate the frame house. Insulation for residential premises must have the following characteristics:

  1. Environmentally friendly - should not emit substances harmful to human life and health.
  2. Fire safety - the material used should not allow fire to spread, and also should not emit a lot of smoke.
  3. Low thermal conductivity.
  4. Durability - the insulation should fit tightly and easily and not change shape over time.
  5. Inexpensive.

Important! These characteristics are more suitable for expanded polystyrene and.

To choose the right material for insulation, you should know what the pros and cons are endowed with each.


It has a small weight, which is very important in the insulation of a frame house. This material tolerates temperature extremes well, and is also not afraid of moisture and does not freeze. That is why buildings with its use are durable and low cost.

Insulation with expanded polystyrene

Among the disadvantages are:

  • flammable - flammable;
  • subject to mechanical and chemical damage;
  • does not allow air to pass through, which is why the humidity in the room is constantly increased.

Often, foam is installed on the outside of the house.

Styrofoam insulation outside the building

This material can be replaced with a similar one, namely, penoplex, which is more resistant to various damages, but has a high cost.

Mineral wool

The most popular material in construction, which can be in the form of rolls, mats and slabs. Mineral wool has high rates in environmental friendliness, lightness, thermal insulation and sound insulation. Buildings with its use are characterized by a long service life.

Important! Cotton wool in the form of slabs (basalt) does not burn.

When insulating, it is important to pay special attention to waterproofing, since over time, cotton wool sags and cakes, besides, when wet, it loses its properties and becomes an excellent medium for the formation of mold.

How is insulation made?

In order to end up with a warm frame house, its walls must be insulated from the inside and outside. The process is almost the same, with a few exceptions.

Warming outside

For the outside, it is best to choose the cross method.

The insulation is always laid with a run-up of seams to avoid the appearance of blown gaps.

  • The frame of the building is sheathed with OSB-plates, which should have gaps of 2-3 mm. Subsequently, they need to foam.

This is what OSB boards look like
  • Next, waterproofing is stretched, which protects both the walls of the house and the insulation from moisture and other adverse environmental influences. Usually, waterproofing has self-adhesive strips, if there are none, the knocks between them should be sealed with adhesive tape.

Connection of insulation joints
  • Each layer of insulation should be laid in such a way as to overlap the previous one by 15-20 cm.
  • The thickness of the insulation is approximately 15 cm.
  • After laying the insulation, all voids are filled with mounting foam.

Wall insulation inside the house

After the frame house is fully insulated for winter living, you can proceed to the interior decoration. For this:

  1. The first layer of thermal insulation is laid, the thickness of which is 5 cm.
  2. Then the insulation is laid in the frame house, the thickness of which is 10 cm. The entire frame between the racks is filled with it.
  3. Then a vapor barrier is attached, which prevents steam from entering the insulation. They are laid with the rough side outward, and the smooth side to the thermal insulation.
  4. Bars are installed on top of it.

Important! The insulation cannot be pushed by force and rammed, since the heat in the room depends on the voids inside it.

Insulation is also installed in the partitions between the rooms. For the most part, it is required for soundproofing. For this, plates with a layer of 10 mm are installed. No vapor barrier is required here, as the temperature in the separated rooms will be the same.

Instead of a vapor barrier, glassine is used here. It prevents dust from the thermal insulation from entering the room.

Do not forget about the insulation of the corners in the frame house. This can be done in various ways. So, a warm corner can be made by constructing a structure of two boards, with special stands made of blocks, and insulate the space between such structures with mineral wool.

Ceiling insulation

Work is best done before the roof is fully assembled, so it will not interfere with the packing density.

The whole process of warming consists of the following steps:

  • Inside the house, on the ceiling beams, a vapor barrier is stretched, and a board 25 mm thick is stuffed on it.

Ceiling beams and vapor barrier
  • A heater is laid on top, between which there should be no voids, tightly overlapping each layer.

Important! When laying the insulation on the ceiling, you should make a small ledge on the walls.

  • If insulation is not required in the attic, then the membrane film should not be stretched. A board or plywood is nailed to the floor of the attic.
  • If it is not possible to insulate the ceiling from the outside, then this is done inside, while it should be tied up so that it does not fall off. After that, sew on waterproofing, and then - a board or plywood.

Indoor ceiling waterproofing

Roof insulation

Often in a frame house, both the roof and the ceiling are insulated. This happens in cases where the attic is used as a second floor for housing and is heated.

The process of work is practically no different from the insulation of the ceiling. The only exception is the moment that when the roof is insulated, waterproofing is necessarily stretched over the material, which will protect it from environmental influences.

Features of roof insulation:

  1. It is better to insulate from the outside, since doing it inside is inconvenient and unsafe. Many materials tend to crumble on the face.
  2. After the rafter system is installed, a vapor barrier is hemmed from below, on which sheathing material, board or plywood is stuffed.
  3. Insulation sheets are placed outside. This is done in the same way as when insulating walls, ceilings, etc.
  4. A waterproofing is placed on top, on which a counter-lattice, a crate and a roof are installed.

The roof is insulated inside only if it is fully assembled.

Roof insulation

Floor insulation

Floor insulation should begin with preparatory work. This should be done before installing the frame of the house.

If the land where the building is located is clay with a high water level, then a water drainage system should be made.

After that, inside the foundation, the soil is removed by 40-50 cm and a drainage system is installed. After it is covered with a sand and gravel pillow. After that, you can install the frame.

