Installation of a rafter system under a metal tile for a gable roof and calculation of the pitch of the rafters. Calculation of the pitch and distance between the rafters Calculate the distance between the rafters of a gable roof

It is pointless to argue about the importance of the roof for any building. It is not for nothing that over a dozen different types of roofs have been invented in the history of mankind, from simple to quite complex in design and construction. An important element in planning the construction of a roof is the step between the rafters - strong bars that are the basis of the structure. This will be discussed in this article.

The distance between the base of the roof slopes is not a constant value and depends on the following components:

  • type of roof;
  • slope angle;
  • the type of roofing material to be installed;
  • rafter section dimensions.

Before proceeding with the process of erecting the upper structure of the house, a calculation should be performed by determining the optimal distance between the rafters.

Gable roof rafter pitch

The most widespread in our country are gable roofs. They are a structure that has two parallel planes, with an angle of inclination relative to the horizon from 20 to 50 degrees.

With an insufficient slope of the gable roof in snowy areas, there is a danger of accumulation of large snow masses, which can lead to the destruction of the structure. An increase in the slope angle in regions with a predominance of strong winds is also fraught with a high load and the risk of breaking not only the roof, but the entire structure as a whole.

Mansard roof truss system

Most private houses have an exploited under-roof space called an attic. This design is characterized by an increased height of the slope, which is caused by the need to create a living space of a comfortable height. As a rule, the slopes of the mansard roof are broken, having a changing angle of slope. For their installation, a double truss system is used.

The steepness of the lower slopes of the mansard roof significantly exceeds the slope of their upper extensions. The plane load perceived by them is not great. Thanks to this, the rafters in the lower part can be installed with a maximum pitch. The upper ridge slopes are recommended to be mounted with a reduced gap from each other.

Rafters in a shed roof

For outbuildings and some private houses, roofs with one slope are used. Due to the limited angle of inclination, high pressure is exerted on them. Experts recommend using lumber of increased cross-section for the rafters of a single-pitched roof, with the installation of a minimum step from each other.

When calculating the distances at which roof beams are installed, special attention should be paid to the amount of snow load in a particular area. With a small slope, this characteristic is of great importance. Roofing material for such roofs is best chosen with a minimum dead weight, which will reduce the bending load.

Hip roof truss system

The hip roof truss system is considered the most difficult in construction. This type is called four-pitched, since the roof is formed not only by side, but also by additional end slopes, where the installation of rafters is carried out not on the ridge, but on the corner bowstrings. This places special demands on the organization of the roof frame.

Under the hip roof, the attic is not often arranged. This is due to the small angle of inclination of the rafters and the roof as a whole. In the case of an increase in the angle of the slopes to the horizon, the distance between the rafters is increased, with a decrease, vice versa. An additional aspect of the calculation is the roofing material used.

The dependence of the pitch of the rafters on the roofing material

In addition to variable snow and wind loads, a constant (static) one also acts on the roof, the force of which depends on the roofing material used. It is no secret that different types of roofs have their own weight, which can differ by 10 or more times.

The right choice of material affects not only the top, but also all other parts of the structure of a residential building and other buildings. Not without reason, when designing the foundation, it is necessary to decide in advance on the choice of the roof.

Roofing from profiled sheet

Currently, one of the most common roofing materials is a profiled sheet, which is produced galvanized or followed by a polymer coating. The distinguishing features of the profiled sheet include the following parameters:

  1. High corrosion resistance;
  2. As a result, a long (more than 15 years) service life;
  3. Easy installation even without the necessary qualification;
  4. Small sheet weight (weight 1 m 2 is 4-5 kg).

Since this roofing material does not exert a high load on the rafter system, the distance between the elements is chosen as much as possible for a particular angle of inclination. In addition, the profiled sheet does not require high strength characteristics from the roof lathing. All this together allows minimizing the total load on the foundation and walls.

Roofing from a metal tile

The second common type of steel roofing materials is metal tiles. This type of profiled sheet, which successfully imitates natural clay material, but with a lower mass (10 or more). A feature of the rafters under the metal tile is the smaller section size.

When choosing at what distance to install the rafters, first of all, you should be guided by the dynamic load. Like a profiled sheet, a metal tile is not demanding on the size of the rafter legs and is well mounted on a crate made of an inch coniferous board. All this makes a metal roof low-cost.

Rafter system for ondulin

In the 21st century, corrugated sheet materials were replaced by a more durable and lightweight analogue - ondulin. Among others - the most lightweight material. The weight of the sheet does not exceed 6 kg.

The small thickness of ondulin sheets at slope angles of less than 15 ° requires the construction of a continuous crate of plywood sheets, for example, which will require an appropriate rafter pitch. This should be taken into account in the calculations.

slate roof

Not so long ago, a wavy material from an asbestos-cement mixture, called slate, was widespread. High mass and fragility are the main disadvantages, however, even today he finds his fans in the construction of various outbuildings.

A high mass, comparable to the weight of a clay tile, will not allow the use of the same truss system as under a metal tile. Building codes define a minimum angle of slope for a slate roof of 22 degrees or more. Otherwise, the load from the material itself and the truss system with the crate exceeds the permissible parameters. The step of the inclined bars, as well as their cross section, are selected individually in each case.

Polycarbonate roof

In recent years, more and more often on the roofs of verandas and gazebos, an artificial polymer material, polycarbonate, has been used. Produced in two versions - monolithic and honeycomb. The first in its properties is similar to ordinary quartz glass, but significantly exceeds it in strength. The second one has less mechanical properties, but high thermal insulation and light transmission.

Cellular polycarbonate is standardly much lighter than a monolithic counterpart. It is used as a roof without the use of lathing, provided that the step does not exceed ½ of the width of the sheet of material. The high strength of the monolithic analogue also makes it possible to avoid elements transverse to the rafters. Sufficient flexibility allows you to cover semi-circular roofs on a metal frame, the pitch of which does not exceed 0.9 meters.