Floor insulation

In case this step is skipped, expanded clay can be used. To do this, the surface is first leveled, and then the above material is poured. It is desirable that it has fractions from 10-40 mm in its composition. After that, you can equip the floor.

How to choose a filler

Mineral wool, polyester, steel shavings, etc. are considered the best floor insulation. They are easy to install, use, environmentally friendly and fireproof. However, they have increased requirements for vapor barrier and waterproofing.

You can also use materials such as:

  1. Polystyrene - it is lightweight, resistant to adverse effects and has a long service life. It can be ordinary (less durable, fireproof) and extruded - it has low thermal conductivity and moisture absorption.

Such a heater is easy to install: the sheets are placed close to each other, an edge tape is installed around the entire perimeter of the floor.

  1. Expanded clay and slag - has low thermal conductivity and is light in weight.
  2. - this is an insulating foil, which is rarely used as an independent insulation.
  3. Edge Tape – This is used to trim the entire perimeter of the house before the insulation is installed.

Floor insulation step by step

Floor insulation in a frame house is carried out between the profiles. That is why it is better to choose a dry screed, it is easier to work with it.

Ground warming process:

  1. Sand and gravel must be well tamped, then install brick columns. It will not be the basis for the profiles.
  2. Waterproofing installation. It can be bituminous paper or plastic wrap. Its height depends on the level of the floor, it should be borne in mind that the waterproofing should protrude slightly onto the walls.
  3. At the junction of the floor and walls, it is necessary to leave a small gap, edge insulation will be laid in it.

Stages of floor insulation on the ground

The simplest floor insulation technology is made from bulk materials. Such a heater is carried out perpendicular to the lags around the entire perimeter of the room, while pressing it tightly.

Floor insulation with tiles

The basis of the floor does not play any role in the technology of laying insulation, however, this should be taken into account when choosing a material for these purposes. So, if logs are based on the floor, then a mineral wool slab is best suited as a heater, and hard materials are best for a concrete floor. In any case, the process of laying thermal insulation is as follows:

  1. After laying the log, on both sides to the bottom, the bars are stuffed and the flooring is assembled from antiseptic tongue-and-groove boards.
  2. On top of this, parchment is spread - this is roofing paper impregnated with bitumen.
  3. A heater is placed on top.
  4. After that, a vapor barrier film is placed, which protects the insulation from condensation.

What work is carried out after warming the house

After the thermal insulation is installed, it is the turn to equip the carrier system for the ventilated cladding, as well as the plane for finishing. As for the finish, here the wind and hydroprotection of the insulation can be provided by a layer of plaster.

As for the exterior finish, then you should take care of the installation of panels in advance. In order for the crate to be strong enough, the frame posts must be installed frequently. After fixing the waterproof membrane with brackets to the frame, it is knocked out with slats, the thickness of which is about 25-30 mm. This ensures that water that has entered inside can run off, as well as ventilation.

The wall of a frame house looks like this: inner lining - vapor barrier - insulation - wooden frame - membrane - counter-lattice - facade decoration.

Exterior decoration of the house after insulation

When arranging walls for plastering, sheet materials are used that perfectly remove steam and prevent condensation. Sheets exclude blowing of a heater.

The inner wall looks like this: inner cladding - vapor barrier - wooden frame - insulation - membrane - counter battens - outer cladding - base plaster - plaster mesh - plaster.

Recently, frame houses are gaining more and more popularity. Therefore, you should know how to insulate a frame house so that it is suitable for living in both winter and summer. However, it should be borne in mind that the insulation must also be reliably protected from the negative effects of the environment, because the moisture that has entered it leads to the formation of condensate, and it has a detrimental effect on this material. Therefore, it is imperative to use high-quality waterproofing.

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The construction of a frame house is a process of sequential phased creation of all elements of the building structure.

Wherein the order of work is strictly defined, changing or violating the sequence of actions is impossible - all operations are interconnected and logically follow one from the other.

Proper insulation of a frame house is not a separate event, carried out whenever possible or desired. This is obligatory part of the technological process, one of the stages of construction.

Thermal insulation for the walls of a frame house is a fairly simple process, but responsible and requiring a clear understanding of the physical meaning of the actions. Its peculiarity is that no trifles that can be dismissed are not recognized - any shortcomings are equated to serious violations of technology, leading to the failure of many elements of the wall structure. Let's consider the issue in more detail.


Insulation is an integral part of the frame house wall system. This is not an additional measure that enhances the overall functionality, but a regular component of the design.

Little of, the walls of the frame house are almost entirely composed of insulation- it accounts for 3/4 of the volume of all materials.

In addition, the insulation is the main part of the wall, all other elements, in fact, solve the issues of structural rigidity and protection of the material from moisture and maintaining its working qualities. The importance and responsibility of the tasks performed put forward to insulation material a number of requirements:

  1. Low thermal conductivity.
  2. Low density, light weight.
  3. Lack of reaction to the appearance of moisture, low (ideally - absent) hygroscopicity.
  4. Shape stability, no shrinkage or swelling of the material.
  5. No harmful emissions such as formaldehyde, phenol, etc.
  6. The composition of the material should not contribute to the appearance of insects or rodents.

In addition to the above properties, an important quality of insulation is rigidity. Some types of materials are produced both in a rigid state (slabs) and in a liquid state, requiring special equipment for application, which greatly complicates the workflow and requires experience and skills. For independent work, materials that do not require the use of additional equipment are much more convenient.

The main types of insulation

The list of materials that are used for thermal insulation of frame walls is quite wide.

Are issued in the form of plates, rolls, granules, powder.

The main groups of insulation by origin:

  1. Mineral. Basically, these are various melts of minerals, slags or glass, technologically converted into cotton wool - mineral wool, glass wool, slag wool, etc.
  2. Natural. This group includes various modifications of sawdust or shavings (arbolite, chip concrete, etc.), wool, ecowool, reed mats, etc.
  3. Synthetic. Various materials obtained by chemical means, for example - polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, isofol, etc.

As a rule, in practice most often they insulate the frame walls with mineral wool and polystyrene foam. For this, various types of mineral wool, glass wool or synthetics are used - polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, etc. They are reliable, lightweight and do not load the wall frame too much, in addition, insulating the walls in a frame house with your own hands is quite feasible.

Tools and means of protection

The method of installation of the material largely depends on its properties and the form of release..

Some are easy enough to accurately cut into the shape of the gaps between the stepping posts, others require special equipment and protection.

For independent work, heaters are usually used, which allow installation with minimal use of equipment and protective equipment. However, if glass wool is used as a heater, elementary protection will be required. To work, you may need:

  1. O sharp knife. Shoe shoes will not work, since the insulation can be up to 200 mm thick. You need a knife with a fairly long blade.
  2. Mounting foam. Excellent tool for sealing cracks and gaps.
  3. Hammer, small nails, thick thread. All this is useful for temporarily fixing the insulation in the nests.
  4. Putty knife. It will help to tightly plug the material into the cracks.
  5. Rubber gloves. When working with prickly materials such as glass wool, they are indispensable.
  6. Respirator. Inhalation of dust and small particles of insulation can lead to various diseases, so respiratory protection will not hurt.

Often when working with insulating materials use a full protective suit covering the entire body and face. The measure will not be excessive when using liquid spray materials that create a suspension in the air and can get on the skin, hair or clothing.

Preliminary preparation

The insulation is installed on a wall frame fully prepared for this.

At the time of installation, the following items should be ready:

1. Fully assembled - racks, and top trim, jibs and other elements.
2. Exterior sheathing made of OSB, chipboard, plywood or similar sheet materials has been installed.
3. A waterproofing membrane (or other roll-type waterproofing) is installed, all joints are connected with adhesive tape, there are no gaps or cracks.

I.e all operations that cannot be carried out with the insulation installed must be performed, and then the walls of the frame house will be insulated from the inside. If it is produced by the platform method, that is, in a supine state, then the insulation is attached only after the wall has been lifted and aligned with the markup.


How to properly insulate the walls of a frame house? How to properly lay insulation in frame walls? As mentioned above, there are several types of insulation. The scheme of warming the walls of a frame house for each of them has its own characteristics. Consider one representative from each species.

Mineral wool

Frame houses: wall insulation with mineral wool for such prefabricated structures is very common. It is best to choose basalt slab wool.

It has sufficient rigidity and does not lose its shape during installation. The thickness of the slab is chosen so that it corresponds to the width of one or more layers.

Important! The insulation should not be thicker than the width of the racks!

Insulation of the walls of a frame house with mineral wool is carried out as follows:

1. Primarily, a waterproofing layer must be installed. Strips of rolled material are fastened in horizontal rows, starting from the bottom. Joints are isolated with special adhesive tape.

2. Mineral wool slabs are cut into pieces, exactly matching in width to the nests of the frame.

3. The cut pieces are inserted into the slots. If necessary, tuck the edges with a spatula.

Attention! Work with a spatula or similar tools must be done carefully, do not damage the waterproofing layer!

4. The installed parts of the insulation are fixed in place with thick threads thrown in loops over small nails driven into the racks. If there is no desire to spoil the hydroprotection layer with nails (and this is inevitable), then it is necessary to cut and install the insulation boards as accurately and tightly as possible.

5. The joints of the pieces of material are glued with special adhesive tape. As an option - sealed with mounting foam. There shouldn't be any cracks.

6. Over fully installed insulation a layer of vapor barrier is attached. Its installation is carried out similarly to waterproofing - horizontal rows, starting from the bottom, the rows are overlapped by at least 150 mm, the joints are reinforced with adhesive tape.

All layers of the cake must be airtight, without cracks, holes or other violations.

Important! Even a small hole or gap will definitely cause materials to get wet and wood to rot!


First of all, it is necessary to choose the thickness of the material plates in order to provide the most favorable ratio of the thickness of the insulation and the width of the racks.

If necessary, you can use a combination of several plates with different thicknesses.

Insulation of the walls of the frame house with foam plastic is done in the following order:

  1. The first layer is roll waterproofing.
  2. The material is cut to size. It is better to cut with a hacksaw with a fine tooth, trying not to crumble the material.
  3. Installing foam in the nest. Bearing in mind the rather fragile structure, one should not use force to hammer a piece into the nest, it is better to cut it. You can temporarily fix it with small wedges.
  4. All existing gaps and joints are filled with mounting foam.
  5. After crystallization, the excess foam is trimmed with a knife.


Sawdust is a cheap and affordable material. They are mainly used as insulation. in the form of various compounds with cement binders.

In their pure form, they are too dangerous in sanitary terms, in addition, they are prone to decay and easily absorb water.