Thematic material:

Rafters under a soft roof

The original pattern can be obtained through the use of soft roofing materials, which are spread with an adhesive layer. They are installed on a continuous crate made of plywood or OSB. The step of the rafters should allow you to fix the sheets, so it is chosen as a multiple of ½ of the width. Given the standard dimensions of plywood 1520x1520 mm, the center distance between the rafters will be: 1520: 3 = 506 mm.

Rafter step for insulation

The installation of residential under-roof spaces is often combined with the laying of insulation sheets in the rafter gap. The most common plates with dimensions of 600x1000mm. These parameters are used as starting points.

Rafter pitch calculation scheme

According to building codes, the pitch of the roof rafters is in the range of 0.6 - 1 meter. Its final calculation is performed according to a simple formula, depending on the total length of the roof. For the calculation, you must perform the following list of actions:

  1. determine how much distance should be between the rafters for your specific building conditions. According to the reference book, the magnitude of wind and snow loads in the area is determined.
  2. the length of the roof is divided by the desired distance by adding one. The result will be equal to the number of rafter legs that are installed on one roof slope. If the value is not an integer, it is rounded off.
  3. the length of the roof is divided by the number of rafters calculated above, we get the final step in meters.

For example, with a slope of 30 degrees, the maximum distance between the rafters of a gable roof under a metal tile is 0.6 measure. The length is assumed to be 16 meters. Consequently:

  1. 16:0,6+1=27,66;
  2. rounding the result, we get 28 rafters per slope;
  3. 16:28 \u003d 0.57 meters - the center gap of the rafter legs for these specific conditions.

As you can see, the calculation technology is not complicated, but this is just an approximate scheme. Taking into account many other parameters mentioned above can make certain adjustments.

The truss structure is the fundamental element of a pitched roof. Incorrectly calculated distance between the rafters, incorrect calculation of the load on the erected system of beams, their incorrect installation, most likely, will lead to deformation and collapse. The stability of the truss system depends on:

  1. from strength at the bottom, to the ridge at the top;
  2. the validity of the drawing of the support for the rafters, taking into account the length of the span;
  3. wood quality;
  4. rafter steps.
  5. Obviously, the main condition for the reliability of the roof structure is a correctly calculated distance between the rafters. You can figure out how to determine this value for a single-pitched, gable, hip roof.

    What are span length calculations based on?

    A competent design calculation, in which the pitch of all rafter legs is calculated according to the same principle for any type of roof, is based on such indicators:

    1. type of roofing material (metal tile, slate, etc.);
    2. distance (span) between adjacent supports;
    3. the angle at which the legs of the rafter are attached.
  • rafter weight;
  • insulation weight;
  • roof weight;
  • crate weight;
  • snow;
  • wind;

the weight of a person or people who will subsequently be engaged in the repair, maintenance of the roof itself and the objects located on it.

Snow and wind are different values ​​for each region, you need to look for these indicators in the reference information of a particular area, region.

How to calculate truss gaps

The exact distance between the rafter legs is calculated using complex mathematical formulas, resistance materials, but many craftsmen cope with this task in their own way. After the calculation of the maximum load is carried out, the following actions should be performed:

  • measure the length of the roof;
  • divide the result by the span of the roof frame or the approximate step for installing the rafters, (the step of the rafters is the distance from one to the other leg of the rafter system, usually a standard value, approximately selected, is taken into account);
  • add one to the result, round the resulting value;

After that, the length of the roof slope should be divided by the obtained value (the number of trusses) - the required step of the rafters will be obtained.

Calculation example. The slope has a length of 27m, the selected step is 0.8m.

33,75+1= 34,75
round = 35, The number 35 means that you need to put 35 rafters.

We determine the distance between the rafters: 27: 35 \u003d 0.8. That is, the leg is set one from the other at a distance of 80 cm.

The generally accepted standard is a value equal to 1 meter, a step of eighty, seventy, ninety cm can also be optimal. Obviously, the calculation procedure cannot be called accurate, because the type of roofing material is not taken into account.

Intervals between rafters used for different types of roofing materials

When calculating the step of the rafters, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics and dimensions of the roofing material. The most popular types of roofing are:

  • corrugated board;
  • ceramic tiles;
  • metal tile;
  • ondulin;
  • slate.

These types of roofing are used for the installation of roofs of residential buildings, baths, outbuildings. For each type of roof and roof shape, single-pitched, double-pitched or otherwise, a certain gap between the rafters is used.


Decking is a modern durable material made of galvanized sheet formed into a specific profile. The material is lightweight and durable. When using it, the calculation of the distance between adjacent rafters is 60-90 centimeters. A greater distance is possible only if there is a large cross-section board that fastens the rafters. The crate for corrugated board is made from a board of thirty, mounted 50 cm apart, if the roof angle is 15 °, the corrugated board is laid on the crate, laid without gaps.

The step of the rafters under the corrugated board does not depend on its brand. So, C44, the heaviest material, is attached to a crate with a span of 30 cm, but the pitch of the rafters does not change.

Ceramic tile

The calculation of the pitch of the rafters for ceramic tiles, a heavy, expensive material, is somewhat different from others. For a material whose weight is large, only dried strong beams with a section of 50x150, 60x180 cm are used. The optimal distances between the rafters taken as standards are from 80 to 120 cm. The choice of interval depends on the slope and type of roof. The calculation must be made taking into account the length of the rafter beam. For the longest rafter, a minimum step is required, and vice versa, the short length of the rafter allows you to use a step of maximum width.

metal tile

Metal tile can be safely called the leader among all roofing materials. It is used for complex, hip, gable, hipped, pitched roofs. Its installation is much simpler than ceramic tiles. Metal tiles can be put on the old roof, ceramic tiles, slate can be replaced using the old step. The metal tile is 10 times smaller, therefore, beams of a smaller section 50x150 are used, the step between the rafters is from 60-90 cm, standard values. It is especially convenient to insulate such a roof by including the width of the roll or sheet insulation in the calculation.