In addition, the use of bulk materials for wall insulation is almost impossible, since it will not be possible to achieve the required filling density of the nests. The cavities that have arisen in the thickness of the sawdust will inevitably create cold bridges, which will completely disrupt the operation of the warming cake and cause the frame and sawdust to get wet. So you can only use derivatives - wood concrete or other plate material.

Insulation of the walls of a frame house with sawdust is carried out in the same way:

  1. A layer of waterproofing is installed.
  2. The plates are cut into appropriate pieces and inserted into the slots.
  3. Slots, joints or gaps are filled with mounting foam, which is trimmed after crystallization.
  4. A layer of vapor barrier is installed.

Important! Using sawdust is a dubious solution, as it is a favorable environment for insects or rodents, and also rots and absorbs water. The presence of such circumstances makes the use of sawdust the least successful choice of all possible.

Useful video

How the walls of the frame house were insulated is additionally described in the video below:


Self-installation of insulation usually occurs in conditions of limited tools and lack of proper experience and skills. Since it is very important to properly insulate frame walls, it is recommended to use the most successful types of materials that are not demanding on the availability of equipment and do not have serious restrictions during the installation process. The easier the material to work with, the better the result will be and no consequences will arise.

Taking on work without having the skills to handle insulation is a hasty decision. In any case, it is necessary to first study the technology, especially the physical meaning of the processes occurring in the thickness of the pie. Then work can be beneficial and provide coziness and comfort in the house.

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Frame houses are more suitable for summer living. If such a house is used all year round, it will need to be insulated. For sound insulation, comfort and durability of the building, insulation must be carried out in compliance with GOSTs.

In this article I will tell you how to insulate a frame house for winter living.

Ways of warming frame houses

First you need to decide on the type of thermal insulation. It can be internal, external, as well as insulation of the floor, ceiling, etc.

What you need to know about outdoor insulation

This type of insulation has the following advantages:

  • Additional protection of walls against deformation.
  • The insulation takes on sudden changes in temperature, thereby extending the life of the building.
  • It makes the walls smoother, making it possible to use different facade finishing materials.

External insulation is:

  • ventilated;
  • wet insulation.

The first method is the most common and economical, such work can be done without the help of specialists. A gap is made between the insulation and the lining, which performs the function of ventilation. Thus, the condensate accumulated in the heater is blown out by the air flow. This technology extends the life of the building.

The second way - we glue the insulation to the wall, and then fasten it to the dowels. From above we apply several coatings: reinforcing, intermediate and decorative. However, without work experience, it is impossible to perform "wet" insulation.

Important about warming the house from the inside

Internal insulation of the house has a number of advantages:

  • the ability to work in any weather and season;
  • you can lay the insulation yourself;
  • provides good sound insulation.

Among the disadvantages:

  • condensation may appear on the wall, under the insulation;
  • the wall does not warm up well, which leads to dampness;
  • reduction in floor space;
  • materials used are harmful to health;
  • gaps remain at the junction of the insulation through which cold will appear.

When insulating the walls inside the building, you should consider:

  • Humidity in the room.
  • The weather conditions of the area where the house is built.
  • insulation properties.
  • Thermal parameters of the wall.

How to insulate a frame house for winter living?

In order to make it possible to live comfortably in the frame, and in winter, the material used for insulation must have the following qualities:

  • Environmental friendliness - the insulation should not contain substances that can be harmful to health.
  • Fire resistance - the material should not ignite, and in case of fire - emit a large amount of smoke.
  • A small coefficient of thermal conductivity is optimal if the insulation for winter in a frame house is in the range of 100-150 mm.
  • Strength and tightness - the insulation must tightly fill the gaps of the frame.
  • Ease of installation of thermal insulation.

To insulate a frame house, it is customary to choose between polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam, mineral wool, basalt wool and polyurethane foam.

I'll point it out right now!

I am a supporter of the use of basalt (stone) wool in the insulation of frame houses. The advantages of this material are undeniable!

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each.


The material is considered the warmest, but less than others is suitable for warming frame houses. Usage features:

  • Styrofoam - these are rigid plates, they are laid on a flat wall. For a frame house, this insulation option is only suitable for a perfectly flat surface, otherwise cold air will come through the gaps.
  • The material must not be placed near sources of fire.
  • Does not allow moisture to pass through, requires the installation of reliable waterproofing and vapor barrier.

  • light weight, which makes the installation process simple;
  • does not lose its properties with temperature changes.

Insulation is best installed outside the building.

This is a high quality material with good thermal insulation properties. It is made from granular polystyrene and foaming agent.

  • Low water absorption. This indicator remains unchanged even at high humidity.
  • No additional waterproofing required.
  • Strength.
  • Low flammability.
  • It can be used at temperatures from -50 to +75 degrees.
  • Environmental friendliness and harmlessness to health.
  • You can install it yourself.
  • Low vapor barrier. To improve the indicator, ventilation is required.
  • High price.
  • Installation of an additional frame on which the material will be attached.
  • Applying a special compound to polystyrene foam to protect against UV rays.

Due to its quality characteristics, the material is often used for insulation of floors, facades and foundations.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool is based on fibers from minerals of volcanic origin.

Among the advantages stand out:

  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Fire resistance. This material not only does not ignite, but also does not allow the fire to spread.
  • Light weight, which makes it easier and faster to install.
  • Ensures the durability of the building.
  • Over time, the wool becomes caked, as a result, the integrity of the thermal insulation is violated.
  • Reliable waterproofing is required, as mineral wool absorbs moisture.

Basalt wool

I must say right away that this is the most suitable material for warming a frame building!

Basalt wool is made from molten rocks (basalt). It is used for sound and heat insulation of buildings, insulation of facades, roofs, ceilings and other structures.

Advantages of basalt wool:

  • good sound insulation and thermal insulation;
  • fire resistance;
  • strength;
  • vapor permeability (allows the walls to "breathe");
  • does not contain toxic substances;
  • prevents the formation of fungus and mold on the walls;
  • does not change its properties with temperature changes;
  • durability.

This material does not contain limestones and dolomites. That is why it is not attacked by rodents. Insulation fibers are located in a vertical and horizontal position, which is characterized by a high degree of rigidity. It does not accumulate moisture in itself, it has a water-repellent property.

However, this material also has its drawbacks. Well, where would we be without them! Cons of using basalt wool for warming a frame house:

  • High price.
  • Environmentally unsafe. In the process of making cotton wool, a phenol-based binder is used.

polyurethane foam

This is a synthetic insulation, consisting of polymer foam. Among the positive characteristics of polyurethane foam are:

  • Excellent adhesion to most surfaces (concrete, brick, metal, etc.).
  • Mounting tools are not required for installation.
  • Protects pipes from corrosion.
  • Does not lose its quality properties under the influence of acids, alkalis, etc.

Liquid polystyrene foam allows you to fill cracks, seams and other empty spaces where it is not possible to lay other insulation.

  • The material must be isolated from direct sunlight, under their influence destruction occurs. For this, a special coating is used.
  • Foam is used only on warm and dry surfaces.
  • The material is not combustible, but smolders under the influence of fire. Therefore, it cannot be used for boiler rooms and baths.

Eternal questions of choice!.. What to pay special attention to when choosing a heater?

Properly insulating a frame house for winter living makes it durable, strong and reliable. For a frame house, materials with:

  • Low thermal conductivity is the amount of heat passing through the material. The lower this indicator, the longer the heat is retained inside the room.
  • Fire safety - resistance to high temperatures. For frame houses, it is better to use a heater, with a flammability brand - NG.
  • Low water absorption - the amount of moisture transmitted. The lower this indicator, the better the quality. With high liquid absorption, thermal conductivity increases, the material freezes and loses its properties.
  • Do not shrink over time - the insulation must maintain its density. During shrinkage, gaps are formed through which cold air passes.
  • Environmental friendliness - should not cause harm to health and emit harmful substances.

So what kind of heater? better for a frame house?

A frame house is a wooden building, which, without insulation, is suitable only for seasonal (summer) living, otherwise, high-quality thermal insulation will be required. The vapor permeability of the material used must be higher than that of the wood from which the frame is made.

Most often, coniferous trees are chosen for frame buildings.

The best option for insulation for frame houses would be: basalt wool. As an extreme option - ecowool. And the least suitable - polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam and extruded polystyrene foam.

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How is the insulation of the house

Thermal insulation of a frame house is an important and difficult stage of construction. You need to fill every millimeter of free space so that cold air does not enter through it.

Wall insulation from the outside

There are two ways to install the frame house insulation. In the first case, thermal insulation is installed during the construction process, in the second - on the completed building.

In the first case, we lay the thermal insulation in a checkerboard pattern between the frame components. This method helps to prevent cold bridges in the thermal insulation layer, and also saves free space both inside and outside the building.

If insulation was required after the commissioning of the house, then we put a layer of thermal insulation on the surface of the facade. For this, the material is suitable in plates, the thickness of which is about 5 cm.

How do I install insulation?

  • I do prep work first. I check the condition of the walls (if the house was already in operation), remove everything superfluous from the facade of the building (nails, screws, etc.). All cracks, irregularities are sealed with mounting foam. If there are damp areas on the facade, I dry them with a building hair dryer, and also eliminate the cause of these consequences.
  • When insulating a house during construction, I upholster the walls inside with chipboard. After I put a vapor barrier film.

  • Next, I put in the heater. Each subsequent layer must overlap the junction of the previous one. The total number of layers depends on the region and its climate.

  • After finishing work with the insulation, I put a windproof membrane on top and fasten it with a stapler.

  • I'm doing a crate. It serves as a ventilation opening between the membrane and the cladding.
  • I attach chipboard to the crate.
  • I do facade cladding.

The process of internal insulation:

  • I treat the walls with an antiseptic. This will prevent the growth of fungus and mold. I clean from dirt and dust, and also remove screws, screws, nails, etc.
  • Then I put a layer of insulation.
  • I fix the vapor barrier, which prevents steam from entering the insulation. Smooth side to the insulation, rough side out.
  • I upholster the walls with drywall or other material.
  • I do finishing work.

There are no serious requirements for the insulation of internal walls, a layer of waterproofing and vapor barrier is optional if it is mounted outside.

Foundation insulation

If the frame house is insulated, a mandatory foundation sheathing is required. This will prevent cold air from entering from below.

The process of insulation in the strip foundation

For insulation of the foundation, it is better to choose extruded polystyrene foam. It does not absorb moisture and performs a waterproofing function.

Work process:

  • I prepare the surface: I clean it from dirt, and I treat it with a primer.
  • I fix the insulation boards on the adhesive solution.
  • I apply another layer of adhesive solution, lay the reinforcing mesh, press it into the solution and level the surface.

  • I carry out decorative finishing of the basement.