This type of soft roof is becoming more and more popular, lightweight, easy to install, strong and durable. Ondulin sheets are overlapped on a 40x50 crate made of coniferous boards (60 cm step).

The pitch of the rafter legs is from 60 to 90 cm. Beams are needed with a section of 50x150 or 50x200.


Slate is widely used to cover farm buildings, baths, houses, garages. Therefore, what should be the distance between the rafters when using this roofing material, many people know. The use of this particular material created a system of rafter pitch 60-80, battens 50x50. The crate is made of bars 50x50 or the thirtieth board, depending on the slope. For a sloping pitched roof, a batten pitch of 45 cm is used, for a gable roof - 65 cm.

How do the steps of the rafters of gable and shed roofs differ?

Each type of roof has its own strength. The pitch of the rafter beams depends on what margin of safety should be laid during the installation of a particular type of roof.

Shed roof structures, which are typical for simple household buildings, are made of beams mounted on walls. The distance between the roof rafters directly depends on their length. It is also important to take into account the cross section of the timber used, based on the fact that the longer the gap, the greater the load.

The gable system, which includes gable, tent, hip and other structures, is always mounted with thermal insulation. The standard step for such roofs is 1-1.2 meters. In each case, the calculation is carried out taking into account, as already mentioned, the weight of the roofing material and other things, SNiP 2.01.85 is taken as the basis, which considers all types of loads and impacts. The step is calculated according to the usual scheme given above. Be sure to take into account the angle of inclination. An angle of 45° allows the use of all types of roofing. With the same roof slopes, the pitch of one side is calculated.

Stick to the following tips:

  • If a decision is made to independently arrange the roof, check the correctness of your calculations with specialists or, at worst, use the services of online calculators of construction companies.
  • When determining the pitch of the rafters, remember about thermal insulation, any rolled or sheet insulation shrinks over time. Remember about ventilation holes, waterproofing.
  • If the slope of the roof is 45° or more, the weight of the person is subtracted from the sum of the maximum load, which allows the use of fewer rafters (by 20%).
  • Decide which type: layered or required for the selected roof geometry.
  • Take your time with the choice of timber, it must be dry (residual moisture not more than 20%), made of coniferous wood.

When carrying out installation work, it is very important to correctly determine the pitch of the rafters under the metal tile. It is important to understand that it is quite difficult to make such calculations, and the level of strength of the roof directly depends on how correctly everything is done. Many experts argue that the operational life of not only the roof, but also the structure itself depends on the level of reliability of attaching the metal tile to the rafters. As a result of the fact that the metal tile has a rather large weight, the truss system must be strong. In addition, beginners will not be able to lay roofing material. In order to properly carry out installation work, it is recommended to responsibly approach the calculation of the step of the truss system.

The device of the truss system under the metal tile

Do-it-yourself rafter system for metal tiles is not as difficult to perform as it is to make the appropriate calculations. It is important to understand that the type of system used depends entirely on the type of roof. To date, the truss system for a gable roof under a metal tile is considered the most popular option. Such truss systems, as practice shows, are great for installing metal tiles on the roof of a dwelling. To equip the rafters, wooden blocks of different lengths are used - the choice, as a rule, directly depends on the length of the legs. Many experts recommend paying attention to the fact that it is necessary to choose the right angle of inclination, which can vary from 15 to 30 degrees - this value is considered optimal.

Calculation of the distance between the rafters for metal tiles

The step of the rafter under the metal tile is the distance from one rafter leg to the other, to put it differently, then this distance is called the step of the rafter system by roofers. This distance directly depends on the type of roofing chosen. As practice shows, for all roofing materials, including metal tiles, this size varies from 0.6 to 1.2 m. However, it is important to understand that it is best to carry out accurate distance calculations for each material separately - it must be individual approach.

Before proceeding with the installation work, it is necessary not only to determine the distance between the rafters, but also to understand how much material is required for the legs. To find out the pitch of the rafters of a gable roof under a metal tile or a shed, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. First of all, calculate the length of the roof slope from the metal tile. Measurements, as a rule, are carried out along the eaves of the roof.
  2. After that, it is possible to choose an arbitrary step. It is important to take into account the fact that the step limits for metal tiles can vary from 0.6 to 1 m. For example, initially it became necessary to adhere to a distance of 0.8 m. The length of the slope should be divided by the chosen value for the step of the truss system. Let's say that the length of the slope is 12 m, it turns out that 12 / 0.8 and it turns out 15. After that, you will need to add 1 to the resulting value. In the case when the number turns out to be fractional, then it should definitely be rounded up. Thus, it turns out 15+1=16. This value shows exactly how many rafter legs should be installed on the roof. Then you need to take the length of the slope and divide it by the resulting number of legs. It turns out that 12/16 and it turns out 0.75 m.

Many experts recommend entrusting these works to professionals, which will allow you to get the desired result in the future. It is important to understand that there is a high probability that mistakes will be made, which will ultimately negatively affect the finished roof structure.

Attention! As practice shows, such calculations can be used for any roofing materials.

Installation of rafters under the metal tile

Since installation work is carried out at a great height, if necessary, it is possible to assemble the frame for the supporting truss system on the ground, and then lift and fix it on the roof. For these purposes, it is best to create a special template or scheme of the truss system for metal tiles from boards, according to which the installation will be carried out.

The whole process is carried out in stages:

  1. First of all, the boards are raised above the wall of the building, leveled and fixed with nails.

  2. According to the project, the boards must be aligned at a certain angle of inclination, after which all elements are securely fixed.

  3. Ultimately, a structure should be obtained that, in appearance and shape, resembles a truss system. Manufacturing must be carried out taking into account the calculations made.

  4. Then you need to lower the template to the ground and install all the finishing elements.

Do not forget about the installation of supporting elements, namely, Mauerlat. Laying is carried out on load-bearing walls in a longitudinal position. As fasteners, special studs or wire rods are used.

The next step is the installation of the ridge run, which is used as a supporting part for all roofs. For work, you will need to use a beam or a hewn log. In cases where the length of the slope does not exceed 6 m, then additional supporting elements can be dispensed with.

When the installation of all elements has come to an end, you can proceed with the installation and further installation work on the arrangement of the truss system according to the attached template.

Mauerlat can be fixed in several ways:

  • rigid connection- in this case, a beam or corners should be used, nails and staples are used much less often, a feature is the fact that it will be necessary to additionally tie the rafters to the wall, using anchors for this purpose;
  • sliding way- in such cases, an articulated connection must be created, it can be done by joining the elements with cuts.

During operation, the step distance of the truss system must be observed.

When choosing a rafter pitch for a metal tile, you should pay attention that the distance should not be less than the minimum allowable value and more than the maximum allowable value, that is, it can vary from 0.6 m to 1.2 m.

If it was decided to choose a distance from 0.6 to 1 m, then the length of the rafters in this case should not be more than 6 m. In the event that it is reduced, it is allowed to make a run up to 1.2 m.

If the legs of the truss system are installed more often than after 0.6 m, then this will only contribute to a significant weighting of the roof and, as a rule, an increase in costs. If necessary, the distance can be 1.2 m, but it is important to understand that in this case the level of bearing capacity will be significantly reduced, which will negatively affect the structure of the metal tile.

If necessary, you can increase the level of strength, then for this you will need to perform a continuous crate of wood boards. In such situations, the step can vary from 0.2 to 0.3 m. This option is used extremely rarely, since its implementation requires much more investment.

An interval of 1.2 m is almost never used during installation work. This is due to the fact that despite the rather high level of strength, the metal tile will begin to sag under the weight of snow in the winter or with strong gusts of wind.

An important value is the cross section of the timber used for arranging the truss system. It depends on him what distance will be chosen. The best option is the choice of wooden bars with a cross section of 150 * 150 mm, while the crate can be installed at intervals of 4 to 7 cm. In this case, it is recommended to take into account the step of the transverse wave.


The pitch of the rafters under the metal tile can only be determined after the appropriate calculations have been made. It is important to understand that if the distance is quite small, this can significantly increase the material consumption and project budget, and if the distance is made too large, the roofing material will begin to sag during operation, which will lead to deformation of the metal tile.

The distance between the rafters is one of the key parameters that affect the strength of the structure. Competent calculation of the installation step of the rafters allows you to build a roof that is resistant to high operational loads.

Roof loads and rafter system calculation

The development of a single-pitched or dual-pitched roof project begins with the choice of the type of truss system, the angle of inclination of the slopes (roof height) and materials for the construction of the structure. The calculation of the distance between the rafter legs is carried out taking into account the loads that the roof will experience during operation. Permanent loads include:

  • the weight of the materials from which the truss system is made;
  • roofing weight;
  • weight of roofing cake materials (waterproofing, vapor barrier, insulation);
  • the weight of the finishing elements of a residential attic or attic.

In addition to permanent loads, the roof also experiences temporary ones, which include:

  • snow cover weight;
  • the weight of a person during the maintenance and repair of the roof.
  • A step is the distance between the rafters of one slope. When calculating a shed, gable or complex roof, the following scheme is usually followed:

    • the length of the future roof slope is measured;
    • the resulting value is divided by the optimal numerical value of the pitch of the rafters;
    • one is added to the obtained value, the result is rounded off;
    • the length of the roof slope is divided by the rounded result.

    The final result will determine how far the rafter legs should be placed. The determination of the step cannot be extremely accurate, since it is necessary to take into account a number of additional factors, including the width of the insulation, the particular installation of the crate for various types of roofing material. If a roof with a chimney is being designed, the pitch can be adjusted according to its location so that it is not necessary to remove part of the rafter in the future and install a supporting structure, such as a special rafter system.

    The distance between the rafters under the slate

    Slate is a traditional roofing material. Its advantages include such characteristics as resistance to external influences (excluding mechanical ones) and low cost. Slate allows you to create a roofing, the repair of which can be reduced to the replacement of individual elements. Slate is heavy and requires the installation of a sufficiently powerful truss system. The calculation of the distance at which it is necessary to put the rafters under the slate is carried out taking into account the cross section of the beam for the manufacture of rafter legs.

    The optimal solution is to install the system under the slate, in which the gap between the rafters must be at least 800 mm. In order for the slate structure to withstand not only the weight of the material, but also increased external loads, the crate is made of timber or boards with a cross section of at least 30 mm. When calculating the truss system for slate, it should be read that this material has rather large restrictions on the choice of the angle of inclination of the slopes.

    Rafters for metal roofing

    Metal tiles are actively used as a practical and aesthetic roofing material when arranging a shed, gable, hip or complex roof. The frame for the metal tile is built according to standard principles. To calculate at what distance it is better to place the rafters, it is necessary to take into account the loads and the angle of the roof. The metal tile is characterized by relatively low weight, so it can serve as a replacement for the old roofing of slate or ceramic tiles. In this case, the rafters do not need to be strengthened or the pitch of their installation changed.

    The standard step of rafters for metal tiles is 600-900 mm. The cross section of the elements can be 50-150 mm - this is enough to create a reliable frame for a metal tile. But if it is planned to use insulation, the layer of which in areas with low winter temperatures should be 200 mm, it is recommended to use a 200x50 beam for rafters under metal tiles so as not to mount an additional system that holds the insulation. The gap between the rafters under the metal tile is best adjusted to the width of the sheet or roll heat insulator.