Insulation on a pile foundation

To begin with, I build a wall that will close the space above the house. This design comes in two versions:

  • A self-supporting wall of brick, block or stone that stands on its own foundation.
  • The construction of a frame made of wood or a profile along the perimeter of the foundation.

For work, either extruded polystyrene foam or sprayed polyurethane foam is suitable.

The warming process is as follows:

  • I install waterproofing - it protects the insulation from moisture.
  • I construct a grid for the basement from wood or metal. For its construction, I build a crate with cells that should be smaller than a piece of insulation. This will provide greater tightness.
  • I put a heater on the frame - I press the insulation plates tightly against the frame. If joints are formed, I close them with foam. If the material is not moisture resistant, then I put an additional layer of waterproofing.

  • I carry out exterior finishing on insulation - for this I use siding, decorative PVC panels, stone, etc.

Basement insulation does not exclude floor insulation.

Ceiling insulation

I insulate the ceiling before installing the roof. Materials suitable for work: polystyrene foam, mineral wool.

Stages of work:

  • On the draft boards of the ceiling I stretch a vapor barrier film with zero permeability. The joints are overlapped by 10 cm, gluing with self-adhesive tape or tape.
  • I put in a heater. This is done in a checkerboard pattern, with an overlap at the junction. The last layer of thermal insulation should cover the beams.

  • Waterproofing.

When laying the insulation, I make a ledge on the walls.

  • If the attic is not insulated, then the membrane film does not need to be stretched. In this case, I nail boards or plywood to the floor of the attic.
  • To insulate the ceiling inside the room, you will need to tie it up so that the structure holds. After installing the insulation, I sew on waterproofing, and then - a board or plywood.

How to insulate a cold attic

Work is carried out on a wooden floor. For this:

  • I attach a vapor barrier to the surface of the false ceiling. It will protect not only the insulation itself from decay, but also the floor beams.
  • On the hemmed ceiling, between the beams, I lay the insulation.
  • From above I cover everything with waterproofing.
  • If there is no ventilated gap above the insulation, I stuff the spacer rails of the counter-lattice from above, and then I fix the attic floor boards.

Attic insulation

There are two ways to insulate the attic - laying thermal insulation on the roof or along the contour of the walls of the room. First, I put a waterproofing membrane. We fix it on the rafters, in front of the crate.

For the roofing roof, we provide a ventilated gap. It will prevent the accumulation of condensate, and moisture will be removed by air currents. Installation of insulation in the attic does not differ from the thermal insulation of the roof or walls.

How to insulate the roof

If the attic is used as a living space, it will need to be insulated. The process of work is similar to the thermal insulation of the ceiling. The only difference is the order of the layers.

I put waterproofing on top of the insulation on the roof, which protects against the adverse effects of the environment.

How to insulate the floor

Floor insulation depends on the material of the foundation. Most often I use pile-screw.

Installation of thermal insulation:

  • Under the floor logs I install a frame, which will be the basis for insulation.

  • If the house is high above the ground, I stretch the waterproofing membrane under the joists and attach it with a furniture stapler. I make the membrane on the walls so that it is as tight as possible, and cold air does not enter.
  • I install a board on top of the waterproofing, its size is not more than 40-50 cm. This is enough so that the insulation does not fail. It is better to fill the board tightly so that there are no gaps.
  • If you can’t crawl under the floor of the house, I install a board under the logs, and then I fix the waterproofing membrane.
  • When the base is ready, I lay the insulation. This is done between the lags and as tightly as possible.

  • The thickness of the insulation depends on the region where the house is being built, its average value is 15 cm.
  • On top of the insulation, on the logs, I fix the vapor barrier membrane. It will protect from moisture, and also prevents the penetration of cold air. The seams are sealed with double sided tape.

  • I attach plywood or boards to the vapor barrier membrane, which will be the basis for finishing the floor.

Each layer of insulation must overlap the joints of the previous one.

Features and nuances of insulation

For proper and reliable thermal insulation, it is necessary to consider:

  • In a frame house, it is necessary to insulate the foundation, basement, walls, interfloor ceilings, roof, floor.
  • For insulation of the foundation and basement, polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam is suitable.
  • Insulation of walls, floors, roofs - mats made of basalt fiber or ecowool.
  • For the floor there are ready-made options - SIP panels. Otherwise, any other material will do.
  • The thickness of the frame house insulation for winter living should be 150 mm - for walls, 200 mm - for floors, interior partitions - 100 mm, interfloor - 200 mm, roof - 300 mm. These are not the final dimensions, the layer can always be increased or decreased.
  • For wall insulation, it is necessary to choose a material that has less vapor permeability than a load-bearing wall. This will enable the steam not to accumulate in the heat-insulating material, but to go outside.
  • With internal wall insulation, you should take care of the air exchange in the room. To do this, ventilation valves are mounted in plastic windows.
  • Before work, the walls must be treated with an antiseptic primer. This will prevent the formation of mold and mildew.
  • In order for the crate for decorative trim to be durable, I install frame racks more often. After fixing the waterproof membrane to the frame, I knock it out with spacer rails (thickness 25-30 cm). They will provide space for the runoff of trapped water.

    The outer wall of the frame house is represented by layers: inner lining, vapor barrier, insulation, frame, superdiffusion membrane, counter-lattice, facade decoration.

    Inner wall: inner cladding, vapor barrier, frame, insulation, membrane, counter-lattice, outer cladding, rough plaster, plaster mesh, plaster.