    Decking: rafters and crate

    The professional flooring belongs to easy and convenient roofing materials in application. Galvanized or coated with a decorative and protective layer, corrugated board can be used both for mounting a shed roof of a utility room or garage, and for a gable roof of a residential building. How to calculate the distance required to install the rafters under the corrugated board?

    To ensure the necessary rigidity of the structure, it is enough to install the rafters under the corrugated board in increments of 600-900 mm. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the angle of the roof. The calculation shows that with high external loads, it is better to lay the corrugated board on the system with a minimum step. But if the distance between the rafters under the corrugated board is close to the maximum, and the angle of the roof slope is small, then the structure is strengthened by using a more frequent crate. In this case, the step of the crate under the corrugated board should be about 50 mm, the width of the elements should be at least 100 mm.

    Rafter system for soft roofing

    Soft roofing includes bituminous and bitumen-polymer roll materials, roofing membranes, as well as soft tiles. A soft roof is characterized by a relatively low weight and no need to install a massive truss structure.

    The minimum distance between the rafters is 600 mm, the maximum is 1500 mm. When installing a support under a soft roof, it is important to take into account the angle of inclination of the slopes: the smaller the angle, the smaller the distance between the supports for a continuous crate should be. The choice of step is also influenced by the thickness of the material for the crate - the thicker the sheet of plywood or OSB, the greater the installation step of the rafter legs can be.

    Ondulin: calculation of rafters

    Ondulin (bituminous slate) is laid on a flat, continuous crate made of sheet material. This allows the roofing to successfully resist wind and snow loads. The crate under the ondulin rests on the rafters, which should be located in increments of 600 - 1000 mm, depending on the angle of inclination of the gable or shed roof.

    Rafters for ondulin are made of timber with a section of 200 × 50 mm. When choosing at what distance to put the rafter legs for the structure under the ondulin, it is recommended to take into account the width of the insulation material in order to simplify its installation. This calculation allows you to reduce the financial costs of arranging the roof.

    Sandwich panel roof

    Sandwich roofing is most often erected on sip-panel houses or hangar-type buildings. A feature of the sandwich is its bending rigidity, which makes it possible to dispense with the installation of traditional rafters. Small spans from the ridge of a gable roof to the upper part of the wall (or the distance between the supporting structures of a shed roof) allow the installation of a sandwich without additional supports.

    If the span exceeds 4 meters, additional girders must be installed. To install a sandwich roof on a residential building, a traditional rafter system is often installed, but in this case the rafters can be positioned with a large step - they serve as a support for the girders. The distance between the rafter legs is selected based on the length of the available material for the runs and the length of the load-bearing walls. The technical parameters of the sandwich allow the roof to withstand high operating loads.

    Polycarbonate: erection of the supporting structure

    Polycarbonate has recently been actively used as a roofing material. First of all, polycarbonate is in demand in the construction of gazebos, sheds, winter gardens. The crate and truss system for polycarbonate can be made of wood or metal.

    Polycarbonate varies in weight depending on the thickness of the sheet. The crate for polycarbonate is recommended to be done in increments of 600-800 mm. The crate (wooden or metal) is mounted on rafters, which can be straight or arched. Usually the gap between the rafters for polycarbonate is from 1500 to 2300 mm. In order to correctly calculate at what distance it is better to bleed the rafters, it is necessary to take into account the glazing area, the dimensions and thickness of the sheets, and take into account that polycarbonate is attached with gaps for thermal expansion.

    The distance between the rafters of a gable and single-pitched roof

    Find out what distance between the rafters you need to make for a gable and shed roof. The maximum distance between the rafters for metal tiles, ondulin and soft roofing.

    The distance between the rafters: principles and examples of calculating the pitch of the truss system

    The task of correctly calculating the distance between the rafters is very responsible. Not only the reliability and durability of the roof, but also all subsequent work on it will depend on how seriously you begin to solve it: laying insulation, installing roofing, installing additional elements. If you manipulate the step of the rafters under the roof sheets, as many do, then it is not a fact that a heater will then enter between the rafters. If you focus only on insulation, the very first winter with its abundant Russian snow will crush the truss system. That is why the whole point is to choose the optimal rafter pitch for all slopes, and now we will teach you this skill.

    What determines the pitch of the rafters?

    So, the distance between the rafters is determined by such important factors:

    1. The shape of the roof (gable, single-pitched or multi-pitched).
    2. Roof angle.
    3. The parameters of the timber that is used for the manufacture of rafters (width, thickness).
    4. The design of the truss system (layered, hanging or sliding).
    5. The totality of all loads on the roof (covering weight, atmospheric phenomena, etc.).
    6. Lathing material (20x100 or 50x50) and its parameters (solid, with gaps of 10 cm, 20 cm or solid plywood)

    And each of these parameters must be taken into account, which is exactly what this article is about.

    Decorative rafters: 0% load

    First of all, decide on the most important point: the type of roof and its purpose. The fact is that the roof of a residential building in winter can withstand a large cap of snow, a constant wind at a height and it is often insulated from the inside, but completely different requirements are imposed on the rafter system of a small gazebo hidden under the crowns of trees.

    For example, if you are building a pergola in its classical sense, then it does not matter at all what exactly the distance between the rafters will be - this is already a purely aesthetic factor:

    In the above illustration, it can be seen that even in such a building there is a step of rafters. After all, here it provides both an aesthetic factor and the rigidity of the structure itself. But the step is chosen arbitrarily.

    Functional rafters: detailed calculation

    We approach the main question: what distance should be between the roof rafters of a residential building? Here, be patient and carefully study all the nuances.

    Item 1. Wall length and rafter spacing

    First of all, the step of installing rafters on the roof of a residential building is usually chosen according to the structural size of the building, although taking into account many other factors.

    For example, it is easiest to install rafters in increments of 1 meter, so for a wall 6 meters long, 7 rafters are installed as standard. At the same time, you can save money by placing them with a distance of 1 and 2 meters, and you get exactly 5 rafters. It can also be placed with a distance of 2 and 3 meters, but reinforced with a crate. But it is highly undesirable to make a step of rafters more than 2 meters.