    Frame houses are very popular. They are built not only for cottages and summer holidays, but also for permanent residence. Therefore, you need to know how to properly and reliably insulate a frame house for winter living. The insulation must be reliably protected from the negative effects of the environment, because moisture, freezing and thawing can spoil the material, respectively, the life of the building will be significantly reduced.

Frame houses are a multi-layer structure with a complex wall consisting of several materials. One of the main wall materials is insulated. Most often it is mineral wool or polystyrene, which is laid directly on the frame, between its timber. This is the so-called internal insulation. However, sometimes there is a need for additional external insulation of the house (outside).

Material selection

Despite the abundance of materials for insulation, the choice practically consists of only two options:

  • insulate with foam
  • insulate with mineral wool

However, a more expensive method - insulation with foam boards - is also used, you can watch a video about it at the bottom of the article.

Each of these materials has both its fans and its opponents.

Styrofoam for exterior decoration is chosen more often, and the reason for this is its moisture resistance. In our climate, where it constantly rains, then snows, then fogs cover - this is the best option. At the same time, foam sheets additionally protect OSB-plates, which close the frame wall cake.

Styrofoam does not change its shape and appearance even after a long period of time, it is easy to lay it on the walls, as it is light and does not require great physical strength.

And another plus is that it is easy to plaster a wall with foam.

Mineral wool is used less often, but this material is quite suitable for external decoration, especially if you used wool for internal insulation and decided to immediately order more material. When buying a large batch, many sellers offer a discount.

Mineral wool has one significant plus compared to polystyrene foam, and this plus concerns the safety of the residents of a frame house. Mineral wool consists of fibers that do not support combustion. For private housing, this is a huge plus, since fires, unfortunately, in summer cottages or in private sectors are not rare. Therefore, the insulation of external walls with mineral wool is an additional protection of the house from fire.

The disadvantage of mineral wool in this case is its accumulation of moisture, which it absorbs like a sponge. After some time, unprotected mineral wool loses its appearance, cakes, holes appear in the insulation. This can be avoided by external finishing, which will prevent water from entering the insulation, and thereby extend the life of the frame house.

We lay the foam

Styrofoam is a simple and lightweight material, and it is a pleasure to lay it. Especially if the walls of the frame house are even, and you have at least some experience with this material. First you need to choose the right foam in the store. There are a huge number of types that differ from each other both in the density of the insulation and in the thickness. Which foam to choose for warming the house outside?

So let's look at the dimensions first. They are standard and represent three size categories: 0.5x1 m, 1x1 m, 2x1 m. Small sheets are used to insulate small areas, for example, balconies, booths, etc. number of joints.

The density of a foam board is determined by the size of the air space between the foamed polystyrene beads. There is the following marking: 15, 25, 35, 50. If foam plastic 15 is also suitable for internal insulation of rooms, then for the insulation of the facade of a frame building, which is often exposed to adverse effects in the form of rain, snow and temperature changes, a material with a density of 25-35 is suitable kg/cu.m.

Mineral wool also has a different density.

When laying the foam in two layers, it is worth closing the gaps between the sheets of the first row with plates. Then the building will be especially warm due to the absence of cold bridges.

You can get acquainted with the technology of warming a frame house in more detail.

Step-by-step instruction

So, you decided to stop on the insulation of the frame from the outside, chose foam for this purpose and are you ready to start work? Then consider step-by-step instructions on how to insulate a building from the outside.

  1. Façade cleaning. The cleaning of the facade includes the removal of all protrusions, dirt, chips. The surface of the wall must be put in order, it must be flat and smooth. If you are insulating a new house that did not have a finish, then the OSB boards themselves already have a flat and clean surface, so this step can be skipped. Doi with stucco finish also usually has smooth walls.
  2. We install a level beam from below along the entire perimeter of the building, where it is planned to insulate the walls. This beam is the reference for laying foam boards. They put the first row of foam plastic on it so that the laying is on the same level.
  3. Warming starts from the outer corner of the building.
  4. We apply a layer of mounting foam on the slab around the perimeter without interruptions (it is advisable to draw two more lines cross-to-cross inside the perimeter). Mounting foam, on the one hand, creates a small layer of air between the wall and the foam, and it is hermetic, and on the other hand, ensures reliable fixation of the plate to the wall.
  5. Additionally, we fix the plates with facade dowels with a large cap. Their second name is fungi. They exclude the displacement of the plates relative to the walls and provide additional fixation.
  6. The joints between the plates must be carefully foamed.
  7. Very soft material is easy to cut, so with the help of a construction knife we ​​adjust the size to insulate the place near the doorway or window.

We read more about the insulation of a frame house with polystyrene foam.

Thus, it can be seen that the process of insulating a frame building is not so complicated, and the work progresses faster if large sheets are used.

Step-by-step instructions for laying mineral wool

The step-by-step instructions for insulating a frame house with mineral wool have much in common with the instructions for insulating a frame building with foam from the outside.

  1. The preparatory stage for leveling the walls.
  2. Using a fishing line and a level, we nail a guide beam from below, on which we will put the first level of stone wool mats.
  3. The insulation in the form of cotton wool is pressed against the wall with 75 mm self-tapping screws. Additionally, we fix the plates with washers (rondole) - fungi with a large hat. It is necessary to press tightly to avoid a gap between the wall and the insulation.
  4. In order for the insulation to hold firmly, it is necessary to install a horizontal top bar and vertical bars in addition to the wall. The vertical bar is attached from above to the upper horizontal one, and from below it stands on the lower guide.
  5. Between the bars, the insulation is inserted as tightly as possible. The rondol additionally fixes the cotton wool, for which not self-tapping screws are used, but 120 mm nails.

If you want to use rolled wool for external insulation, then first we fix it from above, using a beam, and then we unwind the roll down. We also fix cotton wool at the bottom. The crate will press the wool against the wall and fix it in one place. Inexpensive cladding will keep cotton wool dry.

Read more about mineral wool insulation.

The best video:

One of the most wonderful options for owning a home is a frame house. This is an excellent and comfortable home and, moreover, quite economical in construction. However, the matter is not limited to construction. It is necessary to make a good finish to warm the house, because comfort will depend on this. Among the main features of a frame house, one can single out the fact that the walls are insulated directly during construction - this is caused, first of all, by its design.

How to insulate a frame house: the choice of materials

Initially, you should decide what material needs to be laid in the form of insulation in the wall cake. For this, there are a variety of materials. Best suited for this activity:

Do-it-yourself warming of a frame house

Basic requirements for insulation for the walls of a frame house

  1. Insulation is best chosen from environmentally friendly material so that it does not harm human health.
  2. It must be resistant to the accumulation of moisture, as well as to fire.
  3. Ease of installation on the frame of the building insulation.
  4. The ratio in the insulation of quality and price.
  5. Fire safety.
  6. Low thermal conductivity.
  7. Strength, as well as non-susceptibility to mechanical damage.

Wall insulation technologies

They may be different, but among them the main technologies can be distinguished:

  1. Thermal insulation using board materials (foam, mineral wool, and so on).
  2. Sprayed thermal insulation. This type of insulation is still quite rarely used due to novelty. However, it is quite effective. In this case, polyurethane foam is used as a heater. The application process is similar to working with the use of mounting foam.
  3. Sleep technology. In this case, the insulation is carried out using cellulose fiber, as well as other backfill materials.
  4. Combinations may also be used. Such a scheme can often be used: mineral wool is laid inside, foam plastic is outside, and then plaster.

The order of external insulation work

When carrying out the work, the exact technology of insulation plays a paramount role. Any factors that can provide a positive final result of warming should be taken into account, including the reasons that can lead to a negative result.

  1. Hinged way of warming. In this case, a frame is attached to the wall, and waterproofing directly to the surface. It can be pasted and painted. When painting waterproofing, the walls after the primer are subjected to the application of bitumen. In the pasting option, using bituminous mastic, waterproofing roll material, isol, waterproofing, fiberglass is attached. Then, in the cells of the frame, using special glue, or mounting dowels, tapes or plates of rolled insulation are attached.

    At the end of the work, the outer side of the frame is trimmed with decorative plates or panels. As a result, it is possible to perform fiber cement, composite, plastic, metal, porcelain stoneware and so on.

    Styrofoam - the cheapest wall insulation

    The main advantage of hinged insulation is a ventilation system that eliminates the appearance and accumulation of condensate in the insulation layer.

  2. Wet insulation method. This method belongs to cheap, but at the same time, to rather laborious methods. With the help of polymer glue, insulation plates are attached to the wall, after which the reinforcing mesh is fastened with dowels, and then decorative plaster is laid on it. This coating is also called "light" plaster.
  3. There is also a "heavy" plaster. It will be more difficult, but in terms of its reliability and durability it will surpass the “easy” one. It is performed as follows - insulation plates are attached to the wall using dowels, after which, using blocking plates, a reinforcing mesh is fixed.

    Insulation of the house with fiberboard slabs

    Then comes the first layer of plaster. During the day it dries, and deformation seams are made. Next comes the second, as well as the leveling layer, in which there must be temperature-shrinkage seams. The last decorative, where dyes are added, is applied five days later.

  4. Spraying liquid insulation. This method is the most progressive and modern. Polyurethane foam spraying is carried out using a special installation. The peculiarity is that the performance of such insulation is an order of magnitude higher, and the cost is equal to average heaters. After polyurethane foam, almost any coating can be used as decoration, including curtain panels.
  5. The insulation is applied by spraying

  6. Facing method. This option is one of the most expensive, however, and the most decorative. Facing materials can be performed on the wall of the building, as well as on top of the insulation. With the second method, the quality of insulation will be much better, however, it is necessary to perform high-quality ventilation.
  • when performing work, it is important to strictly observe the insulation scheme.
  • in multilayer systems, you need to make sure that there is sufficient ventilation so that the inner insulation layer does not become damp and, accordingly, does not collapse.

Internal insulation of the walls of a frame house

Sometimes there are situations when it is unacceptable. In this case, it is necessary to use internal thermal insulation. For this work, the same materials can be used as outside, however, mineral wool and glass wool, due to the complexity of installation, are rarely used. In most cases, extruded polystyrene foam is used, as well as sprayed materials: ecowool, polyurethane, penoizol.

Installation of a vapor barrier layer

Sheathing of the inner surface of the walls is produced in various ways. You can perform insulation with reinforced plaster, then puttying and finally wallpapering or painting.

Insulation of a frame house from the inside

You can also use lining panels, MDF and plastic. The most common option is upholstery with drywall sheets, after which a decorative coating is applied.

Materials such as penoizol and polyurethane foam are also used. Penoizol can be applied to surfaces of various configurations, it is able to fill all the bumps and defects. It is environmentally friendly and resistant to fire, but the main difficulty in applying it is that a special foam filling machine is needed.

Read about the features in the next article.