    Item 2. Influence of snow and wind loads on the shape of the roof

    So, we settled on the fact that the average distance between the rafters of an ordinary roof is 1 meter. But, if there is a significant snow or wind load in the area, or the roof is more or less flat or simply heavy (for example, covered with clay tiles), then this distance must be reduced to 60-80 cm. But on a roof with a slope of more than 45 degrees, it can be even zoom to a distance of 1.2m-1.4m.

    Why is it so important? Let's figure it out. The fact is that the air flow collides on its way with the wall under the roof of the building, and turbulence occurs there, after which the wind hits the eaves of the roof. It turns out that the wind flow, as it were, goes around the slope of the roof, but at the same time trying to raise it. And in the roof at this moment there are forces that are ready to rip or overturn it - these are two windward sides and one lifting.

    There is another force that arises from wind pressure and acts perpendicular to the slope, trying to push the roof slope inwards. And the greater the angle of inclination of the roof slope, the more important are the safe wind forces and the less tangential. And the larger the angle of the slope, the less often you need to put rafters.

    To understand whether you should make a high roof or a flat one, this map of the average wind load will help:

    The second point: in the Russian region, such an atmospheric phenomenon as snow constantly affects the standard roof of a house. And here, too, you need to consider that the snow bag usually accumulates more on one side of the roof than on the other.

    That is why in such places where such a bag is possible, it is necessary to insert paired rafter legs or make a continuous crate. The easiest way to determine such places is by the wind rose: single rafters are placed on the windward side, and paired rafters on the leeward side.

    If you are building a house for the first time, then you will not find your own worldview, but determine the average snow load for your area according to official data:

    Point 3. The issue of insulation and the standard width of mats

    If you will insulate the roof, then it is advisable to set the pitch of the rafters under the standard dimensions of the insulation boards, which are 60, 80 cm and 120 cm.

    Modern heaters today are sold in standard widths, usually at the same standard rafter spacing. If you then take them and adjust them to existing parameters, then there will be a lot of waste, cracks, cold bridges and other problems.

    Point 4. The quality and strength of the lumber used

    Of great importance is also what kind of material you use to build the truss system. So, for each type of wood there is its own regulatory documentation, which concerns its bearing capacity:

    Because for the manufacture of the roof truss system in Russia, pine and spruce are most often used, their bending strength and features of use have long been prescribed. If you use wood of other species, then you can display the correction factor.

    In addition, if there are sections, cuts or bolt holes on the rafter, in this place it is necessary to calculate the bearing capacity of the bar with a factor of 0.80.

    Item 5. Distance between puffs and floor beams

    One more thing: if the roof is built with interconnected roof trusses, and their lower belt is used simultaneously as floor beams, then the distance between the trusses must be made within 60-75 cm to take into account the design of the future floor.

    Item 6. Loads on truss nodes

    So, here are the main loads that act on the roof truss system:

    1. Static, which includes the weight of the rafter system itself, the weight of the roof, snow lying on the roof and additional elements.
    2. Dynamic, which includes wind force, unexpected damage to the roof, the weight of a person and equipment for repairs, and similar factors.

    And all these factors are able at a certain moment to act on the roof at the same time, and therefore there is such a thing as a critical value. This is exactly the value of the loads at which the roof does not withstand and deforms.

    Therefore, if the building is being built with significant spans, then steel truss trusses are necessarily used. The fact is that there is no tension in such rods, and the entire load falls on the nodes - here they are affected by compressive and tensile forces. And the distance between such farms is calculated depending on the type of roof and the design of the roof itself.

    Usually, a unified truss is placed with a span that is a multiple of six, and therefore a distance is made between the truss nodes that is a multiple of one and a half meters.

    Item 7. Weight of the rafter system and roofing cake

    Do not forget that the main purpose of the rafters is to hold the entire roof on itself, and its weight is crucial:

    Point 8. Ease of installation of roofing

    The distance between the rafters is also influenced by such a factor as the selected roofing. The higher the slope of the roof, the more roofing materials will be used. And the heavier they are, the more often you will have to put rafters under them. But what about a full slab? The fact of the matter is that it also has its own weight:

    Each type of roof has its own optimal rafter pitch. After all, many standard sheets at the edges need to be fixed directly to the rafter or crate, and it is important that they match. Otherwise, roofing work will easily turn into a living hell at a height, believe me.

    That is why, even before starting installation, it is necessary to make a layout, check everything several times. And to know some important subtleties for each type of coating.

    Determining the totality of loads on the roof as a whole and the rafters separately

    So, we have determined that, in addition to other design factors, a whole set of loads simultaneously acts on the roof truss system: the weight of the truss system, a snow cap, wind pressure. After you add all the loads together, be sure to multiply them by a factor of 1.1. So you all count on unexpected favorable conditions, that is, lay an additional 10% percent strength.

    And now you just have to divide the total load by the planned number of rafters and see if each of them will cope with its task. If it seems that the design will be frail - feel free to add 1-2 rafters to the total, and you will be calm for your home.

    You need to make a calculation for destruction, i.e. to the full load that acts on the roof. All these loads are determined by the technical characteristics of materials and SNiPs.

    The standard roof structure is rafters, lattice runs, and each of these elements works only on the load that puts pressure on it, and not on the overall roof as a whole. Those. each individual rafter has its own load, total, but divided by the number of rafter legs, and by changing the step of their location, you change the load collection area on the rafters - reducing it or increasing it. And, if it is inconvenient for you to change the pitch of the rafters, then work with the parameters of the section of the rafter legs, and the total bearing capacity of the roof will increase significantly:

    In this calculation, try to ensure that the longest rafter in your project is no more than six and a half meters, otherwise, splice along the length. Now let's explain in more detail. So, on roofs with a slope of up to 30 degrees, the rafters are the so-called "bendable elements". Those. they work specifically for bending, and there are certain requirements for them. And the possibility of deflection of the rafters is calculated according to a special formula, and if the result exceeds the norm, then the rafters are increased in height and a new calculation is made again.

    But on the roof with a warehouse slope of more than 30 degrees, which rafters are already considered “bendable-compressed” elements. That is, they are affected not only by a uniformly distributed load, which causes the rafters to bend, but also by forces that are already acting along the axis of the rafter. In simple terms, here the rafters not only bend a little under the weight of the roof, but are also squeezed from the ridge to the Mauerlat. In addition, the crossbar, which usually holds back two rafter legs, must also be checked for tension.

    As you can see, even a person who is far from construction can cope with such calculations. The main thing is to take everything into account, be attentive and ready to spend a little more time on design, so that later all the work goes like clockwork!

    The distance between the rafters: what step should be between the rafters

    Detailed instructions on how to correctly calculate the distance between the roof rafters of different structures, taking into account the amount of loads and the material used.

    The shed truss system came to us from the USA and Europe. Residents using it noted reliability and cheapness, so the popularity of this type spread very quickly. Despite the fact that a small amount of wood was required for the construction of one slope, few people dared to build such a construction. The fact is that most developers considered such a system too simple for residential buildings, while the other part simply did not know how to build it to prove the opposite. In this article I will try to explain to you how to easily and quickly create such systems and correctly select the pitch of the rafters of a pitched roof.

    Basis of calculation

    Despite its simplicity, one slope must meet all the installation rules. After all, if serious mistakes are made at the same time, then the roofing will deform, which will inevitably entail not only leaks, but also the collapse of the entire roof.

    To achieve maximum stability of the roofing system, it is necessary to pay attention to four components:

    1. Reliability of fastening of the rafter legs to the support beam and ridge;
    2. Proper selection of auxiliary parts for the truss system;
    3. Durable lumber and auxiliary elements;
    4. Rafter step.

    Do not think that by observing only four points you will achieve the most stable design. To do this, you will have to use all known methods and technologies.

    Calculation values

    You can’t perform calculations without knowing certain indicators, right? Therefore, before starting, you need to make sure that you have four basic values.

  • Roofing material parameters
  • Step of rafter legs
  • Rafter slope
  • In addition to all these indicators, the main task of any project is to calculate the maximum allowable load on the roof. It includes quite a lot of values, and here is a list of elements whose mass is especially important in the calculation:

    • rafter legs
    • crate
    • roofing cake

    If you are far from the construction industry, then you will have to remember that the calculation of the maximum roof load consists of two parts. The first one takes into account all the materials used, and the second one contains the snow load of your region. Its meaning is written in a special reference book, which you can easily find on the net.

    But even on this, the indicators will not be accurate, because you forgot about the wind load and the weight of the worker himself, who will carry out installation work and subsequent maintenance (repair, cleaning).

    When developing a project by a construction organization, they use complex formulas of strength of materials, so if you don’t want to bother with this, you can use the recommendations of experienced people.

    How to calculate the required distance between the rafters

    The distance between the rafters of a shed roof largely depends on the previously calculated maximum possible step. To determine this value, you will need to have a total load value, roof parameters and data on the wood of the rafter legs.

    You can calculate the optimal step of the rafter leg using the following method:

    1. First of all, you need to find the total length of the roof. This value must include any ends and overhangs;
    2. The resulting value is divided by the maximum allowable distance between the rafters;
    3. The answer is rounded up. This number will indicate the number of spans;
    4. Next, we take the value of the length of the roof and divide it into spans. So you will find the optimal step;
    5. And to find the number of rafter legs, you need to add one to the spans.

    This rule works for the vast majority of roofs, but there are those that cannot be calculated in this way. If you have just such a case, then you will have to acquire an additional rafter on one of the ends.

    Rafter system depending on the roofing

    It's no secret that the greater the mass of the roofing, the greater the number of rafter legs must be installed. Most manufacturers of this material in the instructions for their product indicate the optimal number of rafters and their dimensions.

    You should not blindly trust these instructions, only if you do not live in the central strip of Russia, because they were written specifically for this territory. Before developing a drawing, it is necessary to carefully study the prevailing winds and draw a kind of rose, which will be a guide for future construction.

    It is worth noting that in regions of the country where a large amount of precipitation in the form of snow falls, it is best to create steep roofs with a slope of 35-45 degrees. This will provide fast natural gathering snow cover from the surface.

    In most cases, the truss system of private houses is created from logs with a diameter of 12 to 22 centimeters, timber or boards with thicknesses from 40 to 100 and widths from 150 to 220 millimeters.

    Rafter system for corrugated board

    Roofing corrugated board is a fairly light material and at the same time has good strength characteristics. Therefore, as rafter legs, you can use lumber of a small section, but with a frequent step: 0.6 - 1.2 meters. The roof slope should be at a slope of 12 to 45 degrees.

    The required section can be selected based on the span distance between the supports. If the distance is about 3 meters, then the section can be taken 40x150 millimeters, at 4 meters this value increases to 50x180 millimeters, and at 6 meters it is necessary to use lumber whose section is 60x200 millimeters.

    By the way, the crate in this matter also plays an important role. In the case when the rafter step is a decent value, you will have to use wider boards. For example, for a step of 0.6 meters, elements with a section of 25x100 millimeters will be needed, and for 1.2 meters - 40x100.

    The crate for corrugated board is arranged discharged method, and the step of its elements should be 50-80 centimeters. However, these values ​​\u200b\u200bmay go beyond due to the characteristics of the roofing itself. You can also find tips on how to arrange these parts in the instructions that came with the purchased material.

    Rafter system for ceramic tiles

    Ceramic tiles are a unique roofing material. It is made of clay, which makes this material very heavy. The designed truss systems must necessarily follow the following requirements:

    In the roofing sphere, there are only 3 types of crates. One of them can be arranged at an angle of 12-60 degrees, and the other two at an angle of 20-45 degrees. As elements of the crate for clay tiles, you can most often see a beam with a section of 50x50 millimeters.

    Rafters for metal tiles

    Due to the fact that metal sheets have a much smaller thickness, you do not have to arrange a serious truss system. Therefore, you can safely follow the advice and recommendations of roofing material manufacturers.

    It is worth saying a few words about the only nuance that will allow you to save some lumber. So, it lies in the fact that the minimum step of the crate can be increased to 1 meter. This is due to the dimensions of the sheet material. When a metal tile is tripled, then, as a rule, it is supported by a crate in only a few places, and with a rafter pitch of 0.6 meters, it is impossible to create an “economical” crate, so you have to change it along with the rafter system.

    Rafter structure for ondulin

    To date, ondulin has given way to more modern coatings, but despite this, developers whose roofs were laid with asbestos slate began to look at this material as a profitable alternative. It is made on the basis of bitumen and fiberglass, has a low weight and high quality.

    The truss system for ondulin must comply with the following parameters:

    • The slope of the slope should be in the range from 5 to 45 degrees;
    • With a small slope, the step of the rafter legs should be minimal: 0.6 meters, and with a steeper roof, this distance increases to 0.9 meters;
    • With a sloping roof, say up to 10 degrees, it is necessary to arrange a continuous crate. To do this, it is best to use moisture-resistant plywood, OSB boards or edged boards with a section of 30x100 or a beam of 40x50 millimeters.

    As for the section of the rafter legs themselves, it is selected according to the same rules as for corrugated board.

    Rafter system for corrugated asbestos-cement sheets (slate)

    Surprisingly, everyone knows the roofing material called "slate", because the vast majority of private houses are covered with this particular product. Due to its rigidity and components, this material has a fairly solid weight, so it is necessary to follow the recommendations for the construction of the truss system so that it does not collapse even before the start of operation.

    • The low tightness of the finished plane does not allow the use of slate with a slope of less than 22 degrees, this will lead to leaks. If you cannot find any recommendations for the installation of asbestos-cement sheets (which is unlikely), then you can always use the instructions that came with ondulin;
    • The maximum possible slope of the rafters with a slate roof is less than 60 degrees;
    • The optimal step of the rafter legs lies in the range from 0.8 to 1.5 meters. Here everything will depend on the load and cross-section of lumber;
    • As a rule, a wooden system for slate requires a slightly larger section of the legs than with a light roof. An example is the situation when the pitch of the rafters is 1.2 meters. For the rafters, you will have to take a bar with a section of 75x150 or 100x200;
    • As for the crate, its elements will also differ from the step of the rafter legs. If it is up to 1.2 meters, then a bar of 50x50 millimeters will do, and with a larger step - 60x60 millimeters;
    • The step of the crate beam should be selected so that one sheet is supported by 3 elements. The slate should extend beyond the edges by 15 centimeters on both sides. For example, if we consider the standard dimensions of an asbestos-cement sheet (175 centimeters), then we can use a crate step of 80 centimeters.

    It is probably worth remembering that asbestos is harmful substance, therefore, when working with a material that contains its particles, safety precautions must be observed. Which states that the worker must wear personal protective equipment.

    Rafter system of one and two slopes

    Recently, the shed roof is gaining more and more sympathy. It is understandable, because materials are only getting more expensive, and you want to save money. Due to the simple design, this can be done. The rafter system of one slope is quite primitive. To do this, you just need to put the beams on the crown and secure. Of course, do not forget about the insulating material.

    The maximum slope of a shed roof can be 30 degrees, and the span is 6 meters (this rule applies to lumber). The most optimal slope is 15-20 degrees. At this angle, the wind load will not cause much harm, but the snow cover will cause some inconvenience. The solution to this problem can be to place your building "downwind", which will allow it to remove the snow mass from the roof in a natural way.

    An alternative option for a single-pitched roof is a double-pitched one. It is a number of rectangles connected together with a Mauerlat and a ridge. It is worth noting one interesting fact. When the shape of a triangle approaches an isosceles one, its rigidity increases. In this regard, with a roof slope of up to 60 degrees, it is possible to expand the step between the rafter legs.

    But do not flirt with calculations, because this can lead to an increase in windage and lumber consumption. The most optimal slope of the slopes for a gable system is 45 degrees.

    If you decide to build a roof yourself, then you will certainly need some tips that will not only make your work easier, but also increase the operational period of your roof as a whole.

    • Calculating the structure correctly is not an easy task, but even if it is done correctly, it can be broken if it is incorrectly fastened. Therefore, mounting the rafter legs in their places, do the work with all responsibility. To improve your skills, you can read information on the network, or invite a knowledgeable person to the facility;
    • The step of the rafter legs should not affect the thermal insulation in any way. It is worth remembering that the plates can vary slightly in size. Take advantage of this and push them as tightly as possible. In a hardware store, there are standard sizes of insulation boards of 60, 80, 100 and 120 centimeters;
    • For most roofs with a slope of less than 45 degrees, it is necessary to include the weight of the worker in the calculation. As for sharper roofs, this is not necessary, therefore, it is possible to reduce the pitch of the rafter legs by 20%;
    • Take advantage of modern technology and calculate your roof with online calculators. All you need is to enter the exact parameters;
    • Regulatory documents regarding wind and snow load you can find on the net or from the craftsmen at the construction site;
    • Any wood used for construction purposes should be dried as much as possible. This will avoid its deformation in the future.

    The roof of a building is one of the most important elements of the entire building. If you start saving on a roofing pie, then soon you will face costly repairs that will affect not only this site, but the entire building as a whole. Therefore, if you want to get the maximum operating period from your comfort, then you should not use low-quality materials.